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Ce document a été fabriqué par PDFmail (Copyright RTE Multimedia)http://www.pdfmail.comLSW 980<strong>LONDON</strong> <strong>CHARTERER'S</strong> <strong>LIABILITY</strong> <strong>WORDING</strong> 1996(Not applicable to vessels on <strong>de</strong>mise or bareboat charters)1. COVERAGESubject to the conditions, exclusions, warranties, <strong>de</strong>finitions and limitations of this insuranceun<strong>de</strong>rwriters shall in<strong>de</strong>mnify the Assured up to a limit of ………………………. Any one loss or series oflosses arising out of an Acci<strong>de</strong>nt all coverages combined in respect of :(a) their legal and/or contractual liabilities to third parties, owners and/or disponent owners of theChartered Vessel which are covered in the United Kingdom Mutual Assurance Association(Bermuda) Ltd standard form of certificate and/or un<strong>de</strong>r their club rules for charterers' riskspublished and in effect at the inception of this insurance, but subject always to the limit of thisinsurance and further. Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters retain all rights reserved by the Association in the saidcertificate and/or their club rules.(b) Their legal and/or contractual liabilities for physical loss of or physical damage to cargo carried onboard the Chartered vessel including <strong>de</strong>murrage payments as specified in the charter party arisingout of <strong>de</strong>tention or loss of use of the Chartered Vessel and as a consequence of physical loss of orphysical damage to such cargo carried on board the Chartered Vessel.(c) Their legal and/or contractual liabilities for physical loss of or physical damage to the CharteredVessel including <strong>de</strong>murrage payments as specified in the charter party arising out of <strong>de</strong>tention orloss of use of the Chartered Vessel and as a consequence of physical loss of or physical damage tosuch Chartered Vessel.(d) Their legal and/or contractual liabilities for owners' contributions in general average, salvage andsalvage charges in relation to the Chartered Vessel, where such liabilities arise solely in directconsequence of an acci<strong>de</strong>nt to the Chartered Vessel giving rise to liabilities for which in<strong>de</strong>mnity isprovi<strong>de</strong>d un<strong>de</strong>r (a), (b) or (c) above.Notwithstanding the above insurance shall only in<strong>de</strong>mnify the Assured for amounts in excess of :In respect of (a) above :……………………………. any one loss or series of lossesarising out of an Acci<strong>de</strong>nt.In respect of (b) above :……………………………. each single voyageIn respect of (c) and (d) above : ……………………………. any one loss or series of lossesarising out of an Acci<strong>de</strong>nt.Where there is an Acci<strong>de</strong>nt which involves a claim un<strong>de</strong>r more than one of either coverages (a), (b),(c) or (d) above, then the largest single excess shall apply.2. CONDITIONS(a) Cancellation Clause (in respect of time charters only)This insurance may be cancelled by the Assured or by the Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters hereon or theirrepresentatives by sending by registered mail notice to the other party stating when, not less than 30days thereafter, cancellation shall become effective. The mailing of notice as aforesaid shall besufficient proof of notice and the coverage un<strong>de</strong>r this insurance shall end on the effective date andhour of cancellation stated in the notice.In the event of Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters giving notice, and this insurance being subject to a minimum and<strong>de</strong>posit premium, then the words "minimum and" shall be <strong>de</strong>emed <strong>de</strong>leted. In the event that the

Ce document a été fabriqué par PDFmail (Copyright RTE Multimedia)http://www.pdfmail.comChartered Vessel is at sea when cancellation becomes effective then coverage hereon shall remain inforce until completion of discharge of the Charterer's cargo at the next port of call.(b) CostsCosts incurred by the Assured shall be payable by Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters only if Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters hereon givewritten consent to the incurring of such costs in respect of any particular claim, suit or proceedingand if such costs in respect of any particular claim, suit or proceeding and if such costs are notcovered by un<strong>de</strong>rlying insurance, and then only in proportion between the amount (excluding costs)paid by the Assured (or by the un<strong>de</strong>rlying insurers), and the amount (excluding costs) paid by theUn<strong>de</strong>rwriters hereon. (The word "costs" shall be un<strong>de</strong>rstood to mean investigation, adjustment andlegal fees and expenses, excluding, however, all expenses for salaried employees and retained counseland all office expenses of the Assured)However, Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters hereon shall not be liable for any costs in addition to the limit of liability asstated herein; any such additional costs shall be borne by the Assured.(c) Assistance and Co-operationIn the event that any Acci<strong>de</strong>nt appears reasonably likely to involve Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters, the Assured shallgive prompt written notice to the Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters hereon, shall forward every summons or process (orcopies thereof) served upon the Assured and shall thereafter keep Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters fully advised asUn<strong>de</strong>rwriters may request. Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters shall not be called upon to un<strong>de</strong>rtake or assume charge ofinvestigation, <strong>de</strong>fence or settlement of any claim, suit or proceeding against the Assured, butexpressly reserve hereby the right and shall be given the opportunity to associate with the Assured orthe Assured's un<strong>de</strong>rlying insurers, or both, in the <strong>de</strong>fence and control of any claim, suit or proceedingwhich in the opinion of Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters is likely to involve this insurance in which event the Assuredand Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters shall co-operate in such <strong>de</strong>fence to the mutual advantage of both. The Assuredshall not admit liability for or settle any claim without the written consent of Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters hereon.(d) SubrogationIn the event of a claim being paid un<strong>de</strong>r this insurance, Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters shall be subrogated to all rightsand remedies of the Assured.(e) Other InsuranceIn the event of an Acci<strong>de</strong>nt giving rise to a claim which is, or but for the existence of this insurance,would be covered un<strong>de</strong>r any other contract of in<strong>de</strong>mnity or insurance inuring to the benefit of theAssured, the insurance affor<strong>de</strong>d by this Policy shall be in excess of the amount which would berecoverable un<strong>de</strong>r such other in<strong>de</strong>mnity or insurance had this insurance not been effected, but onlyto the extend that the excess amount is covered by this insurance.(f) JurisdictionThis insurance shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice in England.(g) Law and PracticeThis insurance shall be subject to English law and practice.(h) Trading

Ce document a été fabriqué par PDFmail (Copyright RTE Multimedia)http://www.pdfmail.comThe charter Party shall require that the Chartered Vessel is to tra<strong>de</strong> within the Institute warrantylimits. If the chartered vessel sails outsi<strong>de</strong> these limits, coverage hereon shall be held covered subjectto notice being given to the Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters hereon and subject to an additional premium being agreedby the Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters.3. EXCLUSIONSNotwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, it is expressly un<strong>de</strong>rstood and agreed that thisinsurance shall exclu<strong>de</strong> the following :(a) Contractual or assumed liabilities other than those of the Assured's liabilities as charterer whichare established by the specimen charter party and ri<strong>de</strong>r clauses or un<strong>de</strong>r any bill of lading issuedpursuant to the said charter party as seen and approved by the Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters hereon.Any enhancement of, or addition to these liabilities which may fall upon the Assured throughemployment of alternative/additional charter parties or ri<strong>de</strong>r clause will not be coveredhereun<strong>de</strong>r unless and until specifically accepted by Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters hereon.(b) Any liability arising out of the carriage or cargo on <strong>de</strong>ck with un<strong>de</strong>r-<strong>de</strong>ck bills of lading unless thebills are claused accordingly to allow such carriage.(c) The insolvency, bankruptcy, receivership, financial <strong>de</strong>fault or any refusal or inability to pay of theAssured and/or any insurer and/or any Un<strong>de</strong>rwriter shall not operate to increase Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters'liability un<strong>de</strong>r this Insurance or to increase any Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters' share of liability un<strong>de</strong>r thisinsurance. In no event shall any Un<strong>de</strong>rwriter of this insurance assume the responsibilities and/orobligations of the Assured and/or any insurer and/or any Un<strong>de</strong>rwriter.(d) Punitive, exemplary and/or any additional damages resulting from the multiplication ofcompensatory damages.(e) Any liability for physical loss, physical damage or liability directly or indirectly occasioned by,happening through or in consequence of war, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war tobe <strong>de</strong>clared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power orconfiscation or nationalisation or requisition or <strong>de</strong>struction of or damage to property by or un<strong>de</strong>rthe or<strong>de</strong>r of any government or public or local authority, except with the agreement ofUn<strong>de</strong>rwriters at an additional premium, if required.4. WARRANTIESIt is a condition prece<strong>de</strong>nt to liability un<strong>de</strong>r this Insurance and it is warranted that the Assuredcomplies with the following warranties :(a) The charter party requires that the Chartered Vessel is fully classed with an InternationalAssociation of Classification Society member.(b) In respect of the Assured's liability to cargo, as provi<strong>de</strong>d in coverage 1. (b) above, the charter partyrequires the shipowner of his agent to sign all bills of lading. However, this warranty shall notapply where, with the prior agreement of the leading Un<strong>de</strong>rwriter hereon, the charter partyand/or bill of lading contains a <strong>de</strong>mise (i<strong>de</strong>ntity of carrier) clause as agreed by the said LeadingUn<strong>de</strong>rwriter.

Ce document a été fabriqué par PDFmail (Copyright RTE Multimedia)http://www.pdfmail.com(c) All cargoes are carried and/or stowed in accordance with the International MaritimeOrganisattion regulations, co<strong>de</strong>s and practices in force at the commencement of this Insurance.5. DEFINITIONS(a) Chartered VesselThe Chartered Vessel inclu<strong>de</strong>s the hull, machinery, equipment, lashings, stores and fuel to the extendthat the same are not owned or leased by the Assured.(b) Acci<strong>de</strong>ntThe word Acci<strong>de</strong>nt shall mean an event which first commences on an i<strong>de</strong>ntifiable date during theperiod of this Insurance which the Assured neither inten<strong>de</strong>d or expected.LSW 981TIME <strong>CHARTERER'S</strong> LEGAL <strong>LIABILITY</strong> FOR LOSS OF HIREPAID/DAMAGE FOR DETENTION ENDORSEMENTNotwithstanding the provisions of the London Charterers Liability wording 1996 (LSW 980) thisinsurance shall be exten<strong>de</strong>d to in<strong>de</strong>mnify the Assured for their liability as time charterers to ownersfor damages for <strong>de</strong>tention or hire paid arising out of <strong>de</strong>lay, <strong>de</strong>tention or loss of use of the CharteredVessel as specified in the Charter party and which arise as a direct consequence of physical loss of orphysical damage to the Chartered Vessel where such loss or damage is insured un<strong>de</strong>r LSW980.

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