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One of the biggest undertakings this year hasbeen to increase our MOA-PAC fund. Whetheryou like it or notpolitics will be a partof our professionforever.In April I asked thatour membership startcontributing to theMOA-PAC on aregular basis. I askedthat each memberstarting giving justIn Jefferson City,where even thesmallest componentof our profession issubject to changewith a simple vote ofthe legislature, PAC’sare extremelyinfluential.$45 a month. For most of us that is about ½ ofone exam. A pittance when we consider it willhelp us keep our current scope of practice in tactas well as help us expand it in the future. I havebeen pleased with the numbers who have signedup to date, but I’m issuing the challenge againto those of you who are not participating. Asimple way to do this is to have that smallamount charged to your credit card each month.After filling out the enrollment form (found inthis publication) and sending it to the JeffersonCity office, you have nothing more to do. Eachmonth you will help ensure the strength of ourprofession that we can continue to serve ourpatients in the manner they deserve.As I mentioned in an earlier edition of the Visionour board is currently exploring the possibilityof a five year public relations campaign toimprove our image in the state of Missouri. Aninitial plan has been submitted and we areworking hard to iron out the details. This couldbe the single most influential activity we do tonot only maintain our current scope of practicebut also allow our patients to be better served byenhancing our scope of practice. I sincerelyhope that our entire membership will understandits significance and support it in any wayneeded.The MOA has a new Executive Director onboard. Joyce Baker has only been with us a fewmonths but I am already impressed with hermany skills. I know all of us are excited aboutJoyce’s strengths in association management,convention planning and working with thelegislature. She is fully committed toimplementing the goals of the association andthat in itself will be significant as the years pass.In summary, I am extremely proud of where westand at the end of the year. We have moved theball down the field. We have a strong and stableplan for the future, and we have the staffing onboard to carry it out.Notes

Past-President’sQuadrennial ReviewThe ChainKeeps Us Togetherby Richard C. Wilson,O.D., FAAO, Immediate Past-PresidentAlthough I have thoroughlyenjoyed my service, it will begood to leave the MOA in capablehands.With a new executivedirector and experienced boardofficers and motivated trustees,the MOA leadership is in fineshape for the years to come.I have been on the Board ofDirectors of the MissouriOptometric Association since myvery first Society meeting out ofoptometry school. It has been aprivilege to serve on the MOAboard during virtually my entireprofessional career to this point.We continue topromote patientcare, children’svision, andpatient access.While optometry will always be alegislated profession, the arena ofpolitics will always be changingaround us. We continue topromote patient care, children’svision, patient access and avariety of other issues. The secret toour success in the past is that thereare no secrets; there are nosubstitutes for hard work on the partof all of our membership.Everyone needs to remain involvedin building relationships – not onlywith our patients and other healthcare providers, but also with ourelected officials at all levels ofgovernment and other leaders in ourcommunities.The MOA is financially sound. Weown our building, Our reserveaccounts are well funded and thoughthere is always room forimprovement, the MOA is strong.Like a chain, the MOA is only asstrong as our weakest link. Each oneof our members needs to be readyand willing to volunteer when calledupon by our leadership.

Treasurer’s ReportMaintaining OurStability and Strengthby Gregory J. Goetzinger, O.D., TreasurerThe Missouri OptometricAssociation Board of Directors,the Finance Committee, newExecutive Director and staff haveworked very hard to maintain thefinancial stability and strength ofour organization.The fiscal challenges of the MOAhave been significant this year.The most substantial challengehas been the vacancy of ourbuilding and loss of rent income.The loss of income has made itdifficult to meet our projectedbudget.We have workedvery hard tomaintainfinancial stabilityand strength ofour organization.Despite the income shortfall dueto the building vacancy we havecontinued to conservatively guidethe organization through theselean times and have continued tofund our reserve accounts.Although renting the building isone of our top financial prioritieswe must assume no income fromrenting the building in 2007 sothat we may budget our expensesaccordingly and realistically.I encourage everyone to inspectthe 2007 Proposed MOA Budgetas it reflects the anticipation of amuch leaner year.During the past year we have hiredtwo different realty companies inhopes of finding tenants. Itappears, however, that in order tofind a tenant we may need to planfor some significant physicalimprovements to the building overthe next few years to make surethat our investment continues toretain its value.

MOA Reserve Funds1) General Operations Reserve Fund: To have funds available for emergency operations of theMOA. This is currently funded at $40,000.00 with a goal of $60,000.00.2) Committee and Special Projects Reserve: To have funding available for such special projects asmay be authorized by the MOA Board of Directors to further the purposes of the MOA. This iscurrently funded at $72,365.93 with a goal of $100,000.00.3) Statutory Defense Fund: To have funds available to meet unusual or unexpected expenses inconnection with proposed legislation or legal actions affecting eye health and vision care. This iscurrently funded at $54,062.45 with a goal of $200,000.00.4) Building Reserve Fund: To have funds available for maintenance or major renovation of theproperty. This is currently fully funded at $30,000.00.MembershipAgain this year the majorityof income continues to comefrom our membership dues.Our paraoptometricmembership is now at 155,and our doctor membershiplevel has been stable and isagain at 552 members. TheMOA Auxiliary members areat 61.NotesSignet ArmorliteSignet Armorlite has againbeen a significant contributorwith a check for $21,855.00.Their support has been verytimely for the association;please thank theirrepresentatives when you seethem.ConclusionsAn audit as required by ourbylaws was completed this yearby Bielecki and Company. Theresults of the audit were goodand within normal accountingprocedures.It has been a most interestingyear in the MOA and I amhappy and honored to have hada chance to serve themembership as MOA Treasurerthis past year. I look forward toserving the association over thenext few years as I anticipatefurther growth and developmentof the MOA.

ExecutiveDirector’s ReportPride inAccomplishmentsby Joyce Baker, MOA Executive DirectorOur membership should take pride in the accomplishments ofthe Missouri Optometric Association this past year. First, theMOA has worked to build member services by offering social andlegislative events and educational functions that help associationmembers run their businesses and network with fellowoptometrists. These opportunities are important, and you can takepride in what has been done and what is being done.This year’s MOA Legislative Conference held January 9, 2006,began with a special invitation-only breakfast at the Governor’sMansion. Afterwards, the day featured two hours of continuingeducation with Rep/Dr. Jim McClendon (R–Alabama) and otheradvocacy specialists. The sponsor of the Missouri’s Children’sVision bill, Senator Delbert Scott, shared his perspective on theupcoming legislative session, as did the MOA’s own optometriclegislators Dr. Terry Swinger (D) and Dr. Steve Tilley (R).MOA eventshelp membersachieve theirprofessionalgoals.Missouri Supreme Court Justice the Honorable Mary RhodesRussell addressed the group, and Michael Ditmore, M.D.,Missouri’s Division of Medical Services Director sharedMedicaid information. A reception in Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder’soffice in the afternoon, the delivery of the “now-famous”cinnamon rolls and an evening reception for members of theMissouri General Assembly rounded out the day.

MOA filed Children’s VisionLegislation in MissouriThis legislationmandated thatevery childenrolling inkindergarten orfirst grade musthave at least onevisionexamination by astate licensed eyecare professional. This examination must take place nolater than January 1 following their enrollment. MOAwas not successful in the passage of this legislation.The bill has drawn a large amount of support from theboth the Democrats and Republicans in the MissouriLegislature. MOA is filing this bill again during theupcoming legislative session.BondintroducesVisionCarefor KidsAct“The Vision Care for Kids Act of 2006,” S. 3685,supported by the American Optometric Association(AOA), was introduced by U.S. Sen. Christopher“Kit” Bond (R-Mo.), a leader in Congress oneducation and health issues who still suffers frompermanent vision loss due to his own undiagnosedamblyopia, or lazy eye, as a child.“Good vision is critical to learning. In fact, 80 percentof what children learn in their early school years isvisual. This important legislation will improve visioncare for children to better equip them to succeed inschool and in life,” Sen. Bond said. “With the supportof the American Academy of Ophthalmology, theAmerican Optometric Association and the VisionCouncil of America, together we will make a differencein the lives of children across the country.”S. 3685 would establish a federal grant programfocusing on treatment to bolster children’s visioninitiatives in the states and encourage children’svision partnerships with non-profit entities,including groups as committed to the cause ofsafeguarding the sight of America’s children asstate optometric associations.Restored Medicaid FundingDuring the 2006 legislative session, MOA wassuccessful—with the help of RepresentativesTilley and Swinger—in restoring Medicaidfunding for eyeglasses every other year for adults.Wheelchair batteries were also added after theextreme Medicaid cuts from last session.Dr. Lee Ann BarrettHeart of AmericaofOptometrist theYearDr. Lee Ann Barrett wasawarded the Heart of AmericaContact Lens Society’s Optometrist of the Yearduring the awards luncheon at the annualcongress in February.• She joined the American OptometricAssociation and the Missouri OptometricAssociation (MOA) while she was in optometryschool at the University of Missouri - St. Louis(UMSL) College of Optometry.• Dr. Barrett received her degree in 1985, andsince that time, she has worked tirelessly on behalfof her patients.• In the course of her practice, she volunteers asan InfantSEE provider.• After training in Mexico City in 2002, she hasheld the position of Clinical Director for the SpecialOlympics Lions Club International Opening EyesProgram, which provides vision screenings andglasses to Special Olympics athletes.• She’s been married 25 years to Robert C.Barrett. They have one son, Alexander, age 19. Dr.Barrett makes her home in Boonville.

Missouri OD’s Travelto Capitol HillA group of Missouri OD’s traveled toWashington, D.C. to attend the 2006 AOACongressional Advocacy Conference. Tooptometry’s advantage, the Senate was preparing toconsider S. 1955, legislation that would createhealth plans for small business employees that wereexempt from state patient protection and choicelaws.In addition to S. 1955, there were several otherlegislative and political issues that were discussedwith Missouri’s legislators. OD’s sought additionalco-sponsors for the AOA-backed H.R. 2238, theChildren’s Vision Improvement and LearningReadiness Act. This is a bipartisan measure thatwould ensure that states committed to addressingthis problem could supplement their existingchildren’s vision initiatives. There are nearly 200 cosponsorsafter the states visited the Hill.Attention was also drawn to prescription verificationabuses by online contact lens sellers. In March,Senator Robert Bennett (R-UT) introducedlegislation to benefit the online and mail-ordercontact lens sales industry, but the bill fails toaddress prescription verification abuse problems.Legislators were asked to contact the US FederalTrade Commission and seek a full investigation ofthe latest complaints about the industry.The VICTORS (Visual Impairment Center to OptimizeRemaining Sight) program,established at the Kansas City VAMedical Center, is a specialprogram designed to provide lowvision services to veteranssuffering from severe visualimpairments. Members ofCongress were asked to contactthe Department of VeteransAffairs in support of expandingthe VICTORS program withinthe VA system.Above: Rep Roy Blunt (center) withDrs. Wesley Kemp and Thomas CullianeLeft: Sen Bond & Dr. Thomas CullinaneAs a follow-up,S. 1955 diedwith aprocedural voteMay 11th. TheAOA willcontinue towatch for anyplans to reformthe insurancemarket thatmight resurfacein Congress.The AOA honored severallegislators with the AOAHealthcare Leadership Award. Missouri’s own Senator KitBond was one of the honorees. Bond was awardedMissouri’s Friend of Optometry at our 2005 convention forhis support of optometric issues over the years.MOA SponsorsSpecial OlympicsThe Missouri OptometricAssociation helped sponsorthe Missouri SpecialOlympics Summer Gamesheld in Columbia on May24th-26th.With the help of Columbia Eye Consultants and Dr. Lee AnnBarrett, all the athletes were provided with sunglasses whichsported the MOA logo on the temple. This is the third year thatthe MOA has been involved with the summer games.North Central StatesOptometric CouncilThe North Central States OptometricCouncil installed officers during theMay meeting.Dr. Kyle Brost, Missouri was installedas President. Dr. Scott Ream,Missouri, was installed as Secretary/Treasurer.Congratulations to both of them!

MOA SocietiesThe MOA Societies have been active this year.Many groups have sponsored legislativefundraisers and barbeques in an effort to raiseawareness of optometry and the children’s visioninitiative.MOA and its leadership would like to thank all ofyou and express our very deep appreciation forall the time and energy our members devote totheir individual society groups. You are whatmake MOA the special organization it is.Final ThoughtsI am very excited about being selected as your newExecutive Director. I am fully committed toimplementing the goals of your MOA Board ofDirectors, and that in itself will be significant as theNew Year begins.In summary, I am extremely proud of where theassociation stands at the end of this year. We have astrong and stable plan for the future, and an excellentboard to carry it out.Notes


The Administrative Services Committee isresponsible for dealing with theadministrative, managerial andoperational duties of the Association.Our largest challenge this year remains thesame as last year – trying to find a tenant forthe lower levels of the MOA building. Wehave gone more than 1 year without a tenantwhich represents a $5000 per monthdecrease in income. The number ofavailable commercial real estate propertieshas increased the last few years due to thestate’s effort to consolidate. In order tomake our building stand out from the otheravailable buildings in Jefferson City, wehave had cleaning and minor repairs done.We have obtained bids for more extensiverepairs and painting but will wait on newtenants before performing any of these. Alocal real estate company has been hired tohelp find a renter.AdministrativeServicesRobert L. Bernskoetter, O.D., Chair• Lee J. Browning, O.D.• Cheryl L. Davidson, O.D.• Gregory J. Goetzinger, O.D. *• Scott T. Hussey, O.D.• Lorry W. Lazenby, O.D.There have been a few new purchases for the central office: a new laser jet printer due to the high costof operating the previous printer and a firewall has been installed to the computer system in order tosafeguard information.Policy and Procedures Manual was reviewed and changes / additions were made involving disbursementof MOPAC and Legislative funds, Capital Expenditures by the Executive Director and reimbursementfor meals.Thanks to the Board liaison, committee members and the MOA staff for all of their help.* Board Liaison

AffiliatedOrganizationsLori Swopes, O.D., Chair• Dr. W. Gary Bachman, O.D.• David S. Bennett, O.D• Craig M. Brawley, O.D.• Kenneth C. Detring, O.D.• Brett H. Liesemeyer, O.D.• Carol K. Peck, O.D.• Craig H. Sorce, O.D.• Erin C. Sullivan, O.D.• Duane A. Thompson, O.D. *• Tina Heafner• Amy Powell• Sara Pyatt• Ryan ReadThe Affiliated Organizations ServicesCommittee met at both the LegislativeConference in January and the LeadershipRetreat in May. Both meetings weresuccessful in discussing issues that affectorganizations that work through and with theMOA.MOSA- The optometry students at UMSL-College of Optometry and other schools andcolleges of optometry continue to be a valuedasset to our committee and the MOA. Theycontinue to be greatly involved withvolunteering at the annual convention andparticipating in doctor events. President AaronBrewer continued to promote the importanceof the MOA to the students; which ultimatelymaintains the relationship between the MOAand the future optometrists. The MOA and theIndustry Alliance continued to sponsor anevent for the students in mid-October. Thisincluded a lunch at the school, followed by adoctor and lab panel. Ultimately, everyonehad a nice evening with dinner andentertainment at Harrah’s Casino. This annualevent is becoming a day that the students getexcited about and look forward to every year.INDUSTRY ALLIANCE- 2006 members were as follows: Executive Level-Sutherlin Optical, MidlandOptical, Ozarks Optical, and Duffens/Langley Optical; Supporting Level-Heffington Optical, KCOphthalmics, Pech Optical, and Firestone Optics. The Industry Alliance and the MOA continued its openrelationship with a roundtable discussion at the Lake in May. Also, the Industry Alliance maintained itssupport of the MOSA by co-sponsoring an event at Harrah’s Casino and panel discussion during thefourth year seminar week at UMSL-College of Optometry in October. As previously noted, this eventwas a huge success.MOAA- This year the Missouri Optometric Association Auxillary was strongly led by President AmyPowell. They continued to work hard to promote optometry, eye health and vision awareness in variousongoing projects. There are many new faces in the MOAA and they are energized with many fresh newideas.PARA<strong>OPTOMETRIC</strong>S- The paraoptometrics continued to grow and maintain their membership andwork with the MOA through the leadership of Tina Hefner, President. The group continues to maintaintheir membership goal at over 100 members. Dr. Ryan Powell became the direct liason to theparaoptometrics for their state-wide society meetings and board meetings.I would like to thank my committee members for all of their hard work during this extremely productiveyear in such a diverse committee.* Board Liaison

This year the education committee focusedon optometry’s future.The future scope of optometry, the futureneeds of our patients, and the futurerequirements of our businesses were the goalsin planning education.Scheduling convention speakers further inadvance was also implemented so that theMOA could provide more to its membership atfuture meetings. Dr. Greg Huntress willcoordinate educational articles for the Visionnewsletter for the upcoming year as well. ParaCertification is also a new focus for theEducation Committee.We are providing review courses as part of thepara education at convention and certificationtesting is available at Legislative Conferenceand the MOA Annual Convention.Clinical /Educational AffairsErica F. Burton, O.D., Chair• Kurt W. Finklang, O.D.• John B. Gelvin, O.D.• Joni K. LaFerla, O.D• Mark V. Maddox, O.D.• W. Howard McAlister, O.D.• Rex A. Newcomb, O.D.• Jeffrey L. Weaver, O.D. *• Bethany J. Whitesell, O.D.• Monica J. Clay*Board Liaison

PublicRelationsKyle E. Brost, O.D., Chair• Lee Ann W. Barrett, O.D• Scott M. Burks, O.D.• Thomas J. Cullinane, O.D.• Michael C. Frier, O.D.• Jeffrey M. Gamble, O.D.• Debbie Hettler-Arbeitman, O.D.• James M. Hunt, O.D.• Cinnamon Langford, O.D.• Scott R. Ream, O.D.• Richard C. Wilson, O.D. *• Sue BrownThe MOA’s Public Relations Committeehas been very active this year. The memberson the committee have all shouldered the loadof work assigned to our committee and havevery capably rotated as task leaders forvarious projects we completed this past year.Their dedication to the profession ofoptometry and the quality of work theseindividuals provide, has certainly simplifiedmy role as committee chairman. Please taketime to thank these individuals for theirvolunteer efforts when you see them.In February of this year, members of the PRCommittee once again manned a booth spacegranted to us at the Heart of America ContactLens meeting. This booth space, located inthe exhibit hall, allowed us to promote MOAand reach out to potential new members.We have developed a driver’s license renewalform which can be utilized in the optometricoffice to further promote the dollar check-offprogram designed to increase the BlindnessEducation Fund. This fund can potentially betapped into down the road to help defray thecosts of a variety of MOA projects.A much needed “on-hold” message system has been purchased for the MOA central office. The PRCommittee has developed the text messages which play on this system.To help the MOA’s bottom line, the PR Committee met with our web-site host and renegotiated ourcontract with them. We have also transformed the VISION newsletter into an on-line publication,saving the MOA printing and mailing costs. These moves will save the MOA several thousand dollarsannually.A year-long project has been the development of our “Nurses Symposium”; a continuing educationprogram for school nurses. The program is designed to enhance a nurse’s knowledge of visualdisorders common in school-aged children, how to manage minor ocular emergencies, etc. Hopefullythe success of this program, which can be given state-wide, will strengthen the relationship between theMOA and the state nursing associations.At the time of this report, the Public Relations Committee is taking on a board directive to determinethe feasibility of an aggressive PR campaign designed to enhance the public perception of theoptometric profession in Missouri. This study may possibly be completed by the MOA Convention.This has been a busy year for our committee. It has been a pleasure working with the people on thiscommittee, and it has been a privilege serving as your Public Relations chairman in 2006.* Board Liaison

The membership committee is alwayschallenged with the task of maintainingmembers as well as increasing overallmembership.Potential new members must perceive both apersonal and professional benefit in order tovalue a membership with the MissouriOptometric Association.Discussions over the last year have lead to thedevelopment of a five year plan.With the coordinated efforts of both theMembership Committee and the PublicRelations Committee we hope to achieve thefollowing:1. Increase Paraoptometric awarenessand participation in MOA relatedevents.MemberServicesRobert G. Goerss, O.D., Chair• Wesley D. Kemp, O.D.*• Buffie J. Mock, O.D.• R. Lane Nutt, O.D.• Steven W. Rosenak, O.D.• Kory P. Thoma, O.D.• Kent R. Wolber, O.D.• Linda R. Marks, UMSL Representative• Vickie Rogers, Paraoptometric2. Continue to develop a corporateoptometry task force with theintention of developing new ways ofselling the value of the MOA to these non-members.3. Work together with the Public Relations Committee in an effort to redesign the brochure forpotential new members and actively distribute it to non-members.4. Increase awareness among students and non-members by presenting current threats that optometryfaces locally and nationally.5. Work to approach 100 percent private practice OD membership. Determine what factors discourageprivate OD non-members from joining.We are fortunate to have a strong leadership in Missouri. As we are faced with more challenges both on alocal and national level, it will require strength in numbers to continue to prevail. With an organized effortand continued support from current members we will achieve the above goals making our profession in thestate of Missouri ever stronger.*Board Liaison

GovernmentalAffairsMark D. Curtis, O.D., Chair• Jerry W. Brown, O.D.• Thomas F. Greene, O.D. *• James T. Hall, O.D.• Kelsey Kleinsasser, O.D.• Melanie L. Linderer, O.D.• Mark V. Maddox, O.D.• Sean P. Mulqueeny, O.D.• G. Ryan Powell, O.D.• Larry D. Snider, O.D.• Matthew D. Wickham, O.D.The MOA was very busy again this pastlegislative session. This year’s highlightsinclude re-instatement of Medicaid funds foreyeglasses and coming a step closer to passing achildren’s vision bill. I’ve included updates onthese and other legislative topics in this report.First of all, a big “THANKS” goes to:·President Hobbs and Vice-President Greene fortheir leadership.·The central office for their tireless work ethic.·Rep. Tilley and Rep. Swinger for supporting usand Missouri’s citizens.·The Governmental Affairs Committee for theirguidance and input.·Our lobbyists Scott Marrs and Jerry Burch fortheir support.·YOU! We would be nothing without ourtremendous keyperson system.Medicaid Eyeglasses - As of July 1, 2006, Eyeglasses are available again for Medicaid patients every twoyears. Very few medical benefits were re-instated after last year’s significant budget cuts, so we feelfortunate to have it back. The criteria for eligibility remains the same as in the past. If you have questionsabout a patient’s benefits or re-imbursement, please contact the Missouri Dept. of Medical Services at 573-751-3425. Their website is www.dss.mo.gov/dms. The website has great information for you and yourpatients about Medicaid services.Any Willing Provider - The “any willing provider” language continues to be discussed. Perhaps no onehas worked harder on this issue in Jefferson City than our own Dr. Steve Tilley. Insurance companiescontinue to lobby against any willing provider language. We have worked as a coalition with otherhealthcare groups to push the language, but have found we might do better to pursue language specific tooptometry only.Children’s Vision Bill - The legislation requiring children’s eye exams prior to entering kindergarten wasnot approved this year. Our largest opposition to the bill continues to be organized ophthalmology and thestate school nurses association. Both groups believe that vision screenings are sufficient. We arecommitted to passing a bill that leaves examination language in it. We have been discussing the bill withthe school nurses association and I encourage each of you to discuss the bill with your local school nurses.Jury Duty - I included this subject as a reminder to everyone that optometrists are now listed as beingexempt from jury duty with some minimal requirements.As always, please feel free to contact me for any questions about the previous or future legislative sessions.* Board Liaison

It has been another busy year for thePara’s, facing the challenges of changes atheadquarters and within the Para board.With all of the changes the Para board hasfaced, communication has been a struggle.Although the Para board has lost some veryimportant members, we are working togetherto move in a positive direction.Throughout the past year, the Para board losttwo long-term trustees, Donita Stanek andSue Brown. Over the past several years, theyhave contributed so much to the organization,I am sure their presence will be missed. Weare happy to bring on two additional trusteesfor positions, which have been vacant for wellover a year. Sam Stookey from Dr. WendyParsons office in Lee’s Summit has acceptedthe position as Kansas City Para Trustee andCheri Harris, from Dr. Leet’s office in CapeGirardeau has accepted the position ofSoutheast Society Trustee.ParaOptometricTina Heafner, Interim President• Tina Heafner, President Elect• Vickie Rogers, Immediate Past-President• Monica Clay, Current Past-President• Sue Brown (COS)• Cherie Harris (SEOS)• Bernadette Mims (SWOS)• Nancy Y. Rowan (WCOS)• Sandi D. Stewart (SLOS)• Sam Stookey (KCOS)• Vacant (GOOS)• Vacant (NEOS)The education committee did an exceptionaljob this year, offering a variety of courses atconvention. Through a survey conducted by• Vacant (NWOS)the Para board at the 2005 convention, the Para’s asked for more variety and less courses designedspecifically for opticians. The education committee has created a schedule of courses that can and willappeal to a larger group of Para’s this year.Another item of interest that the Para board is extremely excited about is the AOA CE testing that wasoffered at the Legislative Conference and is being offered at the 2006 convention. We feel the reviewcourses being offered on Saturday will continue the education process for those Para’s who are notcertified or unsure of the certification process.Recruiting of new Para’s is continuing to rise. Last year, there were 123 members of the Para section,compared to 155 today. Each year, we get closer to meeting our 175-member goal. The board has beenactively educating Para’s about the MOA and the Para section, using their Para pamphlet. Pamphlets werehanded out to all Para attendees last year at convention and were made available at the MOA booth duringthe Heart of America Conference in Kansas City.During convention 2005, the Para board had high expectations with cookbook sales. However, a lack ofinterest left the board with boxes of cookbooks left. Sandi Stewart, St. Louis Society Para Trustee, wasable to sell many of the remaining cookbooks in order to cover printing costs. We hope to reach, if notexceed, our financial goal this year. During convention exhibit hall, we plan to raffle item a four nightsstay at the Turquoise Shell Inn, donated by Dr. Carter Glass. As in years past, we are looking to vendorsfor donations to help support the Para activities.For 2007, we must set more aggressive goals. For the benefit of our organization, the Para board mustimprove on communication. Communication will be key in meeting our financial goal next year. Asalways, our number one goal is to increase membership through education. Through education andmembership drives, we will find strong leaders to fill vacant positions that will help us continue to achieveour goals.

MOAAuxiliaryAmy Powell, President• Suzanne McCoy, Vice-President• Marilyn Brodmerkle, Secretary• Beth Thompson, Treasurer• Teresa Brothers• Mary Jane Fields-Schoen• Wilma Maddox• Geraldine Ream• June Turley• Jean VanderfeltzThe MOA Auxiliary started the yearout with some changes! At Conventionthis past October, the wonderful womenwho have led the MOAA for manyyears made the difficult decision to takesome much deserved rest from theirleadership roles!Our heartfelt thanks go out to MartyPoynter, Mary Jane Fields, JoyChapman and June Turley for theirincredible dedication to the MOA andAuxiliary!In January, we distributed our MOAAuxiliary mugs containing our“Mommy & Daddy Give Me OneHour” brochures, lens cloths, coffee &tea bags and our ‘famous’ eyeballs to allthe legislators during the annualLegislative Conference. Thanks to allthose that were able to help.This year, the MOAA decided to forgothe science fair awards in order to offermore valuable scholarships to optometry students! Now, the MOAA offers two $2000 scholarshipsto eligible optometry students. We look forward to awarding these scholarships at the FallConvention, thanks to Karen Rice our scholarship chairperson.The MOAA also continues to support optometry in Missouri by providing information to parentsregarding the importance of pediatric eye exams.We are looking forward to a great meeting at the Convention in October. We are planning a quickbusiness meeting during brunch….and YES!! Bryan Kramer will be there again to lead awonderful live auction for us!The Missouri Optometric Association Auxiliary invites all spouses, both male and female, toparticipate in our support of the wonderful profession of Optometry in Missouri. Please join us inour effort to share the gift of vision with the families of Missouri!

IndustryAlliance MembersMissouri Optometric Associaiton and the Industry AllianceWorking Together for theAdvancement of OptometryExecutive Level MembersDuffens/Langley Optical Co.Gene Thomas, General Manager8140 Marshall DriveLenexa, Kansas 66214-1536800/397-2020 • gthomas@essilorusa.comMidland Optical CompanyCraig Hausmann2360 59 th StreetSt. Louis, Missouri 63110314/533-2020 • chausmann@midlandoptical.comOzarks Optical Laboratories, Inc.John Van Noy1845 Arbor Court • P. O. Box 9700Springfield, Missouri 65801-9700417/890-5367 • john@ozarksopticallab.comSutherlin Optical Co.Steve SutherlinP. O. Box 419668Kansas City, Missouri 64141-9668800/999-8193 • ssuthelin@sutherlinoptical.comSupporting Level MembersFirestone OpticsLarry Hopper3901 NE 33 rd Terrace • P. O. Box 419142Kansas City, Missouri 64117816/455-0500 • firestoneoptics@msn.comHeffington Optical Co.Bob Heffington640 W. Chestnut • M. P. O. Box 774Springfield, Missouri 65801417/869-3937Kansas City Ophthalmics, L. L. C.Paul Russell13665 E. 42 nd Terrace, Suite AIndependence, Missouri 64055888/807-0072 • paul@opticallabs.comPech Optical Corp.Robert W. Pech2717 Murray StreetSioux City, Iowa 51111800/831-2352 • pech@pech.com

MOA -PACContributionPolitical ActionSupporting OptometryName: _______________________Phone:______________________________Street: ___________________________________________________________City: __________________________State_____________________Zip______[ ] I wish to support Optometry in Missouri with a check in the amount of:____$1000 ____$750 ____$500 ____$250 ____$100 Other $_______[ ] I wish to support Optometry in Missouri with a monthly charge on my credit card in the amount of:____$100 _____$75 ____ $50 _____$25 Other $_______[ ] I wish to support Optometry in Missouri with one time charge on my credit card in the amount of:____$1000 _____$750 ____ $500 _____$250 ___$100 Other $_______Visa or MasterCard ____________________________________ Expiration_____________________________________________________________________________(Signature)Return to:MOA-PAC Box located at the MOA Annual Conference Registration TableorMOA • 100 E. High St., Ste. 301 • Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 • Fax: 573-635-7989

Thank Youto Our SponsorsThe Missouri Optometric Association applauds andvalues their untiring dedication, integrity and continuedsupport of the esteemed profession of optometry.Signet Armorlite, Inc.Vistakon, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.Vision Service PlanAlcon LaboratoriesAllerganMcKnight & Wiles Eye CenterMissouri Eye Institute, L.L.C.Vision Source L.P.Advanced Medical OpticsH. Kell Yang, M.D.Kies Eye CenterMoyes Eye CentersMurphy-Watson-Burr Eye CenterRetina Associates of St. LouisTLC Laser Eye CenterAndrew N. Blatt, M.D.Central Trust BankEye Care Specialists LLCHunkeler Eye InstituteJoplin Eye Laser Center, Inc.

Missouri Optometric Association 2006 Annual ReportDesign and Layout by Lohman Hills Creative, LLCwww.lohmanhills.com

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