World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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22 | Perhaps Today | January–February <strong>201</strong>1be from heaven. And there shallbe signs in the sun, and in themoon, and in the stars; and uponthe earth distress of nations,with perplexity; the sea and thewaves roaring; Men’s heartsfailing them for fear, and forlooking after those things whichare coming on the earth: forthe powers of heaven shall beshaken.” Luke 21:11,25,26.)CHINESESUPERCOMPUTERLIKELY TO PROMPTUNEASE IN U.S.The Wall Street Journalreports: “A newly builtsupercomputer in China appearspoised to take the worldperformance lead, anothersign of the country’s growingtechnologicalprowess that islikely to set offalarms about U.S.competitivenessand nationalsecurity.The systemwas designed byChina’s NationalUniversityof DefenseTechnologyand is housedat the NationalSupercomputingCenter in thecity of Tianjin. Itis part of a newbreed that exploits graphics chipsmore commonly used in playingvideogames — supplied by NvidiaCorp. — as well as standardmicroprocessors from Intel Corp.Supercomputers are massivemachines that help tackle thetoughest scientific problems,including simulating commercialproducts like new drugs as well asdefense-related applications suchas weapons design and breakingcodes. The field has long been ledby U.S. technology companies andnational laboratories, which operatesystems that have consistentlytopped lists of the fastest machinesin the world.But Nvidia says the new systemin Tianjin — which is being formallyannounced Thursday at an eventin China — was able to reach2.5 petaflops. That is a measureof calculating speed ordinarilytranslated into a thousand trillionoperations per second. It is more than40% higher than the mark set lastJune by a system called Jaguar atOak Ridge National Laboratory thatpreviously stood at No. 1 on a twiceyearlyranking of the 500 fastestsupercomputers....” (Imagine! Acomputer that is capable of 2,500trillion calculations per second,and Japan is planning to push thisnumber to four times this amount,or 10,000 trillion calculations persecond. The Antichrist and falseprophet will have no problemkeeping track of the citizens ofthe tribulation seven-year era.Revelation 13:1-18; 14:9,11; 15:2;16:2; 19:20; and 20:4.)

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