Dealing with loss in our Community - Oshwal Centre

Dealing with loss in our Community - Oshwal Centre

Dealing with loss in our Community - Oshwal Centre


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<strong>Deal<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>loss</strong><strong>in</strong> <strong>our</strong> <strong>Community</strong>by Suraj ShahAbout the AuthorSuraj Shah is a bereavement support visitor,writer and speaker. He lives <strong>in</strong> NW London andis a member of the UK Ja<strong>in</strong> community.The death of a loved one affects us all.You may have lost someone close to you,someone old or young. They may havesuffered a long-term illness or suddenlypassed away. They may have faced a naturaldeath, or have been <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> a car crash.Perhaps they found it so hard to deal <strong>with</strong> their owncircumstances that they took their own life.Every death is different, surrounded by its ownunique set of circumstances.Every <strong>loss</strong> is also different, unique and verypersonal.Loss: a turbulent timeAt a time of <strong>loss</strong> and dur<strong>in</strong>g the months and yearsthat follow, you may f<strong>in</strong>d y<strong>our</strong>self go<strong>in</strong>g through awhole range of emotions. Perhaps you feel angerand frustration one day, then guilt and sadness thenext. Some days you may feel despair, and yet onother days you may experience elation. Some daysyou may feel so lonely that you crave company,while other days you’re suffocated by those aroundyou and just want to push them away.Family, friends and colleagues around you mayeven be concerned about y<strong>our</strong> yo-yo like emotionsand shift<strong>in</strong>g personality. But they'll struggle to f<strong>in</strong>d away to support you, and you too may feel confusedabout how to move forward.So sure enough, just as every death and every <strong>loss</strong>is unique and personal, there is never a one-sizefits-allsolution for deal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>with</strong> <strong>loss</strong>. You need todiscover what works for you and <strong>with</strong><strong>in</strong> <strong>our</strong> widercommunity there is support available to help you<strong>with</strong> it.Support available to live <strong>with</strong> <strong>loss</strong>With<strong>in</strong> <strong>our</strong> community, we have diverse forms ofsupport available to help us come to terms <strong>with</strong> andperhaps even glide through a <strong>loss</strong>.1. Detachment-cultivat<strong>in</strong>g stavansWhen someone <strong>in</strong> the community dies, all membersof the community plus extended family and friendsgather together at a sadadi (a.k.a. prarthna sabha orbetthak) to pay their respects to the family.This is usually where vairagya na stavano(detachment-cultivat<strong>in</strong>g songs) are sung to help usenhance calm <strong>with</strong><strong>in</strong> <strong>our</strong>selves at this delicate time.It is also a wonderful opportunity to stay quiet, br<strong>in</strong>gstillness to <strong>our</strong>selves, and contemplate on thetemporary nature of <strong>our</strong> own bodies, the com<strong>in</strong>g andgo<strong>in</strong>g of people <strong>in</strong> <strong>our</strong> lives and the ever-chang<strong>in</strong>gsituations <strong>in</strong> the world around us.It helps us to question how we could possibly base<strong>our</strong> happ<strong>in</strong>ess on th<strong>in</strong>gs that will <strong>in</strong>evitably changeand enc<strong>our</strong>ages us to start seek<strong>in</strong>g that which ispermanent which will br<strong>in</strong>g rise to everlast<strong>in</strong>ghapp<strong>in</strong>ess and peace.For more about vairagya na stavano, readlive<strong>with</strong><strong>loss</strong>.com/calm-<strong>in</strong>duc<strong>in</strong>g-rituals and to benefitmore from sadadis that you attend, readlive<strong>with</strong><strong>loss</strong>.com/from-disrespect-to-<strong>in</strong>trospect2. Bereavement supportWhen you have faced the <strong>loss</strong> of a loved one, it canoften be hard to talk to family and friends about it.You may go to them seek<strong>in</strong>g support and solace,

ut may f<strong>in</strong>d y<strong>our</strong>self walk<strong>in</strong>g away frustrated andsad.The th<strong>in</strong>g is that family and friends care about youso much and they do want to support you, butemotions, agendas and selfish-motives sometimesget <strong>in</strong> the way, mak<strong>in</strong>g it difficult to see you throughthis delicate time. (By the way, if you happen to beoffer<strong>in</strong>g comfort to a friend who has recently lostsomeone, check out the support tips atlive<strong>with</strong><strong>loss</strong>.com/offer<strong>in</strong>g-support - y<strong>our</strong> friend willthank you for it.)If you f<strong>in</strong>d talk<strong>in</strong>g about y<strong>our</strong> <strong>loss</strong> to be a struggle,you may want to reach out to a bereavementsupport service. They will help connect you <strong>with</strong> abereavement support visitor - an impartial personyou can confidentially talk to about anyth<strong>in</strong>g to do<strong>with</strong> y<strong>our</strong> <strong>loss</strong>, especially th<strong>in</strong>gs that you may feeluncomfortable talk<strong>in</strong>g <strong>with</strong> family and friends about.This is often a free service run by volunteers, so nocharge to you, and available to anyone of any age.You could meet <strong>with</strong> a visitor once a week for awhile and then see how it goes for you.You may wish to seek out a local bereavementsupport service or y<strong>our</strong> GP could refer you to one.Learn more about gett<strong>in</strong>g bereavement support atlive<strong>with</strong><strong>loss</strong>.com/bereavement-support3. Liv<strong>in</strong>g the virtuesIt may sound odd, but the one person you will getmost strength from at this delicate time may just bey<strong>our</strong> loved one who has passed away — through thecontemplation of their virtues.Self-realised Ja<strong>in</strong> sa<strong>in</strong>t Shrimad Rajchandra, uponlearn<strong>in</strong>g about the death of his dearest friend andsoul-mate Saubhagbhai, wrote a letter toSaubhagbhai's sons (Vacchanamrut letter 782, <strong>in</strong>Gujarati). Here is an abridged version — my basicunderstand<strong>in</strong>g so I can share the essence of it <strong>with</strong>you:"His <strong>loss</strong> has caused great sorrow to youbecause (i) he was y<strong>our</strong> family elder / head ofthe family; (ii) of y<strong>our</strong> gratitude towards him;(iii) the awesomeness of his virtues. This isunderstandable. Let go of the remorsearound the <strong>loss</strong> of y<strong>our</strong> family elder, butcont<strong>in</strong>uously remember the great compassionhe has bestowed upon you. Enc<strong>our</strong>age y<strong>our</strong>soul to contemplate on the words of wisdomand virtues he has described. Don't dwell onthe sorrow that you have lost y<strong>our</strong> father, but<strong>in</strong>stead dwell on the <strong>loss</strong> of his qualities.Rem<strong>in</strong>d y<strong>our</strong>self of the awesomeness of hisvirtues. With great patience and tolerance,pacify the sorrow born of delusion and takecomfort and shelter from his <strong>in</strong>spir<strong>in</strong>g words.The follow<strong>in</strong>g virtues of Shree Saubhag areworth contemplat<strong>in</strong>g on repeatedly:straightforwardness; firmness of resolve forthe ultimate truth; benevolence towards allseekers of the ultimate truth."If you feel down now that y<strong>our</strong> loved one's physicalpresence is no longer <strong>with</strong> you, consider shift<strong>in</strong>gy<strong>our</strong> thoughts away from the sorrow of a physical<strong>loss</strong> and towards a recollection and contemplation oftheir magnificent virtues.Appreciation of y<strong>our</strong> loved one's qualities and thevalues they lived their life by can <strong>in</strong>spire you to applythem <strong>in</strong> y<strong>our</strong> own life and help you at a time ofsorrow. Read more on this at:live<strong>with</strong><strong>loss</strong>.com/elder-valueslive<strong>with</strong><strong>loss</strong>.com/miss<strong>in</strong>g-dad<strong>Community</strong> support at a time of <strong>loss</strong>So it turns out that at a time of <strong>loss</strong>, we have somegreat res<strong>our</strong>ces to see through the storm.We have the stavans that cultivate detachment andhelp to calm <strong>our</strong> emotions. We have bereavementsupport from family, friends and services <strong>in</strong> thewider community.Most importantly, we have the <strong>in</strong>spir<strong>in</strong>g virtues ofbhagwan and other elevated souls. We canembrace the teach<strong>in</strong>gs of <strong>our</strong> elders and loved oneswe have lost to <strong>in</strong>spire us to lead a calm andpurposeful life.Sadadi AnnouncementsIf you would like to f<strong>in</strong>d out whether a Sadadi is be<strong>in</strong>g held at<strong>Oshwal</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, <strong>Oshwal</strong> Mahajanwadi or <strong>Oshwal</strong> Ekta <strong>Centre</strong>, <strong>in</strong>respect of any deceased <strong>Oshwal</strong>, you may r<strong>in</strong>g the InformationL<strong>in</strong>e at the <strong>Oshwal</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> and a Recorded Message will adviseof the time of the Sadadi and the name of the person <strong>in</strong> whosememory the Sadadi is be<strong>in</strong>g held.Information L<strong>in</strong>e Telephone Number:01707 661 066 (Recorded Message)

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