4:1-6 The Unified Body of Christ Part I - Vital Christianity

4:1-6 The Unified Body of Christ Part I - Vital Christianity

4:1-6 The Unified Body of Christ Part I - Vital Christianity


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3To be humble means to be realistic about who we are. Paul put it this way:“For by the grace given me I say to every one <strong>of</strong> you: do not think <strong>of</strong> yourself more highlythan you ought, but rather think <strong>of</strong> yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with themeasure <strong>of</strong> faith God has given you” (Rom. 12:3).<strong>The</strong> word sober can also be translated “sane.” <strong>The</strong> opposite <strong>of</strong> sane is insane. Insanity means being out<strong>of</strong> touch with reality. So Paul is telling us not to be in touch with reality about yourself, that is, we are to berealistic about ourselves. Humility means recognizing and accepting our strengths and weaknesses.<strong>The</strong> idea <strong>of</strong> Paul’s phrase, “in accordance with the measure <strong>of</strong> faith God has given you,” is that, sincethe power or ability that we have comes from God, there is no basis for a superior attitude or selfrighteousness.Pride, the opposite <strong>of</strong> humility, is what “changed angels into demons and men into angels.”(St. Augustine). <strong>The</strong> humble person is self-effacing, unpretentious, and modest and therefore does not seek attentionor tries to impress others. He is content to put others first and give them the benefit <strong>of</strong> the doubt. While hereceives praise graciously, he feels uncomfortable and awkward by it.Humility is not to be confused with humiliation, which is the act <strong>of</strong> making someone elsefeel ashamed, and is something completely different.GENTLENESSGentleness and meekness are closely related. Neither gentleness nor meekness is weakness. Rather, itis strength under control. Jesus described Himself as “gentle and humble in heart” (Mt. 11:29). This was thesame Jesus who drove out the money changers in the temple. <strong>The</strong> word is also used in reference to a s<strong>of</strong>t wind.We know how powerful the wind can be, but when under control it brings a gentle breeze. Gentleness issensitivity to the feelings <strong>of</strong> others.Gentleness is strength expressed in tenderness, consideration and sensitivity. It was used inreferring to the taming or domestication <strong>of</strong> animals. A gentle person is one who is mild towardothers in trying and difficult circumstances, tender when others are rough, and quiet and kindwhen others are loud and coarse.

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