World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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He grew up inside the deadly terrorist groupHamas ... groomed to assume power ... butthen everything changed. When Mosabturns away from terror and violence, and insteadembraces the teachings of another famous MiddleEast leader — Jesus — he’s suddenly at more riskthan ever!Read this astonishing book — and you’llnever think about “loving your enemies” in thesame way again!Son of Hamas book (B206)Send a gift of $26.95• “A must-read book ... One can onlyhope it becomes the basis of a majorHollywood motion picture.”—Joel Rosenberg• “Fascinating book. I couldn’t put itdown.”—Sean Hannity• “Intriguingly detailed —Newsweek• “One of the most extraordinary spystories in history” —David Asman,Fox Business NetworkHow to make animpact for ETERNITYWe’re grateful for your faithful generosity tothe global soul-winning outreach of <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>!Now there’s another way you can reach the lost —even beyond your lifetime — through your last will andtestament and other approaches to estate planning.You can create a bequest in your will, leaving a giftto <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>. Or include the ministry insome other way as part of your estate plan.Your gift will help <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> reachlost souls even after you’ve gone home to heaven!Find out more. Talk to your financial adviser orlawyer today, or contact Rev. Reuben Ellis by phone at(248) 852-2244 or by email at PlannedGiving@jvim.com.

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