Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven? - Way of Life Literature

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Warren Tells Past<strong>or</strong>s to Get Rid <strong>of</strong> Troublemakers ..... 59Warren Critics Called “Leaders from Hell” ................ 61Joining Hands with Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance ................. 63Baptist Union <strong>of</strong> Great Britain .............................. 66American Baptist Churches ................................... 70Cooperative Baptist Fellowship ............................ 78Warren at Yoido Full Gospel Church .......................... 79Warren and Hybels on AIDS Bandwagon ................... 81Warren Teams up with Alpha ...................................... 83Warren’s and the Ladies Home Journal ....................... 86Warren Doesn’t Mention Jesus .................................... 94Warren Predict’s A “New Ref<strong>or</strong>mation” ...................... 96An Analysis <strong>of</strong> the “<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong>” Strategy ........... 98Judge Not? ................................................................. 124About <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>’s eBooks ..................................... 132Powerful Publications f<strong>or</strong> These Times ..................... 1334

F<strong>or</strong> one thing, there is no clear dealing with the sin issue.Warren’s book is intended f<strong>or</strong> wide distribution in society atlarge, and it is not enough in such a context merely tomention the w<strong>or</strong>d sin. The average person in N<strong>or</strong>th Americawill admit that he is not perfect and that he is a “sinner” insome sense, but he also thinks <strong>of</strong> himself as a pretty goodperson. When he thinks <strong>of</strong> himself as a sinner, he does notmean what the Bible means, that he was shaped in iniquityand conceived in sin (Psa. 51:5), that his heart is deceitfulabove all things and desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9) and full<strong>of</strong> evil (Ecc. 9:3), that he is unrighteous and unpr<strong>of</strong>itable(Rom. 3:10-11), that in his flesh dwells no good thing (Rom.7:18), and that his very righteousness is as filthy rags bef<strong>or</strong>ea holy God (Isa. 64:6). Warren’s incredibly shallow approachallows any person who will admit that he is a sinner in anysense to pray a prayer and then think <strong>of</strong> himself as a genuineChristian, even though he might continue to deny what theBible says about sin.There are many other things we could expose in Warren’sgospel. There is nothing about God’s holiness and justice.There is no clear teaching on what Jesus did on the cross.There is nothing about the blood. Warren invites the reader to“believe on Jesus.” What Jesus? People today believe in alls<strong>or</strong>ts <strong>of</strong> false christs, but Warren does not warn them <strong>of</strong> thisn<strong>or</strong> does he take the time to identify the true Jesus <strong>of</strong> theBible in any clear fashion and to distinguish Him from falseones. Just a vague “believe on Jesus” and presto you areready to Heaven.And Warren completely ign<strong>or</strong>es repentance. There is not ahint here that the sinner must repent <strong>of</strong> his sin and idolatryand false gospels. This is not the gospel that Paul preached.Paul summarized his message as follows: “Testifying both tothe Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and7

faith toward our L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21). Warrensays that he believes in the Great Commission and hementions it in passing in The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, but heign<strong>or</strong>es repentance, which is a part <strong>of</strong> the Great Commission.Christ gave the Great Commission in Luke 24:44-48 and Hecommanded that “repentance and remission <strong>of</strong> sins should bepreached in his name among all nations.” Paul boldlypreached repentance to the philosophers and idolaters inAthens, and if he were alive today, he would certainly preachrepentance to the idolaters in America! Paul said that God“now commandeth all men every where to repent” (Acts17:30), and we can be sure that God hasn’t changed Hismind.Self-Esteem TheologyThough Warren pr<strong>of</strong>esses that his teaching does not exaltman but rather exalts God and he claims that he does notteach a self-help program, in reality he teaches nothing lessthan a Robert Schuller-style Self-Esteem theology.Notice the following statements:“The moment you were b<strong>or</strong>n into the w<strong>or</strong>ld, God wasthere as an unseen witness, smiling at your birth. ... Itproves your w<strong>or</strong>th. If you are that imp<strong>or</strong>tant to God, andhe considers you valuable enough to keep you f<strong>or</strong>eternity, what great significance could you have? ...Anything you do that brings pleasure to God is an act <strong>of</strong>w<strong>or</strong>ship ... You may be gifted at mechanics <strong>or</strong>mathematics <strong>or</strong> music <strong>or</strong> a thousand other skills. Allthese abilities can bring a smile to God’s face. ... Youonly bring him enjoyment by being you. Anytime youreject any part <strong>of</strong> yourself, you are rejecting God’swisdom and sovereignty in creating you. ... God alsogains pleasure in watching you enjoy his creation. ...When you are sleeping, God gazes at you with love,because you were his idea. He loves you as if you werethe only person on earth” (pp. 61, 64, 74, 75).8

Here w<strong>or</strong>ship is turned on its head by making it as muchabout me as about God. I am so loveable and so imp<strong>or</strong>tantand so desirable to God that whatever I do brings Godpleasure and theref<strong>or</strong>e is w<strong>or</strong>ship. Wonderful me! The selfesteemtheology is m<strong>or</strong>e about celebrating self than dying toself, even when it talks <strong>of</strong> dying to self! Warren says that if Ireject any part <strong>of</strong> myself I am denying God’s sovereignty.What about sin and what it has done to “myself”?Consider another statement from Warren’s popular book:“If you want to know how much you matter to God, lookat Christ with his arms outstretched on the cross, saying,‘I love you this much! I’d rather die than live withoutyou’” (p. 79).Thus, the cross is sanctified by the self-esteem theology sothat it is about me and how the L<strong>or</strong>d couldn’t live withoutme. Wonderful me!Consider another statement:“God is a lover and a liberat<strong>or</strong>, and surrendering to himbrings freedom, not bondage. When we completelysurrender ourselves to Jesus, we discover that he is ... nota boss, but a brother...” (p. 79).The self-esteem God is dedicated to liberating me. He isnot a boss! He’s just a Big Buddy, a Powerful Pal.Warren quotes from Olympic runner Eric Liddell: “To giveup running would be to hold him in contempt.”Thus, to deny what I am gifted at and what I like to do is todeny God. Isn’t it clever how that Warren has identified selfwillwith God’s will so that they have become one and thesame?In fact, things I am gifted f<strong>or</strong> and enjoy <strong>of</strong>tentimes comeinto conflict with God’s perfect will. God <strong>of</strong>tentimes callsupon an individual to give up even legitimate things f<strong>or</strong>9

which he <strong>or</strong> she is highly gifted and qualified. Many menhave given up such things when God called them to be apreacher <strong>or</strong> a missionary. Peter, James, and John gave upfishing. In the 1980s, I met a Chinese man in Singap<strong>or</strong>e whowas a brilliant chess champion. God had saved him andcalled him to preach and he was preparing himself in a BibleCollege. He told me how that f<strong>or</strong> awhile he had written acolumn on chess f<strong>or</strong> a newspaper f<strong>or</strong> extra income toward hisBible training, but he discovered that it was not possible tokeep the chess moves out <strong>of</strong> his mind when he was trying tostudy <strong>Scripture</strong> so he gave it up entirely, though he washighly gifted at it and enjoyed it. That is true dying to self.Note the following quotes from chapters 30 and 31 <strong>of</strong> The<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong> which deal with finding my place inGod’s will:“Listening to your heart. The Bible uses the term heart todescribe the bundle <strong>of</strong> desires, hopes, interests,ambitions, dreams, and affections you have. Your heartrepresents the source <strong>of</strong> all your motivations--what youlove to do and what you are about most. ... Don’t ign<strong>or</strong>eyour interests. Consider how they might be used f<strong>or</strong>God’s gl<strong>or</strong>y. There is a reason that you love to do thesethings. ... How do you know when you are serving Godfrom your heart? The first telltale sign is enthusiasm.When you are doing what you love to do, no one has tomotivate you <strong>or</strong> challenge you <strong>or</strong> check up on you. ...The second characteristic <strong>of</strong> serving God from your heartis effectiveness. Whenever you do what God wired youto love to do, you get good at it. ... Figure out what youlove to do--what God gave you a heart to do--and thendo it f<strong>or</strong> his gl<strong>or</strong>y. ... What I’m able to do, God wants meto do” (pp. 237, 238, 239, 243).Note that Warren does not warn his readers that the heart isdeceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jeremiah17:9). What a gross, inexcusable omission! While it is truethat you can trust your desires to some small extent when10

you are a mature Christian and you are delighting in God andimmersed in His W<strong>or</strong>d and obeying Him (Psa. 37:4), howmany <strong>of</strong> the readers <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong> are in thatcondition? A great many <strong>of</strong> the millions <strong>of</strong> readers <strong>of</strong> thisbook are doubtless complete unbelievers <strong>or</strong> nominalChristians <strong>or</strong> novices <strong>or</strong> carnal, and to teach them that whatthey love to do is God’s will is frightful heresy. Many arepr<strong>of</strong>essional sp<strong>or</strong>ts fanatics, f<strong>or</strong> example. Others are rock &roll fanatics. Others are fanatics about modern fashion trends.Are they fanatic about such things because that is the waythat God made them? No, they are fanatic about such thingsbecause they are conf<strong>or</strong>med to the w<strong>or</strong>ld and walk in the way<strong>of</strong> sinners (Psalm 1:1; Romans 12:2).There are many things that pr<strong>of</strong>essing Christians are giftedf<strong>or</strong> and effective at that are NOT God’s will!Again, we see that when Rick Warren’s theology isexamined carefully it is about self-fulfillment, but it ispresented under the guise <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>shipping and serving God.Warren builds his self-esteem theology upon strangeversions <strong>of</strong> the Bible. Consider an example:“The Bible says, ‘Noah was a pleasure to the L<strong>or</strong>d.’ Godsaid, ‘This guy brings me pleasure. He makes mesmile” (The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, p. 69).Warren is quoting Genesis 6:8 in the Living Bible. In fact,this verse should say, “But Noah found grace in the eyes <strong>of</strong>the LORD.” It has nothing to do with God getting pleasurefrom Noah. It has everything to do with Noah getting fav<strong>or</strong>from the L<strong>or</strong>d! The Living Bible perverts this verse, turningit upon its very head. Nonetheless, since it fits Rick Warren’stheology he grabs hold <strong>of</strong> it and pretends that it is <strong>Scripture</strong>.Consider another example <strong>of</strong> how Warren builds his selfesteemtheology upon inaccurate versions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>.11

“The Bible says, ‘Self-help is no help at all. Selfsacrificeis the way, my way, to finding yourself, yourtrue self’” (p. 19).Here Warren quotes Matthew 16:25 in The Message.Actually, the verse should say, “F<strong>or</strong> whosoever will save hislife shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life f<strong>or</strong> my sakeshall find it.”There is not a hint here about self-help <strong>or</strong> finding your trueself. The verse is not teaching about finding yourself butabout finding your life. What Warren quotes as <strong>Scripture</strong> isactually a presumptuous prefabrication by Eugene Peterson,the auth<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> The Message.The Message also takes away the L<strong>or</strong>d’s solemn warningthat whosoever will find his life shall lose it. This fits inperfectly with Warren’s unscriptural positivism.Slighting over Hell and JudgmentThe L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus Christ preached on Hell frequently. Thereare nearly 100 references in <strong>Scripture</strong> to fearing the L<strong>or</strong>d,and God’s judgment is a never-ending theme <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>.However, when it comes to Rick Warren, he does notmention God’s judgment, never urges his listeners to fear theL<strong>or</strong>d, and he makes only one passing reference to Hell. Thisis on page 37, and in the same section, he quotes C.S. Lewistwice. Lewis believed that Hell is a metaph<strong>or</strong> and a state <strong>of</strong>mind: “And every state <strong>of</strong> mind, left to itself, every shuttingup <strong>of</strong> the creature within the dungeon <strong>of</strong> its own mind--is, inthe end, Hell” (Lewis, The Great Div<strong>or</strong>ce, p. 65).Not only did the L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus Christ preach much on Hell,but he also preached it hot and furiously.“And if thy hand <strong>of</strong>fend thee, cut it <strong>of</strong>f: it is better f<strong>or</strong>thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to12

go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:Where their w<strong>or</strong>m dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.And if thy foot <strong>of</strong>fend thee, cut it <strong>of</strong>f: it is better f<strong>or</strong> theeto enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast intohell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Wheretheir w<strong>or</strong>m dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. And ifthine eye <strong>of</strong>fend thee, pluck it out: it is better f<strong>or</strong> thee toenter into the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God with one eye, than havingtwo eyes to be cast into hell fire: Where their w<strong>or</strong>m diethnot, and the fire is not quenched” (Jesus Christ, Mark9:43-48).There is no a hint <strong>of</strong> this kind <strong>of</strong> preaching in RickWarren’s woefully inadequate ministry.If ever there were an hour in which the people <strong>of</strong> this w<strong>or</strong>ldneed to hear Hell and judgment and the fear <strong>of</strong> God preachedfiery hot and powerfully plain it is this present unbelieving,mocking, blasphemous, pleasure mad, self-loving, selfcontent,self-righteous age, but the popular preachers won’ttouch it. It is too negative. Too damaging to self-esteem. Toodogmatic and intolerant. Too likely to <strong>of</strong>fend and cut into thesize <strong>of</strong> my audience.Every Strange Bible VersionIn The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, Warren uses 15 different Bibleversions, including two Roman Catholic ones (The NewAmerican Bible and the New Jerusalem Bible). His fav<strong>or</strong>itesare the “dynamic equivalency” versions such as the LivingBible, the New Living Bible, Today’s English Version, theContemp<strong>or</strong>ary English Version, and The Message. The latterseems to be his most fav<strong>or</strong>ite.As a result, it is <strong>of</strong>ten impossible to know exactly what<strong>Scripture</strong> he is quoting because it is so strangely paraphrasedand wildly inaccurate.13

On page 70, Warren quotes Hebrews 11:7 from TheMessage.“By faith, Noah built a ship in the middle <strong>of</strong> dry land. Hewas warned about something he couldn’t see, and actedon what he was told ... As a result, Noah became intimatewith God.”In the dependable King James Bible, this verse says:“By faith Noah, being warned <strong>of</strong> God <strong>of</strong> things not seenas yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving <strong>of</strong>his house; by the which he condemned the w<strong>or</strong>ld, andbecame heir <strong>of</strong> the righteousness which is by faith.”We can see that The Message adds to and takes away fromthe W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God in an amazing manner. It adds the bit aboutNoah building a ship in the middle <strong>of</strong> dry land. It omits thefact that Noah moved with fear. It changes “became heir <strong>of</strong>the righteousness which is by faith” to “became intimate withGod.”On page 20 <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, Warren quotes 1C<strong>or</strong>inthians 2:7 from The Message:“God’s wisdom ... goes deep into the interi<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> hispurposes ... It’s not the latest message, but m<strong>or</strong>e like theoldest--what God determined as the way to bring out hisbest in us.”In the King James Bible, this says:“But we speak the wisdom <strong>of</strong> God in a mystery, even thehidden wisdom, which God <strong>or</strong>dained bef<strong>or</strong>e the w<strong>or</strong>ldunto our gl<strong>or</strong>y.”It is obvious that The Message is not a translation in anysense <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>d; it is a presumption. It is not God’sthoughts but man’s. It is almost childish, not because it issimple but because it is ridiculous.Warren claims to have quoted m<strong>or</strong>e than 1,000 <strong>Scripture</strong>sin The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, but most <strong>of</strong> the quotations are14

similar to the previous examples and have no right to becalled <strong>Scripture</strong>.When I visited a service at Saddleback Church in 2003, Iobserved that only a few people were carrying Bibles into theaudit<strong>or</strong>ium. The reason became clear when I saw themultiplicity <strong>of</strong> versions that were used in the preaching. Itwould be impossible to follow along in one’s Bible. Theresult is that the people do not bring their own Bibles and donot theref<strong>or</strong>e carefully test the preaching. How could they,when any biblical statement they would attempt to examinehas dozens <strong>of</strong> contradict<strong>or</strong>y variations in various versions?Slighting Scriptural BaptismThe <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong> has a page and a half dealing withbaptism, but there is not a w<strong>or</strong>d about the mode, which is one<strong>of</strong> the most imp<strong>or</strong>tant aspects. Warren leaves the reader withthe impression that pouring, sprinkling, <strong>or</strong> immersion isequally acceptable. Obviously, it would <strong>of</strong>fend many readersif he were to present a truly Scriptural position on baptism asa burial in water, but what else would a true Bible believerand a true Baptist do?God Loves All Kinds <strong>of</strong> MusicIn chapter 8 <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, Warren becomesa prophet, saying:“God loves all kinds <strong>of</strong> music because he invented it all--fast and slow, loud and s<strong>of</strong>t, old and new. You probablydon’t like it all, but God does! ... Christians <strong>of</strong>tendisagree over the style <strong>of</strong> music used in w<strong>or</strong>ship,passionately defending their preferred style as the mostbiblical <strong>or</strong> God-hon<strong>or</strong>ing. But there is no biblicalstyle! ... God likes variety and enjoys it all. There is nosuch thing as ‘Christian’ music; there are only Christian15

lyrics. It is the w<strong>or</strong>ds that make a song sacred, not thetune. There are no spiritual tunes” (pp. 65, 66).This idea that music is neutral and that any music can beused in the service <strong>of</strong> the L<strong>or</strong>d, has opened the do<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong> thew<strong>or</strong>ld to come into the churches, as few other things.Though the Bible nowhere says, n<strong>or</strong> even hints that Godloves all kinds <strong>of</strong> music, we are to believe that he doesbecause Rick Warren says so. His only evidence f<strong>or</strong> thisoutrageous statement is his reasoning that since God“invented it all” He must like it all. Yet, where is theevidence that God invented all music? Are you telling methat the devil and sinful men are not involved in the field <strong>of</strong>music? That is a ridiculous thought, seeing that the devil iscalled “the god <strong>of</strong> this w<strong>or</strong>ld,” and music is one <strong>of</strong> the mostpowerful influences among men. Sinful men have usedmusic since Cain’s children built the first society apart fromGod and made musical instruments to satisfy their carnalpleasures (Genesis 4:16-21).Styles <strong>of</strong> music are not neutral. Rock musicians havetestified that they play their particular style <strong>of</strong> rhythm f<strong>or</strong> thevery reason that it is lascivious. Frank Zappa said: “Rockmusic is sex. The big beat matches the body’s rhythms” (<strong>Life</strong>,June 28, 1968). Gene Simmons says, “That’s what rock is allabout--sex with a 100 megaton bomb, thebeat!” (Entertainment Tonight, ABC, Dec. 10, 1987).Note that they are not talking merely about rock music’slyrics and associations but also about its RHYTHM, thethumping back beat! These men <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld believe there issuch a thing as a sexy rhythmic pattern. Rapper MissyElliot’s album, “Miss E ... So Addictive,” was described as “aseductive cocktail <strong>of</strong> quirky rhythms and hypnotic beats.”16

that is spiritual judgeth all things” (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 2:15) and Jesustaught that we should “judge righteous judgment” (John7:24). We are to judge preaching (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 14:29) and sin in thechurches (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 5). We are to try the spirits (1 John 4:1).To test preachers and their message carefully by God’sW<strong>or</strong>d is not a matter <strong>of</strong> pride, but <strong>of</strong> wisdom and spiritualityand obedience.On page 34 <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, Warren says:“God won’t ask about your religious background <strong>or</strong>doctrinal views. The only thing that will matter is, didyou accept what Jesus did f<strong>or</strong> you and did you learn tolove and trust him?”If this is true, why does the Bible say so very much aboutdoctrine and why did the apostles call f<strong>or</strong> doctrinal purity onevery hand? Paul instructed Timothy to allow “no otherdoctrine” (1 Timothy 1:3). That is the very strictest stance ondoctrinal purity, and it is precisely the stance we findthroughout the apostolic writings. Rick Warren has a lot toanswer f<strong>or</strong>, because millions <strong>of</strong> people are basing their livesupon his teaching rather than upon the pure W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God.If God is unconcerned about doctrine, why did the apostlesspend so much time warning about false doctrines anddoctrines <strong>of</strong> devils? See, f<strong>or</strong> example, 2 C<strong>or</strong>inthians 11:1-4;Galatians 1:6-12; Philippians 3:18-21; Colossians 2:8; 1Timothy 4:1-5; 1 Timothy 6:20-21; 2 Timothy 4:1-4; 2 Peter2; Jude 3-23.Rick Warren requires his church members to sign acovenant promising to protect the unity <strong>of</strong> the church (The<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, p. 167). This is a dangerous andunscriptural covenant. The child <strong>of</strong> God is not instructed tosubmit to a church <strong>or</strong> to its leaders blindly and at any cost.We are commanded to “prove all things” (1 Thess. 5:21), and19

appearing <strong>of</strong> our L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus Christ” (1 Timothy6-13-14).Observe that Timothy was instructed to keep the doctrinehe had been taught in this epistle “without spot.” That refersto the details. The theme <strong>of</strong> first Timothy is church truth.Paul said, “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know howthou oughtest to behave thyself in the house <strong>of</strong> God, which isthe church <strong>of</strong> the living God, the pillar and ground <strong>of</strong> thetruth” (1 Timothy 3:15). The epistle contains instruction onmatters such as prayer and the woman’s spiritual ministry (1Timothy 2), the qualifications <strong>of</strong> past<strong>or</strong>s and deacons (1Timothy 3), avoiding doctrines <strong>of</strong> devils (1 Timothy 4), thecare <strong>of</strong> widows (1 Timothy 5), and the <strong>or</strong>dination anddiscipline <strong>of</strong> elders (1 Timothy 6). That type <strong>of</strong> doctrine isconsidered “peripheral” and “secondary” by evangelicalstoday, but Paul taught Timothy to have respect unto suchdoctrine and to keep it without spot.Promoting HereticsIn keeping with his unscriptural judge not philosophy,Warren uncritically quotes from a wide variety <strong>of</strong> theologicalheretics, especially Roman Catholics such as Mother Teresa,Henri Nouwen, Brother Lawrence (Carmelite monk), JohnMain (Benedictine monk who believes that Christ “is notlimited to Jesus <strong>of</strong> Nazareth, but remains among us in themonastic leaders, the sick, the guest, the po<strong>or</strong>”), MadameGuyon (a Roman Catholic who taught that prayer is not fromthe mind and does not involve thinking), and John <strong>of</strong> theCross (who believed the mountains and f<strong>or</strong>ests are God).Warren does not warn his readers that these are dangerousfalse teachers who held to a false gospel.Mother Teresa and Henri Nouwen, who are quoted at leastfour times in The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, believed that men can21

My friends, we don’t need some misguided man’sabbreviated f<strong>or</strong>m <strong>of</strong> Christianity; we need the “whole counsel<strong>of</strong> God” as found in the <strong>Scripture</strong>s (Acts 20:27). The Bible asa whole, not a few select parts there<strong>of</strong>, is the sole andsufficient auth<strong>or</strong>ity f<strong>or</strong> faith and practice. The L<strong>or</strong>d JesusChrist instructed the churches to teach “all things” ratherthan a few things (Mat. 28:19-20).Beware <strong>of</strong> “The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong>.” It is not faithful to<strong>Scripture</strong>, and if followed it will lead you away from God’swill.23

Saddleback Church features nine different “w<strong>or</strong>shipvenues.” There is a w<strong>or</strong>ship style to suit every w<strong>or</strong>ldly taste.The Overdrive venue is “f<strong>or</strong> those who like guitar-drivenrock band w<strong>or</strong>ship in a concert-like setting that you canFEEL.” The Ohana venue comes “complete with hula andisland-style music,” and on the first Saturday <strong>of</strong> every monthyou can take hula lessons during the potluck following theservice. The Country venue features line dancing. I didn’tmake this up, folks. It is right from Saddleback’s web site.“Love not the w<strong>or</strong>ld, neither the things that are in thew<strong>or</strong>ld. If any man love the w<strong>or</strong>ld, the love <strong>of</strong> the Fatheris not in him. F<strong>or</strong> all that is in the w<strong>or</strong>ld, the lust <strong>of</strong> theflesh, and the lust <strong>of</strong> the eyes, and the pride <strong>of</strong> life, is not<strong>of</strong> the Father, but is <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld. And the w<strong>or</strong>ld passethaway, and the lust there<strong>of</strong>: but he that doeth the will <strong>of</strong>God abideth f<strong>or</strong> ever” (1 John 2:15-17).The SermonThe sermon, which was titled “The Potential <strong>of</strong> a Single<strong>Life</strong>,” was a witty, motivational challenge to single people todedicate themselves to God. Rick Warren said, “You are ashappy as you choose to be. … You can waste your life onvanities, spend your life on yourself, and invest your life f<strong>or</strong>God.”Mother Teresa was used as an example with no warningabout her false gospel. There was no specific mention <strong>of</strong> thehard things <strong>of</strong> God’s W<strong>or</strong>d such as sin, separation, judgment,Hell, <strong>or</strong> repentance. These were replaced with general andvague references to biblical truth. No clear gospel messagewas given. Some <strong>of</strong> the statements were good, but the err<strong>or</strong>lay chiefly in what was not said. This is the hallmark <strong>of</strong> NewEvangelicalism, which is characterized not so much by theheresy that is preached but by the truth that is neglected in aneff<strong>or</strong>t to present the Bible in a m<strong>or</strong>e positive light.25

I believe this with all <strong>of</strong> my heart, and I weep over thedamage that is being caused to the churches <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christby a methodology that is breaking down the wall <strong>of</strong>separation between God’s people and the w<strong>or</strong>ld but that isdoing so under the guise <strong>of</strong> a love f<strong>or</strong> the truth. Thisphilosophy <strong>of</strong> rejecting strict scriptural separation destroyedIsrael <strong>of</strong> old and it will destroy every church that goes downthe same road. What God complained <strong>of</strong> then is occurring inour day:“Her priests have violated my law, and have pr<strong>of</strong>anedmine holy things: they have put no difference betweenthe holy and pr<strong>of</strong>ane, neither have they sheweddifference between the unclean and the clean, and havehid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am pr<strong>of</strong>anedamong them” (Ezekiel 22:26).ConclusionOur day is described plainly in Bible prophecy:“F<strong>or</strong> the time will come when they will not endure sounddoctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap tothemselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shallturn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turnedunto fables” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).This generation has itching ears, and it will not hear thepreaching <strong>of</strong> God’s W<strong>or</strong>d that plainly rebukes its sin andf<strong>or</strong>thrightly condemns its heresies; but it eagerly hears--yea,flocks in droves to hear--those s<strong>of</strong>t-speaking teachers that arewilling to tickle ears with a positive-only, non-<strong>of</strong>fensive,unifying message. The same generation that hates theuncompromising, plain-spoken, “old time” fundamentaliststylepreaching, dearly loves the preaching <strong>of</strong> the BillyGrahams and the Rick Warrens and the Robert Schullers.Rick Warren claims that he has not compromised the W<strong>or</strong>d<strong>of</strong> God with his principles and methods, but when I look into29

the book <strong>of</strong> Acts and the Epistles I see a different kind <strong>of</strong>Christianity, a different kind <strong>of</strong> church there, than the onethat Rick Warren has devised. Thus, I must reject Warren’s<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> methods and I must warn those who have anear to hear, regardless <strong>of</strong> how small that crowd may be today,that they not heed the siren call <strong>of</strong> the contemp<strong>or</strong>ary churchgrowth gurus.30

Rick Warren Preached No Gospel atTed TalksWhen Rick Warren, one <strong>of</strong> the most influential past<strong>or</strong>s inthe w<strong>or</strong>ld, was invited to teach at Ted Talks in February 2006to a mixed secular audience <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> America’s mostprominent thinkers, a f<strong>or</strong>um that he knew would be rec<strong>or</strong>dedand heard widely beyond the immediate audience, it was awonderful opp<strong>or</strong>tunity f<strong>or</strong> a Baptist preacher to preach thegospel <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ.That is the apostle Paul would have done. It was what healways did in every f<strong>or</strong>um, whether in the market place atC<strong>or</strong>inth <strong>or</strong> on Mars Hill in Athens, because Paul wasconvinced that the gospel alone is the power <strong>of</strong> God (Romans1:16). Thus he testified, “F<strong>or</strong> I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (1C<strong>or</strong>. 2:2).But Rick Warren does not walk in the steps <strong>of</strong> the apostlePaul. He has a different gospel and a different objective inministry, his gospel being a human-centered gospel <strong>of</strong> doinggood, and his objective being to change the w<strong>or</strong>ld throughhis PEACE program.As f<strong>or</strong> Paul, he summarized his gospel as follows:“F<strong>or</strong> I delivered unto you first <strong>of</strong> all that which I als<strong>or</strong>eceived, how that Christ died f<strong>or</strong> our sins acc<strong>or</strong>ding tothe scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he roseagain the third day acc<strong>or</strong>ding to the scriptures” (1 C<strong>or</strong>.15:3-4).Paul said elsewhere that this gospel was delivered to himby divine revelation and that if anyone preaches anothergospel, he is under God’s curse (Galatians 1:6-12).31

Paul’s gospel is clear. It says that all men are fallen sinnerswho are under God’s holy wrath f<strong>or</strong> their rebellion, thatwithout salvation they will perish f<strong>or</strong>ever, and that Christ, theSon <strong>of</strong> God, came into this w<strong>or</strong>ld to suffer in the sinner’splace by dying on the cross, and that He actually died, andthat He rose from the dead the third day. All <strong>of</strong> this was donein acc<strong>or</strong>dance with the prophecies that were rec<strong>or</strong>ded in OldTestament <strong>Scripture</strong> bef<strong>or</strong>e Jesus’ birth.Rick Warren didn’t preach anything like this in his TedTalk. In fact, he didn’t talk about Christ at all. He saidnothing about man’s sin <strong>or</strong> God’s holiness <strong>or</strong> the Cross <strong>or</strong> theatonement <strong>or</strong> Jesus’ death <strong>or</strong> the resurrection. He didn’tmention the Holy <strong>Scripture</strong> <strong>or</strong> Bible prophecy.He spent most <strong>of</strong> his time talking about the success <strong>of</strong> hisbook A <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong> and the things he has done, andthe money he has given away, and the projects he hasdeveloped.Then in the last few moments <strong>of</strong> the 20-minute talk, havingpreached zero Christ and zero gospel to the needy souls <strong>of</strong>his audience, Rick Warren concluded with these w<strong>or</strong>ds:“So the good life is not about looking good, feelinggood, <strong>or</strong> having the goods. It’s about being good anddoing good. The bottom line is that God gets pleasurewatching you be you. Why? He made you. And whenyou do what you are made to do, He goes, ‘That’s myboy.’ ‘That’s my girl.’ You are using the talent and theability that God gave you. So my advice to you is look atwhat is in your hand, your identity, your influence, yourincome. And say, ‘It’s not about me; it’s about makingthe w<strong>or</strong>ld a better place. Thank you.”Remember, Warren stated these w<strong>or</strong>ds to a secularcongregation without having preached the biblical gospel.F<strong>or</strong> him to say in that context that God looks upon those who32

try to do what He made them to do as “my boy, my girl” isuniversalism and the Father <strong>of</strong> God heresy.Even on his best day, such as in The <strong>Purpose</strong> Drive <strong>Life</strong>,Rick Warren preaches the most shallow, empty “easybelievism” gospel imaginable, as we have documented in thisbook, but at Ted Talks he preached no gospel at all, and thatwas a high crime bef<strong>or</strong>e Almighty God.Of course, if Warren were a f<strong>or</strong>thright preacher <strong>of</strong> thegospel, he would never have been invited to the New AgetingedTed Talks. Those who invited him knew their man.They knew that he wouldn’t betray their confidence in himby <strong>of</strong>fending their human arrogance <strong>or</strong> reproving theirenmity with God.This deluded Southern Baptist preacher, who is doubtlessthe product <strong>of</strong> rampant easy-believism himself, is one <strong>of</strong> themost dangerous men alive today from a spiritual perspective.He is not building the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God. He is building theNew Age "church."33

Warren’s Anti-fundamentalist TiradesRick Warren preaches a non-judgmental message andrefuses to denounce the Pope <strong>or</strong> the M<strong>or</strong>mons, but he hasreproved biblical fundamentalists with great enthusiasm.Fundamentalism A Great EnemyWarren says that Christian fundamentalism will be “one <strong>of</strong>the big enemies <strong>of</strong> the 21st century.” He lumped Christianfundamentalism in with “Muslim fundamentalism” and“secular fundamentalism” (“The <strong>Purpose</strong>-<strong>Driven</strong> Past<strong>or</strong>,”The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 8, 2006). Thus, the Christianfundamentalist who merely seeks to take God’s W<strong>or</strong>dseriously and to live it and to preach it faithfully bef<strong>or</strong>e hisHeavenly Master is said to be as dangerous to this w<strong>or</strong>ld as aMuslim terr<strong>or</strong>ist <strong>or</strong> a radical atheist.Warren said that Christian fundamentalism is motivated byfear. One <strong>of</strong> the many problems with this statement is that theBible <strong>of</strong>ten speaks <strong>of</strong> fear in a positive manner. Paul wasafraid that the devil would deceive the believers. He said:“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiledEve through his subtilty, so your minds should bec<strong>or</strong>rupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. F<strong>or</strong> if hethat cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have notpreached, <strong>or</strong> if ye receive another spirit, which ye havenot received, <strong>or</strong> another gospel, which ye have notaccepted, ye might well bear with him” (2 C<strong>or</strong>. 11:3-4).We should follow the apostle’s example and fear spiritualdeception, both f<strong>or</strong> ourselves and f<strong>or</strong> others.The Bible says past<strong>or</strong>s who sin should be rebuked bef<strong>or</strong>eall “that others also may fear” (1 Tim. 5:20). Would thatSaddleback Church would take that verse seriously andrebuke their heresy-preaching past<strong>or</strong> publicly!34

Railing Against FundamentalistsIn 2007, Rick Warren railed against fundamentalistChristians yet again. At a three-day summit on adoption inCol<strong>or</strong>ado Springs Warren said:“We’ve got some people who only focus on m<strong>or</strong>al purityand couldn’t care less about the po<strong>or</strong>, the sick, theuneducated. And they haven’t done zip f<strong>or</strong> those people.”He said that too <strong>of</strong>ten Christians these days are definedby their “big mouth”--what they argue against, not whatthey embrace (“Christian Groups Launch MassiveAdoption Campaign, Los Angeles Times, May 13, 2007).Warren mentioned James 1:27, which says pure religion isto visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction. What hefailed to acknowledge is that the same verse says that purereligion is also to keep oneself unspotted from the w<strong>or</strong>ld.That describes a very strict type <strong>of</strong> separation, which requiresreproving every f<strong>or</strong>m <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ldliness (Ephesians 5:11), andthe Bible just as plainly teaches that we are to separate fromand renounce err<strong>or</strong>. Yet Warren denounces those who areattempting to obey these biblical injunctions.Biblical Christianity involves caring f<strong>or</strong> the needy as wellas maintaining strict standards <strong>of</strong> holiness and truth, and thatis what biblical fundamentalists are doing.I have written m<strong>or</strong>e than 30 articles warning about RickWarren’s err<strong>or</strong> and compromise, so I obviously have a “bigmouth” by his definition, but my wife and I adopted aspecial-needs child and have dedicated almost two decades<strong>of</strong> our lives to the f<strong>or</strong>eign mission field and to giving awaythousands <strong>of</strong> dollars <strong>of</strong> our own money to the po<strong>or</strong>.DuplicityRick Warren apparently got some feedback in regard tolikening “fundamentalism” to Islamic terr<strong>or</strong>ism and humanist37

atheism and calling it “one <strong>of</strong> the big enemies <strong>of</strong> the 21stcentury” (“The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> Past<strong>or</strong>,” PhiladelphiaInquirer, Jan. 8, 2006), so he is busy covering his tracks.In an article entitled “Rick Warren on Fundamentalism” atthe Saddleback Church web site, we learn that they arefundamentalists after all!“Within Christianity, there’s a large group <strong>of</strong> believerswho affirm that there are certain facts about our faith thatmust be embraced, even if it isn’t popular to proclaimthese facts as true. These are facts such as Jesus was Godin the flesh, God raised Jesus from the dead, and theResurrection opened the singular path available f<strong>or</strong> menand women to intimately and eternally connect withGod. These are among the fundamental truths <strong>of</strong> ourChristian faith (<strong>or</strong>, to use another phrase, they arefoundational truths to our faith). Now, if you believe thatthese fundamental truths are essential to the Christianfaith, then you are a ‘fundamentalist’ in the very basicsense <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>d, and within that definition and contextSaddleback Church is unapologetically fundamentalist.There is, however, another kind <strong>of</strong> fundamentalism thathas nothing to do with fundamentals <strong>of</strong> the Christianfaith; instead, it is about keeping the right rules in theright way in <strong>or</strong>der to please the right people. I’m notspeaking here about the Ten Commandments <strong>or</strong> any <strong>of</strong>the other God-spoken standards that light our way on thenarrow path; I’m referring to the fanatical pursuit <strong>of</strong>keeping--and insisting that others keep--rules that areman-made and <strong>of</strong>ten culturally influenced, rules thatinsist all Christians must look, act, and smell the same in<strong>or</strong>der to be considered genuine believers.”This statement is so wrongheaded it is difficult to knowwhere to begin.First <strong>of</strong> all, Rick Warren stood bef<strong>or</strong>e the Pew F<strong>or</strong>um inMay 2005 and made the following statement:“Now the w<strong>or</strong>d ‘fundamentalist’ actually comes from adocument in the 1920s called the Five Fundamentals <strong>of</strong>38

the Faith. And it is a very legalistic, narrow view <strong>of</strong>Christianity ... I am an evangelical. I’m not a member <strong>of</strong>the religious right and I’M NOT AFUNDAMENTALIST” (“Myths <strong>of</strong> the Modern Mega-Church,” May 23, 2005, transcript <strong>of</strong> the Pew F<strong>or</strong>um’sbiannual Faith Angle conference on religion, politics andpublic life).Warren did not try to explain to the Pew F<strong>or</strong>um that he isactually his own kind <strong>of</strong> fundamentalist and that he is merelyopposed to certain types <strong>of</strong> fundamentalism. He simplystated that he is no kind <strong>of</strong> fundamentalist and criticizedfundamentalism in the harshest <strong>of</strong> terms!Will the real Rick Warren please stand up!Of course, if we allow a man to make up his owndefinitions, he can be anything he pleases, and that is justwhat Saddleback Church has done in regard t<strong>of</strong>undamentalism. Real and acceptable fundamentalism, weare told, is simply to affirm that there are a few facts(Saddleback mentions only three) about the Christian faiththat must be embraced.That, my friend, is a brand new definition <strong>of</strong>fundamentalism. There never was a document called “theFive Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> the Faith.” The name “fundamentalist”was derived from a series <strong>of</strong> books called “TheFundamentals” that was published from 1910-1915. Theseries, composed <strong>of</strong> 90 articles written by 64 auth<strong>or</strong>s, did notpromote “five fundamentals” (<strong>or</strong> three) but rather dozens <strong>of</strong>fundamentals. (F<strong>or</strong> m<strong>or</strong>e about the hist<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> fundamentalismsee our free ebook titled “New Evangelicalism” atwww.way<strong>of</strong>life.<strong>or</strong>g/free_ebooks/.)Notice that Saddleback Church warns <strong>of</strong> “another type <strong>of</strong>fundamentalism” that is described as “keeping the right rulesin the right way in <strong>or</strong>der to please the right people.” That is a39

smoke screen. It is a straw man. I doubt that Rick Warrenknows anyone who actually fits that definition. How wouldhe know whom other people are trying to please? Can he seethe motives <strong>of</strong> men’s hearts?Biblical fundamentalism does not “keep rules” in <strong>or</strong>der toplease people; it keeps the precepts <strong>of</strong> the Bible in <strong>or</strong>der toplease God and to help people be prepared to meet God.How strict are we supposed to be in keeping God’s W<strong>or</strong>d?Consider Christ’s Great Commission:“Go ye theref<strong>or</strong>e, and teach all nations, baptizing them inthe name <strong>of</strong> the Father, and <strong>of</strong> the Son, and <strong>of</strong> the HolyGhost: TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALLTHINGS WHATSOEVER I HAVE COMMANDEDYOU: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end <strong>of</strong>the w<strong>or</strong>ld. Amen” (Mat. 28:19-20).The church’s job is to teach each disciple to observe ALLthings that Christ has commanded. That is a far-reachingcommand. It involves training the saints not only to know butalso to obey everything that Christ has left us in the NewTestament faith.Consider Paul’s final instruction to the elders at Ephesus:“F<strong>or</strong> I have not shunned to declare unto you ALL thecounsel <strong>of</strong> God” (Acts 17:27).Paul left us the example <strong>of</strong> declaring all <strong>of</strong> the counsel <strong>of</strong>God. He didn’t focus merely on three, four, <strong>or</strong> five“fundamentals.”THIS IS THE TRUE AND ORIGINAL “PURPOSEDRIVEN” CHURCH. Its purpose is to gl<strong>or</strong>ify Jesus Christby teaching and obeying all things whatsoever He hascommanded us in the New Testament <strong>Scripture</strong>s.40

Biblical fundamentalism does try to keep the right rules inthe right way, because it seeks to hon<strong>or</strong> Jesus Christ byexalting the Bible as the sole auth<strong>or</strong>ity f<strong>or</strong> faith and practiceand keeping it as strictly as Jesus Christ and the apostlestaught we should keep it.Biblical fundamentalism does not exalt man-made rules; itseeks, rather, to be faithful to the principles and details <strong>of</strong>God’s W<strong>or</strong>d. When the Bible says, “Love not the w<strong>or</strong>ld,neither the things that are in the w<strong>or</strong>ld” and “be notconf<strong>or</strong>med to this w<strong>or</strong>ld,” the biblical fundamentalist takesthis seriously and seeks to follow the Spirit’s leading inapplying this great truth to every area <strong>of</strong> his life, includingthe clothes that he wears and the music he listens to. Whenthe Bible says it is a shame f<strong>or</strong> a man to wear long hair andthe woman’s long hair is her gl<strong>or</strong>y, the biblicalfundamentalist doesn’t make excuses f<strong>or</strong> it, he simply tries toobey it. When the Bible says God f<strong>or</strong>bids a woman to teach<strong>or</strong> usurp auth<strong>or</strong>ity over a man, the biblical fundamentalistdoesn’t try to find a way to ign<strong>or</strong>e it.Saddleback Church calls this “legalism,” but it is no suchthing and one day Rick Warren will give a solemn accountf<strong>or</strong> the way he has perverted and redefined terms and set upstraw men to poison people’s minds toward those who areguilty <strong>of</strong> nothing m<strong>or</strong>e than loving God’s W<strong>or</strong>d.What kind <strong>of</strong> “legalism” is it f<strong>or</strong> a blood-washed, savedby-gracesaint to aim to preach all <strong>of</strong> the truths <strong>of</strong> God’sW<strong>or</strong>d and to be faithful to God’s W<strong>or</strong>d in all matters? Thoughwe are saved by grace without w<strong>or</strong>ks, we are saved untogood w<strong>or</strong>ks (Eph. 2:8-10). If that is legalism, Paul was agreat legalist, f<strong>or</strong> he testified, “F<strong>or</strong> I have not shunned todeclare unto you all the counsel <strong>of</strong> God” (Acts 20:27). By mycount, there are 88 specific duties that Christians are41

instructed to follow in the book <strong>of</strong> Ephesians alone, the verybook that emphasizes salvation without w<strong>or</strong>ks!Rick Warren is a very dangerous man, the blind leading theblind. His books are accepted by the w<strong>or</strong>ld (e.g., his “40Days <strong>of</strong> <strong>Purpose</strong>” has been used by Coco-Cola, F<strong>or</strong>d, Wal-Mart, the NBA, LPGA, NASCAR, pr<strong>of</strong>essional baseballteams, etc.), because he is <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld.“Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well <strong>of</strong> you!f<strong>or</strong> so did their fathers to the false prophets” (Luke 6:26).42

Saddleback Church Rocking andRollingWe have <strong>of</strong>ten warned that one <strong>of</strong> the dangers and err<strong>or</strong>s <strong>of</strong>contemp<strong>or</strong>ary Christian music is its refusal to separate fromsecular party music such as rock and rap. This is evident atRick Warren’s Saddleback Church in southern Calif<strong>or</strong>nia.Purple HazeOn April 17, 2005, when Warren announced his P.E.A.C.E.program to Saddleback Church, he first sang Jimi Hendrix’sdrug-drenched song “Purple Haze” to the congregation,accompanied by his “praise and w<strong>or</strong>ship” band. He said hehad wanted to do that f<strong>or</strong> a long time.Though long dead, Jimi Hendrix’s influence lives on, but itis an evil influence that should be reproved rather thanencouraged. His music and his life epitomized the rock androll philosophy, which is live as you please; don't allowanyone to put restrictions upon you; flaunt any law that getsin your way; have fun while you can; if it feels good do it.Music was Jimi Hendrix’s god. He attended church somein his youth, but later he testified: “I used to go to SundaySchool BUT THE ONLY THING I BELIEVE IN NOW ISMUSIC” (cited by Curtis Knight, Jimi).Hendrix flaunted an imm<strong>or</strong>al lifestyle, living intimatelywith a succession <strong>of</strong> women but never marrying. He said:“Marriage isn’t my scene; we just live together. Those bits <strong>of</strong>paper you call marriage certificates are only f<strong>or</strong> people wh<strong>of</strong>eel insecure” (Henderson, p. 245).Hendrix also promoted imm<strong>or</strong>ality through his music andhis concerts. His song “Fire” was “basically a vehicle f<strong>or</strong>shouted phrases <strong>of</strong> sexual innuendo that went as close to the43

<strong>or</strong>derline as possible” (Henderson, 'Scuse Me While I Kissthe Sky, p. 115). Hendrix's 1968 album Electric Ladylandfeatured 20 nude women on the album cover.When complaints were made about his erotic behavi<strong>or</strong>onstage, he replied: "PERHAPS IT IS SEXY ... BUT WHATMUSIC WITH A BIG BEAT ISN'T?" (Henderson, p. 117).Hendrix was m<strong>or</strong>e candid and honest about the character <strong>of</strong>rock than the CCM musicians who are defending it today. Wewould agree that rock & roll is sensual by its very nature.Hendrix also promoted violence through his music, attimes destroying his guitars and amplifiers during concertsand setting his guitar on fire. This would send the youngconcert-goers into a frenzy.Hendrix abused drugs and alcohol. He took acid, smokedmarijuana, used heroin and amphetamines, and drank liqu<strong>or</strong>.Hendrix’ bassist, Noel Redding, testified: “Whether it wastrue <strong>or</strong> not, we felt we had to be stoned to play properly.Good dope equaled good music” (A Time to Rock, p. 200).Hendrix was deeply involved in occultism and mysticismand these themes permeated his music. His song “VoodooChile” gl<strong>or</strong>ified voodoo practices such as out <strong>of</strong> bodyexperiences.His biographer, who spent five years researching his life,noted that “Hendrix demonstrated a high <strong>or</strong>der <strong>of</strong> voodoo ...[he] showed the voodoo that related to the stars and tomagical transf<strong>or</strong>mation” (Henderson, p. 394). Hendrixbelieved in numerology, UFOs, transcendental meditation,reincarnation, and a variety <strong>of</strong> pagan and New Age concepts.He thought rainbows were bridges that linked this w<strong>or</strong>ld withthe unseen spirit w<strong>or</strong>ld.44

In July 1970, Hendrix set up a perf<strong>or</strong>mance in Maui,Hawaii, in an attempt to reach a higher level <strong>of</strong> New Agespiritual awareness. When he arrived in Hawaii, he consultedan elderly German f<strong>or</strong>tune teller named Clara Schuff and wastold that he descended from Egyptian and Tibetan royaltyand that his next life would be concerned with the magicalsystems <strong>of</strong> Tibet. The perf<strong>or</strong>mance was called “The RainbowBridge Vibrat<strong>or</strong>y Col<strong>or</strong>-Sound Experiment.” Hendrix wasinvited to participate in this experiment by a commune calledthe Rainbow Bridge Occult Research Meditation Center. TheHendrix group gathered on the side <strong>of</strong> the Olowalu Volcano,revered as a very holy place and called the Crater <strong>of</strong> the Sunby native Hawaiians. F<strong>or</strong> the occasion, Hendrix w<strong>or</strong>e Indianmedicine-man clothing and used a medicine-man tent. Heand all <strong>of</strong> the participants were high on LSD, hash, andliqu<strong>or</strong> during the “experiment.” (Two months later, he wasdead.)Hendrix believed his music could open his listeners to“cosmic powers” and that people can rise through variousspiritual levels through music. He believed in reincarnationand thought he was from another planet, an asteroid belt <strong>of</strong>f<strong>of</strong> Mars, and that he had come to earth to show people newenergy. He thought he had assumed other life f<strong>or</strong>ms inprevious lives:“There's no telling how many lives your spirit will gothrough--die and be reb<strong>or</strong>n. Like my mind will be back in thedays when I was a flying h<strong>or</strong>se” (Hendrix, interview withRobin Richman “An Infinity <strong>of</strong> Jimis,” <strong>Life</strong> magazine, Oct.3, 1969).Hendrix understood the mystical and hypnotic power <strong>of</strong>rock music. He said:45

"ATMOSPHERES ARE GOING TO COMETHROUGH MUSIC, BECAUSE THE MUSIC IS ASPIRITUAL THING OF ITS OWN. ... I can explaineverything better through music. YOU HYPNOTIZEPEOPLE to where they go right back to their naturalstate, which is pure positive-like childhood when you gotnatural highs. And when you get people at weakest point,you can preach into the subconscious what we want tosay. That’s why the name ‘electric church’ flashes in andout" (Hendrix, interview with Robin Richman “AnInfinity <strong>of</strong> Jimis,” <strong>Life</strong> magazine, Oct. 3, 1969).“ONCE YOU HAVE SOME TYPE OF RHYTHM,LIKE IT CAN GET HYPNOTIC IF YOU KEEPREPEATING IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Most <strong>of</strong>the people will fall <strong>of</strong>f by about a minute <strong>of</strong> repeating.You do that say f<strong>or</strong> three <strong>or</strong> four <strong>or</strong> even five minutes ifyou can stand it, and then it releases a certain thinginside <strong>of</strong> a person’s head. IT RELEASES A CERTAINTHING IN THERE SO YOU CAN PUT ANYTHINGYOU WANT RIGHT INSIDE THAT, YOU KNOW. Soyou do that f<strong>or</strong> a minute and all <strong>of</strong> a sudden you canbring the rhythm down a little bit and then you say whatyou want to say right into that little gap. It's somethin’ t<strong>or</strong>ide with, you know. You have to ride with something. IALWAYS LIKE TO TAKE PEOPLE ON TRIPS.THAT'S WHY MUSIC IS MAGIC” (Hendrix, cited byHenderson, p. 356).These are observations and warnings that should be takenseriously by Christians. Though Hendrix was a licentiousdrug user, he was also a brilliant and gifted musician and heunderstood the nature <strong>of</strong> rock music as few men have. Hewas using music to “take people on trips.” What trip? Weknow that his trip is actually the devil’s trip. Hendrix had a“church,” but it was not the church <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ. Thosewho think that there is no spiritual danger in rock music aredeceiving themselves and are leading others down theprimrose path <strong>of</strong> delusion. Observe that Hendrix wasreferring to the power <strong>of</strong> the music itself without the w<strong>or</strong>ds.46

Hendrix believed in religion and “spirituality,” but heunhesitatingly rejected Bible-believing Christianity andconsidered the laws <strong>of</strong> God a f<strong>or</strong>m <strong>of</strong> bondage. He sawhimself and other rock singers as liberat<strong>or</strong>s <strong>of</strong> young peoplefrom such laws:“We’re in our little cement beehives in this society.People let a lot <strong>of</strong> old-time laws rule them. Theestablishment has set up the Ten Commandments f<strong>or</strong> ussaying don't, don't, don't. ... The walls are crumbling andthe establishment doesn't want to let go. ... Theestablishment is so uptight about sex...” (Jimi Hendrix,quoted by Henderson, pp. 214, 215).In January 1969, Hendrix expressed his philosophy asfollows:“When I die I want people to play my music, go wild andfreak out and do anything they wanna do” (Hendrix,interview with Don Sh<strong>or</strong>t, Daily Mirr<strong>or</strong>, Jan. 11, 1969).Hendrix believed he was possessed by the devil. GirlfriendFayne Pridgon said:“HE USED TO ALWAYS TALK ABOUT SOMEDEVIL OR SOMETHING WAS IN HIM, you know. Hedidn’t know what made him act the way he acted andwhat made him say the things he said, and the songs anddifferent things like that ... just came out <strong>of</strong> him. It seemsto me he was so t<strong>or</strong>mented and just t<strong>or</strong>n apart and like hereally was obsessed, you know, with something reallyevil. ... He said, ‘You're from Ge<strong>or</strong>gia ... you shouldknow how people drive demons out’--He used to talkabout us going ... and having some root lady <strong>or</strong>somebody see if she could DRIVE THIS DEMON OUTOF HIM” (sound track from film Jimi Hendrix,interview with Fayne Pridgon, side 4, cited by Heartbeat<strong>of</strong> the Dragon, p. 50).Producer Alan Douglas stated the same thing:“Now one <strong>of</strong> the biggest things about Jimi was. . . hebelieved that he was possessed by some spirit, and I got47

to believe it myself; and that’s what we had to deal withall the time—he really believed it and was wrestling withit constantly” (sound track from film Jimi Hendrix).Note the two following testimonies about Hendrix byfellow rocker Carlos Santana:“Everything was fine f<strong>or</strong> the first few moments but then,Carlos remembered sadly, Hendrix started freaking outand playing some ‘wild s—-’ that had nothing to do withthe song. . . ‘His eyes were all bloodshot and he wasfoaming at the mouth. It was like being in a room withsomeone having an epileptic fit...” (Marc Shapiro,Carlos Santana: Back on Top, p. 91).“On another occasion, Santana was taken to watchHendrix rec<strong>or</strong>ding and what he saw frightened him, ‘Thefirst time I was really with him was in the studio. He wasoverdubbing “Roomful <strong>of</strong> Mirr<strong>or</strong>s” and it was a realshocker to me. He started rec<strong>or</strong>ding and it wasincredible. But within fifteen <strong>or</strong> twenty seconds he justwent out. All <strong>of</strong> a sudden he was freaking out like he washaving a gigantic battle in the sky with somebody. Theroadies look at each other and the producer looked athim and they said, “Go get him”. They separated himfrom the amplifier and the guitar and it was like he washaving an epileptic fit’” (Simon Leng, Soul Sacrifice:The Santana St<strong>or</strong>y, p. 51).On September 18, 1970, Jimi Hendrix died in London atage 27. The <strong>of</strong>ficial cause <strong>of</strong> death was “barbiturateintoxication” and “inhalation <strong>of</strong> vomit.” He died in a PurpleHaze.It is inexcusable f<strong>or</strong> Rick Warren and his “w<strong>or</strong>ship” teamto perf<strong>or</strong>m any Jimi Hendrix song on any occasionwhatsoever.Rock DancesThe following inf<strong>or</strong>mation from the Saddleback websitef<strong>or</strong> 2005 describes their enthusiasm f<strong>or</strong> rock and roll dances:48

“Our dances have become some <strong>of</strong> the most anticipated<strong>of</strong> our social events with hundreds <strong>of</strong> people attending.This Summer’s Night dance in our W<strong>or</strong>ship Centerpromises to be the same. It will begin with a light buffetstyle dinner followed by dancing to the sounds <strong>of</strong> our DJon a huge 3,000 square foot ballroom competition flo<strong>or</strong>.Pr<strong>of</strong>essional lighting, effects and sound all blendtogether f<strong>or</strong> a high-quality experience, all at anextremely reasonable price! Whether you bring a specialfriend, come alone <strong>or</strong> with a group, make sure you comeready to have fun! Music will consist <strong>of</strong> a wide varietyproviding f<strong>or</strong> specific dances and freestyle. And what’s asummer night without some beach music and reggae?”Pelvic ThrustsThe following statement from the Extreme Theologywebsite f<strong>or</strong> December 9, 2006, describes a video on YouTube<strong>of</strong> a Saddleback “W<strong>or</strong>ship” Concert that featured vulgar“pelvic thrust” rock moves:“This is a video <strong>of</strong> a Saddleback W<strong>or</strong>ship Concert. Thereare teenage girls doing dance moves that include PelvicThrusts. Is this really w<strong>or</strong>ship to the one true God <strong>of</strong> theBible <strong>or</strong> is this w<strong>or</strong>ship to one <strong>of</strong> those pagan sex gods?You be the judge? You can go to the <strong>or</strong>iginal YouTubepost at http://youtube.com/watch?v=Gq_heSAajS0.After seeing this, Is there any wonder why Saddleback’sw<strong>or</strong>ship is so appealing and attractive to unbelievers?Saddleback is <strong>of</strong>fering jiggly-dancing and sexualstimulation at church and calling it w<strong>or</strong>ship. ‘Even soevery good tree bringeth f<strong>or</strong>th good fruit; but a c<strong>or</strong>rupttree bringeth f<strong>or</strong>th evil fruit. A good tree cannot bringf<strong>or</strong>th evil fruit, neither can a c<strong>or</strong>rupt tree bring f<strong>or</strong>th goodfruit. Every tree that bringeth not f<strong>or</strong>th good fruit is hewndown, and cast into the fire’ (Matthew 7:17-19).”Recently a Southern Baptist state association made a rulingthat churches supp<strong>or</strong>ting homosexuality are not welcome.That is commendable, as far as it goes, but why is imm<strong>or</strong>aldancing in the name <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>shipping a holy God any less49

wicked than same-sex relations? Where is the SouthernBaptist Convention when it comes to such things? Thesilence is deafening.Lennon’s Atheistic SongAnother YouTube video containing a slide show from anArgentina missionary trip by Saddleback Church membersfeatured John Lennon’s atheistic song “Imagine.” The trip,made August 1-12, 2006, was part <strong>of</strong> Warren’s P.E.A.C.E.program. The soundtrack uses several pieces <strong>of</strong> music,including John Lennon’s <strong>or</strong>iginal rec<strong>or</strong>ding <strong>of</strong> Imagine. Thelyrics say:“Imagine there’s no heaven/ It’s easy if you try/ No hellbelow us/ Above us only sky.”W<strong>or</strong>ship Your <strong>Way</strong>Saddleback Church features nine different “w<strong>or</strong>shipvenues.” There is a w<strong>or</strong>ship style to suit every w<strong>or</strong>ldly taste.The Overdrive venue is “f<strong>or</strong> those who like guitar-drivenrock band w<strong>or</strong>ship in a concert-like setting that you canFEEL.” The Ohana venue comes “complete with hula andisland-style music,” and on the first Saturday <strong>of</strong> every monthyou can take hula lessons during the potluck following theservice. The Country venue features line dancing.School <strong>of</strong> RockUnder the W<strong>or</strong>ship section <strong>of</strong> Saddleback Church’s website there is a “School <strong>of</strong> Rock,” where you can learn to sing“like your fav<strong>or</strong>ite pop artist” and play guitar “songs bylegendary bands.”This is “w<strong>or</strong>ship” <strong>of</strong> a holy God--Rick Warren style.50

The “Beyond the Blues” class “will take your bluesplaying to another level, along with classic blues licks by themasters.”They f<strong>or</strong>got to say that the legendary rockers, pop stars,and classic blues artists were and are drug- and alcoholdrenchedand their lives and music m<strong>or</strong>ally filthy.Saddleback Rap VideoA rap video prepared f<strong>or</strong> Warren’s <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> W<strong>or</strong>shipConference 2006 is one <strong>of</strong> the sickest things I have ever seen,and I have been researching the spiritually sick w<strong>or</strong>ld <strong>of</strong>CCM f<strong>or</strong> many years. It is by a rapper named Smitty and ismis-titled “Filled with the Spirit.”It featured a heavy sensual rap beat with the followinglyrics:“Ohhhhhh, I’m filled with the Spirit; come gather roundso all ya’ll can hear it. Ohhhhh, I feel so amazing; can’tstop the music; got my hands raising. Ohhhh, I feel thisdivinity; stronger than Samson; it is the Trinity. Calm medown I need the tranquility; Satan try to stop me; you gotto be kiddin’ me. ... Uuhhhhh, now break it down ya’ll;uuhhhhh, now break it down ya’ll; uuhhhh, uuhhhhh,now break it down, now break it down, Old Testamentstyle. Do the burning bush, do the burning bush, noweverybody in the crowd do the burning bush. ... Thewalls <strong>of</strong> Jericho, the walls <strong>of</strong> Jericho, make the bootydrop like the walls <strong>of</strong> Jericho [the rapper turns aroundand shakes his backside to the camera]...”Not only do the lyrics turn the things <strong>of</strong> Christ and life’smost serious issues into pure silliness and even descend intom<strong>or</strong>al filthiness (e.g., rap dancing to the burning bush andshaking your booty to the falling <strong>of</strong> the walls <strong>of</strong> Jericho), butthe way the w<strong>or</strong>ds are sung are downright blasphemous. Youhave to see the video and hear the voices to understand just51

how sick and blasphemous this thing is, but I am not going togive out the link because I don’t want young people,especially, to be influenced by this vile thing.Ingrid Schlueter <strong>of</strong> “Crosstalk Radio Talk Show” on VCYAmerica Radio Netw<strong>or</strong>k made the following observation:“The sneering, mocking expressions and tones <strong>of</strong> voicein this video have to be witnessed to be understood f<strong>or</strong>what they are. By his speech and manner, the rappertakes the name <strong>of</strong> the Holy Son <strong>of</strong> God in vain, but thevideo contains something m<strong>or</strong>e. There is hatred here,hatred f<strong>or</strong> who God is acc<strong>or</strong>ding to the <strong>Scripture</strong>s. Thespirit <strong>of</strong> this video, ironically shown at a so-calledw<strong>or</strong>ship conference, is anti-Christ. You cannot know theL<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> gl<strong>or</strong>y, the living W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God and speak <strong>of</strong> Himin this manner. ... The monstrous treatment <strong>of</strong> the name<strong>of</strong> God under the guise <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship is evidence <strong>of</strong> thehearts behind the video. The grimace when the rappersays, ewwww, I feel this divinity... is manifestly evil.The name <strong>of</strong> the L<strong>or</strong>d, by whose mercy we live andbreathe and have our being, is to be revered above allearthly names. Anyone who can listen to the spirit <strong>of</strong>mockery and ridicule in this video and not feel a holyanger needs to return to the Bible and learn who Godreally is” (“<strong>Purpose</strong>-<strong>Driven</strong> Rapper Crosses the Line toBlasphemy”).We agree with that assessment totally.The next time someone tries to convince you that theSouthern Baptist Convention is “conservative,” rememberthat you will find every w<strong>or</strong>ldly thing in the SBC. W<strong>or</strong>ldlyChristianity is not “conservative” Christianity.There is no separation from the w<strong>or</strong>ld at SaddlebackChurch. Any s<strong>or</strong>ry piece <strong>of</strong> rock <strong>or</strong> rap music is fine as longas it is accompanied by a thin veneer <strong>of</strong> religiosity.There has never been anything innocent <strong>or</strong> pure about rockand roll. From its inception, it has had two grand themes:52

licentiousness (sex, drugs, etc.) and rebellion (“I can do whatI want to do any old time”), and this is nowhere m<strong>or</strong>e evidentthan in the music <strong>of</strong> Jimi Hendrix and the Beatles.There is no excuse f<strong>or</strong> this action on the part <strong>of</strong> aninfluential past<strong>or</strong> who should set a standard <strong>of</strong> godlinessinstead <strong>of</strong> carnal foolishness. I want to say again publicly,Shame on Rick Warren, and shame on his fellow SouthernBaptist Convention leaders f<strong>or</strong> not publicly andunequivocally rebuking him f<strong>or</strong> such w<strong>or</strong>ldly shenanigans.“And be not conf<strong>or</strong>med to this w<strong>or</strong>ld: but be yetransf<strong>or</strong>med by the renewing <strong>of</strong> your mind, that ye mayprove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will<strong>of</strong> God” (Romans 12:2).“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful w<strong>or</strong>ks <strong>of</strong>darkness, but rather reprove them” (Ephesians 5:11).“Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that thefriendship <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld is enmity with God? whosoevertheref<strong>or</strong>e will be a friend <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld is the enemy <strong>of</strong>God” (James 4:4).“Love not the w<strong>or</strong>ld, neither the things that are in thew<strong>or</strong>ld. If any man love the w<strong>or</strong>ld, the love <strong>of</strong> the Fatheris not in him. F<strong>or</strong> all that is in the w<strong>or</strong>ld, the lust <strong>of</strong> theflesh, and the lust <strong>of</strong> the eyes, and the pride <strong>of</strong> life, is not<strong>of</strong> the Father, but is <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld. And the w<strong>or</strong>ld passethaway, and the lust there<strong>of</strong>: but he that doeth the will <strong>of</strong>God abideth f<strong>or</strong> ever” (1 John 2:15-17).53

Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. PlanSpeaking bef<strong>or</strong>e 30,000 members and attendees <strong>of</strong>Saddleback Church at the congregation’s 25th anniversarycelebration on April 17, 2005, Rick Warren announced hisplan f<strong>or</strong> a global vision called P.E.A.C.E.He told the crowd, “I stand bef<strong>or</strong>e you confidently rightnow and say to you that God is going to use you to changethe w<strong>or</strong>ld.”Warren’s plan is described as nothing less than “a newref<strong>or</strong>mation in Christianity and vision f<strong>or</strong> a w<strong>or</strong>ldwidespiritual awakening in the 21st century.”Warren wants to enlist “one billion foot soldiers” toovercome the five “global giants” <strong>of</strong> “Spiritual Emptiness,Self-serving Leadership, Poverty, Disease and ign<strong>or</strong>ance (<strong>or</strong>illiteracy).”The acronym PEACE gives the means <strong>of</strong> overcoming thesegiants:• Promote reconciliation• Equip servant leaders• Assist the po<strong>or</strong>• Care f<strong>or</strong> the sick• Educate the next generation(Originally the first point was “Planting churches,” but itwas changed to the m<strong>or</strong>e vague and humanistic objective <strong>of</strong>“Promoting reconciliation.”)Warren’s program both expands and narrows the GreatCommission given by the L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus Christ after Hisresurrection and described in the following <strong>Scripture</strong>s:“Go ye theref<strong>or</strong>e, and teach all nations, baptizing them inthe name <strong>of</strong> the Father, and <strong>of</strong> the Son, and <strong>of</strong> the HolyGhost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I54

have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway,even unto the end <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld. Amen” (Matthew28:19-20).“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the w<strong>or</strong>ld, andpreach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).“And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus itbehoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead thethird day: And that repentance and remission <strong>of</strong> sinsshould be preached in his name among all nations,beginning at Jerusalem” (Luke 24:46-47).“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost iscome upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me bothin Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and untothe uttermost part <strong>of</strong> the earth” (Acts 1:8).Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. plan expands on Christ’s Commissionwith a global social agenda that we see nowhere in the NewTestament. Christ’s Commission focuses on preaching theGospel to every soul and discipling those that believe, andthat is the program that we see carried out in the book <strong>of</strong>Acts. There is not a hint there <strong>or</strong> anywhere else in the NewTestament that the apostles and early churches pursued anys<strong>or</strong>t <strong>of</strong> grandiose social-justice program. They did not set outto save the environment. They did not <strong>or</strong>ganize protestsagainst the social-political ills <strong>of</strong> the Roman Empire. Theydid not try to rid the Empire <strong>of</strong> poverty and sickness. Theypreached the gospel and lived holy lives and plantedchurches and discipled believers and loved their neighb<strong>or</strong>s(but not in the way this is defined by Rick Warren).It is true that believers should have a godly influence inthis w<strong>or</strong>ld. We are light and salt, but that does not add up tothe social-justice gospel as spelled out by Warren. We agreewith the following statement by Jonathan Leeland from thePast<strong>or</strong>s’ and Theologians’ F<strong>or</strong>um on Church and Culture onthe 9Marks web site:55

“The church is not called to transf<strong>or</strong>m culture, at leastnot in the sense that most people use that phrase today. Ifby transf<strong>or</strong>m one means ‘convert,’ then fine. But that’snot how the phrase is being used. You cannot transf<strong>or</strong>mwhat is blind except by giving it sight. You cannottransf<strong>or</strong>m what is deaf except by giving it hearing. Youcannot transf<strong>or</strong>m what is stone except by making it flesh.You cannot transf<strong>or</strong>m what is dead except by making italive. How do you ‘transf<strong>or</strong>m’ something that’s dead? Ifyou happen to be supernatural, you can make it alive(John 1:13). But you cannot transf<strong>or</strong>m it. ... In the sameway that Christians are called to live and love like GoodSamaritans, we should always be looking f<strong>or</strong> ways toserve our non-Christian neighb<strong>or</strong>s--that they might begiven sight, hearing, hearts <strong>of</strong> flesh, and life!” (Leeland,Past<strong>or</strong>s’ and Theologians’ F<strong>or</strong>um on Church and Culture,http://www.9marks.<strong>or</strong>g/partner/Article_Display_Page/0,,PTID314526|CHID598016|CIID2371850,00.html).God’s W<strong>or</strong>d bears this out:“Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles:that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, theymay by your good w<strong>or</strong>ks, which they shall behold,gl<strong>or</strong>ify God in the day <strong>of</strong> visitation” (1 Peter 2:12).“As we have theref<strong>or</strong>e opp<strong>or</strong>tunity, let us do good untoall men, especially unto them who are <strong>of</strong> the household<strong>of</strong> faith” (Galatians 6:10).Warren’s plan also narrows Christ’s Commission byabridging and simplifying New Testament doctrine andpractice. Whereas Christ commanded that believers be taught“to observe all things whatsoever I have taught you” (Mat.28:20), Warren suggests they observe a few things that havebeen summarized and reinterpreted by a contemp<strong>or</strong>arychurch growth guru.Warren’s plan also calls f<strong>or</strong> broad ecumenical andinterfaith practice. He says the fulfillment <strong>of</strong> the P.E.A.C.E.plan requires a “three-legged stool” consisting <strong>of</strong>government, business, and the churches. And he means ALL56

churches. He wants to mobilize every church in the w<strong>or</strong>ld. Inan interview with Charlie Rose, on August 17, 2006, Warrensaid:“There are 2.3 billion Christians in the w<strong>or</strong>ld. Probably600 million <strong>of</strong> them, I believe, are Catholic. And sowhen you take all <strong>of</strong> these together, it is the largestnetw<strong>or</strong>k in the w<strong>or</strong>ld.”Speaking bef<strong>or</strong>e the Pew F<strong>or</strong>um on May 23, 2005, Warrensaid:“Now when you get 25 percent <strong>of</strong> America, which isbasically Catholic, and you get 28 to 29 percent <strong>of</strong>America which is evangelical together, that’s called amaj<strong>or</strong>ity. And it is a very powerful bloc, if they happento stay together on particular issues. ... I WOULDENCOURAGE YOU TO LOOK AT THIS EVOLVINGALLIANCE BETWEEN EVANGELICALPROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS” (Warren, “Myths<strong>of</strong> the Modern Mega-Church,” www.pewf<strong>or</strong>um.<strong>or</strong>g/events.index.pho?EventID=R80).Not only does Warren want to bring evangelicals andCatholics together to fulfill his P.E.A.C.E. program, but healso wants to include homosexuals, Muslims, Hindus,EVERYBODY!Warren said that after he prayed to God about how hecould reach the w<strong>or</strong>ld, he found the answer in Matthew 10and Luke 10, where Jesus sent the apostles out to preach thegospel <strong>of</strong> the kingdom. Warren says that Jesus told him:“There’s a man <strong>of</strong> peace in every village, in everygovernment, in every business, in every church. ... Whenyou find the man <strong>of</strong> peace, if he’s open and he’s willingto w<strong>or</strong>k with you, you bless him and you start your w<strong>or</strong>kthere. ... The man <strong>of</strong> peace is open and influential. ... Theman <strong>of</strong> peace does not have to be a Christian believer.Could be a Muslim. Could be Jewish” (Warren interviewwith Charlie Rose, Aug. 17, 2006).57

Roger Oakland rightly observes:“While Warren believes that a conversation with Jesusinspired his plan to establish the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God onearth, it would be imp<strong>or</strong>tant to check out the w<strong>or</strong>ds <strong>of</strong>Jesus written in the Bible. Ironically, Jesus said much theopposite <strong>of</strong> what Warren is proposing. ... Jesus sent Hisdisciples out with a Gospel <strong>of</strong> repentance in proclaiming,‘The kingdom <strong>of</strong> heaven is at hand’ (Matthew 10:7). ...Jesus did not say they were to look f<strong>or</strong> a ‘man <strong>of</strong> peace’in every town. Rather, He said, ‘whatsoever city <strong>or</strong> townye shall enter, enquire who in it is w<strong>or</strong>thy; and thereabide till ye go thence’ (Matthew 10:11). Now Jesus didtell His disciples to use the greeting, ‘Peace be to thishouse’ whenever entering a house, and if a ‘son <strong>of</strong>peace’ is there, to remain in that house (Luke 10:5-7).However, it is imp<strong>or</strong>tant to realize that the criterion f<strong>or</strong>staying in a house was not the greeting <strong>of</strong> peace itself butwhether those in that house received the message. ‘Andwhosoever shall not receive you, n<strong>or</strong> hear your w<strong>or</strong>ds,when ye depart out <strong>of</strong> that house <strong>or</strong> city, shake <strong>of</strong>f thedust <strong>of</strong> your feet’ (Matthew 10:14). ... Let me speak veryboldly here: if we are going to link hands with those whobelieve in another gospel <strong>or</strong> no gospel at all f<strong>or</strong> the sake<strong>of</strong> establishing an earthly, unified kingdom, we will notbe building the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God” (Faith Undone, pp.150, 151).58

Warren Tells Past<strong>or</strong>s to Get Rid <strong>of</strong>TroublemakersIn the November 14, 2007, issue <strong>of</strong> Ministry Toolbox, RickWarren told past<strong>or</strong>s to get rid <strong>of</strong> troublemakers.Warren begins with the erroneous statement that the Bible“talks m<strong>or</strong>e about unity <strong>of</strong> the church than it does abouteither Heaven <strong>or</strong> Hell.” In fact, the Bible speaks m<strong>or</strong>e aboutHeaven and Hell than about unity and it speaks far m<strong>or</strong>eabout the imp<strong>or</strong>tance <strong>of</strong> sound doctrine and practice andseparation from err<strong>or</strong> than it does about unity.Warren makes no distinction between trouble that comesbecause <strong>of</strong> heresy and self-will and trouble that comesbecause <strong>of</strong> the truth. God’s people are nowhere instructed toblindly follow past<strong>or</strong>s. They have an obligation bef<strong>or</strong>e Godto “prove all things” (1 Thess. 5:21).In a fashion that is one <strong>of</strong> his fearful trademarks, Warrenlifts <strong>Scripture</strong> out <strong>of</strong> context to prove his point.First, he uses 2 Timothy 2:23-26, which only deals withhow to handle “foolish and unlearned questions” asked bythose who are in the snare <strong>of</strong> the devil. It has nothing to dowith legitimate biblical questions asked by sincere Christianswho care about God’s W<strong>or</strong>d.Next, he uses 2 Timothy 2:14, which is a warning aboutstriving about “w<strong>or</strong>ds to no pr<strong>of</strong>it, but to the subverting <strong>of</strong>the hearers.” Again, this is a warning about how to deal withfalse teaching, and it has nothing whatsoever to do withsincere biblical challenges.Warren also uses Titus 2:15, which is an exh<strong>or</strong>tation topreachers to be bold in proclaiming the truth but which says59

absolutely nothing about kicking people out <strong>of</strong> the churchbecause they love the truth.He also uses Titus 3:1, which is an exh<strong>or</strong>tation to besubject to the auth<strong>or</strong>ities that God has put in this w<strong>or</strong>ld, butby comparing <strong>Scripture</strong> with <strong>Scripture</strong> we know that it doesnot entail blind submission (i.e., Acts 5:29; 17:11; 1 C<strong>or</strong>.14:29; 1 Thess. 5:21).Finally, Warren uses Titus 3:10-11, which containsinstruction about how to deal with heretics <strong>or</strong> false teacherswho are causing division based on their heresies. Thispassage has nothing whatsoever to do with those in thechurch who love the truth and who are sincerely trying to befaithful to Christ and His W<strong>or</strong>d.Rick Warren is the heretic who is causing divisions amongGod’s people through heresies. He is the one that should berejected.60

Warren Critics Called “Leaders fromHell”Transitioning: Leading Your Church through Change, abook by Dan Southerland that is highly recommended byRick Warren, implies that those who oppose the <strong>Purpose</strong><strong>Driven</strong> philosophy that so many past<strong>or</strong>s are trying to pushupon their people are “leaders from hell.”Southerland is speaking <strong>of</strong> opposition in general, but itobvious from the overall context that he is referring to thosewho resist the new philosophies. Southerland is “the leadingexpert on implementing the <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> paradigm inexisting churches” (Church Transitions web site).Southerland says they have experienced two maj<strong>or</strong> sources<strong>of</strong> criticism as they have transitioned churches to the <strong>Purpose</strong><strong>Driven</strong> model: Christians from traditional backgrounds andtraditional past<strong>or</strong>s. He hastens to add that not all <strong>of</strong> thetraditionals oppose them, “just the meaner ones” (p. 116).On page 115, he likens opponents to Sanballat who resistedthe building <strong>of</strong> the walls <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem in the time <strong>of</strong>Nehemiah. Southerland says, “Sanballat is a leader from hell.We all have some Sanballats in our churches. This is the guywho opposes whatever you propose. ... You cannot call thisguy a leader from hell to his face--but you could call himSanballat” (p. 115).Sanballat was an unsaved opponent <strong>of</strong> God’s W<strong>or</strong>d, God’sw<strong>or</strong>k, and God’s people. To liken Bible-believing Christianswho love the L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus Christ and who stand f<strong>or</strong> His W<strong>or</strong>din this apostate age to Sanballat is a slander.Isn’t it interesting that about the only time that the Warrencrowd talks about Hell is when they mis-apply it t<strong>of</strong>undamentalists and evangelicals <strong>of</strong> a stricter stripe!61

It is a sad fact that Southerland has trained 100,000 peoplein the transitioning principles in the last seven years, but it isa sign <strong>of</strong> the times.“F<strong>or</strong> the time will come when they will not endure sounddoctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap tothemselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shallturn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turnedunto fables” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).62

Joining Hands with Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ldAllianceRick Warren was a featured speaker at the Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ldAlliance’s (BWA) Centenary Congress in Birmingham,England, in late July 2005.In this venture Warren joined hands with Jimmy Carter,who has stated that M<strong>or</strong>mons are Christians and they shouldnot be targeted f<strong>or</strong> evangelism, and Tony Campolo, who saysthat homosexuality is an inb<strong>or</strong>n trait and who refers to“evangelical homosexuals” (Christian News, March 4, 1991).During a press conference at the BWA Congress, Warrencalled the Southern Baptist Convention’s withdrawal fromthat <strong>or</strong>ganization “silly” and “a mistake” (“Warren: GlobalBaptists Are in This Together,” Kentucky Western Rec<strong>or</strong>der,July 27, 2005).A mistake to pull out <strong>of</strong> an <strong>or</strong>ganization that is shotthrough with theological liberalism? Rick Warren obviouslyhas a greater love f<strong>or</strong> wolves in sheep’s clothing than JesusChrist does. See Matthew 7:15-17.Warren said Baptists should have “unity withoutunif<strong>or</strong>mity.”This is not the kind <strong>of</strong> “unity” we find in the Bible. Paulinstructed the churches, “... that ye all speak the same thing,and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye beperfectly joined together in the same mind and in the samejudgment” (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 1:10).Warren said, “I see absolutely zero reason in separating myfellowship from anybody.”He needs to read the Bible, because it contains manyreasons f<strong>or</strong> separation from err<strong>or</strong>.63

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which causedivisions and <strong>of</strong>fences contrary to the doctrine which yehave learned; and avoid them” (Romans 16:17).“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:f<strong>or</strong> what fellowship hath righteousness withunrighteousness? and what communion hath light withdarkness? And what conc<strong>or</strong>d hath Christ with Belial? <strong>or</strong>what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Andwhat agreement hath the temple <strong>of</strong> God with idols? f<strong>or</strong>ye are the temple <strong>of</strong> the living God; as God hath said, Iwill dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be theirGod, and they shall be my people” (2 C<strong>or</strong>inthians6:14-16).“Having a f<strong>or</strong>m <strong>of</strong> godliness, but denying the powerthere<strong>of</strong>: from such turn away” (2 Timothy 3:5).Warren also warned that Baptists <strong>of</strong>ten are “known f<strong>or</strong>what we’re against rather than what we’re f<strong>or</strong>.”In his opinion, that is wrong, but it isn’t wrong whenmeasured biblically. The L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus Christ frequentlypreached red-hot messages on Hell, and He was known f<strong>or</strong>His opposition to the Sadducees and Pharisees, thetheological liberals and Catholic priests <strong>of</strong> His day. Theapostle Paul, following in His Master’s footsteps, also spentmuch <strong>of</strong> his time preaching against sin and err<strong>or</strong>, both in thebook <strong>of</strong> Acts and in his epistles.The Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance is an ecumenical alliance <strong>of</strong>211 Baptist denominations in m<strong>or</strong>e than 140 countries. It ispermeated with theological liberalism and supp<strong>or</strong>ts new ageone-w<strong>or</strong>ld <strong>or</strong>ganizations such as the United Nations (UN).As far back as the 1930s, the Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance was ahotbed <strong>of</strong> modernism. When J. Frank N<strong>or</strong>ris led the TempleBaptist Church <strong>of</strong> Detroit, Michigan, to withdraw from theBWA in 1935, he cited its “modernistic dominatedleadership” as a reason (The F. Frank N<strong>or</strong>ris I Have Known64

f<strong>or</strong> 34 Years, p. 311). Pri<strong>or</strong> to that, fundamentalist leader A.C.Dixon had tried to have a resolution passed in the BaptistW<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance affirming “five fundamental verities <strong>of</strong> thefaith,” including the verbal inspiration <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> and thevirgin birth <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ, but an apostate maj<strong>or</strong>ity <strong>of</strong> theBWA representatives voted down this simple resolution.Things have only gotten w<strong>or</strong>se since then.Desmond Tutu spoke at a Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance meetingin 1988. Anglican archbishop Tutu is a rank liberal who inFebruary 1996 called f<strong>or</strong> the <strong>or</strong>dination <strong>of</strong> homosexualpriests. Consider the following quotes that expose Tutu’sunbelieving heart:“Some people thought there was something odd aboutJesus’ birth. ... It may be that Jesus was an illegitimateson” (Desmond Tutu, Cape Times, October 24, 1980).“The Holy Spirit is not limited to the Christian Church.F<strong>or</strong> example, Mahatma Gandhi, who is a Hindu ... TheHoly Spirit shines through him” (Desmond Tutu, St.Alban’s Cathedral, Pret<strong>or</strong>ia, South Africa, November 23,1978).Brutal Marxist dictat<strong>or</strong> Fidel Castro, who has persecutedand restricted the churches <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ in Cuba f<strong>or</strong>decades, was a speaker at the Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance meetingin July 2000.On January 24, 2002, Denton Lotz, general secretary <strong>of</strong> theBaptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance, joined hands with Pope John Paul IIand the leaders <strong>of</strong> other denominations and pagan religions atthe third Day <strong>of</strong> Prayer f<strong>or</strong> W<strong>or</strong>ld Peace at Assisi, Italy. Thisecumenical pagan prayer gathering featured some 200religious leaders, including representatives <strong>of</strong> suchdenominations as Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican,Ref<strong>or</strong>med, Baptist, Lutheran, M<strong>or</strong>mon, Methodist, Quaker,Pentecostal, Mennonite, as well as representatives <strong>of</strong> Islam,65

Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Bahai, Confucianism,Shintoism, Hinduism, Jainism, Z<strong>or</strong>oastrianism, Tenrikyo(Japan), and members <strong>of</strong> African and N<strong>or</strong>th American“traditional religions.”The religious leaders traveled to Assisi with the Pope bytrain from Rome, arriving at the blasphemously namedRailway Station <strong>of</strong> St. Mary <strong>of</strong> the Angels. The Pope said,“Violence never again! War never again! Terr<strong>or</strong>ism neveragain! In the name <strong>of</strong> God, may every religion bring upon theearth justice and peace, f<strong>or</strong>giveness and life, love!” ThePope’s prayers weren’t answered and neither are those <strong>of</strong> theother false religious leaders gathered with him, f<strong>or</strong> the simplereason that they w<strong>or</strong>ship false gods and preach false gospelsand blatantly disobey God’s W<strong>or</strong>d.That the general secretary <strong>of</strong> the Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliancewould participate in such a thing is irrefutable evidence <strong>of</strong>his and his <strong>or</strong>ganization’s apostasy.Among the denominations and <strong>or</strong>ganizations that areunited under the Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance (BWA) umbrella arethe American Baptist Churches USA, the Baptist Union <strong>of</strong>Great Britain, and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, all <strong>of</strong>which are permeated with modernism.Baptist Union <strong>of</strong> Great BritainThe Baptist Union was already going apostate at the end <strong>of</strong>the 19th century when famous London preacher CharlesHaddon Spurgeon separated from it in protest in 1888.Spurgeon called this theological battle the “DowngradeControversy” and he dedicated many issues <strong>of</strong> his paper towarning about the heresy and compromise that had enteredthe Baptist Union. Note the following statements from 1887:66

“A chasm is opening between men who believe theirBibles and the men who are prepared f<strong>or</strong> an advanceupon <strong>Scripture</strong>. The house is being robbed, its very wallsare being digged down, but the good people who are inbed are too fond <strong>of</strong> the warmth, and too much afraid <strong>of</strong>getting broken heads, to go downstairs and meet theburglars ... Inspiration and speculation cannot abide inpeace. Compromise there can be none. We cannot holdthe inspiration <strong>of</strong> the W<strong>or</strong>d, and yet reject it; we cannothold the doctrine <strong>of</strong> the fall and yet talk <strong>of</strong> the evolution<strong>of</strong> spiritual life from human nature; we cannot recognizethe punishment <strong>of</strong> the impenitent and yet indulge the‘larger hope.’ One way <strong>or</strong> the other we must go. Decisionis the virtue <strong>of</strong> the hour” (Charles Spurgeon, The Sw<strong>or</strong>dand the Trowel, September 1887, pp. 464-5).“What action is to be taken we leave to those who cansee m<strong>or</strong>e plainly than we do what Israel ought to do. Onething is clear to us: we cannot be expected to meet in anyUnion which comprehends those whose teaching is onfundamental points exactly the reverse <strong>of</strong> that which wehold dear. ... To us it appears that there are many thingsupon which to compromise is possible, but there areothers in which it would be an act <strong>of</strong> treason to pretendto fellowship. ... To pursue union at the expense <strong>of</strong> truthis treason to the L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus” (Spurgeon, The Sw<strong>or</strong>d andTrowel, October 1887, pp. 515, 558“Constantly we hear <strong>of</strong> proposals f<strong>or</strong> union, and trulythese are welcome where mere technical matters dividetrue Christians; but what is the use <strong>of</strong> pretending tocreate union where there can be none? There is anothermatter which needs to be thought <strong>of</strong> as well as union,and that is TRUTH. To part with truth to show charity isto betray our L<strong>or</strong>d with a kiss. Between those whobelieve in the eternal verities and those who constantlycast doubt on them there can be no union. One cried <strong>of</strong>old, ‘Is it peace?’ And the answer was a sharp and trueone. We render it thus--‘What hast thou to do with peacewhile departures from the truth <strong>of</strong> God are so many?’The first question is--Are we one in Christ? and are weobedient to the truth revealed in the <strong>Scripture</strong>s? If so,union will necessarily follow: but if not, it is vain to67

clamour f<strong>or</strong> a confederacy which would only be anagreement to aid and abet each other’serr<strong>or</strong>s” (Spurgeon, The Sw<strong>or</strong>d and Trowel, February1887, p. 91).“The spirit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> is one, and theref<strong>or</strong>e we may besure that decision f<strong>or</strong> truth and separation from the erringare in full consistency with the charity <strong>of</strong> 1 C<strong>or</strong>inthians13, to which we are so continually pointed. It is truecharity to those who err to refuse to aid and abet them intheir err<strong>or</strong>s. ‘Charity’ sounds very prettily in the mouths<strong>of</strong> those who wish to screen themselves, but, if they hadexercised it in the past, they might not have driven us outfrom among the people to whom we naturallybelong” (Spurgeon, The Sw<strong>or</strong>d and Trowel, December1887, p. 642).Spurgeon believed that the Bible requires separation fromerr<strong>or</strong>, that truth is m<strong>or</strong>e imp<strong>or</strong>tant than unity, and thatseparation is not contrary to, but is consistent with Christianlove. None <strong>of</strong> these principles are welcome within the BaptistUnion today.The apostasy that Spurgeon witnessed within the BaptistUnion in the 19th century has long since become complete.In 1986, the Australian Beacon made the followingobservation about the Baptist Union:“It is a Union which harbours apostates and succ<strong>or</strong>sinfidels while ostracizing faithful servants <strong>of</strong> Christ. It isa friend <strong>of</strong> Rome, a bed-fellow <strong>of</strong> idolaters and spiritistsin its membership <strong>of</strong> the W<strong>or</strong>ld Council <strong>of</strong> Churches. Notrue man <strong>of</strong> God could remain within it in goodconscience” (Australian Beacon, No. 240, July 1986).In the early 1970s, f<strong>or</strong> example, Michael Tayl<strong>or</strong>, principal<strong>of</strong> the Baptist Union’s N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist College, addressedthe London Baptist Assembly on the theme, “How much <strong>of</strong> aman was Jesus?” He denied that Jesus Christ is God. Thoughmany protested the man’s heresy, the Baptist Union refusedto discipline him <strong>or</strong> remove him from <strong>of</strong>fice.68

In 1989, the Baptist Union yoked together with the RomanCatholic Church in the newly f<strong>or</strong>med ecumenical union inBritain.In May 1998, Catholic Cardinal Basil Hume was invited toparticipate in the Baptist Union’s assembly. He “led theirspiritual reflections and was present when newly-accreditedministers met the Baptist Union president” (AustralianBeacon, August 1998). The Union’s General Secretary,David C<strong>of</strong>fey, praised the cardinal and said the Baptist Unionrecognizes “the deep spirituality which undergirds hisministry.”In 2004, John Rackley, President <strong>of</strong> the Baptist Union,end<strong>or</strong>sed the “As Good As News” Bible translation saying, “Irecommend his [Henson’s] w<strong>or</strong>k to anyone who enjoys anunpredictable reading <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>” (http://www.o-books.net/goodasnew.htm). Rackley is referring to John Henson, thetranslation co<strong>or</strong>dinat<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> “As Good as New” and a retiredBaptist past<strong>or</strong>. The “As Good as New” version <strong>of</strong> 1C<strong>or</strong>inthians 7:1-2, 8-9 says:“Some <strong>of</strong> you think the best way to cope with sex is f<strong>or</strong>men and women to keep right away from each other.That is m<strong>or</strong>e likely to lead to sexual <strong>of</strong>fences. My adviceis f<strong>or</strong> everyone to have a regular partner. ... There’snothing wrong with remaining single, like me. But if youknow you have strong needs, get yourself a partner.Better than being frustrated.”Thus, this Bible says that what the w<strong>or</strong>ld really needs arem<strong>or</strong>e regular sexual partners. This version replaces demonpossession with mental illness, calls the apostle Peter“Rocky,” changes “Son <strong>of</strong> Man” to “the Complete Person,”and otherwise boldly perverts the W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God. “As Good AsNew” is advertised as “women, gay, and sinner friendly,” yetit was recommended by the president <strong>of</strong> the Baptist Union.69

American Baptist ChurchesThe Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance-affiliated American BaptistChurches USA (f<strong>or</strong>merly the N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist Convention) isalso th<strong>or</strong>oughly liberal.As early as 1910 Baptist leader William B. Riley admittedthat the denomination had been “surrendered into the hands<strong>of</strong> the Higher Critics” (Ge<strong>or</strong>ge Dollar, A Hist<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong>Fundamentalism). The term “Higher Critics” refers toliberals who teach that the Bible is not the infallibly inspiredW<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God.Between 1920 and 1932, a group <strong>of</strong> fundamentalist Baptistpast<strong>or</strong>s unsuccessfully attempted to root the modernism out<strong>of</strong> the convention. They f<strong>or</strong>med the National Federation <strong>of</strong>Fundamentalists <strong>of</strong> N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptists. In 1932, many <strong>of</strong> thesepast<strong>or</strong>s left the N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist Convention because <strong>of</strong> itsliberalism and f<strong>or</strong>med the General Association <strong>of</strong> RegularBaptists. In 1947, the Conservative Baptist Association <strong>of</strong>America was f<strong>or</strong>med by another group <strong>of</strong> past<strong>or</strong>s whodeparted from the modernistic N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist Convention.The leaven <strong>of</strong> theological heresy has since permeated theConvention. The schools and pulpits <strong>of</strong> the American BaptistChurches are filled with men who deny the infallibleinspiration <strong>of</strong> Holy <strong>Scripture</strong> and who question <strong>or</strong> denyChrist’s virgin birth, Godhead, vicarious atonement, andresurrection from the dead. The apostate American BaptistChurch has produced some <strong>of</strong> the most not<strong>or</strong>ious,blasphemous heretics <strong>of</strong> the 20th century.In 1926, the N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist annual convention debatedf<strong>or</strong> almost five hours whether to retain in its fellowship theRiverside Baptist Church <strong>of</strong> New Y<strong>or</strong>k City, past<strong>or</strong>ed bymodernist Harry Emerson Fosdick, who denied practicallyevery doctrine <strong>of</strong> the W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God. This should have been a70

simple decision, since the Bible commands that God’s peoplemark, avoid, and reject doctrinal heresy (Rom. 16:17; Titus3:10-11), but by a vote <strong>of</strong> three to one the N<strong>or</strong>thern BaptistConvention refused to exercise discipline. In 1945, Fosdickwrote the following to an individual who inquired about hisbeliefs: “Of course I do not believe in the virgin birth <strong>or</strong> inthat old-fashioned substitutionary doctrine <strong>of</strong> the atonement,and I know <strong>of</strong> no intelligent person who does.”In the first half <strong>of</strong> the 20th century, Dr. Robert H. Beaven,president <strong>of</strong> the Chicago Baptist Missionary Training School(N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist), denied that Jesus Christ is God, saying:“Christ’s uniqueness lay not in his divine substance butin the relationship which existed between him and God.God chose Jesus, the human Galilean carpenter, nurturedin the cradle <strong>of</strong> Jewish religion, to whom he came withhis living fellowship, and through whom he introducedsuch to men. Jesus was divine because God ‘raised’ himto a new level <strong>of</strong> life. But this was not a oneness <strong>of</strong>substance. Christ’s life is an example, revealing the kind<strong>of</strong> life God wills f<strong>or</strong>, and from, man; it is not asupernatural act set bef<strong>or</strong>e us as a miraculous means <strong>of</strong>salvation” (Beaven, In Him Is <strong>Life</strong>).This was the man chiefly responsible f<strong>or</strong> the education <strong>of</strong>N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist missionaries in those days.In 1924, missionary M.R. Hartley <strong>of</strong> India represented theviews <strong>of</strong> many N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist preachers when he stated:“We have no assurance that we have a trustw<strong>or</strong>thy rec<strong>or</strong>d<strong>of</strong> anything that Jesus Christ either said <strong>or</strong> did. ... Ibelieve that Jesus Christ is the son <strong>of</strong> God but I mustinterpret that in my own way. I can conceive <strong>of</strong> myselfcoming to a position where I could sincerely say that Ibelieve in the deity <strong>of</strong> Jesus. I could almost say it now,but it would mean something different from <strong>or</strong>thodoxy,but <strong>or</strong>thodoxy seems like an impossible view. I do notsee the necessity <strong>of</strong> the death <strong>of</strong> Christ. I do not believein the second coming.”71

Dr. Frederick Anderson, secretary <strong>of</strong> the F<strong>or</strong>eign Board <strong>of</strong>the N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist Convention in the late 1920s,questioned the virgin birth <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ.“My mind is still open on this subject, which I do notconsider <strong>of</strong> the first imp<strong>or</strong>tance. I am rather inclined tobelieve in the virgin birth, but it is not essential toChristian faith, and should not be made a condition <strong>of</strong>church membership <strong>or</strong> <strong>or</strong>dination” (Anderson, The <strong>Life</strong><strong>of</strong> Jesus).This is a false and wicked statement because if Jesus Christwas not virgin b<strong>or</strong>n, the Bible is a pack <strong>of</strong> lies and our faithis in a fable. Further, if Christ was not virgin b<strong>or</strong>n He couldnot have been the sinless Son <strong>of</strong> God and could not,theref<strong>or</strong>e, have died f<strong>or</strong> our sins.In the 1940s, Andover-Newton Baptist TheologicalSeminary (American Baptist) graduate Myron J. Hertel gavethe following reply when asked about the blood <strong>of</strong> Christ:“The blood <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ is <strong>of</strong> no m<strong>or</strong>e value in thesalvation <strong>of</strong> a soul than the water in which Pilate washedhis hands.” Yet the American Baptist Home MissionSociety called this young blasphemer to the position <strong>of</strong>the superintendent <strong>of</strong> the Boston Baptist City Mission(Robert T. Ketcham, The Answer, Sw<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> the L<strong>or</strong>d, pp.10-16).The 1948 congress <strong>of</strong> the N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist Conventionfeatured the influential modernist heretic Ge<strong>or</strong>ge Buttrick.On page 284 <strong>of</strong> his book Christian Fact and Modern Doubthe stated:“The future is hidden. We must be faithful to ourign<strong>or</strong>ance ... Jesus apparently conquered death ... But wedo not know, why pretend we do ... We covet the chanceto say to God hereafter, if God there be; L<strong>or</strong>d, they toldus to grab the present gain, but there was m<strong>or</strong>e gain instaking life on a grand Perhaps.”72

The apostle Paul said, “I KNOW whom I have believed,and am PERSUADED that he is able to keep that which Ihave committed unto him against that day” (2 Timothy 1:12).The American Baptist-supp<strong>or</strong>ted Buttrick reduced thegl<strong>or</strong>ious Christian faith to an ingl<strong>or</strong>ious PERHAPS.The 1950 N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist Convention congress featuredblasphemous modernist G. Bromley Oxnam, who referred tothe God <strong>of</strong> the Old Testament as a “dirty bully,” because hisunregenerate, rebellious mind would not accept the righteousjudgment <strong>of</strong> God upon sin (Oxnam, Preaching in aRevolutionary Age, p. 72).Dr. A.S. Hobart, pr<strong>of</strong>ess<strong>or</strong> at the American Baptist CrozerSeminary, denied the substitutionary blood atonement <strong>of</strong>Jesus Christ:“I cannot see anything understandable <strong>or</strong> acceptable inthe<strong>or</strong>y that my guilt and my penalty were placed uponChrist, <strong>or</strong> that Christ’s holiness is imparted to me, in anyway that involves a substitution <strong>of</strong> his holiness f<strong>or</strong> mine,<strong>or</strong> his suffering f<strong>or</strong> what was due me, that view <strong>of</strong> thethe<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> the atonement finds no foothold in myconsciousness <strong>or</strong> my reason” (A.S. Hobart, TransplantedTruths from Romans, p. 29).Another Crozer pr<strong>of</strong>ess<strong>or</strong>, Henry Vedder, concurred withHobart in denying Christ’s salvation:“Of all the slanders men have perpetrated against theMost High, this doctrine <strong>of</strong> his substitutionary atonementis positively the most impudent and the most insulting.Jesus never taught and never auth<strong>or</strong>ized anybody toteach in his name that he suffered in our stead and b<strong>or</strong>ethe penalty <strong>of</strong> our sins” (Vedder, cited by R.T. Ketcham,The Answer, pp. 10-16).N<strong>or</strong>ris L. Tibbets, f<strong>or</strong>mer past<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> the American BaptistRiverside Church in New Y<strong>or</strong>k City, denied Christ’s bodilyresurrection:73

“Then the third day came. A stone was rolled away andan imprisoned spirit was set free” (Tibbets, Secret Place,April-June 1950, published by the N<strong>or</strong>thern BaptistConvention).Duncan Littlefair was past<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Fountain Street BaptistChurch <strong>of</strong> Grand Rapids, Michigan. He was also a leader inthe N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist Convention. As host past<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> the 1946annual convention he said:“The Resurrection was not a physical event in hist<strong>or</strong>y. Ifthe body <strong>of</strong> Jesus had been raised physically it wouldonly have been required to die again. We have made thephysical aspect <strong>of</strong> the Resurrection the imp<strong>or</strong>tantthing. ... It is a shame and disgrace, really, that after allthese centuries we should be living and thinking aboutthe gl<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> the Resurrection on such levels asthese” (Littlefair, The Nature <strong>of</strong> God).Littlefair also denied that Jesus Christ is God:“Was Jesus God? There are two maj<strong>or</strong> approaches to thisquestion. One <strong>of</strong> them seeks to make Jesus God. Thatseems to be the traditional notion <strong>of</strong> Christianity <strong>or</strong> atleast the popular understanding <strong>of</strong> it, but I want to sayhere this m<strong>or</strong>ning, once and f<strong>or</strong> all, if I haven’t said itbef<strong>or</strong>e, and if I don’t say it again--That is idolatry. Jesusis not and cannot be God. He was God in the same waythat you and I may be God, by being an expression <strong>of</strong>him, and allowing him to express himself inus” (Littlefair, cited by R.T. Ketcham, The Answer, pp.25-31).American Baptist minister Jitsuo M<strong>or</strong>ikawa, f<strong>or</strong>mer past<strong>or</strong><strong>of</strong> the Riverside Church in New Y<strong>or</strong>k City, said in 1964:“God has already won a mighty redemption ... f<strong>or</strong> theentire w<strong>or</strong>ld ... The task <strong>of</strong> the church is to tell all men ...that they already belong to Christ ... Men are no longerlost ... There cannot be individual salvation” (JitsuoM<strong>or</strong>ikawa, Riverside Church, New Y<strong>or</strong>k City,Christianity Today, March 13, 1964, p. 26).74

American Baptist missionary D.T. Niles <strong>of</strong> India made thefollowing statement espousing universalism bef<strong>or</strong>e theAmerican Baptist Convention:“...everybody is within the ministry <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christwhether <strong>or</strong> not he accepts it ... The only question [is] ‘Doyou know that Jesus Christ is your Saviour?’ Jesus isL<strong>or</strong>d whether man knows it <strong>or</strong> not--believes it <strong>or</strong>not” (J.O. Sanders, What <strong>of</strong> the Unevangelized, p. 21).Nels F.S. Ferre, pr<strong>of</strong>ess<strong>or</strong> at the N<strong>or</strong>thern Baptist Andover-Newton Theological School, was a modernist and ablasphemer <strong>of</strong> the highest caliber. He denied the virgin birth,deity, miracles, and resurrection <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ. He claimedthat the Old Testament taught an “outw<strong>or</strong>n m<strong>or</strong>ality” (Ferre,Pillars <strong>of</strong> Faith, p. 95). He stated that “God differs from allmen, including Jesus, in that His personality alone is eternaland the Creat<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> all other personalities” (Ferre, TheChristian Faith, 1942, p. 102). He conjectured that Jesusmight have been the son <strong>of</strong> a Roman soldier (Ferre, ChristianUnderstanding <strong>of</strong> God, p. 186). He claimed that acceptingthe Bible as the infallible W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God is idolatry (Ferre, TheSun and the Umbrella, p. 39).In the 1960s, Pr<strong>of</strong>ess<strong>or</strong> William Hamilton <strong>of</strong> ColgateRochester Divinity School (American Baptist) taught thatGod is dead. Hamilton was defended in 1966 by Colgatepresident Gene Bartlett who refused to remove Hamiltonfrom the faculty because he “was within the allowablemeasure <strong>of</strong> dissent.”The American Baptist Convention in 1968 stated thatab<strong>or</strong>tion “should be a matter <strong>of</strong> responsible personaldecision.”In the early 1970s, Dr. L. McBain, f<strong>or</strong>mer president <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Baptist Convention and president <strong>of</strong> the AmericanBaptist Seminary <strong>of</strong> the West, argued that Jesus Christ is not75

eferred to as God in the <strong>Scripture</strong>s (F.E.A. News & Views,Fundamental Evangelistic Association, Nov-Dec. 1976).In an article in the December 1979 issue <strong>of</strong> the AmericanBaptist Magazine, Dr. L. Howard McBain, president <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Baptist Seminary <strong>of</strong> the West. McBain, stated thatthe Bible does not teach that Jesus was God.In 1980, American Baptist Dr. Ralph Wendell Burhoereceived the Templeton Prize f<strong>or</strong> Progress in Religion f<strong>or</strong> his“revolutionary hypothesis that finds religion central to theevolutionary emergence <strong>of</strong> civilized humanity” (EP NewsService, May 31, 1980).The American Baptist Biennial Convention in 1981featured Rosemary Radf<strong>or</strong>d Reuther, a Roman Catholicfeminist whose “language <strong>of</strong>ten sounds m<strong>or</strong>e like it belongsin the gutter than in the church” (Foundation magazine,Fundamental Evangelistic Association, January-February1981, p. 18).American Baptist pr<strong>of</strong>ess<strong>or</strong> Harvey Cox <strong>of</strong> HarvardUniversity is a not<strong>or</strong>ious modernist. In his book The SecularCity, he claimed that “the w<strong>or</strong>ld, not the church, is the properfocus <strong>of</strong> Christian life” and “the w<strong>or</strong>ld <strong>of</strong> politics is aprimary sphere <strong>of</strong> God’s liberating w<strong>or</strong>k today” (quoted fromRichard Quebedeaux, The W<strong>or</strong>ldly Evangelicals, 1978, p.19). In his book The Feast <strong>of</strong> Fools, Cox referred to JesusChrist as a harlequin and a clown. Cox does not believe thatfollowers <strong>of</strong> pagan religions are on their way to Hell. He wasa speaker at the W<strong>or</strong>ld Congress f<strong>or</strong> the Synthesis <strong>of</strong> Scienceand Religion in India in 1986. The conference was arrangedby a Hindu <strong>or</strong>ganization.The June 1991 issue <strong>of</strong> WATCHw<strong>or</strong>d, a women’s ministrypaper <strong>of</strong> the ABC, stated: “What I have come to love about<strong>Scripture</strong> is the fact that it is not inerrant. That it is not76

perfect. That it is not complete. That it does contradictitself...”F<strong>or</strong>mer American Baptist Churches president James Scottstated in the March 1992 issue <strong>of</strong> American Baptist magazinethat the issue <strong>of</strong> homosexuality should be re-examined andthat there might be various legitimate points <strong>of</strong> view about itother than the traditional biblical one that it is anabomination bef<strong>or</strong>e God.In August 1993, American Baptist deputy general secretaryf<strong>or</strong> cooperative Christianity, Joan S. Parrott, sat with 386cardinals and bishops surrounding Pope John Paul II at theRoman Catholic Church’s W<strong>or</strong>ld Youth Day in Denver. Shewas part <strong>of</strong> a nine-member ecumenical team includingProtestant and Jewish leaders who were given a specialbanquet bef<strong>or</strong>e the prayer vigil and met with the pope afterhis sermon. She had lavish praise f<strong>or</strong> the ecumenical event(Calvary Contender, Jan. 1, 1994).The American Baptist Churches sent representatives to theRe-imagining conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, inNovember 1993. Speakers included Chung Hyung Kyung, aK<strong>or</strong>ean “theologian” who equates the Holy Spirit withancient Asian deities and who prays to trees and deceasedspirits. At the conference, Del<strong>or</strong>es Williams said: “I don’tthink we need a the<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> atonement at all. I think Jesuscame f<strong>or</strong> life and to show us something about life. I don’tthink we need folks hanging on crosses and blood drippingand weird stuff.” Virginia Mollenkott said that Jesus was“first b<strong>or</strong>n only in the sense that he was the first to show usthat it is possible to live in oneness with the divine sourcewhile we are here on this planet.” Chung Hyung Kyung said:“My bowel is Buddhist bowel, my heart is Buddhist heart,my right brain is Confucian brain, and my left brain isChristian brain.” During the conference, a group <strong>of</strong> roughly77

100 “lesbian, bi-sexual, and transsexual women” gathered onthe platf<strong>or</strong>m and were given a standing ovation by many inthe crowd. They were “celebrating the miracle <strong>of</strong> beinglesbian, out, and Christian.” In a w<strong>or</strong>kshop called ‘PropheticVoices <strong>of</strong> Lesbians in the Church,’ Nadean Bishop, the first‘out’ lesbian minister called to an American Baptist church,claimed that Mary and Martha in the Bible were lesbian‘f<strong>or</strong>e-sisters.’ She said they were lesbian lovers.Cooperative Baptist FellowshipThe latest group to join the Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance is theCooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF), which was acceptedas a member in 2003.The CBF is a very liberal <strong>or</strong>ganization that was f<strong>or</strong>med in1991 by Southern Baptists discontented with the nationalconvention’s conservative direction in recent years. Itsliberalism could be demonstrated with many examples, but Iwill give just one.F<strong>or</strong> example, at the annual CBF’s conference in June 2002,the book “The Wisdom <strong>of</strong> Daughters” was sold. It advocateslesbianism, ab<strong>or</strong>tion, w<strong>or</strong>ship <strong>of</strong> a female Sophia goddess,and the practice <strong>of</strong> Wicca. One essay in this book describedthe doctrine <strong>of</strong> Christ’s substitutionary death f<strong>or</strong> man’s sin asan example <strong>of</strong> “divine child abuse.” This perverted book wascommended in materials distributed at the conference byBaptist Women in Ministry, a partner ministry to theCooperative Baptist Fellowship.Any man associating with the Baptist W<strong>or</strong>ld Alliance is inopen disobedience to God’s W<strong>or</strong>d:“If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine,receive him not into your house, neither bid him Godspeed: F<strong>or</strong> he that biddeth him God speed is partaker <strong>of</strong>his evil deeds” (2 John 10, 11).78

Warren at Yoido Full Gospel ChurchRick Warren conducted a <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> conference at thecharismatic Yoido Full Gospel church in Seoul, South K<strong>or</strong>ea,in 2006.Yoido’s past<strong>or</strong>, David Yonggi Cho, teaches that Godpromises healing and prosperity f<strong>or</strong> every believer andconsiders this part <strong>of</strong> the gospel.The church’s web site says, “Full Gospel faith not onlyaccepts the Gospel <strong>of</strong> salvation which Christ made completeas He was resurrected from the dead, but also believes in therelease from physical illness and salvation f<strong>or</strong> the cursedlife.”In 1 C<strong>or</strong>inthians 15:1-4, Paul clearly stated the gospel andhe mentioned nothing about healing.“M<strong>or</strong>eover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel whichI preached unto you, which also ye have received, andwherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keepin mem<strong>or</strong>y what I preached unto you, unless ye havebelieved in vain. F<strong>or</strong> I delivered unto you first <strong>of</strong> all thatwhich I also received, how that Christ died f<strong>or</strong> our sinsacc<strong>or</strong>ding to the scriptures; and that he was buried, andthat he rose again the third day acc<strong>or</strong>ding to thescriptures.”Cho claims that he received the call to preach directly andpersonally from Jesus Christ, who supposedly appeared tohim dressed like a fireman (“Paul Yonggi Cho,” Dictionary<strong>of</strong> Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements).Cho’s book The Fourth Dimension sets out his strangedoctrine, which he claims to have received directly fromGod. Cho teaches that effective prayer requires visualizingthe thing desired exactly in your mind and “incubating” thatimage in your heart by faith until you receive it.79

“Through visualization and dreaming you can incubateyour future and hatch the results” (The FourthDimension, p. 44).Ign<strong>or</strong>ing the Bible’s emphasis on living by faith rather thansight and the fact that most who witnessed Christ’s mightymiracles did not believe, Cho claims that “without seeingmiracles, people cannot be satisfied that God is powerful. Itis you [Christians] who are responsible to supply miracles f<strong>or</strong>these people.”Acc<strong>or</strong>ding to the Yoido Full Gospel Church’s web site, 279<strong>of</strong> its 527 past<strong>or</strong>s are women.Does Rick Warren care about any <strong>of</strong> these err<strong>or</strong>s?80

Warren and Hybels on AIDSBandwagonRick Warren spoke to a “gathering <strong>of</strong> faith-based<strong>or</strong>ganizations” in T<strong>or</strong>onto in August 2006 on the subject <strong>of</strong>addressing the HIV/AIDS problem. The f<strong>or</strong>um was theEcumenical and Interfaith Pre-Conferences that were held inadvance <strong>of</strong> the 16th International AIDS Conference.Warren said there are 2.3 billion Christians w<strong>or</strong>ldwide,which represents the largest potential volunteer f<strong>or</strong>ce in thew<strong>or</strong>ld. Apparently, he considers Roman Catholicism, GreekOrthodoxy, liberal Protestantism, and other nominal andsacramental groups that make up the 2.3 billion statistic aslegitimately “Christian.”Warren called f<strong>or</strong> a strategy he calls “CHURCH”--C stands f<strong>or</strong> caring and comf<strong>or</strong>t.H stands f<strong>or</strong> counseling and testing.U stands f<strong>or</strong> unleashing a f<strong>or</strong>ce <strong>of</strong> volunteers.R stands f<strong>or</strong> reducing stigma.C stands f<strong>or</strong> championing healthy life style and behavi<strong>or</strong>s.H stands f<strong>or</strong> help through medications and nutrition.Warren is calling on churches to become AIDS testingcenters and wants to reduce the stigma <strong>of</strong> the homosexualityand other types <strong>of</strong> m<strong>or</strong>al debauchery that are at the heart <strong>of</strong>the AIDS epidemic.Bill Hybels, seni<strong>or</strong> past<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Willow Creek CommunityChurch (and head <strong>of</strong> the 12,000-member Willow CreekAssociation <strong>of</strong> Churches) is also on the AIDS bandwagon. Atthe urging <strong>of</strong> rock star Bono, Hybels has made AIDS one <strong>of</strong>his pri<strong>or</strong>ities. An interview with Bono was broadcast to the70,000 people who participated in the annual Willow CreekLeadership Conference that was held in August 2006.81

Bono complains that the churches have not gotten involvedin such issues because <strong>of</strong> “a judgmental attitude.”In fact, Bible-believing churches do not jump on thew<strong>or</strong>ld’s bandwagons f<strong>or</strong> the simple reason that they have adifferent and a higher calling. Bible-believing churches are inthe business <strong>of</strong> obeying the Great Commission <strong>of</strong> JesusChrist, which was repeated five times in the New Testamentto emphasize its imp<strong>or</strong>tance (Matthew 28:18-19; Mark16:15; Luke 24:44-48; John 20:21; Acts 1:8).In the book <strong>of</strong> Acts, we see how the apostles interpreted theGreat Commission. They did not launch impressive socialjusticeprojects. Rather, they preached the gospel andbaptized those who believed and established churches anddiscipled believers to live holy lives in the midst <strong>of</strong> a wickedgeneration.It is impossible to obey God’s W<strong>or</strong>d and at the same timehave a non-judgmental AIDS outreach. Ephesians 5:11commands, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitfulw<strong>or</strong>ks <strong>of</strong> darkness, but rather reprove them.”When churches obey this and similar commands andreprove sin, many AIDS-infected persons will curse themrather than seek their help.Rick Warren and Bill Hybels are probably sincere men, butthey are deeply deluded; they are the blind leading the blind.When a church jumps on the w<strong>or</strong>ld’s bandwagon, it is certainthat it has jumped out <strong>of</strong> God’s will.82

Warren Teams up with AlphaRick Warren has teamed up with Alpha International andthe Billy Graham Association in the My Hope India project.The Alpha International Newsletter, published December4, 2006, contains Warren’s high recommendation <strong>of</strong> Alpha.He calls it “one <strong>of</strong> the most effective evangelism tools f<strong>or</strong> the21st century” and says that you can use it to win the lost and“revitalize your church.”He says his 40 Days <strong>of</strong> <strong>Purpose</strong> and Alpha “fit togetherlike hand in glove.” He claims that both programs are“inspired by the Holy Spirit to deepen and develop theChurch.”He concludes, “I, Rick Warren, want to tell you that Alphahas my 100% end<strong>or</strong>sement.”This exposes the radical nature <strong>of</strong> Warren’s ecumenicalphilosophy. The Alpha program was birthed out <strong>of</strong> thecharismatic Laughing Revival that broke out in the HolyTrinity Brompton Anglican parish in London in the early1990s, and it is promoting a charismatic-ecumenical agendathroughout the w<strong>or</strong>ld.I visited a service at Holy Trinity Brompton in March 1997and witnessed their charismatic err<strong>or</strong> firsthand. There was“spirit slaying” and “holy shaking.”The Alpha program consists <strong>of</strong> 15 sessions and runs f<strong>or</strong> tenweeks, covering some <strong>of</strong> the basic teachings <strong>of</strong> the Gospeland Christian living. Its broad denominational appeal is theproduct <strong>of</strong> its doctrinal shallowness and experientialcharismatic <strong>or</strong>ientation.It refers to salvation, the cross, the death <strong>of</strong> Christ, etc., insuch a general way that false doctrine is not refuted. It says83

salvation is by grace, f<strong>or</strong> instance, but it does not say thatsalvation is by grace ALONE by faith ALONE through theblood <strong>of</strong> Christ ALONE without w<strong>or</strong>ks <strong>or</strong> sacraments. Itrefers to the Bible as God’s W<strong>or</strong>d in a general sense, but itdoes not explain that the Bible is God’s inerrant, infallible,supernatural W<strong>or</strong>d that must be reverenced and obeyed inevery detail and that the Bible is the SOLE auth<strong>or</strong>ity f<strong>or</strong> faithand practice. It refers to Christ’s death on the cross, but doesnot plainly explain the vicarious atonement that was requiredf<strong>or</strong> man’s salvation. It refers to man’s need, but it does notdescribe man as a depraved sinner by nature.If Alpha were that specific, it is certain it would not beecumenically popular in this apostate hour.The reason Rick Warren recommends this shallowapproach 100% is because it is the same approach that heuses, which a quick reading <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong> willprove.About halfway through the 10-week Alpha program, theleaders conduct “Holy Spirit Day” <strong>or</strong> even have a “HolySpirit Weekend Away.” The purpose is to bring theparticipants into a charismatic experience. The leader “takesthem through the experience <strong>of</strong> receiving the Holy Spirit.”Those who take the course are urged to open themselves tothe “slaying in the spirit” and other unscriptural experiences.The participants are taught that “tongues speaking” can belearned. They are taught to expect extra-biblical revelationsfrom God through dreams and “w<strong>or</strong>ds <strong>of</strong> knowledge.”THE ALPHA PROGRAM HAS BEEN USED WIDELYIN THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH SINCE THE1990s. There is even a Roman Catholic division <strong>of</strong> Alpha.In the December 2006 edition <strong>of</strong> the Alpha InternationalNewsletter, the one containing Warren’s 100% end<strong>or</strong>sement,84

Catholic priests praise Alpha after the same fashion as the“evangelical” past<strong>or</strong>. There is a rep<strong>or</strong>t on the activities <strong>of</strong>“Alpha f<strong>or</strong> Catholics” in various parts <strong>of</strong> Asia and SouthAmerica. Alpha founder Nicky Gumbel, who Warren callshis “friend,” spoke in Rome in May 2006 at the CatholicCharismatic Renewal’s 40th anniversary.85

Warren’s and the Ladies HomeJournalThe following is republished by permission <strong>of</strong> the auth<strong>or</strong>,Paul Proct<strong>or</strong> March 11, 2005"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shallcome. F<strong>or</strong> men shall be lovers <strong>of</strong> their own selves,…Having a f<strong>or</strong>m <strong>of</strong> godliness, but denying the powerthere<strong>of</strong>: from such turn away. F<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> this s<strong>or</strong>t are theywhich creep into houses, and lead captive silly womenladen with sins, led away with divers lusts, Everlearning, and never able to come to the knowledge <strong>of</strong> thetruth." – 2nd Timothy 2: 1-2, 5-7James Sundquist, auth<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> a great new book entitled,"Who’s Driving the <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> Church?" (which Ihighly recommend, by the way) recently sent me a copy <strong>of</strong>Rick Warren’s column from the March 2005 edition <strong>of</strong> theLadies Home Journal. What makes this particular piece amust-read f<strong>or</strong> any Christian, is how perfectly it illustrateswhat Past<strong>or</strong> Warren REALLY believes and/<strong>or</strong> wants YOU tobelieve.In it, this wolf momentarily steps out <strong>of</strong> his sheepskin toaddress what is most imp<strong>or</strong>tant to him; his REAL religion:making people feel good about themselves, which <strong>of</strong> course,makes them feel good about Rick Warren, and his “ministry.”It is the essence <strong>of</strong> good marketing: telling people what theywant to hear, even if it is a bold-faced lie; and because heclaims to be doing it f<strong>or</strong> Jesus, the “spiritual” end justifies thediabolical means.You see, a “successful” salesman always makes hisprospects feel good. If he accomplishes this, he knows thatmany, if not most, will reward him by purchasing whatever it86

is he has f<strong>or</strong> sale, because you see, the REAL product f<strong>or</strong>sale IS the salesman. Everything else is just an access<strong>or</strong>y.The better the customer feels, the m<strong>or</strong>e they like thesalesman. The m<strong>or</strong>e access<strong>or</strong>ies that likeable salesman sells,the m<strong>or</strong>e he is acclaimed w<strong>or</strong>thy by the w<strong>or</strong>ld. Not only that;but the m<strong>or</strong>e he is acclaimed w<strong>or</strong>thy by the w<strong>or</strong>ld, theEASIER his access<strong>or</strong>ies are to sell. In time, the salesman’sgrowing popularity and the trustw<strong>or</strong>thy image that isperpetuated bef<strong>or</strong>e the public eye provides all <strong>of</strong> thenecessary momentum to sustain his "success" at least until,f<strong>or</strong> whatever reason, the good feelings wane <strong>or</strong> the next bigthing comes along.How does a “successful” salesman make you feel good? Ina w<strong>or</strong>d: Flattery–what we all want to hear from those aroundus. Flattery and The Big Lie.In Past<strong>or</strong> Warren’s March column, he wrote:“To truly love yourself, you need to know the five truthsthat f<strong>or</strong>m the basis <strong>of</strong> a healthy self-image.”Here he begins by end<strong>or</strong>sing the very thing conservativesloathed Bill Clinton f<strong>or</strong>--narcissism. Now, keep in mind, thisis a “man <strong>of</strong> God,” a “preacher <strong>of</strong> the Gospel,” laying outfive “truths” f<strong>or</strong> your consideration. But these “truths” camenot from the Bible, the W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God, every legitimateshepherd is called to proclaim. No, they came from the w<strong>or</strong>ld<strong>of</strong> secular psychology. But, if any preacher <strong>or</strong> past<strong>or</strong>proclaims something other than God’s W<strong>or</strong>d as truth at theexpense <strong>of</strong> the Gospel, he is betraying Christ, not obeyingHim.1. Warren: “Accept yourself … God accepts usunconditionally…”Does God accept us without Christ? Does He accept useven when we reject Him and/<strong>or</strong> willfully disobey His W<strong>or</strong>d?87

Is that not what “unconditionally” means? So, is Past<strong>or</strong>Warren implying here that Jesus really didn’t need to sufferand die on a cross two thousand years ago to atone f<strong>or</strong> oursins with His own shed blood to make those <strong>of</strong> us whobelong to Him acceptable to God the Father because GodALREADY accepts anyone and everyone unconditionally? Ifso, is he also suggesting that Hell is reserved only f<strong>or</strong> thedevil and his fallen angels <strong>or</strong> are they acceptedunconditionally, as well?The truth is, Hell is never mentioned in the article; neitheris sin, repentance, redemption <strong>or</strong> the cross <strong>of</strong> Christ; onlyGod’s “unconditional acceptance” <strong>of</strong> everyone reading theLadies Home Journal, Christian <strong>or</strong> not.2. Warren: “Love yourself”Tell me, who’s m<strong>or</strong>e in love with “self” than self? At thevery heart <strong>of</strong> our sinful nature is an unrestrained self-love.Does <strong>Scripture</strong> say: “Thou shalt love thyself with all thyheart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and withall thy strength?” Of course not! There is a reason f<strong>or</strong> that.We already love ourselves instinctively. We were b<strong>or</strong>n withan undying love f<strong>or</strong> self. If it weren’t so, Jesus would nothave told us to “…love thy neighb<strong>or</strong> AS THYSELF."” (Mark12:31).Even those that commit suicide are doing it f<strong>or</strong> themselves,in spite <strong>of</strong> the life-altering pain and suffering they inflict ontheir family and friends. They don’t hate themselves. They’refilled with fear, anxiety, guilt, anger, loneliness, resentmentand a desperate need to BE LOVED. If they are simplyinstructed to “love self,” then their sin and separation fromGod remains ign<strong>or</strong>ed; and not only are they still lost andbound f<strong>or</strong> an eternity in Hell, they are encouraged by falseprophets like Warren to love themselves all the m<strong>or</strong>e f<strong>or</strong> it!88

This is the perfect recipe f<strong>or</strong> disaster. It is the anti-gospel andthe doctrine <strong>of</strong> demons.So, here’s a “minister <strong>of</strong> the gospel” instructing his readersfrom every walk <strong>of</strong> life, Christian <strong>or</strong> otherwise, not to loveothers <strong>or</strong> even to love God as the Bible teaches; but instead,to “love yourself.”OK--All you--Mary Kay Letourneau, Lynette “Squeaky”Fromme, Hillary Clinton, Janet Jackson, Madonna, BrittneySpears types, listen up! I hope you renewed your subscriptionbecause the good reverend is about to say something herethat I’m quite certain you’re going to like:3. Warren: “Be true to yourself…consider your heart–what you love to do–as well as the strengths andweaknesses <strong>of</strong> your personality…Don’t deny yourweaknesses…be content with them.”You might hear that in a Walt Disney movie <strong>or</strong> on the Dr.Phil Show but you won’t find THAT in your King James,folks. What you WILL find is this:“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperatelywicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9).And this:“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will comeafter me, let him deny himself…” (Matthew 16:24).4. Warren: “F<strong>or</strong>give yourself…God doesn’t expectperfection…”If we f<strong>or</strong>give ourselves without Christ, without confessionand without repentance, not only are we fooling ourselves,we are unwittingly condemning ourselves through delusionand have essentially learned how to bypass the conscienceGod has given us and “seared” it from ever feeling theburden <strong>of</strong> our sin and guilt again.89

Furtherm<strong>or</strong>e, if God doesn’t expect perfection from us,Jesus would not have said:“Be ye theref<strong>or</strong>e perfect, even as your Father which is inheaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).Apparently, somebody’s lying to us. Do you believe JesusChrist <strong>or</strong> Rick Warren?5. Warren: “Believe in yourself…The truth is God hascreated you with talents, abilities, personality andbackground in a combination that is uniquely you.”The L<strong>or</strong>d has NEVER ONCE instructed us to “believe inourselves!” This is the w<strong>or</strong>ld’s religion–the heart <strong>of</strong>humanism and “the pride <strong>of</strong> life” that the Bible repeatedlywarns us against! There is nothing to gain from believing inoneself, but the praise and admiration <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld, which isnot only what Rick Warren wants but also what he knowsYOU want, even though it could cost you your very soul.Here’s what the W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God says about self:“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all ourrighteousnesses are as filthy rags and we all do fade as aleaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken usaway” (Isaiah 64:6).“Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trustethin man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heartdeparteth from the LORD” (Jeremiah 17:5).“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will comeafter me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, andfollow me. F<strong>or</strong> whosoever will save his life shall lose it:and whosoever will lose his life f<strong>or</strong> my sake shall find it.F<strong>or</strong> what is a man pr<strong>of</strong>ited, if he shall gain the wholew<strong>or</strong>ld, and lose his own soul? <strong>or</strong> what shall a man give inexchange f<strong>or</strong> his soul?” (Matthew 16:24-26).And, here’s what <strong>Scripture</strong> says about WHOM we shouldbelieve in:90

“Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believethnot on me, but on him that sent me” (John 12:44).“And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall neverdie” (John 11:26a).Past<strong>or</strong> Warren closes his heretical commentary with thefollowing:“It’s your choice. You can believe what others say aboutyou, <strong>or</strong> you can believe in yourself as does God, whosays you are truly acceptable, lovable, valuable andcapable.”Amid all these lies, Rick is right about one thing: IT'SYOUR CHOICE. And what a choice it is! You can believewhat God says about you in His W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>or</strong> you can “believe inyourself” as Warren and every other self-help motivationalspeaker advises us to do. But ask yourself this: When didGod EVER say He believed in you and me? When did HeEVER say we were “acceptable, lovable, valuable andcapable?”Here’s what He REALLY said about you and me:“F<strong>or</strong> all have sinned, and come sh<strong>or</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the gl<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong>God” (Romans 3:23).FIVE TIMES He said this:“…there is none that doeth good…” (Psalm 14:1, Psalm14:3, Psalm 53:1, Psalm 53:3, Romans 3:12).But about Jesus Christ, God the Father had THIS to say:“And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou artmy beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mark1:11).This is the beloved Son whose precious name was NEVERONCE mentioned in Rick Warren’s article. THAT ALONEshould speak volumes about what he believes and in whomhe believes. Sure, he used the name “God” throughout the91

article; but to a Muslim, that’s not Jesus; to a M<strong>or</strong>mon, that’snot Jesus; to Moonies and countless other followers <strong>of</strong> thew<strong>or</strong>ld’s various religions, that’s not Jesus. That’s how he andothers like him slip in under the radar. The way he presented“God” in the magazine, “God” could be anybody you wantHim to be, including yourself (telling you what you want tohear while <strong>of</strong>fending no one). Well friends, he sure <strong>of</strong>fendedme, and I HOPE he <strong>of</strong>fended you!About the name <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ, the Bible says this:“Neither is there salvation in any other: f<strong>or</strong> there is noneother name under heaven given among men, whereby wemust be saved” (Acts 4:12).Acc<strong>or</strong>ding to Time Magazine, Rick Warren is “America'sNew People’s Past<strong>or</strong>.” Judging by the millions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Purpose</strong><strong>Driven</strong> <strong>Life</strong> books sold and the thousands <strong>of</strong> churches thathave embraced him, his programs and his access<strong>or</strong>ies, I aminclined to agree.YOU, my fellow Christian; whether you’re a preacher, apast<strong>or</strong>, an evangelist, a church leader, teacher <strong>or</strong> simply alayman, after reading here what Past<strong>or</strong> Warren wrote in TheLadies Home Journal, have an obligation to take a stand f<strong>or</strong>Jesus Christ and His W<strong>or</strong>d and warn others about Warren’sunbiblical teaching. If you do not, and just sit silent to saveyour ministry, church, career, family, friends <strong>or</strong> your ownreputation, then I would encourage you to re-read Matthew16:24-26 one m<strong>or</strong>e time because he is leading people astrayaround the w<strong>or</strong>ld in vast numbers and we are commanded t<strong>or</strong>ebuke him f<strong>or</strong> it with the W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God and separateourselves from him and his heresy if he does not repent.That is our duty as disciples <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ. If weaccommodate anyone’s lies and deceit f<strong>or</strong> selfish reasons,especially those who call themselves a “brother,” then we92

show our L<strong>or</strong>d, the w<strong>or</strong>ld around us, and that “great cloud <strong>of</strong>witnesses” that we are not FOR Christ, but are in reality,AGAINST Him.“Woe be unto the past<strong>or</strong>s that destroy and scatter thesheep <strong>of</strong> my pasture! saith the LORD” (Jeremiah 23:1).93

Warren Doesn’t Mention JesusIn June 2006, Rick Warren spoke at the Jewish SinaiTemple in Los Angeles and did not mention the name <strong>of</strong>Jesus one time.Rob Eshman, the edit<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> The Jewish Journal <strong>of</strong> GreaterLos Angeles, observed:“Warren managed to speak f<strong>or</strong> the entire evening withoutonce mentioning Jesus--a testament to his savvymessage-tail<strong>or</strong>ing” (“Jesus’ Man Has a Plan,” The JewishJournal <strong>of</strong> Greater Los Angeles, June 23, 2006).No, it is a testament to his wretched compromise. F<strong>or</strong>Warren not to mention the name <strong>of</strong> Jesus when preaching toJews is inexcusable, f<strong>or</strong> “there is none other name underheaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts4:12).The congregants at Sinai Temple do not need to hear aboutRick Warren’s seeker-sensitive philosophy and <strong>or</strong>ganizationalmethods; they do not need to hear him talk about how manycopies <strong>of</strong> books he has sold <strong>or</strong> how much money he givesaway; they need to hear that they are lost in their sins andwill go to eternal Hell if they reject Jesus as the Messiah.Warren and other Church Growth gurus claim that have notchanged the Christian message, only the methods. In fact, ifRick Warren preached the same message that the apostle Paulpreached he would have the same response from unbelievingJews today that Paul had in his day. They would ridicule andoppose him.“F<strong>or</strong> ye, brethren, became followers <strong>of</strong> the churches <strong>of</strong>God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: f<strong>or</strong> ye also havesuffered like things <strong>of</strong> your own countrymen, even asthey have <strong>of</strong> the Jews: Who both killed the L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus,and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they94

please not God, and are contrary to all men: F<strong>or</strong>biddingus to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, t<strong>of</strong>ill up their sins alway: f<strong>or</strong> the wrath is come upon themto the uttermost” (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16).Rabbi Ron Wolfson <strong>of</strong> the Sinai Temple has beeninfluenced by Warren’s “<strong>Purpose</strong>-<strong>Driven</strong> Church” book andhas had personal discussions with Warren, and Warren toldhim “his interest is in helping all houses <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship, NOT INCONVERTING JEWS.”95

Warren Predict’s A “NewRef<strong>or</strong>mation”In his appearance bef<strong>or</strong>e the Pew F<strong>or</strong>um in May 2005,Rick Warren predicted a “New Ref<strong>or</strong>mation” <strong>or</strong> a “ThirdGreat Awakening” f<strong>or</strong> America. He said:“You know, 500 years ago, the first Ref<strong>or</strong>mation withLuther and then Calvin, was about beliefs. I think a newref<strong>or</strong>mation is going to be about behavi<strong>or</strong>. THE FIRSTREFORMATION WAS ABOUT CREEDS; I THINKTHIS ONE WILL BE ABOUT DEEDS. ... The firstRef<strong>or</strong>mation actually split Christianity into dozens andthen hundreds <strong>of</strong> different segments. I think this one isactually going to bring them together. Now, you’re nevergoing to get Christians, <strong>of</strong> all their stripes and varieties,to agree on all <strong>of</strong> the different doctrinal disputes andthings like that, but what I am seeing them agree on arethe purposes <strong>of</strong> the church. ... Last week I spoke to 4,000past<strong>or</strong>s at my church who came FROM OVER 100DENOMINATIONS in over 50 countries. Now, that’swide spread. WE HAD CATHOLIC PRIESTS, we hadPentecostal ministers, we had Lutheran bishops, we hadAnglican bishops, we had Baptist preachers. They’re allthere together and you know what? I’d never get them toagree on communion <strong>or</strong> baptism <strong>or</strong> a bunch <strong>of</strong> stuff likethat, but I could get them to agree on what the churchshould be doing in the w<strong>or</strong>ld” (“Myths <strong>of</strong> the ModernMega-Church,” May 23, 2005, transcript <strong>of</strong> the PewF<strong>or</strong>um’s biannual Faith Angle conference on religion,politics and public life).Warren’s New Ref<strong>or</strong>mation is not about beliefs <strong>or</strong> creeds <strong>or</strong>doctrinal purity; it is rather about “the purpose <strong>of</strong> thechurch.”Let me see if I understand this. It is not imp<strong>or</strong>tant that achurch hold biblical doctrine and practice (e.g., it is fine ifthey hold to erroneous Episcopalian <strong>or</strong> Lutheran doctrine) <strong>or</strong>96

even that it preach a biblical gospel (e.g., it is fine if theypreach Rome’s sacramental gospel). It is only imp<strong>or</strong>tant that“churches” agree on their purpose? How can a “church” havea biblical purpose when it does not have biblical doctrine?How can it have a biblical purpose when it preaches a falsegospel?If sound doctrine is not a foundational issue, I wonder whyPaul instructed Timothy to “charge some that they teach NOOTHER DOCTRINE” (1 Tim. 1:3)? I wonder why he didn’trather instruct Timothy, rather, to go easy on the doctrineissue?Could it be that the apostle Paul’s teaching is contrary toRick Warren’s?I, f<strong>or</strong> one, am certain <strong>of</strong> it!97

An Analysis <strong>of</strong> the “<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong>”StrategyBy Dennis CostellaThe following article by Dennis Costella is fromFoundation Magazine, March-April 1998 (FundamentalEvangelistic Association, 1476 W. Herndon, Suite 104Fresno, CA, 559-438-0080, http://www.feasite.<strong>or</strong>g/Info/fbcprice.htm)After personally covering the Saddleback CommunityChurch “Building a <strong>Purpose</strong>-<strong>Driven</strong> Church” seminar held inSouthern Calif<strong>or</strong>nia this past January, it became clear to methat some <strong>of</strong> today’s most influential religious leadersmisunderstand and misrepresent the true purpose <strong>of</strong> thechurch today. Dr. Rick Warren, past<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> SaddlebackCommunity Church and direct<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> the “Building a <strong>Purpose</strong>-<strong>Driven</strong> Church” w<strong>or</strong>kshops, has influenced thousands <strong>of</strong>churches during the last decade that are interested in the“Church Growth Movement.” Without doubt, every churchin the United States must give, <strong>or</strong> has already had to give, ananswer to the strategies <strong>of</strong> building a superchurch. Sadly,many have already jumped on board. The possibility <strong>of</strong>dynamic growth f<strong>or</strong> struggling churches, especially oldfashioned,Bible-believing, Bible-preaching fundamentalchurches, is tremendously appealing. However, it isimperative to ask this question: “What actually must be donein <strong>or</strong>der to accomplish dynamic church growth?” We mustwarn about Rick Warren’s unbiblical answer to that question.The purpose <strong>of</strong> this rep<strong>or</strong>t is not to warn <strong>or</strong> challengemainline denominational churches <strong>or</strong> middle-<strong>of</strong>-the-roadevangelical churches to accept Biblical principles regardingchurch growth and to gain a proper understanding <strong>of</strong> the very98

nature <strong>of</strong> the church. No, these groups are already committedto a course <strong>of</strong> compromise. It is not surprising that the vastmaj<strong>or</strong>ity <strong>of</strong> liberal and New Evangelical churches todayreadily fall f<strong>or</strong> the superchurch growth strategy, f<strong>or</strong> theyvehemently reject Bible separation and have long sinceadopted theologies and ministries that do not insist uponcontending f<strong>or</strong> the Faith <strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong> the inerrancy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>.The Biblical counsel we would give to one who might findhimself in such a church is to come out <strong>of</strong> it and follow theL<strong>or</strong>d’s leading to a solid, Bible-believing, Bible-preaching,separated and militantly fundamental church.The purpose <strong>of</strong> this rep<strong>or</strong>t is, however, to exh<strong>or</strong>t andencourage those churches that are attempting to maintain astrong, fundamentalist testimony. Our burden is f<strong>or</strong> churchesthat are trying to stay true to the L<strong>or</strong>d and have experiencedlittle <strong>or</strong> no growth through the years as a result <strong>of</strong> their standf<strong>or</strong> the truth. The temptation to inc<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate some <strong>of</strong> thetechniques <strong>of</strong> the dynamic church growth model is great.Who does not want to reach m<strong>or</strong>e people, draw a largercrowd <strong>or</strong> be m<strong>or</strong>e effective in ministry? Nevertheless, thequestion that every Bible-believing Christian andfundamentalist past<strong>or</strong> should ask is “What must be sacrificedin <strong>or</strong>der to gain m<strong>or</strong>e members and become a‘superchurch’?” After observing and evaluating theSaddleback Seminar, we firmly believe that if the “<strong>Purpose</strong>-<strong>Driven</strong> Church” model is to be followed, then fidelity to theL<strong>or</strong>d and His W<strong>or</strong>d must be sacrificed in <strong>or</strong>der to gain thenumbers. It is imp<strong>or</strong>tant to note, however, that Warren doesnot say a church must be huge in <strong>or</strong>der f<strong>or</strong> it to be vital <strong>or</strong>healthy; rather, he believes that a church’s health can beequated to its dynamic growth.So what are some <strong>of</strong> the changes that must take place f<strong>or</strong> alocal assembly to adopt the growth strategy <strong>of</strong> the99

Saddleback model? From our understanding <strong>of</strong> the planwhich was clearly spelled out at the seminar, the followingmust occur in <strong>or</strong>der to transf<strong>or</strong>m a traditionally-styled church<strong>of</strong> any size into one that can boast dramatic growth:• A contemp<strong>or</strong>ary-styled “Seeker Service” aimed atdrawing in the unsaved and the unchurched from thecommunity must replace the traditional Sunday w<strong>or</strong>shipservice. To do this successfully, the church service must benon-threatening, familiar and comf<strong>or</strong>table to the“seeker” (the unsaved visit<strong>or</strong>).• The dress must be casual. The typical “SaddlebackSam” (a researched composite <strong>of</strong> the unchurched yuppiecommonly found in Saddleback Church’s surroundingcommunity) dresses up f<strong>or</strong> w<strong>or</strong>k all week, and he wants to“dress down” on the weekends. (As we shall seethroughout this article, Saddleback Sam’s likes and dislikesare what determine the style <strong>of</strong> the church service.)Attendees and church staff alike shun any ties, suits anddresses. Warren, dressed in a casual shirt, khakis andloafers told his seminar audience, “Get comf<strong>or</strong>table. This isas dressed up as I get in this church. My idea <strong>of</strong> winter is Iput on socks, and obviously I don’t think it’s winter yet.”• The music must be contemp<strong>or</strong>ary. Not only must thelyrics <strong>of</strong> the music be m<strong>or</strong>e recent, but the style <strong>of</strong> musicshould be that which the unsaved hears on a daily basis.The entertainment composite <strong>of</strong> the Saddleback soundsystem, band, singers and presentation would rival that <strong>of</strong>any secular rock concert. Warren stated that one <strong>of</strong> the firstthings a church should do is “replace the <strong>or</strong>gan with aband.” But he went on to say that if a band was not100

feasible, then at least a church could purchase a keyboardthat will inc<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate midi disks in <strong>or</strong>der to give the sound<strong>of</strong> a band. Furtherm<strong>or</strong>e, the purpose <strong>of</strong> the church choirshould be “backing up the soloist. That’s the 90’s way touse a choir rather than just having them sing.”• The message must be only positive. We consider this tobe the most flagrant flaw. Yes, the saved and unsaved alikecan feel better about themselves after a message that <strong>of</strong>tenmixes psychology and an uplifting <strong>Scripture</strong> text. Suchtopics as dealing with guilt, self-esteem, interpersonalrelationships, mood enhancement <strong>or</strong> motivation f<strong>or</strong> successwill encourage the w<strong>or</strong>ldly, weary individual. But what isGod’s command to the faithful undershepherd <strong>of</strong> the flock?Far, far different.• The ministries <strong>of</strong> the church must be geared to meetingthe needs and special interests <strong>of</strong> the thousands who attend.Supp<strong>or</strong>t groups f<strong>or</strong> depression, eating dis<strong>or</strong>ders, infertility,family and friends <strong>of</strong> homosexuals, post ab<strong>or</strong>tion, andseparated men and women were abundant. Many ministrieswere intended to bring together ones with similar business<strong>or</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional interests, common recreational interests andso on. We could not find one single ministry listed inSaddleback Community Church’s bulletin that involved thetaking the Gospel message out to the lost in thecommunity. In fact, Warren sc<strong>of</strong>fed at the idea <strong>of</strong> passingout tracts <strong>or</strong> going do<strong>or</strong>-to-do<strong>or</strong> since “Saddleback Sam” is<strong>of</strong>fended by such old-fashioned, out-moded f<strong>or</strong>ms <strong>of</strong>evangelism.• Doctrinal instruction is not given to the church as a wholeon the L<strong>or</strong>d’s Day. Despite the fact that the early churchclearly sets f<strong>or</strong>th the example that doctrine is to be taught101

on Sunday to all the church body, at Saddleback, doctrineis only taught to sub-groups <strong>of</strong> the congregation apart fromthe regular church services. Warren emphasizedSaddleback’s strategy <strong>of</strong> moving new members “aroundthe bases” by having interested Christians take specialclasses to prepare them f<strong>or</strong> service. Although Bible studygroups also meet together, our question is this: Why is notthe pulpit used to proclaim the “whole counsel <strong>of</strong> God” tothe whole congregation assembled bef<strong>or</strong>e it on the L<strong>or</strong>d’sDay (Acts 20:20-31)? Why make serious, systematic Bibleinstruction an option, heard only by the relatively few inthe crowd who desire to “round the next base”? The wholecounsel <strong>of</strong> God is to be proclaimed, to all seated bef<strong>or</strong>e thepulpit, all the time!• A spirit <strong>of</strong> compromise must prevail in the church that isto experience dynamic growth. The embrace <strong>of</strong>contemp<strong>or</strong>ary culture and style will most assuredly set thedesired mood that totally opposes the Biblical mandate toearnestly contend f<strong>or</strong> the faith and separate from err<strong>or</strong>.What w<strong>or</strong>ks, what is least <strong>of</strong>fensive and what is positiveand uplifting is what should define the ministry, acc<strong>or</strong>dingto Warren. The church leaders who are interested indynamic growth must embrace the attitude that says,“Don’t try to tell me the Bible requires holiness and a stylef<strong>or</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship and ministry that is different from that <strong>of</strong> thew<strong>or</strong>ld.” This “grace-in-your-face” attitude is so prevalenttoday because <strong>of</strong> church elders who are not willing, <strong>or</strong> notaware <strong>of</strong> how, to instruct ones to behave in the house <strong>of</strong>God (1 Tim. 3:15).Rick Warren began the seminar by revealing the vastinfluence his message has had throughout the w<strong>or</strong>ld. He toldthe past<strong>or</strong>s and church leaders who were attending the102

seminar, “You’re joining a group today <strong>of</strong> over 45,000past<strong>or</strong>s and church leaders that have gone through thisconference in the last few years from about 42 differentcountries, from about 63 different denominations. We have anumber <strong>of</strong> different countries that flew in today just f<strong>or</strong> thisone day conference, from Europe, from Asia, from SouthAmerica.” To accent the ecumenical mood <strong>of</strong> the seminar,Warren later suggested, “It really doesn’t matter yourdenomination, folks. We’re all on the same team if you loveJesus.”Warren’s book The <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> Church and the relatedpublications <strong>of</strong> Saddleback’s literature ministry haveinfluenced tens <strong>of</strong> thousands m<strong>or</strong>e who have never attendedany <strong>of</strong> his seminars. As Warren indicated in a closing prayer,the impact <strong>of</strong> the Saddleback experience is extensive, to saythe least: “Thank you that there is a movement, a stealthmovement, that’s flying beneath the radar, that’s changingliterally hundreds, even thousands <strong>of</strong> churches around thew<strong>or</strong>ld.” It is necessary f<strong>or</strong> the faithful believer today to bewary <strong>of</strong> any “stealth” (camouflaged, secretive) programintended to fly “beneath the radar” in <strong>or</strong>der to avoiddetection. F<strong>or</strong> many years now the church growth movementhas certainly flown into congregations undetected bythousands <strong>of</strong> churches w<strong>or</strong>ldwide. The onslaught must bedetected, the warning must be sounded now!This rep<strong>or</strong>t will identify and analyze the programssuggested by the Saddleback Community Church model andwill ascertain whether <strong>or</strong> not this model is consistent withwhat the Bible says concerning the nature, purpose andstrategy <strong>of</strong> the church. Although Saddleback CommunityChurch is one <strong>of</strong> the largest churches in America(comparable to Bill Hybels’ Willow Creek CommunityChurch), the believer must not take a pragmatic approach to103

church growth. While the contemp<strong>or</strong>ary strategies <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>shipand ministry employed by both Warren and Hybels seem tobe successful (acc<strong>or</strong>ding to the w<strong>or</strong>ld’s standards) and doindeed attract thousands <strong>of</strong> saved and unsaved alike, resultsdo not determine what is acceptable to the L<strong>or</strong>d--only God’sW<strong>or</strong>d reveals if their methods please Him.One <strong>of</strong> the primary problems with the Saddlebackapproach is that all traditional, conservative f<strong>or</strong>ms <strong>of</strong> music,w<strong>or</strong>ship and dec<strong>or</strong>um in the church are abolished andsubsequently replaced with new methods and styles designedafter the w<strong>or</strong>ld. The programs <strong>of</strong> this new “superchurch” areaimed at making the unsaved, <strong>or</strong> the “seeker,” feelcomf<strong>or</strong>table and entertained and at meeting his temp<strong>or</strong>alneeds. Some Christians feel that any method <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship andevangelism is appropriate as long as the lost are beingreached f<strong>or</strong> Christ. Thus, they have accepted a pragmaticview <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship and evangelism--the end justifies the means;if it w<strong>or</strong>ks, it must be right. But believers and past<strong>or</strong>s alikemust ask, “Is the proper way in which God’s people approachunto their L<strong>or</strong>d in c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate w<strong>or</strong>ship relative?”The goal <strong>of</strong> the superchurch is to draw a crowd so that thecrowds will, eventually, be saved and w<strong>or</strong>ked into the churchmembership. Furtherm<strong>or</strong>e, the c<strong>or</strong>e ministry <strong>of</strong> the churchallows f<strong>or</strong> the abandonment <strong>of</strong> everything “traditional” thatwould in any way appear to be <strong>of</strong>fensive to the neighb<strong>or</strong>hood“seeker.” Are godly past<strong>or</strong>s and believers to fashion theirstyle <strong>of</strong> service after the comf<strong>or</strong>ts <strong>of</strong> the unsaved “seeker,” <strong>or</strong>could it be that Romans 12:2 is at least somewhat applicableto the church today? God’s W<strong>or</strong>d clearly says, “And be notconf<strong>or</strong>med to this w<strong>or</strong>ld: but be ye transf<strong>or</strong>med by therenewing <strong>of</strong> your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,and acceptable, and perfect, will <strong>of</strong> God.” Rick Warren’s104

Saddleback church growth model seems to totally contradictthis p<strong>or</strong>tion <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong>.This rep<strong>or</strong>t will also make reference to the Saddlebackmodel, as presented in the w<strong>or</strong>kshop, and discern whether <strong>or</strong>not God does indeed have something to say concerning theway in which believers should w<strong>or</strong>ship and minister. Fromour admittedly fundamentalist perspective, we believe thatthe Bible does have something to say about the style, as wellas the content, <strong>of</strong> the church service. The <strong>Scripture</strong>s speakvery clearly about the way in which God’s people are toapproach unto their God, both by way <strong>of</strong> principle and typefrom the Old Testament and also apostolic directive in theNew Testament.Bef<strong>or</strong>e making our observations regarding the sessions weattended, it is needful to point out that Rick Warren has beentrained as a Southern Baptist and obviously knows the Bibleextremely well. He is a personable individual who is a skilledcommunicat<strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> his ideas. Warren mentioned that when hedeveloped these concepts as a young man in seminary, noone paid attention to him. However, now that the strategyobviously w<strong>or</strong>ks, he has an extensive and eager audience.One cannot help but enjoy his presentation, even though theaftertaste is far less pleasant when m<strong>or</strong>e careful considerationis given to what was actually said <strong>or</strong> implied. Many <strong>of</strong> hissuggestions were indeed helpful, but the main thrust <strong>of</strong> hischurch growth model is certainly questionable in light <strong>of</strong>God’s W<strong>or</strong>d.Warren encouraged his seminar attendees to viewSaddleback Church as a model f<strong>or</strong> their respective ministriesand to use as much <strong>or</strong> as little <strong>of</strong> his strategy as they deemedw<strong>or</strong>thwhile. He also said, however, that unless the mainaspects <strong>of</strong> the program were inc<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ated (the contemp<strong>or</strong>arystyle and positive-only content <strong>of</strong> the message, music and105

program) then the resultant growth would be something farless than dynamic.Warren’s plans f<strong>or</strong> motivating the people, charting an<strong>or</strong>ganizational structure f<strong>or</strong> ministry and developing amarketing strategy f<strong>or</strong> building a superchurch are much likewhat one would hear in a secular management trainingseminar. In fact, during an intermission this was evenmentioned in a conversation with c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate businessmenwho were also in attendance. The same techniques that areused to build the base <strong>of</strong> supp<strong>or</strong>t f<strong>or</strong> a business can also beused to build a ministry’s clientele. What is the key? Onemust provide a product that will meet the real <strong>or</strong> perceivedneeds <strong>of</strong> the consuming public. F<strong>or</strong> Saddleback CommunityChurch, that meant they had to determine via a survey theneeds <strong>of</strong> the Saddleback community at large and thenprovide programs at the church to meet those needs. As aresult <strong>of</strong> the survey, a composite “Saddleback Sam,” <strong>or</strong>unsaved church seeker, was defined, and the style andprograms <strong>of</strong> the church were then redefined to meet hisneeds. Hence, the ministries (supp<strong>or</strong>t and special interestgroups, recreational fellowships, etc.) and the style andcontent <strong>of</strong> the “Seeker Service” were aimed at making thetypical “Saddleback Sam” feel comf<strong>or</strong>table, helped andencouraged.Obviously, some are skeptical <strong>of</strong> Rick Warren’s novelapproach to church growth, and Warren is certainly aware <strong>of</strong>such individuals. He employed effective techniques to disarmhis critics by first shooting down a “straw man” representingan exaggerated example <strong>of</strong> the critic’s position <strong>or</strong> by usinghum<strong>or</strong>ous one-liners to side-step the criticism bef<strong>or</strong>e his ownproposition was advanced. F<strong>or</strong> example, he advanced thereplacement <strong>of</strong> traditional hymns and musicalaccompaniment with contemp<strong>or</strong>ary Christian rock songs and106

ackup bands that accentuated the driving beat enjoyed bythe unsaved with the following reasons:First, Warren made it clear that loud, raucous music with adriving beat is the kind <strong>of</strong> music to which Saddlebackresidents listened, inside and outside <strong>of</strong> the church:Now, at Saddleback Church, we are unapologeticallycontemp<strong>or</strong>ary... I passed out a three-by-five card toeverybody in the church, and I said, “You write down thecall letters <strong>of</strong> the radio station you listen to.” I wasn’teven asking unbelievers. I was asking the people in thechurch, “What kind <strong>of</strong> music do you listen to?” When Igot it back, I didn’t have one person who said, “I listen to<strong>or</strong>gan music.” Not one. I didn’t have a single person whosaid, “I listen to huge choirs on the radio.” Not one. Infact, it was 96-97% adult contemp<strong>or</strong>ary, middle-<strong>of</strong>-theroadpop. It wasn’t heavy metal rock, but it wassomething with a beat like you hear most commercialshave today on television. So, we made a strategicdecision that we are unapologetically a contemp<strong>or</strong>arymusic church. And right after we made that decision andstopped trying to please everybody, Saddleback explodedwith growth. Now, I’ll be honest with you, we are loud.We are really, really loud on a weekend service.... I say,“We’re not gonna turn it down.” Now the reason why isbaby boomers want to feel the music, not just hear it.Now, I can give you two dozen really good churcheswithin driving distance that are my friends, we’re insmall groups together, that don’t have it as loud as us. Gothere. Why should every church have the same music? ...People can find that God loves variety!The bottom line <strong>of</strong> his philosophy is this: What is popularin the community, whatever style <strong>of</strong> music currently has theear <strong>of</strong> “Saddleback Sam,” must be the music <strong>of</strong> the church.Church leaders can try to mix the contemp<strong>or</strong>ary with thetraditional in the same service, <strong>or</strong> even in separate services,but Warren said doing so would be “like kissing your sister.You could do it, but who’d want to?” His hum<strong>or</strong>ousconcluding statement cleverly serves to divert the attention107

away from the larger issue at hand--allowing the w<strong>or</strong>ld todetermine the type <strong>of</strong> music that belongs in the house <strong>of</strong> God.Second, Warren equated insisting upon the use <strong>of</strong>traditional music in the church to the sin <strong>of</strong> idolatry. He said:You see folks, to insist that all good music came fromEurope 200 years ago is thinly veiled racism, if you wantto be truthful about it. It’s cultural elitism saying that allthe good music was written 200 years ago in Europe....Now f<strong>or</strong> 2,000 years, the Holy Spirit has used all kinds<strong>of</strong> music. And to insist that one particular style <strong>of</strong> musicis m<strong>or</strong>e sacred than the other, there’s a w<strong>or</strong>d f<strong>or</strong> that. It’scalled idolatry. Idolatry.This statement is an example <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> Warren’s strawmen, f<strong>or</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> eighteenth-century hymns is not the issue.The question at hand is whether music intended to appeal tothe flesh should be used in the church. Much fine andw<strong>or</strong>shipful music penned in this present century is beingused in Bible-believing churches today. Style is the issuehere, not the century in which the songs were written. Thew<strong>or</strong>ds <strong>or</strong> message are not what get the place “rocking” onSaturday evening <strong>or</strong> Sunday m<strong>or</strong>ning; it is the arrangementand the <strong>or</strong>chestration.Warren claims the Bible says nothing regarding the style <strong>of</strong>music, only its content. But if the unsaved and saved alikeare attracted to a church by its style <strong>of</strong> music, then how cansuch a response (which is obviously based upon a fleshlyappeal) possibly communicate a message that will edify thespiritual inner man? Can a response <strong>of</strong> the flesh produce atruly spiritual effect within? Study Galatians 5:16-26 and seeif there is not a contradiction <strong>of</strong> f<strong>or</strong>ces at w<strong>or</strong>k here.Reverence in praising God will never appeal to theunregenerate, but it certainly will prepare the believer f<strong>or</strong>w<strong>or</strong>shipping God “in the beauty <strong>of</strong> holiness” (1 Chron.108

16:29) and receiving “with meekness the engraftedw<strong>or</strong>d” (Jam. 1:21).Third, Warren’s supposed Biblical justification f<strong>or</strong> usingcontemp<strong>or</strong>ary music is s<strong>or</strong>ely deficient. Warren told hisaudience:The Bible says in Psalm 40:3, “He put a new song in mymouth; many people will see this and w<strong>or</strong>ship Him. Thenthey will trust the L<strong>or</strong>d.” Notice the parallel <strong>or</strong> thec<strong>or</strong>relation between music, w<strong>or</strong>ship, and evangelism. Itsays, “Then they will trust the L<strong>or</strong>d.” Now there’s aw<strong>or</strong>d that I want you to circle in that sentence; it’s thew<strong>or</strong>d N-E-W. The same old tired songs are not gonnareach anybody...but a new song says, “God is doingsomething new in our midst.”Dear reader, to what is the psalmist referring when he usesthe term new? First <strong>of</strong> all, remember that Warren said theBible has absolutely nothing to say about the style <strong>of</strong> music<strong>or</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship, so acc<strong>or</strong>ding to his own logic, this verse cannotpossibly refer to a contemp<strong>or</strong>ary, “new” melody <strong>or</strong> currentlyrics. No, David is talking about the new song that comesf<strong>or</strong>th from one <strong>of</strong> God’s redeemed saints. The Holy Spirittouches the heart <strong>of</strong> the believer to respond by song in a waythe unsaved can never experience, much less desire; thisspiritual song is not something the unbeliever can “get into.”If the L<strong>or</strong>d is to be w<strong>or</strong>shipped “in spirit and in truth” (Jn.4:24), then only those who have been washed in the Bloodcan truly sing this “new” song. Warren intimates that theunsaved are turned <strong>of</strong>f by the “golden oldies,” the “blastsfrom the past,” as he refers to the old hymns. When abeliever stops to think about it, the unbeliever’s dislike f<strong>or</strong>hymns is understandable. The songs <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship and praisef<strong>or</strong> the L<strong>or</strong>d obviously only appeal to the spirit <strong>of</strong> theregenerated man (Rom. 8:16) because the focus is upon theL<strong>or</strong>d, not man’s flesh. If believers cannot see an109

unreconcilable dichotomy between fleshly and spiritualmusic, then further study on the holiness <strong>of</strong> God is advised.What does Warren say regarding those in the church whooppose the switch from conservative to contemp<strong>or</strong>ary in<strong>or</strong>der to bring in the crowds? He stated in no uncertain termsthat the old stalwarts would have to go:Be willing to let people leave the church. And I told youearlier the fact that people are gonna leave the church nomatter what you do. But when you define the vision,you’re choosing who leaves. You say, “But Rick, yes,they’re the pillars <strong>of</strong> the church.” Now, you know whatpillars are. Pillars are people who hold things up ... Andin your church, you may have to have some blessedsubtractions bef<strong>or</strong>e you have any real additions.How terribly sad! We have heard from many dear, godly,older saints (and some discerning younger believers as well!)who are heartsick about what happened to their churchesafter the leaders attended Saddleback seminars. Invariably,these now-dispensable saints have a spiritual maturity and anawareness <strong>of</strong> Bible truth that is obvious. Yet, instead <strong>of</strong> theirchurch recognizing the place and blessedness <strong>of</strong> suchbelievers in the local body <strong>of</strong> Christ (see Titus 2:1-15), theyare brushed <strong>of</strong>f to the side, told to come only to the “m<strong>or</strong>etraditional” mid-week service <strong>or</strong> frankly told to move on andfind another church. Because Warren is located in theSouthern Calif<strong>or</strong>nia area, he mentioned that he <strong>of</strong>ten refersothers (either visit<strong>or</strong>s <strong>or</strong> dissenters) to such churches asRobert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral <strong>or</strong> Jack Hayf<strong>or</strong>d’sChurch on the <strong>Way</strong>.No doubt Warren has been criticized by denominationalleaders who recoil at his strong suggestion thatdenominational “labels” should be abolished (thus,Saddleback Community Church, the People’s Church,Willow Creek Community Church, etc.). This is common to110

ecumenical endeav<strong>or</strong>s which minimize doctrinal differences.Warren feels that terms like Baptist, Bible, Presbyterian, etc.might unduly <strong>of</strong>fend some <strong>or</strong> unnecessarily narrow the group<strong>of</strong> those who would visit:The unchurched hang-ups determine our strategy....Wefound a hang-up about denominational labels. I went out.I went do<strong>or</strong> to do<strong>or</strong> and said, “What do you think <strong>of</strong>when I say ‘Southern Baptist’?” They said, “You don’twant to know.” ...So, we chose a neutral name. Why?Well, it wasn’t a theological decision, a compromise. Itwas an evangelistic strategy decision because we wantedto reach out.Interestingly, Warren w<strong>or</strong>ked into his presentation the factthat the Southern Baptist traditionalists evidently smile on hisapproach. Notice what he said concerning his meeting withseveral Southern Baptist notables:Once a year the past<strong>or</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the twenty-five largestSouthern Baptist churches get together, and we hole upin a hotel f<strong>or</strong> two <strong>or</strong> three days and just talk about ourchurches. All these churches are running at least 2,000 inattendance. And it’s people like Adrian Rodgers andCharles Stanley and Ed Young and just all kinds <strong>of</strong> guysyou may have heard <strong>or</strong> may have never heard <strong>of</strong>....wewere sitting in a room together with all these people, andthey said, “Rick, take a couple hours and just tell usabout Saddleback. What’s going on?” Sitting cattyc<strong>or</strong>nerto me--I was a little nervous about this--sittingcatty-c<strong>or</strong>ner to me was Dr. W. A. Criswell....f<strong>or</strong> twohours I’m just telling what’s going on at Saddleback.And here’s W. A. Criswell in his seventies taking notesas fast as he could, writing things down, writing thingsdown. And I walked out <strong>of</strong> there, and I started crying. Iwas so humbled by that experience, and I realized whyhe was a great man. He’d never stopped learning.This account was not given to merely express Warren’shumility; it was to authenticate his church growth strategy byrevealing that the respected experts, the “denominational111

giants,” accepted his methods. Furtherm<strong>or</strong>e, this was a subtlehint to his audience that if even W. A. Criswell felt he neededto learn from Warren on how to minister and grow asuperchurch, then certainly each <strong>of</strong> the 3,500 church leadersattending the seminar also needed to take careful notes. RickWarren made it expressly known that if one wants growth,dynamic growth, then he must do it this “Saddleback” way,but if that person decides to stay in the conservative,traditional mode, his ministry and church will wither on thevine.The church growth/church marketing strategy has had agreat impact upon the churches <strong>of</strong> this land and around thew<strong>or</strong>ld, and it will be even much m<strong>or</strong>e pervasive in the daysahead. What church does not want to grow -- dramaticallyand dynamically!? In this article, we are not trying toquestion the motives <strong>of</strong> those who design and those whoadopt dynamic church growth methods. It is the methodsthemselves that we condemn. Warren candidly said,The unchurched culture determines our style. We’re laidback Southern Calif<strong>or</strong>nia. We’re just a few miles from thebeach, so we have a laid back Southern Calif<strong>or</strong>nia style. ...Regardless <strong>of</strong> the style you choose, you’re going to becriticized. Okay? So, the key question is, “Who are youtrying to impress?” The unchurched populations determineour goals.Are we to seek to impress the w<strong>or</strong>ld? Is the w<strong>or</strong>ld todetermine the strategy <strong>of</strong> the church? Christ warned that thew<strong>or</strong>ld would hate the church, not admire it (Jn. 15:18). TheW<strong>or</strong>d, not the w<strong>or</strong>ld, is to determine the strategy <strong>of</strong> thechurch.Even though Warren would probably protest thisobservation, the fact remains the same--the message, not just112

the methods, dramatically changes when one employs thepurpose-driven church strategy. The Bible commands that the“whole counsel <strong>of</strong> God” be preached in the church; thatnecessarily includes preaching the negative as well as thepositive and having a pulpit ministry that obeys God’s call toequip the saints to go out into the w<strong>or</strong>ld and to be“ambassad<strong>or</strong>s f<strong>or</strong> Christ” in reaching the lost in thecommunity. A “feel-good message” appealing to saint andseeker alike does not fulfill God’s command to “contend f<strong>or</strong>the faith,” “reprove, rebuke and exh<strong>or</strong>t with all longsufferingand doctrine” and “warn <strong>of</strong> the wolves in sheep’sclothing.” Where in the Bible does it say the church’sministry is to meeting the psychological, emotional andinterpersonal relationship needs <strong>of</strong> the unsaved? Such aphilosophy cannot be found in God’s W<strong>or</strong>d.The traditional church service has tried to equip the saintf<strong>or</strong> service and witness and to foster a spirit <strong>of</strong> reverence inthe w<strong>or</strong>ship and ad<strong>or</strong>ation <strong>of</strong> the L<strong>or</strong>d. We believe there isBiblical justification f<strong>or</strong> this design, <strong>or</strong> “style,” <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship.Warren says that if one wants dynamic growth, he mustchoose between the traditional <strong>or</strong> the inventive,contemp<strong>or</strong>ary, user-friendly church like that <strong>of</strong> SaddlebackCommunity. Our concern is that thousands are indeed optingf<strong>or</strong> the latter, and we believe the Bible gives us some reasonswhy that choice is wrong.A quote from John M<strong>of</strong>fat’s book All Truth God’s Truth?seems to be particularly fitting f<strong>or</strong> the Saddleback strategy <strong>of</strong>designing the church’s service after the contemp<strong>or</strong>aryw<strong>or</strong>ldly context:I can imagine Nadab and Abihu talking bef<strong>or</strong>e the earlyw<strong>or</strong>ship service in the wilderness. One says to the other,“All fire is God’s fire. God made all fire; theref<strong>or</strong>e it isall <strong>of</strong> Him.” Or while Moses was up on Mount Sinai, the113

children <strong>of</strong> Israel could have said to Aaron, “All w<strong>or</strong>ship<strong>of</strong> god is God’s w<strong>or</strong>ship.” These analogies have the samedeceptive sound <strong>of</strong> being logical at first glance, but theyare full <strong>of</strong> the same ambiguity and deceit as theexpression “all truth is God’s truth.”Rick Warren made the statement, “I don’t think God carestwo bits about your style <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship as long as it’s in spiritand in truth.”Is he c<strong>or</strong>rect? The terms spirit and truth must first bedefined in a Biblical context. When w<strong>or</strong>shipping the L<strong>or</strong>d,man’s spirit is to be moved only by the Holy Spirit <strong>of</strong> God;furtherm<strong>or</strong>e, w<strong>or</strong>ship is to be in truth which means it canonly be defined acc<strong>or</strong>ding to what God’s Holy W<strong>or</strong>d says(not what man says). The Bible says that w<strong>or</strong>ship is to bepracticed in holiness and reverence--these qualities <strong>of</strong> “style”are not subjective! If the methods <strong>of</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship were totallyrelative to the individual, then the demonstration <strong>of</strong> “spirit”and “truth” in w<strong>or</strong>ship would mean absolutely nothing--therewould be no way to distinguish the church from the socialinstitutions <strong>of</strong> the unregenerate w<strong>or</strong>ld. No, the Bible says thepeople <strong>of</strong> God are to be holy, as He is holy. They are to be a“peculiar people,” “a light set upon the hill”; they arenoticeably different from the w<strong>or</strong>ld. Thus, Warren’sstatement is not c<strong>or</strong>rect; God does indeed care about one’s“style” in w<strong>or</strong>ship and methodology. Our w<strong>or</strong>ship is to bepatterned after the likeness <strong>of</strong> Christ Himself and inacc<strong>or</strong>dance with the principles set f<strong>or</strong>th in the eternal,unalterable W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> Truth.First Chronicles 16:29 says, “Give unto the LORD thegl<strong>or</strong>y due unto his name: bring an <strong>of</strong>fering, and come bef<strong>or</strong>ehim: w<strong>or</strong>ship the LORD in the beauty <strong>of</strong> holiness.” Is“holiness” subjective to the individual? Absolutely not--onlyGod is holy; theref<strong>or</strong>e, the characteristics <strong>of</strong> holiness arefound in the L<strong>or</strong>d, not man. Many examples and direct114

statements in God’s W<strong>or</strong>d guide the believer in his w<strong>or</strong>shipand in his witness away from the course <strong>of</strong> this present evilage. The qualifications <strong>of</strong> holiness are invariably differentfrom the w<strong>or</strong>ld; thus, holy w<strong>or</strong>ship includes both reverenceand separation from a w<strong>or</strong>ldly style.Notice the New Testament counterpart f<strong>or</strong> the L<strong>or</strong>d’speople in the church: 1 Timothy 6:11-14 says,But thou, O man <strong>of</strong> God, flee these things; and followafter righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience,meekness. Fight the good fight <strong>of</strong> faith, lay hold oneternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hastpr<strong>of</strong>essed a good pr<strong>of</strong>ession bef<strong>or</strong>e many witnesses. Igive thee charge in the sight <strong>of</strong> God... That thou keep thiscommandment without spot, unrebukeable, until theappearing <strong>of</strong> our L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus Christ.First Peter 1:13-19 and Peter 2:5, 9 furtherm<strong>or</strong>e providebelievers in the Church Age with commands that must beconsidered when defining purpose:Wheref<strong>or</strong>e gird up the loins <strong>of</strong> your mind, be sober, andhope to the end f<strong>or</strong> the grace that is to be brought untoyou at the revelation <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ; As obedientchildren, not fashioning yourselves acc<strong>or</strong>ding to thef<strong>or</strong>mer lusts in your ign<strong>or</strong>ance: [NOT stylizing ourcurrent walk after the f<strong>or</strong>mer unsaved, w<strong>or</strong>ldly walk] Butas he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in allmanner <strong>of</strong> conversation; Because it is written, Be yeholy; f<strong>or</strong> I am holy. And if ye call on the Father, whowithout respect <strong>of</strong> persons judgeth acc<strong>or</strong>ding to everyman’s w<strong>or</strong>k, pass the time <strong>of</strong> your sojourning here infear.... Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritualhouse, an holy priesthood, to <strong>of</strong>fer up spiritual sacrifices,acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. But ye are a chosengeneration, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiarpeople; that ye should show f<strong>or</strong>th the praises <strong>of</strong> him whohath called you out <strong>of</strong> darkness into his marvelous light.Who comprises the local church? The church is to meettogether on the L<strong>or</strong>d’s Day, the first day <strong>of</strong> the week; we find115

that the local New Testament church consisted <strong>of</strong> believerswho met together f<strong>or</strong> w<strong>or</strong>ship, fellowship, instruction andedification. First C<strong>or</strong>inthians 3:16-17 tells us that the churchis the temple <strong>of</strong> God. When believers gather together as alocal church, they must view themselves as the dwellingplace <strong>of</strong> God and must realize that it is a place where manand God meet together f<strong>or</strong> fellowship. The local body <strong>of</strong>believers, the church, is the temple <strong>of</strong> the all-holy God.Ephesians 4:11-12 clearly shows that God gave individualleaders <strong>of</strong> the local church (past<strong>or</strong>s and teachers) special giftsf<strong>or</strong> a particular purpose--“F<strong>or</strong> the perfecting <strong>of</strong> the saints, f<strong>or</strong>the w<strong>or</strong>k <strong>of</strong> the ministry, f<strong>or</strong> the edifying <strong>of</strong> the body <strong>of</strong>Christ.” The local church is not an <strong>or</strong>ganization that is<strong>or</strong>dained by God to conf<strong>or</strong>m to the w<strong>or</strong>ld in <strong>or</strong>der to reachthe lost. No, the purpose <strong>of</strong> the local church is to w<strong>or</strong>shipGod, to grow in His grace and knowledge and to train theindividual believers in the W<strong>or</strong>d so that they might betterreach the lost f<strong>or</strong> Christ and be a testimony to the w<strong>or</strong>ld.They are to be different from the w<strong>or</strong>ld--patterned afterChrist--not imitating <strong>or</strong> conf<strong>or</strong>ming to the w<strong>or</strong>ld.One <strong>of</strong> the most revealing slogans used by Warren to showwhat must occur in any church in <strong>or</strong>der f<strong>or</strong> growth to result isthis: “Never confuse the method with the message. Themessage must never change, but the methods must change!”Is it true that Saddleback Community Church has notchanged its proclamation to the thousands assembled beneathits pulpit? What about Willowcreek Community Church andother contemp<strong>or</strong>ary, dynamic-growth ministries? No, thesemega-churches have indeed changed the message--they havedeparted significantly from the Biblical mandate regardingthe declaration <strong>of</strong> the whole counsel <strong>of</strong> God to be proclaimedby the elders/past<strong>or</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the faithful New Testament church.116

The message has clearly changed, and Warren’s own w<strong>or</strong>dsprove it:Read <strong>Scripture</strong> from a newer translation. And as youread that <strong>Scripture</strong>, realize that you’re trying to pick out<strong>Scripture</strong>s that appeal especially to baby boomers. Andtry to find <strong>Scripture</strong>s that specifically relate to thebenefits that Christ can bring into a person’s life.They’ve never heard the <strong>Scripture</strong> bef<strong>or</strong>e, so try to pickpositive <strong>Scripture</strong>s that talk about the benefits <strong>of</strong> Christ...you want to pick out <strong>Scripture</strong>s that are very positive.Choosing only “positive texts” to preach on the L<strong>or</strong>d’s Day(<strong>or</strong> on Saturday evenings f<strong>or</strong> those churches that desire tomake the services m<strong>or</strong>e “convenient”) and using only“positive texts” to define the purposes <strong>of</strong> the church (<strong>of</strong> the41 “verses that relate to the purposes <strong>of</strong> the church” listed inthe seminar w<strong>or</strong>kbook, none were included which dealt withinsistence upon warning, doctrine, etc.; none were from Acts20, Romans 16, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, 2 Peter, Jude <strong>or</strong>Revelation) resulting in a glaring deficiency in one’smessage. Vitally imp<strong>or</strong>tant texts dealing specifically with thechurch’s doctrine, message and ministry must be ign<strong>or</strong>ed in<strong>or</strong>der to maintain positive-only preaching. Indeed, themessage does change!Notice the following quote from a revealing essay entitled“Does Theology Still Matter?” by Gary L. W. Johnson in thebook The Coming Evangelical Crisis:Although most <strong>of</strong> today’s pr<strong>of</strong>essing evangelicals wouldacknowledge that theology, in some sense <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>d,does matter, a recent survey in Christianity Todayrevealed that this is m<strong>or</strong>e lip service than anything else.Acc<strong>or</strong>ding to this survey...theology, in any sense <strong>of</strong> thew<strong>or</strong>d, is really not all that imp<strong>or</strong>tant to the very people towhom it should matter most: those in the pew and in thepulpit. Both groups listed theological knowledge as lastin terms <strong>of</strong> past<strong>or</strong>al pri<strong>or</strong>ities. ... We are sadlyexperiencing, on a rather large scale, a subjectivism that117

etrays its weakened hold on the objective truth andreality <strong>of</strong> Christianity by its neglect <strong>or</strong> even renunciation<strong>of</strong> its distinctive objective character. ... Men ... reallywish to have a creedless Christianity. “Creeds,” theyshout, “are divisive things; away with them!” ... Wheredoes this leave us? An undogmatic Christianity is noChristianity at all. (Moody Press, 1996, pp. 58, 66, 67)What does the Bible say about the purpose <strong>of</strong> the churchw<strong>or</strong>ship service and what the faithful past<strong>or</strong> must preach tothe “crowd” (as Warren describes it) that assembles eachSunday? No doubt, Saddleback Church leaders would bequick to point out that the four Christian education classesavailable to the congregation do deal with doctrine.However, the Bible is clear that doctrine is to be faithfullyproclaimed on the L<strong>or</strong>d’s Day through the pulpit ministry <strong>of</strong>the past<strong>or</strong>s/elders. Providing optional training, apart from theinstruction given from the pulpit, cannot side-step what Godintends the public church service to be.The Saddleback seminar said that only positive Bible textsshould be used from the pulpit, but God’s W<strong>or</strong>d sayssomething quite different. The apostle Paul had verystraightf<strong>or</strong>ward directives f<strong>or</strong> the elders <strong>of</strong> the Ephesianchurch regarding their ministry, and the same is essentialtoday. Acts 20:20-31 says:... I kept back nothing that was pr<strong>of</strong>itable unto you, buthave shewed you, and have taught you publickly, andfrom house to house, Testifying both to the Jews, andalso to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faithtoward our L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus Christ.... F<strong>or</strong> I have not shunnedto declare unto you all the counsel <strong>of</strong> God. Take heedtheref<strong>or</strong>e unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over thewhich the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feedthe church <strong>of</strong> God, which he hath purchased with hisown blood. F<strong>or</strong> I know this, that after my departing shallgrievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing theflock. Also <strong>of</strong> your own selves shall men arise, speaking118

perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.Theref<strong>or</strong>e watch, and remember, that by the space <strong>of</strong>three years I ceased not to warn every one night and daywith tears.Was the apostle’s instruction negative? Yes, but certainlyalso necessary! Many <strong>of</strong> the duties that the L<strong>or</strong>d requires <strong>of</strong>faithful past<strong>or</strong>s and teachers are found in texts that were“overlooked” by the Saddleback w<strong>or</strong>kbook. Whatever textcame across as negative was obviously passed over. Anothersuch text is Titus 1:3-11:[God] hath in due times manifested his w<strong>or</strong>d throughpreaching, which is committed unto me acc<strong>or</strong>ding to thecommandment <strong>of</strong> God our Saviour.... F<strong>or</strong> this cause left Ithee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in <strong>or</strong>der the thingsthat are wanting, and <strong>or</strong>dain elders in every city, as I hadappointed thee: ... [Hold] fast the faithful w<strong>or</strong>d as he hathbeen taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine bothto exh<strong>or</strong>t and to convince the gainsayers [those whocontradict <strong>or</strong> speak against the truth <strong>of</strong> God]. F<strong>or</strong> thereare many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, speciallythey <strong>of</strong> the circumcision: Whose mouths must bestopped....Second Timothy 3:16-4:5 gives further instructionregarding the purpose f<strong>or</strong> the church; this text was alsoign<strong>or</strong>ed by Saddleback’s dynamic growth strategy:All scripture is given by inspiration <strong>of</strong> God, and ispr<strong>of</strong>itable f<strong>or</strong> doctrine, f<strong>or</strong> repro<strong>of</strong>, f<strong>or</strong> c<strong>or</strong>rection, f<strong>or</strong>instruction in righteousness: That the man <strong>of</strong> God maybe perfect, throughly furnished unto all good w<strong>or</strong>ks. Icharge thee theref<strong>or</strong>e bef<strong>or</strong>e God, and the L<strong>or</strong>d JesusChrist, who shall judge the quick and the dead at hisappearing and his kingdom; Preach the w<strong>or</strong>d; be instantin season, out <strong>of</strong> season; reprove, rebuke, exh<strong>or</strong>t with alllongsuffering and doctrine. F<strong>or</strong> the time will come whenthey will not endure sound doctrine; but after their ownlusts shall they heap to themselves teachers [those whowill not practice the above], having itching ears; Andthey shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall119

e turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things,endure afflictions, do the w<strong>or</strong>k <strong>of</strong> an evangelist, makefull pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> thy ministry.Are you identified with a church that is led by faithfulundershepherds who are committed to obeying thesecommands? Are they willing to contend f<strong>or</strong> the faith andwarn their people--from the pulpit? Or is it a “positive-only”message? We must stand only with those willing to obeythese essentials f<strong>or</strong> faithful ministry.The Saddleback strategy is, again, to design the weekend“Seeker Service,” the programs and the supp<strong>or</strong>t ministries <strong>of</strong>the church in <strong>or</strong>der to attract the unsaved in the community.Acc<strong>or</strong>ding to the strategy, the “seeker” must want to come tochurch; theref<strong>or</strong>e, the services must be designed in such away that he will be comf<strong>or</strong>table, entertained and find theanswers to his problems as he perceives them. Warrenteaches that the ministry <strong>of</strong> the church must be stylized afterthose things to which the unsaved are accustomed--whetherthat style includes the language used, the music perf<strong>or</strong>med,the casual attire w<strong>or</strong>n <strong>or</strong> even the message proclaimed fromthe pulpit. The character, the style and the contemp<strong>or</strong>aryinterests <strong>of</strong> the unregenerate community are what determinethe makeup, the appearance and the content <strong>of</strong> the weekendservices.The following comments by Rick Warren revealSaddleback’s “Biblical” justification f<strong>or</strong> making the church“user friendly” to the unsaved:Now Paul’s evangelism strategy was this: 1 C<strong>or</strong>inthians9--“To the Jew I became like a Jew to win the Jews. Inthe same way with the Gentiles, I became like a Gentilein <strong>or</strong>der to win the Gentiles. I have become all things toall men that I may save some <strong>of</strong> them by any meanspossible.” He’s saying, “Adapt to the situation God putsyou in.” Today, he’d say, “When in Southern Calif<strong>or</strong>nia,120

ecome like a Southern Calif<strong>or</strong>nian to reach SouthernCalif<strong>or</strong>nians.”Let us take a closer look at this p<strong>or</strong>tion <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> foundin 1 C<strong>or</strong>inthians 9. First, the apostle is not defining in thistext the purpose and character <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ship service <strong>of</strong> thelocal church. Instead, this discourse is the personal testimony<strong>of</strong> Paul, the evangelistically-minded missionary, as he tookthe message <strong>of</strong> Christ to the lost in their respectivecommunities, cultures and circumstances. Second, the“assembling together <strong>of</strong> the saints” on the first day <strong>of</strong> theweek, Sunday, was f<strong>or</strong> the purpose <strong>of</strong> being built up in thefaith, <strong>of</strong> giving attendance to the “reading [<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Scripture</strong>s],to exh<strong>or</strong>tation [the charge to continue in God’s truth], todoctrine [the teaching <strong>of</strong> ‘all the counsel <strong>of</strong> God’]”--1Timothy 4:13.The overwhelming volume <strong>of</strong> instruction in the epistleswas given to the elders <strong>of</strong> the churches and to ones such asTimothy and Titus who were to “set in <strong>or</strong>der the things whichare wanting” (Titus 1:5). This apostolic instruction had to dowith what the Christian was to believe and how he was to“behave [himself] in the house <strong>of</strong> God, which is the church<strong>of</strong> the living God, the pillar and ground <strong>of</strong> the truth” (1 Tim.3:15). F<strong>or</strong> Warren to suggest that the church’s purpose is toprovide common ground f<strong>or</strong> the “seeker” and present himonly positive Biblical texts that speak to his emotional,psychological and inter-personal “needs” is absolutelyludicrous! The past<strong>or</strong> is to preach the W<strong>or</strong>d--all <strong>of</strong> it--<strong>or</strong> itceases to be “the pillar and ground <strong>of</strong> the truth”!The purpose <strong>of</strong> 1 C<strong>or</strong>inthians 9 is not to define the church’sw<strong>or</strong>ship service, but rather it details the resolute purpose andgodly motivation <strong>of</strong> the apostle Paul to take the Gospel <strong>of</strong>Jesus Christ to all, Jew and Gentile, bond <strong>or</strong> free, regardless<strong>of</strong> the ethnic, cultural <strong>or</strong> social standing the lost might have.121

Paul had no target group! All needed to be saved, and hededicated himself to going out to meet the lost in theirsituation, but never at the expense <strong>of</strong> being anything less thanwhat God called him to be, and that was to be “holy, even asI [God] am holy.” Second C<strong>or</strong>inthians 5:14-21 confirmsPaul’s selfless, evangelistic purpose:F<strong>or</strong> the love <strong>of</strong> Christ constraineth us; because we thusjudge, that if one died f<strong>or</strong> all, then were all dead: Andthat he died f<strong>or</strong> all, that they which live should nothencef<strong>or</strong>th live unto themselves, but unto him whichdied f<strong>or</strong> them, and rose again. Wheref<strong>or</strong>e hencef<strong>or</strong>thknow we no man after the flesh: [Christ died f<strong>or</strong> all; allneed to be saved; we seek to win all] ... Now then we areambassad<strong>or</strong>s f<strong>or</strong> Christ, as though God did beseech youby us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled toGod. F<strong>or</strong> he hath made him to be sin f<strong>or</strong> us, who knewno sin; that we might be made the righteousness <strong>of</strong> Godin him.Paul was willing to be a servant to all so that he mightpresent Christ to all, regardless <strong>of</strong> their station in life (vv. 19,20). He went out; he did not stylize a “seeker service” to lureunbelievers in. The walk <strong>of</strong> the believer is to be distinctlydifferent from that <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld; it is not to mirr<strong>or</strong> the walk <strong>of</strong>the w<strong>or</strong>ld (Eph. 2:1-3).No, Paul did not become like the unsaved with respect totheir lifestyle n<strong>or</strong> address their desires to meet theirperceived “needs” <strong>of</strong> the flesh! He was still ministering“under the law to Christ” (v. 21) and kept his body under thecontrol <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit <strong>of</strong> God (vv. 24-27). The differencewas that he was willing to be “a servant,” to do what hecould to gain a hearing. No one was beneath any social <strong>or</strong>educational constraints. No one was <strong>of</strong>f-limits due to theirethnic <strong>or</strong> cultural differences. To the philosophers on Marshill, Paul used their idolatry and superstitions as aspringboard to tell them <strong>of</strong> the “unknown God” that they122

ign<strong>or</strong>antly w<strong>or</strong>shipped; he preached to them Christ crucifiedand risen again (Acts 17:22-34). The Gospel testimony in thepagan city <strong>of</strong> Ephesus did not result in the church beingpatterned after the predominate culture <strong>of</strong> the community--the temple <strong>of</strong> Diana. No, the proclamation <strong>of</strong> Christ ruinedthe business <strong>of</strong> the ungodly, and changed lives resulted in achanged culture, not a changed church (Acts 19:21 ff).Another example <strong>of</strong> this willingness to subjugate personalliberty to win the lost is found in the advice given by theapostles at Jerusalem in Acts 15. Even the Gentile convertsliving among unsaved Jews were to be “under the law” in thesense that they would not eat that which would be <strong>of</strong>fensiveto the Jews they were trying to reach with the Gospel (Acts15:25-29). “Style” <strong>of</strong> ministry is not the issue here.The church is to evangelize, but in such a way that theBiblical purpose f<strong>or</strong> the church is not compromised.Saddleback’s strategy is deficient and dangerous.123

Judge Not?The following is from our book JUDGE NOT! IS ITLEGALISM TO JUDGE SIN AND ERROR? This book is areply to 21 <strong>of</strong> the most common charges that are broughtagainst a fundamentalist Bible approach to Christianity.These are the challenges that every fundamentalist BiblebelievingChristian must learn to deal with, because there isno part <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld so remote that the believers there willnot be confronted with this thinking. This very practicalmaterial would make a good series <strong>of</strong> study f<strong>or</strong> SundaySchools at the Juni<strong>or</strong> High level <strong>or</strong> above <strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong> Youthmeetings <strong>or</strong> Bible Institutes. The sections <strong>of</strong> the book are asfollows: The Bible Says We Should Not Judge; Love isNonjudgmental and Tolerant; Being Strict about BiblicalIssues is Legalism; Fundamentalists Are Pharisees; JesusTold Us Not to F<strong>or</strong>bid Others; Why Don’t You FollowMatthew 18? We Should Heed Gamaliel’s Advice; WeShould Leave the Tares until the Harvest; We Should NotTouch the L<strong>or</strong>d’s Anointed; If We Don’t Stand Together WeWill Hang Separately; The Christian Army Shoots Its OwnWounded; God Does Not Look on the External Appearance;We Will Be in Heaven Together; The Christian <strong>Life</strong> ShouldBe Liberty and Fun; We Should Be All Things to All Men;Denominational Divisions Should Be Erased; It is NotPossible to Know That Your Doctrine Is Right; Loving JesusIs All that Is Imp<strong>or</strong>tant; Fundamentalism Is a Belief in theFive Fundamentals; We Should Limit Our Message toBroaden Our Fellowship; We Should Be Balanced.This is one <strong>of</strong> the free eBooks available from the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Life</strong> web site.________________124

The following are some <strong>of</strong> the key passages on judging thatare widely abused today:MATTHEW 7:1-5 -- Judge not, that ye be not judged.F<strong>or</strong> with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: andwith what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to youagain. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thybrother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is inthine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Letme pull out the mote out <strong>of</strong> thine eye; and, behold, abeam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast outthe beam out <strong>of</strong> thine own eye; and then shalt thou seeclearly to cast out the mote out <strong>of</strong> thy brother's eye.”First, if we examine the context <strong>of</strong> this passage we see thatthe L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus is not condemning all judging; He iscondemning hypocritical judging (Mat. 7:5). To f<strong>or</strong>bidsomething in another person that I allow in my own life ishypocrisy, and it is a great and deep-seated sin among men.F<strong>or</strong> a parent to tell his children not to listen to rock musicwhen he listens to Country-Western music is hypocrisy. Totell my children not to smoke when I smoke, <strong>or</strong> to attendchurch when I don’t attend church, <strong>or</strong> to be serious aboutGod’s will when I am not that serious about His will, <strong>or</strong> to bekind to others when I am not kind to them <strong>or</strong> to their mother,<strong>or</strong> to obey me when I don’t obey my husband, is hypocrisy.This is the type <strong>of</strong> thing that Christ was warning about.This is not to say, though, that Christ f<strong>or</strong>bade judging ingeneral. That He is not condemning all judging is evidentfrom the context. In the same sermon He warned about falseprophets.“Beware <strong>of</strong> false prophets, which come to you in sheep'sclothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shallknow them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes <strong>of</strong>th<strong>or</strong>ns, <strong>or</strong> figs <strong>of</strong> thistles? Even so every good tree125

ingeth f<strong>or</strong>th good fruit; but a c<strong>or</strong>rupt tree bringeth f<strong>or</strong>thevil fruit” (Mat. 7:15-17).It is impossible to beware <strong>of</strong> false prophets without judgingdoctrine and practice by God’s W<strong>or</strong>d. How can I know who afalse prophet is if I do not measure preachers by God’sW<strong>or</strong>d?That Christ is not condemning all judging is also evidentby comparing <strong>Scripture</strong> with <strong>Scripture</strong>. In other passages weare commanded to judge. The L<strong>or</strong>d Jesus Himself said weare to judge righteous judgment (Jn. 7:24).We are to judge sin in the church (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 5:3, 12). “F<strong>or</strong> Iverily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judgedalready, as though I were present, concerning him that hathso done this deed, ... F<strong>or</strong> what have I to do to judge themalso that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?”We are to judge matters between the brethren (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 6:5).“I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise manamong you? no, not one that shall be able to judge betweenhis brethren?”We are to judge preaching (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 14:29). “Let the prophetsspeak two <strong>or</strong> three, and let the other judge.”We are to judge those who preach false gospels, falsechrists, and false spirits (2 C<strong>or</strong>. 11:1-4). “But I fear, lest byany means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty,so your minds should be c<strong>or</strong>rupted from the simplicity that isin Christ. F<strong>or</strong> if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus,whom we have not preached, <strong>or</strong> if ye receive another spirit,which ye have not received, <strong>or</strong> another gospel, which ye havenot accepted, ye might well bear with him.”126

We are to judge the w<strong>or</strong>ks <strong>of</strong> darkness (Eph. 5:11). “Andhave no fellowship with the unfruitful w<strong>or</strong>ks <strong>of</strong> darkness, butrather reprove them.”We are to judge spirits (1 John 4:1). “Beloved, believe notevery spirit, but try the spirits whether they are <strong>of</strong> God:because many false prophets are gone out into the w<strong>or</strong>ld.”We are even to judge all things (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 2:15-16). “But hethat is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged <strong>of</strong>no man. F<strong>or</strong> who hath known the mind <strong>of</strong> the L<strong>or</strong>d, that hemay instruct him? But we have the mind <strong>of</strong> Christ.”The spiritual man does not judge things by his ownthinking but by the mind <strong>of</strong> Christ in the W<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God. Heknows that he lives in a fallen w<strong>or</strong>ld filled with lies and err<strong>or</strong>and spiritual deception and he knows that he has the light <strong>of</strong>God in the <strong>Scripture</strong> and he thus judges all things by that.ROMANS 14:4 -- “Who art thou that judgest anotherman’s servant? to his own master he standeth <strong>or</strong> falleth.Yea, he shall be holden up: f<strong>or</strong> God is able to make himstand.”This passage is frequently abused by those who have theecumenical philosophy. It is said that this verse f<strong>or</strong>bids us toexpose sin and err<strong>or</strong> and compromise. The verse is also usedto supp<strong>or</strong>t the doctrine that <strong>Scripture</strong> can be divided int<strong>of</strong>undamental <strong>or</strong> essential and non-fundamental <strong>or</strong> secondarydoctrine. One past<strong>or</strong> wrote to me and said:“Romans 14 is probably the most violated passage bythose <strong>of</strong> us who call ourselves ‘fundamentalists’ (notethat I include myself). We have either skipped over thatchapter <strong>or</strong> given it a sinfully surface interpretation anddanced around its powerful mandates f<strong>or</strong> dealing withdifferences over ‘secondary’ doctrine within the church.By ‘secondary’ I do not mean ‘unimp<strong>or</strong>tant.’ I must be'fully persuaded' about all Scriptural issues, though I127

must welcome and neither judge n<strong>or</strong> look down on thosewho differ on some <strong>of</strong> them.”To this I gave the following reply:Romans 14 is an imp<strong>or</strong>tant passage, but it has nothing todo with the idea that there are things in <strong>Scripture</strong> <strong>of</strong>secondary value, in the sense <strong>of</strong> how we are to deal withthem. The two examples plainly given by the apostle areeating meats and keeping holy days. These are matters aboutwhich the Bible is silent. There are no divine requirementsupon the New Testament Christian in these matters.Thus, Romans 14 is discussing how we are to deal withmatters NOT CLEARLY TAUGHT IN SCRIPTURE. Inmatters in which God has not plainly spoken, I am to giveliberty.On the other hand, in matters in which God has plainlyspoken, the only liberty is to obey. People use Romans 14:4to defend many areas <strong>of</strong> plain disobedience, such as w<strong>or</strong>ldlymusic, long hair on men, immodest dress on women, etc.Since the Bible has spoken plainly about these matters, it is amisuse to apply Romans 14:4.You are missing the mark by a great distance in yourunderstanding <strong>of</strong> this passage.1 CORINTHIANS 4:3-5 -- “But with me it is a verysmall thing that I should be judged <strong>of</strong> you, <strong>or</strong> <strong>of</strong> man'sjudgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. F<strong>or</strong> I knownothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but hethat judgeth me is the L<strong>or</strong>d. Theref<strong>or</strong>e judge nothingbef<strong>or</strong>e the time, until the L<strong>or</strong>d come, who both will bringto light the hidden things <strong>of</strong> darkness, and will makemanifest the counsels <strong>of</strong> the hearts: and then shall everyman have praise <strong>of</strong> God.”128

Paul is not saying that believers should judge nothing at alland should leave all judgment to God. This would becontrary to many other passages in the same epistle (i.e., 1C<strong>or</strong>. 2:15; 5:3, 12; 6:2-3; 14:29).He is saying, rather, that believers are not to judgeministers by their own human thinking as to what a ministershould be and how he should teach and act, but they are tojudge righteous judgment acc<strong>or</strong>ding to God’s W<strong>or</strong>d. He istalking about being judged by “man’s judgment” (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 4:3).It is not required that a minister suit men and bend to theirthinking; it is required that he be faithful to God, and this isthe only proper standard by which he can be judged.Paul, under inspiration <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit, is also sayingthat ultimate and final judgment belongs only to the L<strong>or</strong>d;theref<strong>or</strong>e, we must be humble and cautious in our judgmentsin this present time (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 4:4-5). Even though we have theW<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God and we are obliged to judge everything on thebasis <strong>of</strong> God’s W<strong>or</strong>d, we must not think that we are infallible.We have to walk in the light that we have and live our livesand exercise our ministries on that basis, but our knowledgeis very imperfect in this present w<strong>or</strong>ld.We can know if a man’s teaching is false and we can knowenough, theref<strong>or</strong>e, to mark his err<strong>or</strong> and to avoid it, but wedo not know the secrets <strong>of</strong> men’s hearts and we do not knowall <strong>of</strong> the things that will be brought to bear and come intoplay when God judges men in that perfect light <strong>of</strong> a comingday.JAMES 4:11-12 -- “Speak not evil one <strong>of</strong> another,brethren. He that speaketh evil <strong>of</strong> his brother, andjudgeth his brother, speaketh evil <strong>of</strong> the law, and judgeththe law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer <strong>of</strong>129

the law, but a judge. There is one lawgiver, who is able tosave and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?”Like Matthew 7:1, Romans 14:4, and 1 C<strong>or</strong>inthians 4:5,James 4:11 is frequently misused by the ecumenical crowd tosupp<strong>or</strong>t the false doctrine that Christians are f<strong>or</strong>bidden tojudge doctrine and practice. To make these verses teach thatChristians can never judge, though, throws the Bible intoconfusion. There is a right judgment and a wrong judgment.Many verses command us to judge righteous judgment (Luke12:57; John 7:24; 1 C<strong>or</strong>. 2:15). We are to judge preaching (1C<strong>or</strong>. 14:29), sin in the churches (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 5:3), issues in thechurches (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 6:5), sin in our own lives (1 C<strong>or</strong>. 11:31),false teachers (Mat. 7:15; Rom. 16:17), spirits (1 John 4:1),etc.When, then, is James f<strong>or</strong>bidding? The context clarifies thematter.First, James is referring to speaking evil (Jam. 4:11).Proper judging is to speak the truth in love. The truth is notevil and speaking the truth in love is not evil. The type <strong>of</strong>judging condemned by James is judging in the sense <strong>of</strong>tearing down, tale bearing, and slander. It is judging with anevil intent. When one judges sin and err<strong>or</strong> scripturally, it isnever with a desire to hurt people. The Pharisees judgedJesus in an evil manner (Jn. 7:52). The false teachers atGalatia and C<strong>or</strong>inth judged Paul in the same manner, tryingto tear him down in the eyes <strong>of</strong> the churches (2 C<strong>or</strong>. 10:10).This is what James f<strong>or</strong>bids.Second, James is referring to judging in a way that iscontrary to the law <strong>of</strong> God (“there is one lawgiver,” Jam.4:12). This refers to judging others by human standardsrather than divine, thus setting oneself up as the lawgiver.The Pharisees did this when they judged Jesus by their130

traditions (Mat. 15:1-3). On the other hand, when a believerjudges things by God’s W<strong>or</strong>d in a godly and compassionatemanner, he is not exercising his own judgment; he isexercising God’s judgment. When, f<strong>or</strong> example, I say that itis wrong f<strong>or</strong> a woman to be a past<strong>or</strong>, <strong>or</strong> it is a shame f<strong>or</strong> aman to have long hair, <strong>or</strong> those who love the w<strong>or</strong>ld areadulterers, this is not my judgment <strong>or</strong> law; it is God’s (1 Tim.2:12; 1 C<strong>or</strong>. 11:14; Jam. 4:4).F<strong>or</strong> m<strong>or</strong>e on verses misused by the ecumenical crowd, seeTHINGS HARD TO BE UNDERSTOOD: A COMMENTARYON DIFFICULT PASSAGES on 1 Sam. 24:4-10; Matt. 7:1-1;18:15-17; Mk. 9:38-40; John 13:35; 17:21; Acts 5:38-39;James 4:11-12. This book if available in print and eBookeditions from <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Literature</strong>, www.way<strong>of</strong>life.<strong>or</strong>g131

About <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>’s eBooksSince January 2011, <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Literature</strong> books havebeen available in eBook f<strong>or</strong>mat. Some are available f<strong>or</strong>purchase while others are available f<strong>or</strong> free download.The eBooks are designed and f<strong>or</strong>matted to w<strong>or</strong>k well on avariety <strong>of</strong> applications/devices, but not all apps/devices areequal. Some allow the user to control the appearance andlayout <strong>of</strong> the book while others don’t even display italics!F<strong>or</strong> best reading pleasure, please choose your reading appcarefully.F<strong>or</strong> some suggestions, see the rep<strong>or</strong>t “iPads, Kindles,eReaders, and <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Materials,” at the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>web site at the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> web site at the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> website www.way<strong>of</strong>life.<strong>or</strong>g/database/ebook.html.Which F<strong>or</strong>mat?Our goal is to publish our books in the three most popularf<strong>or</strong>mats: PDF, Mobi (Kindle, etc.), and ePub (iBooks, etc.).Individual titles, though, may not be available in allf<strong>or</strong>mats. Many <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> titles can be found onAmazon.com, Apple iBookst<strong>or</strong>e, and/<strong>or</strong> Google Books. Themaj<strong>or</strong> advantage <strong>of</strong> obtaining your eBook from the AmazonKindle st<strong>or</strong>e <strong>or</strong> Apple’s iBooks st<strong>or</strong>e is that they providesyncing across devices (i.e.: a Kindle reader and Kindle f<strong>or</strong>PC <strong>or</strong> Kindle f<strong>or</strong> Mac and iPad). If you read on multipledevices and use bookmarks <strong>or</strong> make highlights, consider ast<strong>or</strong>e download from the appropriate site.132

Powerful Publications f<strong>or</strong> TheseTimesFollowing is a selection <strong>of</strong> the titles published by <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Life</strong> <strong>Literature</strong>. The books are available in both print andeBook editions (PDF, Kindle, ePub). The materials can be<strong>or</strong>dered via the online catalog at the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> web site --www.way<strong>of</strong>life.<strong>or</strong>g -- <strong>or</strong> by phone 866-295-4143.FUNDAMENTAL LESSONS IN HOW TO STUDY THEBIBLE. This very practical course deals with requirementsf<strong>or</strong> effective Bible study, marking your Bible, and rules <strong>of</strong>Bible interpretation. 174 pagesTHE BIBLE VERSION QUESTION ANSWERDATABASE, ISBN 1-58318-088-5. This book providesdiligently-researched, in-depth answers to m<strong>or</strong>e than 80 <strong>of</strong>the most imp<strong>or</strong>tant questions on this topic. A vast number <strong>of</strong>myths are exposed, such as the myth that Erasmus promisedto add 1 John 5:7 to his Greek New Testament if even onemanuscript could be produced, the myth that the differencesbetween the Greek texts and versions are slight andinsignificant, the myth that there are no doctrines affected bythe changes in the modern versions, and the myth that theKing James translat<strong>or</strong>s said that all versions are equally theW<strong>or</strong>d <strong>of</strong> God. It also includes reviews <strong>of</strong> several <strong>of</strong> thepopular modern versions, including the Living Bible, NewLiving Bible, Today’s English Version, New InternationalVersion, New American Standard Version, The Message, andthe Holman Christian Standard Bible. 423 pagesCONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC: SOMEQUESTIONS ANSWERED AND SOME WARNINGSGIVEN, ISBN 1-58318-094-x. This book expounds on fivereasons why we are opposed to CCM: It is w<strong>or</strong>ldly; it is133

ecumenical; it is charismatic; it is experience-<strong>or</strong>iented; and itweakens the fundamentalist stance <strong>of</strong> churches. We giveexamples <strong>of</strong> how changes are occurring in f<strong>or</strong>merlyfundamentalist churches through the instrumentality <strong>of</strong>contemp<strong>or</strong>ary music. The rest <strong>of</strong> the book deals withquestions that are commonly asked on this subject, such asthe following: What is the difference between usingcontemp<strong>or</strong>ary w<strong>or</strong>ship music and using old hymns that wereinterdenominational? Didn't Luther and the Wesleys usetavern music? Isn't the issue <strong>of</strong> music just a matter <strong>of</strong> taste?Doesn't the Bible encourage us to use cymbals and stringedand loud sounding instruments? What is wrong with s<strong>of</strong>trock? Didn't God create all music? Love is m<strong>or</strong>e imp<strong>or</strong>tantthan doctrine and standards <strong>of</strong> living, isn't it? Since Godlooks on the heart, why are you concerned about appearance?Isn't Christianity all about grace? What about all <strong>of</strong> the youngpeople who are being saved through CCM? 190 pagesTHE FOREIGN SPIRIT OF CONTEMPORARYWORSHIP MUSIC. This hard-hitting multi-media videopresentation, published in March 2012, documents thefrightful spiritual compromise, heresy, and apostasy thatpermeates the field <strong>of</strong> contemp<strong>or</strong>ary w<strong>or</strong>ship music. Byextensive documentation, it proves that contemp<strong>or</strong>aryw<strong>or</strong>ship music is impelled by “another spirit” (2 C<strong>or</strong>. 11:4).It is the spirit <strong>of</strong> charismaticism, the spirit <strong>of</strong> the latter rain,the spirit <strong>of</strong> the one-w<strong>or</strong>ld church, the spirit <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld, thespirit <strong>of</strong> homosexuality, and the spirit <strong>of</strong> the false god <strong>of</strong> TheShack. The presentation looks carefully at the <strong>or</strong>igin <strong>of</strong>contemp<strong>or</strong>ary w<strong>or</strong>ship in the Jesus Movement <strong>of</strong> the 1970s,examining the lives and testimonies <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the mostinfluential people. Nearly 60 video clips and hundreds <strong>of</strong>photos are featured. It is available on DVD and as aneDownload from the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> web site.134

ISRAEL: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE, ISBN978-1-58318-116-4. This is a package consisting <strong>of</strong> a 234-page illustrated book, a DVD series, and a series <strong>of</strong>Powerpoint/Keynote presentations f<strong>or</strong> teachers. The packagecovers all <strong>of</strong> the maj<strong>or</strong> facets pertaining to Israel in apr<strong>of</strong>essional, technologically cutting-edge way: geography,culture, archaeology, hist<strong>or</strong>y, current events, and prophecy.The series begins with an amazing aerial flyover over theland <strong>of</strong> Israel.KEEPING THE KIDS: HOW TO KEEP THECHILDREN FROM FALLING PREY TO THE WORLD,ISBN 978-1-58318-115-7. This book aims to help parentsand churches raise children to be disciples <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christand to avoid the pitfalls <strong>of</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld, the flesh, and the devil.The book is a collab<strong>or</strong>ative eff<strong>or</strong>t. It contains testimoniesfrom hundreds <strong>of</strong> individuals who provided feedback to ourquestionnaires on this subject, as well as powerful ideasgleaned from interviews with past<strong>or</strong>s, missionaries, andchurch people who have raised godly children. The book ispacked with practical suggestions and deals with manyissues: Conversion, the husband-wife relationship, thenecessity <strong>of</strong> permeating the home with Christian love,mothers as keepers at home, the father’s role as the spiritualhead <strong>of</strong> the home, child discipline, separation from the popculture, discipleship <strong>of</strong> youth, the grandparents’ role in“keeping the kids,” effectual prayer, and fasting. 531 pagesMUSIC FOR GOOD OR EVIL (4 DVDs). This videoseries f<strong>or</strong> July 2011 is a new replacement f<strong>or</strong> previouspresentations we have produced on this subject. The series,which is packed with graphics, video and audio clips, hasseven segments. I. Biblical Principles <strong>of</strong> Good ChristianMusic: II. Why We Reject Contemp<strong>or</strong>ary Christian Music.III. The Sound <strong>of</strong> Contemp<strong>or</strong>ary Christian Music. IV.135

Transf<strong>or</strong>mational Power <strong>of</strong> CCM. V. Southern Gospel. VI.Marks <strong>of</strong> Good Song Leading. VII. Questions Answered onContemp<strong>or</strong>ary Christian Music.ONE YEAR DISCIPLESHIP COURSE, ISBN978-1-58318-117-1. (new title f<strong>or</strong> 2011) This powerfulcourse features 52 lessons in Christian living. It can bebroken into sections and used as a new converts course, anadvanced discipleship course, a Sunday School series, aHome Schooling <strong>or</strong> Bible Institute course, <strong>or</strong> preachingoutlines. The lessons are th<strong>or</strong>ough, meaty, and very practical.There is an extensive mem<strong>or</strong>y verse program built into thecourse, and each lesson features carefully designed reviewquestions. 221 pagesTHE PENTECOSTAL-CHARISMATIC MOVEMENTS:THE HISTORY AND THE ERROR, ISBN 1-58318-099-0.This book begins with the auth<strong>or</strong>’s own experience with thePentecostal movement. The next section deals with thehist<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> the Pentecostal movement, beginning with asurvey <strong>of</strong> miraculous signs from the second to the 18thcenturies. We deal with Charles Parham, Azusa StreetMission, maj<strong>or</strong> Pentecostal healing evangelists, the SharonSchools and the New Order <strong>of</strong> the Latter Rain, the W<strong>or</strong>d-Faith movement and its key leaders, the CharismaticMovement, the Roman Catholic Charismatic Renewal, thePentecostal Prophets, the Third Wave, the Laughing-DrunkenRevival <strong>of</strong> T<strong>or</strong>onto, Pensacola, Lakeland, etc., and the recentPentecostal scandals. The last section deals with thetheological err<strong>or</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the Pentecostal-Charismatic movements.317 pagesREPENTANCE AND SOUL WINNING, ISBN1-58318-062-1. This is an in-depth study on biblicalrepentance and a timely warning about unscriptural methods<strong>of</strong> presenting the gospel. The opening chapter, entitled136

“Fundamental Baptists and Quick Prayerism: A FaultyMethod <strong>of</strong> Evangelism Has Produced a Change in theDoctrine <strong>of</strong> Repentance,” traces the change in the doctrine <strong>of</strong>repentance among fundamental Baptists during the past 50years. 2008 edition, 201 pagesSEEING THE NON-EXISTENT: EVOLUTION’SMYTHS AND HOAXES, ISBN 1-58318-002-8. (new titlef<strong>or</strong> 2011) This book is designed both as a stand alone title aswell as a companion to the apologetics course ANUNSHAKEABLE FAITH. The contents are as follows: Canalson Mars, Charles Darwin and His Granddaddy, ThomasHuxley: Darwin’s Bulldog, Ernst Haeckel: Darwin’s GermanApostle, Icons <strong>of</strong> Evolution, Icons <strong>of</strong> Creation, The Apemen,Predictions, Questions f<strong>or</strong> Evolutionists, DarwinianGods, Darwin’s Social Influence.SOWING AND REAPING: A COURSE INEVANGELISM. ISBN 978-1-58318-169-0. This new course(f<strong>or</strong> 2012) is unique in several ways. It is unique in itsapproach. While it is practical and down-to-earth, it does notpresent a f<strong>or</strong>mulaic approach to soul winning, recognizingthat individuals have to be dealt with as individuals. Thecourse does not include any s<strong>or</strong>t <strong>of</strong> psychologicalmanipulation techniques. It does not neglect repentance insoul winning, carefully explaining the biblical definition <strong>of</strong>repentance and the place <strong>of</strong> repentance in personalevangelism. It explains how to use the law <strong>of</strong> God to plowthe soil <strong>of</strong> the human heart so that the gospel can find goodground. The course is unique in its objective. The objective<strong>of</strong> biblical soul winning is not to get people to “pray asinner’s prayer”; the objective is to see people soundlyconverted to Christ. This course trains the soul winner topursue genuine conversions as opposed to mere “decisions.”The course is also unique in its breadth. It covers a wide137

variety <strong>of</strong> situations, including how to deal with Hindus andwith skeptics and how to use apologetics <strong>or</strong> evidences inevangelism. There is a mem<strong>or</strong>y course consisting <strong>of</strong> 111select verses and links to a large number <strong>of</strong> resources thatcan be used in evangelism, many <strong>of</strong> them free. The course issuitable f<strong>or</strong> teens and adults and f<strong>or</strong> use in Sunday School,Youth Ministries, Preaching, and private study. OUTLINE:The Message <strong>of</strong> Evangelism, Repentance and Evangelism,God’s Law and Evangelism, The Reason f<strong>or</strong> Evangelism,The Auth<strong>or</strong>ity f<strong>or</strong> Evangelism, The Power f<strong>or</strong> Evangelism,The Attitude in Evangelism, The Technique <strong>of</strong> Evangelism,Using Tracts in Evangelism, Dealing with Skeptics. 104pages, 8x11, spiral bound.T H I N G S H A R D TO B E U N D E R S TO O D : AHANDBOOK OF BIBLICAL DIFFICULTIES, ISBN1-58318-002-8. This very practical volume deals with a widevariety <strong>of</strong> biblical difficulties. Find the answer to the seemingcontradictions in the Bible. Meet the challenge <strong>of</strong> falseteachers who misuse biblical passages to prove theirdoctrine. Find out the meaning <strong>of</strong> difficult passages that are<strong>of</strong>tentimes overlooked in the Bible commentaries. Ourobjective is to help God’s people have confidence in theinerrancy <strong>of</strong> their Bibles and to protect them from the falseteachers that abound in these last days. Jerry Huffman, edit<strong>or</strong><strong>of</strong> Calvary Contender, testified: “You don’t have to agreewith everything to greatly benefit from this helpful book.”Fourth edition April 2006, 385 pagesAN UNSHAKEABLE FAITH: A CHRISTIANAPOLOGETICS COURSE, ISBN 978-1-58318-119-5. (newtitle f<strong>or</strong> 2011) The course is built upon nearly 40 years <strong>of</strong>serious Bible study and 30 years <strong>of</strong> apologetics writing.Research was done in the auth<strong>or</strong>’s personal 6,000-volumelibrary plus in maj<strong>or</strong> museums and other locations in138

America, England, Europe, Australia, Asia, and the MiddleEast. The package consists <strong>of</strong> an apologetics course entitledAN UNSHAKEABLE FAITH (both print and eBook editions)plus an extensive series <strong>of</strong> Powerpoint/Keynotepresentations. (Keynote is the Apple version <strong>of</strong> Powerpoint.)The 1,800 PowerPoint slides deal with archaeology,evolution/creation science, and the prophecies pertaining toIsrael’s hist<strong>or</strong>y. The material in the 360-page course isextensive, and the teacher can decide whether to use all <strong>of</strong> it<strong>or</strong> to select only some p<strong>or</strong>tion <strong>of</strong> it f<strong>or</strong> his particular class andsituation. After each section there are review questions tohelp the students focus on the most imp<strong>or</strong>tant points. Thecourse can be used f<strong>or</strong> private study as well as f<strong>or</strong> aclassroom setting. Sections include The Bible’s Nature, TheBible’s Pro<strong>of</strong>, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Bible’s Difficulties,Hist<strong>or</strong>ical Evidence f<strong>or</strong> Jesus, Evidence f<strong>or</strong> Christ’sResurrection, Archaeological Treasures Confirming theBible, A Hist<strong>or</strong>y <strong>of</strong> Evolution, Icons <strong>of</strong> Evolution, Icons <strong>of</strong>Creation, Noah’s Ark and the Global Flood.WAY OF LIFE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BIBLE &CHRISTIANITY, ISBN 1-58318-005-2. This lovelyhardcover Bible Encyclopedia contains 640 pages (8.5X11)<strong>of</strong> inf<strong>or</strong>mation, with m<strong>or</strong>e than 6,000 entries, and 7,000cross-references. It is a complete dictionary <strong>of</strong> biblicalterminology and features many other areas <strong>of</strong> research not<strong>of</strong>ten covered in Bible reference volumes. Subjects includeBible versions, Denominations, Cults, Christian Movements,Typology, the Church, Social Issues and Practical ChristianLiving, Bible Prophecy, and Old English Terminology. Anevangelist in South Dakota wrote: “If I were going to themission field and could carry only three books, they wouldbe the Strong’s conc<strong>or</strong>dance, a hymnal, and the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Bible Encyclopedia.” Missionary auth<strong>or</strong> Jack Mo<strong>or</strong>man says:139

“The encyclopedia is excellent. The entries show a ‘distilledspirituality.’” A computer edition <strong>of</strong> the Encyclopedia isavailable as a standalone eBook f<strong>or</strong> PDF, Kindle, and ePub.It is also available as a module f<strong>or</strong> Sw<strong>or</strong>dseacher.<strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Literature</strong>P.O. Box 610368, P<strong>or</strong>t Huron, MI 48061866-295-4143, fbns@way<strong>of</strong>life.<strong>or</strong>gwww.way<strong>of</strong>life.<strong>or</strong>g___________________This book is published f<strong>or</strong> free distribution in eBook f<strong>or</strong>mat. Itis available in PDF, MOBI (f<strong>or</strong> Kindle, etc.), and ePUB f<strong>or</strong>matsfrom the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> web site. See the Free Book tab atwww.way<strong>of</strong>life.<strong>or</strong>g. We do not allow distribution <strong>of</strong> this bookfrom other web sites.__________________<strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Driven</strong> <strong>or</strong> <strong>Scripture</strong> <strong>Driven</strong>?Copyright 2008 by David W. Cloud140

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