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Alumni Newsletter - WGU Alumni Community - Western Governors ...

Alumni Newsletter - WGU Alumni Community - Western Governors ...


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Laverne LampkinsCastle Hayne, north carolinaLaverne Lampkins praises her Master of Arts, EducationalStudies program at <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Governors</strong> University, fromwhich she graduated in February 2011. She says, “It hasequipped me with strategies to use with the diverse studentsof today...” Laverne is currently an active professorat a community collegein Jacksonville, NorthCarolina. Laverne teachesa course on introductorycomputers and academicsuccess, as well as tutorsonline and substitutes forthe public school system.Thus, she says, obtainingthis degree from <strong>WGU</strong> willhave an “everlasting positiveimpact” on her andher students. She entered<strong>WGU</strong> “because you need toincrease your knowledgein order to adapt in today’sever-changing society,” andbecause she wants all those who come into contact withher, including her three children, to see her striving to besuccessful and hopes they will find it motivational. LaverneElspeth “Emie” Goatesescondido, californiaEmie Goates grew up next to Disneyland in Anaheim.Her legal name of Elspeth came from a movie but shegoes by her nickname, Emie (“pronounced as in Emmyawards,” she says). She recently fulfilled a dream ofbecoming a teacher in May 2011, graduating with aBachelor of Arts in Education, Special Education degreefrom <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Governors</strong> University. Married and livingwith her husband and two dogs in Escondido, Emie saysshe worked for four years as a nanny to a family withtwo boys while earning an Associate of Arts in HumanDevelopment degree. Her first degree, earned after highschool, was an associate’s in fashion merchandising,but she didn’t find the fashion world very fulfilling, sheconfides. With her “newfound love of school” and experienceas a nanny, Emie wanted to earn a bachelor’sdegree and teaching credential. She says, “I was discouragedto learn that I would have to leave my job tomake my teaching credential dreams come true.” Emieretells the moment she saw a <strong>WGU</strong> online ad with ‘clickhere’ to earn a teaching credential online. She says,“Then life changed…in the margin of the website I wasviewing, there it was—my future at <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Governors</strong>University.” Emie did further research and entered herprogram within a week. Every time she passed a task orgraduate spotlights“There are just not enough words to describehow obtaining a degree at <strong>WGU</strong> is priceless.”-<strong>WGU</strong> Alum, Laverne Lampkinssays that she not only learned new teaching strategies forher classroom, but recently received a raise. She affirmsthat, at <strong>WGU</strong>, “All of the programs are designed to enhanceyour abilities to perform in today’s society.” Earning hermaster’s degree allowed her to move toward a doctoralprogram in Instructional Leadership, which she began inMarch of this year, as well as pursue a ministry certificationonline to aid in carrying out leadership duties at herchurch. Laverne says her mentor served as a great strengthto her when she endured multiple deaths in her circle offamily and friends, as well as personal illness. At times,Laverne felt she was standing still in her progress, but hermentor was there with lively emails and words of progressand encouragement over the phone. Laverne says, “Therejust are not enough words to describe how obtaining adegree at <strong>WGU</strong> is priceless.” •completed a class,Emie says, “I wasrecharged with purpose.I was goingto do what I set outto do.” Her mentorwas critical to hersuccess, she says.Emie also creditssupportive familyand friends, especiallyher parents“for always believingin me and forletting me cry andcelebrate with them” and her husband who has lived“with a wife glued to her laptop.” Paraphrasing a favoritequote (by Carl Bard), Emie says, “Though no one cango back and make a brand new start, anyone can startfrom now and make a brand new ending.” Emie willstart as a special education teacher in the EscondidoUnion School Districtthis fall. •<strong>WGU</strong> <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> - summer 2011 | 5

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