World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries

World War III: 201 2 ? - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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ASTONISHING VIDEO by Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> & Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> reveals the thrilling truth about Armageddon!TheComingCataclysm ...and YOU!B y D r . J a c k Va n I m p eWhen you read or hear theterm Armageddon, what is yourimmediate response?Terror?Or triumph?!There is no question thatArmageddon is hurtling evercloser. The drums of war arebeating. We stand on the brinkof the ultimate global conflict!This is clearly evidenced bythe news headlines that youand I are consuming every day,super-imposed upon the ancientprophecies of Scripture that I havegiven my entire life to studyingand sharing. When the presidentof Iran calls Israel a “tumor,”saying it should be “wiped outfrom the map,” and denies thatthe holocaust ever occurred,while pushing to build nuclearweapons capability — we can seeArmageddon coming! When Russiamakes unprecedented allianceswith Islamic countries, we cansee Armageddon approaching! Aseconomic chaos sets the stage fora one world dictator, there is noquestion: Armageddon is coming!The signs are clear.But here is something you mightregard as one of the strangeststatements I have ever made: WithArmageddon upon us, Christiansshould not be thinking aboutdoom and gloom!Yes, beloved, it’s true! As Istudy God’s Word and absorb anever-ending supply of articles,journals, books, and blogs to keepyou informed of the latest eventsof prophetic significance, my heartleaps with joy! This is no time forconfusion, alarm, or dread. Thoseof us who know Jesus as Lord havehope — because Christ is comingto put a stop to this horrendouswar ... and set up His gloriouskingdom of peace for 1,000 years!Revelation 11:18, 19:16, and 20:4,and Isaiah 2:4 make it clear!What a tragedy that Christiansthe world over are troubled,

4 | Perhaps Today | January–February <strong>201</strong>1agonizing, about Armageddon. Weshould save that energy — andinvest it in evangelism! Today, youhave an unparalleled opportunityto get the facts — experiencecomplete understanding — aboutthe coming Armageddon cataclysm... through our video: WORLDWAR <strong>III</strong>: <strong>201</strong>2?This extraordinary videoteaching experience will give youmore hope for the future than youhave ever experienced in yourlifetime! Here are just a few of itsremarkable features:· Discover when Armageddonwill happen — who willsurvive it — and why!· Learn how we can be surethat Russia will attack Israel— and which countries willalign with Russia!· See how God is usingRussian Prime MinisterPutin to fulfill prophecy!· Find out how the Iranianpresident’s diatribe againstIsrael paves the way forChrist’s return!· Preview the surprising moveof the “third heaven” to earthafter Armageddon.· Understand how you canprepare your family asArmageddon approaches.Plus, I provide solid scripturalanswers to intriguing questionssuch as:· Who will be involvedin Armageddon? WillChristians be present?· How do signs pointingto Armageddon relate toChrist’s imminent coming?· Why is Israel under fire fromIslamic nations?· How do Russia, China, andthe English-speaking nationsof the world fit into theArmageddon scenario?· Will Germany be for oragainst Israel? (The answerwill amaze you!)· Where in God’s Word dowe find a 200-mile river ofblood ... fire from heaven andmushroom clouds?· How we know the world willnot end with Armageddon?· Which churches are teachingerror about Armageddonbeing the end of the world?· Who are “Gog and Magog”in Ezekiel 38 and 39 — andwhat’s their Armageddonconnection?· Where are Moscow andRussia literally mentioned inthe Bible?· How is the stage already setfor the Antichrist to emergefrom the European Union?· How will God intervene inthe third and final invasionof Armageddon?· How will the war end (will itbe with Christ’s return to theMount of Olives)?· What shape will Christ’srule take after His militaryvictory?· What is the Armageddonbattle plan?· Exactly where will the Battleof Armageddon take place?· How do Osama bin Laden’spublic statements fit intoBible prophecy?· Will atomic warfare be usedduring Armageddon?· And many more!Let me take you, via thisincredible visual encounter, to theMiddle East, to see for yourselfhow the entire region is being reshapedfor the ultimate militaryDear Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,If only others had your faith, thenwe could turn the world around.Because you stand so strong againstSatan and in no way give in to hisways, it gives me strength to alsostand strong at a time so many areso lost. Thank you, Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>, foryou and your ministry.—Linda.confrontation! Let me giveyou a panoramic view of threemassive invasions that make upthe Armageddon campaign. I’llshow you through the prism ofGod’s Word how more than 80% ofRussia’s army will be wiped out.Travel with me as China movesagainst Israel for the secondinvasion! We’ll see how the nationof Turkey actually dries up theRiver Euphrates at the push of abutton, in fulfillment of Revelation16:12!Most importantly of all, thisunique video answers the criticalquestion: What hope do you have?What hope do your unsaved lovedones have? This is the beautifuland comforting conclusion of thevideo, WORLD WAR <strong>III</strong>: <strong>201</strong>2?It will show you clearly your ownwhereabouts as the horrific finalconflagration begins!Request your copy of thisastounding video today, as yougive a ministry gift of $24.95.Thank you forstanding withus for the sakeof souls!

What will you eat in heaven?How old will you be in heaven?Who will you know and recognize there?The return of Christ is at hand — any day now, you could be drawn up to heaven inthe twinkling of an eye!So you need to know all the facts about your eternal home. In this panoramic videoteaching, Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> discuss:• Where is heaven — past, present, and future?• Will we know our loved ones and friends in heaven?• What age will every believer be?• Does each child of God have a guardian angel totransport him or her to heaven, both at death andat the Rapture?• What is life like in heaven?• Will we eat, laugh, and sing?• Will we eventually live in the Holy City?• Will the Holy City contain billions of mansions?How many?• Will the mansions be beautiful masterpiecesprepared by Christ? (John 14:3)• And much more!A beautiful gift for an elderly friend oranyone facing the prospect of death soon, plusit has insightful information on Bible prophecyand the role of the saints in heaven!The Truth About Heaven DVD (DHVV)The Truth About Heaven VHS (VHVV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 110 minutes CC

Armageddonb y D r . J a c k V a n I m p eSSince the fall of man, earth’s population hasbeen training for Armageddon.Every tiny skirmish and world war has been apreliminary to the battle of battles: Armageddon.Following the defeat of Russia and her armies byIsrael and her allies, the final world dictator will berevealed for who he is and what he’ll become. Thelength of his reign after the Israeli defeat of Russia

will be 3½ years (42 months), andduring that time he will bring theworld to its most violent hour.The <strong>World</strong>’s MostViolent HourThere is considerable speculationas to just what triggersthe Battle of Armageddon. Whydo the armies of the world gatherin the Middle East at the end ofthe Tribulation period? Is therea rebellion in the kingdom of theAntichrist? What precipitates thefinal conflict? Although thereis mystery surrounding someof these questions, there area number of certainties aboutArmageddon.1. It takes place in the middleof the seven-year period ofthe Tribulation (Rev. 16:16).2. It involves all the nations ofthe world (Zechariah 14:2).3. It pits all nations againstthe Lord and His anointed(Ps. 2:1-6).4. It ends with the revelationof Christ as King of Kingsand Lord of Lords (Rev.19:11-21).While many latter-dayevents are hidden from us, it isnot difficult to sort out someimportant developments duringthe Tribulation period that leadto the Battle of Armageddon.The Consolidationof the Power of theAntichristWhen the Beast (theAntichrist) makes peace withIsrael and guarantees hersecurity at the beginning ofDaniel’s 70th week, he is notin complete control of theworld. Although he is headedfor ultimate dictatorship, theearth is at that time still given toconsiderable nationalism. TheBeast will have to fight for totalcontrol of the earth. To gainunchallenged dominion, he willhave to face the military mightof both the Russian confederacyand a powerful Eastern force,probably China. Writing of thisinternational turmoil, Danielexplained: “And at the time of theend shall the king of the southpush at him: and the king of thenorth shall come against him likea whirlwind, with chariots, andwith horsemen, and with manyships; and he shall enter into thecountries, and shall overflow andpass over” (Dan. 11:40).That this crisis is not confinedto the northern alliance is madeclear in Daniel 11:44: “But tidingsout of the east and out of thenorth shall trouble him: thereforehe shall go forth with great furyto destroy, and utterly to makeaway many.”Following the miraculousdefeat of the Russian armiesand their allies for Israel’ssake, the global leader will venthis fury against the massiveEastern force of 200 millionmoving toward the Middle Eastto challenge his power. Thecasualties in this confrontationwill total one-third of the world’spopulation. Take a moment hereto read Revelation 9:14-19 forJohn’s description of the struggleand slaughter.With all the world subservientto him, the final world dictatorwill deify himself, demandingworship in the Jews’ temple inJanuary–February <strong>201</strong>1 | Perhaps Today | 7Jerusalem. He will then assumetotal economic control, requiringhis mark in the hand or foreheadin order for a person to transactany business. The Beast will rulethe earth, assisted by the falseprophet and energized by Satan.The entire world will be underthe control of a satanic trinity(Rev. 13:4-8).It is clear then that allopposition to the Beast willfinally be put down, making hima world dictator. Threats fromthe north, the south, and the eastwill be overcome — “thereforehe shall go forth with great furyto destroy, and utterly to makeaway many. And he shall plantthe tabernacles of his palacebetween the seas in the gloriousmountain....” (Dan. 11:44-45).The Antichrist will haveaccomplished the dream ofHitler, Napoleon, the Caesars,and others. He will be dictator ofthe world.The 144,000Converted JewsAnother important factoras the world moves towardArmageddon will be theconversion to Christ of 144,000Jews — 12,000 from each ofthe 12 tribes of Israel (seeRev. 7:4-8). The result of theirmissionary activity duringhistory’s most difficult time willbe phenomenal. They will reapconverts from all nations, eventhough conversion will meanmartyrdom for many (Rev. 7:9-17;13:15; 20:4).The message of these 144,000Hebrew Christian evangelistswill be the gospel of the kingdom

heaven in a cloud while theirenemies watch, paralyzed withfear.The Call to ArmageddonThe world dictator and hisassociates will have seen andheard enough. Furious overthe success of the 144,000evangelists and bitter becausemany Jews have rejected his ruleand have turned to Jesus Christ,this dictator will announce acampaign to destroy the Jewishrace once and for all. He willblame them for every ill on earth.Every problem in his kingdomwill be laid at their door. Everywrong on earth, economic andpolitical, will be charged tothem. The hatred and animosityof all the Hamans and Hitlersof history will culminate in thislatter-day evil ruler.Having been warned of thetime when Christ will return toset up His kingdom, the Antichristwill summon the armies ofthe earth to the Middle East todestroy the Jews and defeat theirMessiah at His coming.Demonic Power will beUnleashedMiracles performed throughsatanic power will convince theleaders of the earth who aresubservient to the Antichrist tomove all their military might tothe Middle East to do battle withChrist at His return to the Mountof Olives (Zech. 14:4). “For theyare the spirits of devils, workingmiracles, which go forth untothe kings of the earth and of thewhole world, to gather them tothe battle of that great day ofGod almighty” (Rev. 16:14).Armageddon will demonstrateman at the height of his prideand folly. Convinced of the powerof their weaponry and deceivedby a leader energized by Satan,the armies of earth will march totheir doom, expecting to destroythe Christ they have rejected.Does this appear to bemadness? It did to the psalmistwho looked through the centuriesand saw it unfold in propheticvision. He asked: “Why do theheathen rage, and the peopleimagine a vain thing?” (Ps. 2:1).Explaining the reason for hisquestion, he wrote: “The kingsof the earth set themselves, andthe rulers take counsel together,against the Lord, and against hisanointed, saying, Let us breaktheir bands asunder, and castaway their cords from us”(Ps. 2:2-3).Here is the rebellion of man atits logical end.And Armageddon will end therebellion of man.The King is ComingTribulation chronology willhave allowed the global dictatorand others to know the time ofthe return of Christ. The armiesof earth under the direction ofthe leader of the new world orderwill have gathered to destroythe Jews and to battle the LordHimself. Armageddon will havearrived: “And he gathered themtogether into a place called in theHebrew tongue Armageddon”(Rev. 16:16).At Armageddon, the mostawesome array of deadlyJanuary–February <strong>201</strong>1 | Perhaps Today | 9weapons ever assembled will bewaiting to destroy the returningChrist. In effect, the world’slatter-day inhabitants will echothe cry of those who rejected theSavior at His first coming: “Wewill not have this man to reignover us” (Luke 19:14).But the enemies of the Lordwill be defeated — Revelation19:19-21.In the wake of the destructionof Armageddon, there will bework to do. The Church, havingreturned with the King, willshare in these responsibilities.The kingdom of Christ will beestablished, and the violentdrama of the ages will end.There will be peace at last asthey “beat their swords intoplowshares, and their spearsinto pruninghooks: nation shallnot lift up sword against nation,neither shall they learn waranymore.” Amen and amen!

— certainly not in what I wouldconsider an “effectual fervent”way.As long as I’m confessing, Imust admit there have even beentimes when someone would askme to pray about a circumstanceor situation in their lives, and I’dpromise that I would. But beforeI actually got around to it, timepassed! Sometimes I wouldn’tremember to pray until I sawthose acquaintances again, orsomeone else mentioned theirproblem or need. Has this everhappened to you?You can write this down andunderscore it for emphasis — ifyou have the opportunity to say“God bless you” to someone,you also have the responsibilityto pray for that person and askGod to bless him or her andsupply every need! That is whywhenever someone approaches<strong>Jack</strong> and me with a burden andprayer request, we will step offto the side with that person andimmediately go before God’sthrone in prayer.Give of yourself bysharing your timeWhat can you do to be ablessing? You may not feel thatyou are a great intercessor —you may have limited financialresources and very modestmeans. But it may well be thatyou can give the most preciousgift of all, some of your time.You see, our lives are made upof seconds, minutes, hours,and days. So when we give aportion of time to another, we aregiving part of our very being ...something we can never get back.The Bible says, Bear ye oneanother’s burdens, and so fulfillthe law of Christ (Galatians6:2). What if you just droppedby to share a cup of tea and anhour’s conversation with a lonelyfriend? What if you did somechores or ran some errands for ashut-in? Would that be a blessingand lift a burden? Absolutely!The tangible touch!I don’t believe you can say“God bless you” to someone inobvious need and mean it if youdon’t do something real andpractical to meet his or her need.“God hasno handson earthbut ours!”That’s not just my idea — theapostle John has something tosay about that. But whoso haththis world’s good, and seeth hisbrother have need, and shuttethup his bowels of compassionfrom him, how dwelleth the loveof God in him? … Let us notlove in word, neither in tongue;but in deed and in truth (1 John3:17, 18).The beloved cartoonist,Charles Schulz, once drew aPeanuts cartoon strip thatillustrated the lesson of faithversus works described in James2:15-16. In the first panel, CharlieBrown, bundled up in a heavyJanuary–February <strong>201</strong>1 | Perhaps Today | 13coat, boots, mittens, a hat, andscarf, passes by the dog, Snoopy,shivering in the wind and cold ofa snowstorm.“Be of good cheer, Snoopy,”says Charlie Brown. “Be warmedand fed.” The next panel showsLucy passing by Snoopy. Sheis also bundled up in warmclothing from head to toe. “Yes,Snoopy,” she says, “Stay warmand be of good cheer.” In thethird panel, Charlie and Lucy goinside their warm houses out ofthe howling wind and blowingsnow of the blizzard. In the lastpanel, a shivering, miserableSnoopy hugs his body and lookswoefully at the closed door ofCharlie Brown’s house.The apostle James alsoreminds us of our failures. Hesaid, If a brother or sister benaked, and destitute of dailyfood, and one of you sayunto them, Depart in peace,be ye warmed and filled;notwithstanding ye give themnot those things which areneedful to the body; what doth itprofit? (James 2:15-16).God has no hands onearth but oursThere is no need to ever say,“I wish I knew what I could

14 | Perhaps Today | January–February <strong>201</strong>1So we areonly tryingto followin Hisfootstepswhen wesay “Godbless you,”and thenshare whatHe hasgiven us tomake thatblessing areality.do to serve the Lord.” I believethat every time we have theopportunity to say “God blessyou” to someone, there is alsoan underlying opportunity to dosomething tangible, within ourmeans and ability, to help makethat blessing happen.Yes, God has unlimited powerand resources, and, if needbe, He could provide for anyindividual’s needs supernaturally,miraculously. But most of thetime, He chooses to supply needsand answer prayers through thelove and help of other people. Inthe words of a famous prayer,“God has no hands on earth butours!”So when the Lord leads you toa person who needs to hear yousay “God bless you,” look also forways your hands can be anointedand used to make that prayercome true. As the poet wrote —Dream large, my soul,dream large,God thinks His thoughtsthrough you!The blessing ofunconditional loveIf God’s blessings are to flowthrough us to others, they mustbe wrapped and bathed in love— unconditional love. We havesuch a limited view of what andhow to love. Too often we offerour love only IF — if you meetmy conditions, if you behave theway I think you should, if youlook right or smell right, or dowhat I want you to do. But Godloves us just the way we are.The Bible says, And nowabide faith, hope, love, thesethree; but the greatest of theseis love. And also, the fruitof the Spirit is love.... (see 1Corinthians 13:13, Galatians5:22).Are you a lover — a lover ofGod, a lover for God?The other day at a meeting,someone paid me a wonderfulcompliment. A woman asked,“Rexella, do you know so-andso?”And I replied, “I don’t believeI do.” One of the girls standingnear me said, “No, but she wouldlove to know everyone!”That was a real blessing andencouragement to me. BecauseI believe we should have thatkind of love, don’t you? Love thataccepts … love that opens itsarms to all … and love that givesall it has to give.God says, “My children, Iwant to bless you.” So whatdoes He do? He gives us Hislove. But God commendeth hislove toward us, in that, whilewe were yet sinners, Christ

died for us (Romans 5:8). Hegives us His peace. And thepeace of God, which passethall understanding, shall keepyour hearts and minds throughChrist Jesus (Philippians 4:7).He gives us His comfort. Comeunto me, all ye that labour andare heavy laden, and I will giveyou rest (Matthew 11:28). Hegives us His wisdom. If any ofyou lack wisdom, let him askof God, that giveth to all menliberally, and upbraideth not;and it shall be given him (James1:5). He gives us everlasting life.That if thou shalt confess withthy mouth the Lord Jesus, andshalt believe in thine heartthat God hath raised himfrom the dead, thou shalt besaved. For with the heartman believeth untorighteousness; andwith the mouthconfession is madeunto salvation(Romans 10:9-10).Isn’t that ablessing? Sowe are onlytrying tofollow in His footsteps when wesay “God bless you,” and thenshare what He has given us tomake that blessing a reality.One of my favorite old hymnscries out —What shall I givethee, Master,Thou hast given allfor me,Not just a part,or half of my heart,I will give all to Thee.That’s really all that is requiredif we are to be a channel for Hisblessing. God bless you,my friend!January–February <strong>201</strong>1 | Perhaps Today | 15Dear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,I’ve never enjoyed a show asmuch as I enjoy yours. I love howyou tell it like it is, and sometimeseven tell a few folks how badlythey’re missing it! You are the cutestcouple ever — you always dress sosharp, and (yes, I notice) you match!I may never get the opportunityto meet you in person, but I willbe riding a white horse right nextto yours when we return with ourbeloved Yeshua to rule and reign fora thousand years. My love to you,beloved of God.—J.N.

Is Armageddon<strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> <strong>III</strong>?When will it happen —could it be onlya year away?The prophetic final battle — Gog andMagog — the prophecies that eerilypoint to nuclear annihilation....Could Armageddon take place as soonas <strong>201</strong>2? What events must come to passbefore the final epic battle? And mostimportantly: How can you be assured thatyou and your family will be safe?Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella give you all the facts inthis thrilling video teaching so that you’ll have acomplete biblical overview of <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> iii, howsoon it could take place, what the results will be,and much more.

You will learn:• Who will participate in the battle of Armageddon,and each army’s route to the Valley of Megiddo.• The identities of Gog and Magog in the Scriptures.• Whether the imagery of the battle points toatomic weapons.• The extent of the carnage: a river of blood 200miles long?!• The role of the European Union in the conflict.• How the supposed “man of peace” (the Antichrist!)leads the world into this disastrous war.• Why Israel is hated by Satan and all evil forces.• Who will be the victor on the field of battle.• And much more!Request Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> andRexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s video,<strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> <strong>III</strong>: <strong>201</strong>2? —discover whether theend is near and how toprotect yourself andyour family!<strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> <strong>III</strong>: <strong>201</strong>2?DVD (DWWV)<strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> <strong>III</strong>: <strong>201</strong>2?VHS (VWWV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 85 minutes CC

What if radical extremists were in charge of the government?Book and DVD combo shows the shocking truth: THEY ARE!White House RadicalsThe amazing DVD spotlights the Obama administrationRadical RulersPowerful book exposes our leaders’ appalling agendaThe Bible clearly spells out the decimation of civilization, morality, and values that musttake place before the coming of the Lord and Armageddon — and the radicalization ofthe White House and federal government seems to be the fulfillment of this prophecy!This astounding book and DVD set was thoroughly researched and impeccably documented totruthfully present the facts that show:• The shocking appointments to U.S. government ... abortion advocates, pedophile sympathizers,socialists, pro-communists, and other radicals.• The “czars” of diversity, climate change, safe schools ... nearly all are promoting a radical agenda.• The newly-created, unelected,taxpayer-funded governmentpositions with aims thatcompletely contradict thevalues of our Founding Fathers.• The relentless march toward:socialism, slaughterthe unborn, anti-Christiancensorship,health carerationing forthe elderly,and nationalbankruptcy!ofWhite House Radicals DVD and Radical Rulers book combo! (D931P)Send a gift of $29.95 for bothRunning Time: 60 minutes CCGet the truth today — find out where your leaders are taking you and the USA!

God’s Plan ForThe Agesb y D r . D av i d R . R e a g a n“One of the most extraordinary readingexperiences of my entire lifetime —after 11,000 books!”­—Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Fascinating panoramic view of God’s plan for YOUR future ...from ancient times through your life today — and on intoimminent, predicted latter-day events!• Why the Eastern Gate was closed• What Revelation says about “the redeemed”• Scriptural prophecies already fulfilled!• bible scholars who deny Jesus’ words!• What the Scriptures themselves say about prophecy• and much, much more!Comprehensive prophecy guide for all time!God’s Plan for the Ages book (B168)Send a gift of $19.95Get connectedwith www.jvim.com!• Watch episodes of <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Presents online• Visit the online shop and getgreat prophecy resources• Request prayer• Discover Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’sScripture Memorization Plan• Get the latest news and powerfulstories of lives changed• Read the e-newsletter• And much more!

How could it be he avenWithout Your BelovedAnimal Friends?• What major Christian leadersbelieve there are animals inheaven?• What does the Bible say aboutour pets joining us in the life tocome?• What wonders has Godunveiled through the animalkingdom?• Why has Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>changed his stance on thisissue?• What hope do we have to seeour pets again after this life?Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>answer these and many more criticalquestions about our furry, finned,and feathered friends in this delightfulvideo.It’s perfect for anyone who hasloved and lost a pet, and it will alsoastound you with teachings from theScriptures, from Christian leaders,and from nature itself about theanimals we cherish.Animals in Heaven? DVD (DANV)Animals in Heaven? VHS (VANV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 75 minutes CC

January–February <strong>201</strong>1 | Perhaps Today | 21OTHER EARTHS?A NEW ESTIMATERAISES THE ODDS OFFINDING THEM.The Christian Science Monitorreports: “The prospects for findingEarth-sized planets around othersun-like stars in the Milky Wayappear to be improving.A new estimate predicts thatfor every four sun-like stars, oneshould host at least one planet withanywhere from one-half to twiceEarth’s mass.The estimate was amongthe results of a study by aninternational research teamcommissioned by NASA to identifypotential targets for as-yet unbuiltspace telescopes.The study, which will appearin the journal Science, doesn’tdirectly address the Holy Grail forplanet hunters — finding an Earthsizeplanet at a life-sustainingdistance from its host star. Theresearchers’ prediction involvesEarth-size objects in orbits thatwould fall well inside theorbit of Mercury,the inhospitablefirst rock fromthe sun. Theirestimate wasbased on carefulobservationsof stars from avolcano-basedtelescope inHawaii.But if Earthscaleplanetsare present atthe distancethe study’sresearcherspredict, it wouldimply a greater likelihood that suchobjects would be present in moredistantorbits as well — includingwithin a star’s so-called habitablezone, they say.At the least, such close-inobjects would be among the firstEarth-size planets NASA’s Keplermission is expected to detect. TheKepler spacecraft, which waslaunched in March 2009 and trailsEarth in its orbit around the sun,is designed to detect Earth-sizeplanets in ‘life-friendly orbits’around distant stars.If the international researchteam’s prediction holds up, Kepler,in addition to the planets it isalready looking for, would also findas many as 260 of the star-huggingEarths the researchers predict....”(“And great earthquakes shallbe in divers places, and famines,and pestilences; and fearfulsights and great signs shall there

22 | Perhaps Today | January–February <strong>201</strong>1be from heaven. And there shallbe signs in the sun, and in themoon, and in the stars; and uponthe earth distress of nations,with perplexity; the sea and thewaves roaring; Men’s heartsfailing them for fear, and forlooking after those things whichare coming on the earth: forthe powers of heaven shall beshaken.” Luke 21:11,25,26.)CHINESESUPERCOMPUTERLIKELY TO PROMPTUNEASE IN U.S.The Wall Street Journalreports: “A newly builtsupercomputer in China appearspoised to take the worldperformance lead, anothersign of the country’s growingtechnologicalprowess that islikely to set offalarms about U.S.competitivenessand nationalsecurity.The systemwas designed byChina’s NationalUniversityof DefenseTechnologyand is housedat the NationalSupercomputingCenter in thecity of Tianjin. Itis part of a newbreed that exploits graphics chipsmore commonly used in playingvideogames — supplied by NvidiaCorp. — as well as standardmicroprocessors from Intel Corp.Supercomputers are massivemachines that help tackle thetoughest scientific problems,including simulating commercialproducts like new drugs as well asdefense-related applications suchas weapons design and breakingcodes. The field has long been ledby U.S. technology companies andnational laboratories, which operatesystems that have consistentlytopped lists of the fastest machinesin the world.But Nvidia says the new systemin Tianjin — which is being formallyannounced Thursday at an eventin China — was able to reach2.5 petaflops. That is a measureof calculating speed ordinarilytranslated into a thousand trillionoperations per second. It is more than40% higher than the mark set lastJune by a system called Jaguar atOak Ridge National Laboratory thatpreviously stood at No. 1 on a twiceyearlyranking of the 500 fastestsupercomputers....” (Imagine! Acomputer that is capable of 2,500trillion calculations per second,and Japan is planning to push thisnumber to four times this amount,or 10,000 trillion calculations persecond. The Antichrist and falseprophet will have no problemkeeping track of the citizens ofthe tribulation seven-year era.Revelation 13:1-18; 14:9,11; 15:2;16:2; 19:20; and 20:4.)

• Revelation 17:10 states that there will be seven world empires• The Roman Empire of old will revive to become #7 (the European Union?)• The Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, andothers are promoting a new world order• The last sign before Christ’s return is the establishment of a one-worldgovernment — the new world orderGet the truth about the coming new world order!All this and much more in the amazing new videoWhen Barack Obamaspoke in Germany, thepress said if he wererunning in the E.U., hewould have been electedby a landslide 80%!“I come to Berlin as ...a fellow citizen of theworld.... People of theworld, this is our moment,this is our time ... answerour destiny, and remake theworld once again.”New <strong>World</strong> Order Rising DVD (DNWV)New <strong>World</strong> Order Rising VHS (VNWV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 100 minutes CC

Dear Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Dr. Rexella<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,Thank you from the bottomof our hearts for the wonderfulemail messages you send to uson a regular basis.Words cannot begin toexpress how much we havegrown to love you both, for theawesome teachings and theblessings you pour on us eachday. You have lifted us up toa place we could only dreamabout before.Your teachings are beyondanything we have experienced,and we both look forward togiving you a big hug when wemeet in heaven — and to tellyou how much we love you bothwith a Christian love that isabove all other.May the Lord pour Hisblessings upon your wonderfulministry — He has certainlyblessed us. You pour so muchinto your messages that weget excited just listening andwaiting for the Rapture!! (Andwe wait, in anticipation, for thenext message!)With a Christian love andheartfelt thanks,A & JSouth AfricaDear Mr. and Mrs. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,I have been watching yourweekly show on televisionfor years now and have juststarted to get your newsletter.I wanted to let you know thatmy husband, who is saved,has also been watching yourprogram lately and your wordsseem to literally reach out andgrab him (as they do me also).We are both so blessed to beable to watch your programweekly. There have been timeswe have fallen; and yet I haverededicated myself to the Lordin recent weeks, partly due tothe sharing of the Word fromyou both.There are times I see myhusband gripping the seatin front him in church and Iconstantly pray that he willrecall your words, those of ourpastor’s, and leave his seat andrededicate himself to the Lordand be baptized in His holyname. He is such a wonderfulman, husband, father, andson-in-law — a wonderfulChristian....I can only say THANKYOU so much for your movingprogram, for I KNOW it hastouched him and led him tobeing under conviction. I praythat the next time I get a chanceto write you and thank youthat he will have been baptizedand we both are following thatstraight and narrow path that weso try to do each and every day.I just felt compelled to letyou know how much you touchthe lives of those fortunateenough to view your weeklyprogram. We do not have cabletelevision, but instead the

January–February <strong>201</strong>1 | Perhaps Today | 25antennae on the roof like daysof old, and the converter boxfor the new version of televisiontransmission it requires; it hasanswered my prayers that oneof the few stations that we DOreceive has your program on atEXACTLY the right time beforewe have to leave for church,and it is a wonderful precursorfor our attendance at church;we feel so blessed by being ableto get the station that carriesyour program. I just wanted youto know that, dear friends inChrist.Please keep up thewonderful program, reachingthrough the television, touchinglives, and bringing so many toChrist through your intensestudy and knowledge of theWord. We love you, and mayGod CONTINUE to bless youboth.God bless you and THANKYOU,Patricia and IsaacDear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella:I am a long-time watcherof your TV show and ama Christian. I enjoy yourministry and just wish toconvey that recently abeloved pug dog of ourspassed away. I dearly lovedher; she was a very sweet,very playful little dog. Ibought your video severalyears ago about animals inheaven. It has really been such agreat comfort to know that I willsee her again. I am so gratefulfor your ministry!Thanks,TomDr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,Thank you very much forthis week’s program where youexposed Islam and the Muslimreligion for what they are.You did an excellentjob comparing Christ withMuhammad, the Bible with theKoran, and Christianity withIslam.I have never heard apreacher tell it so forcefully andso truthfully.You are one of the lastremaining voices to warn ourgovernments and believers ofthe dangers lurking ahead.And to put my money wheremy mouth is, I sent a $200donation to help you continuewith this wonderful and timelyministry.May God continue to blessand use you.Keep up the good work tillthe Lord Jesus comes back totake us to Himself.Yours in Christ,S.Z.It is great to see how theLord has used both of you inwinning so many to the Lord.And you give God the glory andpraise. You are a very specialcouple, so happy in the Lord.Through your ministry in2005, I got on my knees andprayed the sinner’s prayer andwanted to make sure of mysalvation. I was living withsomeone then; God spoke tomy heart, never again. It waslike a big burden was lifted offmy back. I told the person Iwas living with how the Lordchanged my life around; my lifeis to please the Lord from nowon. My desire is to put God first.Keep up the good work. Godbless you both.Love in Christ,C.L.First off, I would like to sayhello to both of you and wishGod’s grace upon you.I watch your programfaithfully. I have to tell you,<strong>Jack</strong>, I never would’ve gottenso into the Bible if it weren’t forRexella and yourself. Listeningto television late one night,I heard <strong>Jack</strong> speaking aboutwhat Rexella just read in thenewspapers, and it caught myattention because here comes<strong>Jack</strong> quoting the Bible that justtied everything up with whathis wife just read!Needless to say, I was inutter amazement how it fit soperfectly.I enjoy your show andwish it were an hour insteadof just 30 minutes. It seemsto go by so fast. <strong>Jack</strong> andRexella, you are a blessingto watch. I did not even knowwho or what the tri-lateralcommission or the Bilderbergswere until I heard you speakingabout them on your program.May God bless you andRexella with happiness, health,and an everlasting love that you

26 | Perhaps Today | January–February <strong>201</strong>1both look likeyou have foreach other.Sincerelyyours andyour sister inChrist,J.K.Z.Dear Dr. andMrs. <strong>Jack</strong><strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,I hadthe pleasureof meeting you at Bronner’sCHRISTmas Wonderland inFrankenmuth, MI, not long ago. Iam an employee who shared withyou, briefly, my life’s testimony,and I promised you I would sendyou a letter. I apologize for takingso long.I wanted to start from thebeginning. I was born and raisedin Germany in the Lutheran faith.Growing up, I always believed inGod, but He felt so far away fromme — way up there in heaven —that I never truly understood.When I was 20 years old, Ihad a serious operation, andduring my recovery I knew I hadbeen given a second chance atlife from the Lord. I rememberthat moment vividly because allof a sudden, the world lookedso different to me. All of God’screation looked so good andbeautiful.I married my husband, anAmerican soldier, a couple ofyears later. We realized we wereboth sinners and needed God’shelp. If only you knew how muchHe HAS helped us ever since!We moved to the United Statesa few years later and were blessedwith two children. We tried to begood citizens, but as you know,there is more to life than that.One Saturday night my mother-inlaw,a driving force, visited withyour Revelation Revealed tapesin her hand that she wanted us towatch. At the time, it sure lookedlike a lot of videos to watch! Weall settled on the couch and gotcomfortable and she put in thefirst of your tapes.It was all very overwhelmingat first. It was very foreign too. Iwas scared of the things to come.After that, I realized that I did notwant to be left behind, and so myhusband and I began a journey.We changed — thingschanged.I praise God for the salvationHe has given my family and methrough His Son, Jesus. I neverwant to live another day withoutHim, not after knowing what truelife is. I was fortunate to haveGod’s hand in my life, bringingmy husband and me together andeventually finding salvation. Thefamily I had to leave behind inGermany are not so fortunate. Theculture is very different over thereand my heart cries out to God forthese lost sheep. May I have youragreement in prayer for my family’ssalvation? This would be deeplyappreciated.I wish you the best incontinuing your ministry to bringin the lost. May God bless all yousay and do.Thank you.Sincerely,G.M.My Dear Friends,You both touch my life andmy heart with each weeklyletter you send out. I am aloneand disabled. But just havingyour letter and your programshas given me encouragementto get up each day and seek mypurpose in this world. I comein contact with very few peopleand this has really opened myeyes and heart. I am unableto afford your Bible, but I amsaving the money so hopefullysoon I can purchase it. I havegained so much knowledgein hearing your programs andfeel as if I am a small part ofa much larger purpose. I donot feel as alone anymore. Imiscarried my first pregnancyand mourned that loss. A yearafter that, I became pregnantand gave birth to a healthyson. He died in a car accidentat 21 years old. That occurred10 years ago. Your commentsabout unborn children caughtmy attention. I know now thatthey are both together withJesus, safe in His arms. Yourwords lifted a burden from meI really did not realize I wascarrying in my heart. Thankyou for your encouragement,prayers, and love of our Lordthat just flows from you both.I can’t wait for next week’sletter.J.M.Praise God!!! He hassomeone that still teaches theWORD!!!We view you on satellite T<strong>Van</strong>d record it since we aren’tawake at 1 a.m. We enjoy theprogram and have for manyyears. May God keep blessingyou and yours.Pray you ENOUGH,The Carpenters

Antichrist revealed?HE MUST be a charismatic leader.HE MUST unite people.HE MUST be open to spiritual answers butantagonistic to the Savior.Who is the Antichrist? What is he doing at this moment? How soon willhe come to power? How difficult is it to discern the identity of theAntichrist, based on what the Scriptures say about him?Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> give you the answers to these critical questions,and more, in their fast-paced video teaching, Dictator of the New <strong>World</strong> Order.• Major events that must takeplace before he is revealed —have they happened yet?• Characteristics of theAntichrist as foretold inScripture — who fits theprofile today?• Prophecies of his meteoricrise to power — what are thechances he could come to theforefront at any moment?Get this video today andmake sure all your friendsand family members knowthe truth and have the chanceto come to Jesus for salvationNOW, before it’s forever too late!Dictator of the New <strong>World</strong> Order:Alive & Waiting in the WingsDVD (DALV)Dictator of the New <strong>World</strong> Order:Alive & Waiting in the WingsVHS (VALV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 105 minutes CC

Why the worldis brighter —because of IsraelIIsrael is the only nation in the world foundedby God Himself, speaking to one individual, andpromising to bless the entire world.Journey of Light is an amazing six-part DVDjourney through Israel’s landscape and historythat will amaze and delight every believer, as youdiscover how Abraham’s descendants have:• Flooded the world with knowledge of God,• Spread out through all the nations,• And delivered to us the eternal light ofMessiah.Whether you have always longed to visit theHoly Land or have already had the privilege ofvisiting before, you have still never seen it quitelike this. Learn how Israel truly is a light to thenations.Journey of Light DVD set (D702)Send a gift of $99.95Running Time: 326 minutes CC

He grew up inside the deadly terrorist groupHamas ... groomed to assume power ... butthen everything changed. When Mosabturns away from terror and violence, and insteadembraces the teachings of another famous MiddleEast leader — Jesus — he’s suddenly at more riskthan ever!Read this astonishing book — and you’llnever think about “loving your enemies” in thesame way again!Son of Hamas book (B206)Send a gift of $26.95• “A must-read book ... One can onlyhope it becomes the basis of a majorHollywood motion picture.”—Joel Rosenberg• “Fascinating book. I couldn’t put itdown.”—Sean Hannity• “Intriguingly detailed —Newsweek• “One of the most extraordinary spystories in history” —David Asman,Fox Business NetworkHow to make animpact for ETERNITYWe’re grateful for your faithful generosity tothe global soul-winning outreach of <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>!Now there’s another way you can reach the lost —even beyond your lifetime — through your last will andtestament and other approaches to estate planning.You can create a bequest in your will, leaving a giftto <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>. Or include the ministry insome other way as part of your estate plan.Your gift will help <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> reachlost souls even after you’ve gone home to heaven!Find out more. Talk to your financial adviser orlawyer today, or contact Rev. Reuben Ellis by phone at(248) 852-2244 or by email at PlannedGiving@jvim.com.

The single mostelectrifying messageDr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> has ever preachedExperienceDr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>like you’venever seen himbefore!Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> has proclaimed God’s Word livein 1,053 full-length crusades —Now you can experience his electrifying preachingin an amazing video, recorded LIVE at <strong>World</strong> HarvestChurch, Columbus, Ohio.You’ll get the Shocking Truth About Prophetic EventsUnfolding Around the <strong>World</strong> Today ...• The timetable for a requirement for everyone tohave a microchip implanted under their skin.• The new world government’s role in fulfillingthe final prophecy.• The six final signs pointing to Christ’s return.• How Israel, and specifically Jerusalem, fit intoBible prophecy.• How Russia, China, and Iran play a part in thefulfillment of end-of-the-age prophecies.• And much more!God’s Prophetic Plan Revealed DVD (DPCV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 90 minutes CCGreat for your prophecy library — plus:a powerful evangelism tool to share!

USA’s shameful treatment ofIsrael could signal final battle!Dramatic new video by Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> reveals thepossibilities — the United States’ shameful treatment of Israel could beleading to a curse upon this nation ... and the beginning of Armageddon!Order it now, and you’ll be amazed to discover:• Why is Israel so beloved by God?• If the Israelites are God’s Chosen People, why are theyhistorically persecuted?• What ultimately happens to nations who curse Israel?• What is the reward for a nation faithful to Israel?• What is Russia doing behind the scenes to empower anuclear Iran?• What about Iran’s threats to obliterate Israel?• What role does President Barack Obama play?• Could the coming dictator of the New <strong>World</strong> Order alreadybe pulling strings in the Middle East today?• And so much more!This exciting presentation is a MUST for everyprophecy library and great to share with friends whoare interested in what’s happening in the Middle East.Order now, and you’llreceive as a BONUS,Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s book,Israel’s Final Holocaust!Jerusalem: Countdown to Armageddon DVD (DJCP)Jerusalem: Countdown to Armageddon VHS (VJCP)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 90 minutes CC

Contact JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES® at Box 7004, Troy, Michigan 48007.In Canada: JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES OF CANADA® Box 1717, Postal Station A,Windsor, ON N9A 6Y1. For immediate attention, call us at (248) 852-5225 or fax(248) 852-2692. Thank you for your love and generosity ... and God bless you!Non-ProfitU.S. POSTAGEPAID<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>Visit our Web Address at:www.jvim.comYou can see the Bibleas Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> sees it!TThis “work of a lifetime” from Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> includes:• Majestic King James Version with beautiful bonded leather cover• A-Z index of Bible prophecy that explains the entire timeline andmajor events of latter-day prophecy• A verse-by-verse explanation of the entire book of Revelation• Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s own personal Biblememorization plan• All prophetic events coded withcarrying symbols for easy reference• Words of Christ in red• Beautiful presentation page forgift-giving• And much more!A wonderful gift for any believer, you may neverthelesswant to keep it for yourself and use it as your everyday Bible,because it is filled with so many practical helps and prophecyinspiration!<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> Prophecy Bible (BIB4)Send a gift of $59.95

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