SAM4s ER-5115 Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s ER-5115 Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s ER-5115 Operators Manual.pdf

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Changing the Default PLU LevelThe default level is the top, or surface level returned to after each PLU entry when options are set forpop-up levels. For example, if levels are set to pop-up and default level is set to 2, after registeringan item in level 1 or level 3, subsequent registrations will automatically return to level 2.To set default PLU level:1. Turn the control lock to the X, or P key position2. Press the desired level key twice to set that level as default.LEVELLEVELCash DeclarationIf compulsory cash declaration is required, (see option #1, "System Option Programming" on page108) you must declare the count of the cash drawer prior to taking X or Z financial and clerk reports.You can enter the cash drawer total in one step, or to facilitate the counting of the cash drawer, youcan enter each type of bill/coin and checks separately and let the register act as an adding machine.You can also use the X/TIME key to multiply the denomination of currency times your count.Either way you choose to enter cash, the register will compare your declaration with the expectedcash and check in drawer totals and print the over or short amounts on the report.For example:1. Turn the control lock to the X or Z position(depending upon the type of report you are taking.)2. Press the CASH key.CASH3. Enter the total of cash.98 7 6 CASH4. Enter the total of checks.DATE 08/15/2003SUN* CASH DECLARATION! *CASH $98.76CHECK $20.00Total $118.76CL<strong>ER</strong>K 01 No.00001TIME 12:00 0020 0 0 CHECK5. Press the CASH key to total the declaration.CASH64 Management Functions <strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>ER</strong>-<strong>5115</strong> Electronic Cash Register

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