Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

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away from the larger issue at hand--allowing the world todetermine the type of music that belongs in the house of God.Second, Warren equated insisting upon the use oftraditional music in the church to the sin of idolatry. He said:You see folks, to insist that all good music came fromEurope 200 years ago is thinly veiled racism, if you wantto be truthful about it. It’s cultural elitism saying that allthe good music was written 200 years ago in Europe....Now for 2,000 years, the Holy Spirit has used all kindsof music. And to insist that one particular style of musicis more sacred than the other, there’s a word for that. It’scalled idolatry. Idolatry.This statement is an example of one of Warren’s strawmen, for the use of eighteenth-century hymns is not the issue.The question at hand is whether music intended to appeal tothe flesh should be used in the church. Much fine andworshipful music penned in this present century is beingused in Bible-believing churches today. Style is the issuehere, not the century in which the songs were written. Thewords or message are not what get the place “rocking” onSaturday evening or Sunday morning; it is the arrangementand the orchestration.Warren claims the Bible says nothing regarding the style ofmusic, only its content. But if the unsaved and saved alikeare attracted to a church by its style of music, then how cansuch a response (which is obviously based upon a fleshlyappeal) possibly communicate a message that will edify thespiritual inner man? Can a response of the flesh produce atruly spiritual effect within? Study Galatians 5:16-26 and seeif there is not a contradiction of forces at work here.Reverence in praising God will never appeal to theunregenerate, but it certainly will prepare the believer forworshipping God “in the beauty of holiness” (1 Chron.108

16:29) and receiving “with meekness the engraftedword” (Jam. 1:21).Third, Warren’s supposed Biblical justification for usingcontemporary music is sorely deficient. Warren told hisaudience:The Bible says in Psalm 40:3, “He put a new song in mymouth; many people will see this and worship Him. Thenthey will trust the Lord.” Notice the parallel or thecorrelation between music, worship, and evangelism. Itsays, “Then they will trust the Lord.” Now there’s aword that I want you to circle in that sentence; it’s theword N-E-W. The same old tired songs are not gonnareach anybody...but a new song says, “God is doingsomething new in our midst.”Dear reader, to what is the psalmist referring when he usesthe term new? First of all, remember that Warren said theBible has absolutely nothing to say about the style of musicor worship, so according to his own logic, this verse cannotpossibly refer to a contemporary, “new” melody or currentlyrics. No, David is talking about the new song that comesforth from one of God’s redeemed saints. The Holy Spirittouches the heart of the believer to respond by song in a waythe unsaved can never experience, much less desire; thisspiritual song is not something the unbeliever can “get into.”If the Lord is to be worshipped “in spirit and in truth” (Jn.4:24), then only those who have been washed in the Bloodcan truly sing this “new” song. Warren intimates that theunsaved are turned off by the “golden oldies,” the “blastsfrom the past,” as he refers to the old hymns. When abeliever stops to think about it, the unbeliever’s dislike forhymns is understandable. The songs of worship and praisefor the Lord obviously only appeal to the spirit of theregenerated man (Rom. 8:16) because the focus is upon theLord, not man’s flesh. If believers cannot see an109

16:29) and receiving “with meekness the engraftedw<strong>or</strong>d” (Jam. 1:21).Third, Warren’s supposed Biblical justification f<strong>or</strong> usingcontemp<strong>or</strong>ary music is s<strong>or</strong>ely deficient. Warren told hisaudience:The Bible says in Psalm 40:3, “He put a new song in mymouth; many people will see this and w<strong>or</strong>ship Him. Thenthey will trust the L<strong>or</strong>d.” Notice the parallel <strong>or</strong> thec<strong>or</strong>relation between music, w<strong>or</strong>ship, and evangelism. Itsays, “Then they will trust the L<strong>or</strong>d.” Now there’s aw<strong>or</strong>d that I want you to circle in that sentence; it’s thew<strong>or</strong>d N-E-W. The same old tired songs are not gonnareach anybody...but a new song says, “God is doingsomething new in our midst.”Dear reader, to what is the psalmist referring when he usesthe term new? First <strong>of</strong> all, remember that Warren said theBible has absolutely nothing to say about the style <strong>of</strong> music<strong>or</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship, so acc<strong>or</strong>ding to his own logic, this verse cannotpossibly refer to a contemp<strong>or</strong>ary, “new” melody <strong>or</strong> currentlyrics. No, David is talking about the new song that comesf<strong>or</strong>th from one <strong>of</strong> God’s redeemed saints. The Holy Spirittouches the heart <strong>of</strong> the believer to respond by song in a waythe unsaved can never experience, much less desire; thisspiritual song is not something the unbeliever can “get into.”If the L<strong>or</strong>d is to be w<strong>or</strong>shipped “in spirit and in truth” (Jn.4:24), then only those who have been washed in the Bloodcan truly sing this “new” song. Warren intimates that theunsaved are turned <strong>of</strong>f by the “golden oldies,” the “blastsfrom the past,” as he refers to the old hymns. When abeliever stops to think about it, the unbeliever’s dislike f<strong>or</strong>hymns is understandable. The songs <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship and praisef<strong>or</strong> the L<strong>or</strong>d obviously only appeal to the spirit <strong>of</strong> theregenerated man (Rom. 8:16) because the focus is upon theL<strong>or</strong>d, not man’s flesh. If believers cannot see an109

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