Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

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Roger Oakland rightly observes:“While Warren believes that a conversation with Jesusinspired his plan to establish the kingdom of God onearth, it would be important to check out the words ofJesus written in the Bible. Ironically, Jesus said much theopposite of what Warren is proposing. ... Jesus sent Hisdisciples out with a Gospel of repentance in proclaiming,‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand’ (Matthew 10:7). ...Jesus did not say they were to look for a ‘man of peace’in every town. Rather, He said, ‘whatsoever city or townye shall enter, enquire who in it is worthy; and thereabide till ye go thence’ (Matthew 10:11). Now Jesus didtell His disciples to use the greeting, ‘Peace be to thishouse’ whenever entering a house, and if a ‘son ofpeace’ is there, to remain in that house (Luke 10:5-7).However, it is important to realize that the criterion forstaying in a house was not the greeting of peace itself butwhether those in that house received the message. ‘Andwhosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words,when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off thedust of your feet’ (Matthew 10:14). ... Let me speak veryboldly here: if we are going to link hands with those whobelieve in another gospel or no gospel at all for the sakeof establishing an earthly, unified kingdom, we will notbe building the kingdom of God” (Faith Undone, pp.150, 151).58

Warren Tells Pastors to Get Rid ofTroublemakersIn the November 14, 2007, issue of Ministry Toolbox, RickWarren told pastors to get rid of troublemakers.Warren begins with the erroneous statement that the Bible“talks more about unity of the church than it does abouteither Heaven or Hell.” In fact, the Bible speaks more aboutHeaven and Hell than about unity and it speaks far moreabout the importance of sound doctrine and practice andseparation from error than it does about unity.Warren makes no distinction between trouble that comesbecause of heresy and self-will and trouble that comesbecause of the truth. God’s people are nowhere instructed toblindly follow pastors. They have an obligation before Godto “prove all things” (1 Thess. 5:21).In a fashion that is one of his fearful trademarks, Warrenlifts Scripture out of context to prove his point.First, he uses 2 Timothy 2:23-26, which only deals withhow to handle “foolish and unlearned questions” asked bythose who are in the snare of the devil. It has nothing to dowith legitimate biblical questions asked by sincere Christianswho care about God’s Word.Next, he uses 2 Timothy 2:14, which is a warning aboutstriving about “words to no profit, but to the subverting ofthe hearers.” Again, this is a warning about how to deal withfalse teaching, and it has nothing whatsoever to do withsincere biblical challenges.Warren also uses Titus 2:15, which is an exhortation topreachers to be bold in proclaiming the truth but which says59

Warren Tells Past<strong>or</strong>s to Get Rid <strong>of</strong>TroublemakersIn the November 14, 2007, issue <strong>of</strong> Ministry Toolbox, RickWarren told past<strong>or</strong>s to get rid <strong>of</strong> troublemakers.Warren begins with the erroneous statement that the Bible“talks m<strong>or</strong>e about unity <strong>of</strong> the church than it does abouteither Heaven <strong>or</strong> Hell.” In fact, the Bible speaks m<strong>or</strong>e aboutHeaven and Hell than about unity and it speaks far m<strong>or</strong>eabout the imp<strong>or</strong>tance <strong>of</strong> sound doctrine and practice andseparation from err<strong>or</strong> than it does about unity.Warren makes no distinction between trouble that comesbecause <strong>of</strong> heresy and self-will and trouble that comesbecause <strong>of</strong> the truth. God’s people are nowhere instructed toblindly follow past<strong>or</strong>s. They have an obligation bef<strong>or</strong>e Godto “prove all things” (1 Thess. 5:21).In a fashion that is one <strong>of</strong> his fearful trademarks, Warrenlifts <strong>Scripture</strong> out <strong>of</strong> context to prove his point.First, he uses 2 Timothy 2:23-26, which only deals withhow to handle “foolish and unlearned questions” asked bythose who are in the snare <strong>of</strong> the devil. It has nothing to dowith legitimate biblical questions asked by sincere Christianswho care about God’s W<strong>or</strong>d.Next, he uses 2 Timothy 2:14, which is a warning aboutstriving about “w<strong>or</strong>ds to no pr<strong>of</strong>it, but to the subverting <strong>of</strong>the hearers.” Again, this is a warning about how to deal withfalse teaching, and it has nothing whatsoever to do withsincere biblical challenges.Warren also uses Titus 2:15, which is an exh<strong>or</strong>tation topreachers to be bold in proclaiming the truth but which says59

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