4:1-6 The Unified Body of Christ Part I - Vital Christianity

4:1-6 The Unified Body of Christ Part I - Vital Christianity

4:1-6 The Unified Body of Christ Part I - Vital Christianity


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2<strong>The</strong> goal <strong>of</strong> our existence is to live a life that is worthy <strong>of</strong> our calling. We were chosen and called toplease Him, to worship and serve Him. This is our highest calling. Paul’s point in the next verse is that such acalling should bring humility and devotion. Devotion to <strong>Christ</strong> expresses itself in loving attitudes andbehavior:“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”(Eph. 4:2)Only such attitudes and behavior show we are worthy <strong>of</strong> our high calling. It is these same virtues thatpromote unity in the body <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>. When each member serves gently in love with great patience in an attitude<strong>of</strong> humility, then unity is maintained. Without these virtues, it is impossible to have any semblance <strong>of</strong> unity.Where pride, harshness and impatience are manifested, there is rebellion, envy, confusion, chaos and division.But where love is evident there is peace and unity among the members.HUMILITYHumility is the grace which, when you think you have it, you have lost it. <strong>The</strong>re is the story <strong>of</strong> a townwhere they attempted to find the most humble citizen. When they decided on whom it was they gave him amedal. But when he began wearing the medal, they took it from him.A young preacher, looking up from his reading, asked his wife, “How many really great preachers doyou think there are?” She replied, “Well, I don’t know, but there is one less than you think.”We all want to be great. It is part <strong>of</strong> human nature to want to be important. Everyone wants to lookgood. Someone pointed out, “Sometime in the future somebody is going to invent a mirror that is willing tolie—and he’s going to make himself a fortune.”impress.What nervous energy is spent in our feverish attempt to “be somebody!” Countless masks are worn toIt was pride in the heart <strong>of</strong> Lucifer, the most beautiful and honored angel, that was the first sin evercommitted in the universe. Lucifer’s beauty, position, power and honor simply were not enough.Pride, like greed, is never satisfied!Humility finds contentment everywhere it goes.

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