Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

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Bono complains that the churches have not gotten involvedin such issues because of “a judgmental attitude.”In fact, Bible-believing churches do not jump on theworld’s bandwagons for the simple reason that they have adifferent and a higher calling. Bible-believing churches are inthe business of obeying the Great Commission of JesusChrist, which was repeated five times in the New Testamentto emphasize its importance (Matthew 28:18-19; Mark16:15; Luke 24:44-48; John 20:21; Acts 1:8).In the book of Acts, we see how the apostles interpreted theGreat Commission. They did not launch impressive socialjusticeprojects. Rather, they preached the gospel andbaptized those who believed and established churches anddiscipled believers to live holy lives in the midst of a wickedgeneration.It is impossible to obey God’s Word and at the same timehave a non-judgmental AIDS outreach. Ephesians 5:11commands, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitfulworks of darkness, but rather reprove them.”When churches obey this and similar commands andreprove sin, many AIDS-infected persons will curse themrather than seek their help.Rick Warren and Bill Hybels are probably sincere men, butthey are deeply deluded; they are the blind leading the blind.When a church jumps on the world’s bandwagon, it is certainthat it has jumped out of God’s will.82

Warren Teams up with AlphaRick Warren has teamed up with Alpha International andthe Billy Graham Association in the My Hope India project.The Alpha International Newsletter, published December4, 2006, contains Warren’s high recommendation of Alpha.He calls it “one of the most effective evangelism tools for the21st century” and says that you can use it to win the lost and“revitalize your church.”He says his 40 Days of Purpose and Alpha “fit togetherlike hand in glove.” He claims that both programs are“inspired by the Holy Spirit to deepen and develop theChurch.”He concludes, “I, Rick Warren, want to tell you that Alphahas my 100% endorsement.”This exposes the radical nature of Warren’s ecumenicalphilosophy. The Alpha program was birthed out of thecharismatic Laughing Revival that broke out in the HolyTrinity Brompton Anglican parish in London in the early1990s, and it is promoting a charismatic-ecumenical agendathroughout the world.I visited a service at Holy Trinity Brompton in March 1997and witnessed their charismatic error firsthand. There was“spirit slaying” and “holy shaking.”The Alpha program consists of 15 sessions and runs for tenweeks, covering some of the basic teachings of the Gospeland Christian living. Its broad denominational appeal is theproduct of its doctrinal shallowness and experientialcharismatic orientation.It refers to salvation, the cross, the death of Christ, etc., insuch a general way that false doctrine is not refuted. It says83

Warren Teams up with AlphaRick Warren has teamed up with Alpha International andthe Billy Graham Association in the My Hope India project.The Alpha International Newsletter, published December4, 2006, contains Warren’s high recommendation <strong>of</strong> Alpha.He calls it “one <strong>of</strong> the most effective evangelism tools f<strong>or</strong> the21st century” and says that you can use it to win the lost and“revitalize your church.”He says his 40 Days <strong>of</strong> <strong>Purpose</strong> and Alpha “fit togetherlike hand in glove.” He claims that both programs are“inspired by the Holy Spirit to deepen and develop theChurch.”He concludes, “I, Rick Warren, want to tell you that Alphahas my 100% end<strong>or</strong>sement.”This exposes the radical nature <strong>of</strong> Warren’s ecumenicalphilosophy. The Alpha program was birthed out <strong>of</strong> thecharismatic Laughing Revival that broke out in the HolyTrinity Brompton Anglican parish in London in the early1990s, and it is promoting a charismatic-ecumenical agendathroughout the w<strong>or</strong>ld.I visited a service at Holy Trinity Brompton in March 1997and witnessed their charismatic err<strong>or</strong> firsthand. There was“spirit slaying” and “holy shaking.”The Alpha program consists <strong>of</strong> 15 sessions and runs f<strong>or</strong> tenweeks, covering some <strong>of</strong> the basic teachings <strong>of</strong> the Gospeland Christian living. Its broad denominational appeal is theproduct <strong>of</strong> its doctrinal shallowness and experientialcharismatic <strong>or</strong>ientation.It refers to salvation, the cross, the death <strong>of</strong> Christ, etc., insuch a general way that false doctrine is not refuted. It says83

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