Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

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lyrics. It is the words that make a song sacred, not thetune. There are no spiritual tunes” (pp. 65, 66).This idea that music is neutral and that any music can beused in the service of the Lord, has opened the door for theworld to come into the churches, as few other things.Though the Bible nowhere says, nor even hints that Godloves all kinds of music, we are to believe that he doesbecause Rick Warren says so. His only evidence for thisoutrageous statement is his reasoning that since God“invented it all” He must like it all. Yet, where is theevidence that God invented all music? Are you telling methat the devil and sinful men are not involved in the field ofmusic? That is a ridiculous thought, seeing that the devil iscalled “the god of this world,” and music is one of the mostpowerful influences among men. Sinful men have usedmusic since Cain’s children built the first society apart fromGod and made musical instruments to satisfy their carnalpleasures (Genesis 4:16-21).Styles of music are not neutral. Rock musicians havetestified that they play their particular style of rhythm for thevery reason that it is lascivious. Frank Zappa said: “Rockmusic is sex. The big beat matches the body’s rhythms” (Life,June 28, 1968). Gene Simmons says, “That’s what rock is allabout--sex with a 100 megaton bomb, thebeat!” (Entertainment Tonight, ABC, Dec. 10, 1987).Note that they are not talking merely about rock music’slyrics and associations but also about its RHYTHM, thethumping back beat! These men of the world believe there issuch a thing as a sexy rhythmic pattern. Rapper MissyElliot’s album, “Miss E ... So Addictive,” was described as “aseductive cocktail of quirky rhythms and hypnotic beats.”16

lyrics. It is the w<strong>or</strong>ds that make a song sacred, not thetune. There are no spiritual tunes” (pp. 65, 66).This idea that music is neutral and that any music can beused in the service <strong>of</strong> the L<strong>or</strong>d, has opened the do<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong> thew<strong>or</strong>ld to come into the churches, as few other things.Though the Bible nowhere says, n<strong>or</strong> even hints that Godloves all kinds <strong>of</strong> music, we are to believe that he doesbecause Rick Warren says so. His only evidence f<strong>or</strong> thisoutrageous statement is his reasoning that since God“invented it all” He must like it all. Yet, where is theevidence that God invented all music? Are you telling methat the devil and sinful men are not involved in the field <strong>of</strong>music? That is a ridiculous thought, seeing that the devil iscalled “the god <strong>of</strong> this w<strong>or</strong>ld,” and music is one <strong>of</strong> the mostpowerful influences among men. Sinful men have usedmusic since Cain’s children built the first society apart fromGod and made musical instruments to satisfy their carnalpleasures (Genesis 4:16-21).Styles <strong>of</strong> music are not neutral. Rock musicians havetestified that they play their particular style <strong>of</strong> rhythm f<strong>or</strong> thevery reason that it is lascivious. Frank Zappa said: “Rockmusic is sex. The big beat matches the body’s rhythms” (<strong>Life</strong>,June 28, 1968). Gene Simmons says, “That’s what rock is allabout--sex with a 100 megaton bomb, thebeat!” (Entertainment Tonight, ABC, Dec. 10, 1987).Note that they are not talking merely about rock music’slyrics and associations but also about its RHYTHM, thethumping back beat! These men <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld believe there issuch a thing as a sexy rhythmic pattern. Rapper MissyElliot’s album, “Miss E ... So Addictive,” was described as “aseductive cocktail <strong>of</strong> quirky rhythms and hypnotic beats.”16

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