pittsburgh ballet theatre, inc. - American Guild of Musical Artists

pittsburgh ballet theatre, inc. - American Guild of Musical Artists

pittsburgh ballet theatre, inc. - American Guild of Musical Artists


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employment provided by the Employer in any fifty-two (52) weeks preceding the effective date<strong>of</strong> his/her individual contract. Similarly, in order to be entitled to seniority compensation formore than one (1) year, such Artist shall be required to have been in the employ <strong>of</strong> the Employernot less than twenty (20) weeks (not necessarily continuous), or for all <strong>of</strong> the employmentprovided by the Employer in fifty-two (52) weeks in any additional one (1), two (2), three (3),four (4) or five (5) years preceding the fifty-two (52) weeks provided for in the precedingsentence.(3) Any Artist who is signed to an Artist’s individual contract after theeffective date <strong>of</strong> this Basic Agreement shall have his seniority compensation computed on thebasis <strong>of</strong> the provisions contained herein. Any Artist who is already under contract at the time <strong>of</strong>the effective date <strong>of</strong> this Agreement and who has been receiving seniority compensation underthe Basic Agreement heret<strong>of</strong>ore in effect shall not have any seniority compensation s/he ispresently receiving diminished, but any additional seniority compensation to which s/he may beentitled under this Basic Agreement shall be computed on the basis <strong>of</strong> this Basic Agreement.(c)Maximum Number <strong>of</strong> Performances(1) The Artist may be required to take part in not more than seven (7)performances per week on tour and not more than eight (8) performances per week in the City <strong>of</strong>Origination. If the Artist shall be required to take part in more than seven (7) performances inany week while on tour or more than eight (8) performances in any week in the City <strong>of</strong>Origination, s/he shall be paid not less than one-seventh ( 1 / 7 th ) <strong>of</strong> his/her agreed-upon weeklycompensation for each such additional performance.(2) A Lecture Demonstration shall count as one-half (½) performance serviceproviding that the total elapsed time, <strong>inc</strong>luding travel, but excluding rest time betweendemonstrations, does not exceed four (4) hours, and providing that each Lecture Demonstrationdoes not exceed fifty (50) minutes in length. There shall be not more than three (3) LectureDemonstrations in any one day, each being separated by not less than one and one-half (1½)hours if travel is involved and by no less than one-half (½) hour if no travel is involved.(3) All provisions <strong>of</strong> the Basic Agreement with respect to rehearsal and travelwill apply to Lecture Demonstrations.(4) In the event that a Lecture Demonstration is scheduled on the same day asa regular performance, the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Basic Agreement relative to a two-performance daywill apply. No one Dancer may appear in more than one Lecture Demonstration on aperformance day.(5) Preview performances will be considered full performances.(6) Rehearsal will be permitted following matinees and LectureDemonstrations only if there has been a ninety (90) minute rest period from curtain-down timeprior to the commencement <strong>of</strong> such rehearsal.(7) Rehearsals may be scheduled on Lecture Demonstration, days as follows:Three (3) hours <strong>of</strong> rehearsal in the event <strong>of</strong> one (1) Demonstration per day, two (2) hours <strong>of</strong>13

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