World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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will be 3½ years (42 months), andduring that time he will bring theworld to its most violent hour.The <strong>World</strong>’s MostViolent HourThere is considerable speculationas to just what triggersthe Battle of Armageddon. Whydo the armies of the world gatherin the Middle East at the end ofthe Tribulation period? Is therea rebellion in the kingdom of theAntichrist? What precipitates thefinal conflict? Although thereis mystery surrounding someof these questions, there area number of certainties aboutArmageddon.1. It takes place in the middleof the seven-year period ofthe Tribulation (Rev. 16:16).2. It involves all the nations ofthe world (Zechariah 14:2).3. It pits all nations againstthe Lord and His anointed(Ps. 2:1-6).4. It ends with the revelationof Christ as King of Kingsand Lord of Lords (Rev.19:11-21).While many latter-dayevents are hidden from us, it isnot difficult to sort out someimportant developments duringthe Tribulation period that leadto the Battle of Armageddon.The Consolidationof the Power of theAntichristWhen the Beast (theAntichrist) makes peace withIsrael and guarantees hersecurity at the beginning ofDaniel’s 70th week, he is notin complete control of theworld. Although he is headedfor ultimate dictatorship, theearth is at that time still given toconsiderable nationalism. TheBeast will have to fight for totalcontrol of the earth. To gainunchallenged dominion, he willhave to face the military mightof both the Russian confederacyand a powerful Eastern force,probably China. Writing of thisinternational turmoil, Danielexplained: “And at the time of theend shall the king of the southpush at him: and the king of thenorth shall come against him likea whirlwind, with chariots, andwith horsemen, and with manyships; and he shall enter into thecountries, and shall overflow andpass over” (Dan. 11:40).That this crisis is not confinedto the northern alliance is madeclear in Daniel 11:44: “But tidingsout of the east and out of thenorth shall trouble him: thereforehe shall go forth with great furyto destroy, and utterly to makeaway many.”Following the miraculousdefeat of the Russian armiesand their allies for Israel’ssake, the global leader will venthis fury against the massiveEastern force of 200 millionmoving toward the Middle Eastto challenge his power. Thecasualties in this confrontationwill total one-third of the world’spopulation. Take a moment hereto read Revelation 9:14-19 forJohn’s description of the struggleand slaughter.With all the world subservientto him, the final world dictatorwill deify himself, demandingworship in the Jews’ temple inJanuary–February <strong>201</strong>1 | Perhaps Today | 7Jerusalem. He will then assumetotal economic control, requiringhis mark in the hand or foreheadin order for a person to transactany business. The Beast will rulethe earth, assisted by the falseprophet and energized by Satan.The entire world will be underthe control of a satanic trinity(Rev. 13:4-8).It is clear then that allopposition to the Beast willfinally be put down, making hima world dictator. Threats fromthe north, the south, and the eastwill be overcome — “thereforehe shall go forth with great furyto destroy, and utterly to makeaway many. And he shall plantthe tabernacles of his palacebetween the seas in the gloriousmountain....” (Dan. 11:44-45).The Antichrist will haveaccomplished the dream ofHitler, Napoleon, the Caesars,and others. He will be dictator ofthe world.The 144,000Converted JewsAnother important factoras the world moves towardArmageddon will be theconversion to Christ of 144,000Jews — 12,000 from each ofthe 12 tribes of Israel (seeRev. 7:4-8). The result of theirmissionary activity duringhistory’s most difficult time willbe phenomenal. They will reapconverts from all nations, eventhough conversion will meanmartyrdom for many (Rev. 7:9-17;13:15; 20:4).The message of these 144,000Hebrew Christian evangelistswill be the gospel of the kingdom

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