Aligning Assessments with Bloom's Taxonomy Opening Day ...

Aligning Assessments with Bloom's Taxonomy Opening Day ...

Aligning Assessments with Bloom's Taxonomy Opening Day ...


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<strong>Aligning</strong> <strong>Assessments</strong> <strong>with</strong> Bloom’s <strong>Taxonomy</strong><strong>Opening</strong> <strong>Day</strong> Presentation – Fall 2011Cognitive Level Illustrative Verbs Assessment ToolsCreate: Can the students create a newproject or point of view?Assemble, construct, combines, compiles,composes, creates, devises, designs,develops, formulates, generates, modifies,plans, rearranges, reconstructs, relates,reorganizes, revises, rewrites, writes.Project; presentation; portfolio; capstoneproject; creative writing assignmentsEvaluate: Can the student justify a stand ordecision?appraise, argue, defend, judge, select,support, value, evaluateSelf- and peer-assessment; writtenassignments that develop an argument,evaluate research, compare & contrast toprove, or critique; short-answer wherestudents select & justifyAnalyze: Can the student distinguishbetween the different parts?appraise, compare, contrast, criticize,differentiate, discriminate, distinguish,examine, experiment, question, test.Written assignments (compare & contrast toshow, analysis of case studies, analysis oftheories, research, or philosophy); debates;problem-solving (show why X does…)Apply: Can the student use information in anew way?Understand: Can the student explain ideasor concepts?choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ,illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch,solve, use, write.classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify,locate, recognize, report, select, translate,paraphrasePresentations; scenario situations; problemsolving(apply X to…); using formulas,models or equipment, performance (forapplication of technique)Discussion; short-answer exam; report;summary; explanationRemember: Can the student recallinformation?define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall,repeat, reproduce, stateDefinition tests; matching tests; list keyideas; multiple choice tests; labelingdiagrams

<strong>Aligning</strong> <strong>Assessments</strong> <strong>with</strong> Bloom’s <strong>Taxonomy</strong><strong>Opening</strong> <strong>Day</strong> Presentation – Fall 2011Creating Quality Learning Outcomes1. Outcomes should have active verbs from Bloom’s taxonomy for how students can demonstrate theirlearning.2. Outcomes should be stated in simple language because they are for students.3. Outcomes should be consistent <strong>with</strong> the mission of the course or program.4. Be careful <strong>with</strong> compound outcomes. Each “active verb” requires assessment, and the assessment should bein line <strong>with</strong> what cognitive level it is at.a. EX: Students can analyze, describe, summarize, critize and separate the components of a piece ofliterature.b. The above example actually contains 5 active verbs that range the spectrum of cognitive levels, andtherefore requires 5 separate assessments.c. Map the active verbs to Bloom’s to help create the appropriate assessments.5. Focus on higher-order thinking. In most cases, outcomes that target lower-order thinking are oftenobjectives, not outcomes.6. Focus on high-priority learning. What are the most important things that students shold be able to do aftercompleting the course or program?Verbs and Phrases to AvoidVerbs to AvoidPhrases to AvoidBelieve, hear, realize, capacity, intelligence, recognize, comprehend, know, see, conceptualize, listen, selfactualize,depth, memorize, think, experience, perceive, understand, feelAppreciation for… Acquainted <strong>with</strong>… Anxiety to…Attitude of… Adjusted to… Immaturity…Awarenessof… Capable of… Insecurity of…Comprehension of…. Cognizant of… Enjoyment of… Conscious of…Feeling for… Familiar <strong>with</strong>… Interest in… Interested in….Knowledge of… Knowledgeable about…. Understanding of… Self-Confident in.

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