Algebra I: Section 6. The structure of groups. 6.1 Direct products of ...

Algebra I: Section 6. The structure of groups. 6.1 Direct products of ...

Algebra I: Section 6. The structure of groups. 6.1 Direct products of ...


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<strong>The</strong>n H2 ∩ H7 = (e) since gcd(4, 7) = 1; it follows that |H7 · H2| = 28 and G = H7H2. Thus G<br />

is a semidirect product H7 ×φ H2 = Z7 ×φ H2.<br />

Case 1: H2 ∼ = Z4. Identifying H2 = (Z4, +), consider<br />

the standard generator a = [1] 4 <strong>of</strong> Z4. We must<br />

determine all homomorphisms Φ : Z4 → (U7, · ) ∼ =<br />

Aut(Z7, +). Since U7 = {[1], [2], [3], . . ., [6]} is abelian<br />

and |U7| = 6 it follows from <strong>6.</strong>2.17 that U7 ∼ = (Z6, +).<br />

We won’t need this specific information below, but what<br />

we do need is a list <strong>of</strong> the orders <strong>of</strong> the elements in U7,<br />

and the <strong>groups</strong> 〈x〉 they generate, so we can decide which<br />

elements b ∈ U7 may be assigned as images Φ(a) <strong>of</strong> the<br />

generator <strong>of</strong> H2. <strong>The</strong> orders are listed in the table at<br />

right. Since 4 · a = [0] in Z4 ⇒ Φ(a) 4 = [1] in U7, the<br />

only possible assignments are Φ(a) = [1] or [6] = [−1],<br />

which correspond to the automorphisms τ [1] (identity<br />

map) and τ [−1] (inversion) on Z7.<br />

x o(x) Subgroup 〈x〉<br />

[1] 1 1<br />

[2] 3 1, 2, 4<br />

[3] 6 all<br />

[4] 3 1, 4, 2<br />

[5] 6 all<br />

[6] 2 1, 6 ≡ −1<br />

Case 1A: Φ(a) = τ [1] = idZ7. This yields the trivial action<br />

<strong>of</strong> H2 = Z4 on N = Z7; the corresponding group is<br />

the direct product G (1) = Z7 × Z4 ∼ = Z28.<br />

Data Table for U7.<br />

Case 1B: Φ(a) = τ [−1] = J (the inversion automorphism on Z7). <strong>The</strong> automorphisms corresponding<br />

to the various elements in Z4 = {j · a : 0 ≤ j < 4} are Φ(j · a) = Φ(a) j = Jj , so<br />

that<br />

Φ([0]) = I Φ([1]) = J Φ([2]) = J 2 = I Φ([3]) = J 3 = J<br />

In Proposition <strong>6.</strong>2.21 we showed that the multiplication law in the resulting semidirect product<br />

G (2) = H7 ×φ H2 ∼ = Z7 ×φ Z4 takes the form<br />

(29) ([i] 7 , [j] 4 ) · ([k] 7 , [ℓ] 4 ) = ([i + (−1) j k] 7 , [j + ℓ] 4 )<br />

<strong>6.</strong>3.5 Exercise. Suppose we specify generators a, u and write H2 and H7 in multiplicative<br />

notation, so that H2 = {e, a, a 2 , a 3 } and H7 = {e, u, u 2 , . . .,u 6 }. Prove that the multiplication<br />

law in G (2) = H7 ×φ H2 takes the form<br />

(30)<br />

(u i , a j ) ⋆ (u k , a ℓ ) = (u i Φ(a) j (u k ), a j+ℓ )<br />

= (u i+(−1)j k , a j+ℓ )<br />

for all exponents i, k ∈ Z7 and j, ℓ ∈ Z4.<br />

Note: In multiplicative notation, Φ(a) = φa is the operator that maps u j to u −j for all 0 ≤ j < 7.<br />

Furthermore, Φ(a i ) = Φ(a) i . �<br />

Case 2: H2 = Z2 × Z2. <strong>The</strong> analysis is complicated by the fact that the acting group is not<br />

cyclic. It will be convenient to write H2 multiplicatively, as H2 = {e, u, v, w} where<br />

u 2 = v 2 = w 2 = e and uv = w, vw = u, wu = v<br />

Obviously H2 is the internal direct product <strong>of</strong> the two sub<strong>groups</strong> 〈u〉 ∼ = 〈v〉 ∼ = Z2. Consequently<br />

each element g ∈ H2 has a unique factorization in the form g = u i v j with i, j ∈ Z2. As<br />

always, a homomorphism Φ : H2 → (U7, · ) is determined by where it sends the generators u, v.<br />

Furthermore K = ker(Φ) can only have cardinality |K| = 1, 2, 4.<br />

Case 2A: |K| = 4 or 1. In the first case H2 = K acts trivially on H7 and we have a direct<br />

product G (3) = Z7 × Z2 × Z2 ∼ = Z14 × Z2. <strong>The</strong> second case |K| = 1 cannot arise because Φ<br />

would then be injective and Φ(H2) would be a subgroup <strong>of</strong> order 4 in a group U7 <strong>of</strong> order <strong>6.</strong><br />


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