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Alumni Newsletter - WGU Alumni Community - Western Governors ...


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graduate spotlightsQuinn KuzmichLongmont, coloradoAs a young boy, Quinn Kuzmich was fascinated byEgyptian mythology, which he jokingly says wouldonly be useful in the future while watching Stargateon television. After graduating from high school,Quinn attended community college to study microprocessorprogramming, networking, and electrical engineering,eventually earning his associate’s degree.In 2003 Quinn married and two years later they hada son. However, he says that the “rug was pulled outfrom under him” when his wife was killed in a car accidentin December 2007. Then, almost 13 months later,he was laid off. “I was pretty well shocked,” Quinnrecalls, “Single dad, widower, and now unemployed.”He was amazed, he says, at how many employers toldhim not to apply without a four-year degree, eventhough he had relevant certifications. His aunt, who isa mentor at <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Governors</strong> University, called himto discuss <strong>WGU</strong>’s programs. Quinn recalls that he especiallyliked how he could do schoolwork from homeat his own pace. He was able to pursue his educationat <strong>WGU</strong> through a scholarship. He graduated in April2011 with a Bachelor of Science Information Technologywith an Emphasis in Networks Managementand Design. “Thanks to the completion of my degree,I have gotten the job titlethat I have been chasing foryears,” Quinn says. He nowhas a new job, a new house,and is remarried with anotherson on the way. Quinn saysthat he is glad that his firstbornson has seen him studyhard. “Your children will dowhat they see you doing,”says Quinn. He adds, “Lifethrows us all curveballs—but, speaking from personalexperience, I can say thatyou haven’t failed until you’ve given up. Take stock ofwhere you are, and move forward.” •“Thanks to the completion of my degree, I havegotten the job title that I have beenchasing for years.”-<strong>WGU</strong> Alum, Quinn KuzmichDiane Edwardssandy, utahFrom the perspective she’s gained working as a preschooland elementary school teacher, Diane Edwards is fairlycertain what effect a supportive environment for highereducation would have had on her back in the 1960s and’70s, and the likely outcome if she had received guidance inobtaining a scholarship. Yet Diane created that supportiveenvironment for herself while working to pay her tuition,and graduated from the University of Utah in 1983. Shewas a preschool teacher for many years for Granite, a largelocal school district in Salt Lake City, Utah. “I have alwaysloved teaching and learning, especially Early ChildhoodEducation,” she says. “I am the mother of five children, thelast two being twins.” When her children were older, shecompleted an alternative route to licensing and obtainedher first teaching certificate. The rapidly growing JordanSchool District at the south end of the valley started her inkindergarten classes, but Diane has taught second-gradersfor the past four years. She earned endorsements for readingand ESL, and says she considered a master’s degree,but time and money were limiting factors. Then Dianesecured a scholarship from Kennecott Land, which she wasexcited about as it helped with financial hurdles. Dianesays <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Governors</strong> University provided the flexibilityin scheduling for her to do advanced coursework whileworking full-time. Shenotes that her onlinecourses also let hergive time and supportto her four-generationhousehold and contributeto her community.Diane says, “I lovescience and teach sciencein-service classesfor Jordan District. Astime permits, I teachart and science in myfriend’s classrooms.”She also speaks Spanish,plays the violin,draws and paints, “butnot all at the sametime,” she jokes. Diane graduated with a Master of Sciencein Instructional Design, Education, in January 2011. •4 | <strong>WGU</strong> <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> - summer 2011

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