Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

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Here w<strong>or</strong>ship is turned on its head by making it as muchabout me as about God. I am so loveable and so imp<strong>or</strong>tantand so desirable to God that whatever I do brings Godpleasure and theref<strong>or</strong>e is w<strong>or</strong>ship. Wonderful me! The selfesteemtheology is m<strong>or</strong>e about celebrating self than dying toself, even when it talks <strong>of</strong> dying to self! Warren says that if Ireject any part <strong>of</strong> myself I am denying God’s sovereignty.What about sin and what it has done to “myself”?Consider another statement from Warren’s popular book:“If you want to know how much you matter to God, lookat Christ with his arms outstretched on the cross, saying,‘I love you this much! I’d rather die than live withoutyou’” (p. 79).Thus, the cross is sanctified by the self-esteem theology sothat it is about me and how the L<strong>or</strong>d couldn’t live withoutme. Wonderful me!Consider another statement:“God is a lover and a liberat<strong>or</strong>, and surrendering to himbrings freedom, not bondage. When we completelysurrender ourselves to Jesus, we discover that he is ... nota boss, but a brother...” (p. 79).The self-esteem God is dedicated to liberating me. He isnot a boss! He’s just a Big Buddy, a Powerful Pal.Warren quotes from Olympic runner Eric Liddell: “To giveup running would be to hold him in contempt.”Thus, to deny what I am gifted at and what I like to do is todeny God. Isn’t it clever how that Warren has identified selfwillwith God’s will so that they have become one and thesame?In fact, things I am gifted f<strong>or</strong> and enjoy <strong>of</strong>tentimes comeinto conflict with God’s perfect will. God <strong>of</strong>tentimes callsupon an individual to give up even legitimate things f<strong>or</strong>9

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