World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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14 | Perhaps Today | January–February <strong>201</strong>1So we areonly tryingto followin Hisfootstepswhen wesay “Godbless you,”and thenshare whatHe hasgiven us tomake thatblessing areality.do to serve the Lord.” I believethat every time we have theopportunity to say “God blessyou” to someone, there is alsoan underlying opportunity to dosomething tangible, within ourmeans and ability, to help makethat blessing happen.Yes, God has unlimited powerand resources, and, if needbe, He could provide for anyindividual’s needs supernaturally,miraculously. But most of thetime, He chooses to supply needsand answer prayers through thelove and help of other people. Inthe words of a famous prayer,“God has no hands on earth butours!”So when the Lord leads you toa person who needs to hear yousay “God bless you,” look also forways your hands can be anointedand used to make that prayercome true. As the poet wrote —Dream large, my soul,dream large,God thinks His thoughtsthrough you!The blessing ofunconditional loveIf God’s blessings are to flowthrough us to others, they mustbe wrapped and bathed in love— unconditional love. We havesuch a limited view of what andhow to love. Too often we offerour love only IF — if you meetmy conditions, if you behave theway I think you should, if youlook right or smell right, or dowhat I want you to do. But Godloves us just the way we are.The Bible says, And nowabide faith, hope, love, thesethree; but the greatest of theseis love. And also, the fruitof the Spirit is love.... (see 1Corinthians 13:13, Galatians5:22).Are you a lover — a lover ofGod, a lover for God?The other day at a meeting,someone paid me a wonderfulcompliment. A woman asked,“Rexella, do you know so-andso?”And I replied, “I don’t believeI do.” One of the girls standingnear me said, “No, but she wouldlove to know everyone!”That was a real blessing andencouragement to me. BecauseI believe we should have thatkind of love, don’t you? Love thataccepts … love that opens itsarms to all … and love that givesall it has to give.God says, “My children, Iwant to bless you.” So whatdoes He do? He gives us Hislove. But God commendeth hislove toward us, in that, whilewe were yet sinners, Christ

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