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Site reportCemented Backfill at the Porgera Gold MineEconomical and Environment-friendly1The Porgera Gold Mine is situatedin the Enga Province in the centralhighlands of Papua New Guinea,approximately 600 km north westof Port Moresby. The Porgera goldmine is located at an elevation of2.200 to 2.700 m.The mine is operated by Porgera JointVenture (PJV), which is owned by BarrickGold Corporation (95%) and MineralResources Enga (5%). The productionbegan in 1990 and PJV operates bothopen pit and underground mines.File under: A 1.00, A 4.00, IP 4.05At the end of 2010, a <strong>Putzmeister</strong> PasteBackfill Pumping Plant was taken intooperation. This is part of the environmentalplans of Barrick to improve andreduce the discharge of tailings andincrease the safety in the mine.2Preparation and pumping plant for the backfillmaterial. Power pack HA 800 E (2 x 400 KW) todrive the HSP 25.100 HPS.BildunterschriftIP 4434 GB

Advantage of the paste backfillsystem Approximately 8% of the tailingswill be used for permanent undergroundbackfill and will not bereleased into the environment. Better mechanical control of themine excavation hollows due todense filling. Better mine mechanical controlenables more selective excavationand, due to this, less tailings. Hermetically sealed conveying pathfor the paste material within thepipeline. Persons do not come intocontact with the paste. No truck transport is needed for thepaste transport and vehicle gaseshave been eliminated. No or only little residue water in themine, less accumulation of mud andno danger of water in abandonedworkings compared with slurrybackfill.Increasing the ore production from theunderground mine could give the opportunityto store more tailings undergroundas backfill material.Technical data of the pumpsystem:HSP 25.100 HPSDouble Piston Pump:Max. theor. output 133 m³/hMax. delivery pressure 15 MPaDelivery cylinder length 2.500 mmDelivery cylinder diameter 360 mmHA 800 E (2*400 kW)Power Packwith PCF System (<strong>Putzmeister</strong>Constant Flow) to reduce thepressure peaks.3HSP 25.100 HPS double piston pump with PCF-Control2IP 4434 GB

The backfill plant and thepaste material:4Dry solids content by weight:approx. 73,5 %Cement content by weight: 4,0 %Specific gravity of the paste:approx. 1.900 kg / m³Slump: 240 mm – 9,5 “Grain size distribution:Max. grain size: 1.000 µmP 90 221 µmP 80 166 µmP 50 88 µmP 10 4 µmVisualisation of the pump system in the control roomThe tailings slurry is dewatered by adisc-filter (pic. 5), then transported by abelt into the paste mixer (pic. 6). Therethe 4% cement will be added and theslump adjusted to the requested valuewhich depends on the pumping distance.5Pipeline diameter is 6” – 150 mm andthe max. pumping distance up to3.000 m.From the mixer, the paste is fed into the7 m³ paste hopper (pic. 8) which is placeddirectly above the suction inlets of theHSP 25.100 HPS Double Piston Pump.Disk filter for dewatering the slurry6<strong>Putzmeister</strong> HSP PumpPaste mixerIP 4434 GB3

PCF System(<strong>Putzmeister</strong> Constant Flow)Thanks to the <strong>Putzmeister</strong> PCF system,the pressure peaks in the pipeline arereduced to approx. +/- 10 % of the maximumdelivery pressure. While the firstdelivery cylinder is pushing the pasteinto the pipeline, the second piston sucksthe paste into the delivery cylinder fast,the seat valve switches over and precompressesto the pipeline pressure. At theend of the stroke of cylinder one, thespeed of this piston is reduced and theother starts pushing. Thanks to this, thebig pressure peaks of a standard doublepistonpump are eliminated, and the lifetimeof the pipeline is increased.The PCF system has been proven effec -tive over the past 10 years. Small PCF system: The first plantwas at the sewage treatment plant ofAugsburg for a small HSP 1470double-piston pump driven by aHA 30 E. The max. output was25 m³/h and the max. pressure30 bar. Medium PCF system: At Efemcukurua HSP 2180 HP double pistonpump, driven by a HA 132 E pumpsgoldmine backfill paste. The max.output is 53 m³/h and the max.pressure 85 bar.Even KOV double-piston pumps with ballvalves can be equipped with this PCFsystem.With this backfilling plant, environmentaland economical tasks will be fulfilled.Pressure variation of a PCF pump at 110 bar pumping pressureBig suction connection from the 7 m 3 paste ropper to the HSP 25.100 HPS78Member of the <strong>Putzmeister</strong> Groupwww.pm<strong>Solid</strong>.comRight to make technical amendments reserved© by <strong>Putzmeister</strong> <strong>Solid</strong> <strong>Pumps</strong> GmbH 2011All rights reservedPrinted in Germany(11108SC)<strong>Putzmeister</strong> <strong>Solid</strong> <strong>Pumps</strong> GmbHMax-Eyth-Straße 10 · 72631 Aichtal/GermanyP.O.Box 2152 · 72629 Aichtal/GermanyTel. +49 7127 599 500 · Fax +49 7127 599 988psp@pmw.de · www.putzmeister-solid-pumps.com4IP 4434 GB

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