Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

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It is a sad fact that Southerland has trained 100,000 peoplein the transitioning principles in the last seven years, but it isa sign of the times.“For the time will come when they will not endure sounddoctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap tothemselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shallturn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turnedunto fables” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).62

Joining Hands with Baptist WorldAllianceRick Warren was a featured speaker at the Baptist WorldAlliance’s (BWA) Centenary Congress in Birmingham,England, in late July 2005.In this venture Warren joined hands with Jimmy Carter,who has stated that Mormons are Christians and they shouldnot be targeted for evangelism, and Tony Campolo, who saysthat homosexuality is an inborn trait and who refers to“evangelical homosexuals” (Christian News, March 4, 1991).During a press conference at the BWA Congress, Warrencalled the Southern Baptist Convention’s withdrawal fromthat organization “silly” and “a mistake” (“Warren: GlobalBaptists Are in This Together,” Kentucky Western Recorder,July 27, 2005).A mistake to pull out of an organization that is shotthrough with theological liberalism? Rick Warren obviouslyhas a greater love for wolves in sheep’s clothing than JesusChrist does. See Matthew 7:15-17.Warren said Baptists should have “unity withoutuniformity.”This is not the kind of “unity” we find in the Bible. Paulinstructed the churches, “... that ye all speak the same thing,and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye beperfectly joined together in the same mind and in the samejudgment” (1 Cor. 1:10).Warren said, “I see absolutely zero reason in separating myfellowship from anybody.”He needs to read the Bible, because it contains manyreasons for separation from error.63

Joining Hands with Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ldAllianceRick Warren was a featured speaker at the Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ldAlliance’s (BWA) Centenary Congress in Birmingham,England, in late July 2005.In this venture Warren joined hands with Jimmy Carter,who has stated that M<strong>or</strong>mons are Christians and they shouldnot be targeted f<strong>or</strong> evangelism, and Tony Campolo, who saysthat homosexuality is an inb<strong>or</strong>n trait and who refers to“evangelical homosexuals” (Christian News, March 4, 1991).During a press conference at the BWA Congress, Warrencalled the Southern Baptist Convention’s withdrawal fromthat <strong>or</strong>ganization “silly” and “a mistake” (“Warren: GlobalBaptists Are in This Together,” Kentucky Western Rec<strong>or</strong>der,July 27, 2005).A mistake to pull out <strong>of</strong> an <strong>or</strong>ganization that is shotthrough with theological liberalism? Rick Warren obviouslyhas a greater love f<strong>or</strong> wolves in sheep’s clothing than JesusChrist does. See Matthew 7:15-17.Warren said Baptists should have “unity withoutunif<strong>or</strong>mity.”This is not the kind <strong>of</strong> “unity” we find in the Bible. Paulinstructed the churches, “... that ye all speak the same thing,and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye beperfectly joined together in the same mind and in the samejudgment” (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 1:10).Warren said, “I see absolutely zero reason in separating myfellowship from anybody.”He needs to read the Bible, because it contains manyreasons f<strong>or</strong> separation from err<strong>or</strong>.63

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