Carbon 3.13 Release Notes

Carbon 3.13 Release Notes Carbon 3.13 Release Notes

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>New Features & ImprovementsRMF-51RMF-55,RMF-57,RMF-58A new API feature that allows for the combination of one video source and multiple audiosources into a logical input source for a transcoding job, with each source allowed to haveits own in- and out-points. See the “Complex Source” section in the API manual for moreinformation.A new API feature that allows for the multiplexing of a video stream with multiple audio andDVB/STL subtitle streams. It is intended to create DVB compliant files with multiple audioprograms and DVB subtitles. See the “MPEG-2 Transport Stream Multiplexer” section in theAPI manual for more information.Background services & Watch FoldersNr.DescriptionRMF-23Using the Admin application, it is now possible to apply rules to watch folders which havethe possibility to override target parameter settings. The rules include conforming outputfile frame rates to the frame rate of input files, matching input and output aspect ratios, andrenaming input files, among others. See the “Rules” section in the API manual for moreinformation.<strong>Carbon</strong> Coder ApplicationNr.DescriptionRMF-116<strong>Carbon</strong> Coder offers an alternate folder browse dialog for the target ‘Path’ field when theoption ‘Show “Custom Folder Browse Dialog” for Target Path’ is enabled in the Options >Application Settings dialog.Exporter – Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital PlusNr.DescriptionRMF-75Added Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3) encoding ability to the AC-3, H.264, and MPEG exporters.Exporter - H.264Nr.DescriptionRMF-75Added Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3) encoding ability to the AC-3, H.264, and MPEG exporters.5354 In the H.264 exporter, you can now create audio-only MPEG-2 Transport Streams witheither MPEG-1 Level 2 or MP3 audio.Exporter – MPEGNEW FEATURES & IMPROVEMENTS Page 6 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>New Features & ImprovementsNr.RMF-15RMF-55,RMF-57,RMF-58RMF-75RMF-81DescriptionIf input files contain Enhanced Television - Binary Interchange Format (ETV-BIF) information,that information will automatically be read and paired with each video frame of the source.The MPEG-2 exporter has a new “ETV/BIF Passthrough” option for all transport-streambasedoutputs. If this option is enabled, the transport stream multiplexer will insert the ETV-BIF information from the input files into the output files.A new API feature that allows for the multiplexing of a video stream with multiple audio andDVB/STL subtitle streams. It is intended to create DVB compliant files with multiple audioprograms and DVB subtitles. See the “MPEG-2 Transport Stream Multiplexer” section in theAPI manual for more information.Added Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3) encoding ability to the AC-3, H.264, and MPEG exporters.The MPEG Transport Stream Multiplexer adds Active Format Descriptors (AFD) to outputfiles. AFD is not passed through from input files to output files, nor is it used by <strong>Carbon</strong>when transcoding input files that contain AFD.Exporter – MXF-AS02Nr.DescriptionRMF-79,RMF-80A new exporter and importer that allow the writing and reading of MXF AS02 compatiblefiles.Exporter - OmneonNr.DescriptionRMF-101When using the Omneon exporter to create reference files that link to separate video andaudio essence file, it can now be configured to create one audio essence file with all audiochannels in it, or one audio essence file per channel, or one audio essence file per stereopair of channels.5490 Now possible to use FTP after transcoding with the Omneon exporter to deliver outputreference files plus the associated essence files in sub-folders.Exporter - XDCAMNr.DescriptionRMF-62,RMF-103,The XDCAM exporter is extended to support the creation of QuickTime (MOV) and MXF OP-1a MPEG-2 HD 4:2:2 XDCAM files. The MXF and QuickTime importers have also beenNEW FEATURES & IMPROVEMENTS Page 7 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>New Features & ImprovementsRMF-112extended to read those files.FiltersNr.RMF-24RMF-76DescriptionTeletext caption information (page 888) can now be extracted from input video files thatcontain such information in the VBI section of the video frame. This is done by the new“Teletext Data Extraction” video filter, which should be applied to sources. It can also beapplied on targets, but only if such targets also contain VBI, otherwise the source VBI isdiscarded before target video filters have a chance to access it.If input video files contain VBI sections with Teletext page 888 caption information, thosecaptions can be passed on to output files, or burned into the visible video frame of targetsusing two new video filters. These filters should be applied to targets and not to sources. Ifsources don’t contain Teletext page 888 captions, the new filters don’t do anything; there isno support for creating Teletext captions from sources other than input video files.The new “Teletext Data Modulator” video filter will detect if the “Teletext Data Extraction”video filter (see RMF-24) has been applied to the source, and if so will insert the extractedcaptions into the VBI section of targets.The new “Teletext Subtitle Captioner” video filter will detect if the “Teletext DataExtraction” video filter (see RMF-24) has been applied to the source, and if so will burn theextracted captions into the visible video frame of targets.5827 New “Map Alpha to target Y channel” filter allows the creation of separate output files thatcontain only the Alpha channel of the input file in the luma component of the output file.This only works for RGBA input files, and discards all other channels (R, G, & B) of the inputexcept the Alpha channel.FTPNr.Description5490 Now possible to use FTP after transcoding to deliver output reference files plus theassociated essence files in sub-folders.Importer – AVINr.Description5827 New “Map Alpha to target Y channel” filter allows the creation of separate output files thatcontain only the Alpha channel of the input file in the luma component of the output file.NEW FEATURES & IMPROVEMENTS Page 8 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>New Features & ImprovementsThis only works for RGBA input files, and discards all other channels (R, G, & B) of the inputexcept the Alpha channel.Importer – MXFNr.DescriptionRMF-16RMF-79,RMF-80RMF-84A new importer is available which will read EVS XT-1 compatible MXF-wrapped Motion-JPEGinput files.A new exporter and importer that allow the writing and reading of MXF AS02 compatiblefiles.A new importer is available which will read DVS Clipster compatible MXF-wrapped JPEG2000input files.Importer – OmneonNr. Description6220 Allow Omneon importer to read input files with 16 audio channels.Importer - XDCAMNr.DescriptionRMF-62,RMF-103,RMF-112The XDCAM exporter has been extended to support the creation of QuickTime (MOV) andMXF OP-1a MPEG-2 HD 4:2:2 XDCAM files. The MXF and QuickTime importers have alsobeen extended to read those files.Metadata, Captions, TimecodeNr.DescriptionRMF-15RMF-24If input files contain Enhanced Television - Binary Interchange Format (ETV-BIF) information,that information will automatically be read and paired with each video frame of the source.The MPEG-2 exporter has a new “ETV/BIF Passthrough” option for all transport-streambasedoutputs. If this option is enabled, the transport stream multiplexer will insert the ETV-BIF information from the input files into the output files.Teletext caption information (page 888) can now be extracted from input video files thatcontain such information in the VBI section of the video frame. This is done by the new“Teletext Data Extraction” video filter, which should be applied to sources. It can also beapplied on targets, but only if such targets also contain VBI, otherwise the source VBI isNEW FEATURES & IMPROVEMENTS Page 9 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>New Features & Improvementsdiscarded before target video filters have a chance to access it.RMF-76If input video files contain VBI sections with Teletext page 888 caption information, thosecaptions can be passed on to output files, or burned into the visible video frame of targetsusing two new video filters. These filters should be applied to targets and not to sources. Ifsources don’t contain Teletext page 888 captions, the new filters don’t do anything; there isno support for creating Teletext captions from sources other than input video files.The new “Teletext Data Modulator” video filter will detect if the “Teletext Data Extraction”video filter (see RMF-24) has been applied to the source, and if so will insert the extractedcaptions into the VBI section of targets.The new “Teletext Subtitle Captioner” video filter will detect if the “Teletext DataExtraction” video filter (see RMF-24) has been applied to the source, and if so will burn theextracted captions into the visible video frame of targets.RMF-81The MPEG Transport Stream Multiplexer adds Active Format Descriptors (AFD) to outputfiles. AFD is not passed through from input files to output files, nor is it used by <strong>Carbon</strong>when transcoding input files that contain AFD.NEW FEATURES & IMPROVEMENTS Page 10 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Bug FixesBug FixesMiscellaneousNr.Description5241 Expanded the watchdog mechanism to unload transcoding kernels (PNXKERNL.exe) thatotherwise would sometimes have stayed resident after transcoding.5261 Email notifications can now successfully be sent to multiple recipients. Email addresses must beseparated by a semi-colon character ‘;’.5327 Watch Folders with “Delete Local Target After Delivery” set now correctly delete the targetafter a remote delivery, for jobs executed on either Server or Agent machines.5671 Some combinations of one source and multiple targets involving at least one frame rateconversion no longer cause extra intermediate frame rate conversions (for example from 25 to15 to 29.97fps), thus no longer having a resultant loss of quality. NOTE: This never affectedstandards conversions, i.e. NTSC to PAL and vice versa, since those use a completely differentalgorithm.5678 Changed kernel setting "Retry Delay for failed jobs", it is always in effect now that the setting"Manage job queue" has been removed and the job queues are always managed by thetranscoder.5691 Converting from 59.94p sources to 29.97p targets no longer produces blended output frames.In the automatic frame rate conversion mode, if the source is progressive, the "Pick Nearest"algorithm is used.5810 Changing field order between source and target (e.g. DV to top-field-first MPEG) now movescaption data from the CC1 to the CC3 field.5893 Transcoder no longer stalls at 100% when file name contains a '%' character.6349,64106350,6463Added and modified third-party module license and copyright noticesThe installer places third-party module sources and license files in the transcoder folder.6521 Remote deliveries (e.g. NAS, SAN) could previously report as having failed when an Agentperformed the delivery, even though the files were delivered correctly.BUG FIXES Page 11 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Bug FixesAdmin applicationNr.Description5327 Fixed problem where the watch folder option "Delete Local Target After Delivery" was notalways deleting the local output file after it had been delivered to external storage (network orFTP).5544 Added Multi Bitrate Stream option to preset editor in <strong>Carbon</strong> Admin.5817 The Admin app now warns the user if leaving required fields empty. For example, usingCommand Line Notifiers but leaving the command line string empty will no longer result inillegal API XML code and jobs failing.5882 The Admin app now warns the user when a path containing a mapped drive is entered and asksthe user to change the path, and also offers to resolve the path automatically. This is neededbecause the background watchfolder and transcoding service cannot access mapped drives.5906 Reporting Number Of Transcoding Slots correctly when only using Server without any Agents.6112 Fixed display of incorrect preset for editing after any other preset has been copied.6159 No longer shows an exception when editing watch folders while the evaluation license isexpired or the license is invalid in some other way.APINr.Description6265 Fixed truncation problem with SMPTE transition #7 ending in the middle of the specifiedduration.6281 Create output folders in some API jobs if they don’t already exist.6287 Fixed end-of-line character recognition for STL-to-DVB rendering API call.6293 API jobs with SMPTE transitions now show correct progress bar.6318 The PrefetchSource setting for copying files to Agents now works correctly for API calls.Known issues API section: Bug 6426, Bug 6427, Bug 6428.6436 Only the Server now does PostConversion tasks such as FileCopy, FileDelete, and FTPUpload,instead of both Server and Agents trying to execute such tasks.6646 Some API parameters were truncated when saving a project in <strong>Carbon</strong> Coder that containedBUG FIXES Page 12 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Bug Fixeslong parameter names.Background services & Watch FoldersNr.Description5327 Fixed problem where the watch folder option "Delete Local Target After Delivery" was notalways deleting the local output file after it had been delivered to external storage (network orFTP).5400 Nexus now starts automatically on Windows XP 64-bit systems.5665 The Watch Folder option "Retrieve Sources to Agent Machines" now works correctly.5678 The kernel setting "Manage Job Queues" has been set to True and removed from the UI,ensuring that the job queues are always monitored for overflow and a maximum number ofcompleted or failed jobs. The value set for “Retry Delay for failed jobs" is always consideredwhen the transcoder decides whether to retry a job, even for non-farm transcoders. Set thisvalue to zero to disable retries.5772 The Watch Folder > Remote Retrieve > File Retrieve option “Delete Remote Source AfterRetrieval” now works correctly in more circumstances.6200 Email notifications are handled properly on jobs executed on Agents.6298 Job queues are always managed and the number of jobs retained after completion or failuredepends on the product:<strong>Carbon</strong>Agent: Max Completed Jobs: 10 Max Failed Jobs: 100<strong>Carbon</strong>Server: Max Completed Jobs: 1000 Max Failed Jobs: 1000<strong>Carbon</strong>Coder: Max Completed Jobs: 1000 Max Failed Jobs: 10006364,6366For <strong>Carbon</strong> Coder, "Retry Delay for failed Jobs" (and "Max Node Errors" which is not visible inthe <strong>Carbon</strong> Coder UI) now defaults to zero.For <strong>Carbon</strong> Server and <strong>Carbon</strong> Agent, , "Retry Delay for failed Jobs" default to “3” and "MaxNode Errors" defaults to 5.Kernel settings "Retry Delay for failed Jobs"" can be properly configured.<strong>Carbon</strong> Coder ApplicationNr.Description5687,6299Multiple sources stitched together and using the channel mixer filter now produce correct audiooutput.BUG FIXES Page 13 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Bug FixesExporter – Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital PlusNr. Description6455 Some conversions to Dolby Digital AC-3 produced noise due to rounding errors.Exporter – GXFNr.Description5677 FTP uploads from the GXF exporter now correctly deletes existing files when trying to upload afile that has the same name as a file that already exists on the FTP server.Exporter - H.264Nr.Description5577 Added checkbox to create closed captions in SEI message of the H.264 stream which is used byEchostar STBs.6154 A sequence with a mixture of field and frame access units caused errors in the H.264 TransportStream multiplexer.6382 Fixed stalling issues with the H.264 exporter, now shows error message instead.6657 Can now set high AC-3 audio bitrates.6684 Modified multiplexer to correctly handle Transport Streams with high AC-3 and EAC-3 audiobitrates.Exporter - MPEGNr.Description5725 In the MPEG exporter if the HDV HD-2 Stream Format is selected, “Use Sequence DisplayExtension” is correctly automatically enabled. When selecting a different Stream Format such asCableLabs SD, Use Sequence Display Extension is now reset to default instead of being leftenabled for those formats for which it is technically permissible according to the specification.5903 Allow up to 99 chapter points when creating DVD-compatible output, and allow as few as 12frames between chapter points.6122 To prevent stalling when creating Transport Streams, buffer limits are removed in the exporterto compensate for video lead effect due to Grid Encoding. Affects only SMPTE 302 M conversionand wave elementary stream output.BUG FIXES Page 14 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Bug FixesImporter – H.264Nr.Description5811 More Blu-ray AVC sources can now be imported without “Failed to parse the Stream – Streamseems invalid” error messages.6474 Improved handling of open-GOP sources with very few IDR frames.Importer – MPEGNr.Description6396 More robust handling of some out-of-spec sources that have synchronization problems. Suchinput files will be handled in Free Run Mode.Importer – MXFNr.Description6185 MXF DNxHD inputs for which the specified buffer size was not consistent between frames willnow be imported correctly.6305 Expand possible combinations of audio sample size and container size, this allows more MXFinput files to be read correctly.6659 Allow the correction of color space problems with DVS Clipster-compatible files that use XYZcolor space. Please contact support if you run into color space issues when importing thesekinds of files.Importer – QuickTimeNr.Description5684 QuickTime 7 MPEG-4 source files that generate errors in QuickTime are now intercepted and nolonger cause the transcoder to stall.5708 Deals properly with Photo-JPEG sources with multiple segments when the segments havedifferent color spaces. Automatically uses RGBA mode when multiple different color spaces aredetected.5939 In sources that contain video samples with duration greater than 1 second, the samples arebroken into multiple samples of 1 second. This solves stalling issue while maintaining properinterleave duration between audio and video.BUG FIXES Page 17 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Bug Fixes6119 Handle errors generated by QuickTime-wrapped MPEG IMX source files that don’t have properaperture information. These files produced output frames with all white frames.6219 Work around a problem with the QuickTime JPEG decoder. Manage memory use in thetranscoder instead of in the third-party exporter.6226,6272Some Omneon QT DV PAL sources would crash the transcoder because QuickTime would throwan error with unsupported audio formats.6269 Prevent stalling on input files with Sorenson-3 compression that have corruption.6306 Handle input files with display time & decoding time mismatch.6343,6241,5939Some sources with multiple in and out points applied would cause audio/video synchronizationissues.BUG FIXES Page 18 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Known IssuesKnown IssuesAdmin applicationNr.Description5504 Rapid successive clicking on Active Jobs status bars may cause “Unhandled Exception” errors.5612 It is possible to save a preset under the System category with the same name as the existingfactory-default presets. This will not overwrite the default preset, so there will be two presetswith the same name. The only way to tell them apart is that only one of them can be deleted(select the preset and the “Delete Preset” button is enabled).5813 After upgrading from earlier releases, Watch Folders may lose the setting of:- Accept Folders as Assets- Retrieve Sources to Agent MachinesWORKAROUND: Note those values before upgrade and reset them manually after installation.6282 Jobs that do not involve decoding or encoding but only multiplexing do not show progress orpreviews in <strong>Carbon</strong> Admin.APINr.Description5655 and cannot be used in API XML files, and must be used instead.6236 Can’t do a job evaluate in the same API call as an FTP transfer.6291 For multiplex-only API jobs, some players cannot play back AC3 if the source material did nothave the correct Endian-ness. This is not a transcoder problem but a source audio issue, andmay show up as a problem when attempting to play back output created by the transcoder.6294 Windows Media Voice codec is only supported with MS patch installed.6312 Multiplex-only API jobs will overwrite previously-created output files if executed more thanonce.6426 Original source cannot be deleted with a PrefetchSource Job.6427 Executing a job with PrefetchSource may not always delete the Guid Folder inMediaSubmitFolder.6428 Jobs with more than one source are not supported with PrefetchSource enabled.KNOWN ISSUES Page 19 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Known IssuesBackground services & Watch FoldersNr.Description5300 Setting “Log File Retention” in the Logging section of the Kernel settings does not remove old logfiles.5680,5681If “Retrieve Sources to Agent Machines” is set then sub folders are created on the local machineinstead of on an Agent machine if “Propagate Sub Folders” is enabled and the Watch Folder hassub folders placed in it.6399 Watch folder rule DLLs used in a transcoder farm with agents need to be in a shared location sothat agents can access the DLL when processing jobs from watch folders with rules attached.WORKAROUND: After installing the server, copy the default rules DLL (typically from some pathlike “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Rhozet\<strong>Carbon</strong> Server\Kernel\CMLRULEdefault.dll” orequivalent for your system) to a shared location that all agents can access. On the server and allthe agents, open the Admin application and inside the watch folder rules configuration screenset the path to the shared location that contains the DLL.<strong>Carbon</strong> Coder applicationNr.Description5612 It is possible to save a preset under the System category with the same name as the existingfactory-default presets. This will not overwrite the default preset, so there will be two presetswith the same name. The only way to tell them apart is that only one of them can be deleted(select the preset and the “Delete Preset” button is enabled).5670 When converting from sources with a fixed frame rate to targets with a flexible frame rate, the“Pick Nearest” frame rate conversion algorithm is always chosen, whether or not AlwaysInterpolate is selected in Transcoding Settings.5685 In the <strong>Carbon</strong> Coder Targets tab, pressing Ctrl-E or ‘E’ may on some systems shut down <strong>Carbon</strong>.5730 When loading a project containing preset GUIDs that don't (or no longer) exist on the system, anerror message is shown, instead of using the base exporter that the preset was based on andpopulating it with the parameters from the project file.5738 Audio filters are offered as available even for video-only targets.5951 Although the complete file will transcode correctly, a number of LXF files do not show a previewin the Source tab, nor can the individual frames be viewed, nor can in- or out-points be set.WORKAROUND: Trim or preview files in other applications.KNOWN ISSUES Page 20 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Known IssuesExporter - H.264Nr.Description4833 Using 2-pass VBR encoding on a 5 mins source, output file size may be larger than outputscreated with CBR. The Transport Stream multiplexer assumes the highest bitrate that theencoder can generate in VBR. Optionally use the "Use VBR Transport Stream Multiplexer Rate"option to remove Null packets from the TS. When the "Use VBR Transport Stream MultiplexerRate" is checked, the output file size follows the "Average Bitrate" setting.5866 Creating MPEG-4 files for the Play Station Portable with audio set to “Don’t Use” doesn’t createtarget files if Use Streaming Mode is set.WORKAROUND: Set audio to “Use if exists”, and use source files without audio, or don’t set UseStreaming Mode.5873 Some players will buffer a few seconds of MPEG-2 Transport Stream files created by the H.264exporter before starting playback.5877 If the VBV buffer size is set too low in the H.264 exporter, the transcoding job may stall at 99%completion instead of reporting an error.Exporter - MPEGNr.Description6275 When passing through ETV-BIF packets, the transcoder will truncate ETV-BIF packets after thevideo packet insertion is done. Some input files may have many ETV-BIF packets at the end ofthe stream after the video packets, those ETV-BIF packets will not be transferred to the outputfiles.Exporter – MXF AS02Nr.Description6448 Some output files may contain closed GOPs even if open GOPS were requested, due to griddedtranscoding.Exporter – Poster FrameNr.Description5667 If source files are used with shorter duration than the first poster frame interval (e.g. a 10ssource with the interval set to 20s) a first poster frame output file is always created.KNOWN ISSUES Page 21 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Known IssuesExporter – QuickTimeNr.Description5129 Using the QuickTime Plugins exporter and choosing the “QuickTime MPEG-4 Exporter” doesn’tallow the creation of files over 4GB in size. This is a limitation of QuickTime and QuickTime Pro,not of the transcoder.5263 When using the QuickTime Plugins exporter and overwriting existing target filenames, the namemay be shortened to MSDOS-style 8.3 names (e.g. “Transc~1.3gp”).5696 In some cases QuickTime targets may be created with extra audio samples.5732 Problems with QuickTime cause output created with the QuickTime Plugins exporter to bedeleted after conversion. This affects the ‘Apple TV’ format among others.5763 For the QuickTime Plugins exporter, you can’t specify output filename masks such as “%04d”,these are unsupported by the QuickTime output libraries.6447 QuickTime sets a constant time scale instead of using the input file sample rate, which mayresult in truncation of some audio samples when using the QuickTime exporter for AIFF forexample.FiltersNr.Description5812 Down-converting 5.1 audio decoded by user-installed AC3-decoders to stereo causes problemswith the output levels being too low. Using the Parametric 5.1 to Stereo filter followed by theNormalization filter set to “Normalize Peak” will apply the accumulated effects to each channelinstead of considering all channels in the stream. For mixes with some very loud sounds on onechannel, those channels may be over-attenuated.FTPNr.Description5703 Grass Valley K2 servers may have problems with simultaneous uploads by more than onetranscoder, causing the “FTP connection with the server was reset” error to appear.WORKAROUND: Designate a single transcoder for uploads to the K2.5814 No more than 2 simultaneous FTP connections will be used, even if the maximum number of FTPsession is set higher.KNOWN ISSUES Page 22 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Known IssuesGeneral TranscodingNr.Description5679 When converting from sources with a fixed frame rate to targets with a flexible frame rate, the“Pick Nearest” frame rate conversion algorithm may not always pick the nearest frame; this doesnot affect output quality however.6143 Some sources have audio that starts very much later than video, and there may not be enoughmemory to buffer all the video frames that accumulate before the audio starts.6170,6171,6172,6175Duration specified by some input files is inaccurate, this may cause the transcoder to time-outwith an error if the Status Timeouts in the Kernel Settings menu are not set high enough,specifically the Transcoding Inactivity setting.WORKAROUND: Set Timing Mode to “Imprecise” for MPEG sources in the Source tab in <strong>Carbon</strong>Coder.6210 SWF files have limitations regarding duration, the transcoder will not create very long SWF files(approximately one hour or longer).6360 For complex sources with audio of different durations the transcoder will not always use thesource with the longest duration to calculate the total conversion duration, therefore theprogress bar may move slowly to (for example) 25%, then seemingly stall or a while, and thenjump from 25% to 100%.6371 Some invalid characters in source files or clips can lead to errors during transcoding.6457 The same transcoding job if queued multiple times simultaneously may create a conflict resultingin an I/O error when the transcoder tries to create multiple instances of an output file with thesame name.6466 Un-install and re-installation does not keep kernel settings such as "Max completed jobs", "Maxfailed jobs", and "Retry Delay for failed jobs".Importer – GXFNr.Description5621 Some GXF sources report a longer duration than the actual number of frames they contain, thiscan cause longer than expected target files when converting from these kinds of sources.Importer – LXFNr.DescriptionKNOWN ISSUES Page 23 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Known Issues5290 LXF source files that mix sections with- and without VBI are not handled correctly.Importer – MPEGNr.Description5921 The duration specified by some input files is inaccurate, this may cause the transcoder to timeoutwith an error if the Status Timeouts in the Kernel Settings menu are not set high enough,specifically the Transcoding Inactivity setting.WORKAROUND: Set Timing Mode to “Imprecise” for MPEG sources in the Source tab in <strong>Carbon</strong>Coder.6242 Not all old Pinnacle MPEG-1 source files can be successfully converted.Importer – VC-1Nr. Description5673 Some VC-1 sources with multi-channel audio cannot be imported.Importer – Windows MediaNr. Description5654 Some Windows Media sources will not preview or scrub properly.InstallerNr.Description5726,5815Canceling un-installation can show an “Exception” error message (5726) and/or leave the Nexusbackground service unregistered (5815).WORKAROUND: Re-install, then restart the uninstallation.Server applicationNr.Description5335 Server will not detect any Agents if the Windows Firewall is enabled.WORKAROUND: Disable the Windows Firewall on Server and Agent systems.5572 When some Agents in a transcoding farm are disabled, Nexus thinks there are some retriesremaining and doesn’t mark the job as “Failed”.WORKAROUND: Set Max Node Errors in the Kernel Settings to a number smaller than theKNOWN ISSUES Page 24 of 25

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.13</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>Known Issuesnumber of enabled Agents.KNOWN ISSUES Page 25 of 25

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