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PublicRelationsKyle E. Brost, O.D., Chair• Lee Ann W. Barrett, O.D• Scott M. Burks, O.D.• Thomas J. Cullinane, O.D.• Michael C. Frier, O.D.• Jeffrey M. Gamble, O.D.• Debbie Hettler-Arbeitman, O.D.• James M. Hunt, O.D.• Cinnamon Langford, O.D.• Scott R. Ream, O.D.• Richard C. Wilson, O.D. *• Sue BrownThe MOA’s Public Relations Committeehas been very active this year. The memberson the committee have all shouldered the loadof work assigned to our committee and havevery capably rotated as task leaders forvarious projects we completed this past year.Their dedication to the profession ofoptometry and the quality of work theseindividuals provide, has certainly simplifiedmy role as committee chairman. Please taketime to thank these individuals for theirvolunteer efforts when you see them.In February of this year, members of the PRCommittee once again manned a booth spacegranted to us at the Heart of America ContactLens meeting. This booth space, located inthe exhibit hall, allowed us to promote MOAand reach out to potential new members.We have developed a driver’s license renewalform which can be utilized in the optometricoffice to further promote the dollar check-offprogram designed to increase the BlindnessEducation Fund. This fund can potentially betapped into down the road to help defray thecosts of a variety of MOA projects.A much needed “on-hold” message system has been purchased for the MOA central office. The PRCommittee has developed the text messages which play on this system.To help the MOA’s bottom line, the PR Committee met with our web-site host and renegotiated ourcontract with them. We have also transformed the VISION newsletter into an on-line publication,saving the MOA printing and mailing costs. These moves will save the MOA several thousand dollarsannually.A year-long project has been the development of our “Nurses Symposium”; a continuing educationprogram for school nurses. The program is designed to enhance a nurse’s knowledge of visualdisorders common in school-aged children, how to manage minor ocular emergencies, etc. Hopefullythe success of this program, which can be given state-wide, will strengthen the relationship between theMOA and the state nursing associations.At the time of this report, the Public Relations Committee is taking on a board directive to determinethe feasibility of an aggressive PR campaign designed to enhance the public perception of theoptometric profession in Missouri. This study may possibly be completed by the MOA Convention.This has been a busy year for our committee. It has been a pleasure working with the people on thiscommittee, and it has been a privilege serving as your Public Relations chairman in 2006.* Board Liaison

The membership committee is alwayschallenged with the task of maintainingmembers as well as increasing overallmembership.Potential new members must perceive both apersonal and professional benefit in order tovalue a membership with the MissouriOptometric Association.Discussions over the last year have lead to thedevelopment of a five year plan.With the coordinated efforts of both theMembership Committee and the PublicRelations Committee we hope to achieve thefollowing:1. Increase Paraoptometric awarenessand participation in MOA relatedevents.MemberServicesRobert G. Goerss, O.D., Chair• Wesley D. Kemp, O.D.*• Buffie J. Mock, O.D.• R. Lane Nutt, O.D.• Steven W. Rosenak, O.D.• Kory P. Thoma, O.D.• Kent R. Wolber, O.D.• Linda R. Marks, UMSL Representative• Vickie Rogers, Paraoptometric2. Continue to develop a corporateoptometry task force with theintention of developing new ways ofselling the value of the MOA to these non-members.3. Work together with the Public Relations Committee in an effort to redesign the brochure forpotential new members and actively distribute it to non-members.4. Increase awareness among students and non-members by presenting current threats that optometryfaces locally and nationally.5. Work to approach 100 percent private practice OD membership. Determine what factors discourageprivate OD non-members from joining.We are fortunate to have a strong leadership in Missouri. As we are faced with more challenges both on alocal and national level, it will require strength in numbers to continue to prevail. With an organized effortand continued support from current members we will achieve the above goals making our profession in thestate of Missouri ever stronger.*Board Liaison

PublicRelationsKyle E. Brost, O.D., Chair• Lee Ann W. Barrett, O.D• Scott M. Burks, O.D.• Thomas J. Cullinane, O.D.• Michael C. Frier, O.D.• Jeffrey M. Gamble, O.D.• Debbie Hettler-Arbeitman, O.D.• James M. Hunt, O.D.• Cinnamon Langford, O.D.• Scott R. Ream, O.D.• Richard C. Wilson, O.D. *• Sue BrownThe MOA’s Public Relations Committeehas been very active this year. The memberson the committee have all shouldered the loadof work assigned to our committee and havevery capably rotated as task leaders forvarious projects we completed this past year.Their dedication to the profession ofoptometry and the quality of work theseindividuals provide, has certainly simplifiedmy role as committee chairman. Please taketime to thank these individuals for theirvolunteer efforts when you see them.In February of this year, members of the PRCommittee once again manned a booth spacegranted to us at the Heart of America ContactLens meeting. This booth space, located inthe exhibit hall, allowed us to promote MOAand reach out to potential new members.We have developed a driver’s license renewalform which can be utilized in the optometricoffice to further promote the dollar check-offprogram designed to increase the BlindnessEducation Fund. This fund can potentially betapped into down the road to help defray thecosts of a variety of MOA projects.A much needed “on-hold” message system has been purchased for the MOA central office. The PRCommittee has developed the text messages which play on this system.To help the MOA’s bottom line, the PR Committee met with our web-site host and renegotiated ourcontract with them. We have also transformed the VISION newsletter into an on-line publication,saving the MOA printing and mailing costs. These moves will save the MOA several thousand dollarsannually.A year-long project has been the development of our “Nurses Symposium”; a continuing educationprogram for school nurses. The program is designed to enhance a nurse’s knowledge of visualdisorders common in school-aged children, how to manage minor ocular emergencies, etc. Hopefullythe success of this program, which can be given state-wide, will strengthen the relationship between theMOA and the state nursing associations.At the time of this report, the Public Relations Committee is taking on a board directive to determinethe feasibility of an aggressive PR campaign designed to enhance the public perception of theoptometric profession in Missouri. This study may possibly be completed by the MOA Convention.This has been a busy year for our committee. It has been a pleasure working with the people on thiscommittee, and it has been a privilege serving as your Public Relations chairman in 2006.* Board Liaison

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