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GovernmentalAffairsMark D. Curtis, O.D., Chair• Jerry W. Brown, O.D.• Thomas F. Greene, O.D. *• James T. Hall, O.D.• Kelsey Kleinsasser, O.D.• Melanie L. Linderer, O.D.• Mark V. Maddox, O.D.• Sean P. Mulqueeny, O.D.• G. Ryan Powell, O.D.• Larry D. Snider, O.D.• Matthew D. Wickham, O.D.The MOA was very busy again this pastlegislative session. This year’s highlightsinclude re-instatement of Medicaid funds foreyeglasses and coming a step closer to passing achildren’s vision bill. I’ve included updates onthese and other legislative topics in this report.First of all, a big “THANKS” goes to:·President Hobbs and Vice-President Greene fortheir leadership.·The central office for their tireless work ethic.·Rep. Tilley and Rep. Swinger for supporting usand Missouri’s citizens.·The Governmental Affairs Committee for theirguidance and input.·Our lobbyists Scott Marrs and Jerry Burch fortheir support.·YOU! We would be nothing without ourtremendous keyperson system.Medicaid Eyeglasses - As of July 1, 2006, Eyeglasses are available again for Medicaid patients every twoyears. Very few medical benefits were re-instated after last year’s significant budget cuts, so we feelfortunate to have it back. The criteria for eligibility remains the same as in the past. If you have questionsabout a patient’s benefits or re-imbursement, please contact the Missouri Dept. of Medical Services at 573-751-3425. Their website is www.dss.mo.gov/dms. The website has great information for you and yourpatients about Medicaid services.Any Willing Provider - The “any willing provider” language continues to be discussed. Perhaps no onehas worked harder on this issue in Jefferson City than our own Dr. Steve Tilley. Insurance companiescontinue to lobby against any willing provider language. We have worked as a coalition with otherhealthcare groups to push the language, but have found we might do better to pursue language specific tooptometry only.Children’s Vision Bill - The legislation requiring children’s eye exams prior to entering kindergarten wasnot approved this year. Our largest opposition to the bill continues to be organized ophthalmology and thestate school nurses association. Both groups believe that vision screenings are sufficient. We arecommitted to passing a bill that leaves examination language in it. We have been discussing the bill withthe school nurses association and I encourage each of you to discuss the bill with your local school nurses.Jury Duty - I included this subject as a reminder to everyone that optometrists are now listed as beingexempt from jury duty with some minimal requirements.As always, please feel free to contact me for any questions about the previous or future legislative sessions.* Board Liaison

It has been another busy year for thePara’s, facing the challenges of changes atheadquarters and within the Para board.With all of the changes the Para board hasfaced, communication has been a struggle.Although the Para board has lost some veryimportant members, we are working togetherto move in a positive direction.Throughout the past year, the Para board losttwo long-term trustees, Donita Stanek andSue Brown. Over the past several years, theyhave contributed so much to the organization,I am sure their presence will be missed. Weare happy to bring on two additional trusteesfor positions, which have been vacant for wellover a year. Sam Stookey from Dr. WendyParsons office in Lee’s Summit has acceptedthe position as Kansas City Para Trustee andCheri Harris, from Dr. Leet’s office in CapeGirardeau has accepted the position ofSoutheast Society Trustee.ParaOptometricTina Heafner, Interim President• Tina Heafner, President Elect• Vickie Rogers, Immediate Past-President• Monica Clay, Current Past-President• Sue Brown (COS)• Cherie Harris (SEOS)• Bernadette Mims (SWOS)• Nancy Y. Rowan (WCOS)• Sandi D. Stewart (SLOS)• Sam Stookey (KCOS)• Vacant (GOOS)• Vacant (NEOS)The education committee did an exceptionaljob this year, offering a variety of courses atconvention. Through a survey conducted by• Vacant (NWOS)the Para board at the 2005 convention, the Para’s asked for more variety and less courses designedspecifically for opticians. The education committee has created a schedule of courses that can and willappeal to a larger group of Para’s this year.Another item of interest that the Para board is extremely excited about is the AOA CE testing that wasoffered at the Legislative Conference and is being offered at the 2006 convention. We feel the reviewcourses being offered on Saturday will continue the education process for those Para’s who are notcertified or unsure of the certification process.Recruiting of new Para’s is continuing to rise. Last year, there were 123 members of the Para section,compared to 155 today. Each year, we get closer to meeting our 175-member goal. The board has beenactively educating Para’s about the MOA and the Para section, using their Para pamphlet. Pamphlets werehanded out to all Para attendees last year at convention and were made available at the MOA booth duringthe Heart of America Conference in Kansas City.During convention 2005, the Para board had high expectations with cookbook sales. However, a lack ofinterest left the board with boxes of cookbooks left. Sandi Stewart, St. Louis Society Para Trustee, wasable to sell many of the remaining cookbooks in order to cover printing costs. We hope to reach, if notexceed, our financial goal this year. During convention exhibit hall, we plan to raffle item a four nightsstay at the Turquoise Shell Inn, donated by Dr. Carter Glass. As in years past, we are looking to vendorsfor donations to help support the Para activities.For 2007, we must set more aggressive goals. For the benefit of our organization, the Para board mustimprove on communication. Communication will be key in meeting our financial goal next year. Asalways, our number one goal is to increase membership through education. Through education andmembership drives, we will find strong leaders to fill vacant positions that will help us continue to achieveour goals.

GovernmentalAffairsMark D. Curtis, O.D., Chair• Jerry W. Brown, O.D.• Thomas F. Greene, O.D. *• James T. Hall, O.D.• Kelsey Kleinsasser, O.D.• Melanie L. Linderer, O.D.• Mark V. Maddox, O.D.• Sean P. Mulqueeny, O.D.• G. Ryan Powell, O.D.• Larry D. Snider, O.D.• Matthew D. Wickham, O.D.The MOA was very busy again this pastlegislative session. This year’s highlightsinclude re-instatement of Medicaid funds foreyeglasses and coming a step closer to passing achildren’s vision bill. I’ve included updates onthese and other legislative topics in this report.First of all, a big “THANKS” goes to:·President Hobbs and Vice-President Greene fortheir leadership.·The central office for their tireless work ethic.·Rep. Tilley and Rep. Swinger for supporting usand Missouri’s citizens.·The Governmental Affairs Committee for theirguidance and input.·Our lobbyists Scott Marrs and Jerry Burch fortheir support.·YOU! We would be nothing without ourtremendous keyperson system.Medicaid Eyeglasses - As of July 1, 2006, Eyeglasses are available again for Medicaid patients every twoyears. Very few medical benefits were re-instated after last year’s significant budget cuts, so we feelfortunate to have it back. The criteria for eligibility remains the same as in the past. If you have questionsabout a patient’s benefits or re-imbursement, please contact the Missouri Dept. of Medical Services at 573-751-3425. Their website is www.dss.mo.gov/dms. The website has great information for you and yourpatients about Medicaid services.Any Willing Provider - The “any willing provider” language continues to be discussed. Perhaps no onehas worked harder on this issue in Jefferson City than our own Dr. Steve Tilley. Insurance companiescontinue to lobby against any willing provider language. We have worked as a coalition with otherhealthcare groups to push the language, but have found we might do better to pursue language specific tooptometry only.Children’s Vision Bill - The legislation requiring children’s eye exams prior to entering kindergarten wasnot approved this year. Our largest opposition to the bill continues to be organized ophthalmology and thestate school nurses association. Both groups believe that vision screenings are sufficient. We arecommitted to passing a bill that leaves examination language in it. We have been discussing the bill withthe school nurses association and I encourage each of you to discuss the bill with your local school nurses.Jury Duty - I included this subject as a reminder to everyone that optometrists are now listed as beingexempt from jury duty with some minimal requirements.As always, please feel free to contact me for any questions about the previous or future legislative sessions.* Board Liaison

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