pittsburgh ballet theatre, inc. - American Guild of Musical Artists

pittsburgh ballet theatre, inc. - American Guild of Musical Artists

pittsburgh ballet theatre, inc. - American Guild of Musical Artists


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same has been approved by AGMA. AGMA agrees that the security bond for establishedcompanies will be limited to one (1) week’s salary for the members <strong>of</strong> the Company.(b) No Artist shall leave the City <strong>of</strong> Origination for work outside said city unless theEmployer, prior to his/her departure therefrom, has provided for his/her transportation andhis/her baggage, <strong>inc</strong>luding return transportation back to the City <strong>of</strong> Origination. In the event thatthe Employer fails to so provide, AGMA shall thereafter have the right to require the Employerto post such bond or bonds <strong>of</strong> such other security, <strong>inc</strong>luding money or letter <strong>of</strong> credit, and insuch amount, as in its sole discretion AGMA shall deem necessary to insure the safetransportation and return <strong>of</strong> the Artist. AGMA reserves the right to set up other terms andconditions <strong>of</strong> granting permission to the Employer to take any <strong>Artists</strong> for an engagement, series<strong>of</strong> engagements or tours outside <strong>of</strong> North America (defined as Canada, Mexico and the UnitedStates <strong>of</strong> in America) as provided in the Standard Overseas Rider, attached hereto. TheEmployer agrees to make per diem <strong>inc</strong>reases for “high-cost areas” in Mexico. All other foreigntravel per diem shall be separately negotiated in the Standard Overseas Rider attached hereto.(c) Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the placing <strong>of</strong> the security bond with AGMA will be posted on theCompany bulletin board not later than the first (1 st ) day <strong>of</strong> each employment period.14. DEFINITIONSWhenever used in this Agreement unless otherwise provided:(a) Rehearsal Week - The term “Rehearsal Week” shall mean a “week” in which noperformances are given. The Employer and AGMA agree that a “Rehearsal Week” will consist<strong>of</strong> five (5) days <strong>of</strong> rehearsal plus two (2) Free Days. The Employer shall make best efforts toschedule consecutive Free Days that shall be Saturday and Sunday. Rehearsal weeks need notbe consecutive.(b) Performance Week - The term “Performance Week” shall mean a “week”commencing on Monday and ending on Sunday, during which at least one (1) performance isgiven. If a contract begins on any day other than Monday, the Artist shall be paid on a proratedbasis or a basis <strong>of</strong> one-seventh ( 1 / th 7 ) <strong>of</strong> his/her agreed-upon weekly salary for all days precedingthe beginning <strong>of</strong> the week.(c) The City <strong>of</strong> Origination - The term “City <strong>of</strong> Origination” shall mean the City <strong>of</strong>Pittsburgh, the Employer’s designated “Sister City,” and any city in which the Employer hasestablished a residency. Any engagement occurring within a fifty-five (55) mile radius from theCompany’s point <strong>of</strong> in-city departure shall be considered as occurring in the City <strong>of</strong> Origination.(d) Free Day - The term “Free Day” shall mean a twenty-four (24) hour period duringwhich the Artist may not be required to travel, perform, rehearse or perform any services orobligations for the Employer whatsoever. The Free Day shall not be interrupted by Companyfunctions, interviews, photo calls, costume fittings and so forth. Individual <strong>Artists</strong> shall notvolunteer any such services without prior written consent from AGMA. The Employer shalldesignate the Free Days four (4) weeks in advance on the schedule in both rehearsal andperformance weeks. The Employer may, however, change the designated Free Day when suchaction is necessitated by exceptional circumstances beyond the Employer’s control. The Free7

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