Villa Anguillara Sabazia - Svenska Institutet i Rom

Villa Anguillara Sabazia - Svenska Institutet i Rom Villa Anguillara Sabazia - Svenska Institutet i Rom


Villa Anguillara SabaziaMANTHA ZARMAKOUPIAbstractIn this paper I look at the “Villa Anguillara Sabazia” near Lake Bracciano in South Etruria and attempt to shed light on its peculiar designby examining the ways in which it functioned, was experienced and was perceived, as well as by drawing analogies with modernarchitecture. Scholars have noticed the villa’s unusual plan and atypical façade; they have followed, however, formalist comparisons withcontemporary buildings rather than addressing the villa’s design. 1 I will point to qualities of the architectural design of the villa, whichmay have been appreciated in Roman times, and which we need to consider in order to increase our understanding of this Roman villa.Fig. 1. Plan and section of the villa (Vighi, 1941, 148, fig. 4).Location and DatingThe so-called “Villa Anguillara Sabazia” (Fig. 1) lies inthe modern location of Anguillara Sabazia, about 4 kmfrom Lake Bracciano, in South Etruria. The villa is situatednear a big source of mineral water, which today isexploited by the mineral water factory Acqua Claudia.In fact, the villa is located within the property of the AcquaClaudia factory near the train station of Anguillara________1“Villa Anguillara Sabazia” has been mentioned in the standardpublications on ancient Roman villas: Mielsch 1999, 52–53.Förtsch 1993, 44, n. 479, 488; 45, n. 497, 502; 47, n. 526; 58,n. 672. Gros 2001, 301. Romizzi 2001, 111–115. Förtsch’sdiscussion of the villa is an exception, which however, aims atunderstanding the villa-letters of Pliny the Younger.Sabazia. It is assumed that a 2-meter wide section of aRoman road, found 50 meters northeast from the villa, isthe remains of a side road from the Via Clodia, throughwhich the villa was accessed. 2 On the basis of its constructiontechnique and inscriptional evidence, the villa isdated to the second quarter of the 1 st century BCE. 3________2Vighi 1940, 399.3“Epigraphic evidence”: The letter shapes, in fragments oftwo different inscriptions found on the site, have Augustancharacteristics: one fragment of inscription (no. 10) in Augustancharacters found by Vighi, and another fragment of inscription(no. 19) in Augustan characters found before the excavation ofthe site. Vighi 1940, 415; 419. Construction technic: The villais constructed in opus quasi reticulatum and regular levellingof tiles is employed in the semi-columns of the lower level:Vighi 1941, 146. The republican villa, which is incorporatedRoman villas around the Urbs. Interaction with landscape and environment. Proceedings of a conference held at the Swedish Institute in Rome,September 17–18, 2004. Eds. B. Santillo Frizell & A. Klynne (The Swedish Institute in Rome. Projects and Seminars, 2), Rome

<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>MANTHA ZARMAKOUPIAbstractIn this paper I look at the “<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>” near Lake Bracciano in South Etruria and attempt to shed light on its peculiar designby examining the ways in which it functioned, was experienced and was perceived, as well as by drawing analogies with modernarchitecture. Scholars have noticed the villa’s unusual plan and atypical façade; they have followed, however, formalist comparisons withcontemporary buildings rather than addressing the villa’s design. 1 I will point to qualities of the architectural design of the villa, whichmay have been appreciated in <strong>Rom</strong>an times, and which we need to consider in order to increase our understanding of this <strong>Rom</strong>an villa.Fig. 1. Plan and section of the villa (Vighi, 1941, 148, fig. 4).Location and DatingThe so-called “<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>” (Fig. 1) lies inthe modern location of <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>, about 4 kmfrom Lake Bracciano, in South Etruria. The villa is situatednear a big source of mineral water, which today isexploited by the mineral water factory Acqua Claudia.In fact, the villa is located within the property of the AcquaClaudia factory near the train station of <strong>Anguillara</strong>________1“<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>” has been mentioned in the standardpublications on ancient <strong>Rom</strong>an villas: Mielsch 1999, 52–53.Förtsch 1993, 44, n. 479, 488; 45, n. 497, 502; 47, n. 526; 58,n. 672. Gros 2001, 301. <strong>Rom</strong>izzi 2001, 111–115. Förtsch’sdiscussion of the villa is an exception, which however, aims atunderstanding the villa-letters of Pliny the Younger.<strong>Sabazia</strong>. It is assumed that a 2-meter wide section of a<strong>Rom</strong>an road, found 50 meters northeast from the villa, isthe remains of a side road from the Via Clodia, throughwhich the villa was accessed. 2 On the basis of its constructiontechnique and inscriptional evidence, the villa isdated to the second quarter of the 1 st century BCE. 3________2Vighi 1940, 399.3“Epigraphic evidence”: The letter shapes, in fragments oftwo different inscriptions found on the site, have Augustancharacteristics: one fragment of inscription (no. 10) in Augustancharacters found by Vighi, and another fragment of inscription(no. 19) in Augustan characters found before the excavation ofthe site. Vighi 1940, 415; 419. Construction technic: The villais constructed in opus quasi reticulatum and regular levellingof tiles is employed in the semi-columns of the lower level:Vighi 1941, 146. The republican villa, which is incorporated<strong>Rom</strong>an villas around the Urbs. Interaction with landscape and environment. Proceedings of a conference held at the Swedish Institute in <strong>Rom</strong>e,September 17–18, 2004. Eds. B. Santillo Frizell & A. Klynne (The Swedish Institute in <strong>Rom</strong>e. Projects and Seminars, 2), <strong>Rom</strong>e

Mantha ZarmakoupiFig. 2. Perspective overview of the villa, reconstruction by C. Alberto Carpiceci (Vighi, 1941, 150, fig. 5).Modern History of the <strong>Villa</strong> and its CurvilinearPeculiarity“<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>” was found in 1934, when theAcqua Claudia factory undertook building constructionat the site. Roberto Vighi excavated the site and publishedthe excavation report in Notizie degli Scavi in 1940. 4 Vighipublished further a fundamental study of the villa’s architecturein Palladio, in 1941. His intention was to addressthe instrumental role of the curved line in the architecturalcomposition of the villa; 5 however, he focused on theresult of the curved line on the villa’s appearance, that is,the curvilinear form of its exedra (Fig. 2). In Vighi’s analysis“<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>” marked the intermediatemoment between the exedra of the Sanctuary of FortunaPrimigenia in Praeneste, and the semicircular niches inthe Forum of Augustus. 6________in Hadrian’s villa, has a similar construction technique andwas originally dated to the Caesarian period; Vighi 1940, 411.In more recent studies this construction technique is datedbetween c. 100-60 BCE. The proposed dating (75-50 BCE) isbased on the later inscriptional evidence in combination withthe construction technique dating.4Vighi 1940.5“La definizione di «architettura curvilinea» va intesa, a mioparere, non con il significato limitato di architettura dell’arcoe della volta, ma nel valore più completo di architettura incui la linea curva entra come parte sostanziale nello sviluppoplanimetrico.” Vighi 1941, 158, n. 13.6Vighi 1941, 151.Aside from the evolutionary agenda of this reading, Iwould like to point that the two structures are not comparableto the “<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>.” The semicircularniches in the Forum of Augustus are on the opposite sidesof a forum and their relation is limited to the enclosedspace within the forum; and the exedra of the Sanctuaryof Fortuna Primigenia, is a theatre structure at the top of asanctuary complex on a steep slope.Unfortunately, since 1941 “<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>”has not merited much attention due to its incomplete excavationand its poor archaeological remains. Furthermore,the fact that it is not easily accessible has resultedin people knowing the villa as a plan rather as an archaeologicalsite. Still, its unusual design has attracted some interest.However, instead of looking into the design of thevilla, scholars have added more formalist comparisons.For example, Harald Mielsch compared it to the so-called“Nero’s villa” at Anzio. Or, when making a typology ofvillas, the villa formed its own category. For example,Lucia <strong>Rom</strong>izzi introduced a subcategory in the “Tipi Eccezionali”of her villa typology, the “Tipo con Fronte aEmiciclo o a prospetto curvilineo,” in order to place“<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>” and “Nero’s villa” at Anzio ina group of their own. 7 If we knew more about “Nero’svilla” at Anzio we could make productive comparisonswith “<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>.” However, the traces of aplan on the ground do not allow us to go further than justto mention it.________7Supra n. 1.2

<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>Fig. 3. View of the cryptoporticus’ façade from the south (author’s image).Brief Description________8The nympheum consists of three levels: level 1, the level ofaccess and circulation, which is almost the ambulacrum’s level,and goes around the room in the form of a “Π”; and levels 2 and3, which are associated with the water features of the nympheumand run along the inner side of this Π. On the southwest wallthere is a fountain and through the northeast wall the nympheumopens on to the open space of the exedra. From the fountain,water fell into level 2, until the northeast edge of the “Π” andthrough a small waterfall-feature fell into level 3, which is 1.70meters lower than the exedra-level.9There are three exits from the ambulacrum to the garden. Onein the middle and two at the extremes of the ambulacrum’sarched course (the third is not shown in Vighi’s plan in fig. 1).The middle opening is 1,90 metres and the two openings at theextremes of the arc are 1,80 metres.The villa consisted of three levels that stretched out onground which sloped at a gradient of 10%. On the upperlevel of the villa were the living quarters, on the intermediatelevel were the service quarters, and on the lowerlevel were the gardens of the villa.The lower level of the villa is the one that has beenbest preserved and the one that attracts our attention. Itis an exedra, delineated in the northwest by a large curvilinearcryptoporticus; but we do not know its limits towardsthe southeast. The cryptoporticus’s ground plan isconstructed as an arc of a perfect circle with a chord of87 meters and a depth of 25.5 meters; however, only halfof it has been brought to light (Fig.1). A 3.80-meter widewalkway (A) runs beside the cryptoporticus’ curvilinearfaçade. The walkway terminates at a nympheum (B) in thesouthwest, 8 and presumably at a symmetrical room in thenortheast, which has not been excavated. 9The façade of the cryptoporticus is not plain, but consistsof 84 semicircular niches (Fig. 3). The niches are1.80 meters wide and are joined by semi-columns, 45centimetres wide. They are closed and have a 0.60 meterwide central window opening at 1.20 meters aboveground level. 10 Every niche has a cutting on its floor, inwhich fragments of clay pots have been found. This indicatesthat the niches were decorated with flowerpots attheir base. 11Vighi had noticed details in the architectural designand construction of the villa that were conducted withsome sort of “optical correction” in mind (Fig. 4, 5 and6). First (Fig. 4), the southeast wall of the nympheum (a)is prolonged 1.30 m. from wall b towards the northeast,and the inner limit of this wall (a) slightly curves towardsthe inside of the curvilinear façade. In this way, it providesa symmetrical image with the semi-column at theother side of the nympheum and presents to the observera smooth transition between the curvilinear form and therectangular form at the end. 12 Second (Fig. 5), each nichehas a flat front façade; the front façades of the niches meeteach other on a wide angle and create non-flat pilasters;the semi-columns camouflage the non-flat pilasters. Inthis way the geometrical regularity of the niches is assuredand at the same time the observer perceives the sequenceof the niches as part of a continuous curvilinear line(Fig. 6). 13Vighi’s analysis indicated that there was intention inthe design process to accentuate the perception of the villa’sform. However, it does not explain why a curvilinearform and non-portico façade were chosen. There are examplesof villas with huge portico structures extendingin the landscape; and there are at least two-dimensionalrepresentations of generic landscapes with curvilinear________10The interior wall of the ambulacrum has been preserved to aheight of 4.70 meters. Judging from the rather small width ofthe walls, 50 centimeters the exterior wall and 60 centimetersthe interior wall, it must have been covered by a wooden roof.Vighi 1940, 399.11Vighi 1940, 398.12Vighi 1941, 148.13Vighi 1941, 149.3

Mantha ZarmakoupiFig. 4. Plan and perspective reconstruction of the nympheum by Vighi(Vighi, 1941, 153, fig. 9).Fig. 5. Plan of a niche and corresponding front image by Vighi (Vighi,1941, 152, fig. 7).Fig. 6. Perspective front view of the villa by Lorenzo Ferri showing thecontinuity of the curvilinear façade (Vighi, 1941, 154, fig. 10).Fig. 7. View of the ramp (author’s image).porticoes. 14 However there are no examples of a villa witha curvilinear non-portico façade, adorned with flowerpotsand extending its wings to embrace the landscape. In thecase of portico façades we know from Pliny the Youngerthat they emulate public architecture; and scholars havemade notice of their likeness to gymnasia structures andto palatial architecture. But I know of no other parallel to“<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>.” Why did this villa assume thisparticular form and design?Walking through the <strong>Villa</strong>Let us see how this curvilinear design worked and how itwas experienced. Let us walk through the villa.The curvilinear exedra was accessed from the upperlevel. At the northwest side of the exedra, a ramp alongsidethe cryptoporticus’ northwest wall (Fig. 7, E inFig. 1), provided access to the cryptoporticus. There isalso a staircase beside the ramp (Fig. 8, ε in Fig. 1). Thefact that there is also a staircase right next to the ramp indicatesintentionality in providing both. Why would thatbe? A ramp today is used either to accommodate accessto people with special needs or to enhance the experienceof ascending. I do not think that the first reason is the onethat explains why this ramp was put here.________14An architectural landscape painting from Pompeii and <strong>Rom</strong>angem from North Africa, now in <strong>Rom</strong>e. Cfr. Rakob 1974, 85,Taf. 76.2.Fig. 8. View from the ambulacrum, through the opening to the ramp (onthe left), towards the staircase that is situated beside the ramp (author’simage).4

<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>Fig. 9. <strong>Villa</strong> Savoye: views from the ramp (author’s image).Fig. 10. View from the ambulacrum: from left, the two windows thatfollow the ramp and the opening to the ramp (author’s image).There is a well-known example of a ramp within a modernvilla, Le Corbusier’s <strong>Villa</strong> Savoye (1928-30) at Poissy, anhour’s drive from Paris. The ramp in this villa is also rightnext to a staircase. Here, however, the writings of the architectdocument his intentionality: for Le Corbusier, theramp enhances the experience of passage and providesan architectural promenade (promenade architecturale)within the house. 15 This architectural promenade providesglimpses through openings to both the upper and lowerlevel, to what you have already reached and to what youare anticipating to reach (Fig. 9).In <strong>Villa</strong> Savoye the visitor walks the ramp upwardsin order to reach the upper levels. In <strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong><strong>Sabazia</strong>, however, the visitor would have walked the rampdownwards. Two windows follow the course of the ramp(Fig. 10). These two windows not only provide light butalso fragmented and disoriented views into the gardenthrough the windows of the cryptoporticus (Fig. 11). Thefact that the exterior wall of the cryptoporticus is curvedand is – instead of a portico colonnade – closed, intensifiesthe fragmented and disoriented view of the exedra.I will follow the scenario that the owner invites a visitorto the nympheum. First, the visitor descends to thelevel of the cryptoporticus through the ramp – there isanother staircase (δ) beside the nympheum (B) next to itsservice room (D) (Fig. 1); but this one probably served the________15Ackerman 1993, 276.Fig. 11. View from the ramp, through its side window to the ambulacrumand the cryptoporticus’ window to the garden (author’s image).service room. Back to our walk: Once the visitor reachesthe level of the cryptoporticus – led by the owner or byservants – he/she turns right into the walkway of the cryptoporticus(ambulacrum). Now notice that the entrance ofthe ramp is not directly opposite to the central exit fromthe head of the cryptoporticus to the garden (Fig. 1). Sincethe curved cryptoporticus does not give you the repetitiveimages that a linear cryptoporticus would have given you,the visitor does not have a full view of the garden but continuesto have fragmented and disoriented views throughthe windows of the curved wall (Fig. 12). The visitor followingthe curvilinear ambulacrum will continue to havethese fragmented views until reaching the nympheum. It5

Mantha ZarmakoupiFig. 12. View from the ambulacrum to the garden and the cryptoporticus’window to the garden (author’s image).Fig. 13. View of the façade from the nympheum (author’s image).is only there that the visitor will perceive the completeforms of the exedra and the cryptoporticus (Fig. 13). Itis only there that he or she will understand the spaces, ofwhich he or she has had glimpses, and in which he or shehas been walking for the last five minutes or so. 16A similar surprise-effect can be also noticed in the <strong>Villa</strong>of Livia at Prima Porta. The visitor followed the rampto the underground level, with the only source of lightcoming from the entrance to the ramp – no window-openingshere; at the end of the ramp, upon entering the chamberto his left, he or she encountered the famous gardenpaintings lightened by the dim light from the clerestorywindows. 17 Although there is no anticipation in this case,the artificial underground garden is revealed at the end ofthe visitor’s course.________16There is another staircase near the nympheum but thisprobably served the service room of the nympheum. If there isa big ramp in such a prominent place, I doubt that the short cutof the staircase next to the service room would have been usedto access the nympheum.17The masonry of the boundary wall’s substructures and of theunderground complex are in opus quasi reticulatum and themosaic before the entrance to the underground triclinium isRepublican as well. Calci and Messineo 1984, 23–36. For a fulldiscussion on the dating: Clark Reeder 2001, 16–29. The use oframps was also effectively used in the Auditorium of Maecenas,in the Casa del Cryptoportico in Pompeii, and in the House ofLivia on the Palatine. For a full discussion on the typology ofthese underground and semi-underground rooms: Clark Reeder2001, 45–66.In <strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong> though, there is an additionaleffect: it is only at this point that the visitor will perceivethe curvilinear façade adorned with flowerpots. Note thatthis is a side view and not a frontal one. The visitor willfirst perceive the gentle oblique relation of the curvilinearform to the landscape, and then – after exiting to thegarden space and moving some distance – he or she willperceive the curvilinear façade with the flowerpots fromthe front side.This is the façade of the villa towards the southeast.Below it, after some 100 meters, the sloping ground leadsto the water spring. Even if the water spring might nothave belonged to the villa’s owner, the grounds of thevilla enjoyed the fertile land and rich vegetation abovethe spring. We do not know if this southeast façade wasvisible from the road that accessed the villa – a possibilitywhich would ruin my neat surprise scenario – nevertheless,we can be sure that it provided an opulent “face”towards the landscape; an appropriate one for a <strong>Rom</strong>anluxury villa. However, why curvilinear?The curvilinear outline of the villa sits on the slopingground in a very settled way. Its almost amphitheatricrelationship to the landscape recalls the way that Greektheatres employed slopes for their construction. Whenbuilding on a slope one needs a substructure to supportthe upper level. Both orthogonal and curvilinear forms inthis scale satisfy the desire for monumentality (Fig. 13,14). The choice between the two forms might have beenas simple as one of individual choice and taste.6

<strong>Villa</strong> <strong>Anguillara</strong> <strong>Sabazia</strong>Fig. 14. Comparison with the north façade of the <strong>Villa</strong> Oplontis (author’simage).Design Process: the Case of Wolfson CollegeI would like to digress here and recount what happened inthe design process of a 20th century structure: the mainbuildings of Wolfson College in Oxford, which were designedby Philip Powell and John Hidalgo Moya. 18 Thetwo architects had designed orthogonal complexes ofquadrangles, enclosed by tall buildings in concrete. Specifically,the south wing of the river quadrangle was a verylong orthogonal building extending towards the river. Afterhaving seen the designs of the architects, Sir IsaiahBerlin, then the President of Wolfson College, sent a postcardto Philip Powell from Portofino, a pleasant harbourin Italy with curved margins, in which he said: “Can it bethat the sylvan scenes of Cherwell, where everything curlsand curves and the trees, branches, grass, stream, eachpursues its irregular complex line and fantastic patterns– is it here that rectilinear rigors are most suitable? Let mepersuade you to some gentle inclination to a shape lessstiff.” After this communication the south wall of the riverquadrangle came to assume its gentle curve (Fig. 15). 19Sir Isaiah Berlin’s intention was that the building had anappearance more gentle to the human eyes. Is this the answerto our case? I do not wish to assert this.ConclusionIn this paper, I have pointed to the unsettled ways in whichdesign enhances the experience of architecture, landscapeand the relationship between the two. My purpose was tostimulate the imagination about other reasons, sometimesrandom, why a specific form has been chosen – ratherthan the evolution of a specific form or type – and expandour understanding of the luxury villa, or villa expolita,design.________18The architects of the space age spire Skylon for the 1951Festival of Britain in London.19Jessup 1979.Fig. 15. Wolfson College: side view of the south wall of the riverquadrangle (author’s image).For the study of <strong>Rom</strong>an villa architecture, there are nosurviving plans or documents on the design process oron the designers’ intentions, which would allow the architecturalhistorian to approach the design process ofa villa and study architecture as a physical, cultural andsocial product which can be decoded and read. 20 Scholarshave produced archaeological and architectural commentarieson Pliny the Younger’s villa letters, 21 and havewritten chronological and typological accounts of villaarchitecture. 22 They have focused primarily on the socialstructures within <strong>Rom</strong>an villas, 23 on the perception ofthe villas’ art and natural features, 24 on <strong>Rom</strong>an villas asloci of agricultural production 25 and as mediums of displayof wealth and status. 26 This paper has put forward anapproach to the material evidence of <strong>Rom</strong>an villa architecture,by using the analogies of modern architecturaldesign processes and intentions.Mantha Goldhagen 2000; Beneš 1999.21Förtsch 1993.22Gros 2001; <strong>Rom</strong>izzi 2001.23Smith 1997; Wallace-Hadrill 1988, 1994, 1998; Hales 2003.24Bergmann 2002.25Carandini & Settis 1979.26Purcell 1995.7

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