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.,' ..,<br />




NIGHT OF. DEC. 16<br />

VOLUME 7-NO. SO<br />


oj Ih,<br />

WEEK<br />

k Compiled "by tll,<br />

oPPo~tiolloof,<br />

pany perfonried an essential Serv- A.ngeloDiPonio, a sewer con-nearmr .mid~ta,it 'waa'Do1vr~:<br />

ice to the people of tb,e Pointe, tiaetor of ,Detroit. The figure POr:ted,1tWII, ,oin, to be .-:Iud:<br />

b t th 'd bl d' . '$'1118'00'" .billier buildingthanflnt p~<br />

u ere was a CODSI era e 15- was '.' , . sed' d'l' .hi h" "".,",<br />

agreement on the quality of the > With the,. ex;ception' of the po . an.. l)r ',,:.c,.~~JJUarl~<br />

service rendered. The plea of high t b' d has been in .the .' . one or more of these stores, Mer- that this matter will take con- mg of the l'olice COJ?lll1lttee of used for skating In .this period.<br />

will be' idle in a few days u bulldog belonging to Dr.' V, P. aervlce of the municipality for . ThIS request was responded to chandise carried includes all crete form in one or more of the the Farm,~ Tl:esda,y mg.ht. Fr0J!l When the. Park Planning Com-<br />

manufacturing c e as e s in that Moisidesof 15215 WIn.'dm. ill..Pointe more, than one year; ..a$. 25 bondl by a ~wn;;h~~ on Mo~roe street. manner of women's wear from village councils in the near funow on, every dnver 15 on his mission was gtving much a~!'l.<br />

plant at rnidnight tonight. Freight drive, last Tuesday, so severely fcT'those in service more than six Detrol" WIth information that a lingerie to evening dresses and ture.<br />

oWn. tion to recreational acti\ities .•<br />

embargo respOnsible for 20.000 that .both of hu .leis, bore bad months' and leSs than a y!ar and part?' h~d pawned a valuab~e 'furs, all kinds of men's clothing,<br />

few months ago, attempts were<br />

of the idle.. puncture wounlh. . $12,50 for all of the othei., ' mans wrist. watch and other arh.cosmetics and perfumes, costume<br />

made to get the school authorities<br />

f.. .· , ..

'.'T.":~' f.<br />

CatholicClergymen' Oppose<br />

Pldnned Paren.th004League<br />

'nie A.rl;ik:o~a,ttrWtY;i o(~,~j:. tertainm,nt. The purpoeeof tlu!<br />

Clare held ~i~ iJ1W'lh,ly" mee~~ ~e,~, ,w" 10 pass' by unanila.ty,rllek:DurlnJ<br />

tHe" Church mow ~nsent . I vote of protest<br />

,~rvio.the 1~I4.l ree.ptiono! &limit the activities in this loeal.<br />

new in'l'I\Ml'I' took plate. 'Nr ... 'ltJ! of tM~LCaiue for Planned<br />

Lealia L.Srnlth, of 1932' GraytOli Pmftthood. Accordinl: to an<br />

road, t'reltnted t,lo),enew memb~ artiele.published recently in aic.<br />

and they were fo~mallYireceived cal newspaper, it wal stated that<br />

into .the ladi~ oriallization by !'cl!-~I~~ services be made<br />

tha llev. J. A. Smlth,O.S.A. iil-,. .'V'l~~~to all who deelre<br />

fllUowlnr t!'I.t,!=eptlo~,eee~ ;~!~~",:>\<br />

meeting,for December, there will<br />

be' a Chrislmu party for Club<br />

Pack No. 74 membeI'l! and their<br />

par~ts at,the R.ichard &:hool<br />

. Tu~y,December<br />

P~z:'o' I ~<br />

17' ~~ 7:30<br />

matter would be reportlld on in<br />

a matter of hours. They sized. it<br />

up that he wented money badly<br />

t.o get out of town 2nd aftnr tak-I<br />

ing his r,ight 'thumb print., l~t .<br />

'Holiday<br />

Special'VaJue •<br />

A~' Ladies'<br />

t-:. Children's"<br />

.~ and Infants'<br />

Wear .<br />

Ledies Skirts,<br />

Sizes 9 to 15<br />

.~ $3.60' up<br />

T Girl's Skirts:<br />

$3.75' 'up<br />

•<br />

l/ldies /lnd<br />

Children's<br />

Swe/lters<br />

, $2.00 up<br />

.. Ladies Ilnd<br />

Girl's Rooos<br />

, $5.50 to<br />

$10.50<br />

I,<br />

:ChiJdren's presses<br />

'.' '. . $2.25 up<br />

Boy'sW/lshSuits;., "<br />

, I to3,$2,6S-:-3t06,$2.85<br />

, We stock 1111size dresses<br />

, indudinghllif sizes. ~<br />

Babies Knitted .Gowns .. ',. ,79c<br />

O!~pel5.:.... :,J3;15pei~qz.. ,<br />

,j;omp!ete ,Line of. B/lby,;(~ift':~<br />

., '8elluti.fulgjfI l;llr_d free with<br />

,. ellchGiftpurd1~se. . . .•..<br />

: 'Opeh' toB, P;'1ll. ' ' ,<br />

UleoarLay.away Plall:<br />

:JJan~en~.<br />

:JJ,.e~jS~Of'<br />

19343 ,HllIrper, 'at Elkhart, ,<br />

llJXURIOlJS<br />

Mink Dyed Fitc;h J.c;ke+ ...... Wal $1200 Now $895<br />

Natllr,,1 Mink Jac;ket .,."., •• Was $2200 Now $1495<br />

Platine Fox Jacket ..•• , •••• , •• WII5 $895 Now . $595<br />

Mink Dyed Squirrol Jec;~et ••••. -Will $375 Now. $279<br />

Stan. Martin Cape.5toJ. ••••• Will $2500 Now $1795<br />

Mink Dyed Fitch Cape ...•.•.. Was $950 Now $695<br />

Nah"r.l B,aum M.rtin Scans per skin as Iow.s...... $85<br />

Natural Mink SeerIs, Gi.nt Skins, per skin. • • ...... $45<br />

, . ,<br />

'I,,;,<br />

j<br />

,<br />

In a UCustom-Built"<br />

Three-CushiMSofa .<br />

82i9 tIS siowfi-<br />

..<br />

hiri\ h~ve $25. H,talrly,rabbed Barclay i$ interviewed in' the not malle ~to the,house' 011 the<br />

it allQ got oul. They hacino right Cook County jail. last.visit. ". \<br />

t& hold him, on .• iIspieion .alone ,'~'nlere w",1l1 at~mplt.'d blU" .I.atu in 'the weele Chief Leu~<br />

an~ c.ICllll~ed. th •.. property lery,at the Evalss homl"llA 1ut""' .... :uaraed .f~oflA. the ~k<br />

YVO\!1d soon fm":', '~':,':"',;_-_":"'.'

'<br />

!<br />

"<br />

,J:~:~r<br />


A Ul&Il .Ia.. , Umlt.oI too u<br />

serlo .. 1II1h orh01lI ltuoleaU, 10<br />

....11I1,f.tltl.d to .0110" .... eU.".<br />

Un Itlid)'. •<br />

Each .Iud ....t wUI .... Ii.......<br />

lAt.elll(ear. len ud II puooaaJity<br />

tuL, •<br />

:t:ac:Ja ... r....t wlU ha.e aa 11I111&1<br />

.. d' coarludinl interview, wlta<br />

.uU..U.... '<br />

Cluo und.r Prore.olow<br />

" 4lrettloa. . •<br />

':t'lrat Cl... " ....lI.ry 11th<br />


1314 Eat ... T.wer. Detroit ZI<br />

CA. 1351 MA. IZI2<br />

, Houro: We.kday •• U.r S:1S '.1Il.<br />

. All D.). S.turd.y<br />

Custom<br />

Tailors<br />

.' TO GINTLIMEN'<br />

. Willer<br />

. SUITS<br />

~ingle or<br />

Double<br />

~reasted<br />

$50+0 I<br />

$75<br />

Others. $4'<br />

till" $90<br />


:&O'CONNOR<br />

l~tJaD:d ,T~\on Co.1 '"<br />

1412'/i 'E. Je..":'11 Av••<br />

LEnox 5344<br />

•7....... _."'"'<br />

Pair<br />

'Give Him<br />

'''~NTI.WOVIN'' '<br />

~p=~~u~tbeTwo ..PointeY otit~s Guilty<br />

I •<br />

50% Wool.<br />

"Mallory'.' Hat<br />

Gift<br />

Certificates<br />

Neatly<br />

Padaged<br />

From $7.50:<br />

75'<br />

, Pair<br />

Nationally Known 8r~nds I<br />

I.<br />

..<br />

fl\lNK<br />

, G R 0 SSE POI N T E ~'E. W S<br />

Pqrk "rake"<br />

Also Rises<br />


.<br />

U., S, Gov't ALASKA SEAL<br />


1 .<br />

Arrested Twice<br />

Same Morning<br />

__ '_ I Daniel C. Crowley of 243 Lake.<br />

Pl.tc.,d on p.r,oba.l.ion fo,r pduring .Sto~n. ,. Gasol. ine Over The "Take" on Fark conces-, land enjoyed a nice fast ride on<br />

sions has goroeup along with the Jel'ferson aV,enue early Saturday<br />

, Strucfure:.nd' 8lJrning.lt. on Night, of August 10 rising cost of' everything else morning, December 7 until he re-<br />

Two Pointe' boys 'have been found guilty of malicious in the country.' " IC£ived a ticket from Park Patroldestruction<br />

in conneCt.ion w. ith the burn.ing of the voting. At the Park Council ~eeting man Kasteloot for speeding 50<br />

December 9 the concession for . .<br />

booth at Kerby and Beaupre roads last August 10, refreshment sales etc, in the vi!- m.p.h. .<br />

.Lorenz A. HiUel. of 285 Mc-'~. . lage's beach park was renewed A little later he went into the<br />

Kmley road. and Russell Ander. The youths stole gasoline from with Charles Stackman. who has Toddle House and raist!d such a<br />

son. of 334 McMi~lan road, both a c..r parked on Ri~ge road, held it .for s~me years, There was ruckus that the management<br />

18, were found guIlty t.j' ~efere.e pour!!d It ?ver the vot.mg bOoth, an advance In the percentage 011 lled' th r h ted<br />

Fred Baxter of the Juvoemle DI- set fire to It. then fled ill a stolen gross sales from 5 percent as ca In. e.po Ice W 0 acres<br />

vision of Probate Courl Pre- car. They. abandoner the. car heretofore to 8 pi!r cent 'here-, him arain. .<br />

viously Herbert Cook had also after a wild chase by Officer after. That sa.memornmg at 9 o'clock<br />

been: found guilty on the same Roberts of the Farms polic!' and Also the new contract covel'SIJ~dge VIctor N. Debaeke fined<br />

charge. All three. boys 'have ~en ~scapi!d betweell houses on MOld-a three year' period whereas it hill; ~25! plus CC;'st of $5 for<br />

placed on probatIon. • 150nroad. h d 'b f I ' to speedmg and a like amount t{Jr<br />

. a een ormer y a year- • disorderly conduct. .<br />

year arrangement,<br />

Labadie FiguresHe!s World's Pointers Participating<br />

,Luckiest. Sergeant ,of .'Police' JnMessiah Pr~ent.tion<br />

Ruth Rauth and Richard<br />

I black Russian broadtail coat: ; •••••..••• : •••. $1995<br />

" black Russian broadtail jacket ..••..••••.•• '•. ,$! 495<br />

I Samali Leopard coat ' , : $1950<br />

Natural otter coats .•••••• " ••••• ,', ••• , •••••. $1195<br />

Park Equipment<br />

Reported $tolen<br />

Serg!. Elm~r, Labadie. of the<br />

, Farms Police Department would be paUin'g himself on' the back<br />

if he could reach that far, He<br />

'Why.'can't Elrrief pat hitrise;r '~a!met;0:f Grosse Pointe will par- Ormond Winnie ot 932 Weston't'h'<br />

e 'b'ack? I't s '1" Ike '. th15 lIe - [ '!lclpatet t' m thef elevenlh th M annual . h t chester, an_employe of the ,Park's<br />

• . , , presen a Jon 0 e ,essla 0 highway department, re!lorted to<br />

spi!nt,,se,vera,l'w"eeks on"the p,lan- ,be giV,en Friday evening" Decem- the poli~e'that a Sta,ndard City<br />

tation of a friend near Thomas- her 13. under the sponsnrship ot Sewer machine and cleaning .outhas<br />

himself figured, as just about ton, Ga. The visit was ~hiefly ,Western Michigan College, !he fit and' a Briggs and Stratton<br />

the luckie~t man in the world.<br />

. "<br />

Elmer has, J'us. t returne.d ,to ,the<br />

Poil1te after spending his vacadedicated<br />

10 the idea, Qf losing ch.orus ot ~ore than. sqO vOlC.esgasolil\e' mo.tor and rod line pullweight.<br />

,Elmer rose before, dawn WIll. be asSisted by four artist er. property 'of Grosse Pointe<br />

I t d h t f 45<br />

and spent 12 hours daily doing so Ol.~.s, an an orc es ra:o Park. ha.d beel? stolen from the<br />

heavy ,w.ark intl1e fields. , 'mUSICIans. " _ alley between Beaconsfield. and<br />

tion, in the south. Last ThurSday The day he' left he got ,on the Miss,Rauth will be.a member Nottingham some: time between<br />

afte,m~~ he attempted to check scales and found he had gained of the choirano Mr. Palmer will 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock p.m, on<br />

into the Wine~o!f ,Hotei in At-<br />

.' ' d<br />

Ijlnta, Ga" where he had staye,<br />

on his way to Florida. He intended'<br />

to spi!rid .four or five days<br />

there) but was turned down be-'<br />

ca~e there wasn't a room. avail.<br />

able. '. " ,<br />

Disgruntled, he headed north:<br />

Sllturday he ,heard ttie radio reports<br />

and read the papers !\~ut<br />

the fir,e that. had taken the lives<br />

0!.120 gues~ in the. Winecoff.<br />

nine. pounds, He bllinies it on be,a melriberof.the orches,tra, Friday the' 6th of December.<br />

those fresh-roasled pecans his , " , .,' The outfit was pretty iteavy but<br />

~ostess placed beside hiS c)lair The highest ability is responsi- the policesaid.co~ld be lifted by<br />

I~ f;ont of the fireplace every I bility-:responding with all your a couple' of men. into a car. The<br />

mgh.. ,ability to every need. value or the equipment was $697.<br />

'FamouS<br />


SLAX SOX'<br />

• RED<br />

• YELLOW'<br />

~ BROWN<br />

• MAROON<br />

.' BLUES.<br />

In Voting Booth Fire Case<br />


Communicable diseases' have<br />

~en ''dropping to a .low point<br />

in Grosse Pointe' in recent<br />

months. The November ,":,eport<br />

for the whole Township and City<br />

combined shows only 4 cases of<br />

Chicken pox, one of Measles,. ot}e<br />

of Vincent.s Angiv.\I,one,of Rheumalic<br />

Fever, three of Scarlet<br />

Fever and two of Whooping<br />

Cough. But there were 10 of<br />

Dogilis. Biling dogs are I still<br />

,.active.<br />

..."...C1(I(•• " ..... c... --- .... ~c... IC.1<br />

~a~<br />

'.•.., '. ~<br />

f.;'. _i;'-' • " i<br />

'~GiveYour Honey I<br />

~ockS ApPeal I.<br />

c': wit~ the Greatest<br />

{ Ncime";nHosiery<br />

\ "llij""OQJI'"<br />

\ .-•.• -1.<br />

And '$1.00<br />


I<br />

THE lEST<br />

It's HHiller's" ,<br />

Il' ,For Interwoven<br />

I '<br />

i .n~ AM the<br />

e ~rei.t ~.me~<br />

Iin Men s WNr<br />

I I,<br />

'II'<br />

Il'<br />

J.<br />

'II,<br />

'J ..<br />

W'<br />

JI'<br />

.-<br />

'II<br />

W<br />

i<br />

1J'<br />

I<br />

i<br />

!<br />

"<br />

I<br />

w:<br />

"<br />

';; r:.' c,<br />

I<br />

i<br />

II<br />

i<br />

iIf.<br />

:<br />

I<br />

f<br />

i<br />

iJ<br />

i<br />

•• II<br />

=!<br />

,,:<br />

J<br />

j..<br />

YO~T ~~:R;~ESpay' :1<br />

.. i<br />

U II<br />

, · ~11Jllih.<br />

;Fratti."!<br />

or;gitlilJty<br />

,Fromm~notur/l' .ilvet sable mink COllt•••.•••••... $9500<br />

Naturtil wild mink cClat ••• ; ••• , ••••••••••••• , . $5200<br />

Naturo! wild mink coat, ., .'. ; ••••••••• , ••• _.: . $4950<br />

Fmmn;l naf,J rllI rMchmjnk coats, ~: ••••••••••••. $5000<br />

Mutotion mink cape jacket •••. ~.•• : •••••••••• ::$4995<br />

Frqmm blue frost mink cape stofe, •..••••••••.. $2925<br />

.Fromm notural rMch mink jackets .••••.••••.•.. $2500<br />

Fromm notural ranch mink cape ••••••.•••••••• ,$2295'<br />

Arctic mink cope •••..••••• : ••••••••••••• ! •. $,3750<br />

Naturo! wild mink stole cape .•••••••.••• , •••.. $3950<br />

Noturol wild mink stole : $2950<br />

Sheared' Canadian beaver coats.; ~ .'. $ J 295<br />

Sheareq Canadian beaver coats ..•••••••••••••. $ 995<br />

Matara dyed seal coat, , : •..••.•••. , .••.••... $! 695<br />

Matara dyed. seal coats .. , • , • , •..••••••••.... $ '495<br />

Safari dyed seal coats., ••••••••• ' : $1495<br />

or;g;"..,ll}'<br />

6 Americarl Broadtail coats .•••..••. $495<br />

I Sheared Roccoon COClt.•••••.••• , . $595<br />

4 BiClCKPersian PIIW «olin .•••....••. $375<br />

-4 Blec'f Persion pew coah ••••••••••• $295<br />

SALE<br />

PRICE<br />

$6000<br />

$3945<br />

$3750<br />

$3250.<br />

$3750<br />

$1945<br />

$1845<br />

$1645<br />

$2495<br />

$2445<br />

$1645<br />

$ 945 ..<br />

$ 745<br />

$ 975<br />

$.975<br />

$ 975<br />

$1445<br />

$ 945<br />

$1345<br />

$745<br />

o<br />

.'<br />



... " " ,.,. .;,. ,..<br />


In City Police Court Dec. t,<br />

Judge Uvick 'fined Clarence H.<br />

Doetsch of 12242 Corbett. $10 and<br />

$5 for reckless drivinr. George<br />

Tucker, of 1044 Alter, up for the<br />

same charge, was found not<br />

guilty. '<br />

Dry cleaning. lIoIld the<br />

repressing of garments<br />

•••• making them simply'<br />

gorgeous • • • '0 that<br />

even the cas u ale y l!<br />

recognizes the 5 u per b<br />

finish •.• tha['s SqWlre<br />

Deal's ,repu[ation.<br />

Square'Deal<br />


152" Gro:!$& CHA Pointe .... VOIX[.m~ , '<br />

LE.4225<br />




",' .......... ~.... , ..'.. .-'... '<br />

.. ~,"_ .. ~, '..<br />

Grey Persilln Jemb coots : •••.. $1195<br />

Grey Persian lamb coats ,$ 89S'<br />

Silver b!Lle blended muskrat coats ..••• , •••••• : , $ 41 S<br />

Honey beige blended muskrat COlltS.••••.•••••. $ '4,15<br />

Mi~k blended muskrat coots .•••.. : ••.••. ' ~••••. $ 4 r 5<br />

Mink blended muskrat coats ...•..••..•••.•••.. $ 450<br />

Let-out Mink blended muskrat coats ..•.• , ••••. ,$ 695<br />

Let-out mutation blend muskrat coat ... , ....... $ 950<br />

Beaver dyed oposwm couts .••.•... $595<br />

+ tipped opossum coots •• , •• , •••••. $395<br />

+ mink pew cqats , $950<br />

4 min~ chevron CQets •••••• " •••••• $950<br />

Min~ gitlll'Ollt ••••••••• , •••••••••. $795<br />

SALE<br />

PRICE<br />

$445<br />

$29S<br />

$745<br />

$745<br />

$645<br />

- ..... ',"" ..... :.... ". . "':"';.,--','"<br />

Page Thr" "<br />

....,.........<br />

'MADE-.<br />

- ' ..' ~",.. '..<br />


..._-- ~,l\Ilo4.'W._'1<br />

... __ crEST,<br />

WIU J• ..,;.clan,<br />

:J.<br />

,.roof, cf!Al~proaf ..<br />

h.. ~roof ..: ':<br />

,... -.- .<br />

~~.d~,.,...<br />

_ ....~~.<br />

$ 845<br />

$ 595<br />

$ 345<br />

$ 345<br />

$ 345<br />

$ 365<br />

$ 575<br />

$.745<br />

" .<br />

..... ,'<br />

'.'<br />

SALE' ~<br />

DeLeo originel b'ac~ Persian eOllt, •••••••••.•. :1~:'_._.,>P;4~':':/::'~;'~;:7~1<br />

Deleo original b'ackPe~sia;' coats , ••• , •• , ••• $1'795'$1345 I<br />

Black Persion lamb coat $1595 'i_1<br />

Black Persian 10mb coots with minHr.ims ;;$1495 $ _ '" I<br />

Bleck Pe;sian' lemb coat, ... ,.: •• ~:•••••••.• J, ;'~::>.$'1;4.95 •.• :\ .~ I<br />

BIClck Persianl

'-r-<br />

Do Your<br />

, .<br />


G new perfume<br />

CROWN<br />

0,.. It to 1. Dan,<br />

GIn. ",,;'tUuIlT Wrapped<br />


~:';'~",i:-;'-;;~ ',; .<br />

...c', -- ••:.,.,#o',~"", 1-"-\ ~- 4._ _ • ...::.. ' "' ' .. .,.. # '.:""" ......• 'w .. ...... J ... '" • , , .. ..<br />

Touted ._mllt II' III. loa!tAlet<br />

'SmOkers'<br />

Aeeessori ..<br />

f"r Ih.<br />

lele_1 Christmas<br />

" Gifts<br />

lpedaJ ~ •• "r k. CteUll<br />

:Grosse Pointe Drug<br />

Kerchev.l.t St, CI,,'ir<br />

peUverlea Untll • P.M. m. 4827<br />

&illlUluJ . Hand Stltche

I -. ~-_ •.~_., .- .•(1)-, •.. -- .. ~ IIIII~ ~ •. ~.. ~..•.. 11I ~~~ .._~,.~ ~ -<br />

-<br />

.' i<br />

1.<br />

~<br />

..,<br />

, ... Slx<br />

. DOLORES<br />

17 Je"';els, 1...-kt, gold<br />

'ii9.50<br />

. Charge itf Pay Feb. lOth, 19H •<br />


21 Jewels<br />

'57.50<br />

D;,!I",.hkod .... "'"' It<br />

.h. "hc.-ncY Group'"<br />

.Extended Payments No Carrying Charges<br />


ent<br />

and KENT'S is the store you'll ("<br />

find a veritable gift haven<br />

'Bul.n.itel ••• il. 'tll. (•• ily elrcle at<br />

Cllrbt ••• -ti••• It', .a A •• rica. traditio .. to<br />

fulfil! ~helr fondut drea., willi ~ea~tifuf<br />

~OT~, far.fa.ed f.r I1Iperl.ti~.tl.e.'<br />

~ee,iDI'Ileaene a place oa ynr f•• il,.<br />

tree for these welcome lue.ts1<br />

. JANET<br />

17 Jewels<br />

'29.15<br />




•12ft."<br />


1f8.85 ..... ,<br />

jewelry company<br />

13933 EAST JEFFERSON, Corner Eastlawn<br />

LEnox 6467 LEnox 6466<br />

6' k 0 5 S i ..0 I N T l N I W S<br />

DIANA<br />

17 Jewel,<br />

"37.~O<br />


• Parker "51", from $12.50<br />

• ev.rsh.rp CA<br />

. • Sch•• ff.r Stretowriter<br />

• Nerma 14 colen)<br />

• CrOll {LHcf... l 00 ~.rsl<br />

•<br />

CONRAD .<br />

17Jewels /'<br />

'42.30<br />


. 21 Jewel.<br />

'71.50<br />

, ".-"'Of .....OW __<br />

....... ~~'!<br />

Thursd.y.,<br />

,<br />

Dece,!\~r 12, 1946<br />


17 Jew.l. ,<br />

'42.GO'<br />

AUDREY<br />

17 Jewels, 2 Diamonds,<br />

14.kt. gold expdn~ion<br />

bracelet<br />

11173.00<br />

_)krAnlJ Sit~r ~/t Ware .• :J)l't1jj~rSeb<br />

Cit.,..tte lighters-A" i.he F.mous Make.<br />

l.Hiec' BiltfoWs Men's W.llets<br />

~', Acet ... ""<br />


...... ,.<br />

m.<br />

1lJlht<br />

Thla<br />

Read,. to be<br />

put In ,.our<br />

roaster<br />

DOBBS HATS $7.50 to $20<br />

SMOKE'D<br />

TU RK.EY<br />

lmmedi~te<br />

CALL:<br />

De llelolli,<br />

beautlfull,. dOG.<br />

ilU'ke,. •.<br />

Del i V e r i e: s<br />

.ith., leplHltely er in sets ••• pure woolen!,. angor"s,<br />

SI;,...., 1.10Ie IUS<br />

.. shmera weic;ht. ••• ill pal. 'a~ deep colors.<br />

\<br />

Mothers' C{ub's ChristmaS.<br />

Tea Draws Minty to School<br />

. .<br />

The annual Christmu Tea wa.<br />

lliYln by the Mothers'.C1l1b of the<br />

Grosse Pointe High School last<br />

ThlU'SdllY. Oec. 5.. H;onoring the<br />

fOWlder, Mrs. J. M. FIiChs, and<br />

the past presidents, Mrs. W. F.<br />

Mohrolf. Mrs. -Fred Harding, Mrs.<br />

W. Eo Nellmeyer, Mrs. Claude<br />

Hayward, Mrs. Herman Deuster,.<br />

Mrs. Catherine Waddell •. Mrs .<br />

Chas. Ellis. Mrs. J. C, Danforth,<br />

Mrs. J. Sidney Hei!. and Mrs. E.<br />

F. Gehrig, the tea was a tribute<br />

to the work of the Mothers' Club.<br />

Leaders in the arrangements<br />

were Mrs. Leon jacobi, presidel\t;<br />

Mrs. Andrew Fo\llds. program<br />

chalrmaniMn. H •• :Iohnson and<br />

Mrs. Hurst Montee, hospitality<br />

l!hair.-, aDd Mrs. Harold $.<br />

Dam, _la! chairman.<br />

TbellCeneot the tea, the aehool<br />

cafeteria, was brightly decorated<br />

withAr .prays and colored balls<br />

in the, windows and nine red candleaon.<br />

each .Ideof the cheery<br />

burJlinc fi!.'1! in the fireplace •<br />

• '}'o one .Ide ot the fireplace was<br />

assembled the Grosse Pointe High<br />

School Ensemble, composed of Ellen'<br />

Jane Worley, Helen Schultz,<br />

AUce . Corey, ,Judith Lyndrup,<br />

J'ean Core)'. Harriet Cotton, Barbara<br />

Coulter, Ken Christenson.<br />

Ann' PalI1\er, JoluiTitus, Martha<br />

Fischer, Paul Te~bruigen, Milton<br />

Setzer, Elaine Severin; Dorh Duncan<br />

'and Sheila ,MCComb: Direct.<br />

ed by J;lewey D.,' Kalember,the<br />

strinciroup'otreted many selec~<br />

tiODS for, the background' musk<br />

Marion Blackmore a15oentertained<br />

with "Ave Maria," accompanied<br />

by Doug Krieger.<br />

, Atth. ca~dle-Iightedcoftee tapIe.<br />

Mrs, M. M: Schaeffer, Mis.<br />

Walter, R. Cleminson, Mrs. Paul<br />

L. Esser!, and Mrs. F, Flom<br />

pOured;.' Responsible for the eK.<br />

~lIent refreshments were Mrs.<br />

Oavili, chaIrman .of the social<br />

l!ommiltee, and Mrs.; W. ROd,ers,<br />

Mri, 1\ Willson, Mh!. E, BaUman,<br />

Mri. C. Sharrer, Mrl.>J..Lamb,<br />

Mr'.R 'Cotton; 'Mn,.:O.' Mann,<br />

Mri J.~alcs. and Mrs. C.B.<br />

Swlli:, ,<br />

Auiatini the mothers were six<br />

llA ,irlil,'J3utfy Wicking, Joyce<br />

Schmidt, • Shirley Davis, Janet<br />

Ec~~ld.Nancy Hodges, andNan~<br />

!lYBOa1fs.'The girls in the home-<br />

.ftllijWll end.:f'JOds classes under<br />

t~.~~!r..ection of Mrs. Uora Ann ,<br />

. Careigens US to }...,S<br />

7 to 9:30, P. M.<br />

,<br />

~'. ~", ~,- .. . "..... '. • .. '. . i ~.<br />

,<br />

/<br />

eROSSi "OINT' NEW.S<br />

Blair and Miss CarolinePostiff<br />

made the sandwil!hes.<br />

The purpose of the Mothers'<br />

Club is to benefit the students of<br />

the 'Grosse Pointe High School,<br />

socially and financially, and to In.<br />

terest the mothers of the commlmity<br />

a~d teachers of the G; P.<br />

H. S. in the club work. Since<br />

1931, when the first scholarship!<br />

were awarded, a total of $12,450<br />

has been awarded to 62 graduates.<br />

Also the Mothers' Club has gl\'en<br />

the money for the choir robes of<br />

the. students and: contributed in<br />

other ways to the progress of the<br />

scl\ool.<br />


The bread earned by the s.veat<br />

of the brow is thrice blessed<br />

bread, and it is far sweeter lhan<br />

the tasteleS5 loaf of idleness.<br />

-(Crowquill)<br />

llbove: ~othing quite equ"ls the chic. of this<br />

, 2.piece crepe with f"ille yoke e,nd peplum •• ,<br />

II Ben Reig oricji~~1••• bleck only ••• sizes<br />

10.to 16 , 98.00<br />

Dress Shop'<br />

r:ght: let this su;t of choice gllbllrdine sweep<br />

you into the HolidllY meed ••• in blec~ or<br />

whit. wir. .... site 10 kI 1a ., .... ,. 65.00<br />

Suit Shop'<br />

) .<br />


If you Ire planninl to UH Ii<br />

double edged rlZor blade for rip'<br />

ping seams, and find It hard to<br />

handle without cut finll~rs. use<br />

the striking end of a pa~r match<br />

book. The razor blade is easily<br />

held in place with cellulOie ta~.<br />

000 FACT<br />

The modern America dOll bill,<br />

for prepared lood. averages $8.00<br />

a year. which means .that Americans<br />

are spending more than<br />

$100,000,000 a year. lor do, lood.<br />

Men'. Night<br />

Mon., Dec. 16th<br />

, .<br />

7 to 9:30 P. M.<br />

...;. .. '"' ".<br />

,.:.~<br />

, .~

,!,_':' . .-.- ... -<br />

mar,.. DIary.<br />

Pinely /ai/orea leisure ;"duls<br />

••• "l/woal g"b,mUtle, u'il"<br />

~. ....;' - .... - .'. .,,full<br />

U"ing of Jop grtUie t'tq()n.<br />

Thrrte .t'oomy paich porlteJs,<br />

4...ill el rom e arressory lor<br />

,:uulll j'elll'. In beige only,<br />

$35<br />

OJhflf' G"b"t'Ji"e ]"rietr up<br />

10 $4'.<br />

ColQf's: . I1fige, bl"e'<br />

liter 36' 10 44.<br />

..<br />

11. 1<br />

:-;I'<br />


.'<br />

TI1urSclay, December '12, '1946.<br />

Wells~Caulkins Wedding Dec. 28<br />

When 'Jack Caulkms tliesin the ~aid, of hOl)or. Jack's two<br />

from New Haven on Dec. 19 he little pieces will be the tlower<br />

will be greeted not only by his girls. They are Wendy Lamb and<br />

parents, Mr. and Mr.;. George P. M M N h L b f<br />

CaiJlkiiu, but also by his tlancee, aff c ~ug Ion am, 0 Mt<br />

Patricia Wells. She will arrive Vernon, Ollio.<br />

that same day from Bay City to Jack has asked his brother,<br />

spend a few days with the C::,.!. George P. Caulkins. Jr., fa be his<br />

killll lanilly in their home on Ri- best man. The ushers will be<br />

vard boulevard. another brother, Henry Caulkins;<br />

Pat, who is the d"ulhter of Rex McNaughton Lamb, Jr.,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wells, Ralph Caulkins, Pat's brolhers,<br />

of Bay City, and Jack will be Charle$. and William P. Wells;<br />

married in Trinity Episcopal WiUiam Clay Ford, Wendell W.<br />

Church in Bay City on Saturday Anderson. Jr., and Henry Finafternoon,<br />

Dec. 28. The reception kenslaeQl, Jr.<br />

will be held in the Bay City Followin, their mnria,e, Pat<br />

Country Club. and Jack are planning to m.ke<br />

HerslJter.ln-]aw, Mrs. Charles their home in Milford, Conn.<br />

Weill, will, be Pat's matron of (where Jilck has found a house!),<br />

hono'r. Christine Caulkins will be . until he IInishes at Yale.<br />

OLD SOU~TH<br />

TOilETRIES<br />

Lovely !oucnic$ io pOlccuilt chill& 'Ita 'jt.ss rcplku of<br />

plicc!m' Old, SoUl!: lllti'lun-ilt r.iIlol.lJ Old Soullt.<br />

flljr'ow thh ~mio,IJ hit (or,vtr.<br />

T'ulJ illll'itcti ,ifIS (0(<br />

the pm 011 who "h ..<br />

tv~thill':: '<br />

Grosse Pointe Drug<br />

..\ K.r~hev.1.t-$t, Cltir-"';,~-, .<br />

"<br />

Delivlritll Until. P.M.<br />

-'" :". ' .. ~ , .\<br />

November Bride '<br />

;"MRS.<br />

.• '.:}, T '.;<br />

" ..I •..,<br />

/" /i ,\I., ..,;.;<br />

GERALDS. i'OUCliEY,<br />

the former Mary Elizabeth Me-<br />

Robert McCallum, 1065 Marylanq<br />

aVl!nue, was married on November<br />

30 in st. ROle Church to the<br />

son of Mr. Ind Mrs. John Fouchey •.<br />

680 51. .Jean. .;.. reception was<br />

held after the weddin, in the<br />

home of the pride's parenla.<br />

AAVW Planning<br />

Benefit Concert<br />

. ,Aberlel\\' 'concert will belpansored<br />

by the metropolilan branchesof<br />

the American Association<br />

of, University. ,Women Tueliday<br />

evenin,;.Dece~ber 17 atMu'~ic<br />

H~li"':I'he performing .~llst will<br />

be ~o~ Fleisher, eighteen.yearold'<br />

pianbt, 'one of th~ nation's<br />

.outstamjiilg.' young 'musicians.<br />

, ~.Proceed5 from the concert will<br />

'," " ~~~e'd for the ti.vin t:lrojects.<br />

sponlorlng schools indeval~.ted<br />

0/<br />

,!<br />

.' .I,eas hi ~uropc and<br />

~riternationa1 study'<br />

IIslstinc<br />

. ,rants<br />

in<br />

to<br />

foreign studenls who . wish to<br />

study in the United<br />

~'raI\ches ..as. a unit<br />

Slates. The<br />

have adopted<br />

a school in Vitre, France, while<br />

. '. Individual br,inches have schoch<br />

\' \ .i~ F#~~e. ;Be1gfum, Holland and<br />

Norwaylinder the Save the Chil-<br />

.drenFedera1ion<br />

•' Mrs:: Tiylor<br />

plan .<br />

. H. Seeber of<br />

GI'osse:Pointe is' lleneral chairrtlan<br />

of th~ ,ev(!nl, "assisted 1»'<br />

branch chaIrmen. Mrs.<br />

,IR Beardslei! is chairinan<br />

Kenneth<br />

of ticket<br />

sales for the Grosse Pointe<br />

Brlnch. Telephone TU 2-8523 lor<br />

reserva lions.<br />

PICkED IN ftAtHlNG ,<br />

- -, RlchardM .. Flana'ln, 17, .lon"<br />

of DanlelJ. lllnl,an of 77S<br />

NI.4827 Trombley road, GrOll1! Pointe<br />

P.tk, ha. been ."1ected fot.tram-<br />

'ih•. In' iheN~val Rl!HrV! Ol!lclr<br />

Training Corps It the Unlvenity<br />

of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.<br />


•••<br />

Yes, strange as it may seem, these and thouHnds of other<br />

beautiful gifts designed exclusively for the laaiM win be<br />

ivailable to MEN ONL 'fat ourstOf. Monday E.... ni~g<br />

,. .' . - ~.,<br />

Deeember 16tIl. Com, in and'selec:t. gift for ';<br />

your spec:iel someone: .<br />


PIN<br />

$40.00<br />


~33.9'<br />


Set<br />

PEARLS<br />

t.12O.00<br />

'.<br />

Lady's Mathey<br />


WATCH<br />

ChaTlre Acci>unts<br />

Available<br />

$260.00<br />

17047 Kerc:h.v.l, Gross! Point.<br />

:<br />

POINTE<br />

NEW S<br />

: :- .<br />

"<br />

, • , make h.r gifts {.mlnin. this yeer • i •• n sp.r~linCjl<br />

.and pretty, • , f1ettlring lind useful. We're .h.owin~ _.'f.w<br />

prizi idlel here , ,. lInd ~ dozens lInd dozens' more •••<br />

• Il waitIng to help yo~ fill thoslI pr.tty ;todings th!!t w.i11 be<br />

hung on Chri5tmu fy.,<br />

~. H~INlHf'-Ul;l- IfJII" f/H1Il,...,./ h" .<br />

,"Cl$ltmer', "He ctIllrllM,ltJlMie, ~"'tU:ti:lIHrI,'<br />

g .lliKiUo" .. f,..lwJcr • , ; SIJtndtUr-itl,<br />

~t,'I~tJ '"Jo , 7.95 to 55,<br />

PI"" J'lt4. :ru.<br />

h. Gl~~er~the J,.",ru, thecfJrt':wu ;",plwtMUe ,of<br />

fiN kiUhn- glo£'er ,', , tloerlli",. iiI/, pipit;" "'<br />

1UIIWM, i~lt, iwoWfJ, "'Y, WIlY, U!Hu',whit.<br />

, , • rnm iJ .. wiJ. 'ollfrtirHi ......2.00to 8.95<br />

c. SCM/I-,wooleru, fnIr' rillu, "ylrm _ ,..~ ' ••<br />

• Il.ovn- desig,tT, sequi" "i",,,,,tl or rolirir •••<br />

tllwlI}'s ." IIccepttlble gift ,..•1.50 to 18.~S<br />

J. H..aimchk/s-sb,,,. !/rHfI fW'"1f • , , lovely<br />

white Mtlderitl .nd pelti.po;"t ••. tri",med witb<br />

ji"e lilce... broidered, corded .rut h"tul rolled<br />

•• , boxed ttJyo",. i'"llvidtlld t#!te........5OCto 2.50<br />

t. U",breIUs-i,."jlo" 0" r"yoll J"lni,r , , • rolid<br />

,olorr ••• "10,11 rw flUid designs. : . rrnru with<br />

pilSllifJ rw ,olw. 'tJS,r • , •• jlrlUtic.l gif,<br />

5.00 to 25.00<br />

f. B,l's-I,.,bn- or mtl"l ••• orrum;.e"ltJ witb Nil<br />

h,M/" ,hlt/"i", ,!Juts, 1014 or si/r,/W<br />

, 2.50 to 12.95<br />

.... g.<br />

J,wtlr~'-O"r ,olluilo" j,,,lud#s wllll,h,s, /w.,,.<br />

/m, pifl.S, iru,ltltlces, urri"g. , , ,II1111ylHlfJ ,hlJ<br />

setlfom If"". 10,. :glitler and t~,., TOll, tnW<br />

IISsorlwu"Joj ,ompa,ts.ls r""'~uU,,,,,,,,,.to~.OO<br />

, • , Pllll ".... ,. all<br />

h~ Perfumer and (;olognes-f(Jf' the Wi .fiMpI'o<br />

c"ble tlUlI tMtl" toucb of the grail(/. ...... , _,<br />

of 0",. f."'qus p,rfumer or colog""" 'il lfir,<br />

.thi",.. ""It"t,d t.,,)' rpecially fo,. tlt,e",",.",.,<br />

gif,lMI l.SO to 30.00<br />

Phil rid. Tax<br />

I<br />

Open Friday Evening$ Until Christmas!<br />

~.<br />

i<br />

•<br />

A Memo to Ail Men: 1:<br />

Pl~n now to do your shopping next Monday night, Dee. 16th.<br />

from 7 to 9:30 P.M. This night has been set lIside for Men<br />

exclusively. so that they might shop in comf6~,<br />

\<br />

;<br />

"','<br />

~.<br />

z-.l ,t<br />

I<br />

~<br />

,11'-'<br />

II I<br />

~..-t~~<br />

Q~<br />

J(l;~<br />

'\~;:<br />

q,~<br />

> ~I-<br />

,u'"<br />

.!l ~~,<br />

4.fs.<br />

,~!.i'<br />

~L •<br />

li<br />

j<br />

'I JII<br />

II I,<br />

;<br />

!<br />

!<br />

1<br />

iI<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I,<br />

I,<br />

I<br />

iI j<br />

:<br />

I,1.<br />

Ii<br />

.I<br />

t 1II<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I1 i<br />


,.~,~'. _.<br />

News<br />

Sbciety<br />

From ,Another Pointe<br />

. '"of View<br />

by<br />

Jane Schermerhorn<br />

H'II be a pretty magic Christmas. , •<br />

. - For Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rohde (Ginny RlIhllut) ••• who<br />

have just moved into their new home (DESIGNED. BUILT and<br />

MOVED INTO this yeer of the housing shortage, building material<br />

shortage etc. of 1946) on Hampton riled ••• and wno~J be spend.<br />

ing !-heir very lint Christm/ls there •••<br />

We've been heering all manner of glamorous reports of Ihe<br />

home which is done in blue interior with heavenly complementing<br />

tones .••<br />

J;ut enother feafure everyone has simply raved about nn<br />

to do with the garllge, of ell Ihingsl •••<br />


We're just an old fashioned girl ••• and we can remeinber<br />

when it was sophisticated humor in a movie for the heroine to<br />

deb 1I bit cf vanilill on herself to catch her beau. . . ,<br />

So 1'0'3 don't feel 100 badly for bring mystified over thllt<br />

garage • . • . .<br />

. It seems the Rohdes merely h.ve to push • button on the<br />

""-doshbollrd of their molor cllrs ••• oIIndtheir garollge doors open<br />

'and shut •• '. '<br />

-•. We've .90ne over this carefully .•• it isn't thoJt electric eye<br />

iarrangement which makes II dcor open when ycu approach it •••<br />

. It's magic and witchcraft as fllr as we're concerned .••<br />

but a wonderful conversation piece for a new home ..• and ..<br />

startling indication of what to expect in the post war world. , •<br />


We haven't I doubt in the world that the Buck Roger doors<br />

:will be a source pI great interest 4! the luncheon which Mrs.<br />

;RohOil 1S- giving next Tuesday , , , (her first party in her new<br />

home)'.;.'; . -; -<br />

, For bride-elect Jane Burnettef Hamilton.road (daughter of<br />

. the late Mr. and MrJ. Harry Burn,tt) who will mllrry Louis Baker,<br />

Icn of Mr, and Mrs. Panon,Mendelssohn ••• December 21 •• ~<br />


i .'.t-~OI1g th,'. guests who have been invited to the lunchecn<br />

" ... (it'll also be _miscelianBous shower) ';9: .<br />

: J ..~~', sister, Mrs. C.rltcn Knight {who's to be her

.- -~---," •• -,,--_ .. \:-_, ~ .. _!"":-:- _ .. , _ , ,~,-~':III,i~,.~, ~III'~,~, ,lilt , ~Q,III_.~" _III,e~.IIIQIIIIIIII!!~CII$ I4i!IIII!I._I$I$" CIIl',.. I,III ) :.. : ••••• _.: •• i.' .<br />

ft:., ''';' ,.~ aU ....__ :.. 1ier 12 ' 1946<br />

I~l ~'" ~ " '.<br />

Woman's. Page<br />

Pre-Nuptial P~rti,es GCirdeners Hold<br />

- . , Candleligh~ Tea-<br />

F"e-te Ba-rba'r' a B.ailey Mra. Alvan Macauley's panelled<br />

, drawin, room with its deep wine<br />

----~~---- draperies and dark wood made a<br />

Her Wecldi!'9 to LOu .Alin Milton Schedul,ed for ClIeember beautiful' back.round for, the<br />

28 in'Grosse Pointe Memorial Church: 'carolling of 'the Christ Church<br />

«_llf!J>C4t.J "'\\<br />

loa MADISON 4VE.<br />

.'<br />

kO'Wi'h'OIl<br />

"<br />

•<br />

•<br />

!4.ry Chess pour~ her ~amou! flower<br />

acent. ,into lacy llttle sachet plllow.<br />

I'<br />

that are lovely to glve.A single<br />

•<br />

p111ow. 3,00; quilted set of 3, 13.50.<br />

'In a aamut ot fragrances from whlch<br />

to choose. Prlces plus federal tax.<br />

~~qeUc. Gifts., Street rloor.:<br />



by, of and for<br />

Presidents and. Founder of Mothers' Club<br />

Yacht Club R.,caption . , choir boy. in their wine-colored<br />

lobel when the Grosse Pointe<br />

., Mr. ,and Mrs: Vinal I. Bailey of Hillcrest road,willprac- Farm and Garden Assodationhad<br />

tically have to consult their daughter Barbara's calendar its an,nual Candlelight Christmas<br />

the~ next few weeks in order to see her between the m'1ny tea Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock.<br />

, 1 \._' 1 _.I Sh '11 be Mrs. Frank W. Goldie, in charge<br />

pre.n.uptia parties which are =mg p ann~. e WI c?me of the. musical program, invited<br />

the bride of Lou Alin Maxon on Dec. 28 at Grosse Pomte the boys to sing some of their<br />

Memorial Church. ChristmQs mWiic, which they did<br />

Barbara wa~ ,the _honor cuest

¥l,<br />

, .<br />

:'.'Tftlw<br />

ffJ~nte<br />

..............<br />

,Counter Points<br />

Nazi Confuser Works on Hens<br />

I .<br />

r' CoofUsing chickens ir.stead of determined time intervals, there-<br />

Nazi! is th,.' peacetime job of by causing interference with<br />

an ingenioUS timing device which ground-to,air and plane,to,plane<br />

was employed dur}ng the war to communication. T his "radio<br />

scramble enemy radio communi- scrambling bomb" was dropped<br />

cations. by plane in enemy territory by<br />

Approximately 6,000 of these means of a parachute.<br />

devices are-l'iow on farms in the I WAA was confronted with the<br />

midwest, making hens Increase problem of finding a peacetime<br />

their winter 'Working. hours. use for the clock~d a buyer<br />

. -when a Kansas City man came<br />

. It aU ean;e. abo~t when W~r up with the idea of using them<br />

Assets. AdministratIon found It. to turn on hen house lights sevself<br />

WIth a lar,e s':!J).ply of Fer. era! hours lx>fore sunrise and<br />

recourt clocks. ongmallr ~sed keeping them burning Until late<br />

as a .part of a commUnlcahonS in the winter evenings. It has<br />

. jammmg unit. been found that win'lr egg pro-<br />

Thilclock, • simple key,wound duction can be kept nearly on a<br />

.,~'njllTTJ, operated electrical par with that of rummer by luch<br />

. ~tectI whieh were set tor pre. method ..<br />

Bentiful<br />

JJail' 2J"'S6ing<br />

..<br />

WALTERS'<br />

Mariti. Ann<br />

Beauty Salon<br />

11326 EAST WAIl.EN<br />

Bet...- e-mUe IJlI T1arft II(lleDr•<br />

n......<br />

"'. ~<br />

(2; R 0 S S f 'r O'J.N T E<br />

Pointer of Interest<br />

NEW S<br />

OIlPah\ted, photo, a rmut: 11ft!<br />

. cau LEnox 3518 '<br />

APJiol"tmonls atl"clal heun<br />

".', PUttITa~C Stlllie<br />

.14m.1 CharlevoIX. at Alhland<br />

w.o. where •• d wh.~O"<br />

By WbHzH<br />


MRS .• HAROLD. BAKER, looks very smart and. very<br />

pr.tty in tqat wine and blue checked woolen costume'sheis<br />

appearing in these fall days. 'I'he little tailored.hat of the same<br />

material is a gvod top note.<br />

,<br />

by OUVE H. LARNED C,rroly" White - WIU S,11I ~. recl1Il We44;"g 11_'1 b'c01lfi"gly<br />

.R,_fleet<br />

Your<br />

Good Teste<br />

'With A<br />

True VisiOfl<br />

Mirror<br />

~ITY<br />

~<br />

enria/mas<br />



A L.o!Isting and Appretiated Gift<br />

G'L'A,SS<br />

1/800 Kerdl ......1<br />

Lenox ~<br />

H"liil4] 510;' HOJlrs,-9:15 ,. 6:00lifOJl"lIJs IhrfJlIl" S.llIril"Js.<br />

I<br />

- -<br />

.Do }iou klWW Wbt;1 ben,me of tbose little minlu that were 0fI g",bed i" II bl",. cre~ dress ,witb" wbicb she wore II t"'>, K.~e<br />

1M wilUkw of "FURS BY ROBERT" before the open~ng? Now, Gree1f.4w"y bO"fUt adON"'} witb Jittle asmch plume,.<br />

tbey're i" the wituiow but i., Ihe sba~e of a gorgeous 1acket, tmt!- The blond "--uty of M-ItS. B*.E.. T-'AYLO", J" WIl!I'\".A i.;.. ._:<br />

lI'e Ihey proua! You remember thelT .mother told them that .f ...,.. A - _n....,<br />

Iheywere good little mi"ks Robert m,ght fealm., tbem, so you Itood advantal8 when'she wore a simple lTey woo1ea froek with a<br />

• \1t1fow tb"t tbey must bat" hem gooa or tbe)' wouldn'l be ~be:.' ~ell tailored brown doth coat and Ute darllnr little hat of pheasaat<br />

XII. ff61lI br4.tlch salon in the Punch and Jud)' Tbe(ltr. buddmg feathers dicin't mar the picture she made.<br />

(1u:(~ 10. Titus') is open from 10,9 flnlil CbrisJm4.s imd afler Ib"t '. PILFf,RINGS<br />

ji-o", 10.':30 Jail}'. Tbe :a!on is 10L'el)'wi~h it's decor ~long simple Nunnally johnson says that his new musical, ''Park Avenue"<br />

Cd.cUm liMs. The P"r,mm gr.)' IiScd Jr. the colorrng makes" is about "rich white trash."<br />

't!&erl.backgrouruJ for displaying Iheir fa,;,ous furs ... Tber.ll b,e Have you heard about the man wh9 was a friend of half of the<br />

lMppy.IO ha1)e}'OU see this for Jotmelf ... M~JSEleanor McVesgh IS Siamese twins who toured in the circus and vaudeville shows? He<br />

__ ,baige, whirb IS" greal break for the clientele and the owners. met her and asked about her welfare and she said •."Oh, I'm all right<br />

, TIH .. i1linery department is in Ih~ capable batJds of M~JS 'e"n but my sister isn't" ..• "What's the trouble with her," he asked ., ..<br />

lASiy, Mtea hat designer, who 'U,,!l create hats approprtate for "Oh, my sister got married, and it didn't work out," replied the lady.<br />

UJur with furs or your iruliddual costllmes. She also h4.s f4m.ollS "She married a very nice man. but then she ran into family trouble,"<br />

iksigners "origina!s" from New York, such IU Florence Reub- "What kind oftaroily trouble?" he persisted ••• "Oh, he hllli a stuffy<br />

.~, Jelltl Tale and Madame Reirle. One might ,!aJ'e tbought a New England family," said the Siamese twin. ''They didn't like his '<br />

tkliUtMll' 'was being presetlJea at the salo" the flrsl week tbere marrying a girl in show business,"<br />

., tiJ.,.e 10 matJj' b'1I11Jlifulgift bouquets f~om :'well wis,!ers" and .. '.. -<br />

V . WItS "filti,,' and proper" for the t commg out" I1t Grosse IMPRESSIONS<br />

l'0hu. INtl of "FURS BY ROBERT!' WHAT you think of WHEN you thinks of . .<br />

\. .. .. _ MRS. WILLIAM JOY-Lanz doli-Har-Tru courts-Cadillacs<br />

E. V.1~epartmen'<br />

Commander of the American<br />

Legion. will address the group<br />

and Mrs, Archibald McKay. preSi.<br />

dent, will preside:<br />

• • •<br />

TU. 2-4011<br />

.pC4'•.<br />

EU,ROPE<br />

#:<br />

Bacle round trip Steam.blp aqd<br />

.tUr pAS5ap now for ne>xt summer.<br />

Pers01l4Jized AUllt/;O,.<br />

Relle C. D8Sm".,<br />

15527 E: Warren Ave.<br />

, '::T1.TUS DRUG STORE, (next to "Furs by Robert") has some Smorgasbord-lupin-"How to Make Friends and<br />

mrling Chriatmas thoughts for you~silver or with gold plate-<br />

,tunninll lJracelets-..()ne of Mexican coins-you can get this for<br />

American eoin-another is very wide; made of hammered silver with<br />

mserUi 'of jade-another has clever charms and others show the<br />

delicacy of hand craftsmanship, There are many necklaces and<br />

bracelets in matching sets, A double pearl choker for $5.95 you'd to<br />

&lad to have.aroUI).d your neck and there are pins, oh so pretly-<br />

TITUS will JMver get stuck with these.<br />

,',' . _ .. ..<br />

.'De 1 bOll' about "THE STORK CLUB?" (No, dear, that's !lot<br />

where bables'come lM1 from) .. It's a deUghtful restaurant on Eut War:<br />

;<br />


By Olive H. lArned<br />

Keep Them," rlllllllllll"'lMIIlEftlClK<br />

- - - If You Still. Have Time<br />

HAROLD BEATTY-pitiafores "Antiques" in a Ii to Order for Christmas<br />

modern cover-freckles ,'lorn with charm':""pig tails It .<br />

-recipes in a copy of "Arts and Decoration"-forget I .'1\11 . I/J .<br />

me nots. '- ' . I eLJe(iciou~ fpriae of the,'Chelsu family, it eame ant of fiD~ .ehool their new apartment which is<br />

with .. coat of .utUar,. bronze and 5ueh polish! (yelo"" lIna) hall lituated' over the garage in the<br />

. . . rear of' Dr. and Mrs, Roger V.<br />

.. eil'ht-4a,. jeweled movement that atrikQ tile replatiOil Nip'. Walker's reeideoclI on Iroquois<br />

be1Ia; 011. tile 1lov aei ha'u- hour, pIllS a holoaterle barometer With a avenue.<br />

I .the~tu.1 Y01lf family would be proud to 1I1ve any of Ute Among the guests who admired<br />

~ eloeb, tilere are models to fit :rOUT-Beed lUIdJlOWill tile time the charming appointments of the<br />

for,... .. 'O to.PONGRACZ JEWELERS allowt time. Devlin's new home were Mary<br />

, '..._. . - . ' .. * .. .. McClure and John Steams, Ber-<br />

Jiil~'~u heard about the original idea the LALADGE shop has nadine Simonds and John Mc-<br />

"'J!:!;pecian,.,for You?" :Miniature hat boxe~ (exact duplicates of their Evoy, the B.. Courtney Rankins,<br />

re&UlUhatboxes) contain miniature ha~. which couldn't be euter, ---------and<br />

attaeh.ed wa gift .certificate would be "tops" among anyone's UM Oftbto'ls School<br />

Chris~ Iift$...They. will design hats "~pecially for you" or you Y'- •..<br />

may chOose," ready' made hat. Or you may wish to use a gift certifi. For Managers<br />

cate in the costume jewelry department-they have unusual chate.<br />

lai.n~gs, pins arid, bracelets that have ~J:( t;olden touch; and The South Eastern Michigan<br />

those ofrhlnestones have the diamond touch. It will be worth your district of the National City Manwhile<br />

to See. them at LALADGE on East Warren !'Iear Yorkshire, but agern' Association has recently<br />

opened what i) varioualy called a<br />

lII'lore worthwhile to see them on you. training or refresher cOurse in<br />

" .. " one of the public schools out in<br />

One of the most fon things about Chr18tmu is to have a sloc:klnl, Binningham.<br />

:L Christmu stoeklDg of ene's very own and KI},Y I'ARCH'.ER has The school i. under the direct<br />

~ust the ODes for you ••• and you ••• and YOIl••• Big bear sb:e for supervision of John Perkins. As.<br />

p... Middle .• e for $2 ~ •• and I darling baby si:r.e for $1 • ;. sislant Professor of Politicai<br />

this wo.ld mlLke .. wOJlderful hidiDg place for a bottle of perflmle Science Ind Public Administra-<br />

••• or ay ama11giflie you want dressed up III a frivolous and fancy tion. It is regarded by many city<br />

" ' , managers in the Michigan area<br />

cOver. All of liIe stockings are soooo pretty, some with ruflled tops as convenient facility for keeping<br />

trtmmecl. with eQlorfu! ~equlns. The children,willlo for theirs haTing posted on the latest developments<br />

little uees. ears, ships and dolls cut Ollt of colored PAper and used to in their profession. It welcomes<br />

decorate tile ootslde. And 100 CaD decl'rate tbe iMide with any to Its lectures not only city man-<br />

Jl,1PlI,ber of llaPPifyln{ gifts to be fOUJId at KAY PARCHER'S OIl agers but public officials in g~-<br />

Fisher road. era!. Several councilmen and ex.<br />

eclttive heads of municipalities<br />

are among. its attendants.<br />

. t •<br />

City Manager Lane. of the Park<br />

village. Is one of the enthusiastic<br />

supporters of the school .and<br />

Thomas K. Jeffries, the new manager<br />

of the Shores village i.<br />

among the enrollees.<br />

Christmas Cookies<br />

Coffee Cakes<br />

for a srand<br />

Chrl.tm .. Breakfast<br />

Turkeys and Hams '<br />

ro~~lyf::,rI~t f:i':lve labl. and<br />

Ellen's Catering Service<br />

hair<br />

,tyllil,<br />

TY. 4-0855<br />

'Slenderize<br />

Wiihout<br />

• dietinll<br />

• disrobinl<br />

, \ ., ',ex;ercls InI<br />

\ • baths '<br />

Six TreOitments .<br />

-12.75-<br />

Swedish )AOIssoga<br />

Cobinet<br />

Six.Tr~lItmenh<br />

$12;75<br />

Junette's Beauty Salon<br />

12838 E. Jefferson<br />

LEnox 1596<br />

c."_<br />

G;/I<br />

&&.01 ..,..,<br />



•<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />

YOLUME 7-NO. 50<br />

---------,--------------~--<br />

GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DEC<strong>E~</strong>ER 12. 1946<br />

Solicitors' Eloquent Pleas<br />

Draw Park's Firm Denials<br />

A concern mad. application at gave the council a moment's he.sithe<br />

Park council meeting on Dec. tation, particularly when the information<br />

was conveyed that a<br />

D for pel'Il-llssion. tor it$ salesmen similar request addressed to the<br />

to distribute samples trom h~use Woods, Farms and City had 1:.een<br />

to house in the Park and leave' a acted upon tavorably. '<br />

coupon, valuable in subsequenf Recalling, however, that: s!Jch<br />

transactions tor a cleaning device enterprises usually had a dIStinct<br />

. .' h II pJ'ivate enterprise hookup, they<br />

w~lch 1t. was hoped t e ca ee again sliid No! at least ,.lor the<br />

m1ght WISh to buy. time being. More informabon, they<br />

The application recited in com-said, would be agreeable.<br />

mendable detail the manner ot I I<br />

, ,approach df the employes. They M t " I Car<br />

would first ring the door bell and 0 orcyc e, . ,<br />

~~e;~~t'1;~e ~~~nf~th~~mi~ Figure iil Crash<br />

the salesman would move on. It<br />

he was favored with a response<br />

he had at his tongue's end a most<br />

Ippropriate and pleasing address,<br />

IIramed to. melt the heart of the<br />

Illost obdurate praspect.<br />

The council said No!<br />

At about the same momentm<br />

the proceedings an,other request<br />

was re'ld from a party who craved<br />

the privilege of selling from door<br />

to door the products of blind<br />

workmen. The "blind" associatior<br />

Award Contract<br />

For Flood Gate<br />

The Ray G., Baker contracting<br />

concern of Detroit has been<br />

awarded the contract fat can.<br />

structing the back-water trap or<br />

gate an J!!fferson and Barrington.<br />

The price is $6,403.<br />

The contractors are. having<br />

some difficulty getting the' particular<br />

weight of steel called for<br />

,in the engineers' plans and are<br />

in touch with Village' Manager<br />

Lane and ShoecraU, Drury 'and<br />

McNamee of Ann Arbar, who<br />

prepared the pla'ns, to ascertain<br />

whether certain substilutions will<br />

be permitted to haslcn the work.<br />

The village is especially<br />

tnxious to have this trap installed<br />

before another highwaler period<br />

I~ts in ..such as caused so' much<br />

trouble. with backwater 1Jooding<br />

lasl year. Th~ cutting. off of .terlain<br />

sewers in the western end<br />

of the village from direct connection<br />

wilh Detroit sewers and diverting<br />

the sewage inlo the Jefferson<br />

Avenue 7-foot main is<br />

expected also to relieve this situation<br />

greatly.<br />

~Students -Attend,<br />

Press Conference<br />

" An accident involving II motorcycle<br />

and an automobile happened<br />

at Buckhigham, and Ker"<br />

cheval on Friday, Dec. 6. when<br />

Marcel Vercoutereof 1108 Maryland<br />

going' easr on Kercheval,<br />

stru~k a 1946 Pontiac owned and<br />

driven' by Raymond P. Baubie,<br />

of 888 Trombley going north on<br />

Buckingham and attempting a<br />

leU turn into Kercheval.<br />

Vercoutere had his left ankle<br />

injured and suffered abraisions<br />

on his left leg. No. tkkets were<br />

issued ,by the police as both<br />

parties were considered. equally<br />

responsible for the aCCIdent.<br />

, Both machines were damaged.<br />

Pointer Honored<br />

By Dutch ,Queen<br />

'AD' out$ianding ,honor for a<br />

Pointe naval afficer was disclosed<br />

tbis week when Commander<br />

Fred W. Beltz. U. S. N. (retired)<br />

of 330 Rivard boulevard,<br />

received the letter of transmittal<br />

from the Netherlands Embassy<br />

in. Washingtan informing<br />

him that Queen Wilhelmina had<br />

decreed him made Commander<br />

in the Order of Orange-Nassau,<br />

the decoration to. be' worn with<br />

swords. This decoration was<br />

given for the Pointer's work<br />

done with the Dutch submarines<br />

brought to' U. S. ports during the<br />

war. Commander Beltz' was then<br />

'on duty in th~Submarine Sectionof.<br />

the Navy Department in<br />

Washington.<br />

The decoration is a blue and<br />

white enamel cross with crossed<br />

gold swords and a croWll. It<br />

hangs from an orange,at)~,blue<br />

ribbon and is wotp around ' the'<br />

neck with the,ful],dress Uniform:<br />


Sixteen members of the Jour- The Michigan League for CripnaHsm<br />

class attended a Press .pled Children will hold its Ch:i$t-<br />

Conference held at Wayne Uni- mas party on Friday. December<br />

versity. December 5. 13, in the Oakman School, ~2920<br />

Wadsworth avenue. There will be<br />

I ~~e students heard lectur~s. on a board meeting at 10:30 a,m.,<br />

wnt1l1~ calumns, feat,:,~e wnt1l1g, and a regular meeting at 20p.rn.<br />

r~porhng,sports wnl1l1g, plan- Th children will furnish the enmng<br />

the dummy for the year ter~ainment.<br />

book, make-up and layout for _<br />

the paper, etc.<br />

Tho~ who attended were:<br />

MarthaIou Mauer, Joanne Athan.<br />

son, Josephine Mannino, Mat-yIn<br />

OUo, Jeanne Kulka, Bab Mc-<br />

Bride, Nancy Stahl, Rosemary<br />

Wrubel, DOnP.Id Simpson, Paula<br />

Beaupre, Sally Curran, Ellen<br />

Boult. Joan Weidman and Joan<br />

Krausman.<br />

Vinage C..... Shp<br />

lSU~ KEiteR!!:""'''' ., c.,lIa<br />



REPAIR<br />

c......... Prejeden • ".!ten<br />

LE.n ...<br />

Lidy,BnxtinJMatck~dl~~<br />

~. woadmul oo1ors -and leathers ~ Lady BlIXtOIlS<br />

iwi1II ~ey.T.inm to matcbl Billfold, have the de.<br />

~ Magic PtlJ'llC-'Key.Tainen bave 1ocW.m<br />

Ioope. free key retnnl. -mel Shown here iI the<br />

~ wiIIcJow bill£old in Morooco Gnin Sheepekin.<br />

~ Set, ,,~.~,pt08~<br />

0IiIw !My.Buxun MatIdt«l siii: 15.25 to 114 pIMI-<br />


Open EVenings Till Nina<br />

Griswold It Fort<br />


Following the discovery of a \'watch for mail box thieves in that<br />

check that had been mailed to area. The check was found by<br />

Mrs. Norton lves of Mo[oss road, Sonny Santmeyer, also of Moross,<br />

Farms police are keeping a close and tm.-ned over to Mrs. lves.<br />

Open 10 to' 10 Daily<br />

GUta BeaulUuUy Wrapped<br />

J4a1lecl .... Delivored<br />

-j/' ..<br />

('/\ (,JIJI) ~J<br />

Grosse Poillh<br />

"<br />

Vofup. JeW.Jed<br />

CASES<br />

Tb~ rb1ne.slone jewel-<br />

.d com p:' c t $22.50.<br />

Matchlnc cllar.tle<br />

c... $25.00<br />

Portm.nfuu<br />


Carl Licari, of 1357 Devonshire. Ihad stolen a spare wheel and<br />

reported to the police on Dec. 6 tire from his new Ford station<br />

that sometime after 5:30 o'clock wagon while it was parked in<br />

p.m. of the day before, someone front of his house.<br />

Po~f HER<br />

~r~~'ooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdOOOOOD~~<br />

. :~ '.~.'1<br />

-I KOPP'S Grosse Point. _<br />

~=.. -<br />

~:~Rlllllllllo,o', •• '~RaQRgRRggaaIRaapaaOOOOgQaDaa<br />

Fun to give or to have the<br />

Hand Compact .••• for the<br />

comment if creates; A<br />

"convers~tion piece" that is<br />

completely new, -exclusively<br />

Volupte'. From $5.00 to $30.00<br />


Hanel "Made Genuine<br />

Snakeskin Ensemble<br />

Dor.Ue Rand "1.1e G

\.<br />

L<br />

GrOSl1 Point. Newl<br />





Phon. TU. 2-6900 52 .... 34<br />

Three Trunk Lln~' •. ,<br />

Member Michigan Press A!I!'n. and Nabonal Editorlal AM Do<br />

Gro •• e-.<br />

,Eaalleratlons<br />

A.P~YOR<br />


ROBERT B EDGAR-EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER M. Bingay and we have a lot of things in common, (age<br />

MARK K. .EDGAR :.., EDlTORIAL WRlT<strong>E~</strong> and salary aren't two of them however.) Bing used up three<br />

A. PRYOR .EDlTOR. ~&~~Lrtt?IR whole columns within the past two weeks, writing about<br />

MATl'HEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTI SOCIETY his new "Hear~ng Aid". He sez people are "kind" about it. They<br />

JANE SCHERMERHORN.............................................. OR don't._make with l'okes and; if anythin'g, are curioUs' and mere-<br />


FRED RUNNELLS SPORTS EDIT ly sympathetic about it<br />

CHARLES THOMAS : ACiOI~ik-rg W1lJhour editor would let U!I ret away with just ONE wbole<br />

TOBY Cu:MMINGS ,.;.., ADVE T NG I bo tilt v_ 'd I. ette' H . r th<br />

'PATRICIA BOELL ADVERTISI eo umn a \I our lIew orpe e. A.~'. we !AI orlD . aVID e<br />

NG<br />

DICK McDANIELS ADV~TISI DS kind of er. that Me everrthlDl' lar awar D9wi!town Detroit.<br />

ANN nOOLEY ~uL1T10N we can't lee aDythlD1' drht J. Iroat of WI. Our.belt beau, tired of<br />

BETTY SCHROEDER. CIR seelnr UI haul out Ollt horn-r~ecl jobs 45 tlmNan evening in<br />

FULLY PAID CIRCULATION order to lee the n_ OIl hla faee, finally broke 1Atohis plUY bank<br />

Subscription Rate: $2.00 Per Y~ar by Mail. All ~ews and and boulht Q the ellte.t .1lltle pair of plastic lorpettes we've<br />

AdverlisinJ1:Copy Must Be In The News Office by ever ~een. We thlak we leok like the Dewaler Duehe. herself, as<br />

Tuesday Afternoon to Obtain Insertion That Week.<br />

Eastern Representative. VICTOR S. G~NDIN, we peer ha.,hUly throlllh OIU' JIoewdevice. BUT, unlike Mrs. B's ex-<br />

Talley Hant<br />

b,<br />

Hel" TlIlle,<br />

•<br />

In INTEUECTUAL circles<br />

we h.ve the inlerestinK "t!ws<br />

Ihlll MRS. RUSTIN MtlNTOSH<br />

hIlS IIccepled the DEAN.ship of<br />


MclNTOSH hilS been he"dmis,<br />

tress 0/ BREARLEY SCHOOl.<br />

lor stl'entun }'ellrs. For ni"e of<br />

those ).t",.s I mighl ht! lermed II<br />

~e-.-ye""l.;siling mother 10 tbt<br />


ThursCf"y, Deetlml:ier' '12, 19%'<br />

Carl Ramroths plan ;a~~rnun:fii=:~t~;<br />

"<br />

'G k 0 SSE, POI N TEN E W $<br />

Children to Hear<br />

•<br />

Christ11Uls Opera<br />

Dr. Reynold'. parents, Mr. and<br />

Young' people throughout the<br />

Holiday 'Open H'ouse' ~~th~~;:~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

Det~oit area are being, offered<br />

, : Dr, aDd Mrs. Reynolds, with a golden opportunity to attend<br />

Celebration to Marl First HomeComing in 12 Years, of their two ehilch'en, Jeffl'ey and a series of mUsical programs be-<br />

kl<br />

' Lois Ann, will be attending the<br />

Daughter and Son.in-Law,L\r. and MI'$.Uoyd Reyno S surieons' convention in Cleve- ginning OD Saturday afternoon,<br />

InVl"tatl"ons have been ;."ued to some, 50 people in the<br />

-.<br />

Pointe as well as Detroit for an open house on Dec. 26 at the<br />

Carl Ramroth home on McMillan road. ,The celebration will<br />

mark the first homecoming inl2 years 'of the Ramroth's son~<br />

in.law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds, of Hays,<br />

Kansas.<br />

, Aside from merilbelJ' \of the € " ' ' " ' .' '. ld<br />

family and many old friends'l and Houn~ Inn m, B<br />

land earlier this month and will<br />

arrive in the Pointe on Dec. 21,<br />

to stay Until after Christmas.<br />

In addition to 'the tra~iti:mal<br />

Christmas tree and Christmas<br />

IIreens, there will be Richmond<br />

roses in vases on the table with<br />

the punch bowL<br />

December .I, when the Junior<br />

League of Detroit, in cooperation<br />

with Music Hall, will present the<br />

Humperdinck version of the traditional<br />

Christmas opera, "Hansel<br />

and Grete!."<br />

This will be the first d a series<br />

of 'three programs,' the other two<br />

being young peoples' concerls<br />

played by the Detroit Symflhony<br />

Orchestra and conducted by Mr.<br />

Walter Poole on Saturday morn-<br />

.,Parties Planned<br />

ings, January<br />

events will<br />

Hall.<br />

4 and.l8.<br />

take place<br />

.<br />

All thn:e<br />

at MUSIC<br />

j)es1gned<br />

jorfi'raciolls<br />

.f!v/1Uf<br />


,UI:NR-Y .lOl!.STJ;R../NCIO'<br />

I<br />

'~~O',<br />


For Btides~Elect<br />

...<br />

Parties for the brides-eleet are<br />

making it seem like one, gay holiday<br />

from Thanksgiving right<br />

throulh, to ~ New Year.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Macauley<br />

were hoats lut Sunday in' their<br />

Lake Shore road' home at cockutili!<br />

to fete bride-elect Mary Mc-<br />

Clure •. dauehter' of Dr. and' Mrs.<br />

Roy'MCClure of th!! Indian Village.<br />

and her fiance, John Randolph<br />

Stearns. ,<br />

The Junior League Committee<br />

cOll!iisls of Mrs. Lewis Robin.son,<br />

Mrs. John Garlinghouse, Mrs.<br />

William Ledyard, Mrs. George<br />

Fink, Mrs. AI~xander Weiner,<br />

Mrs. Daniel Goodenough, Mrs.<br />

Dexter Ferry,. Mrs .. Morley Morgana,<br />

Mrs. Henry Kohring, Mrs.<br />

James Remick, Mrs. Harry Mack,<br />

Mrs. W. Frederick Schrieber"..Mrs.<br />

Wendall Goddard, Mrs ..Theodore<br />

K. Buttrick Jr., 'Mrs. Hal Smith<br />

Jr .• Mrs. Nelson Holland, Mrs.<br />

Hugh Chalmers, Mrs. Hunter Williams.<br />

Mrs, Washburne Wright,<br />

and Mrs. Donayd. Wilson.<br />

Mary arid John will be married<br />

January 4in J,..Ifers6n avenue<br />

PreSbyterian Church.<br />


Keep bread,<br />

HINT<br />

r crackers and<br />


1 , ' • •<br />

The bride-elect. has asked Mrs.<br />

Otto Pongracz ill be' her matron<br />

of henor ..while Mary and Aileen<br />

Davidson will be, maids of honor.<br />

Bridesmaids will inClude Mrs.<br />

Rowland Hall, of Green Rapids,<br />

cereals always securely. wrapped<br />

in waxed paper. In the long run,<br />

this precaution. will save money.<br />

Not by Aueti~-AU Items Priced<br />

Mn. Robert,Leach of, Pittsburgh<br />

and, ':MarjorioeUpham "of Baltimore,<br />

and ~rbara Simonds.<br />

~e<br />

'< :. ,,' ~ .~ ."<br />

Little Robin Veeder"daughter<br />

of Mr. ud Mrs. George Veeder<br />

of Xecilworth, ill, will be flower<br />


girl.<br />

Mr. St~rris, has 8S~ hill<br />


I i42 Gr4ytonRo/ld<br />

Grosse, foint.<br />

brother, G. Radford<br />

be hia belt ~<br />

St~rns, to<br />

10?rofie: guests will include members of Hills followmg the L1o~'d. wed-<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Reynolds' wedding ding ceremony 12 years ago..<br />

party which gathered at ~e Fox Assisting, Mrs. Rarnroth will be<br />

On Christmas day ,the Ram-<br />

roth's are plannijg an informal<br />

Christmas dinner for members of<br />

the family,<br />


-BEDROOMS, RECR£Allot{I~M<br />

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, AT 10 A,M.<br />

LEE'Q. BARNES,<br />

13+2 Tnree Mil. Drive<br />

•<br />

Ie. e-~ ItoY ,<br />

.,;.:'.~'i ~,",,::,",it~_ .. '~r!,Id." .....,..-,~:<br />

\<br />

~ " " .<br />

, , ,"<br />

"<br />

.<br />

"Grosse<br />

,,"<br />

Pcii/lta<br />

,~ . ,-'. .,<br />

SUNDAY; 'DECEMBER 2Z,.AT.IO.~ M. ,".<br />

H. O. MeNIERNEY<br />

CH, 4251<br />

At Kopp's - - - - a \<br />

(;alDeo C08lDeti~ m.semb~<br />

1;;'~<br />

COSMETICfNSfI'\8lE<br />

,<br />

"WhaT II .. ondH/.I .. .., to<br />

'carry m) cosmetics! I looe that<br />

'quaint<br />

we-it's<br />

Vietorilln design".md<br />

made 0/ Tt'Aile.d~n't<br />

tWig" /J thing! HeTt:. s pou.OO- 011<br />

one side, TOM8e on the other and<br />

(J color,~ lipstick in the<br />

1oa~1e-~ there's t:i ~<br />

tift tlUu's mIll:; practical!"<br />

Fashion colors, gi(t packa~<br />

PtMw HuJijNM"lers1M F;M TDilwks, R.~ p~,<br />

_ /\fell's(;,com;"l A:.us<br />

Graue Poinu<br />

Nuning Society<br />

Enjoys ~uncheon<br />

A number of prominent Pointe<br />

.women combined a worthwhile<br />

day of lewin, with a pleaunt<br />

luncheon and let-wgether on<br />

Wednesday. Dec. 4, at Mrs.' W.<br />

Bruce Howard'. home OIl :E. 1efferlOh.<br />

The Il'OUP met in the' momirtl<br />

it) sew for ,the Diatriet Nursing<br />

Society and had luncheon later<br />

ia the~,.. At ~ prettily appoiJl,~<br />

luneh~ table Me-. :Ralph<br />

LaDe JlO'Il'lIld -. llIICl Kn.,Rut.<br />

Clar!to',ec«~ ..: I '" "<br />

, A.!IoioBI ........ praent were<br />

MI'I. Philip WOl'C'Mt.I',Me-. HIlI1.<br />

rr L Newnan, 1111l. Armin Dann •<br />

.tHttft, Joll1l. :Ralph. Trix.. Kra.'<br />

Alva Macauley, ~llrI. :Geor ••<br />

Siap)a, Mrs. llu/t Duftield"llrI.<br />

Ruae1l Dexter, llrI. ,Pillabury<br />

WeIll, Met. Donalcl VaDZiJe •.lll'l.<br />

AMuDc1ltr Blain', .Krs. TMOdON<br />

Hodl .. )ll1l. Bat1rY Be;rwier. KrL<br />

Z:mat. Brier, MU.GallSmith,<br />

MI'I. 1. La~ Buell,. Mra.<br />

ClaritstOll Wormer, Mrs. Prewitt .<br />

Semmes and Kl1I.-lfarry,Cupper,<br />

pnlldent. {<br />

---.,-.---<br />

PDLD ... D'lDDIIO<br />

• Farm. firemu. wan plalued<br />

with a epidllinie .rA. field fires<br />

during the weekend, i\ut prior to<br />

Monday'. rait!, whien put an end<br />

to the menace. .<br />

v-.S ... '" lMely'! ~ ... /J partyl<br />

FroM ~-lwdouJ MwRr,'DO() lOiIlI<br />

M 1flNa\ f(J//' ey!!3" 10 ~ ~ IlIU of a<br />

ftziry ..••• it'. a1l1O s~ '"<br />

Imely.IO~y~,,. Ie<br />

Y"fUAftJly W'Y •• , lIte'll "*" it!<br />

~Jw~14 .. ~.<br />

.~ - --<br />

J.z -'" '<br />

~~ 1

\<br />

!<br />

,K<br />

:Jhe rlJ,.anjt~'.Siu&o<br />


~. "<br />

) ~ • , ~...... r ..... .. •<br />

tnursd.y, December 12, "1946<br />

.<br />

"<br />

'..<br />

'.'<br />


,<br />

35v<br />

Can she bake a derry pie?<br />

MaYbe she can .': . ,buf ;lit,<br />

tastes any beHer ,than this<br />

juicy, fltlky-crusferJ Jone<br />

Pf"ker cherry pie, we'll eat<br />

our enfire bakery rtod of<br />

hoked goods. (As il fhtJf<br />

would be tlny hardship/)<br />

Ea. 59c<br />

,Jii.ri' :pa,./,.I' rlUIT CAIE<br />

O;i; ~% Iruits(J~d nuts, this<br />

ridt cake is, 700% luscious. No<br />

wonder it's America's layorif.<br />

Iru;t cakel, '<br />

~t~. ffl. $1'7<br />

CrIsp nutmeah tUttl fragrant<br />

spices make this Jon'e Parker cof.<br />

lee ring tinold.Fashionetl treat<br />

. always rings the bell. '<br />

Efl .. 35v<br />


Tender and tasty en can b.; Ja".<br />

Parker donuts and crullers gow;fh<br />

coFFee the Wfl)' bacon goes wit"<br />

eggs. A bigossorlment' 10 choos.<br />

Irom, inCluding ye

\<br />

,~ \<br />

-..lJ.tl ",<br />

Page Eighteen<br />

",". :,~,<br />

Latin ..American Conditions<br />

Described to Rotary Club<br />

Children's Table and Chairs<br />

De Luxe, lIfe.Ume construction or hlr;h qutllty l"ooGS.<br />

Tables have metal eorner braees.<br />

Squa.reor round top wood table '7 -25<br />

with 2 wood seat chairs........................................ .,<br />

io:oe~~~e~r c~~~ ~.:~.~ ; ~9.30<br />

15quare or round top table with J '13 75<br />

leatherett.seat chairs in varloUi colors. ..... . ..<br />

Poreelain .top table with 2 h5' 80<br />

leatherelte 'seats in various colors :I .<br />

No Deliverl.s _Made - Pick Upatpu<br />

Sh.wl'Hlll-W111 Fit ill Y.. r Car 1•• 11,<br />

OPe. E'fnJap 'TI1 I P. M. .. -<br />





, . ,<br />

rnd.slrill -FIlIillrt IIUf'-:llriRr;Co.<br />

179tO,Yan Dyke at Nevada TW.1-9020<br />

Grot .. 'oillh<br />

Mtlf'ftt ef D.trelt<br />



Cllt from Cboice Beef<br />

LB.4g e<br />

ROUNg OF<br />


Tender 2nd Juicy<br />

LB.5S e<br />

LEG OF<br />


LB. 35«=<br />


, . .,'..... ,<br />

,'.IO:JOK CATCBE.S fiRE<br />

The motor in the oil bUrner in<br />

the home of Dr. Carbone of 333<br />

McKinley road, caught fire early<br />

in the morning of December 11.<br />

Farms firemen' extinguished the<br />

blaze. Damage was estimated at<br />

I about $50.<br />

hied fooct~Mr l]ieelalty. A IIcht ••• spaelous store JIlak. H""<br />

pmr a ]lleu.r. at NIGHTINGALE'S<br />

Two/ar,. parlel", l.ti wit'<br />

s,.eIa, •• tra~ces' to 'lIi.rleet.<br />

Reid, 10Ell<br />


LB.<br />

PORK<br />

CHOPS<br />

LB.55 e<br />

DEL IONTE COFFEE, drip or reg •.. Ib. 49c<br />

DUIKERS COFFEE, drip or reg. Ib. 39c<br />


SANIAINSTANT. , , .. ,2.0%. 45c<br />


GOLDEN DRAGON PEAS, NO.2. . . . .. 15c<br />

YACHT CLUB CUT GR. BEANS, No.2 .. 15c<br />


Halves 'or sliced, No.2V2. . . . . .. 32c<br />

DAILY'S DILL PICKLES ...• , .32-0%. 28c<br />

LIBBY'S PUIIPKIN, 10. 21;2, . . . . . .. lie<br />

Awrey BAKED GOODS<br />


COOKIES per donll<br />

DELICIOUS IUnF.R 83c<br />

RAISIN TARTS Iter doftll<br />

NIW YORK 47c<br />

CURRANT IUNS •• , •••• , •••• , ••••<br />


• f.,,~" ~~. ':,' .. ,' ...... ,'" I', ..~ ':, ......'1. ': .~. .' ", ''','': ~\ ~.'...' ,1,-.:';"", •••• ";. '":. "." ',~ ••• ~ •.. :.~.",,[~.~ •.• ,: .. ".," ... ;. ",.'-'.", t:" ...-.F ..~.$,,,;~-, ..:,.:.- '-', .,.P.<br />

, ' ..... , " •• ' ~ l'o ... " .... ,; ' • .: ~,' . -, .','<br />

G R 0 SSE POI N T I: NEWS<br />

tween them than with corre- bteed amon, the crowda wtrtS im 5l'on. Bob M~Bride, John ~<br />

sponding divisions (;f the En,- St. P a u I Dona Klein. John. Poppelr.uter. Hutton, Vince O1iYer, Butch De.<br />

lish speaking countries, ranging Pierre Belanger, Bill H~etteman. Rocher Phil VanHollerbek J hn '<br />

all the way from conditions In John Auckland. Marloll Me:- '., e. 0<br />

Bolivia, where eighty-five per C I 0 ..k.'. ~V .- Q e Laughlin. John Carpenter. oPe, Clarke, Jun Law, John Bing-. .'.<br />

ceQt of tne people, are Indians "9,, Labadie, Judy Athman, Joe Cav. ham. Stan Jursek, Mike Fura:e- .<br />

Lawrence E, Goods, executive as Latin Americal\l. They prize an


E . ,.W' T H . C ...4 )(ri, J:. ~ Walker, aM S*..m" [. I<br />

nglneet's .lt1eS, . 0 . ear o~c;, " ~c ..,';1Go ~ .t ~eetinc of Girl. Seo.utN eW8 .<br />

Franklin Beabul1\ St. Paul School<br />

Fatally ~trieken HaS Open HouSe<br />

Tre Christmas meeting of the ben ere asked to brinl a pantry, the S. E, W. W111be In January . . _<br />

, 'II 'ft f th 't' and I.will lend an advance no-<br />

~l.ty of EnILq,eera' Wivel WI II or e new commuru Y prol- tice. The traditional Christmal Tea,<br />

be a.eoileert Dee. 11 liven by the eet at Lutheran Settlement House, . .iven every year. on the Irst The sudden death of B. Frank.<br />

Student Leacue of the TueadaY 3985 Trumbull Mn. DoiJ.aklMitchell Thursday in. December by mem- lin W. Se.burn !.aIt Thursday<br />

Musicale in the Rackham Build. The recently orlanized Volun~ bers of the Grou. Pointe Coun- ml.lrninl, DeC. 5, &II h. wa. puting.<br />

Mrs. samuel M. Dean will teer Service Committee with Mrs. Taken by Dea~ at .~ c!1 at Miner Hall, was attended ting his little daughter in a taxi-<br />

IntroCuce the chairman of the Frank' Burton aI chairman is at by over 50 mothers of Girl Scouts cab in front of the J. I,. Hudson<br />

Student Lealuc. U_. W. J. Coul- work on the community project Mra: Donald Mitchell, Sr., of and Council personnel. Mrs,<br />

.... ~ ded R I h N' d M K 1 stor.e, was a profound shock to<br />

ter who will direct~e program. of making several nee im. 160 Touraine road, died Saturday, a p etllnl an !S. ar<br />

The "buddin, artists" who will provements at Lutheran Settle- December 7, at the ac. of 62. Fu- Senft were responsible for the the many triends he hu made<br />

participate are: Violet Toth, Joan ment House. The followinl com- neral Hrvices were held TUIlI- beautifully appointed tea table in Grosse Pointe since cominl<br />

Zapf, Dorothy Meyer. Beth Syme, mittee chainnen have been ap. and the mantle decorations, all here to live in 19-40.<br />

Mary Lou Wat"inJ, JlIl1et La pointtd: Books and Games, Mrs. day, December 10, at 2:30 p. m., of which reminded everyone that Mr. Sellburn had taken his<br />

Framboi!e, Jean Burlin, a'ld Flor- C. M. Weinheimer; Food, Mrs. C. in the Hamilton Funeral Home. Christmas was really just around dauchter down town to ~ee Santa<br />

ence Weintraut!. The concert fol- A. Hubbard; Manual Arts. Mrs. Burial wu in Woodlawn ceme- the corner. Claus and all the Christmas<br />

lows luncheon at 12:45 p. m. Mem- .L. G, Lenhardt; Fund RaisinM, tery. Mist' Katherine Richards; head thinlS which delilht the heart<br />

of Detroit Girl Scout staff, wu of little lirls. He had had no preintrOduced<br />

by Mrs. Sidney ~or- vlous warnlnr of any physical<br />

CUpid', !'anlOllJ J!1ll\'oUtle" Are M.de from Slrictly ,Fresh RQund It •• k , , • That's Why They'r. 10 10041<br />

\<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

traditional<br />

Grosse Pointers turn to cupids often during their pre,holid!lY shopping<br />

for finely prefl!lred 'dinners or luncheons, thus s!lving time and<br />

as woll es "Hording themselves an exlr!l.holidey trellt. Cupids' old-<br />

eHort<br />

time full round oul of tempting dishes is' !lgein aVllileble, includin\i<br />

. OPA low cailing price, dill prev.il here,<br />

CUPIDS<br />

Restaurant<br />

• ROsSE I'OINTI<br />

"Songs for<br />

Little Folks"<br />

The Music of Famous Composers<br />

Made unforgettable by new lyrics th.t<br />

•et .mall voices singin9<br />

Bible stories told in song and<br />

music the way YO\lrchildren<br />

will enjoy hearing them. This<br />

is without doubt. the finest<br />

collection on the market .nd<br />

wi"' mike I splendid Christ.<br />

mas gift for your youn9sfers<br />

or children of friends or reI••<br />

tives. ,<br />

Songs for little folks is •<br />

children's album with a pur.<br />

pose, Briefly, it presenh a<br />

set of new lyrics which, while<br />

they captivate the impressionable<br />

young l)'Iind, \lnoh-<br />

,strusively serve a higher purpose<br />

in acquainting the child<br />

with the really great music<br />

that is their birthright. Rne<br />

music-OY gr4lllt composers.<br />

Majestic Records ..,for your pkasure •• , at your pka$ure<br />

PERKIN'S<br />


1520 I Mack Ave., ~t lake pointe<br />

Phona TUxedo 2.1920<br />

.,<br />

glll1,,president of Groue Pointe ailment, HII wu 30.<br />

Council. The subject of .Miss Mr. Seaburn "represented the<br />

Richard', informal talk wu "Re- Babcox alId Wilcox. Tube com.<br />

cipe for Youth," and the point pany iD the Detroit area. H. is<br />

emphaslJied wu that the secret survlve4 b7 hls wlfe.nd two<br />

ot 5tayln&' YOUDI ls frequent u. d.lIChtera, tile younlest an Ill-soclation<br />

with youUI-the sharlnl fant only ,ix month. old.<br />

with them of lhelrproblems, Burial wu in Beaver :ralls,<br />

their tun and their hobbies. This Pa. Oft Saturday.<br />

method is not only more enjoy- TloIe:Rev: Andrew Rauth of the<br />

able than conlla.nt visits to the Groan Point. Wooda Presbybeauty<br />

parlor, but la i.lio much tarian church delivered a beau-'<br />

cheaperl ' titul prayer to his memory at<br />

• • • the Kotary Club meeting on Mon-<br />

Our newly organi3ed Senior day. Mr. Seaburn was. member<br />

Scouts are making the -most of of the Service organization.<br />

their Saturdays, .acquirinl a good ---.:-_back,round<br />

for the future devel- SaRta 'clau. Wand en<br />

opment. of. tneir chosen project.. Too F.ar Off Course<br />

Last Saturday- 20 Marinera vuited<br />

the Gregory Boat Works, and<br />

atler a thorou~h tour of that es- A ~!JOrt comin( inlo Park<br />

tablishment they went. on to. police headquarters thlt a man<br />

Belle Isle, where they were WU, 101icitini funds at Lakeshown<br />

through. the Coast Guard pointe and Kercheval sent out<br />

officers -'who ran headon Into<br />

Station. Santa Claus. He told them in<br />

That same. Saturday, 17 Wings, North Pole language he w~,ask-<br />

:ill dressed up in brand new Sen- inl for funds to help the Vol unior<br />

uniforms, arrived at the De~ teers of America's Xmas fund,<br />

trolt Airport, accompanied. by He was equipped with eredentheir.<br />

Instructor, Miss Helen Pel- tials from the Detroit police delo,a'member<br />

of ClUb 99. The partinent but had wandered a<br />

airls were shown through the sta- little too far to the east-northtion,<br />

and than went up into the east of hi. designated Icecap. set<br />

observation .tower. They even rl,ht on his beatings he wu<br />

had atl. airplan.: ride-at least wafted' on his way with a kindly<br />

they "taxied" to' the hangar in ,esture. .<br />

an American AirHne. Flagship, -----------and,<br />

that provided them with dinl 1\1e,.. atter they have shared<br />

plenty of thrills. lh'ir experience and talked about<br />

All our Winc Scoulll are look- future plans over their nose-bag<br />

In( .forward, io the meetinl dinners:'<br />

Thursday at the "Y," where all<br />

Detroit Winls will .et together<br />

a!terschool. 'A speaker from the YOUR ,W<strong>E~</strong>DING<br />

Aero Club wlll talk 10 these bud-<br />


"<br />

.'<br />

"J'-,""'';'; -<br />

Blue Devil.Swimmers S.how Independent<br />

Class in Beating Pontiac 'League Sees<br />

T.k. Seven Out of Nin. First PI.e.s to Conquer Chiefs by<br />

59.25 Seor.: Spurrier' and LaFert.<br />

Have Gr.at Duel<br />


Before a capacity crowd of critical Grosse Pointe students,<br />

Coach Frank Banach put his 1946 swimming team through its<br />

paces in the 'Jpening non-league meet against an improved .<br />

Grosse Pointe<br />


o RA MAT J C S C HO.O L ..<br />

Give Y()fir Chjld,.<br />


6 to 16 Y.'!r5,.inc! ..•.<br />

Gener.l SelSicn of .11 Students on<br />

De~mber I~th It 10 A. M.<br />



FROM 9-1:00 P. M.<br />

*<br />

Furth.r Informltion-PJ. I r 86, After 6 P.M.<br />

l.n the<br />

Grosse Pointe Nursing School Buildina:<br />

Maek Ave. et HamptOll Rd.<br />

TU. 1-3460<br />

Make<br />


-4 memor~tle Occa~ion<br />




"Know. o"ly'j01' the Best"<br />

SUPPER<br />

FAVORS<br />

with DM!. Di4mOl'u/'s O~~hestr.<br />

In the lovely<br />



LENOX 9000<br />

M.klJ }'our reserv.timu _<br />

. '.<br />

Hard. Battles<br />

WhittieF Clean.rs R. t a j n<br />

l •• d by Taking 3 Game5<br />

From Horn Fuel<br />

Pontiac squad last Friday, December 6, and received cheers The Al Long Ford team of<br />

of approval when the Blue Devils scored seven firsts in nine the . East Side Independent<br />

events to swamp the Chief, 59 to 25. Bowling' League won three<br />

The score alone indicates that .•,-------------- hard-earned .points from the<br />

this year's team is s1ightl~ b1!tter their seats when they battled all Dillon team on Tuesday, Dethan<br />

last year's veteran squad the way in the 100 yard free style cember 3. Bert Hils, with a<br />

and will be one of the top fav- event, with the final outcome be- 605, and Cap!. John Stadnikia,<br />

orites to annex the Border Cit- ing decided in the last five yards with a '590, were the main reaies<br />

League crown, .which was with Spurrier copping the duke sons the team managed to do<br />

narrowly missed last' year when by leIS than a yard. This race so well.<br />

the Pointers dropped two meds was especially exciting in the fact • Form-Rite S tam pin g upset<br />

to Monroe by identical scores. that the boys hit every turn on Harper-Berkshire Service in three<br />

Bob Jenks climaxed his efforts even terms. LaFerte,. a tall skinny games. George Deep, of the loswhen<br />

he teamed with Buck kid, shows plenty of promise and ing team. bowled a nice 231 galJ).e.<br />

and Bill Kildow in the 180 yard has a reputation to uphold for John Wade smashed out a 246<br />

medlev relay event. It was Jenks the LaFerte family because his game to win the "Jack Pot" and<br />

who gave anchorman Kildow an brothe~ Dan, now on the Unive::- lead Kubiak Jewelry to victory<br />

even break at the start of the sityof Michigan swimming squad, over Jim's Bar.<br />

last leg of the event when he was one of thePointe's.'outstanll- .<br />

made up the 5 yards lost by ing performers .Iast season. . T~e Whittier Cleaners ag~ain<br />

the lead off man Buck. Sp'll'l'ier is .a welcome addition retamed fIrst place: b:( takmg<br />

Th b' r . th tb tire tea'm .. Hehails, from Anli' t,hl'ee out of foul' games from the<br />

e new com ma ,on In. e A b. . I' . d f . h..'t Horn Fuel and Supply Co<br />

160 free style relay of Mumford I' or orgma.y an rom w a .. . • . . .-<br />

Freize, Fred LaFertc and Wolfe: h~ showed. in the f~rst meet wi~} .. Steff ..n Wenner, ~opp!f.'d t,he<br />

also serVed notice that before the gIve t~e Blue .Devlls a one-two, PlnsJor a str~ng 246, wh.lch WIth<br />

season is through they intend pun.eh In .the 100 yard eVent. :,.:. a strlng'of strikes gave hllJ;!"a 61~<br />

to iower the 1:19.3 mark' for this , LIttle Bob. (I,ot ,but.lerJhes to help T?wn Pull1p .Cafe splIt<br />

event. This school record has m my st.omach). ~.?s,moe:,ave l\n' WIth H~klm Brother~ M!,rket.<br />

been broken five times in the last out~l.andln~.~ exh!!?lbon of com_Ke,rcli.eva~M a ch In e r y beat<br />

.'<br />

UI~tl<br />

" I" ~.' '.<br />


Champion in the Making<br />

.S()PHOMORE BOB JENKS, promising young s~ar of Coach Frank Banach's Blue<br />

De\iits\vimming team, started off the current season with a. smashing yictoryin the<br />

109 yard breasl stroke event against the Pontiac Chiefs in the opening,non-!eague<br />

.meet last Friday afternoon. Jenks negotiated the distance in 1:09.7 just eight-tenths of<br />

a sepond off the present school record set by Bill Carlson back in 1941. Jenks is shown<br />

finishing the event a half pool length ahead of his closest rival.<br />

two years and with a 1:20 time pchbve spmt mthe 120 yard Jack s .Servlce three :0 ,o~,e, Fal- --~-------~-----------------alreadya!tairied<br />

'in th~ initial medley relay event when he con Rec. took Georges '5 th.r<br />

--------------<br />

ee Jefferson Te.am meet of the season th~ possibil- battled all. the .way from last to ~ne; and the Merle team whlteities<br />

of a new record this sea- place to Win . by. two. yal'ds OYer washed ,Kuryla ~otor Sales four .<br />

son aren't too far removed. Pontiac:s. Nic.ky Goodwin. Gra- to nothmg. CadlUa.c Glass took Keeps Loop Lead . . . . . ... ., ham Lmdley, won a. third place three games .from Sprenger<br />

~ill Wolfe and Frelzegave the for the Pointers.in.this event. Shoes, and the Star Bar beat the<br />

GP' HS Tenn;s St.ars .Co. n'.t;n..'ue<br />

....<br />

T0 W 'In · 'In · C0IIege M h<br />

1.. ate es<br />

• ... ., . ,<br />

Pomters an early lead when they A generous diving referee S.&M. Bar three one. . Iii the Detroit Post Office East ----------<br />

~attlecl neck and ne~k all the way scored a firslplace for ,Pontiac's , Tv.:0 hundred scoi'es for the Side Bowling League matches on By FRED RUNNELLS Ax Jemal and Bob Kennedy,<br />

m, the 40 yard !ree style event<br />

W1tp Wolfe.gettmg the ":od by<br />

Phil Chtistus and. g'ave Walt FlandeI'S<br />

and Bill Iler' of the Blue<br />

evemng were: Bert<br />

201; JacK Baker,<br />

Hils, 229 and<br />

225'; William<br />

December 12, the Jefferson No. 1 Even though<br />

team defeated the AltesLager, up into college<br />

they have .moved<br />

competition, sevconsistent<br />

singles<br />

Grosse Pointe for<br />

winne:rs'. for<br />

the past two<br />

18 mches wI,th ihe good time of Devils, B,seconif:iindthird'respec- Ebli~g, 217; Earl Groh, 214; Gil three to one to retain first place eral former Grosse Pointe High ~'ears, ran into their first college<br />

19,9:<br />

~ill<br />

.<br />

Kildow an~ Gerhard<br />

tively..,<br />

The. Blue<br />

. .<br />

Devils<br />

.....<br />

wiil<br />

.<br />

meet<br />

Sarkmson. 212; Walter<br />

210. Lewis Ritz .. John<br />

Anuchick,<br />

Stadnikia,<br />

rating with a score<br />

Tkwsci.y, beC.m1,« '12, 1946<br />

Another Pointe of View<br />

Headlines of the Week<br />

.Member of Board of Letfura.<br />

ship of The Mother Church,<br />

Th. First Church of Christ,<br />

Scientist, in Boston, Mass. '<br />

Steond Church of<br />

Christ, Scientist .<br />

1.. 7 EAST GRAND BLVD,<br />

Sl.IIMI.y, Decetrlber IS, 1m<br />

3:00 P. M.<br />

You Art' Cordially Invited<br />

(Coaua ... Ire. !'aI'.11)<br />

....v. ~ :.... 1 tfl. GIlItoml .ve ... to ""¥ing tjIr.. ...h in'<br />

tfl. Do.+w" which il lMiilt ritht ill the hOlM) • • •<br />

They .. ~ UI tn.t • N.w Yon chorin. mlny ""1'1 ago WIS a<br />

guest .. on. of the Iarg. Grayhav.nhom.. .•• lite w.s property<br />

impre-d ....ith ~verything abO!.lt the IUKUrioli1m~g. •.• end.<br />

on tf!tlsir.nt sid •• 1 she wes teken on e' tOllr of in5pectiori. •.•<br />

which includ.d the indcor swimming poolln~ the boItw.1I ....ith.<br />

- its handsome craft • . • .<br />

. . Joining h.r intim.t" ill the dr.wing rOOf'llshe remarked ill<br />

. - - an impressed whisper, -,<br />

_ =:- "Th ... peopl. must be .wfully rich. They k.. p bolts in til.<br />

Nsem.nt" • •• . I<br />


Among tn. glMun et the OIs.ns'''OId Cktb" coc:kt.i1periy<br />

wwe Mr•• nd Mrs. Glendon H. Rcberts ••. ' Mr•• lId Ml'$. Phil<br />

Wot>tJ ~ •• Mr. end Ml'$. Rcy Fru.h.IIL •• Mr. elld "'41'1. Tommy'<br />

Ash., . • . . .' .<br />

. ,~~, Mr•• nd Mrs. Robert K.11er 0 •• Mr•• nd Mrs. Arthur J•.,<br />

~~~.~~ohda ••• Mr•• nd MN. Herry. Fru.lwuif ••• Mr. ue:! Mr1.<br />

- ,NoI'Ift Olsen ••• ' '. '.' .' . ,<br />

'lo'!.O~ . Mr. end Mrs. John Riehardson •.•• Mr. end Mrs. St.rIing'<br />

";; DoCOon (.1Id W\lell. people "II bel]inbuilding homes .gei!t IUd!<br />

!"". u only ij,. lucky Rohd" _m .b1. to do at th.mom .... t. tn.<br />

-':;. Ooc:bons will. prcbebly ioin the ycung Gr_ Point. crowd •• ~<br />

': ,:., 'Ind 'th.y'll be a chinning eddition!} • , • ' .<br />

-; ~ . Mr. And Mrs. Hury Forster Jr .•.•• Mr. end Mrs. J.IMS<br />

Nunn."y ; ••• nd Mr. and Mrs. Semlrd Po",.11 • ,. _.<br />

.. ., '. EARLY SHOPPERS<br />

,An of which giv" you ju1t enough SplC' ., • to sha~. with<br />

YOtith. secret which more thiln likely his. Ict to do ....I!h t~.<br />

fiir and untroubled brOwS" of Mrs. Lovell R. Kr.UI. of Windmill<br />

Point •••• Ind herdillljJhter, Mrs •. Lou.is Filh.r SrO'4:30 p,<br />

famy reach!d :I~,~~ leen'l.f0 ~eight.'of. ftrst"class matter and own'<br />

m.-Annual Chri5tmas<br />

ell enc!! . ....,.,uncI WI<br />

~apan three y«;8l'1, and . eIght ontnnvei,ht'and size of fourth. Andy Rqmpn, Chairman, D\yighl<br />

ice and Church School.. ~. Vesper Service on the Iiltermedi-<br />

In..GrosH .l>OinleWoodl<br />

11:40 "I'd Like to & Your Coal Dealer"<br />

G. months later. when. she sued, foI' clau matter elrective U:01 a. m; Johnson,'!richarge' of Finances.<br />

m.-Junior Choir Re- ate Department-'-Women's }lar-<br />

Mece o~ A~~I1,,}~jiafter .the Decenlbi!l- 5th-1sterminated; Nor': Gene:: KalDpmann , ChaJrman of hearsal. lor. "The First .Ch)"istmu"by .Mr,<br />

de~tru~lIon of her c~ti~s of. HJrC~- mal a

-;'.\~,'~<br />

~'r'. .. .. ',' ... " " ... ~,'" ~ I ...... ", .. ~... .. > .", ~ ' ..... " "<br />

r:<br />

~,'<br />

..-<br />

"<br />

i....~'. :<br />

J.":f' .<br />

..,<br />

I !. Twenty.Two<br />

: Messiah Church' To Give Pageant SoutheHtem Women',<br />

An impressive and inspiring Christ-Child. Many 0: our be- Club Holds Y&M Tea<br />

Christmas Pageant entitled. loved Christmas carols, including<br />

"Glory to God" will be presented "Silent Night," "Joy to the World"<br />

.. by the young people of Messiah and l'Angels We Have Heard on<br />

~ Church on Sunday. December 15, High." will be sung by the chorus.<br />

• beginning at 8 p.m., . Following t~e p.ageant, an in~<br />

!'-' A chorus of mixed vOIces. under formal gathenng In the church<br />

J the direction of Miss Vera Loe- basement will be held, with the<br />

• ber with Mr. Theodore Albrecht singing of Christmas carols by the<br />

- at the organ. will provide the mu, assembly. and the serving of re-<br />

~ical background. A speaking fresnments. Messiah Church is<br />

choir. led by Rev. M. L, Martin, located at the southeast corner of<br />

will relate the Christmas story. Kercheval and Lakewood aves .•<br />

Th. Manger Scene will be depic- Rev. A. H. A. Loeber. pastor.<br />

ted in solemn manner. showing A cordial invitation is extended<br />

the coming of the shepherds and to the people of the commuruty<br />

'the Wise Men to worship the to all end,<br />

~;,;;;::>"",;:'.:>'~;:::",~.',: '::':::w~'''~~''v;:''\.; ,.:~",A NEW liUtLOING<br />

J<br />

• Deliveries<br />

•<br />

•<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

,<br />

J<br />

of<br />


~r<br />


W4! fCI#U'4! tb4! mest mtHier" tuIuipmmt avail4bk.<br />

Co",pku wheel .Jig"mt!"t, b1lmpi"g ",,4, p"i,,'ing,<br />

j , Ag~in!<br />

f<br />

I.<br />

t<br />

j NI. 9542<br />


neitv'ry Clutre 2Jc<br />

t<br />

I ~~~ I~W" .'w'''' 'W"",. I Roslyn<br />

II ::;,~';;" -,... .,'"- ,,-~-, M<br />

, While wailing lor 70tH' to be .. rvleed, may we "'Uem. tha\ ,"0\1 ,<br />

, In~ our complete line of \0)'$ .nd electrlc.l ."plt.n

RATES<br />

WORD<br />

MlnlmWII 50e<br />

ca. 1M PI&ced at N ...... ~ 01' al<br />

ODe fJf 16 eoDVeftI.tIy loeate& 1UbstatlOIll.<br />

• • • •<br />

Cha'rge 3 c woJU)<br />

. ){1IWnWII «.e<br />

Can be Placed by Telephone or III<br />

enon at Ne",s om"" Ull lloon<br />

Wednesdays.<br />

PHONE<br />

TUxedo2-6900<br />

3 Trunk Un"<br />


In Eflect at Th .... Con,'enlenl .<br />

14 Sub Stations<br />

Till Nooll Wednesday.<br />

... ..<br />


We hwe the Product!.<br />

We can deliver!<br />

We pay top Commis!:ions.<br />

This is Your Opportunity<br />

9929 Mack.<br />


(Mol. au feMal.)<br />

GIRL to take care of children<br />

after school and evenings. Per.<br />

manent if possible. Call NIagara<br />

57~8.<br />

EXPERIENCED nurse maid, mid-<br />

. dIe aged. LEnox 5374.<br />

WOMAN will care for children<br />

day or night. Call TU. 1-1183.<br />

REFINED colored girl.wants day<br />

work. References. DRexe12215.<br />

'-FOR lENT .<br />

(HotIl." Aph., Flats, .tc.l<br />

BEAUTIFUL country home. Metamote<br />

district for sale or short<br />

leue. Call Mn. Root, LEnox<br />

2437, a. m.<br />

WILL SHARE my apartment<br />

with girl. DRexel 8747 arter<br />

li:30 p.m.<br />



Provides AccommodateI' Aids as Cooks. Waitr_; Butlert,<br />

Chauffeun, Housemen.<br />

Aids as Regular Laundresses. Fine Ironers, Cleaners and<br />

Seamstresses to 1)(\ Family Mending.<br />





NIAGARA 0792<br />

GIRL'S white shoe skates. size 2.<br />

$6.50. Call TU. 2-7523 ..<br />

ANTIQUE walnut drop leaf extension<br />

table, 5 leaves; antiqU'e<br />

chest and many other items.<br />

Isaac Neatway's Furniture Co.,<br />

13930 Kercheval. LE. 2115.<br />

LIONEL "0" gauge eiectric rail.<br />

road with scale model Hudson<br />

locomotive. all mounl'ed on<br />

plywood table. Call NI. 5156.<br />

FIGURE SKATES, size 5, on<br />

white shoes; davenport and 2<br />

,chairs. NI. 5156.;<br />

LARGE GOLD MIRROR, suitable<br />

for large living room or<br />

lObby, marble base; Magnavox<br />

radio, table monel. like new.<br />

Tuxedo 2.894S between' 4.6 p.m.<br />

ICE SKATES' shoes. size 3'~.<br />

Reasonable, lliso blouses and<br />

dresses, size 14-16, 50 cents and<br />

$1. TU. 1-1183.<br />

BOY'S BICYCLE, 26" Road.<br />

master, in good condition. CaB<br />

TUl(edo 1-4264.<br />

G. E. ELECTRIC range, good con.<br />

dition. NI. 2603.<br />

GROSSE<br />

POINTE<br />

CALL TUxedo 2~6900<br />

NEW S<br />


A ranch type home~ 6 rms.<br />

New nr. complction. Call-<br />

Mr. BQnnell. PI. -4600.<br />

HANNAN I<br />

Rcal Estate Exchange Inc.<br />

14900 Harper cor. Outer Dr.<br />

NOTRE DAME. between Mack<br />

and Charlevoix. vacant. .Three<br />

bedrooms, 1 floor bungalow;<br />

oil heat; recreation room. Open<br />

Saturday and Sunday. I to 5.<br />


LEnox 3773<br />


STEEL EXECUTIVE, :4 bedroom<br />

house, large living room, near<br />

schools; alltomatie heat. Modern<br />

from private owner. Gent<br />

Motors Bldg. Trinity 2-R050.<br />

17-O ....0ItTUNITIES<br />

BUYERS OF Quanity Gilt_<br />

~hristmllS Box Perfume. $1.<br />

Get quotation on 50 or more.<br />

Only 600 left. DA. 0385.<br />


Millinery s'Jpplies clln be<br />

purchesed llt<br />


r 672~ Ellst WlIrren Nlegllrll 3913<br />

MEALS PREPARED and served<br />

for parties,' banquets and weddings<br />

at halls, churches and<br />

private homes. Call NI. 0117.<br />

B & B Party Service.<br />



Standard size in stock for imme •<br />

diate delivery. Also porch enclosure.<br />

Win paint and install.<br />

Can for free estimate.<br />

F. H. A. Terms<br />


13814 E. Seven Mile Rd.<br />

Near Gratiot<br />


OUice: Residence:<br />

PRospect 3700 TUxedo 2.9792<br />

ELECTRIC appliance~ rrpaired.<br />

lamps rewircd. wall switches<br />

replaced. outlets installed. An.<br />

tique lamps electriAed, Minor<br />

carpenter and furniture reo<br />

pllirs. Call NIalara 0901.<br />



CHILD'S VIOLIN and case. 3 FREEZER. 6 cubic feet. $125.. ••.<br />

N' 4819 WHITE SKATES. size e. excel. DRexel 5689. DECORATING<br />

quarter size. Call lagara . lent condition. Call TU. 1-2233. ------------- "I<br />

CHILDREN'S Book of Knowl- --'-----------1 LADIES skates. white shoes. size INTERIOR IInd EXTE" OR<br />

ed"e and encyclopellia set, 20 TWO companion chairs. Karpinp. 6. like new; roller skates; fire. for Pllrticul.llr Peopl"<br />

~(~W~~e~~-~~~i~<br />

.. make, In very good condition; lit' tI. h b'rd<br />

been used. ideal for Christmq aift. Call ~a~:~ s:r~e~n I~~:meflS c~ro:ne MUrrey 785-4 PROMPT SERVICE<br />

MUrrey 8i8~<br />

FItzroy 6607. trim also ~i~ver fox ~arf. very 114-REAL ESTAn WANTtD il-SERYICES<br />

ASSORTMENT GIRL'S mystery WHITE lady'. tubular. pre-war good condition; beautIful hand (cJ--Electrlc bparrs<br />

books and others 15c to 25c; ice skates •• iie 7. Call Arling- crocneted bedspread. Call TU. _<br />

child's maple table and chair ton 2740. ' :;-5677 after .( p. m. WA N TED Electrical Contr.;etor<br />

set, plywood' doll house. com- - -- __ --:'- __ --~ ... m d Sh'" Wfrl g<br />

C fte ' FYFE'S Grecian silver flat 50le AO e at! 0.. n<br />

plete with furniture. all a r MINK scarf, 4 skins; natural, wild, G P . Repa1r an. Maintenance<br />

,12 noon Saturday. Lenox 2603. ~ke new, $.130.. $43 Lakepoint. evening shoes. size 7~2. lI'l!ver rosse 01nte :rJollreacent Llgbtlnc<br />

- worn; tap sh~, . size 7, with<br />

. H,O.GAUGE MILROAD equlp- ELECTRIC train, antique pettie- taps on both toe and heel. p . .<br />

.•<br />


SdIeHler's DtU9S<br />

1S32i I:. Jeltuson. at NoIUnI'<br />

barn<br />

7-WANTID TO lENT<br />

(H•• ,.,. Apts., Flak, etc.)<br />

TWO BEDROOM house, flat or<br />

apartment; unfurnished, by<br />



CLOCKS<br />


* Miller PllIlI'macy' '<br />

Hll4lI Kerche"II, at Waybura<br />

* Kopp's Pharmacy<br />

169'2llKerch,,'aJ. u Notre Dame<br />

*'Cunnin9h.I1\', Drug' . ,<br />

Kerche\'al at Notre Dam.<br />

• Nctre Deme Pharmecy ,<br />

11000 Kerche,'al. at Nolr.Dame<br />

.. Grone Pointe Drug Co.<br />

17001 Kerchev.l. al Sl.Clalr<br />

•. TitUi Or.ug Store .<br />

1 Korch.,'al. at FlIlhu Rod<br />

(FarmJ)<br />


* Swhi.r Drug Store<br />

1m! Mack A,'e.. at Notr. Dlin.<br />

* Blue Cross Drugs .<br />

17SUMack A,'e.• atNelf Road<br />

* H.rItit .. s Phennecy<br />

20313 Maclt Ava., .t LochIIloor<br />

Bl\'d.<br />

* Cleir'. Ccnfeetionery<br />

30792 Mack AVI.. at Anita<br />


* Sch.Hl.r's Drug.<br />

337 FlJher Rd.. at Mnm ..<br />


* Steadmen', Drug Store .'<br />

192M 3ar~r Ave... t Wuhtenlw<br />


~T[ONS<br />

'a~y.<br />

• Whittier Hotel Drugs<br />

Chrysler supervisor, wife and<br />

lIS..year. old daughter. Quiet<br />

American. References. H. W.<br />

Parfitt, NIagara 3ll1l8.<br />


Do you want a good tenant who<br />

will stay with you? Please, call or<br />

see us at 976 Nottingham, TU.<br />

2-9168.<br />

WANTED apartment or ~rtlce,<br />

3 adult!, permanent residents,<br />

• J. L. Hudsoll .executive. Write<br />

Box 530 Grosse Pointe News.<br />

RELIABLE COUPLE with liaby<br />

desire income or 'flat, in 01'<br />

near Grosse Pointe. Steady employment.<br />

NIagara 2619.<br />

EX NAVAL ollicer, wile, ,10<br />

months old daughter and Boxer<br />

dog desire 5 or6 room house<br />

apartment, or' terrace, : di:ota~<br />

Pointe. Permanently located.<br />

Best , references. '. Please . call<br />

MA41s0n 1600. H.B, Marshall.<br />

EMPLOYED young couple desperately<br />

need furnished or unfurnished<br />

apartment, flat'orgarage<br />

apartment, p'ointe<br />

11'<br />

or'<br />

f<br />

Indian<br />

Village. Exce ent re er-<br />

'ences. Please caU TOwnsend<br />

8.8216. .<br />

.<br />

DESIRE to rent small hOule 'or<br />




In Filet<br />

we heve clocks of every size<br />

, IInddescriplion .<br />


We persoMlly gUllrllrilee 1111<br />

merchllndise sold by 'us.<br />

Expert'repeir service,<br />


132J4. Kerchevlli<br />

O~n c~~a:u~l::n~jJ' s:oo<br />

BEAU'rIFULhand crocheted Cor.<br />

day purse. navy blue. Call<br />

TUxedo 2-7103.<br />

MOVIE SCREEN. $7. 4, by 5'<br />

beaded, perfect condition, also<br />

boy's. camel hair overcoat, $10,<br />

si~e' 36.3~. Call Tu"edo.2-6164,<br />

KELVINATOR, 7 cubic ft., in<br />

first class condition, Call Tuxedo<br />

2-3978,<br />

ONE 30 gallon'. copper tank" and<br />

. ~ttings. NIagara 6735.<br />

COLONIAL ,mahogany dining<br />

rdom<br />

.<br />

let, eight pieces;<br />

d bl<br />

mahog-<br />

' b d<br />

four-poster .ou e e,<br />

cOIl\p'lete.' Niagara 0975.<br />

Baifour. NI, 5.144. TRO X 6 b fell<br />

ELEC LU. cu Ic eel. a<br />

LIO~r,. Train, 0-27. Like new. TUxedo 2.3576.<br />

Call MUrray 0365.<br />

CHILD'S auton:Jobile. pedal type.<br />

HAND TOOLED PURSES, $45. for 3-yead-ol!l. very good con-<br />

Call MUrray 0647.<br />

dition. Ca~1 TUxedo. 2.0445.<br />

EIGHT FOSTORIA sb e r b t!.t s BLEACHED mahogany. mod1!tn<br />

and goblets; hostess tray With piano. Shown Saturday from<br />

4 individual' trays and sand. 1..3'p. m. 1469 Hawthorne Rd.<br />

'wich .cutter; two piece green<br />

Fon SAL~One all.metal three<br />

wool suit dress. size 18; black<br />

quarler. bed,. spring and felt<br />

caracul jacket. size 16. NIaga~a<br />

mattress: Babies maple chest of<br />

3572.<br />

dra\vers . and bed; ..babieS car<br />

DUTCH oven gas ~tove, .four bed;j medium size Pakoelecburner<br />

divided top. Exct!llent tric' photograph dryer. Call<br />

condition. Reasonable. Call NY..8405. .<br />

~. 0944. BEAUTIFUL :.ti..a n d.< crOcheted<br />

FUR COAT, civet .. cat, full sleeveless. jacket; also spanish<br />

...... shawl never used, 'ideal Chrlst-<br />

, len ..~., SIze H. excellent con- mas g'Ut. Reasonable. CaIlLE.<br />

. dition. NI. 0944: • . .<br />

9214.. .,'<br />

WESTERN ELECTRIC portable<br />

sewing machine with a!tach- REfRIGE.RATOR, Norge,. 7 ft:<br />

meilts. Excellent condition. Nr. late model, like new; Baley<br />

0944. . .. crib and high chali'; rug, 8 by<br />

.ii; work bench with vise; small<br />


, tricycle .. 4683 Audubon Ill' call<br />

. lounge .chair. excellent coridi- TU, 1~2592. .<br />

tlon. Indian Village 01' call<br />

F.it,z..roy 8966.. .<br />

MEN'S full. dress sult; silk hat;<br />

.<br />

size 37.38,:worn once; two 1arlle.<br />

BEAUTIFUL large ,Colonial doll<br />

pictures. Call NY. 550~. .<br />

house; all ,vood, 4,1".by. 18", five<br />

with bunny fur collar. muff to<br />

match collar; white bunny fur can us for free appraisal - is<br />

jacket. Miscellaneous dresses, years experIence In the nUares<br />

. above size .12-14. Very reason- throurbout the PoInte.<br />

able. Man's green overcoat and<br />

bathrobe. 'si~e 38. E!lamel kit.<br />

Cel! LEnox 0100<br />

chen sink. excellent condition.<br />

Call TUxedo 2'3528. John (.Staudf<br />

RIDING BOOTS. m'eJl" •. lize 8;<br />

handmade in Germany. Never<br />

Inc.<br />

worn, MUrray 2989.<br />

15322 Eest Jefferson<br />

9-.'-lTiCLIS WANTED<br />

".:....,nS .<br />

FURNrruRE WAN'l'EI}...:..If you<br />

have anytbJillr In the line of GREAT DANES for discrimlnat,<br />

household furniture and rtlIfS, in. owners, superior home<br />

call The. Isaac Neatway Puml- raiied puppl .. f(}t Ihow. comture.<br />

13930 Kercheval. LEnox panionshlp' and ~ protection.<br />

2115,<br />

Finest championship blOodlines;<br />

fa .....ns, brindles, 3 mos. cropped,<br />

inoculated, shown by appoint-<br />

WANTED<br />

ment. Royal Oak, LIncolii 2.<br />

3520.<br />

Old Clothing ENGLISH S p'rl,n I er Spaniel,<br />

male, ei.ht months old. pedi~<br />


,reed, $/iO •. Tuxedo 2.93U::<br />



COCKEB, black and tan female,<br />

. l1mo~ths old •• ll~ots, pectl-<br />

TYler +3b25<br />

a:reed. $15. Call. Nislara 1017.<br />

A telephone ellil will" bring us to<br />

PEDIGREED GerDian Shepherd<br />

Bums Drh'l at lha Rlvu terrace for .winter monthl:-or rooms and bath completely fur- DUTCH silver service; colfee pot; '. youimmedietlllyl : . , dOl, (Cara of Century HOUlle)<br />

" longer. Will consltler purchalle. FOUR POSTER double bed (wal- nished including electric lights, C rea mer' 'and su.ar' with<br />

111 monthllold female, One blue<br />

I '......,. •.S~MALs". Veieri.n .• n'd wife: No children nut); cbn , spring, $35. Call ,$75. Call Tuxedo 2-9700.<br />

matching tray, 15, by 20. inch: BOOKS bought in" any ql,iantity ribbon as "best in puppy class"<br />

WE Lik.e new, $125. '::all TU, 2-9714 Entire Iibrari~, bookca~~ and first time shown; )one third<br />

paintings. Bronzes. B. C., Claes, place 'in Lansing :dol .how<br />

. 16'10 Leverette. Phone CHerry Nove:mber 6; Only person in:<br />

.2'67.'; .... . .:, . terested in Ihowdols need IP"<br />

ply_ Gall NI.M05.. . ..<br />

WANTED for Resale-AU kinds<br />

of children's clothing. :Kath- 'l'WO IRISH SETTERS. one male<br />

erine's Resale, .14132 Kercheval, and one female; 6 months old;<br />

2 doors etist of librarY, between Champion Mdmore 'stratn, .pa~<br />

Newport and Eastlawn. LEnox pen, '75 eael;. Call Lenox .1180,<br />

8776. I~<br />

~:<strong>E~</strong>AX( SlttHH~Dpuppies<br />

ALL STEEL small or medJ u'hi!:~ (soiilliliitles' cilled' police dogs);<br />

size greenhouse. Cill Lenox AKC re,islered. Bred. for in-<br />

, ~~60. telligence and trainability. Sire<br />

'~;:RL;SBlKE, 20" .....or 24" NI. ,-,r~njlr impo~t~d fro~, Ger-<br />

". " "l~Y; ,1~112 O'Connor, nhr<br />

1193. ?: : fi~z.:.DffVt'illr"SoUth!leld, AI.<br />

WANTED two junior beds, both len' Park.' ,~ ,.<br />

alike. Call TUxedo 2-5028.<br />

WIRE HAIRlCD lox terrier pup-<br />

": ;pia. ,\'1nlernational champion<br />

. {atQi:ltj/ eXcediemal markings,<br />

. Ready. for' CnrL,tmu. OL. 7550.<br />

';ELIEVE YOU.of' gift sho.• ' o'rpets;' Call NIagara:rI372.:. after 6 p.m. Niagara 2310,<br />

... CHILD'S solid oak drop leaf table<br />

'. . ping \Jroblems. Gifts:purehued SALES executive .. single; desires GIRLS 26" BIKE. good condi- with two chairs with bacK:, and FOUR leaded glass oak doors 19<br />

at reliable 'local, stores and 'one' or two room' apartment, tion, $25; man's tailor made arm rest. Call betw~en 7 and 9 by. 62. Reasonable .• Call NI,<br />

IIhops for all occasions at a furnished or unfurnished., .Ex- dress suit. size 40; girl's even- p,m. 21918 Shady Lane, St, Clair 296.0.. ,<br />

realOnable service charge. Pur- . change references. Mr. Christy. ing dresses and coat; two pair Shores. .'<br />

chase receipts furnished. Fadl- Commercial Controls Corp. RA. interlined double width .chintz BEAti,TIFtn;. white', satin wedity<br />

for beautiful gift wrapping 3723. curtains; antillue 'upholstered COMPLETELY furnished doll.: ding: dress and' veil; size H.<br />

.no available. Telephone Mrs, . chair. NIagara' 0397... house. 33, in. long, 18 ilL wide, 'warriimce. Call' PRospe,ct. 7561.<br />

,.:'Robert'Sharp4,Drexel4,713,tor. MANAGER •. Holland_-.Am!U'lca '. '. .. ..18 in. high, pen house-and ar~SEVERAi.'materni ..h;.. "'~cir.".e.sS.~.<br />

• ~iriforii1atloii. ... Line,.interested in renting fur- DRESS MAKER FORM, medIUm; '::,'.,.bo ..r,. 01) '.roo, '.f.• ,E.,.I,el:. '!rlc.. Ii. ghts. 'I,n . OJ .<br />

... ." .... " .. , n Jh-~ s OCU"or .. "unf' ..~'_L_~ _ ........o:u. a-~'t. ~r - ~ "hild'I'bluetaffetaformal'size .•. " ltO:Od.:.ctll"dl~~,: .. C;i.I).,LEnox ,.. Good.condition~~ea50n':',D.'.1.e.,size<br />

..<br />

WILL:YOU:pleue c~ntact ~me,in .ment orhouH.:,~Q.lt*, "'an 8; winter coat and ski luit, ,'~IS'!l;2;,.:.} , .•/,:, ~",':';'.:.:";..'.;~: ...•',, If;'brown cloth' coat,.fw'.trim,<br />

order to solve.theprelllng il- Horn, CAdi1lac:'J957.+~\., J. sI1e10 •. Call Tuxedo 2.6616. 'size16. PRospect7591~,:::<br />

lueimmediate1y., Roy ,Peltz, '. #",:-: ':;. ;,' :':",:'.' . . ... 'MINK'\SETialli~'16~18,:Beautiful . . ;. '",'<br />

1422 Ballour; BUSINESS M~i;Pro~t, COCKTAIL TABLE. gla8$ .top, ;\rie'w:ltyle"cl~aht!d"iUi\i:i'eady to SKI BOOTS, llY.!;skis.,\,ufee.t;<br />

"<br />

..<br />

would like' room In GrllBse '! drum ; table; two, acc.BlIonal<br />

t-PU.LIC NOnCIS Pointe. WrlteBO;'233, Grosse " cllalrs;"se,*eral' pairs of lined<br />

.' Pointe NeWII... .... "_::'.'.-::; drapeL All in e~cellent con.<br />

Chiclujo'$3.1iOSt;lciuil $11.37 ' .• ": .,.. dition.. LEnox 0621S.<br />

. Los Angales •. $+U+ . YOUNG enl!neer;and WIfe WIll .' .. ' . •<br />

CherterBuses for All' look after hOUlle."for family 10; RUSSEt:VWRIGHT dishes, com.<br />

, !nllouth'Qr any illnul. DillCuU . 'p!e!e'MrVlee for 8. NIagara<br />

Occllssions • .rrariaements. Highest recom~ , 1650.'. . . .<br />

DELUXE MOTOR STAGES mel\datiollll. TUxedo 1-1949. ' L' '10' 'NE' . . RAn,<br />

L.T u~ acale model'<br />

"50S Cess lit BlIglllY Ren. 13+1 AUTO execu.tivewants unfur- Motorola combination radio:<br />

;', lV.ear. By appgiilhneiit:. CallTU.<br />

: '1-'1782:

", ' ,I ~<br />

Page Twenty. Four<br />

Two Cars Tangle<br />

At Busy Comer<br />

Jerome Keane of 415 Burns Plymoutb.. and $200 worth of<br />

avenue mac:l.e' an unfortunate left dam_ce to the right front of the<br />

. turn oft' Kercheval onto Fisher Chevrolet. Both Keane, aged 19,<br />

D ..c~ber.'. His Plymouth Will and Prygo, aged 024. were ticketed<br />

bit by a Chevrolet driven by for reckless driving. Harriet<br />

Frank PrYgo. 2041 AnIta, who Rockwell, 19, who Will in the car<br />

was going ea$t on KerchevaL driven by Keane, was treated at<br />

Damag .. estimaw,d at $75 was the Cottage Hospital for a cut<br />

done to the' left side of the on the left side of the head.<br />

~<br />

Cadillac Owners!!<br />

Oldsmobile Owners!!<br />

A.thoriz. Sales .. d Senice<br />

Authorized pam and factory-trained lII!ehanles.<br />

No job too b.il' OC' too smaIL Bring in your car<br />

for a thoroul'h eheek-up • • • No obUption.<br />





14350 I. WAllEN<br />


15554 LWAIRIN .t s...net<br />

TU, 205640<br />

GROSSE<br />

Want Ads<br />

21-SIIYICIS<br />

(.)-la4I. I.palrs<br />

Service Celt$ $1.50<br />

Redia Repaired Right<br />

In Your Home<br />

Formerly With<br />

J. L. HUDSON<br />

Cell<br />

Lenox 3385<br />

(,)-ful'1lltur. Repair<br />


Springs, chairs. sofas; reliable.<br />

iUaranteed work; very reasonable.<br />

Call City-Wide Service.<br />

TRinity 1-4600.<br />

_ (r)-C'lIIelt Work<br />

BRICK and cemem work. Repair<br />

and new. Driveways. Garage,<br />

rat wall, basement floors,<br />

porclles, st.eps. Call DRexel<br />

1163.<br />

(t)-D ..... Maid",<br />

JlR,ING your furs to Marie Stephens<br />

for repairing. restyling and<br />

cleaning. Reasonable prices.<br />

Call MUrray 57400. 13327 Kercheval.<br />


We Were Heating the Homes ~f Detroit and Suburbs<br />


The tint Koenig 0ftiCe arid YOI'd in 1870,CIOfMf' of Riva rei an.c' Gratiot<br />



of what happel'll .•• when<br />

BRIlES - STEERIII .000lllSl - FRDlT WHEW<br />

,<br />

.are .egleeted<br />

until it happens<br />

How Easy It Is<br />

to stOp in and have your brakes and steering mechanism<br />

inspected and con'ected before it is<br />

too late<br />

You are under no obligation or expense to request<br />

a complete inspection of these units. If correction or .<br />

repairs are necessary, we have every piece of highly<br />

scientific and fractionally precise equipment opere<br />

ated by trained personnel to serve you.<br />

Don't Delay-Drop In Today<br />

Jefferson Lincoln-Mercury Co.<br />

3700 lAST JEFFIaSON tit L1f1<br />

"Omy Stdls/ita Cuslomus Kup Us hi 8us;russ"<br />

.". ...<br />

~' '. ..'<br />

.: .',". '..'<br />

... ,<br />

" .... '~<br />

, " -: '... , " .. ,..<br />

.,.... " ..~; ... .,. -<br />

..~.. '.<br />

~.'<br />

.'....... ;<br />


.- - .... -' .~. -- ..<br />

Julius Vermeulen Severely Injured<br />

Julius Vermeulen; aged 75, of<br />

1444 Bishop road. was critically<br />

of trav~'of a car driven by Henry<br />

J. Allemon of 6120 Radnor. '<br />

.;...••"RYICIS<br />

21<br />

injured. at noon on Saturday: He suffered a compound tnlC-<br />

""' November 30, on Mack avenue ture of both legs and bruises and<br />

(t)-D ..... Maki.. between Bishop and Grayton. . contusions. '<br />

DRESSMAKING, 'illylorin, and Mr. Vermeulen had stepped He 'was removed' to the Cafine<br />

sewing. Pick up and de- from the, curb between two dieux General Hospital "t 4525<br />

livery. Reasonable. Call Nl. parked cars directly in the line Cadieux.<br />

,m. .......-_ .._-_. 1<br />

~~~~~~~:~I -<br />

ladies and men's coats and .uis. I .<br />

Call Arlington 3036. IRILEY ItIOTOB SALES, lite.<br />

(wJ-lIdg. Material i 6430 East Jeffersoll - FItzroy 6122<br />

LUMBER for all purposes, posts,<br />

plywood, sump pumps, ext. lad-<br />

~<br />

Ii Chrysler-Plymouth Stdes<br />

.<br />

Qr Serf/''''<br />

ders. paints, builders' hardware,<br />

Berry garage doorll, iron<br />

bd. cabinets, home bars, med.<br />

cabinets, flooring. Bring trail-<br />

I~ ' , ,<br />

BRANCH<br />

'). . .<br />

lL East Grud Blvd. FItzroy 1413<br />

er, Hansen Roofing & Lumber<br />

Co., 47 So. Broadway. Mt. _<br />

Complete .. rvIce .f~r all cb';'sler prodllctJ. Bod,. bumping. palnw...<br />

welcllng. wbeel allgnment aild wheel bal.ricln,.<br />

Clemens (So. of Co.<br />

Phone Mt. CI. 3-1523.<br />

Bldg.) -<br />

_U11Ill1111JIl1Jl1Il1llW1In1Il1l11lIl1HlCUDJlHlll1llIll:~IlIJlIJlIJlIII8UJl1I1l1111D1<br />

BRING YOUR alteration trouble y~iaH<br />

to Marle Stephens, 13327 Ker- ------------'<br />

cheval. MUrray 5740. PIANO tuning; electric cleanln,i.<br />

Clli!ord L. Edwards. TO. 1-31'13.<br />

... ,'" -.' -.' ...... ,.,~, ...... - .. ~<br />




01 your trees •• hrubs. evercreenl,<br />

ele.<br />

Preston Tree I:xpert Co.<br />

NIa. MolD . TUx. 1-3930<br />

. LClmp Servlc.<br />

LAMP REPAIRSj vases,' oil<br />

lamps, keepsakes and' Jtrer ob'<br />

jects electrified and made into<br />

beautiful table lamps Old<br />

style floor lamps remodeled<br />

and refinished. into latest type<br />

of indirect lamps and torchierers.<br />

Lamp shades made and re,<br />

covered. Pick up and delivery<br />

service. Banner Lamp & Shade<br />

Co. 2031 Canilf. TOwnsend<br />

8.1026.<br />

Three Families<br />

One Too Many<br />

Pursuant to the action taken<br />

at the City Council meeting .on<br />

December 2, Attorney Meder<br />

has notified the law firm of Mul-<br />

Ier and Berkley, representin'g<br />

the owner of the property at 380<br />

Neff road .. james Dron of 3904<br />

Trumbull, Detroit, that it is in<br />

violation .of the City's zoning ordinance'to<br />

house more than two<br />

families in the same hOUH at<br />

that lo

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