Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

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"ATMOSPHERES ARE GOING TO COMETHROUGH MUSIC, BECAUSE THE MUSIC IS ASPIRITUAL THING OF ITS OWN. ... I can explaineverything better through music. YOU HYPNOTIZEPEOPLE to where they go right back to their naturalstate, which is pure positive-like childhood when you gotnatural highs. And when you get people at weakest point,you can preach into the subconscious what we want tosay. That’s why the name ‘electric church’ flashes in andout" (Hendrix, interview with Robin Richman “AnInfinity of Jimis,” Life magazine, Oct. 3, 1969).“ONCE YOU HAVE SOME TYPE OF RHYTHM,LIKE IT CAN GET HYPNOTIC IF YOU KEEPREPEATING IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Most ofthe people will fall off by about a minute of repeating.You do that say for three or four or even five minutes ifyou can stand it, and then it releases a certain thinginside of a person’s head. IT RELEASES A CERTAINTHING IN THERE SO YOU CAN PUT ANYTHINGYOU WANT RIGHT INSIDE THAT, YOU KNOW. Soyou do that for a minute and all of a sudden you canbring the rhythm down a little bit and then you say whatyou want to say right into that little gap. It's somethin’ toride with, you know. You have to ride with something. IALWAYS LIKE TO TAKE PEOPLE ON TRIPS.THAT'S WHY MUSIC IS MAGIC” (Hendrix, cited byHenderson, p. 356).These are observations and warnings that should be takenseriously by Christians. Though Hendrix was a licentiousdrug user, he was also a brilliant and gifted musician and heunderstood the nature of rock music as few men have. Hewas using music to “take people on trips.” What trip? Weknow that his trip is actually the devil’s trip. Hendrix had a“church,” but it was not the church of Jesus Christ. Thosewho think that there is no spiritual danger in rock music aredeceiving themselves and are leading others down theprimrose path of delusion. Observe that Hendrix wasreferring to the power of the music itself without the words.46

Hendrix believed in religion and “spirituality,” but heunhesitatingly rejected Bible-believing Christianity andconsidered the laws of God a form of bondage. He sawhimself and other rock singers as liberators of young peoplefrom such laws:“We’re in our little cement beehives in this society.People let a lot of old-time laws rule them. Theestablishment has set up the Ten Commandments for ussaying don't, don't, don't. ... The walls are crumbling andthe establishment doesn't want to let go. ... Theestablishment is so uptight about sex...” (Jimi Hendrix,quoted by Henderson, pp. 214, 215).In January 1969, Hendrix expressed his philosophy asfollows:“When I die I want people to play my music, go wild andfreak out and do anything they wanna do” (Hendrix,interview with Don Short, Daily Mirror, Jan. 11, 1969).Hendrix believed he was possessed by the devil. GirlfriendFayne Pridgon said:“HE USED TO ALWAYS TALK ABOUT SOMEDEVIL OR SOMETHING WAS IN HIM, you know. Hedidn’t know what made him act the way he acted andwhat made him say the things he said, and the songs anddifferent things like that ... just came out of him. It seemsto me he was so tormented and just torn apart and like hereally was obsessed, you know, with something reallyevil. ... He said, ‘You're from Georgia ... you shouldknow how people drive demons out’--He used to talkabout us going ... and having some root lady orsomebody see if she could DRIVE THIS DEMON OUTOF HIM” (sound track from film Jimi Hendrix,interview with Fayne Pridgon, side 4, cited by Heartbeatof the Dragon, p. 50).Producer Alan Douglas stated the same thing:“Now one of the biggest things about Jimi was. . . hebelieved that he was possessed by some spirit, and I got47

Hendrix believed in religion and “spirituality,” but heunhesitatingly rejected Bible-believing Christianity andconsidered the laws <strong>of</strong> God a f<strong>or</strong>m <strong>of</strong> bondage. He sawhimself and other rock singers as liberat<strong>or</strong>s <strong>of</strong> young peoplefrom such laws:“We’re in our little cement beehives in this society.People let a lot <strong>of</strong> old-time laws rule them. Theestablishment has set up the Ten Commandments f<strong>or</strong> ussaying don't, don't, don't. ... The walls are crumbling andthe establishment doesn't want to let go. ... Theestablishment is so uptight about sex...” (Jimi Hendrix,quoted by Henderson, pp. 214, 215).In January 1969, Hendrix expressed his philosophy asfollows:“When I die I want people to play my music, go wild andfreak out and do anything they wanna do” (Hendrix,interview with Don Sh<strong>or</strong>t, Daily Mirr<strong>or</strong>, Jan. 11, 1969).Hendrix believed he was possessed by the devil. GirlfriendFayne Pridgon said:“HE USED TO ALWAYS TALK ABOUT SOMEDEVIL OR SOMETHING WAS IN HIM, you know. Hedidn’t know what made him act the way he acted andwhat made him say the things he said, and the songs anddifferent things like that ... just came out <strong>of</strong> him. It seemsto me he was so t<strong>or</strong>mented and just t<strong>or</strong>n apart and like hereally was obsessed, you know, with something reallyevil. ... He said, ‘You're from Ge<strong>or</strong>gia ... you shouldknow how people drive demons out’--He used to talkabout us going ... and having some root lady <strong>or</strong>somebody see if she could DRIVE THIS DEMON OUTOF HIM” (sound track from film Jimi Hendrix,interview with Fayne Pridgon, side 4, cited by Heartbeat<strong>of</strong> the Dragon, p. 50).Producer Alan Douglas stated the same thing:“Now one <strong>of</strong> the biggest things about Jimi was. . . hebelieved that he was possessed by some spirit, and I got47

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