World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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died for us (Romans 5:8). Hegives us His peace. And thepeace of God, which passethall understanding, shall keepyour hearts and minds throughChrist Jesus (Philippians 4:7).He gives us His comfort. Comeunto me, all ye that labour andare heavy laden, and I will giveyou rest (Matthew 11:28). Hegives us His wisdom. If any ofyou lack wisdom, let him askof God, that giveth to all menliberally, and upbraideth not;and it shall be given him (James1:5). He gives us everlasting life.That if thou shalt confess withthy mouth the Lord Jesus, andshalt believe in thine heartthat God hath raised himfrom the dead, thou shalt besaved. For with the heartman believeth untorighteousness; andwith the mouthconfession is madeunto salvation(Romans 10:9-10).Isn’t that ablessing? Sowe are onlytrying tofollow in His footsteps when wesay “God bless you,” and thenshare what He has given us tomake that blessing a reality.One of my favorite old hymnscries out —What shall I givethee, Master,Thou hast given allfor me,Not just a part,or half of my heart,I will give all to Thee.That’s really all that is requiredif we are to be a channel for Hisblessing. God bless you,my friend!January–February <strong>201</strong>1 | Perhaps Today | 15Dear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,I’ve never enjoyed a show asmuch as I enjoy yours. I love howyou tell it like it is, and sometimeseven tell a few folks how badlythey’re missing it! You are the cutestcouple ever — you always dress sosharp, and (yes, I notice) you match!I may never get the opportunityto meet you in person, but I willbe riding a white horse right nextto yours when we return with ourbeloved Yeshua to rule and reign fora thousand years. My love to you,beloved of God.—J.N.

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