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QUIZ FOR LUKE CHAPTER SEVEN1. When Jesus entered Capernaum in Luke chapter seven, He was asked to heal the servant ofwhat type of individual?a. The governor.b. A centurion.c. A tax collector.2. Who did the centurion send to plead with Jesus in Luke chapter seven?a. Elders of the Jews.b. Soldiers.c. Scribes.3. According to Luke chapter seven, what had the centurion done for the Jews?a. He loved their nation and built a synagogue.b. He captured brigands who robbed travelers.c. He gave money to the poor.4. Fill in the blank in this passage from Luke chapter seven: “Then Jesus went with them. Andwhen He was already not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him,‘Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof. ThereforeI did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But ______________, and my servant will behealed.’”a. “Exercise your power.”b. “Stretch forth your hand.”c. “Say the word.”5. According to Jesus in Luke chapter seven, where had He found such great faith as thatdemonstrated by the centurion?a. He had not found such great faith, not even in Israel.b. He had only found such great faith among the Jews of Capernaum.c. He had only found it in John the Baptist.6. In Luke chapter seven, in which city did Jesus raise the dead son of a widow?a. Jericho.b. Capernaum.c. Nain.7. When the people witnessed Jesus raising the son of the widow of Nain in Luke chapter seven,who did they say had visited? Choose the exact phrase.a. “A Mighty One has visited the people of Israel.”b. “God has visited His people.”c. “The Son of Man has visited us.”8. According to Luke chapter seven, what was the response of John the Baptist to reports aboutthe activities of Jesus?a. He immediately knew that Jesus is the Messiah.

<strong>QUIZ</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>LUKE</strong> <strong>CHAPTER</strong> <strong>SEVEN</strong>1. When Jesus entered Capernaum in Luke chapter seven, He was asked to heal the servant ofwhat type of individual?a. The governor.b. A centurion.c. A tax collector.2. Who did the centurion send to plead with Jesus in Luke chapter seven?a. Elders of the Jews.b. Soldiers.c. Scribes.3. According to Luke chapter seven, what had the centurion done for the Jews?a. He loved their nation and built a synagogue.b. He captured brigands who robbed travelers.c. He gave money to the poor.4. Fill in the blank in this passage from Luke chapter seven: “Then Jesus went with them. Andwhen He was already not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him,‘Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof. ThereforeI did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But ______________, and my servant will behealed.’”a. “Exercise your power.”b. “Stretch forth your hand.”c. “Say the word.”5. According to Jesus in Luke chapter seven, where had He found such great faith as thatdemonstrated by the centurion?a. He had not found such great faith, not even in Israel.b. He had only found such great faith among the Jews of Capernaum.c. He had only found it in John the Baptist.6. In Luke chapter seven, in which city did Jesus raise the dead son of a widow?a. Jericho.b. Capernaum.c. Nain.7. When the people witnessed Jesus raising the son of the widow of Nain in Luke chapter seven,who did they say had visited? Choose the exact phrase.a. “A Mighty One has visited the people of Israel.”b. “God has visited His people.”c. “The Son of Man has visited us.”8. According to Luke chapter seven, what was the response of John the Baptist to reports aboutthe activities of Jesus?a. He immediately knew that Jesus is the Messiah.

. He sent his disciples to ask Jesus if He is the Coming One.c. He was executed by Herod before he had the opportunity to learn about Jesus.9. Fill in the blank in Jesus’ words in Luke chapter seven: “This is he of whom it is written:‘Behold, I send My ___________ before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.’”a. “Messenger.”b. “Prophet.”c. “Baptizer.”10. According to Jesus in Luke chapter seven, he who is least in the kingdom of God is greaterthan whom?a. Caesar.b. Herod the tetrarch.c. John the Baptist.11. According to Luke chapter seven, all the people who heard Jesus talk about John the Baptisthad been baptized with what? Choose the exact phrase.a. The baptism of the Holy Spirit.b. The baptism of fire.c. The baptism of John.12. According to Luke chapter seven, which group of people rejected the will of God and had notbeen baptized?a. The priests in the temple.b. The Pharisees and lawyers.c. The elders of the nation.13. According to Luke chapter seven, what did the men of this generation say about John theBaptist?a. “He has a demon.”b. “He is a false prophet.”c. “He is a holy man.”14. According to Jesus in Luke chapter seven, wisdom is justified by whom?a. The wise.b. Her children.c. The actions of the unwise.15. When Jesus ate in the Pharisee’s house in Luke chapter seven, what did the sinful womanbring to Him?a. An alabaster flask of fragrant oil.b. An alabaster flask of the finest wine.c. An empty alabaster flask.16. What did the sinful woman do to Jesus in Luke chapter seven?a. She asked him to heal her sickness.b. She gave him the alabaster flask as a gift.c. She washed his feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, and anointed them with oil.

17. In Luke chapter seven, Jesus told a parable in which two men owed a creditor money: oneman owed five hundred denarii, the other fifty. Who, according to Simon, would love the creditormore?a. The man whom the creditor forgave more.b. The man whom the creditor forgave less.c. The men would love the creditor equally.18. According to Jesus in Luke chapter seven, why were the sins of the sinful woman forgiven?a. Because the fragrant oil with which she anointed Jesus was expensive.b. Because she loved much.c. Because she wept.19. Fill in the blank in this passage from Luke chapter seven: “Then He said to the woman, ‘Your________ has saved you. Go in peace.’”a. “Grief.”b. “Strength.”c. “Faith.”

ANSWERS TO THE <strong>QUIZ</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>LUKE</strong> <strong>CHAPTER</strong> <strong>SEVEN</strong>1. B (Luke 7:1-2)2. A (Luke 7:3)3. A (Luke 7:5)4. C (Luke 7:6-7)5. A (Luke 7:9)6. C (Luke 7:11-15)7. B (Luke 7:16)8. B (Luke 7:18-19)9. A (Luke 7:27)10. C (Luke 7:28)11. C (Luke 7:29)12. B (Luke 7:30)13. A (Luke 7:33)14. B (Luke 7:35)15. A (Luke 7:37)16. C (Luke 7:38)17. A (Luke 7:43)18. B (Luke 7:47)19. C (Luke 7:50)© 2007 Department of Youth Ministry — Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of NorthAmerica.

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