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Full Text (PDF) - Mississippi Library Association Full Text (PDF) - Mississippi Library Association


Page 7 Vol. 67, No. 1, Spring 2003 Mississippi Librariesneeds of all individuals.For more information on providinglibrary services for adults and children withdisabilities, see the National LibraryService for the Blind and PhysicallyHandicapped (NLS) “Library and InformationServices to Individuals with Disabilities”web site at http://www.loc.gov/nls/reference/bibliographies/library.html#UsersBUILT-IN COMPUTERACCESSIBILITY FEATURESAccessibility features are built intomany software products including Windows(95, 98, NT, 2000), Word, InternetExplorer and Netscape Communicator.General Features (Windows):(A chart of accessibility features inWindows can be found at: http://www.microsoft.com/enable/products/chartwindows.htm)Magnifier (Windows 98 & 2000) –works by displaying an enlarged sectionof the screen in a narrow window alongthe top of the screen. The magnifier canbe found in the Start menu under >Programs,>Accessories, >Accessibility.Sticky Keys (All Windows products) –designed for people who have difficultyholding down two or more keys at a time(example: CTRL+ALT+DELETE).Sticky Keys can be found in the Startmenu under >Settings, >Control Panel,>Accessibility Options.Sound Sentry (All Windows products)– generates visual warnings, such as ablinking title bar or a screen flash, wheneverthe computer generates a sound.Sound Sentry can be found in the Startmenu under >Settings, >Control Panel,>Accessibility Options.ActionTo open the Start MenuTo copyPasteOpen shortcut menuTo open menu listsTo select minimizedWindowsSHORT-CUT KEYS (WINDOWS 95, 98 AND NT)KeysPress the Windows Logo Key or Ctrl+Esc(then use arrow keys to maneuver through menu)Ctrl+cCtrl+vShift+F10 (same as right mouse click)Alt+underlined letter of menu title(then use arrow keys to maneuver through menu)Alt+Tab(then use arrow keys to maneuver through menu)SHORT-CUT KEYS (INTERNET EXPLORER 4.0-UP)ActionTo choose links on a pageForward buttonBack buttonReload/RefreshOpen new Window/BrowserPrintActionTo Magnify TextTo de-Magnify TextForward buttonBack buttonKeysPress Tab key to move through links, then EnterAlt+Right ArrowAlt+Left ArrowF5Ctrl+NCtrl+PSHORT-CUT KEYS (NETSCAPE COMMUNICATOR)KeysPress Ctrl+]Press Ctrl+[Alt+RightAlt+LeftRenew your MLA membership online with PayPal.www.misslib.org/buy/join.html

Mississippi Libraries Vol. 67, No. 1, Spring 2003 Page 8Libraries Making a Differencein Mississippi: Legislative Day 2003Two hundred and fifteen Mississippilibrarians and trustees, and over 90 oftheir legislators and officials, attended thisyear’s Library Legislative Day held February4 at the Edison Walthall Hotel andEudora Welty Library in Jackson.The opening speaker for the afternoonsession was Chair of the House EducationCommittee Joe Warren. RepresentativeWarren discussed the newly passedEducation Appropriation Omnibus Billand then gave his assessment of the MississippiLegislature’s perception of thelibrary community. A longtime librarysupporter and user, Representative Warrenbelieves that the library community isimportant to the state legislators.Lobbyist John M. Sullivan alsoemphasized the relationship between thelegislature and libraries. Sullivan is thefounder and principal associate with theJackson marketing and legislative lobbyingfirm, GPAC LLC. Sullivan energizedthe audience with his account of how hebecame a lobbyist and his challenge toMississippi Library Association membersto continually evaluate how they interactwith the legislature. He encouraged librariansto be aware of issues facing the legislatureand adapt their legislative approachaccordingly. Librarians can also maximizethe effect of their message by makingallowances for practical issues of dailyroutines, committee schedules, and majordeadlines when approaching their legislators.Sullivan also urged libraries to havea constant presence at the legislature tounderstandwhat is goingon. The librarycommunity’srelationship withthe state legislatureand localgoverning bodiesmust be aconstantlyevolving process.Legislative Day SpeakerJohn Sullivan shares hisexperience as a lobbyist.The afternoon program also includeda legislative update by the MLA LegislativeCommittee. Several items on the legislativeagenda were addressed by the legislatureon January 31. These were:• Continued state funding for MAGNO-LIA. Requested an additional$32,590; FY04 funding passed atsame level as FY03 ($1,086,340).• A funding request for an additional$12,550 for the Health/Life InsuranceProgram for Public Libraries tooffset growth in participation orincreases in premiums (passed).• A funding request for $500,000 ofadditional state funding for the PersonnelIncentive Grants Program whichsupplements the personnel budgets ofpublic library systems. On average,more than one-third of public librarypersonnel costs are funded by the program.FY04 funding passed at samelevel as FY03 ($5,207,574).Two key items remain:• State bond funding for furniture/equipment/technology for the newMississippi Library Commission facility.Given the construction schedule,the funds are essential in FY2004.Funding request: $3,000,000 in generalobligation bonds.• Increased funding for the MississippiLibrary Commission, for public schoollibraries, and for public university andcommunity college library programs.The afternoon session closed withrecognition of the 2003 winners of theMLA Public Relations Awards. Librariansand trustees came together again to greettheir legislators and officials at theevening reception held at the EudoraWelty Library. Friends of the Moss PointLibrary member Eva Roithmyr receivedspecial recognition at the LegislativeReception with the presentation of an officialState Resolution from District 109Representative Frank Hamilton. The resolutionwas in honor of her outstandingservice to the community for volunteeringto teach Spanish to area police, fire fightersand public service employees in MossPoint. A key part of MLA’s LegislativeDay, this well-attended reception provideda delightful cap to this year’s event.District 109 Representative Frank Hamilton presentsFriends of the Moss Point Library memberEva Roithmyr a resolution in her honor. Behindare from the right, Charles Roithmyr, District 114Representative Daniel Guice, Jr., and District 52Senator Tommy Moffatt.MISSISSIPPI LIBRARYASSOCIATION2003 LEGISLATIVE GOALS:1. Increase public awareness of the roleof all types of libraries in the educational,informational and economicdevelopment of the state.2. Secure increased funding for suchstatewide library cooperative efforts asMAGNOLIA, which provides Mississippianswith access to electronicinformational databases through allpublicly-supported libraries.3. Secure legislative and executivebranch support of full funding for theMississippi Library Commission’s budget,including direct state aid for publiclibraries.4. Secure legislative and executivebranch support for bond funding necessaryfor furniture, technology, andequipment for the new MississippiLibrary Commission building presently

<strong>Mississippi</strong> Libraries Vol. 67, No. 1, Spring 2003 Page 8Libraries Making a Differencein <strong>Mississippi</strong>: Legislative Day 2003Two hundred and fifteen <strong>Mississippi</strong>librarians and trustees, and over 90 oftheir legislators and officials, attended thisyear’s <strong>Library</strong> Legislative Day held February4 at the Edison Walthall Hotel andEudora Welty <strong>Library</strong> in Jackson.The opening speaker for the afternoonsession was Chair of the House EducationCommittee Joe Warren. RepresentativeWarren discussed the newly passedEducation Appropriation Omnibus Billand then gave his assessment of the <strong>Mississippi</strong>Legislature’s perception of thelibrary community. A longtime librarysupporter and user, Representative Warrenbelieves that the library community isimportant to the state legislators.Lobbyist John M. Sullivan alsoemphasized the relationship between thelegislature and libraries. Sullivan is thefounder and principal associate with theJackson marketing and legislative lobbyingfirm, GPAC LLC. Sullivan energizedthe audience with his account of how hebecame a lobbyist and his challenge to<strong>Mississippi</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>Association</strong> membersto continually evaluate how they interactwith the legislature. He encouraged librariansto be aware of issues facing the legislatureand adapt their legislative approachaccordingly. Librarians can also maximizethe effect of their message by makingallowances for practical issues of dailyroutines, committee schedules, and majordeadlines when approaching their legislators.Sullivan also urged libraries to havea constant presence at the legislature tounderstandwhat is goingon. The librarycommunity’srelationship withthe state legislatureand localgoverning bodiesmust be aconstantlyevolving process.Legislative Day SpeakerJohn Sullivan shares hisexperience as a lobbyist.The afternoon program also includeda legislative update by the MLA LegislativeCommittee. Several items on the legislativeagenda were addressed by the legislatureon January 31. These were:• Continued state funding for MAGNO-LIA. Requested an additional$32,590; FY04 funding passed atsame level as FY03 ($1,086,340).• A funding request for an additional$12,550 for the Health/Life InsuranceProgram for Public Libraries tooffset growth in participation orincreases in premiums (passed).• A funding request for $500,000 ofadditional state funding for the PersonnelIncentive Grants Program whichsupplements the personnel budgets ofpublic library systems. On average,more than one-third of public librarypersonnel costs are funded by the program.FY04 funding passed at samelevel as FY03 ($5,207,574).Two key items remain:• State bond funding for furniture/equipment/technology for the new<strong>Mississippi</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Commission facility.Given the construction schedule,the funds are essential in FY2004.Funding request: $3,000,000 in generalobligation bonds.• Increased funding for the <strong>Mississippi</strong><strong>Library</strong> Commission, for public schoollibraries, and for public university andcommunity college library programs.The afternoon session closed withrecognition of the 2003 winners of theMLA Public Relations Awards. Librariansand trustees came together again to greettheir legislators and officials at theevening reception held at the EudoraWelty <strong>Library</strong>. Friends of the Moss Point<strong>Library</strong> member Eva Roithmyr receivedspecial recognition at the LegislativeReception with the presentation of an officialState Resolution from District 109Representative Frank Hamilton. The resolutionwas in honor of her outstandingservice to the community for volunteeringto teach Spanish to area police, fire fightersand public service employees in MossPoint. A key part of MLA’s LegislativeDay, this well-attended reception provideda delightful cap to this year’s event.District 109 Representative Frank Hamilton presentsFriends of the Moss Point <strong>Library</strong> memberEva Roithmyr a resolution in her honor. Behindare from the right, Charles Roithmyr, District 114Representative Daniel Guice, Jr., and District 52Senator Tommy Moffatt.MISSISSIPPI LIBRARYASSOCIATION2003 LEGISLATIVE GOALS:1. Increase public awareness of the roleof all types of libraries in the educational,informational and economicdevelopment of the state.2. Secure increased funding for suchstatewide library cooperative efforts asMAGNOLIA, which provides <strong>Mississippi</strong>answith access to electronicinformational databases through allpublicly-supported libraries.3. Secure legislative and executivebranch support of full funding for the<strong>Mississippi</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Commission’s budget,including direct state aid for publiclibraries.4. Secure legislative and executivebranch support for bond funding necessaryfor furniture, technology, andequipment for the new <strong>Mississippi</strong><strong>Library</strong> Commission building presently

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