World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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ASTONISHING VIDEO by Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> & Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> reveals the thrilling truth about Armageddon!TheComingCataclysm ...and YOU!B y D r . J a c k Va n I m p eWhen you read or hear theterm Armageddon, what is yourimmediate response?Terror?Or triumph?!There is no question thatArmageddon is hurtling evercloser. The drums of war arebeating. We stand on the brinkof the ultimate global conflict!This is clearly evidenced bythe news headlines that youand I are consuming every day,super-imposed upon the ancientprophecies of Scripture that I havegiven my entire life to studyingand sharing. When the presidentof Iran calls Israel a “tumor,”saying it should be “wiped outfrom the map,” and denies thatthe holocaust ever occurred,while pushing to build nuclearweapons capability — we can seeArmageddon coming! When Russiamakes unprecedented allianceswith Islamic countries, we cansee Armageddon approaching! Aseconomic chaos sets the stage fora one world dictator, there is noquestion: Armageddon is coming!The signs are clear.But here is something you mightregard as one of the strangeststatements I have ever made: WithArmageddon upon us, Christiansshould not be thinking aboutdoom and gloom!Yes, beloved, it’s true! As Istudy God’s Word and absorb anever-ending supply of articles,journals, books, and blogs to keepyou informed of the latest eventsof prophetic significance, my heartleaps with joy! This is no time forconfusion, alarm, or dread. Thoseof us who know Jesus as Lord havehope — because Christ is comingto put a stop to this horrendouswar ... and set up His gloriouskingdom of peace for 1,000 years!Revelation 11:18, 19:16, and 20:4,and Isaiah 2:4 make it clear!What a tragedy that Christiansthe world over are troubled,

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