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Missouri OD’s Travelto Capitol HillA group of Missouri OD’s traveled toWashington, D.C. to attend the 2006 AOACongressional Advocacy Conference. Tooptometry’s advantage, the Senate was preparing toconsider S. 1955, legislation that would createhealth plans for small business employees that wereexempt from state patient protection and choicelaws.In addition to S. 1955, there were several otherlegislative and political issues that were discussedwith Missouri’s legislators. OD’s sought additionalco-sponsors for the AOA-backed H.R. 2238, theChildren’s Vision Improvement and LearningReadiness Act. This is a bipartisan measure thatwould ensure that states committed to addressingthis problem could supplement their existingchildren’s vision initiatives. There are nearly 200 cosponsorsafter the states visited the Hill.Attention was also drawn to prescription verificationabuses by online contact lens sellers. In March,Senator Robert Bennett (R-UT) introducedlegislation to benefit the online and mail-ordercontact lens sales industry, but the bill fails toaddress prescription verification abuse problems.Legislators were asked to contact the US FederalTrade Commission and seek a full investigation ofthe latest complaints about the industry.The VICTORS (Visual Impairment Center to OptimizeRemaining Sight) program,established at the Kansas City VAMedical Center, is a specialprogram designed to provide lowvision services to veteranssuffering from severe visualimpairments. Members ofCongress were asked to contactthe Department of VeteransAffairs in support of expandingthe VICTORS program withinthe VA system.Above: Rep Roy Blunt (center) withDrs. Wesley Kemp and Thomas CullianeLeft: Sen Bond & Dr. Thomas CullinaneAs a follow-up,S. 1955 diedwith aprocedural voteMay 11th. TheAOA willcontinue towatch for anyplans to reformthe insurancemarket thatmight resurfacein Congress.The AOA honored severallegislators with the AOAHealthcare Leadership Award. Missouri’s own Senator KitBond was one of the honorees. Bond was awardedMissouri’s Friend of Optometry at our 2005 convention forhis support of optometric issues over the years.MOA SponsorsSpecial OlympicsThe Missouri OptometricAssociation helped sponsorthe Missouri SpecialOlympics Summer Gamesheld in Columbia on May24th-26th.With the help of Columbia Eye Consultants and Dr. Lee AnnBarrett, all the athletes were provided with sunglasses whichsported the MOA logo on the temple. This is the third year thatthe MOA has been involved with the summer games.North Central StatesOptometric CouncilThe North Central States OptometricCouncil installed officers during theMay meeting.Dr. Kyle Brost, Missouri was installedas President. Dr. Scott Ream,Missouri, was installed as Secretary/Treasurer.Congratulations to both of them!

MOA SocietiesThe MOA Societies have been active this year.Many groups have sponsored legislativefundraisers and barbeques in an effort to raiseawareness of optometry and the children’s visioninitiative.MOA and its leadership would like to thank all ofyou and express our very deep appreciation forall the time and energy our members devote totheir individual society groups. You are whatmake MOA the special organization it is.Final ThoughtsI am very excited about being selected as your newExecutive Director. I am fully committed toimplementing the goals of your MOA Board ofDirectors, and that in itself will be significant as theNew Year begins.In summary, I am extremely proud of where theassociation stands at the end of this year. We have astrong and stable plan for the future, and an excellentboard to carry it out.Notes

Missouri OD’s Travelto Capitol HillA group of Missouri OD’s traveled toWashington, D.C. to attend the 2006 AOACongressional Advocacy Conference. Tooptometry’s advantage, the Senate was preparing toconsider S. 1955, legislation that would createhealth plans for small business employees that wereexempt from state patient protection and choicelaws.In addition to S. 1955, there were several otherlegislative and political issues that were discussedwith Missouri’s legislators. OD’s sought additionalco-sponsors for the AOA-backed H.R. 2238, theChildren’s Vision Improvement and LearningReadiness Act. This is a bipartisan measure thatwould ensure that states committed to addressingthis problem could supplement their existingchildren’s vision initiatives. There are nearly 200 cosponsorsafter the states visited the Hill.Attention was also drawn to prescription verificationabuses by online contact lens sellers. In March,Senator Robert Bennett (R-UT) introducedlegislation to benefit the online and mail-ordercontact lens sales industry, but the bill fails toaddress prescription verification abuse problems.Legislators were asked to contact the US FederalTrade Commission and seek a full investigation ofthe latest complaints about the industry.The VICTORS (Visual Impairment Center to OptimizeRemaining Sight) program,established at the Kansas City VAMedical Center, is a specialprogram designed to provide lowvision services to veteranssuffering from severe visualimpairments. Members ofCongress were asked to contactthe Department of VeteransAffairs in support of expandingthe VICTORS program withinthe VA system.Above: Rep Roy Blunt (center) withDrs. Wesley Kemp and Thomas CullianeLeft: Sen Bond & Dr. Thomas CullinaneAs a follow-up,S. 1955 diedwith aprocedural voteMay 11th. TheAOA willcontinue towatch for anyplans to reformthe insurancemarket thatmight resurfacein Congress.The AOA honored severallegislators with the AOAHealthcare Leadership Award. Missouri’s own Senator KitBond was one of the honorees. Bond was awardedMissouri’s Friend of Optometry at our 2005 convention forhis support of optometric issues over the years.MOA SponsorsSpecial OlympicsThe Missouri OptometricAssociation helped sponsorthe Missouri SpecialOlympics Summer Gamesheld in Columbia on May24th-26th.With the help of Columbia Eye Consultants and Dr. Lee AnnBarrett, all the athletes were provided with sunglasses whichsported the MOA logo on the temple. This is the third year thatthe MOA has been involved with the summer games.North Central StatesOptometric CouncilThe North Central States OptometricCouncil installed officers during theMay meeting.Dr. Kyle Brost, Missouri was installedas President. Dr. Scott Ream,Missouri, was installed as Secretary/Treasurer.Congratulations to both of them!

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