Coil coating

Coil coating Coil coating

<strong>Coil</strong> <strong>coating</strong>Pigments,crosslinkersand additives

The future has many colors –but only perfect colors have a future.Globally and regionallyBASF is the leading company in the chemical industry and hasextensive experience in the development and use of pigments,crosslinkers and additives for the manufacture of paints.For coil <strong>coating</strong>, we offer you a broad range of pigments andcrosslinkers that will help you to satisfy even the mostdemanding product requirements – requirements for whichyou need advanced, environmentally friendly raw materialsof the highest quality.You can, however, expect far more than just excellent rawmaterials from BASF. The high standards we set for ourselvesare evident not only in the quality of our production, but alsoin our sales force and in our technical service.With our extensive experience, we are able to offer you thesolutions you need for your business. Get in touch with us.BASF is always ready to assist you.

Pigments, crosslinkers and additives for coil <strong>coating</strong>The <strong>coating</strong> of steel and aluminum sheet by the coil <strong>coating</strong>process is becoming increasingly important. The coil <strong>coating</strong>process is environmentally friendly and, because the flat sheetis coated first and not shaped until afterwards, it opens up awide range of design possibilities.However, high demands are placed on the <strong>coating</strong>. It must besufficiently flexible to withstand shaping of the metal and mustat the same time have a certain degree of surface hardness inorder to be fit for outdoor use. The coil <strong>coating</strong> systems mustoffer outstanding hiding power as they are applied in very thinlayers. And, because they are normally cured at temperaturesabove 200 °C, it is also essential that the raw materials areresistant to high temperatures.The pigments, crosslinkers and additives described belowrepresent a product range which is particularly suitable foruse in coil <strong>coating</strong>.02 03

Inorganic pigments andhybrid pigmentsSicopal ® / Sicotan ® / Sicotrans ® / Paliotan ®Sicopal ® Yellow pigmentsInorganic pigments continue to form the basis for practically allcoil <strong>coating</strong>s. They are stable at high temperatures and largelyresistant to chemical and physical effects. In addition, they havehigh hiding power, good rheological properties and excellentfastness to weathering.A selection of pigments from our range for plastics coloration isalso illustrated below. Final inspection tests on these pigments,unlike those on pigments for <strong>coating</strong>s, are carried out on apolymer. Therefore, the possibility of variations in coloristicproperties and color strength when they are used in coil <strong>coating</strong>systems cannot be ruled out.The greenish Sicopal ® Yellow L 1100 and L 1120 and the reddishSicopal ® Yellow L 1600 are standard pigments for producingbrilliant yellow, orange and red shades. Mixing them withPaliotol ® or Paliogen ® pigments yields weather-fast shadeswith good hiding power that are much more brilliant thancombinations with other lead-free inorganic pigments.The resistance to SO 2 of the Sicopal ® Yellow grades is comparableto that of highly stabilized Sicomin ® (lead chromate) grades.In a maritime climate, these pigments may react chemicallywith the binder components of PVC plastisols and PVDF systemsto cause a dark discoloration. This effect has not been observedin other binders.

Sicopal ® Blue and Green pigmentsSicotrans ® pigmentsThese complex inorganic oxide pigments with a spinel structureare characterized by excellent heat resistance and fastness toweathering. Unlike Heliogen ® Blue pigments, Sicopal ® Bluepigments (cobalt blue) absorb the UV component of sunlight onlyto a limited extent. If <strong>coating</strong>s are pigmented with cobalt bluealone, there is a risk of chalking, with subsequent loss ofadhesion and peeling. This can be avoided by combining thecobalt blue with UV-absorbing pigments such as titanium dioxide.Sicotan ® pigmentsSicotan ® pigments are colored complex pigments based ontitanium dioxide with a rutile structure. A wide range of vividshades with good hiding power can be produced by combiningthem with organic yellow and red pigments. Their resistanceto weathering and heat is outstanding.Sicotrans ® pigments are ideal for coil <strong>coating</strong> systems asfunctional pigments. They absorb UV light and thereby protectthe film from damage. In addition, they offer styling possibilitiesfor special-effect <strong>coating</strong>s because they are transparent. Theresistance of Sicotrans ® Yellow L 1916 to heat is limited, withchanges in shade occurring at the baking temperatures normallyused for coil <strong>coating</strong>.Paliotan ® Yellow and Red pigmentsPaliotan ® Yellow and Red pigments are hybrid pigments based onorganic and inorganic pigments. They economically combinestrong hiding power with high chroma. They also have excellentresistance to weathering and are environmentally friendly.04 05

Organic pigmentsand effect pigmentsPaliotol ® / Paliogen ® / Heliogen ® / Paliocrom ®Organic pigments exposed to temperatures above 180 °C maysuffer latent damage, resulting in reduced fastness to light andweathering. Interaction of the pigments with the binder solutioncan also occur. Preliminary testing in the intended system istherefore essential.Paliotol ® pigments: The Paliotol ® Yellow grades are highperformancepigments of various chemical compositions.Paliotol ® Yellow L 0962 HD and L 2140 HD exhibit good heatresistance and dispersibility. However, they have only limitedfastness to weathering in reductions with titanium dioxide.Paliogen ® pigments: Very high heat resistance, high hidingpower and a pure shade are the outstanding characteristics ofPaliogen ® Red L 3910 HD, whose main application is saturatedred shades with good weather resistance. However, since theweather resistance of Paliogen ® Red L 3910 HD drops offsignificantly in reductions with titanium dioxide, we do notrecommend it for such reductions.Paliogen ® Red L 4120 exhibits extremely good fastness toweathering in both full shades and white reductions. Its heatstability is outstanding.Paliogen ® Blue L 6385 displays good fastness to weathering andis even suitable for use in pastel shades.Paliogen ® Black L 0086 is an infrared transparent pigment andtherefore suitable for dark <strong>coating</strong>s which should not heat updramatically. Heat management applications are possible withthis pigment.

Heliogen ® pigments: Heliogen ® pigments are copper phthalocyaninepigments. The surface-treated F grades are as follows:Heliogen ® Blue L 6700 F, Heliogen ® Blue L 6905 F andHeliogen ® Blue L 7101 F.They exhibit a very low rub-out effect (for example in polyestersystems) and are particularly suitable for coil <strong>coating</strong>s.The bluish Heliogen ® Green L 8735 and yellowish Heliogen ®Green L 9361 are the standard greens of the Heliogen ® range.They are suitable for use in all the usual coil <strong>coating</strong> systems.Paliocrom ® effect pigments: Paliocrom ® pigments are aluminiumflakes coated with iron oxide with excellent hiding power.Paliocrom ® Gold L 2020 has finer particles than Paliocrom ® GoldL 2000. Paliocrom ® Orange L 2800 shows a vivid orange shadeand Paliocrom ® Sparkling Red L 3505 exhibits a distinctsparkling effect. Combinations with organic and inorganicpigments provide additional options for new colors and effects.06 07

Suitable pigments and their propertiesColour IndexProduct Chemical nature Part 1 Part 2organic pigments Paliogen ® Black L 0086 perylene black Pigment Black 32 71 133Paliotol ® Yellow L 0962 HD quinophthalone yellow Pigment Yellow 138 56 300Paliotol ® Yellow L 2140 HD isoindoline Pigment Yellow 139 56 298Paliogen ® Red L 3910 HD perylene red Pigment Red 178 71 155Paliogen ® Red L 4120 perylene red Pigment Red 179 71 130Paliogen ® Blue L 6385 indanthrone blue Pigment Blue 60 69 800Heliogen ® Blue L 6700 F Cu-phthalocyanine, epsilon Pigment Blue 15:6 74 160Heliogen ® Blue L 6905 F Cu-phthalocyanine, alpha stable Pigment Blue 15:2 74 160Heliogen ® Blue L 7101 F Cu-phthalocyanine, beta Pigment Blue 15:4 74 160Heliogen ® Green L 8735 Cu-phthalocyanine Pigment Green 7 74 260Heliogen ® Green L 9361 Cu-phthalocyanine Pigment Green 36 74 265lead-free inorganic Sicopal ® Black 0090 Co/Fe/Cr/Mn Pigment Black 27 77 502and hybrid pigmentsSicopal ® Black K 0095 Fe/Cr oxide Pigment Brown 29 77 500Sicotan ® Yellow L 1010 Ni/Sb/Ti oxide Pigment Yellow 53 77 788Sicotan ® Yellow L 1012 Ni/Sb/Ti oxide Pigment Yellow 53 77 788Sicopal ® Yellow L 1100 bismuth vanadate Pigment Yellow 184 77 1740Sicopal ® Yellow L 1120 bismuth vanadate Pigment Yellow 184 77 1740Paliotan ® Yellow L 1145 hybrid - -Sicopal ® Yellow L 1600 bismuth vanadate Pigment Yellow 184 77 1740Paliotan ® Yellow L 1645 hybrid - -Sicotan ® Yellow L 1910 Cr/Sb/Ti oxide Pigment Brown 24 73 310Sicotan ® Yellow L 1912 Cr/Sb/Ti oxide Pigment Brown 24 73 310Sicotrans ® Yellow L 1916 iron oxide hydrate, transparent Pigment Yellow 42 77492Paliotan ® Yellow L 1945 hybrid - -Sicotan ® Yellow L 2010 Cr/Sb/Ti oxide Pigment Brown 24 73 310Paliotan ® Yellow L 2045 hybrid - -Sicotan ® Yellow L 2107 Cr/Sb/Ti oxide Pigment Brown 24 73 310Sicotan ® Yellow L 2110 Cr/Sb/Ti oxide Pigment Brown 24 73 310Sicotan ® Brown K 2611 Mn/Sb/Ti oxide Pigment Yellow 164 77 899Sicotrans ® Red L 2817 iron[III] oxide, transparent Pigment Red 101 77 491Paliotan ® Red L 3745 hybrid - -Sicopal ® Blue K 6310 Co/Al oxide Pigment Blue 28 77 346Sicopal ® Blue K 7210 Co/Al/Cr oxide Pigment Blue 36 77 343Sicopal ® Green K 9610 Co/Ti/Ni/Zn oxide Pigment Green 50 77 377

Xeno 2000 hQUV-A 2000 hHeat stability Full shade Reduction Full shade Reduction Hiding power Tinting strength4 3 - 4 4 3 - 4highaveragelow4 - 5 4 4 - 5 44 - 5 4 4 - 5 44 - 5 3 4 - 5 34 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5White reduction:1:10 organicpigments1:1 inorganicpigments4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4- 5 4 - 5 4 - 5n.a. 4 - 5 n.a. 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5n.a. 4 - 5 n.a. 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 54 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 4 - 508 09

Examples of colorsOrganic pigments for coil <strong>coating</strong>Paliogen ® Black L 0086full shadePaliotol ® Yellow L 0962 HD 1:1 TiO 2Paliotol ® Yellow L 2140 HD 1:1 TiO 2+ infrared transparentpigment+ suitable for heatmanagement+ bright, greenishshade+ easy dispersible+ bright reddishyellow+ good weatherfastness in fullshadesPaliogen ® Red L 3910 HDfull shade+ very high heatstability+ good weatherfastness in fullshades- not recommendedfor reductionsPaliogen ® Red L 4120 1:1 TiO 2+ very high heatstability+ outstandingweather fastnessin full shades andreductionsPaliogen ® Blue L 6385 1:10 TiO 2+ red shade indanthroneblue withgood weatherfastness in whitereductions

Heliogen ® Blue L 6700 F 1:10 TiO 2Heliogen ® Blue L 6905 F 1:10 TiO 2+ most reddishshadephthalocyanineblue pigment+ alpha-pc blue,flocculationresistant+ beta-pc blue,flocculationresistantHeliogen ® Green L 8735 1:10 TiO 2+ phthalocyaninegreen with goodall roundpropertiesHeliogen ® Green L 9361 1:10 TiO 2+ phthalocyaninegreen with bright,yellowish shade10 11

Examples of colorsLead-free inorganic and hybrid pigments for coil <strong>coating</strong>Sicopal ® Black 0090full shade+ inorganic blackSicopal ® Yellow L 1600full shade+ bright, reddishshade+ very good hidingpower- in PVC and PVDF,weathering testsare recommendedSicopal ® Black K 0095full shade+ infrared reflectivepigment+ suitable for heatmanagementPaliotan ® Yellow L 1645full shade+ same shade ofSicomin ® YellowL 1630 S+ very good hidingpowerSicotan ® Yellow L 1010full shade+ nickel titanateSicotan ® Yellow L 1910full shade+ chromium titanatewith greenishshadeSicopal ® Yellow L 1100full shade+ bright, greenishshade+ verry good hidingpower- in PVC and PVPFweathering testsare recommendedSicotrans ® Yellow L 1916full shade+ functional pigmentas UV absorber+ transparent ironoxide for stylingswith effectpigments- low temperaturestabilityPaliotan ® Yellow L 1145full shade+ greenish shade+ very good hidingpower

Paliotan ® Yellow L 1945full shade+ very good hidingpowerSicotrans ® Red L 2817full shade+ functional pigmentas UV absorber+ transparent ironoxide for stylingswith effectpigmentsPaliotan ® Yellow L 2045full shade+ most reddishPaliotan ® Yellow+ very good hidingpowerPaliotan ® Red L 3745full shade+ bright red shade+ very good hidingpowerSicotan ® Yellow L 2110full shade+ chromium titanatewith reddish shadeSicopal ® Blue K 6310full shade+ most reddishcobalt blue+ outstandingweather fastness+ very high heatstabilitySicotan ® Brown K 2611full shade+ manganesetitanateSicopal ® Blue K 7210full shade+ greenish cobaltblue+ outstandingweather fastness+ very high heatstabilitySicopal ® Green K 9610full shade+ cobalt green+ outstandingweather fastness+ very high heatstability12 13

Color Shade Formulation in %Color Shade Formulation in %RAL 5010 33.50 Heliogen ® Blue L 6905 F0.90 P.V. 2362.70 TiO 22.90 Carbon BlackRAL 6021 31.45 Sicotan ® Yellow L 19101.48 Heliogen ® Green L 87350.57 Paliotol ® Yellow L 2140 HD60.84 TiO 2RAL 5012 87.24 TiO 23.50 Heliogen ® Blue L 6700 F4.41 Heliogen ® Blue L 6905 F4.84 P.Bl. 11RAL 6032 67.36 Sicopal ® Green K 971010.76 Heliogen ® Green L 936118.14 TiO 23.74 P.Bl. 11RAL 5015 84.27 TiO 25.55 Heliogen ® Blue L 6700 F8.63 Heliogen ® Blue L 6905 F1.55 P.Bl. 11RAL 6018 61.03 Paliotan ® Yellow L 11454.36 Heliogen ® Green L 873525.85 TiO 28.67 P.Bl. 11RAL 6019 6.98 Sicopal ® Green K 97101.36 Paliotan ® Yellow L 114589.69 TiO 21.98 P.Bl. 1114 15

Crosslinkers for coil <strong>coating</strong>Plastopal ® / Luwipal ®Product Solids Etherification Solvent(s) UsePlastopal ® RH 60 % butanol, partial butanol, primerxylenePlastopal ® FBX 58 % butanol, partial butanol, primerxylenePlastopal ® gradesThe BASF range includes both rigid and plasticized ureaformaldehyderesins. They are ideal for baking finishes, acidcuringand physically drying <strong>coating</strong>s. Depending on the resincomposition, either solvent-based or water-based systems canbe formulated. They are mainly used to produce <strong>coating</strong>s that,with the added effect of the cobinder, are more adhesive,flexible, stable to overbaking and cost-efficient thanmelamineformaldehyde resins.

Product Solids Etherification Solvent(s) UseLuwipal ® 066 94 % methanol, high - topcoat,primerLuwipal ® 066 LF 94 % methanol, high - topcoat,primerLuwipal ® 069 80 % methanol, partial ethanol/ primermethanolLuwipal ® 072 74 % methanol, partial isobutanol topcoatLuwipal ® gradesThese amino resins find application in baking finishes, acidcuringand physically drying <strong>coating</strong>s. They are mainly used incombination with various binders to produce particularly hard,glossy <strong>coating</strong>s that are resistant to weathering, yellowing andchemicals. The most important amino resins for coil <strong>coating</strong> arethe HMMM types. The reactivity of the <strong>coating</strong>s is adjustedto the drying conditions of the plant with partially etherifiedcrosslinkers.16 17

Additives for coil <strong>coating</strong>Acronal ® / Plastigen ® / Laropal ® / Luwax ® Product SolidsAcronal ® gradesPlastigen ®The Acronal ® L and F grades are lightfast, aging-resistant softresins for plasticizing binders which improve adhesion onvarious substrates. They differ in their viscosity and molecularweight and this plays a crucial role in determining theirelasticizing effect. Because the Acronal ® grades are notincorporated chemically, the possibility of migration to thesurface should be examined.Plastigen ® is a soft carbamide resin for various applications thatincreases the elasticity, gloss and aging resistance of paints. Itimproves adhesion in primers and cures in the presence of acid.Laropal ® gradesThe Laropal ® grades are colorless aldehyde and ketone resinswith broad compatibility and good solubility in organic solvents.They are suitable for manufacturing pigment pastes and areused as cobinders in various <strong>coating</strong> systems for modifyingapplication properties such as hardness, body, gloss andrheology. It is mainly the heat-resistant Laropal ® A grades thatare used in coil <strong>coating</strong>.Product Solids Chemistry Solvent(s) UseAcronal ® 4 F 100 % polymer of - topcoat,n-butyl acrylateprimerAcronal ® 4 L 50 % polymer of ethyl acetate topcoat,n-butyl acrylateprimerAcronal ® 500 L 40 % polymer of ethyl acetate topcoat,n-butyl acrylateprimerPlastigen ® G 95 %Laropal ® A 81 100 %Laropal ® A 101 100 %Acronal ® 700 L 50 % copolymer of ethyl acetate topcoat,vinyl isobutyl ether /primern-butyl acrylate

Luwax ® gradesLugalvan ® passivationsBASF’s extensive Luwax ® range comprises pure polyethylenewaxes, modified polyethylene waxes (oxidized waxes, copolymers),montan waxes and polyether wax. The Luwax ® grades areavailable as micropowder, powder, granules, flakes or pastilles.BASF’s polyethylene waxes are manufactured in a high-pressureprocess which enables them to fulfill high standards of purity.The addition of waxes also has a positive effect on the tendencyof a <strong>coating</strong> to pick up dirt when subjected to outdoor weathering.Luwax ® AF31, Luwax ® AF32 and Luwax ® AH6 are used toimprove surface smoothness and flow properties. Luwax ® AFmicropowders can be incorporated directly when prepared withsolvents. Luwax ® AH6 is first dissolved hot in solvent andseparated out as fine particles by cooling.Luwax ® AM3 is favored for adjusting the gloss in coil <strong>coating</strong>.Before Luwax ® AM3 is used, a dispersion must first beprecipitated hot.This new generation of passivations for metal surfaces,particulary for galvanized sheet metal, are toxicologicallyacceptable because – contrary to other products offered in themarket – work without heavy metal additives. Not only do theseLugalvan ® passivations protect from corrosion, they form selfhealingsurfaces. Damages to the passivation coat – occuringduring cold forming of metal – vanish all by themselves.Lugalvan ® passivations considerably increase corrosionprotection of uncoated metal surfaces.Lugalvan ® FDCLugalvan ® FDC works as a transparent sealant and wash primer.Lugalvan ® FDC can be applied to aluminum without prior scouringand – when desired – be overcoated. In many applications, thelaborious prescouring and subsequent multiple cleaning stepscan be eliminated with.Chemistry Solvent(s) Useglycoluril resin n-butanol primerresin of urea and - primeraliphatic aldehyderesin of urea and - primeraliphatic aldehydeProduct Solids Chemistry Melting range UseLuwax ® AF 31 100 % polyethylene wax, approx. 114 °C topcoatmicronized < 10 µmLuwax ® AF 32 100 % polyethylene wax, approx. 114 °C topcoatmicronized < 12 µmLuwax ® AH 3 100 % polyethylene wax, approx. 114 °C topcoathomopolymericLuwax ® AM 6 100 % polyethylene wax, approx. 112 °C topcoathomopolymeric18 19

Contact worldwideAsiaBASF Auxiliary Chemicals Co. Ltd.Asia Technical Center for Coating200137 ShanghaiChinaTel.: +86 21 58611828-2470Fax: +86 21 58611828-2735EuropeBASF AktiengesellschaftPerformance Chemicals forCoatings, Plastics and SpecialtiesEV/BA – J 55067056 LudwigshafenGermanyTel.: +49 621 60-71910Fax: +49 621 60-72869North AmericaBASF Corporation1609 Biddle AvenueWyandotte, MI 48192USATel.: +1-734-324-6760Fax: +1-734-324-5185Eastern Europe, Africa, West AsiaBASF AktiengesellschaftRegional Business ManagementPerformance ChemicalsEUM/SE – Benckiserplatz 167056 LudwigshafenGermanyTel.: +49 621 60-76429Fax: +49 621 60-6676429South AmericaBASF S.A.Av. Faria Lima 3600 - 10° andarItaim Bibi – São Paulo – SP04538-132BrazilTel.: +55 11 3043-3680Fax: +55 11 3043-3134The data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge and experience. In view ofthe many factors that may affect processing and application of our product, these data do not relieveprocessors from carrying out their own investigations and tests; neither do these data imply any guaranteeof certain properties, nor the suitability of the product for a specific purpose. Any descriptions,drawings, photographs, data, proportions, weights etc. given herein may change without prior informationand do not constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product. It is the responsibility of therecipient of our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation areobserved. When handling these products, advice and information given in the safety data sheet must becomplied with. Further, protective and workplace hygiene measures adequate for handling chemicalsmust be observed.® = registered trademark of BASF AktiengesellschaftPerformance Chemicals forCoatings, Plastics and Specialties67056 LudwigshafenGermanyEVP 1207 e

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