Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

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eferred to as God in the Scriptures (F.E.A. News & Views,Fundamental Evangelistic Association, Nov-Dec. 1976).In an article in the December 1979 issue of the AmericanBaptist Magazine, Dr. L. Howard McBain, president of theAmerican Baptist Seminary of the West. McBain, stated thatthe Bible does not teach that Jesus was God.In 1980, American Baptist Dr. Ralph Wendell Burhoereceived the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion for his“revolutionary hypothesis that finds religion central to theevolutionary emergence of civilized humanity” (EP NewsService, May 31, 1980).The American Baptist Biennial Convention in 1981featured Rosemary Radford Reuther, a Roman Catholicfeminist whose “language often sounds more like it belongsin the gutter than in the church” (Foundation magazine,Fundamental Evangelistic Association, January-February1981, p. 18).American Baptist professor Harvey Cox of HarvardUniversity is a notorious modernist. In his book The SecularCity, he claimed that “the world, not the church, is the properfocus of Christian life” and “the world of politics is aprimary sphere of God’s liberating work today” (quoted fromRichard Quebedeaux, The Worldly Evangelicals, 1978, p.19). In his book The Feast of Fools, Cox referred to JesusChrist as a harlequin and a clown. Cox does not believe thatfollowers of pagan religions are on their way to Hell. He wasa speaker at the World Congress for the Synthesis of Scienceand Religion in India in 1986. The conference was arrangedby a Hindu organization.The June 1991 issue of WATCHword, a women’s ministrypaper of the ABC, stated: “What I have come to love aboutScripture is the fact that it is not inerrant. That it is not76

perfect. That it is not complete. That it does contradictitself...”Former American Baptist Churches president James Scottstated in the March 1992 issue of American Baptist magazinethat the issue of homosexuality should be re-examined andthat there might be various legitimate points of view about itother than the traditional biblical one that it is anabomination before God.In August 1993, American Baptist deputy general secretaryfor cooperative Christianity, Joan S. Parrott, sat with 386cardinals and bishops surrounding Pope John Paul II at theRoman Catholic Church’s World Youth Day in Denver. Shewas part of a nine-member ecumenical team includingProtestant and Jewish leaders who were given a specialbanquet before the prayer vigil and met with the pope afterhis sermon. She had lavish praise for the ecumenical event(Calvary Contender, Jan. 1, 1994).The American Baptist Churches sent representatives to theRe-imagining conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, inNovember 1993. Speakers included Chung Hyung Kyung, aKorean “theologian” who equates the Holy Spirit withancient Asian deities and who prays to trees and deceasedspirits. At the conference, Delores Williams said: “I don’tthink we need a theory of atonement at all. I think Jesuscame for life and to show us something about life. I don’tthink we need folks hanging on crosses and blood drippingand weird stuff.” Virginia Mollenkott said that Jesus was“first born only in the sense that he was the first to show usthat it is possible to live in oneness with the divine sourcewhile we are here on this planet.” Chung Hyung Kyung said:“My bowel is Buddhist bowel, my heart is Buddhist heart,my right brain is Confucian brain, and my left brain isChristian brain.” During the conference, a group of roughly77

perfect. That it is not complete. That it does contradictitself...”F<strong>or</strong>mer American Baptist Churches president James Scottstated in the March 1992 issue <strong>of</strong> American Baptist magazinethat the issue <strong>of</strong> homosexuality should be re-examined andthat there might be various legitimate points <strong>of</strong> view about itother than the traditional biblical one that it is anabomination bef<strong>or</strong>e God.In August 1993, American Baptist deputy general secretaryf<strong>or</strong> cooperative Christianity, Joan S. Parrott, sat with 386cardinals and bishops surrounding Pope John Paul II at theRoman Catholic Church’s W<strong>or</strong>ld Youth Day in Denver. Shewas part <strong>of</strong> a nine-member ecumenical team includingProtestant and Jewish leaders who were given a specialbanquet bef<strong>or</strong>e the prayer vigil and met with the pope afterhis sermon. She had lavish praise f<strong>or</strong> the ecumenical event(Calvary Contender, Jan. 1, 1994).The American Baptist Churches sent representatives to theRe-imagining conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, inNovember 1993. Speakers included Chung Hyung Kyung, aK<strong>or</strong>ean “theologian” who equates the Holy Spirit withancient Asian deities and who prays to trees and deceasedspirits. At the conference, Del<strong>or</strong>es Williams said: “I don’tthink we need a the<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> atonement at all. I think Jesuscame f<strong>or</strong> life and to show us something about life. I don’tthink we need folks hanging on crosses and blood drippingand weird stuff.” Virginia Mollenkott said that Jesus was“first b<strong>or</strong>n only in the sense that he was the first to show usthat it is possible to live in oneness with the divine sourcewhile we are here on this planet.” Chung Hyung Kyung said:“My bowel is Buddhist bowel, my heart is Buddhist heart,my right brain is Confucian brain, and my left brain isChristian brain.” During the conference, a group <strong>of</strong> roughly77

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