Lutsenko goes on trial - The Ukrainian Weekly

Lutsenko goes on trial - The Ukrainian Weekly

Lutsenko goes on trial - The Ukrainian Weekly


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16THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011No. 22NEWSBRIEFS...(C<strong>on</strong>tinued from page 2)Rada, according to the document, mustintensify efforts to enact legislati<strong>on</strong> aimedat adapting <strong>Ukrainian</strong> laws to EU standards,the norms and principles of theWorld Trade Organizati<strong>on</strong>. (Ukrinform)Fuel leaking from Russian tankerKYIV – Diesel fuel and oil c<strong>on</strong>tinue toleak from the Russian Volg<strong>on</strong>eft-263tanker sunken al<strong>on</strong>g with a repairing dockoff the Ilichivsk Shipyard in the BlackSea, a local emergencies department officialsreported <strong>on</strong> May 25. <strong>The</strong> area ofc<strong>on</strong>taminati<strong>on</strong> thus far is 70 squaremeters. <strong>The</strong> nearby water area has beentreated with sorbent and spill c<strong>on</strong>tainmentbooms have been set to a total length of420 meters. <strong>The</strong> water area is beingcleaned by two oil garbage disposal vessels.Work is in progress to lift the sunkenvessel, which was carrying 8,000 liters ofdiesel fuel and 1,256 liters of oil.Rescuers have started work <strong>on</strong> pumpingwater from the towers of the dock.(Ukrinform)New heath minister is appointedKYIV – President Viktor Yanukovychhas appointed Oleksander Anischenko asthe new minister of health of Ukraine. <strong>The</strong>corresp<strong>on</strong>ding decree was published <strong>on</strong>the president official website <strong>on</strong> May 24.Dr. Anischenko, a pediatrician, was firstvice-minister of health. Before that, forCLASSIFIEDSTO PLACE YOUR AD CALL MARIA OSCISLAWSKI (973) 292-9800 x 3040SERVICESOR e-MAIL ADUKR@OPTONLINE.NETsix years he supervised the DirectorateGeneral of Health at D<strong>on</strong>etsk Oblast StateAdministrati<strong>on</strong>. <strong>The</strong> chair of the parliamentaryCommittee <strong>on</strong> Health, TetianaBakhteyeva, said, “He has extensive experiencein managing the health care sectorin <strong>on</strong>e of the toughest regi<strong>on</strong>s –D<strong>on</strong>etsk.He understands the current situati<strong>on</strong> inhealthcare and is aware of what reformsare needed today.” <strong>The</strong> president dismissedformer Health Minister IlyaYemets <strong>on</strong> May 17. According to Mr.Yanukovych, Minister Yemets is aremarkable medical specialist, but he wasnot able to implement many reforms.(Ukrinform)Forbes ranks wealthiest <strong>Ukrainian</strong>sKYIV – <strong>The</strong> combined wealth of the100 richest <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s is $56 billi<strong>on</strong>(U.S.), according to a new ranking of the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> editi<strong>on</strong> of the Forbes magazinereleased in mid-April. Forbes estimatedthe fortune of businessman RinatAkhmetov at $16 billi<strong>on</strong>. <strong>The</strong> fortune ofViktor Pinchuk is estimated at $3.3 billi<strong>on</strong>,Privat Group co-owners GennadiyBogolubov and Igor Kolomoisky at $2.5billi<strong>on</strong> each, and Kostiantyn Zhevago(Finance and Credit group) at $2.4 billi<strong>on</strong>.Agricultural billi<strong>on</strong>aires rank sixththrough eighth <strong>on</strong> the list: MHP ownerYuriy Kosiuk ($1.5 billi<strong>on</strong>), Kernel Groupowner Andriy Verevsky ($1.1 billi<strong>on</strong>) andAvangard agro-holding CEO OlehBakhmatiuk ($1 billi<strong>on</strong>). <strong>The</strong> fortune ofDmytro Firtash (DF Group owner) wasestimated at $996 milli<strong>on</strong>, and that ofbusinessman Oleksander Yaroslavsky atPROFESSIONALS$958 milli<strong>on</strong>. Forbes estimated the fortuneof the richest <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s by the valueof their assets. Public companies werevalued based <strong>on</strong> market capitalizati<strong>on</strong> asof February 11 of this year. Closed companieswere evaluated <strong>on</strong> the basis ofinformati<strong>on</strong> about sales, profits and shareholders’equity by comparing them withcompanies traded <strong>on</strong> the exchange.(Ukrinform)<strong>Ukrainian</strong> short film wins at CannesKYIV – <strong>Ukrainian</strong> filmmaker MarynaVroda w<strong>on</strong> the Palme d’Or at the 64thCannes Film Festival for the “best shortfilm” for her 15-minute film “Cross.” <strong>The</strong>film presents the author’s memories ofphysical educati<strong>on</strong> classes. “This is amodern film. Children run cross. I alsoran it at school, then at the institute… Thisis a kind of a poetic piece,” Ms. Vrodatold Radio Liberty/Free Europe. PresidentViktor Yanukovych c<strong>on</strong>gratulated Ms.Vroda, writing, “Due to the c<strong>on</strong>tinuouscreative search and talent of the producer,you have been awarded the Palme d’Or.”Shooting took place in September of lastyear and lasted less than a week. Onlyn<strong>on</strong>-professi<strong>on</strong>al actors were employed,and the film’s budget was 3,500 euros.Ms. Vroda, 29, graduated from Karpenko-Kary Nati<strong>on</strong>al University’s cinematographydepartment; her specialty is directingfeature films. Her master’s thesis is theshort film “<strong>The</strong> Oath,” which was shownat the Kyiv Internati<strong>on</strong>al Youth FilmFestival. Ms. Vroda also directed the movies“Family Portrait,” “Rain” and “Sorry.”This is Ukraine’s sec<strong>on</strong>d win at Cannes.<strong>The</strong> first <strong>Ukrainian</strong> who received thePalme d’Or was Ihor Strembitsky, whowas recognized for his short film“Travelers” in 2005. (Ukrinform)187th party registered in UkraineKYIV – <strong>The</strong> Justice Ministry has registereda new political party called Mist(Bridge), it was reported <strong>on</strong> May 13. <strong>The</strong>ministry’s press service reported thatTetiana Blystiv had been elected to headthe party. Mist is Ukraine’s 187th party.(Ukrinform)Ukraine’s oldest man turns 111KYIV – On May 12 the oldest residentof Ukraine, Petro Lyzan, celebrated his111th birthday, the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Book ofRecords said in a statement. Mr. Lyzan, aresident of the Ternopol regi<strong>on</strong>, willreceive a certificate noting his record.“It’s hard to believe, but Mr. Lyzan todaystill helps his loved <strong>on</strong>es with the housework,he loves to read and is alwayshappy about guests,” representatives ofthe <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Book of Records say. Mr.Lyzan was born <strong>on</strong> May 12, 1900, hasfour children, 10 grandchildren, 25 greatgrandchildrenand <strong>on</strong>e great-great grands<strong>on</strong>.<strong>The</strong> record holder’s relatives say theirpatriarch has no health problems. InDecember 2007, 117-year resident of Lvivregi<strong>on</strong> Hryhorii Nestor died; at that timehe was the oldest man <strong>on</strong> the planet.Currently the oldest inhabitant of the planetis 114-year-old Bessie Cooper from thestate of Georgia. (Ukrinform)Russian Order of Friendship for LytvynKYIV – Russian President DmitryMedvedev awarded the Order ofFriendship to the chairman of the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Parliament, Volodymyr Lytvyn,it was reported <strong>on</strong> May 16. Mr. Lytvynwas h<strong>on</strong>ored for his “significant c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>to the development and strengtheningof friendly relati<strong>on</strong>s and cooperati<strong>on</strong>between the Russian Federati<strong>on</strong> andUkraine,” the Verkhovna Rada’s pressoffice reported. <strong>The</strong> award was presentedto Mr. Lytvyn in St. Petersburg by thechairman of the Federati<strong>on</strong> Council of theRussian Federal Assembly, SergeiMir<strong>on</strong>ov, during the 36th plenary sessi<strong>on</strong>of the Interparliamentary Assembly ofCIS countries. (Ukrinform)Biggest chocolate Easter eggKYIV – <strong>The</strong> biggest chocolate Easteregg in Ukraine was made in Uzhhorod,according to an April 23 report by anUkrinform corresp<strong>on</strong>dent. To create themasterpiece, c<strong>on</strong>fecti<strong>on</strong>er ValentynShtefanyo used 33 kilograms of white andblack chocolate. <strong>The</strong> Easter egg is almost<strong>on</strong>e meter high. <strong>The</strong> egg is d<strong>on</strong>e inJapanese style and decorated with cherrytreeflowers and characters, meaning“love.” On the eve of Easter, the egg wasplaced in <strong>on</strong>e of the largest shopping centersof Uzhhorod. If the Easter egg finds abuyer, the c<strong>on</strong>fecti<strong>on</strong>er promised to transferall m<strong>on</strong>ey to help the people of Japansuffering from the devastating earthquakeof March. (Ukrinform)Russia to buy 60 An-70 planesKYIV – Russia announced plans to buy60 Ant<strong>on</strong>ov-70 aircraft from Ukraine,Russian Defense Minister AnatoliySerdyukov said while visiting theAnt<strong>on</strong>ov State Enterprise in Kyiv with his<strong>Ukrainian</strong> counterpart, Mykhailo Yezhel,(C<strong>on</strong>tinued <strong>on</strong> page 23)OPPORTUNITIESEarn extra income!<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong> is lookingfor advertising sales agents.For additi<strong>on</strong>al informati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tactMaria Oscislawski, Advertising Manager,<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>, 973-292-9800, ext 3040.Run your advertisement here,in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>’sCLASSIFIEDS secti<strong>on</strong>.FOR SALEFully furnished 1BR/1Bathapartment in <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Village, Somerset,NJ. Recently renovated, new hardwoodfloors,oriental rugs, freshly painted, newflooring in kitchen, flat screen TV in livingroom and regular TV in bedroom, new windowtreatments. Laundry in same building.Fully furnished 78,000 or unfurnished 72,000.C<strong>on</strong>tact at 908-601-4405

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