Volume 26 – Café Woodys - The Woody Back to School Unit

Volume 26 – Café Woodys - The Woody Back to School Unit Volume 26 – Café Woodys - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Volume 26Café WoodysR HumphriesWoodettes Publications

<strong>Volume</strong> <strong>26</strong>Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>R HumphriesWoodettes Publications

Published 2010byWoodettes PublicationsHous<strong>to</strong>n, Texas, USA© Woodettes Publications 2010R Humphries has asserted his right <strong>to</strong> be identified asthe author of this work with all rights reservedincluding the right of reproduction in whole or in partin any form.<strong>The</strong> Library of Congress has catalogued this edition asfollows Humphries, R [date]Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong> : a novel by R Humphries1st Ed.ISBN [Application Pending]www.woodettes.wordpress.com

Author’s NoteThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters,places and incidents are either the product of theauthor's imagination or are used fictitiously. Anyresemblance <strong>to</strong> actual events or locales or persons,living or dead, is entirely coincidental.<strong>The</strong> s<strong>to</strong>ries based at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Unit</strong> are works of adult fiction based upon the real-lifefantasy games played by the author, R. Humphriesand his wife, the inimitable Jojo.It is the author’s intent <strong>to</strong> create the <strong>Woody</strong><strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> as an imaginative world peopledwith a believable cast and set in familiar surroundingswithin which the readers will become comfortable.<strong>The</strong> vernacular used in the s<strong>to</strong>ries is acombination of the phraseology derived from writingsuch as the British penny comics from the nineteenthirties, current language, slang and idioms, and theinvented parlance known as <strong>Woody</strong> Jargon.As such references <strong>to</strong> ‘beating’, ‘thrashing’, and‘flogging’ have no context <strong>to</strong> the use or avocation ofphysical violence, with the exception of controlledcorporal punishment, against the characters of thes<strong>to</strong>ries.

Dedicated<strong>to</strong>My Beloved Jojo

ContentsOpening Night ...................................... 1<strong>The</strong> Spanking Comedienne .................... 5Flimsy Tennis Shorts ............................ 9A Very Public Whopping ..................... 13Miss Cooper and Miss Masters ............ 17<strong>The</strong> Mistress of Discipline ................... 21Not Much <strong>to</strong> Shoot At ......................... 25Twitchy Bumbags ............................... 29Rules of Engagement ......................... 33Clobber à la Cat ................................. 37Miss Yoshida of Tokyo ........................ 41Miss Papezova of Prague .................... 45Miss Parker of South Kensing<strong>to</strong>n ........ 49Caned by a Legend ............................. 53A Cat Spanking .................................. 57<strong>The</strong> New Celebrities ........................... 61<strong>The</strong> Tom-Tom Drumming Twins ........... 65Just a Couple of Quick Spankings ....... 69Self-Interest and Commissions ........... 73Bibs Down, Ties <strong>Back</strong> ......................... 77Diana Expands her Horizons ............... 81Spanked by a Rozzer .......................... 85A Red-Card ........................................ 89Hardly a Wriggle or a Squirm .............. 93A Spontaneous Spanking .................... 97Another Perfect Kodak Moment......... 101Cha-Ching ........................................ 105<strong>The</strong> Royal Couple ............................. 109Whops and Clobber are Addictive ...... 113A Night Out for Degenerates ............. 117Debs Asks a Favor ............................ 121

1Opening NightAt seven o’clock on Saturday evening twoluxury air-conditioned coaches pulled up in front ofthe red and black striped awning that covered the redvelvet carpet leading <strong>to</strong> the entrance <strong>to</strong> Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>.Security guards provided by Stacks Monroeheld the paparazzi at bay while the inmates of the<strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit glided up the walkway andflocked in<strong>to</strong> the new nightclub owned by Miss SpankyBotts.In the atrium Spanky and Christy Cranfieldwere waiting <strong>to</strong> welcome their chums. Earlier in theday Cassie Cassy and a small team of her mosttrusted assistants had formed an advance party <strong>to</strong>prepare an exotic buffet which included oystersimported from the Puget Sound and Beluga caviarshipped in from the duty free concession in Dubai.Michelle Morgan and Frankie Reese busiedthemselves popping open bottles of 1997 VeuveClicquot Ponsardin and handing out flutes filled withthe icily chilled bubbles.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Cathy Cooper and Karen Masters escorted theinmates on a guided <strong>to</strong>ur of the new establishment.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals were immediately impressed. SpankyBotts had spared no expense in outfitting the newheadquarters for the devoted patrons ofwww.woodettes.com. Spanky had commissioned JojoHeyworth <strong>to</strong> help her recreate an atmosphere thatincorporated many elements of the <strong>Woody</strong> facility. Inthe downstairs bar area a collection of Nicola JaneNixon’s candid pho<strong>to</strong>graphs featuring many of the<strong>Woody</strong> celebrities adorned the wood paneled walls.On the second floor there was a large lockerroom where guests at the nightclub could change ou<strong>to</strong>f their civilian working attire and put on theirclobber. Across the hall Bernadette SummersEnterprises had established a Whops and Clobberboutique. Patrons of the nighterie would be able <strong>to</strong>purchase original <strong>Woody</strong> paraphernalia andmemorabilia and be measured for cus<strong>to</strong>mized clobberthat would be tailored and bear the exclusive BSEmotif.<strong>The</strong> third floor was even more impressive. Jojohad lovingly created three punishment salons. <strong>The</strong>first was a re-creation of a lecture room from the<strong>Woody</strong> facility, complete with six slope-lidded desksand an original Pearson Roller revolving blackboard.<strong>The</strong> second room was an exact facsimile of theimposing punishment room at the back of the <strong>Woody</strong>library, replete with a cus<strong>to</strong>mized spanking s<strong>to</strong>ol thatKaren informed them Spanky had commissioned froma member of the Royal Family that had gone in<strong>to</strong> thecarpentry business.

3Finally there was a replica of the GrandMaster’s study. Hanging on the walls were thereproduction paintings from the Joe SummersCollection that Jojo and her team had produced <strong>to</strong>thwart the Man from Berlin and his gang of thugs.Sitting on the large oak desk was a thirty-sixinch long super cane with a red and black stripedleather handle. A straight-backed chair was placedominously in front of an ornate fireplace. <strong>The</strong> artfulsetup was reason enough <strong>to</strong> send the gals scurryingback downstairs in search of more champagne andcaviar.Spanky Botts had staged a lottery on thewww.woodettes.com website and three hundred luckyWoodettes had received invitations <strong>to</strong> attend the galaopening at the very reasonable price of a grand askull. All the proceeds would be donated <strong>to</strong> the newlyestablished Spanky Botts Foundation.At eight o’clock a fleet of white stretchlimousines pulled up at the café and discharged anarray of clobber-clad Woodettes on<strong>to</strong> the red carpet.Clobber was de rigueur <strong>to</strong> obtain admission <strong>to</strong>the gala opening. Spanky had established strict houserules. Gals who wished <strong>to</strong> participate in the eveningsactivities wore the traditional red and black stripedties identical <strong>to</strong> those worn by the inmates of the<strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit. <strong>The</strong>y would becomemembers of the exclusive club known as ‘Stripies’.Others, who preferred just <strong>to</strong> act as observers, woreblock red ties.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Christy Cranfield, resplendent in her ornatelyembroidered Posh Coat, greeted the guests at thedoor. Miss Cranfield would act as hostess andMistress of Discipline at the establishment.<strong>Back</strong>-stage Claire Brooks was preparing <strong>to</strong>open the evening’s entertainment with her onewomanrevue ‘Caned Laughter’. Spanky had filledClaire’s dressing room with champagne and roses andthe comediennes chums milled about giggling andoffering encouragement.Next door, Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was also preparing<strong>to</strong> participate in the opening gala but she wasshowing significantly less enthusiasm.“I don’t know how I let you persuade me <strong>to</strong> dothis,” she groaned for the thousandth time.“It’ll be very private, only essential personnelwill be allowed in the rooms,” Bernadette Summersreassured her, “and I’ve made sure it’s an all femalecrew.”“Yeah, very private! Three hundred whoopingWoodettes are going <strong>to</strong> watch me get my bumwhapped on close circuit TV,” moaned Debs. “Not <strong>to</strong>mention that pictures of my bumbags are going <strong>to</strong> becirculating around the world in these magazines.”<strong>The</strong> Bounder put her arms around Deborah.“We’ve talked about this a hundred times,” she saidreassuringly. “It’s just a couple of spankings and you’llmake out like a bandit. Trust me on this.”Deborah grunted unenthusiastically.

2<strong>The</strong> Spanking ComedienneAt eight thirty Spanky Botts mounted the stepsof the stage <strong>to</strong> officially greet her guests. As usualSpanky’s clobber was immaculate. Nicola Jane Nixonhad loaned Spanky her personal clobber consultantand they had procured an array of exquisite sets ofclobber from Nixdown’s international network ofbespoke tailor’s. Her blazer and the skirt of hergymslip sashayed in perfect synchronization as shestrode on<strong>to</strong> the stage. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals and theWoodettes whooped and clapped as she politelycurtsied.With a huge beam on her face Spankywelcomed the international guests. She explainedsome of the house rules.“Anyone who so wishes will be more thanwelcome <strong>to</strong> go home with a sore bot<strong>to</strong>m <strong>to</strong>night,” sheassured the audience. “And speaking of sore bot<strong>to</strong>ms,it is my great pleasure <strong>to</strong> introduce a friend of mineand a genuine <strong>Woody</strong> legend who is particularly wellversedin the subject of sore-bot<strong>to</strong>ms. Ladies, lets pu<strong>to</strong>ur hands <strong>to</strong>gether for Miss Claire Brooks.”

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Claire Brooks strode on<strong>to</strong> the stage lookinglong and lithe. She had selected a short gymslip thatshowed off her shapely legs. As usual Claire’s whiterthan white blouse was crisply starched and her tiewas knotted in<strong>to</strong> a perfect vee. Her shoulder lengthauburn hair was pulled back under a matching hairclipwith her fringe arranged in bangs.“Ma brought us up <strong>to</strong> believe that there is noproblem that can’t be solved by a sore bot<strong>to</strong>m,” shebegan. “Obviously I don’t have any problems becausefor the past twenty years I’ve been suffering from avirulent strain of sore-arse syndrome.”<strong>The</strong> idea for the Caned Laughter Revue was aresult of several lengthy discussions with the GrandMaster regarding ways that Claire’s legendary overworkedjaw bone could be better employed thanconstantly interrupting lectures with her pithyobservations. She had debuted the Revue at aSaturday Night Feast back at the facility and hadreceived rave reviews from the inmates.When Spanky had invited her <strong>to</strong> give anabbreviated thirty-minute version of the show <strong>to</strong> openthe club Claire had canvassed her chums for theirfavorite parts of her yarns. With over two decades ofspankings and canings under her bumbags there wasno shortage of material <strong>to</strong> choose from.Her account of her first caning at the ultraposhDay<strong>to</strong>n Manor boarding school brought tears <strong>to</strong>the eyes of the Woodettes. She recounted hersurprise when she found a pink envelope in herpigeon hole containing a polite invitation from her

7House Captain <strong>to</strong> repair <strong>to</strong> her study <strong>to</strong> participate ina six o’clock swishing. An RSVP was requested.According <strong>to</strong> Claire six o’clock swishing’s soonbecame a regular feature on her social calendar. Sheproudly confided with the audience that she emergedfrom her educational career as the second mostcaned school pupil in his<strong>to</strong>ry, just slightly behind DebsMor<strong>to</strong>n.However, she claimed gleefully, she did hold arecord of her own. She had been caught in acompromising position with a stable boy discussingUgandan affairs and was hauled before the Board ofGovernors.At the insistence of Baroness Fielding, whom itwould later be revealed is the younger sister ofMelissa Forsham-Smythe, an ancient and defunctpro<strong>to</strong>col was invoked. Claire was sentenced <strong>to</strong> behorsed and birched.According <strong>to</strong> the records of the Ministry ofEducation between the beginning and end of thegreat European wars of the twentieth century horsingand birching became quite the vogue amongst thestrictest girl’s boarding schools. Nonetheless, thepunishment was considered so ghastly that ministerialapproval was required. Only ninety five applicationswere ever approved out of almost five hundred thatwere submitted.<strong>The</strong> last officially endorsed horsing andbirching was delivered <strong>to</strong> the hind-quarters of AnneStanthorpe, Duchess of Lambourne, for lewd anddrunken behavior. <strong>The</strong> approval was dated in thewinter of 1945. <strong>The</strong> Duchess would later become a

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>conservative Member of Parliament and wasstaunchly opposed <strong>to</strong> the abolition of corporalpunishment.Apparently Baroness Fielding hadn’t read anymemos from the Ministry and persuaded the Day<strong>to</strong>nManor Board of Governors <strong>to</strong> proceed with thepunishment. Claire Brooks became the first schoolgirlin over forty-five years <strong>to</strong> be subjected <strong>to</strong> thehumiliating punishment.Although Claire confesses on her blog that it isone of her least favorite memories it was a tribute <strong>to</strong>her remarkable comedic talents that she was able <strong>to</strong>recount the unfortunate tale with enormous andendearing pith and wit.Claire proved equally witty as she chronicledthe trials and tribulations of her bumbags during hersentence at the Big House. Her imitations of Patty,Katie and the Wart were particularly well-received butshe was a tad nervous, that despite the RadicalRights boycott of the opening, word might get back <strong>to</strong>them. She rather fancied that Patty Hodge might notappreciate being the brunt of her barbed humor. Itmade her bot<strong>to</strong>m squirm just thinking of theconsequences; but trouper that she was Claire Brookssoldiered on.By the time Claire finished her routine and <strong>to</strong>oka bow <strong>to</strong> a standing ovation the Woodettes werethoroughly warmed up for the forthcomingentertainment.

3Flimsy Tennis ShortsUpstairs in the salon that had been designedas a replica of the back room in the library at the<strong>Woody</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit Lady DerbyHunting<strong>to</strong>n and Rosemary Booker were doing theirbest <strong>to</strong> keep Deborah’s spirits up.While Claire was onstage delivering her revuethe camerawoman had busied herself taking someconventional face and body shots of Debs and RachelCox in a variety of pretty tennis outfits. Debs wasrather pleased with the results.Deborah had always had a somewhat roundedphysique, although she preferred it when the pressreferred <strong>to</strong> her as shapely. Unfortunately even a slightupward weight fluctuation was noticeable and severalgutter journalists had reduced her <strong>to</strong> tears when theyhad cruelly accused her of being over-weight andunfit when she had lost grueling tennis matches.However, over the past nine months she had starteda new kick-boxing work-out regime with Suzy Scott.She was genuinely thrilled and amazed by the results.Although she remained rounded there was not an

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>ounce of excess fat on her. Her legs looked terrificand her arms looked strong and muscular withoutappearing bulked up. She was most delighted withher butt, which she had always felt looked overlyplump. Now, thanks <strong>to</strong> Suzy’s regime it was perfectlyrounded, although she had heeded Suzy’s warningthat it would be wise for a <strong>Woody</strong> gal <strong>to</strong> keep a littlespare flesh in that region.Deborah loved digital cameras; thecamerawoman showed them the results after eachpose and allowed them <strong>to</strong> ve<strong>to</strong> any they didn’t carefor.However, Debs was beginning <strong>to</strong> get nervous.<strong>The</strong> set designer had placed the replica spankings<strong>to</strong>ol in front of the fire-place and the camera crewwas making last minute lighting adjustments.For the first of the two pho<strong>to</strong> shoots Deborahwas going <strong>to</strong> be dangled by her training partnerRachel Cox. Rachel was famous in her own right. Shehad played on the international tennis circuit at thesame time as Debs and had been one of the firstcelebrities that the dark forces of the System hadtargeted during the early days of the Purge of theLadettes.After the success of the Clobber Monthly shootfeaturing Debs being spanked by Lady Vix it hadoccurred <strong>to</strong> the edi<strong>to</strong>r of the prestigious sportsmagazine that a layout of Debs being spanked by herdoubles partner would sell like hot cakes.Debs and Rachel would model one of thehottest new designer collections of tennis outfits,which they got <strong>to</strong> keep after the shoot.

11Deborah dismally studied the cus<strong>to</strong>mizedleather paddle. It was a miniature replica of a tennisracquet. <strong>The</strong> leather face had been precision cut <strong>to</strong>resemble the strings of a racquet.“This looks like it will smart big time,” Debscomplained.Rosemary looked sympathetic. “It certainlylooks aero-dynamic,” she agreed.Derby hurried over with a glass of champagnefor Debs.<strong>The</strong> Bounder wandered over. “<strong>The</strong>y’re readywhenever you are,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Deborah. She winked,“bot<strong>to</strong>ms up sis,” she grinned.Deborah scowled. “I can’t wait until the nexttime I have your bot<strong>to</strong>m up,” she growled.<strong>The</strong> Bounder just continued <strong>to</strong> grin.“Do not take any shots until I’m properly overand up,” insisted Debs.Due <strong>to</strong> the extended height of the infamousspanking s<strong>to</strong>ol getting positioned for a dangling wasnot always an elegant process. Although Debs was anathletic cove and had considerable experience ofgetting mounted she did not want pictures of herbeing hoisted over Rachel’s lap floating around theinternet.Deborah gritted her teeth and settled in. Underthe terms of her contracts the spankings she wouldreceive over the course of the evening were required<strong>to</strong> be genuine.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Her first outfit of the evening was a passionpink hauteur-neck singlet and a pair of matchingcot<strong>to</strong>n tennis shorts. As she felt the paddle slowlycircling her rear-end Debs felt fairly certain that theflimsy shorts would not extend her much protection.Deborah was acutely aware of the power ofRachel’s right arm. During the previous year, whenRachel was fulfilling the role of Deputy Red-shirt, theWart had forced her <strong>to</strong> chuck Deborah out of thecafeteria on barely legitimate charges of causing anexcessive disturbance. Following an unfortunateseries of events the Wart instructed Rachel <strong>to</strong> subjectDeborah <strong>to</strong> a twelve stroke running bender. By anystandards it was a fantastic caning. Like Deborah,Rachel’s incredible eye-ball coordination translatedwell <strong>to</strong> the business of whops.Deborah had no doubt that Rachel Cox wouldprove equally potent with a leather paddle as she hadwith a senior cane.Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n felt herself being maneuveredtightly in<strong>to</strong> the crease of Rachel’s lap and then all hellbroke loose inside her flimsy tennis shorts.

4A Very Public WhoppingDownstairs in the bar the Woodettes weremoni<strong>to</strong>ring the progress of the pho<strong>to</strong> shoot on flatscreen plasma screens with eyes as big as saucers.Most of them were ardent fans of Deborah’s blog onthe web-site and had shared her woes over the manymisadventures of her poor beleaguered bum.However, few of them had ever dreamed that theywould get the opportunity <strong>to</strong> watch the author gettingher bum whupped live on close circuit TV.Poor Debs was clearly not having the greatesttime of it. Her contract with the sports mag requiredthat she would receive an initial six across the seat ofthe flimsy tennis shorts, followed by two sets of threewearing different dresses.Debs had been perfectly correct in herassumption that the tennis shorts would offer littleprotection from the leather paddle. <strong>The</strong> hatcheddesign of the paddle head gave her the disconcerting

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>impression that her backside was being tat<strong>to</strong>oed witha pattern that strongly resembled waffle-weave.Rachel Cox loved Deborah like a sister. For adecade and a half they had played tennis <strong>to</strong>gether.Starting as <strong>to</strong>p-ranked juniors and then progressing<strong>to</strong> the professional circuit. Although they were highlycompetitive they were close friends. As the firstBritish women <strong>to</strong> appear amongst the highestechelons of the Grand Prix rankings for over a quarterof a century they formed a strong bond and aformidable doubles partnership.Nonetheless Rachel and Debs had agreed <strong>to</strong>fulfill the terms of their contract and Rachel wasn’tholding back.<strong>The</strong> pho<strong>to</strong>grapher was shooting from everyangle and ignoring Deborah’s obvious consternationencouraged Rachel <strong>to</strong> spank her even harder. <strong>The</strong>process was extremely slow and it <strong>to</strong>ok almost tenminutes for the first six <strong>to</strong> be completed. For even adangle-hardened veteran like Debs it seemed like aneternity.“Are you okay?” asked Rachel as the twomodels prepared <strong>to</strong> change costumes.Debs stared at her bum in the mirror. “Thatthing is lethal,” she groaned. “Where the fuck did youget that from?”Rachel giggled. “Spanky and the Bounder hadit commissioned. It’s quite unique.”

15“So is the state of my arse,” complained Debsstaring at the latticed swelling. “Just great! Wafflearse! That thing really stings.”Rachel gave Deborah a hug and handed her ashort lilac dress. Debs <strong>to</strong>ok it unenthusiastically andpulled it over her head. “Where’s Derby?” she askedhopefully. “I need another glass of bubbles.”Deborah hung upside down panting. Threemore spanks of the lethal paddle had exploded off herright but<strong>to</strong>ck. Rachel turned down Deborah’s skirt andhelped her dismount.“Some excellent affects, Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n,” said thecamerawoman enthusiastically. “Keep up the goodwork.”Deborah frowned and s<strong>to</strong>mped off <strong>to</strong>wards thedressing room. She was not finding it particularlydifficult <strong>to</strong> provide good affects when a leather paddlewas colliding with her arse. She selected a black andwhite chequered dress which she thought made herlook quite pretty. She gingerly sat down in a paddedchair and allowed the make-up woman <strong>to</strong> give her a<strong>to</strong>uch-up.Downstairs the excitement was palpable. <strong>The</strong>Woodettes were overjoyed at the opportunity <strong>to</strong>commune with the <strong>Woody</strong> legends that they had readso much about. During the breaks between takes theyrushed about taking snap-shots with their heroines.Spanky Botts watched the frenetic activity wasa satisfied smile on her face. Her former lover, thefamous artist William Graham had left her a deathbednote instructing her <strong>to</strong> spend his vast fortune on

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>a life of divine decadence. Spanky Botts liked <strong>to</strong> thinkshe was fulfilling her obligation.Every head craned back <strong>to</strong>wards the screensas Debs reappeared head down, arse up with the skir<strong>to</strong>f her dress turned back and a pair of white pantiesstretched across her but<strong>to</strong>cks. <strong>The</strong> sound of thepaddle slapping down blasted out of the speakers asDeborah’s very public whopping continued.Deborah received a well-deserved standingovation as she appeared in the bar dressed in herred-shirt clobber. Spanky hurried over and escortedher <strong>to</strong> the VIP area where Mr Humphries, Jojo,Rosemary and Nixdown were waiting with a chilledbottle of vintage Dom Perignon. She slid in<strong>to</strong> a seatand did her best <strong>to</strong> look cheerful. She chinked glasseswith her closest chums and surveyed the array ofclobber-clad Woodettes milling around amongst theinmates of the legendary <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit.“This is really something,” she muttered.Her chums smiled indulgently. “Bot<strong>to</strong>ms up,sis,” they chorused.“Not funny,” muttered Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n bleakly,“not funny at all.”

5Miss Cooper and Miss Masters<strong>The</strong> stage lights went down and when thecurtain rose and the lights came up a large oak panelhad been lowered from the ceiling. Two women instriped blazers s<strong>to</strong>od facing the panel with their backs<strong>to</strong> the audience, their hands were intertwined on <strong>to</strong>pof their heads and their noses pressed against thewood.Momentarily the familiar figures of ChristyCranfield and Spanky Botts stepped on<strong>to</strong> the stage.<strong>The</strong>re was a buzz of excited expectation in the bararea.“Silence, silence in the facility,” came over theintercom system. “Manda<strong>to</strong>ry six of the best foranybody who makes another sound.”Following a momentary murmur of nervoussniggering silence fell in the bar.“Lower your arms and turnaround,” Spankyinstructed the two Woodettes.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Despite the silence mandate the denizens ofthe Woodettes web-based community burst in<strong>to</strong> around of spontaneous applause as Karen Masters andCathy Cooper obediently <strong>to</strong>ok their hands off theirheads and turned <strong>to</strong> face the audience.<strong>The</strong> two women were both well-known andhighly-respected elders in the community. <strong>The</strong>y werethe original hostesses of the www.woodettes.comweb-site and had been on-line <strong>to</strong> personally welcomenew members on the night of the launch. <strong>The</strong>y werethe senior modera<strong>to</strong>rs in the chat rooms and workedtirelessly <strong>to</strong> ensure that the Woodettes wereprotected from unsavory preda<strong>to</strong>rs.Karen Masters friendship with Spanky datedback <strong>to</strong> the days when Miss Botts had been theno<strong>to</strong>rious spanking muse of William Graham. Karenhad regularly joined Spanky bent over the balustradeof the third floor Venetian Palazzo, entertaining<strong>to</strong>urists on the Grand Canal as they were thrashed bythe famous artist.Karen had helped Spanky nurse William duringhis tragic illness and stayed by her side while shegrieved his passing.Karen and Spanky had been the first women <strong>to</strong>appear at the Snobs and Rotters Tribunal kitted out inclobber and they were largely responsible for thelaunch of the Whops and Clobber phenomena.Karen had gained a reputation as the residen<strong>to</strong>n-line agony aunt and had been appointed as HighPriestess of Community Relations for the new café.

19Cathy Cooper had been quick <strong>to</strong> join Spankyand Karen in the front row of the Tribunal. Cathy wasalready a well-respected figure amongst the spankingestablishment. She made a tidy living hosting regularspanking happenings all around the country and inmainland Europe and Scandinavia. Since the launch ofthe web-site she had expanded operations <strong>to</strong> the USand Canada and was looking at potential openings inJapan and other parts of Asia. Spanky had appointedCathy as the Sorceress of Events and Happenings.Spanky stepped forward. Karen and Cathys<strong>to</strong>od meekly <strong>to</strong> attention.“Miss Cooper and Miss Masters,” said Spankysternly. “You have each been charged with GrossInsubordination in the First Degree and you haveeach elected <strong>to</strong> enter pleas of not guilty, is thiscorrect?”“Yes Madam Sergeant-at-Arms, that is correct,”the two women chorused.“Miss Cooper and Miss Masters it is my duty <strong>to</strong>inform you that after careful consideration of the factsthe panel is unable <strong>to</strong> accept the defenses you haveoffered,” said Spanky. “<strong>The</strong>refore in light of theseverity of the charges you will each receive ninepops of the popping stick.”<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals watched intently. Although theperformance was staged and the outcome preordainedthey studied the reactions of the two womenon stage. Cathy and Karen did their best <strong>to</strong> maintaina s<strong>to</strong>ny-faced demeanor but when their punishmentwas announced their eyes momentarily flickereddown <strong>to</strong>wards the floor, the corners of their mouths

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>twitched slightly and Cathy Cooper balled her fistsand then splayed her fingers open again. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong>gals knew exactly how the two women felt.“Madam Sergeant-at-Arms, escort Miss Cooper<strong>to</strong> the Popping Seat and prepare her for a popping,”instructed Christy in a voice that resonated authority.When Cathy Cooper was at school her chumshad teased her that she must be related <strong>to</strong> an albino.Her fine hair was almost as white as freshly fallensnow, she had oddly pale blue eyes and her skin wasthe shade and texture of porcelain. Her waif-likephysique and impish features made her vaguelyresemble a wood nymph.Cathy unfastened the <strong>to</strong>p but<strong>to</strong>n of her stripedblazer, shrugged it off and handed it <strong>to</strong> Spanky.“Bend over and assume the position,” orderedSpanky.<strong>The</strong> Popping Seat was a large leatherchesterfield. Cathy Cooper obediently bent over thearm and buried her face in the cushioned seat.Spanky hung up the blazer and then reached overand turned back Cathy’s skirt revealing a minisculerear end.

6<strong>The</strong> Mistress of DisciplineChristy unfastened the but<strong>to</strong>ns of her ornatePosh Coat and handed it <strong>to</strong> her Sergeant-at-Arms.Unhurriedly Christy loosened the knot of her tie andunfastened the <strong>to</strong>p but<strong>to</strong>n of her blouse. She neatlyturned back the cuffs of her blouse <strong>to</strong> just below theelbow and then accepted the ceremonial poppingstick from Spanky.Christy flexed the cane between her hands andthen <strong>to</strong>ok several practice swings. <strong>The</strong> long whippystick cut through the air with an ominous whistle.Once she was satisfied with her grip Christyapproached Catherine, set the cane down across herupturned bumbags and tapped it down three times <strong>to</strong>get her measure. She raised her arm in the air andbrought it down swiping.<strong>The</strong> seasoned observers from the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong><strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit were duly impressed. Christy’spreparation had been meticulously timed. Cathy hadbeen prostrated across the arm of the chesterfieldwith her bumbags on display for almost three full

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>minutes before Christy made her final approach. <strong>The</strong><strong>Woody</strong> gals knew from experience that one hundredand eighty seconds could seem like an eternity whenthey were bent over and waiting <strong>to</strong> be caned.It was clear <strong>to</strong> the whop-hardened veterans ofthe <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit that Spanky Botts hadknown what she was doing when she appointed MissChristy Cranfield as the official Mistress of Disciplineat the new café.Not that there was ever much question as <strong>to</strong>who should be offered the job. Christy Cranfield’scredentials were impeccable.Christy had served her apprenticeship at theschool of hard whops. She had attended thelegendary Queensgate Academy where she hadamongst its most errant pupils. Her wayward behaviorhad caused her <strong>to</strong> end up on the receiving end offorty-five beatings.Despite considerable opposition from theGrand Dame the charismatic Christy was voted in asthe all powerful President of Posh by her peers.Her term of office was not without controversy.<strong>The</strong> Grand Dame had declared a brutal war onDeborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n’s bumbags. Debs had been placed ina grossly unfair special disciplinary program and wasthe only girl in the school who could be sentenced <strong>to</strong>be beaten without the right <strong>to</strong> defend herself.Christy had railed against the injustice and hadconsidered standing down so she would not be forced<strong>to</strong> beat her best chum. However, Deborah hadbegged her <strong>to</strong> stay on as President, reasoning that if

23she was going <strong>to</strong> be beaten then it was better <strong>to</strong> bebeaten by someone she trusted.It was a catastrophic year for Debs. Week inand week out she failed <strong>to</strong> conform <strong>to</strong> the minimumrequirements of the program. Every Friday eveningthroughout the school year she was required <strong>to</strong> report<strong>to</strong> the Posh HQ where she would be thrashed byChristy Cranfield.However far from creating a rift between thetwo friends their bond grew even stronger. After shehad been beaten Deborah was dispatched <strong>to</strong> herrooms <strong>to</strong> spend the remainder of the evening insolitary confinement. Defiantly Christy would sneakupstairs <strong>to</strong> comfort Debs and they would spend theevening dissecting the caning whop by whop.Another <strong>Woody</strong> legend <strong>to</strong> attend the academyduring Christy’s term of office was the Bounder. For abrief and inglorious period Bernadette Summers hadposed a serious challenge <strong>to</strong> Deborah’s reputation asthe schools enfant terrible. Her surly belligerence andher disrespect for authority did not sit well with therefined Dames and she was regularly ‘Put on theMenu’. Christy Cranfield was required <strong>to</strong> caneBernadette half a dozen times in as many weeksbefore Miss Summers was dispatched <strong>to</strong> areforma<strong>to</strong>ry as a result of perjuring herself during herfather’s fraud trial.During her year in office Christy was required<strong>to</strong> deliver over three hundred beatings, nonethelesson an internet poll of the academy’s alumni she wasvoted the most popular President of Posh in his<strong>to</strong>ry.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Christy Cranfield knew her way around bothends of a cane. <strong>The</strong>re had been no question inSpanky’s mind that Christy was ideally suited for therole of Mistress of Discipline at the café.

7Not Much <strong>to</strong> Shoot AtCathy Cooper’s heart was racing as she laystretched out across the arm of the leatherchesterfield with her skirt turned back and her navyblue bumbags on display.Cathy had been publicly spanked at numerousof her happenings but they were generally intimateaffairs limited <strong>to</strong> less than a dozen folks. <strong>The</strong> prospec<strong>to</strong>f being caned in front of an audience comprised ofnearly four hundred souls was a daunting proposition.<strong>The</strong> sound of Christy testing the suppleness ofthe long cane made her bot<strong>to</strong>m squirm and hertummy turned a somersault. She heard Christy’s feetapproaching. She swallowed hard. Time seemed <strong>to</strong> bemoving very slowly. Cathy Cooper felt a tremor ofnerves as the cane tapped down. Nonetheless, shethrust her miniscule backside up and settled in <strong>to</strong> bethrashed.In relative terms Cathy Cooper was anewcomer <strong>to</strong> the cane. <strong>The</strong> school she had attendedhadn’t practiced corporal punishment and she had

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>only happened upon her predilection for spanking byaccident while she was a student at university. At aschool themed fancy dress party the female guestshad taken it in turns <strong>to</strong> bend over the arm of a sofaand had <strong>to</strong> guess who was spanking them. <strong>The</strong> parlorgame became an obsession with Cathy and hadinspired her <strong>to</strong> become the hostess of the intimatehappenings.It was not until she met Spanky, Karen andChristy that she extended her reper<strong>to</strong>ire <strong>to</strong> includebeing beaten with a variety of more punishinginstruments. Over the past six months she hadbecome intimately familiar with the effects of canes,straps, slippers and crops. She clenched her teeth asshe heard the ominous whistle of the long cane slicingthrough the air.<strong>The</strong> Woodettes watched intently. <strong>The</strong> sound ofrattan rebounding from navy blue gossamer filled thenight-club.Christy was working with methodical precision.Cathy’s diminutive physique meant that the sweetspot was quite small and she did not have much <strong>to</strong>shoot at. Nonetheless, Christy was determined <strong>to</strong> landall nine strokes in the target area. She caned Cathy ata leisurely place, leaving plenty of time betweenstrokes <strong>to</strong> allow her <strong>to</strong> experience the full cycle ofeach stroke.Cathy Copper had her head nestled in<strong>to</strong> herfolded arms. Each stroke was ricocheting around hercentral nervous system with excruciating effect. Shehad been caned many times by Christy in the privacy

27of Spanky’s Mayfair mews home and she hadcomplete confidence in her chum <strong>to</strong> deliver aperfectly safe beating.<strong>The</strong> Woodettes watched in awed fascination.For some of them it was the first opportunity <strong>to</strong>witness a live caning. Some of the women who hadelected <strong>to</strong> wear striped ties for the evening werebeginning <strong>to</strong> wonder at the wisdom of their choice.Cathy Cooper did her best <strong>to</strong> keep her legsstretched out and her body arched. Despite theexcruciating heat in her backside she unders<strong>to</strong>od thenecessity of presenting Christy with the perfecttarget.Christy <strong>to</strong>ok a tight grip on the cane. <strong>The</strong> firsteight strokes had gone of swimmingly, landingunerringly across the sweet spot, Christy wasdetermined <strong>to</strong> finish with the perfect closer. She <strong>to</strong>okaim and swung the cane through the air.Cathy Cooper braced herself. She knew what<strong>to</strong> expect, Christy Cranfield would close the caningwith a diagonal stripe.<strong>The</strong> sound of the cane slicing across her navyblue bumbags exploded in her ears. <strong>The</strong> impact of thecloser had an instant nerve-jangling, teeth-chatteringeffect. Cathy’s left leg involuntarily crooked at theknee. She gritted her teeth and balled her fists as thewave of pain wracked through her body.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Karen Masters licked her dry lips as shewatched Christy stepping in for the closer. Shewatched Cathy’s back arch and her ankle twitch asthe cane sliced down with perfect timing andaccuracy. Karen Master’s knew that Cathy’s backsidewould be sizzling like a pan filled with sausages andthat in just a few minutes her own would beexperiencing similar sensations. She could hardlywait.

8Twitchy BumbagsMeeting Spanky Botts in Venice had been arevelation for Karen Masters. She had been fascinatedwith spanking ever since she had witnessed anunfortunate school friend being unexpectedly turnedover a teacher’s knee.She had experimented on the BDSM scenewhile she was at university, but the results hadgenerally been unsatisfac<strong>to</strong>ry. <strong>The</strong>n she had metSpanky Botts and William Graham. She wasimmediately in<strong>to</strong>xicated by their lifestyle devoted <strong>to</strong>divine decadence. <strong>The</strong>y treated her fabulously,inviting her <strong>to</strong> stay at the palazzo. After severalmonths she plucked up the courage <strong>to</strong> make herdebut bent over the balustrade <strong>to</strong> be publicly caned infront of hundreds of gawking <strong>to</strong>urists. Now sheplucked up her courage and prepared <strong>to</strong> be caned infront of several hundred gawking Woodettes.Karen Masters felt a shiver of excitement asshe felt her skirt being neatly turned back. In someways Karen was unusual. She had discussed the

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>ana<strong>to</strong>my of being beaten in the www.woodettes.comchat rooms and had been surprised <strong>to</strong> discover thatthis was the moment that most Woodettes dreaded,the finality of having their bumbags exposed. Bycontrast it was a moment that Karen cherished.Karen Masters loved the ritual of preparation.She loved being <strong>to</strong>ld <strong>to</strong> remove her blazer and <strong>to</strong>bend over. She loved the nervous sensation ofphysically folding herself in half and offering herbackside up for punishment and she almost burst withexcitement when her skirt was finally turned back.Christy Cranfield shared Karen’s love of rituals.She tapped the cane down three times and thenwaited a few seconds before swinging her armthrough the air, knowing that Karen would beexploding with excitement.Karen panted with joy. <strong>The</strong> effect of the firststroke was quite exquisite. First the breath-takingsharpness of the immediate impact, followed by thenerve-jangling electric shocks at the far extremities ofher body, and then the slow underburn as the stripesworked their magic deep beneath her flesh. Shewaited for the next one <strong>to</strong> arrive.Spanky Botts had promised her guests a night<strong>to</strong> remember and from the excited looks on the facesof the Woodettes it was clear that she was deliveringthe goods.Christy Cranfield was delivering the goods.Karen Masters was expecting a good, tight thrashingand Christy wasn’t letting her down. Christy swung

31the cane with consummate ease and piercingaccuracy. <strong>The</strong> swishes and thwacks echoed aroundthe cafe.Karen Masters was squirming with excitement.<strong>The</strong> first six stripes were sizzling under her bumbagsand she still had three bonus pops <strong>to</strong> look forward<strong>to</strong>o. She wiggled her bum provocatively. <strong>The</strong> canewhistled through the air.All around the bar area the Woodettes wereexchanging glances. Some of them were veterans ofthe BDSM scene, a few of them had actually beencaned at school, but for the majority of the guests theGrand Opening was an opportunity <strong>to</strong> bring theirdeepest fantasies <strong>to</strong> life for the first time. However, itwas clear that Karen was getting a world-classwhopping and backsides all around the bar werebeginning <strong>to</strong> twitch nervously.Christy sliced the cane down for the ninth time,delivering an explosive closer. Even Karen couldn’ts<strong>to</strong>p her legs from kicking in a mixture of delight andagitation as the heat seared across her upturnedderriere.For a few seconds she hung upside down,trying <strong>to</strong> catch her breath. Finally she pushed herselfup from the Popping Seat. Spanky handed Karen herblazer.Cathy Cooper, Christy Cranfield and KarenMasters joined hands and <strong>to</strong>ok a bow <strong>to</strong> rapturousapplause.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Miss Spanky Botts stepped forward with asmile on her face. Michelle Morgan and Frankie Reesecarried a large barrel shaped <strong>to</strong>mbola on<strong>to</strong> the stage.<strong>The</strong> Woodettes watched curiously. Bumbag twitchingwas taking on a new intensity.

9Rules of EngagementWith a twinkle in her eye Spanky Bottsannounced the rules of engagement at the newestablishment.Periodically a draw would be held. <strong>The</strong> namesof three of the guests who had elected <strong>to</strong> wearstriped-ties would be announced. <strong>The</strong>y would berequired <strong>to</strong> repair immediately <strong>to</strong> stand at the bot<strong>to</strong>mof the stairwell and perform nose and <strong>to</strong>es for fifteenminutes. Subsequently they would adjourn <strong>to</strong> theupstairs salon that they had each been allocatedwhere they would receive six of the best. Herannouncement was met with a communal gasp fromthe Stripies.In the publicity material for the Grand OpeningSpanky had been somewhat vague in her invitationfor the Woodettes <strong>to</strong> participate in the evening’sactivities; merely offering them the opportunity <strong>to</strong>participate in ‘some good old fashioned spanking fun.’Watching Cathy and Karen getting theirbacksides whipped with long, swishy canes certainlyput a whole new definition on the concept of fun.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>It was a once in lifetime opportunity Spankyexplained. Not only would they have the chance <strong>to</strong> bepunished by legendary <strong>Woody</strong> Gals including VickyBromp<strong>to</strong>n, Claire Brooks, Cat Cassidy, Melons and theButcher Twins, but by several genuine members ofthe Brass as well. Dotty Hammell, Jane Lummell,Pauline Gascoigne, Suzy Scott and Stephanie Powellhad made themselves available. Even the Dyke haddonned a tuxedo and bow-tie and brought herfearsome tawse <strong>to</strong> the opening.Generously, Spanky gave the Stripies anopportunity for a last-minute bail-out. <strong>The</strong>re was acollection of block ties available for anybody whowished <strong>to</strong> change their minds about participating, sheinformed them.All around the bar area the Stripies exchangeduncertain glances. Unquestionably, several werethinking that an exchange of neckwear might be agood idea but nobody seemed <strong>to</strong> want <strong>to</strong> be the firs<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>to</strong> bail-out.Spanky gave them a few minutes and whennobody left the bar area she shrugged and span the<strong>to</strong>mbola. Christy Cranfield opened the lid and stuckher arm inside. She extracted three cards and readthem out one by one.It was a tribute <strong>to</strong> the international flavor ofthe Whops and Clobber zeitgeist when the first namewas announced.“Miss Mika Yoshida, visiting us from Tokyo,please proceed <strong>to</strong> the bot<strong>to</strong>m of the stairwell and

35assume the pose,” instructed Christy. “Ms Gascoignewill be along <strong>to</strong> beat you shortly.”Every head in the bar area turned and watchedas the sound of a bar-s<strong>to</strong>ol was heard scraping on thewooden floor.Miss Yoshida of Tokyo looked a little stunnedas she slipped off the s<strong>to</strong>ol. She wore her darkshoulder-length hair loose under a straw boater witha red and black striped band and the WB2SU logo inthe front. Her clobber was immaculate. She edgedher way around the tables and sofas that filled theroom and walked <strong>to</strong>wards the stairwell, averting hereyes and looking self-conscious. She hurried over <strong>to</strong>the wooden panels and leaned her neck forward untilher nose was <strong>to</strong>uching the wall. Slowly she raised herarms and linked her fingers on the <strong>to</strong>p of her strawhat.Once Mika was satisfac<strong>to</strong>rily positioned Christyannounced a second name. “Miss Romana Papezova,visiting us from the Czech Republic,” announcedChristy, continuing the international theme, “pleaserepair <strong>to</strong> the stairwell and assume the position. MissMelanie White will be thrashing you this evening.”<strong>The</strong> Czech woman looked equally shocked asher predecessor. She did her best <strong>to</strong> look nonchalantas she passed through the bar but her gait wasawkward and like Mika she averted her eyes from thegawking Woodettes as she crossed the room.“And finally for this round,” announced Christy,“we have a young lady who did not have <strong>to</strong> travel sofar this evening. Miss Amanda Parker, who <strong>to</strong>ok thetrain up from South Kensing<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> join us this

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>evening, please take up your position. Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>riaBromp<strong>to</strong>n will be dealing with you <strong>to</strong>night.”Amanda Parker rose with a confident andtruculent swagger. As she crossed the room underthe surveillance of the trained eyes of the <strong>Woody</strong> Galsthere was an unspoken consensus that this might notbe Miss Parker’s first rodeo.With the three Woodettes lined up at thebot<strong>to</strong>m of the stairs Christy <strong>to</strong>ld the guests that theywere free <strong>to</strong> resume their gabbing but warned thatany excessive goofing, larking or pranking couldresult in them joining the trio at the foot of the stairs.

10Clobber à la CatDeborah was beginning <strong>to</strong> feel a little better.Her but<strong>to</strong>cks were still throbbing from the workoutwith the lattice faced paddle but she conceded thatthis was not an unusual state of affairs and wasn’t areason not <strong>to</strong> have any fun. Lady Derby was keepingher glass replenished. Debs was not a big drinker butshe considered that getting marginally squiffy was anappropriate plan of action for the type of mission shewas undertaking.Debs spirits had been increasingly buoyedwhen Bernadette had made the commercially prudentmove of persuading the edi<strong>to</strong>r of the sports magazine<strong>to</strong> cut a cheque made out for cash.Debs stared at the cheque. “Considering howmany times I’ve been spanked and caned gratis, Isuppose it’s not bad dosh,” she sighed.“<strong>The</strong>re’s plenty more where that came from,”said the Bounder. “I can get you loads of contractsand not a bad deal at my twenty-per-centcommission.”“Fifteen-per-cent, Bounder,” corrected Debs.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>“Whatever,” shrugged Bernadette and sheturned <strong>to</strong> Lady Derby. “Make sure that Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n’sglass is amply replenished,” she said magnanimously.Deborah giggled. “Very generous Bounder, thebooze is free.”“Whatever,” said Bernadette and hurried overthe concession stand <strong>to</strong> see how the sale ofmemorabilia was going.“It’s time <strong>to</strong> go up,” said Cat Cassidy, “thedresser is waiting.”Deborah sighed and swallowed down her drink.She followed Cat across the bar area.“Good luck,” she whispered <strong>to</strong> the three galsstanding at the foot of the stairs with their hands ontheir heads.Deborah had personally requested for CatCassidy <strong>to</strong> carry out the first over-the-knee spanking.Debs had always been chummy with Cat but recentlythey had become very tight.Debs knew that Cathryn had been extremelyinfluential in Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria’s decisions <strong>to</strong> promote her,first as Captain of the Red House, then as her deputyand finally <strong>to</strong> the ultimate role of Red-shirt. With LadyVix officially back in the game it was Cat that Deborahturned <strong>to</strong> for sage advice when she had trickydisciplinary decisions <strong>to</strong> make.<strong>The</strong> dresser handed Deborah an exquisite silkturquoise ball gown. She went behind the changingcurtain and slipped it on. To her delight it clung <strong>to</strong> herlike a second skin.

39“Ooh, look at you,” smiled Cat, clapping herhands. “Bella, bella!”Deborah grinned.Cat Cassidy’s chums teased her that she lookedlike a gypsy straight from central casting. She hadinherited her lush dark hair and coal black eyes fromher father, the music mogul, Chris Cassidy. Beforebeing dispatched <strong>to</strong> the Big House Cathryn had beenamongst the most pho<strong>to</strong>graphed women in the worldas she flitted from party <strong>to</strong> party on every continent.She had been considered <strong>to</strong> be the globalambassador of the Extreme Ladette movement. Shehad favored black turtle-necks, leather jackets in avariety of colors and was rarely seen withoutsunglasses. She was considered a fashion icon.For the Grand Opening she was wearingclobber à la Cat. Cathryn had her blouses tailored bya Saville Row shirt-maker who had been frequentedby Cat’s idol, Frankie Sin. <strong>The</strong> collars were speciallydesigned <strong>to</strong> accent a slightly loosened tie. “Frank wasa man who really knew how <strong>to</strong> wear a tie loose,” Catwas fond of telling her chums. She wore a micro-miniskirt that barely covered her bumbags, black fishnets<strong>to</strong>ckings with a matching suspender belt. On herhead she wore her trademark boater at a jauntyangle. Her dark eyes were accented with black eyelinerand her broad, smiley mouth was painted withscarlet lip gloss. Cathryn Cassidy knew how <strong>to</strong> makeclobber look like a style statement.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Deborah posed for a number of conventionalshots in the turquoise gown accentuated with avariety of necklaces, bangles and earrings.“We’ll be just a few minutes before we startthe main shoot,” said the camerawoman. “<strong>The</strong> salonsare about <strong>to</strong> be temporarily occupied.”Debs could hear steps in the stairwell as theunfortunate Stripies made their way upstairs for theirmeetings with destiny.

11Miss Yoshida of TokyoMika Yoshida looked around the lecture roomsomewhat apprehensively. <strong>The</strong>re were six desks,neatly positioned in two rows with a central aisleabout four feet wide separating them. <strong>The</strong>re was asingle larger table at the front of the room, along witha tall rolling blackboard. In many ways it resembledthe classrooms she had frequented years ago back inTokyo, with the exception that several crook handledcanes hung from hooks screwed in<strong>to</strong> the sides of theblackboard.“Is this your first time?” asked Christy.Mika nodded. “With the cane, yes,” she said. “Ihave been spanked many times but always with thehand.”Christy nodded. “Ms Gascoigne is a very skilledpractitioner. You will be in safe hands.”“Will she absolutely cream me?” asked Mika.She spoke with a strong accent, her r’s sounding asl’s.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Christy studied the Japanese woman. It wasdifficult <strong>to</strong> discern her age, her skin was flawless andwrinkle-free. She could have been aged anywherebetween twenty and fifty.“No,” said Christy, “I wouldn’t suggest beingcreamed the first time out. Ms Gascoigne will give yousix, middling warm.”Mika nodded her head.“If you wish <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p at anytime just holler, MsGascoigne will give you plenty of time betweenstrokes,” Christy <strong>to</strong>ld Mika.“I won’t holler,” said Miss Yoshida proudly.“Only muffs yell.”Pauline Gascoigne flexed the cane between herhands. Mika Yoshida was bent across one the desks,her arms dangling over the far side, her jet black haircascading between her arms.Ms Gascoigne was impressed; Mika hadremoved her hat and blazer and bent forward withoutany fuss. Pauline turned back the hem of the navyblue gymslip. She tapped the cane down three times.Pauline had been delighted when Spanky hadelected <strong>to</strong> invite the Brass <strong>to</strong> the opening. Over thepast few months’ she had taken <strong>to</strong> attending theSaturday night feasts back at the facility. At first ithad just been her and Dotty Hammell, on a tipsydare. However, much <strong>to</strong> her surprise Pauline hadenjoyed herself despite getting a very stiff nine-strokewhopping from Christy Cranfield. She had continued<strong>to</strong> attend the feasts and had persuaded StephaniePowell and Jane Lummell <strong>to</strong> join them.

43Sportingly the Dames had agreed <strong>to</strong> participatein the post-dinner activities and Pauline had receivedtwo more canings. She had also been required <strong>to</strong>deliver several gratui<strong>to</strong>us punishments.Ms Pauline Gascoigne had been responsible forcaning hundreds of backsides in a formal setting. Shehad always prided herself in being able <strong>to</strong> actdispassionately. She was just performing her duty.But in the light-hearted atmosphere of the Great Hallshe had found herself having terrific fun. She saw noreason <strong>to</strong> turn down Miss Spanky Botts’s generousinvitation <strong>to</strong> attend the gala opening.Miss Yoshida of Tokyo flinched as the cane cutacross her bumbags. <strong>The</strong> sensation wasextraordinary, unlike anything she had ever feltbefore. At school she had been spanked several timesfor misbehaving. She had found the experiencethrilling and during college and, later, when she hadfound work in a beauty salon she had pursuedspanking opportunities whenever they presentedthemselves.Mika Yoshida had come across thewww.woodettes.com web-site in a routine Google forthe word spanking. She had been immediatelyenthralled. She had read everything she could findand became enamored by the idea of six of the best,or 最 もよいのの6 in her native <strong>to</strong>ngue. Nonetheless,when she had boarded the plane at Narita Airport shehad not imagined that she would find herself in theposition of being bent across a desk with PaulineGascoigne beating her bandy with a whippy stick.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>However, Miss Yoshida did not have much time<strong>to</strong> ruminate over her circumstances; she was deeplyengrossed in the business of keeping from howling.Christy watched the proceedings admiringly.<strong>The</strong>re was no question that Pauline was highly skilledwith the cane. She was swinging her arm quitegently, delivering the type of caning that would barelymake a whop-hardened veteran from the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong><strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit blink. Nonetheless, the strokes werearriving with enough sting and smart <strong>to</strong> get theattention of an inexperienced newbie like Mika.<strong>The</strong> smart and sting of the cane had certainlygot Mika’s full attention. <strong>The</strong> heat in her rear end hadrisen <strong>to</strong> a previously unimaginable temperature. She<strong>to</strong>ttered <strong>to</strong> her feet. She looked as if she dearlywished <strong>to</strong> break in<strong>to</strong> an idiot gig and rub and rub andrub.“You did very well,” smiled Christy. “You canrub if you want?”“Only muffs rub,” grunted Miss Yoshida fromTokyo through clenched teeth.

12Miss Papezova of PragueRomana Papezova was looking distinctlyanxious. <strong>The</strong> sounds of Mika being caned in the nextroom had made her tummy turn somersaults. Shelicked her lips apprehensively as Christy entered thespace designed <strong>to</strong> replicate the punishment roomfrom the <strong>Woody</strong> facility.“You look nervous,” said Christy in a gentlevoice.“A little,” responded Romana.Christy was surprised; the woman had barely ahint of an Eastern European accent.“You speak good English,” said Christy.“I am a transla<strong>to</strong>r at the British embassy inPrague,” explained Romana.Christy nodded. “You don’t have <strong>to</strong> go throughwith this,” she assured the Czechoslovakian woman.“Everything at the café is voluntary.”Romana shrugged. “I chose <strong>to</strong> keep my stripedtie on,” she said pointedly.“Fair enough,” said Christy. “Have you everbeen caned before?”

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Romana shook her head. “But I have a friendat the embassy, an English woman, she was caned atschool. We have discussed her experiencesextensively.”Christy narrowed her eyes slightly. “At leastthat’s something I suppose,” she said <strong>to</strong> herself.“No experience at all?” she asked aloud.Romana shook her head. “That is why I’mhere,” she said. “I wish <strong>to</strong> gain some experience inthese matters.”Christy nodded. “Miss White will be dealingwith you <strong>to</strong>night. She is a very professional lady.Romana, you must promise me one thing. If at anytime you don’t like this you must tell us. We will s<strong>to</strong>pimmediately.”Miss Romana Papezova of Prague nodded herhead. “Yes Ma’am,” she said. “I promise I will.”Melanie White removed her red blazer andloosened her tie. She slowly rolled back the sleeves ofher blouse. She looked over at Romana. When Melonshad first entered the room the Czech had still lookedanxious but now her expression had turned <strong>to</strong> one ofintense curiosity. She was staring at the long, thincane that Melanie was flexing between her handswith her head cocked <strong>to</strong> one side.“Are you ready?” asked Melanie.Romana nodded.“<strong>The</strong>n I must ask you <strong>to</strong> remove your blazerand <strong>to</strong> bend over and <strong>to</strong>uch your <strong>to</strong>es,” said Melanie.“Yes Ma’am,” said Romana.

47Melons had a reputation as a terrific whopper.During her Elite year she had served as the DormRaider and had returned <strong>to</strong> share the role with ClaireBrooks during the current year. She consistentlyscored high marks for artistic merit, technical contentand heat fac<strong>to</strong>r on the GalGab web-site. Her caningswere always controlled, accurate and extremely tight.However, as she <strong>to</strong>ok aim at the upturned bumbagsof Miss Papezova of Prague Melanie White knew thatshe would have <strong>to</strong> bring all her skills <strong>to</strong> bear. Shepulled back her arm and swung the cane through theair.Caning a newbie was a balancing act. Romanahad made it clear that she wanted <strong>to</strong> experience sixof the best so Melanie felt obliged <strong>to</strong> deliversomething more than six gentle taps. Nonetheless,she was careful not <strong>to</strong> lay it on <strong>to</strong>o thick.Romana <strong>to</strong>ok a sharp intake of breath as thecane sliced across the crown of her but<strong>to</strong>cks. <strong>The</strong>subsequent ignition of every nerve ending in her bodyalmost overwhelmed her. Nothing she had read or theconversations she had with her English friend at theembassy could have prepared her for the effects ofher first ever stroke of the cane.Melanie waited patiently, watching for anysigns that Romana wanted her <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p. <strong>The</strong> Czechwoman’s knees had buckled slightly when the canemade impact and her hands had slid up her shins.She stamped one of her feet on the floor and shookher head from side <strong>to</strong> side.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Finally Romana straightened her legs, reachedback down and <strong>to</strong>uched her <strong>to</strong>es and bravely pushedher bot<strong>to</strong>m up a little higher.Melanie White stepped in and swung the canethrough the air.“You did very well Miss Papezova,” smiledMelanie. “Are you okay?”<strong>The</strong> Czechoslovakian grimaced. “I was not sure what<strong>to</strong> expect,” she said through gritted teeth, “but as wesay in my home country ‘Budu žít další den na smrt’.Melanie arched an eyebrow. “And that wouldmean?”“I will live <strong>to</strong> die another day,” and she grinnedweakly.

13Miss Parker of South Kensing<strong>to</strong>nAmanda Parker s<strong>to</strong>od in an untidy slouch withher hands thrust in the pockets of her open blazer.Her tie was loosened and her <strong>to</strong>p but<strong>to</strong>n unfastened.She did not look the least bit intimidated by hersurroundings.“Let me guess,” said Christy, “I’d say that thisisn’t your first trip <strong>to</strong> the circus?”Amanda shook her head. “I got the cane a fewtimes at school and I’ve scened quite a bit sincethen,” she said quite nonchalantly. “I copped a pleaand did a two year stretch at Radcliffe forMisdemeanor Ladetting,” she added. “It was acomplete drag. I should have waited and let themsend me <strong>to</strong> <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>, seems like that would have beena lot more fun,” said Miss Parker coolly.Christy grinned. “I’m going <strong>to</strong> leave you alonefor a few moments,” she said. “I will return with LadyBromp<strong>to</strong>n. I suggest that you use the time <strong>to</strong>straighten up your clobber and assume a rather morerespectful pose before she arrives.”

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Amanda Parker’s eyes flickered withamusement. “Yes Ma’am,” she drawled.Christy grinned at Vix. “You’ve got a live one inthere,” she <strong>to</strong>ld her chum. “I don’t think you’ll need <strong>to</strong>worry about pulling the strokes, she’s jonesing for ahot one.”Vicky Bromp<strong>to</strong>n rolled her eyes.Amanda Parker had ignored Christy’s advice <strong>to</strong>rearrange her clobber but she did shuffle in<strong>to</strong>something vaguely resembling an attention as Vic<strong>to</strong>riaapproached her. She appeared completely at ease inthe room that had been decorated similarly <strong>to</strong> theGrand Master’s office back at the facility.It was hardly surprising that Amanda seemedat home in her surroundings. As a schoolgirl she hadspent an inordinate amount of time in theHeadmistress’s office at the expensive boardingschool she had attended.Although she was a studious cove and wasrarely disruptive in class boarding school had notsuited Amanda. She was a loner by nature and hadnot responded well <strong>to</strong> the pack-animal routines thattend <strong>to</strong> prevail at such institutions. She liked <strong>to</strong> go offand do her own thing, which predominantly involvedbreaking the rules with no apparent rhyme or reason.<strong>The</strong> Headmistress and her staff <strong>to</strong>re their hairout. <strong>The</strong>re was no particular pattern <strong>to</strong> Mandy’smisbehavior, except persistence. She appeared <strong>to</strong>break the rules just because they were rules. Whenconfronted regarding her erratic behavior Amandararely offered any explanation or excuse and seemed

51perfectly amenable <strong>to</strong> accepting the consequences ofher actions.<strong>The</strong> school considered itself <strong>to</strong> be a liberalinstitute and used corporal punishment sparingly.Pupils who received the cane rarely returned for asecond helping. During the period that Amandaattended the school only two other girls went back fora repeat dose. By contrast, Amanda Parker was caneda dozen times.Much <strong>to</strong> the Headmistress’s chagrin beingcaned didn’t seem <strong>to</strong> bother her most errant pupil andsometimes she suspected that it amused Amanda.Despite her appalling disciplinary record shegraduated with good grades and secured a place atCamford <strong>to</strong> read Medieval His<strong>to</strong>ry. Apparently thestrictures of university life didn’t suit Miss Parkermuch either and her anti-establishment tendenciesbrought her in<strong>to</strong> conflict with the authorities. Duringher short tenure at the college the former residentdisciplinarian, Ms Phyllis MacAllister, was invited <strong>to</strong>return on several occasions <strong>to</strong> roast Amanda’s rumpwith the two-tailed tawse.After being sent down following an incidentinvolving minor arson she moved <strong>to</strong> the Smoke.Despite benefiting from a generous trust fundestablished by a wealthy aunt she chose <strong>to</strong> seekemployment. She waited tables at the famous schoolthemedcabaret, the Tuck Shop, where she rubbedelbows with Miss Spanky Botts. Amanda regularlyaugmented her tips by <strong>to</strong>uting her navy bluebumbags <strong>to</strong> enthusiastic revelers. She was also

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>frequently featured as a special guest at CathyCooper’s spanking happenings.Unfortunately trouble continued <strong>to</strong> follow MissParker wherever she went and she caught theattention of the Dark Agents of the System. Duringher second appearance before the sentencingcommittee she was warned that a further charge ofLadetting would earn her a seven year stretch at theBig House under the three strikes and out rules.Daunted by the prospect of the lengthy sentence sheaccepted an offer of a two year stretch at theRadcliffe <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit.Trouble continued <strong>to</strong> hound her and on severaloccasions she was required <strong>to</strong> hold out her hand <strong>to</strong>be caned with the instrument originally procured <strong>to</strong>punish Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n. Mandy only escaped beingtransferred <strong>to</strong> <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong> due <strong>to</strong> the annual quota oftwelve new inmates having already been filled.When Amanda emerged from Radcliffe theWhops and Clobber zeitgeist was in full flow. Amandaimmediately visited a haberdashery and purchased astriped blazer and associated <strong>Woody</strong> clobberaccessories. She secured membership on thewww.woodettes.com web-site and in the privacy ofher South Kensing<strong>to</strong>n apartment she spent her daysimmersing herself in the daily reports of the antics ofthe legends from the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit.

14Caned by a LegendLady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n looked Amanda Parkerup and down.“Your tie’s undone and your blazer isunfastened,” she said pointedly.Mandy shrugged. “What of it?”“Spanky posted the Clobber Pro<strong>to</strong>cols on theweb-site,” Vic<strong>to</strong>ria said evenly.Amanda nodded. “Yes Ma’am, I read them.”“<strong>The</strong>n you understand the consequences ofblatant clobber abuse?” asked Vic<strong>to</strong>ria.Amanda nodded again. “Yes Ma’am, I believe Ido.”“Very well,” said Lady Vix. “Miss Cranfieldplease make a note that when Miss Parker next visitsthe café she is <strong>to</strong> report upstairs for a manda<strong>to</strong>ryslippering.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria couldn’t help noticing the flicker of asmile that crossed Amanda’s face when she heard thenews.“Now Miss Parker, I must ask you <strong>to</strong> removeyour blazer and bend over the chair,” said Vic<strong>to</strong>ria.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Although Lady Vix had delivered the vastmajority of her punishments with the ceremonial Redshirthairbrush the pro<strong>to</strong>cols dictated that shemaintained her certification with the cane. Followingthe Sally Poffers fiasco during the previous yearVic<strong>to</strong>ria had been forced <strong>to</strong> stand in as Captain of theBlue House while Claire’s appointment as successorwas being formally ratified. Vix had been required <strong>to</strong>beat several gals on House Business and had receivedrave reviews for her prowess with the cane. Vix wasconfident that if Miss Parker was jonesing for a ho<strong>to</strong>ne, she could deliver.Amanda shrugged off her blazer andunhurriedly approached the straight-backed chair infront of the fireplace. She hung the jacket across theback and slowly folded herself in half so that she wasreaching over and gripping the rung just below thecushioned seat. Once she was in position she settledin. She couldn’t believe her good fortune. She hadn’treally known what <strong>to</strong> expect at the café, Spanky hadplayed her cards close <strong>to</strong> her chest. Never in herwildest dreams had Amanda Parker imagined shewould find herself bent over the back of a chairwaiting <strong>to</strong> be caned by a legend.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria watched intently for Amanda’sreaction. <strong>The</strong> former Red-shirt had unleashed arelatively hot one as an opener. Amanda’s back hadarched a little at the moment of impact but she hadstayed resolutely in position. If anything she hadpoked her bot<strong>to</strong>m up a little higher as she waited forthe second stroke <strong>to</strong> arrive.

55Christy and Vic<strong>to</strong>ria were impressed by MissParker of South Kensing<strong>to</strong>n. Clearly she was cut fromthe right stuff. Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria had kept the heat fac<strong>to</strong>rup high for the first five strokes but Amanda hadbarely squirmed. She kept her body in tightformation, her head well down and her arse well up.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria <strong>to</strong>ok a tight grip on the cane andstepped in <strong>to</strong> deliver the closer.Amanda Parker gritted her teeth. Despite hercourageous display the slender cane was getting herfullest attention. She gripped the rung of the chairand waited for the closer <strong>to</strong> arrive.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria sliced the cane down diagonally <strong>to</strong>complete a perfect five-bar gate. It was a magnificentstrike that echoed around the room like a rifle-shot.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria and Christy waited patiently whileAmanda gathered herself. She remained folded overthe back of the chair, her but<strong>to</strong>cks twitching visibly,for almost a full sixty seconds before straighteningup.Amanda kept her eyes closed as the waves ofpain surged through her body. She had forgotten howmuch it hurt <strong>to</strong> be thrashed with a whippy stick,nonetheless as the pain cycled through her systemshe felt a rush of exhilaration. She slowly pushedherself up from her prone position and turned <strong>to</strong> faceVicky and Christy. Her lips were slightly pursed andher face was pale but there was a noticeable twinkle

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>in her eye. She kept her hands by her sides andshowed no inclination <strong>to</strong> reach back and rub.“Bravo,” smiled Christy.“Well taken,” grinned Vic<strong>to</strong>ria.Amanda let her breath out in a long, low hiss.She nodded her head slightly in acknowledgement.She winked at Vic<strong>to</strong>ria.“You’re good,” she said, “you are very, verygood.”

15A Cat SpankingDownstairs in the bar area the Woodetteswatched the plasma screens. Upstairs in the replicalibrary Cathryn Cassidy was seated on an armlesschair. <strong>The</strong> guests watched excitedly as Deborahoffered Cat Cassidy her wrist and allowed herself <strong>to</strong>be lowered downwards.Debs stretched out in<strong>to</strong> a full drape. <strong>The</strong>camerawoman crouched down and asked her <strong>to</strong> raiseher head and stare in<strong>to</strong> the lens. <strong>The</strong> mo<strong>to</strong>r windwhirred and the shutter snapped a dozen times. <strong>The</strong>camerawoman s<strong>to</strong>od up and Debs lowered her headback down between her out-stretched arms. She feltCathryn smoothing out the material of the skirt of hergown over her upturned but<strong>to</strong>cks. She sighed andwaited <strong>to</strong> be spanked.Cat Cassidy put her arm around Deborah’swaist and tucked her in tightly <strong>to</strong> the crease of herlap. She raised her hand in the air and started <strong>to</strong>spank.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong><strong>The</strong> size of the cheque from the sportsmagazine and Lady Derby’s frequent replenishment ofher champagne flute had revived Deborah’s spiritssomewhat. Although her backside was still tenderfrom the earlier excursion over Rachel’s knee thespanking was quite <strong>to</strong>lerable.Cat was delivering the smacks in a leisurelyand systematic manner. Six slow spanks <strong>to</strong> the rightbut<strong>to</strong>ck followed by six on the left. Deborah settledin<strong>to</strong> the rhythm, wriggling and squirming theatrically.Every now and again the camerawoman would crouchdown and Deborah would dutifully con<strong>to</strong>rt her facein<strong>to</strong> a silent howl.Cat delivered a second leisurely set of twelvespanks that were barely an inconvenience <strong>to</strong> a whophardenedveteran like Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n. It occurred <strong>to</strong>Debs that at five hundred quid a spank it was goodwork if you could get it. She hammed it up for thecamera.“Jeez,” panted Debs. <strong>The</strong> sudden full-on blitzattack had caught her unawares. Twelve full bloodedspanks had rained down on her unsuspectingposterior at a rapid pace. Involuntarily her legs hadscissored spastically, her fists had pummeled the airand her head had shaken from side <strong>to</strong> side.“Perfect,” applauded the camerawoman asDebs shocked face was caught up front and personal.“Yowser!” groaned Debs as the camerawomanbusied herself pho<strong>to</strong>graphing her squirming rear end.Cathryn helped Debs <strong>to</strong> her feet and put herarms around her. “Are you okay,” she asked.

59“Jeez Cat, that was some wicked spanking,”groaned Debs. “You <strong>to</strong>ok me by surprise. I was notexpecting a fucking blitz attack. Sometimes I forgethow effective a plain good old fashioned handspanking can be.”Lady Derby Hunting<strong>to</strong>n hurried over with aglass of champagne. “Here drink this,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Debs.“Rosemary’s going <strong>to</strong> be along in a second <strong>to</strong> cool youdown before your next session.” She turned <strong>to</strong>Cathryn. “You were fantastic Miss Cassidy,” she said.“Any one who can make Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n wriggle andsquirm like that must be a true artiste. I’d be honoredif you’d spank me sometime at your convenience.”“Oh good fucking grief, Derby, you are trulyfucking barking,” giggled Debs.Derby just giggled and retrieved a ratherfetching red chiffon dress from a hanger.Rosemary spread Deborah out across her lapand dipped her fingers in<strong>to</strong> a pot of cooling balm.“That’s quite a glow you’ve got going on,” sheremarked as she ran her fingers over the hot andswollen flesh.“Oh, ya think,” snorted Debs. “You don’t thinkI’d noticed? Who’d have guessed that Cat’s got handslike fucking house bricks?”“Well you’re nearly finished now,” saidRosemary reassuringly. “Just one more session andyou’re done for the night.”“That’s easy for you <strong>to</strong> say,” groaned Debs.“Just one more session maybe, but its just one more

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>session with the Butcher Twins and I’m pretty surethat those gals can spank hard.”Rosemary rubbed the mystical balm in<strong>to</strong>Deborah’s swollen flesh. “Just think of all the lovelywonga you’re making,” she advised, “and you’ll getthrough it.”“Hmmm,” muttered Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n.

16<strong>The</strong> New CelebritiesDownstairs Mika, Romana and Mandy Parkerhad been feted like conquering heroines when theyhad wriggled back in<strong>to</strong> the bar area.<strong>The</strong> three gals were greeted with a hugewhoop of applause and stamping of feet. <strong>The</strong>y werehugged and kissed and copious flutes brimming withicy bubbles were thrust in<strong>to</strong> their hands. Wisely allthree of them declined the offers of seats as theysipped their champagne and began <strong>to</strong> give whop bywhop accounts of their close encounters with the<strong>Woody</strong> legends. <strong>The</strong>y had become instant celebrities.While Deborah was switching outfits inpreparation for her final pho<strong>to</strong>-shoot of the nightthree more Stripies were nervously mounting thestairs that led <strong>to</strong> the punishment salons. Once againthe draw had produced an international selection ofWoodettes featuring guests from Australia, Icelandand a small <strong>to</strong>wn in Southern Ireland. <strong>The</strong>y each hadvaguely befuddled looks on their faces as theyclimbed the stairs.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Spanky slipped in<strong>to</strong> a chair in the VIP areawhere Jojo and Mr Humphries were seated.“How do you think its going?” she askedsomewhat nervously.Jojo smiled. “Look around you,” she replied.“Everybody’s having a blast.”Spanky grinned. “How about you guys?” sheasked. “I’m sorry everybody is bothering you, butyou’re <strong>Woody</strong> royalty.”Jojo patted Spanky’s hand. “We’re fine. It’s sogreat <strong>to</strong> have a chance <strong>to</strong> meet all the gals from thechat rooms. You should be proud of yourself.”Miss Spanky Botts beamed from ear <strong>to</strong> ear.Miss Bernadette Summers beamed from ear <strong>to</strong>ear as she counted the moolah she was taking at theconcession stand. Even taking in<strong>to</strong> account the largecharitable contribution she was obliged <strong>to</strong> make <strong>to</strong>the Spanky Botts Foundation the Bounder was makingout like a bandit. She dearly wished that she hadcommissioned her Uncle Stacks sweatshops <strong>to</strong> work afew extra shifts.Christy Cranfield moni<strong>to</strong>red the proceedingsupstairs in the punishment salons. <strong>The</strong> three Stripieswere doing remarkably well, but, of course, they werein safe hands. Claire Brooks, Dotty Hammell andPhyllis MacAllister had been selected <strong>to</strong> deliver thelickings.Christy was particularly impressed by theDyke’s performance. Phyllis was dressed in a spiffytuxedo, a starched wing-collar shirt and a silk bow-tie.

63She had selected a grey <strong>to</strong>pper with a six-inch crownand a <strong>to</strong>ned black grosgrain ribbon for the evening.She sported a monocle and spats with white bindingand silver snaps. <strong>The</strong> Dyke had an eight and a halfinch long telescopic cigarette holder, with a buttejection feature, clamped between her teeth. She wascarrying a tumbler filled with a healthy slug ofFamous Grouse when she strode in<strong>to</strong> the upstairssalon.<strong>The</strong> Dyke was scheduled <strong>to</strong> thrash SiobhanO’Rielly, a dark haired beauty from Castle<strong>to</strong>wnroachin County Cork. Siobhan had confessed <strong>to</strong> Christy thatshe had some limited experience of corporalpunishment. She had once received a bare bot<strong>to</strong>mspanking with a hairbrush in front of the wholeschool, delivered by one of the Sisters of Mercy fromthe convent she had attended.Christy was slightly concerned that PhyllisMacAllister might be a little intimidating for therecreational spanking theater. <strong>The</strong> Dyke had areputation for being an ultra-<strong>to</strong>ugh disciplinarian. Hergravelly voice and almost impenetrable Highlandaccent added <strong>to</strong> her dour aura. However, Christyneedn’t have worried, everything went offswimmingly. Phyllis was charm itself and actuallycracked a couple of jokes with Siobhan beforebending her over and beating her bandy with thetwo-tailed tawse.Miss O’Reilly of County Cork showedremarkable resilience and even shared a hug with theDyke before returning downstairs <strong>to</strong> bask in her newfound celebrity.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong><strong>The</strong> guest’s attention returned <strong>to</strong> the plasmascreens as Debs entered the replica libraryaccompanied by Patsy and Lindsey Butcher.Deborah s<strong>to</strong>od five feet four in s<strong>to</strong>ckinged feetand was relatively short in stature for an internationalclass tennis player. <strong>The</strong> Amazonian Rastafarians<strong>to</strong>wered over her in their high-heeled shoes.

17<strong>The</strong> Tom-Tom Drumming Twins“You have <strong>to</strong> be kidding me!” wailed Debs asthe crew explained the art direction for the nextpho<strong>to</strong>-session.“It’ll add a little humor <strong>to</strong> the piece,” the artdirec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong>ld her.“Yes, very funny,” growled Debs, “my sides aresplitting from laughing.”<strong>The</strong> beautiful Rastafarian twins were seated ontwo chairs facing each other. As usual the twinslooked magnificent. When the athletic twins had beenat the height of their fame as the fastest two womenin the country they had regularly been courted by theglitterati of the fashion world and were amongst thehighest paid models in the world. Side by side theywere almost indistinguishable although back <strong>to</strong> backLindsey was half an inch taller.<strong>The</strong> twins were dressed identically in skinhugging white blouses which contrasted with theirebony flesh, and micro-mini skirts that showed offtheir long, athletic legs. <strong>The</strong>ir ties were loosened and

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>their cuffs rolled back. <strong>The</strong>y both wore their hairpulled back from their faces with their waist-lengthbraided dreadlocks tied back in matching scrunchies.Dressed in a slinky red chiffon numberDeborah was draped across their knees. <strong>The</strong> twoformer <strong>Woody</strong> inmates were simultaneously spankinga but<strong>to</strong>ck each. Using both hands the twins werebeating time <strong>to</strong> a samba soundtrack that thepho<strong>to</strong>grapher had thoughtfully put in the CD player.“This is ridiculous! I feel like a damned <strong>to</strong>m<strong>to</strong>mdrum,” Debs complained. <strong>The</strong> twins ignored herand continued <strong>to</strong> spank her bot<strong>to</strong>m in perfectsynchronization with the music.“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” growled Debs as the cameraflashed in her face.Although she was tight with the Butcher TwinsDeborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was having considerable difficultyfeeling the love. She was not amused at the tinkles oflaughter coming from the bar while she was beingsamba spanked. <strong>The</strong> Butcher twins hands rat-a-tattattedoff the seat of her dress at an alarming pace.Although the spanks were not being delivered withmuch force the speed with which they were arrivingwas extremely disconcerting.Downstairs the Woodettes were getting in<strong>to</strong>the swing of things. Gals were bending over tables,bar s<strong>to</strong>ols and sofas encouraging their chums <strong>to</strong> slaptheir bums <strong>to</strong> the rhythm of the exotic music.Spanky Botts grinned widely. “Have you everseen anything like this?” she giggled.

67Jojo shook her head in amazement. “Never,”she laughed. “Just look at Nix and Penny Ann and MsScott,” she said in disbelief.Nicola Jane Nixon had folded herself across abars<strong>to</strong>ol and flipped up her skirt. Penny Ann and SuzyScott were gleefully spanking her <strong>to</strong> the sound ofsamba.Upstairs, Deborah was beginning <strong>to</strong> gyrategymnastically. <strong>The</strong> samba-spanking was going onconsiderably longer than she cared for.“Just another couple of dozen spanks,” the artdirec<strong>to</strong>r assured her.“Are you fucking kidding me, I’m done,” Debsspluttered and tried <strong>to</strong> scramble free.Patsy and Lindsey exchanged glances,uncertain whether <strong>to</strong> release their chum. Sensing awindow of opportunity for escape Deborah used allher strength <strong>to</strong> catapult herself from the twins’ laps.It was not an elegant exit but it proved successful. Inone athletic bound she was free.<strong>The</strong>re was considerable tension in the room.<strong>The</strong> twins were adamant that they would not continuewithout Deborah’s full consent. Bernadette and theart direc<strong>to</strong>r were haggling over contractual liabilities.Debs had gone <strong>to</strong> the changing rooms and wasinspecting the state of her rear end.“Everybody thought that was funny?” Debsasked sulkily.Spanky Botts smiled and handed Debs acamcorder and showed her video footage of theboisterous shenanigans in the downstairs bar.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Deborah peered in<strong>to</strong> the viewfinder. “Oh goodfucking grief,” was all she could think of <strong>to</strong> say.“I’ve negotiated a completion bonus,”announced the Bounder.Debs snorted. “I’ve <strong>to</strong>ld you, I’m done,” shesnapped. “Now go and collect my cheque. I’ve keptmy end of the bargain. How many pho<strong>to</strong>graphs canthey need?”“Oh come on Debs,” pleaded Bernadette.“What harm? I mean the twins aren’t even spankingyou hard. It’s just a little paddy whacking.”Deborah scowled. “I felt ridiculous. I’m notgoing <strong>to</strong> act as a fucking <strong>to</strong>m-<strong>to</strong>m. People are going<strong>to</strong> start calling me Bongo Bum.”“That part is finished,” said Bernadettesmoothly. “<strong>The</strong>y just want you <strong>to</strong> get a quickspanking from each of the twins and then it’ll be donewith.”Deborah narrowed her eyes. “What <strong>to</strong> youdefine as a quick spanking?” she asked suspiciously.“And how much is this fucking completion bonus?”

18Just a Couple of Quick Spankings“Oh my lawd, I must be fucking barking,”muttered Debs as Patsy Butcher’s right hand loudlyrebounded off the seat of her skirt.It had taken all of the Bounders negotiatingskills <strong>to</strong> persuade Debs back in<strong>to</strong> the punishmentsalon. Bernadette had finally been reduced <strong>to</strong> offeringDeborah a volume discount on her commissions if sheagreed <strong>to</strong> take another trip over each of the twins’laps.When Deborah had emerged from thechanging rooms in a little black cocktail dress andthree inched spiked heels she had felt rather elegant.Her hair had been bundled prettily on <strong>to</strong>p of her headand she wore an exquisite pearl necklace withmatching earrings. She posed for several fashionshots before she allowed herself <strong>to</strong> be lowered facedown across Patsy’s lap. However, she was quicklyfinding it difficult <strong>to</strong> feel even vaguely elegant spread-

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>eagled face down and arse up having her bot<strong>to</strong>msoundly spanked by an Amazonian Rastafarian.Deborah wriggled and squirmed in Patsy’s lap.It occurred <strong>to</strong> her that she would have been better offcontinuing the Great Samba Spanking. Although shehad felt ridiculous acting as a <strong>to</strong>m-<strong>to</strong>m drum the slapshad been delivered with considerably less force thanthe taxing bombardment she was currently sufferingunder the terms of her completion bonus.Nonetheless, she gritted her teeth and settled in.“It’s only a fucking spanking,” she consoledherself.Patsy possessed a good right arm. Severalnights a week she returned <strong>to</strong> the compound andworked out with weights in the facilities WellnessCenter. She was spanking Debs at a leisurely pace,three spanks on the right but<strong>to</strong>ck, followed by threeon the left, and then methodically repeating theprocess.<strong>The</strong> camerawoman was crouched down withher lens focused on Deborah’s face capturing everynuance as the spanking proceeded. Even through thematerial of the cocktail dress the spanking wasgenerating considerable heat in Deborah’s alreadytender rear end. She was having no difficulty showingthe full gamut of her emotions.Patty blew on her right hand. “You’ve got ahard arse,” she grinned, “my hand is stinging likecrazy.”

71“Oh I am so sorry,” Deborah drawledsarcastically. “Perhaps if you hadn’t spanked me sohard you wouldn’t have that problem.”Debs was taking a brief breather <strong>to</strong> have herhair and make-up <strong>to</strong>uched up. <strong>The</strong> art direc<strong>to</strong>r wasexplaining that they would shoot the final spankingfrom the rear end.“I’d like <strong>to</strong> see plenty of wriggling andsquirming,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Debs, “and if you can look backover your shoulder that would be great.”“I don’t know whether you’ve ever had aspanking, honey,” growled Debs, “but I can assureyou that I’ll have more than enough on my mind forthe next few minutes without having <strong>to</strong> think aboutart direction. You’ll just have <strong>to</strong> make do with whatyou get.”“Well do your best,” said the art direc<strong>to</strong>r airily.Unenthusiastically Debs stretched out acrossLindsey’s lap. <strong>The</strong> brief interval had not been quitelong enough <strong>to</strong> allow her bot<strong>to</strong>m <strong>to</strong> cool down <strong>to</strong> thewarm glow that followed a hand-spanking and it wasstill burning furiously. She felt Lindsey tucking her inand smoothing down her skirt.Debs was conscious of the camerawomanpointing the camera at her rear end. Six months agoit would have been unthinkable <strong>to</strong> Deborah <strong>to</strong> havethat view of her ana<strong>to</strong>my pho<strong>to</strong>graphed. For yearsshe had struggled with fluctuating weight and shehad always been particularly self-conscious about herbot<strong>to</strong>m, which she considered <strong>to</strong> be overly padded.However the combination of Rosemary’s new dietprogram and her kick-boxing work-outs with Suzy

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Scott had <strong>to</strong>ned her bum considerably. For the firsttime in her life she was rather proud of her pertprotuberance.“Whenever you’re ready Miss Butcher,” saidthe art direc<strong>to</strong>r gaily.Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n gritted her teeth again andwaited for the spanking <strong>to</strong> commence.Lindsey Butcher was proving equally adept inthe business of spanking as her twin sister. She wasemploying a medley technique, a spank here, a spankthere, and then a couple of spanks on the same spot.<strong>The</strong> unpredictability of her targets made it impossiblefor Deborah <strong>to</strong> settle in<strong>to</strong> the rhythm. Debs had nodifficulty providing the art direc<strong>to</strong>r with as muchwriggling and squirming as she desired. By the timethey were finished Deborah made no effort <strong>to</strong> rise.She just hung upside down across Lindsey’s lappanting.

19Self-Interest and CommissionsDebs had changed back in<strong>to</strong> her official redshirt and black tie. She found a seat in the VIP areawith Jojo and Mr Humphries and gratefully accepted aglass of bubbles from Lady Derby.<strong>The</strong> Bounder sidled up and sat down besideher. She reached in<strong>to</strong> her blazer pocket and extractedanother generous cheque.“Not a bad night’s work, sis,” she grinned.Debs sipped her drink. Although becoming aninternational spanking model had never featured inher comeback plans she had <strong>to</strong> admit that it waslucrative work. Even if she didn’t win a single squid ofprize-money when she returned <strong>to</strong> the professionaltennis circuit the proceeds from the night’s spankingswould give her a reasonable financial cushion so thatshe could travel in relative comfort.“I’ll make sure it gets in<strong>to</strong> your account in theCayman Islands,” promised the Bounder.Debs nodded. “Thanks Bernie,” she said.“Now sis there is just one last thing,” smiledBernadette.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Debs slit her eyes suspiciously.“I <strong>to</strong>ok a call from Clobber Monthly,” startedthe Bounder. “<strong>The</strong>y’ve heard about the pho<strong>to</strong>-shootsand I think they are a tad jealous. <strong>The</strong>y’d like <strong>to</strong> makeyou an offer.”“No Bounder! I don’t even want <strong>to</strong> hear anymore of your nonsense,” said Debs emphatically.“Now do me a favor and leave me alone <strong>to</strong> let mybum cool down so I can enjoy the rest of theevening.”<strong>The</strong> Bounder scowled. “That’s a very negativeattitude,” she growled. “I’m working very hard lookingout for your best interests and you won’t even hearme out.”“Bounder, your only interest is self-interest andyour commissions,” snapped Debs.Bernadette continued <strong>to</strong> scowl. “You’re makinga big mistake,” she said sulkily. “Thirty grand for sixwhaps with a puny little riding crop is some seriouswedge.”Deborah glared at the Bounder. “No!” she saidirritably, “now beat it; you’re beginning <strong>to</strong> give methe pip.”<strong>The</strong> Bounder pouted and s<strong>to</strong>mped off <strong>to</strong> checkon the takings at the concession s<strong>to</strong>re.<strong>The</strong> Bounder’s disappointment at Deborah’srefusal <strong>to</strong> participate in another pho<strong>to</strong>-shoot wasshort-lived. <strong>The</strong> Bernadette Summers EnterprisesWhops and Clobber boutique was quickly selling ou<strong>to</strong>f memorabilia. <strong>The</strong> Bounder rubbed her bumbagswith glee when Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n informed her that theorders for personalized clobber bearing the exclusive

75BSE motif would keep the seamstresses at her UncleStacks’s sweatshops in overtime wages for months <strong>to</strong>come.She looked thoughtful. “How much cash havewe got in the till?” she asked Lisa.<strong>The</strong> Minxster shrugged. “Not much, a fewgrand I should imagine, most of the punters pay oncredit cards.”“Give me what you’ve got,” said Bernadette.“What on earth for? <strong>The</strong>re’s nothing <strong>to</strong> spendmoney on here.” asked Lisa. “Food and booze is onSpanky.”<strong>The</strong> Bounder scowled. “<strong>The</strong>re are alwaysbusiness transactions <strong>to</strong> be taken care of. Now justgive me the wedge and don’t worry I’ll give you anIOU so that your accounts balance,” she growled.Lisa sighed. She knew better <strong>to</strong> probe in<strong>to</strong>Bernadette’s mysterious business transactions. <strong>The</strong>Bounder was an exceptionally canny businesswomanand often pitched up with large quantities of wedgefrom unexplained sources. Lisa went <strong>to</strong> the till andstarted <strong>to</strong> count out bank-notes.Deborah scowled as Bernadette pulled up achair in the VIP area.“How’s ya bum?” the Bounder asked. “Coolingdown a bit by now, I should imagine.”Deborah just grunted in response.<strong>The</strong> Bounder reached under her skirt andextracted a thick wad of banknotes from the elasticwaistband of her bumbags. She placed the pile ofcash on the table in front of Debs.“What’s that?” asked Debs suspiciously.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>“A goodwill down-payment,” said Bernadette.She reached over and retrieved the pile and fanned i<strong>to</strong>ut between her fingers. “<strong>The</strong>re’s nearly five grandcash here,” she said. “When was the last time youhad that much real wedge at your disposal? Still ifyou don’t want it, I’ll be on my way.” She packed thenotes back in<strong>to</strong> a neat pile, reached under her skirtand replaced the wad in the waist-band of herbumbags, s<strong>to</strong>od up and ambled back <strong>to</strong>wards the bararea.

20Bibs Down, Ties <strong>Back</strong>Miss Spanky Botts <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong> the stage andannounced a full clobber stand-down. She instructedthe Stripies <strong>to</strong> stand up and place their hands on theirheads.<strong>The</strong> guests in the striped ties nervously got <strong>to</strong>their feet. <strong>The</strong> tension in the bar was palpable.Spanky’s polling on the www.woodettes.com web-sitehad revealed that clobber inspection was an area ofacute fascination amongst the Woodettes. WhenSpanky had sent out the invitations <strong>to</strong> the GrandOpening she had included copies of the rules,regulations and pro<strong>to</strong>cols of the <strong>Woody</strong> Politics ofClobber and warned the guests <strong>to</strong> read themcarefully.Spanky had solicited the assistance of steadyhands like Claire, Cat and Melons <strong>to</strong> perform full bibdown, tie back inspections of the Stripies. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong>legends circulated around the bar, taking their timeover the inspections. As the evening had worn onseveral of the Woodettes had begun <strong>to</strong> get squiffyand had unfastened their collars and loosened their

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>ties. By the time the inspections were completed halfa dozen Stripies had been red carded and dispatched<strong>to</strong> form a line at the foot of the stairs.Katie Beck was bitching up a s<strong>to</strong>rm in thesaloon bar of the Bunch of Grapes. She was iridescentwith anger at Patty Hodge’s insistence that theRadical Right boycott the Grand Opening.Katie had been delighted <strong>to</strong> receive aninvitation and had been keenly looking forward <strong>to</strong>attending the gala party.“Spanky Botts is a degenerate,” Patty hadpronounced au<strong>to</strong>cratically, “we cannot be seen <strong>to</strong> besupporting this ridiculous event.”“But Patricia, we’ve attended other <strong>Woody</strong>events like the Great Spank-off and the after-showentertainment at the Westside S<strong>to</strong>ry production,”argued Katie. “You had a wonderful time.”Patty Hodge had merely sneered at Katie andjabbed her in the chest with her long pointed finger.“You will not be attending,” she said imperiously,“and that is an order!”Katie Beck pouted sulkily. She was beginning<strong>to</strong> have serious reservations about Patty’s suitability<strong>to</strong> continue in her role as Commander-in-Chief of theRadical Right.Spanky Botts had taken inordinate care <strong>to</strong>ensure that her guests at the café enjoyed the bestfacsimile of the <strong>Woody</strong> experience as possible. Shehad dispatched a Woodette who resided in Athens <strong>to</strong>visit the flea markets in Monastiraki <strong>to</strong> procure leathersoled sandals from the vendor favored by Katie Beck.

79<strong>The</strong> majority of the Stripies who had beencited for clobber abuse were only guilty of havingtheir ties loosened and escaped with six spanks.However, one Woodette had excelled herself in thefield of sloppy clobber.Claire Brooks had performed the inspection ofMiss Diana Dunlop. Clearly Miss Dunlop had indulgedin a few scoops and clobber moni<strong>to</strong>ring had not beenon her list of priorities. Unlike the majority of theStripies Diana was not wearing a bib-fronted gymslip.Not only was the knot of her tie halfway <strong>to</strong> her midriffbut the tails of her blouse hung out of the waistbandof her short pleated skirt and her socks wereconcertinaed around her ankles. She was a mess byany standards.Claire and Christy outlined Diana’s options <strong>to</strong>her. She could elect <strong>to</strong> receive a full eighteen spankrump roasting or she could schedule the slippering inshorter six spank sessions <strong>to</strong> be completed onsubsequent visits <strong>to</strong> the café.Fifteen minutes of nose and <strong>to</strong>es appeared <strong>to</strong>have sobered Miss Dunlop up somewhat. She listenedintently <strong>to</strong> Christy’s explanation of her options. Everynow and again her eyes would avert <strong>to</strong> the leathersoled sandal on the table.“Can I see that thing?” she asked.Claire shrugged and handed Diana the slipper.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Diana studied the slipper, waving it throughthe air and then unexpectedly she slapped it down onthe palm of her left hand.“Wow,” she squealed, shaking her hand in theair. “That was not a good idea, that thing smarts.”Christy and Claire suppressed grins.“So what’s the plan, Miss Dunlop?” askedChristy.

21Diana Expands her HorizonsDiana Dunlop lay across Claire Brooks lap. Shesquirmed in<strong>to</strong> position and stretched her arms andlegs out fully. Claire carefully turned back the shortpleated skirt revealing a neatly rounded navy bluegossamer clad rear end.Christy handed Claire the leather soled sandal.“Are you ready?” Claire asked Diana.Diana just grunted.Claire raised the sandal in the air and broughtit down hard.Any remnants of the euphoria generated bythe numerous Bacardi and cokes she had consumedwere immediately dispelled with the stinging arrival ofthe slipper.Diana Dunlop had been delighted when shehad received notification that she had won a ticket <strong>to</strong>the Grand Opening.Diana had always been an avid fan of RonaldSearle books and the films featuring the rio<strong>to</strong>us

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>adventures of the belles of St Trinians. Naturally shehad been fascinated by the revelations of lifeimitating art during the Snobs and Rotters tribunaland became an instant Woodette. Most evenings shevisited the chat rooms on the www.woodette.comweb-site and enthusiastically moni<strong>to</strong>red the trials andtribulations of the beleaguered bumbags of theinmates at the <strong>Woody</strong> facility.Diana found herself increasingly preoccupiedwith the subject of spanking and corporalpunishment. She surfed the net, poring over picturesof clobber clad females having their bot<strong>to</strong>mswhacked, wondering what it would be like.At the suggestion of a fellow Woodette sheprocured a wooden spatula hand-crafted fromCanadian redwood that was ideal for self flagellation.Although she disliked the actual moment of impactDiana discovered that she enjoyed the sensations ofthe aftermath. She liked <strong>to</strong> sit at her computerchatting with her chums with a warm and rosybot<strong>to</strong>m underneath her navy blue bumbags.When Spanky had extended the invitation forthe guests <strong>to</strong> participate in a night of good oldfashioned spanking fun Diana was delighted at theprospect of expanding her horizons and arrived at thecafé sporting a striped tie.Diana Dunlop was beginning <strong>to</strong> question thewisdom of expanding her horizons. Claire Brooks hadher tucked in tightly and was bouncing the leathersoled sandal of Diana’s bumbags with considerableauthority.

83It occurred <strong>to</strong> Diana that her experiments withself-flagellation had not fully prepared her for a fullblown real-time spanking. Nonetheless, she wasdetermined <strong>to</strong> fully explore the experience so shegritted her teeth and kept her head well down andher arse well up.Claire Brooks worked methodically. Shespanked Diana’s bot<strong>to</strong>m up one side and back downthe other. After six spanks she offered Diana theopportunity <strong>to</strong> be released and <strong>to</strong> continue theslippering at a later date. Diana Dunlop politelydeclined the offer.Claire Brooks had the rare distinction of beingthe only inmate during the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong>unit’s his<strong>to</strong>ry who had never received a slippering forclobber abuse. Nonetheless, the vivid accounts of herless fortunate chums of their encounters with thepotent leather-soled sandals made her certain thatDiana’s backside would be heating up furiously.Claire Brooks smoothed down Diana’s skirt andhelped her <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> the vertical. <strong>The</strong> expression onDiana’s face left Claire in no doubt that the spankinghad been a success. Her victim’s eyelids wereflickering and she was puffing out her cheeks andletting out her breath in sharp pants. She shifted herweight from foot <strong>to</strong> foot and clenched and unclenchedher hands as she struggled <strong>to</strong> resist the temptation <strong>to</strong>rub.Diana Dunlop tucked her blouse back in<strong>to</strong> thewaistband of her skirt and reached down and pulled

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>up her socks. She fastened the <strong>to</strong>p two but<strong>to</strong>ns of herblouse and corrected the knot of her tie. Sheretrieved her blazer and accepted the offer of ahairbrush from Christy.As she brushed her hair Diana Dunlopevaluated the past few moments of her life. At thirtyyears old she had just received her first real spanking.She had read numerous accounts of over the kneespankings but nothing could really prepare a gal forthe experience of being face down, arse up acrossanother woman’s lap in the ultimate position ofsubmission. As her skirt was being folded back shehad been filled with apprehension. When Clairemaneuvered her in<strong>to</strong> the crease of her lap and <strong>to</strong>ok atight grip around her waist Diana had felt completelydefenseless.Claire had delivered a professional classspanking. Long, slow and very, very juicy. Betweenspanks Diana’s mind had raced. Every spank wasexcruciating; part of her wanted Claire <strong>to</strong> deliver thespanks faster so it would be over with, but anotherpart of her dreaded the arrival of another scaldingslap of the sandal. It had been a roller-coaster of anexperience. As she handed the hairbrush back <strong>to</strong>Christy Diana had a hint of a smile on her face. As thewarm glow started <strong>to</strong> settle in Diana Dunlopconcluded that it was an experience she would like <strong>to</strong>repeat.

22Spanked by a RozzerSpanky Botts was not about <strong>to</strong> host theopening of her nightclub without seeing some actionherself.She shrugged off her blazer and stretched outacross ex-Police Sergeant Ellen Millar’s lap. When shehad first arrived at the nightclub Ellen had beenwearing the <strong>Woody</strong> prefects clobber that she hadtaken <strong>to</strong> wearing since she had been reassigned fromthe Rozzers <strong>to</strong> take up the position of Head ofSecurity at the <strong>Woody</strong> facility. However, for theforthcoming entertainment she had dressed in theceremonial police uniform that she had kept as asouvenir from her time as a rozzer. She wore a blacksilver but<strong>to</strong>ned tunic and skirt over a white blouseand black tie. She had pinned her hair up under herblack hat with the black and white chequered band.<strong>The</strong> sight of the policewoman spanking thegymslip attired Spanky inspired renewed rounds ofapplause and glass chinking.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Spanky Botts wiggled her bot<strong>to</strong>m cheekily inresponse <strong>to</strong> the whooping Woodettes and settled infor an extended bot<strong>to</strong>m warming session.Spanky Botts had always fantasized aboutbeing spanked by a rozzer. She often got dressed upin her full clobber and drove her sports car at recklessspeeds up and down the mo<strong>to</strong>rways hoping <strong>to</strong> gets<strong>to</strong>pped by Plod. However, <strong>to</strong> her disappointment shehad somehow escaped the radar, although she wascertain it was only a matter of time before she wascaught. Miss Spanky Botts planned on exchangingspanks for speeding fines.<strong>The</strong> sight of Ellen in her ceremonial uniformhad sent a pleasant tingle up her spine.Ellen Millar had felt compelled <strong>to</strong> resign hercommission with the constabulary after entering in<strong>to</strong>a passionate affair with Bernadette Summersgodfather, the legendary nightclub owner andsuspected mobster, Stacks Monroe.Ellen’s relationship with the higher echelons ofPlod had often been precarious. Despite her sterlingrecord for courage in the course of action she hadreceived several formal reprimands for extra curriculahi-jinx.Ellen Millar had sensed that fraternizing withone of the Smoke’s rummest coves would beconsidered bad form by her more Neanderthalsuperiors. She cut her losses before she was hauledover the coals and had availed of Mr Humphries’invitation <strong>to</strong> join his staff. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had kindlyarranged for her <strong>to</strong> be placed on the payroll as a

87consultant <strong>to</strong> Military Intelligence so that her pensionwould be protected.Ellen loved life at <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>. Her heroics andleadership during the attacks by the Confederacy ofYoofs and the Man from Berlin had given her an openinvitation <strong>to</strong> sit at the <strong>to</strong>p table amongst the <strong>Woody</strong>mega-minxes.When she was still at school, Ellen had alwayswanted <strong>to</strong> be a prefect but un<strong>to</strong>ward circumstanceshad prevailed and she had never fulfilled her dream.When she joined the staff at the <strong>Woody</strong> facility shehad requested <strong>to</strong> be allowed <strong>to</strong> wear the clobber ofthe Elite, complete with her sergeant’s stripes stitchedon<strong>to</strong> the sleeves of her red blazer.Ellen Millar was determined <strong>to</strong> give MissSpanky Botts a bum warming she wouldn’t forget in ahurry.Ex-Police Sergeant Ellen Millar was warming <strong>to</strong>her work. Since taking up residence at the <strong>Woody</strong><strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit Ellen had been given ampleopportunity <strong>to</strong> observe the mechanics of a damn goodspanking. She regularly assisted Ms Suzy Scott in herreviews of the daily close circuit TV tapes <strong>to</strong> ensurethat discipline was being administered strictly incompliance with the rules, regulations and pro<strong>to</strong>cols.Ellen Millar grinned with satisfaction. Spanky’sbum was turning a healthy rouge as smack aftersmack bombarded her. Ellen worked her way up oneside and down the other, making sure that everycentimeter of the bared flesh was accounted for.Spanky was beginning <strong>to</strong> wriggle in earnest as the

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>temperature of her backside increased <strong>to</strong> furnacelevel.<strong>The</strong> Woodettes whooped and hollered. Clearlyex-Police Sergeant Ellen Millar was doing a sterlingjob. Spanky Botts legs had begun <strong>to</strong> scissorrhythmically and her head was shaking from side <strong>to</strong>side as the bombardment reached its crescendo. Ellenfinished with a well-orchestrated blitz attack thatcaused Spanky <strong>to</strong> writhe and squirm withconsiderable energy.Ellen rolled up Spanky’s bumbags andsmoothed down her gymslip.“That will be all Miss Botts,” the ex-rozzer saiddryly and helped Spanky <strong>to</strong> her feet.<strong>The</strong> audience whooped and cheered andcavorted in the aisles as Ellen and Spanky Botts <strong>to</strong>oka bow.

23A Red-Card<strong>The</strong> bar area fell silent at the sound of thewhistle.Miss Jane Bowles of Chelmsford turned brightred and hung her head momentarily before sliding offher bar-s<strong>to</strong>ol.Melanie White s<strong>to</strong>od before her waving a redcard.“Jane Bowles, six of the best for excessivegoofing,” Melons announced loudly. “Repair <strong>to</strong> thelibrary, I’ll be along <strong>to</strong> beat you shortly.”With her shoulders slightly slumped and asomewhat inelegant gait <strong>to</strong> her step Miss Bowleslooked self-conscious as she maneuvered her waythrough the crowded bar.At least when the <strong>to</strong>mbola was brought upon<strong>to</strong> the stage the Stripies had a brief opportunity <strong>to</strong>prepare themselves for the possibility that they mayshortly be taking a visit upstairs <strong>to</strong> bend over.However, the timing of the delivery of red-cards wascompletely unpredictable and placed them at aconsiderable disadvantage.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong><strong>The</strong> inmates of the <strong>Woody</strong> facility watchedsympathetically as Miss Bowles was forced <strong>to</strong> trudge<strong>to</strong>wards the stairs with her head bowed and eyesaverted. No matter how cynical and whop-hardenedthe inmates had become they all still experienced thesame heart-s<strong>to</strong>pping, gut-wrenching sensation everytime a red-card was thrust in their face.Jane Bowles <strong>to</strong>ok up position outside thelibrary. She pressed her nose <strong>to</strong> the wall and placedher hands on her head. Her heart was racing, hertummy was churning and her backside was throbbing.Earlier in the evening her name had beendrawn from the <strong>to</strong>mbola and she had attended thepunishment salon made up like the lecture roomwhere she had been caned by Cathryn Cassidy.Miss Bowles had not arrived at the cafésporting a virgin arse. Like many of the moreexperienced Woodettes her interest in corporalpunishment had first evolved at boarding school.<strong>The</strong> school she attended had operated asystem where throughout the year the pupils wereawarded positive and negative performance marks. Atthe end of the year the girl from each year that hadthe lowest overall score was dispatched <strong>to</strong> thegymnasium <strong>to</strong> be caned. <strong>The</strong> idea was <strong>to</strong> give theluckless recipients something <strong>to</strong> think about over thesummer hols so they would return the following yearsuitably inspired <strong>to</strong> improve their performance.Like any school there were numerous cliques.At one end of the scale were the prim and properswats that groveled <strong>to</strong> the staff and worked

91assiduously <strong>to</strong> maximize their collection of positivepoints. At the other end of the spectrum were JaneBowles and her pals.<strong>The</strong>y were more interested in fashion and popmusic than Latin and Greek. <strong>The</strong>y spent hours indetention writing lines and were regularly gated afterbeing caught in <strong>to</strong>wn smoking, drinking and carousingwith the local likely lads. <strong>The</strong>y treated the system as acompetitive sport.At the end of her first year at the school Janerepresented her chums in the gymnasium where shereceived six strokes of the cane. Clearly Miss Bowleswas not greatly inspired by the experience. Out of thesix years she was eligible Jane was caned four times.It was a record of which she was immensely proud.After leaving school she would periodicallyreunite with her old gang. <strong>The</strong>y would sometimesspend a whole day in their traditional uniforms. <strong>The</strong>yestablished an elaborate points system and reverted<strong>to</strong> their wayward days of competitive misbehavior. Atthe end of the evening the worst behaved of thefriends would be subjected <strong>to</strong> six of the best. JaneBowles was always deeply miffed if she failed <strong>to</strong> takethe honors.She had followed the tribunal avidly and hadbeen amongst the first subscribers <strong>to</strong> Spanky’s newweb-site. Jane Bowles had been thrilled when she hadbeen selected <strong>to</strong> attend the Grand Opening and hadinvested serious quids in the most exclusive range ofclobber available from the Bernadette SummersEnterprises on-line collection.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>She had been equally thrilled when her namewas drawn from the <strong>to</strong>mbola and was ecstatic <strong>to</strong>learn that it was Cathryn Cassidy that would beat her.Cat was one of her favorite <strong>Woody</strong> characters. Duringher brief interview with Christy she had assured theMistress of Discipline that she was ready and willingfor a hot one. Cat had obliged her by delivering ascorching five-bar gate. Jane Bowles had returned <strong>to</strong>the bar-area delighted with the after-effects.Once they had visited the punishment salonsmost of the Stripies elected <strong>to</strong> replace their neckwear,satisfied that their backsides had been adequatelywarmed for one evening. Jane Bowles decided <strong>to</strong>tempt fate and continue <strong>to</strong> wear her striped tie.With her hands on her head and her nosepressed <strong>to</strong> the wall Miss Bowles was debating thewisdom of her decision. She heard the sound of feetapproaching in the stairwell. She <strong>to</strong>ok a deep breathand tried <strong>to</strong> gather herself.

24Hardly a Wriggle or a Squirm“You chose <strong>to</strong> continue <strong>to</strong> wear your striped-tieso I considered you were still fair game,” said Christygently, “but if you want a postponement we’ll fullyunderstand.”Jane Bowles chewed on her lower lip. Sheshook her head. “No thanks, Ma’am, I’m up foranother six,” she said.“Positive?” asked Christy.Jane nodded her head firmly. “Positive,” shesaid quietly. “Please ask Miss White <strong>to</strong> lay it on asthick as she likes. I’ve never had a double bender andI want <strong>to</strong> know what it feels like.”Melanie White strode confidently in<strong>to</strong> thesalon. <strong>The</strong> diminutive Old Gal was dressed in full Eliteregalia and carried an ashplant tucked under her leftarm. Christy had Jane standing <strong>to</strong> attention, shouldersback, knees <strong>to</strong>gether, eyes front and her arms stifflyby her sides.Wordlessly Melons approached Jane; sheplaced the short cane on a side table with a rattle.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Unhurriedly Melanie proceeded <strong>to</strong> undo the fivebut<strong>to</strong>ns down the front of her red prefect’s blazer andshrugged it off. She <strong>to</strong>ok her time <strong>to</strong> neatly fold it andplace it <strong>to</strong> one side. She reached up, loosened her tieand unfastened the <strong>to</strong>p but<strong>to</strong>n of her blouse. Shecarefully turned back her cuffs <strong>to</strong> just below herelbows, before finally retrieving the cane. She flexedit between her hands and then cut it through the airseveral times <strong>to</strong> demonstrate its whippiness for theedification of Miss Bowles.Jane Bowles felt a shiver up her spine andgoose bumps breaking out on her bare legs. Eversince she had been unexpectedly shown the red-cardand forced <strong>to</strong> scurry somewhat ignominiously out ofthe bar her sense of apprehension and anxiety hadbeen increasing.Melanie’s slow and silent divestment of herblazer and the loosening of the collar and cuffs of herblouse had sent a subliminally powerful message <strong>to</strong>Jane that she meant business.“I’m going <strong>to</strong> need you <strong>to</strong> remove your blazer,step over <strong>to</strong> the fireplace, turnaround and bend overand <strong>to</strong>uch your <strong>to</strong>es,” said Melons unemotionally.Jane Bowles felt Melanie turning back the hemof her gymslip, followed by the tail of her whiteblouse. Bent forward with her fingers balanced on her<strong>to</strong>es the stripes from her earlier caning strainedsensitively across the curve of her behind, causing her<strong>to</strong> wince. She gritted her teeth as she felt the canetap down.

95Jane Bowles had studied every word of wisdompublished on the www.woodettes.com web-site. Shehad digested Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n’s seminal dissertationon ‘<strong>The</strong> Art of Being Beaten’ and read Jojo’s sageadvise <strong>to</strong> ‘get yourself a mantra and then get with theprogram’.“It’s only whops, it’s only whops,” shemuttered as the slender cane sliced across her rearend.Although the smaller slimmer sticks used bythe Elite did not have the weight and heft of thecanes available <strong>to</strong> the Brass they were not <strong>to</strong> beunderestimated. In expert hands they could generatean extremely high degree of sting and smart.During the two periods Melanie White hadserved as Dorm Raider at the <strong>Woody</strong> facility she hadearned a reputation for performing stellar work withthe whippy ashplant.Jane Bowles caught her breath and puffed outher cheeks. She concentrated on keeping her fingersglued <strong>to</strong> the tips of her shoes. <strong>The</strong> shaft of the canehad landed right in the center of the sweet spot,intermingling with the swollen stripes left from hercaning from Cat. Jane Bowles swallowed hard. Thiswas going <strong>to</strong> be her first venture in<strong>to</strong> an extendedbender and she quickly concluded that it was going <strong>to</strong>be a trip <strong>to</strong> remember.Melanie gauged Jane’s reaction with experteyes. She had timed the opener at the hotter end ofthe scale and depending on Jane’s response she

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>would judge how <strong>to</strong> best continue. Despite Jane’sdemands for the Old Gal <strong>to</strong> lay it on thick Melons hadno intention of giving her a thrashing outside of her<strong>to</strong>lerance limits.Miss Bowles barely flinched. Melons andChristy exchanged approving glances. Melanie Whitestepped in and unleashed a scorcher.Jane Bowles beamed proudly as Melons andChristy hugged her and showered her with effusivecompliments. <strong>The</strong> flesh of her but<strong>to</strong>cks was sizzlingbut she didn’t care, in fact she rather liked thesensation. Somehow she had managed <strong>to</strong> maintainher position during the most challenging caning of herlife.“Let me buy you a drink,” enthused Melanie. “Iwant <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>ast a new star on the Whops and Clobbercircuit.”“Bot<strong>to</strong>ms up <strong>to</strong> that, sis,” agreed Christy.“Hardly a wriggle or a squirm during a Melons caning,now that’s what I call impressive.”

25A Spontaneous SpankingChristy Cranfield strode purposefully throughthe bar area. With her long embroidered coatsweeping her ankles, her elegant gait and waistlength braid the Mistress of Discipline cut animpressive and self-assured figure.Throughout the evening Christy had vigilantlymoni<strong>to</strong>red the activities in the upstairs punishmentsalons. <strong>The</strong> Stripies represented a broad spectrum ofthe international Whops and Clobber community.Some of the guests, like Amanda Parker, wereexperienced spankettes while others were completenovices and were embarking on a voyage ofdiscovery.Spanky and her gang had performedconsiderable research amongst the members on theweb-site prior <strong>to</strong> the opening in an effort <strong>to</strong> ensurethat the guest’s predilections were adequately cateredfor.As each new Stripy was invited in<strong>to</strong> a salonChristy quickly assessed the guest’s profile <strong>to</strong>establish their degree of experience. She briefed their

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>designated ‘Thrasher’ on their particular predilectionsand expected level of <strong>to</strong>lerance before each beatingbegan.Christy glided through the bar until she came<strong>to</strong> a tall bistro table occupied by three women. <strong>The</strong>ybeamed at her as she approached, flattered <strong>to</strong> besingled out for the Mistress of Discipline’s attention.Without any warning Christy reached over <strong>to</strong> one ofthe trio, <strong>to</strong>ok her firmly by the arm and eased her ou<strong>to</strong>f her seat.<strong>The</strong> woman looked completely taken aback butChristy was already striding through the partingcrowd. <strong>The</strong> confused guest had no choice but <strong>to</strong> try<strong>to</strong> keep up as she was hustled along.Christy reached a leather couch. She terselyevicted the occupants, and in one fluid movement shesat down and turned the breathless Woodette overher knee. <strong>The</strong> whole operation had taken less thanthirty seconds and the next thing the Woodette knewthe skirt of her gymslip was being turned back andher bot<strong>to</strong>m was being smacked.Christy’s stunned victim was a young lady bythe name of Charlotte Barber. She was a regularvisi<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> the web-site and on her profile she cited herinterest in spanking dating back <strong>to</strong> an incident fromher schooldays. Apparently Charlie, as she liked <strong>to</strong> becalled, had been misbehaving in the lunch queue andhad been shocked <strong>to</strong> be suddenly pounced upon by ateacher, put over her knee and spanked in the middleof the cafeteria. She describes the experience as both

99extremely humiliating and extraordinarily thrilling atthe same time.Charlie Barber’s legs kicked spastically. Christywas spanking her briskly and moving from onebut<strong>to</strong>ck <strong>to</strong> the other without any rhythm.Earlier in the evening Charlie had beenselected <strong>to</strong> repair <strong>to</strong> an upstairs salon where she hadbeen caned by Stephanie Powell. It had not proven <strong>to</strong>be a disagreeable experience but she had assumedthat her bot<strong>to</strong>m warming activities were over for theevening. She was <strong>to</strong>tally unprepared for aspontaneous spanking.“Holy shit!” she squealed as Christy landedseveral resounding spanks on her right but<strong>to</strong>ck.<strong>The</strong> guests watched in wide-eyedas<strong>to</strong>nishment. <strong>The</strong> earlier proceedings had asomewhat formal and predictable feel <strong>to</strong> them. <strong>The</strong>idea of suddenly being unexpectedly jerked out oftheir seats, hustled across the floor of the bar andthen unceremoniously dragged face down for a damngood spanking brought a whole new perspective onthe evening’s activities.Charlie Barber looked genuinely shocked whenshe was released. In a very short time ChristyCranfield had landed thirty-six burning spanks acrossCharlie’s squirming behind. She stared at Christy withher mouth open; she looked like she might wish <strong>to</strong>voice an opinion but her <strong>to</strong>ngue appeared <strong>to</strong> havecome off its hinges. She wagged her jaw wordlessly.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>“Go and stand in the corner,” said Christyauthoritatively. “I’ll inform you when you can return<strong>to</strong> the bar.”“Yes, Ma’am,” Charlie somehow managed <strong>to</strong>blurt out and hurried away looking stunned.

<strong>26</strong>Another Perfect Kodak Moment“I suppose it’s just coincidence that Penny Annjust happens <strong>to</strong> have her riding clobber hanging up inthe changing rooms?” asked Deborah suspiciously.She looked across the room <strong>to</strong> where the dresser washanging up a gymslip with a ‘D’ embroidered on thefront. “And what the fuck is my gymslip doing here?’she demanded. “When exactly did you get this phonecallfrom Clobber Monthly?”“Well, several days ago, actually,” admitted theBounder, “but I know that you’ve been busy with yourtraining schedule. I didn’t want <strong>to</strong> burden you withunnecessary details so I <strong>to</strong>ok the liberty of packingsome clobber for you.”Deborah snorted. “Unnecessary details? Youare auctioning my bumbags on the open market andyou don’t think that I might have a vested interest inthese negotiations” asked Debs incredulously. “Youjust went in<strong>to</strong> my closet and liberated my clobber?Does Derby know about this?”“Derby was otherwise occupied,” shrugged theBounder. “This is all good publicity,” she said blithely.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>“<strong>The</strong>re are many tennis stars that would have <strong>to</strong> paythousands for this type of public relations exposure.”Deborah shook her head in disbelief.Penny Ann Evans looked splendid in hertailored blue riding jacket, form fitting jodhpurs andknee length riding boots. Deborah watched warily asthe pho<strong>to</strong>grapher <strong>to</strong>ok several preliminary shots ofPen slapping the crop against her leather glovedhand.“Are you ready?” Penny Ann asked gently.Deborah grunted unenthusiastically. Shecouldn’t believe that she had allowed the Bounder <strong>to</strong>bribe and cajole her in<strong>to</strong> participating in anotherpho<strong>to</strong>-shoot but she offered Penny her wrist andallowed herself <strong>to</strong> be lowered downwards.Deborah was dressed in classic clobber. Shewore a white blouse and striped tie. Her box-<strong>to</strong>pgymslip with the ‘D’ embroidered on the front had ared sash looped around the waist and knotted overher left hip. She wore her hair pulled back under ahead band that matched the red braiding around thecollar of her blouse. Her flat-soled shoes shone <strong>to</strong> ahigh gleam and she wore white ankle socks. WhenPenny Ann turned back the skirt of her gymslip Debsnavy blue gossamer bumbags were stretched acrossher upturned derriere like a second skin.Deborah stretched herself out in<strong>to</strong> a full drape.<strong>The</strong> camerawoman busied herself taking shots fromall angles. Debs raised her head and glared in<strong>to</strong> thecamera.

103“Six and no more,” Debs <strong>to</strong>ld the pho<strong>to</strong>grapheremphatically. “After six, I’m done, no more setups, nomore lighting checks, after six I’m up and out ofhere!”“Jeeeeeezzzz!” hissed Debs.If the camerawoman was hoping <strong>to</strong> capture anexpression of anguish on Deborah’s face the first slapof the crop had delivered the perfect shot. At themoment of impact Debs had thrown her head back,her face screwed up in pure agony, her back arched,fists clenched and her legs kicking spastically.“Perfect, perfect,” the camerawoman enthusedas she snapped away.It occurred <strong>to</strong> Deborah that the combination ofpockets filled with lovely lucre and an over-abundanceof bubbly had seriously impaired her judgment.“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” growled Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n asshe slumped back in<strong>to</strong> position. “I’ll kill you Bounder,”she muttered under her breath. “I’ll string you up byyour fucking bumbags and leave you <strong>to</strong> die a longslow death.”“Poor Debs,” groaned Rosemary Booker.Jojo put her arm around Rosemary’s shouldercomfortingly. “She’ll be okay, sis,” she reassuredDeborah’s best chum. “You know Debs, she’ll <strong>to</strong>ugh i<strong>to</strong>ut.”Nixdown giggled and licked her lipslasciviously. “Poor Debs, my arse,” she chuckled.“Lucky Debs would be more like it.”

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Rosemary and Jojo exchanged incredulousglances. “Sometimes Nix I think you’re fuckingbarking,” said Jojo.“Woof-Woof,” chortled Nix as the riding cropexploded off Deborah’s backside with a secondspectacular thwack.Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n was not feeling in the least bitlucky. <strong>The</strong> crop was enlivening every nerve endingthroughout her central nervous system. She was nolonger distracted by the flashes of the camera or theinstructions from the pho<strong>to</strong>grapher and art direc<strong>to</strong>r.She was <strong>to</strong>tally immersed in the zone, her whole mindwas now concentrated on her poor beleaguered bum.Her backside had become the burning epicenter ofher whole existence. Deborah braced herself as sheheard the ominous whine of the braided crop slicingthrough the air.As the crop slashed across her tautenedbumbags Debs head jerked back, her eyes squeezedshut and her mouth opened in<strong>to</strong> an anguished silenthowl. <strong>The</strong> camerawoman snapped the shutter inanother perfect Kodak moment.

27Cha-Ching“Just one more,” Penny Ann whispered. “Justput it up and keep it up once more and it’ll all beover.”Miserably Debs allowed herself <strong>to</strong> bemaneuvered back in<strong>to</strong> a full drape. She <strong>to</strong>ok a deepbreath and tried <strong>to</strong> settle herself. Her backside felt asthough she had been sitting on a griddle for the pastfew hours.“Are you ready?” asked Penelope Ann Evans.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n grunted and pushed herbackside up as high as she dared. Penny Ann raisedher arm and then brought it down swiping.“Cha-ching,” squealed the Bounder andpunched the air with her fist as the crop exploded offDeborah’s poor beleaguered bum for the sixth time.Although Bernadette had been forced <strong>to</strong> makefurther reductions in her commission <strong>to</strong> persuadeDeborah <strong>to</strong> go through with the unscheduled pho<strong>to</strong>shootshe was still making enough wedge <strong>to</strong> choke adonkey.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong><strong>The</strong> Bounder rubbed her bumbags with glee.Debs rubbed her bumbags in consternation.“I’ll fucking kill you Bounder,” Deborah growledas she hopped around the changing room desperatelytrying <strong>to</strong> dissipate the blazing heat in her rear end.“As God is my witness I’m going <strong>to</strong> kill you.”“Now, now,” said Bernadette smoothly. “Youknow you’ll cool down in a little bit and when you seeyour bank-statements you’ll be thanking me.”Debs glared threateningly at the Bounder.Bernadette grinned coyly. “I’ll be downstairs ifyou need me,” she said and prudently reversed out ofthe door.“This is a bit of a mess,” observed Rosemaryas she massaged soothing balm in<strong>to</strong> Deborah’s rawand swollen behind.“Well spotted, Sherlock,” Debs groaned. “Thatwas a real killer. I feel like I won’t be able <strong>to</strong> sit downfor a week. I hate that fucking crop!”“Would more champagne help, Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n?”asked Lady Derby sympathetically.“Are you kidding me? Bring me the wholefucking bottle and make it sharpish,” pleaded Debs.Downstairs the atmosphere in the bar wasfilled with joie de vivre. <strong>The</strong> inmates from the nation’smost no<strong>to</strong>rious social rehabilitation facility mingledwith the Woodettes, swapping yarns and having theirpictures taken.<strong>The</strong> Woodettes who had only previouslycommunicated late in<strong>to</strong> the night in the chat rooms of

107the web-site were delighted <strong>to</strong> make the real-lifeacquaintance of their cyber-chums.<strong>The</strong> gab was all about Whops and Clobber.Several dozen Stripies had paid visits <strong>to</strong> the salonsand were wallowing in their new found celebrity.Several of the guests who had originallyarrived in block-colored ties had now procured stripedreplacements from the Bounder’s boutique and werejonesing for some action.Miss Spanky Botts surveyed her new domaincontentedly. <strong>The</strong> sound of canes, straps and slippersrebounding off gossamer continued <strong>to</strong> emanate frombehind the closed doors of the upstairs punishmentsalons. Seeing the wide-eyed excitement on the facesof her guests filled her with confidence that her Willywould be delighted with her latest dispersment of hisbequeathment.Spanky Botts looked heavenwards and winkedup at her beloved departed.All night long Jojo had been inundated withrequests for au<strong>to</strong>graphs and pho<strong>to</strong>graphs. Bernadettewas tearing her hair out because Jojo refused <strong>to</strong> allowher <strong>to</strong> charge the guests.“I just don’t understand you,” Bernadettecomplained. “We have the opportunity <strong>to</strong> make someserious wedge and you’re just squandering it.”Jojo just patted Bernadette’s hand and smiledfor the cameras.Jojo leaned her head on Mr Humphriesshoulder.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>“She’s some gal, our Spanky,” she laughed.“She might be <strong>to</strong>tally nuts but it <strong>to</strong>ok someorganization <strong>to</strong> put this place <strong>to</strong>gether.”“Top notch,” agreed Mr Humphries. “She’sdonating the proceeds from the cafe <strong>to</strong> a bunch oforphanages. She asked me whether the <strong>Woody</strong> galswould donate some time <strong>to</strong> help her set up thecharities.”Jojo nuzzled Mr Humphries neck. “You knowwe’ll help her,” she whispered. “I’m sure if she asksnicely even the Bounder will pitch in.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master laughed. “Now that would atrue demonstration of social rehabilitation.”Jojo grinned.

28<strong>The</strong> Royal Couple<strong>The</strong> Grand Master chinked the lip of his glassagainst Jojo’s. “Are we ready?” he asked his beloved.Jojo giggled. “You don’t really want <strong>to</strong> cane mein front of all these people, do you darling?” she saidcoyly.Mr Humphries grinned. “Sometimes dutyprevails, Your Highness,” he <strong>to</strong>ld his fiancé.Jojo squished up her nose. “Sometimes dutysucks,” she said pointedly.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master just chuckled and emptiedhis glass.Amidst rapturous applause Jojo and the GrandMaster mounted the steps <strong>to</strong> the stage. Spanky Bottswas waiting <strong>to</strong> greet them.“Ladies,” she addressed the audience. “Thishas been a long and exciting evening which sadlymust shortly draw <strong>to</strong> a close. However, before wedepart, it is my honor and privilege <strong>to</strong> introduce you<strong>to</strong> two of my dearest friends, Miss Joanna Heyworth,the reigning All-Time Big BUTT, and the Grand

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Master, Mr Humphries. Ladies, please put your hands<strong>to</strong>gether for the Royal Couple.”“Oh good grief,” muttered Jojo as she steppedforward and curtsied politely.Jojo approached the straight backed chair thathad been placed in the center of the stage andilluminated with a single spotlight. She unfastened thebut<strong>to</strong>ns down the front of her red blazer and removedit. She hung it neatly over the back of the chair.Bending forward at the waist, she reached down andgripped the front crossbar of the chair. She stareddown at the cushioned seat and waited <strong>to</strong> be caned.Mr Humphries removed his jacket and handedit <strong>to</strong> Spanky. She offered him a thirty-six inch longsuper-cane in exchange. Spanky had personallycommissioned the cane from a specialist craftsmanlocated in New Hampshire. It had a straight run shaftthat fitted in<strong>to</strong> a Delrin handle covered in red andblack striped leather. <strong>The</strong> handle was decorated witha silver end piece engraved with a ‘W’. <strong>The</strong> GrandMaster swished it through the air <strong>to</strong> familiarize himselfwith its weight and balance. He nodded at Spanky. Itwas certainly a cane fit for royalty.Jojo felt the cane tapping down on herbumbags and braced herself. She had spent the pastfew minutes getting herself in<strong>to</strong> the zone. She did notfeel the least bit self-conscious having her bumbagsexposed <strong>to</strong> the gawking Woodettes. One of thenumerous records she had established during herincarceration at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> facility was

111for being publicly flogged on more occasions than anyother inmate in the unit’s his<strong>to</strong>ry. She focused on asmall square of the stage floor and repeated theclassic <strong>Woody</strong> mantra over and over in her head.Mr Humphries swung the cane through the air.He was immediately impressed, the new cane was sofinely crafted that he barely needed a backswing <strong>to</strong>achieve the perfect amount of sting and smartappropriate for an exhibition caning.Jojo was not in the least bit impressed by thefine craftsmanship of the cane-maker. Over the yearsJoanna’s rear end had developed in<strong>to</strong> a finelycalibrated whopometer. <strong>The</strong> instant that the newcane sliced across the crown of her but<strong>to</strong>cks sheofficially classified the instrument as a lethal weapon.In Jojo’s opinion punters who <strong>to</strong>ok the time <strong>to</strong> qualifyin carpentry should pursue more traditional careerssuch as furniture-making or better still making theirown coffins.<strong>The</strong>re was a hush around the bar. <strong>The</strong>Woodettes watched in spellbound awe. <strong>The</strong> evening’sentertainment had already far surpassed theirexpectations but never in their wildest dreams hadthey imagined that they would have the privilege ofwitnessing the legendary Jojo being caned by herfiancé, up close and personal.Jojo had been given little choice other than <strong>to</strong>participate in the gala entertainment. Spanky hadapproached her and <strong>to</strong>ld her that the guests werewilling <strong>to</strong> chuck in an additional hundred squids a

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>skull <strong>to</strong> the Spanky Botts Foundation if she wouldgrace the stage for an exhibition caning. Jojo thoughtthat it would probably be churlish <strong>to</strong> refuse.Somewhat unenthusiastically Jojo had agreed<strong>to</strong> subject herself <strong>to</strong> a full twelve strokes of the cane.She kept her head down and her arse well up,presenting Mr Humphries with the perfect target. <strong>The</strong>Grand Master was delivering the strokes at a leisurelypace so Jojo used the short intermissions <strong>to</strong> hatch anelaborate plan for accelerating the demise of thecane-maker from New Hampshire.

29Whops and Clobber are AddictiveJojo snuggled her head against Mr Humphrieschest. “Gosh, listen <strong>to</strong> that,” she giggled. “<strong>The</strong>y’re stillat it.”Mr Humphries chuckled. “Whops and clobberare very addictive,” he said as the unmistakablesound of a cane rebounding off bare flesh resoundedalong the hotel corridor.It had been two o’clock in the morning beforethe doors closed on the opening night of Café<strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>. Two air-conditioned coaches hadtransported the gals across <strong>to</strong>wn <strong>to</strong> the boutiquehotel Mr Humphries had rented for the night. StacksMonroe had sent a fleet of SUV’s filled with hardbodiedmen <strong>to</strong> discourage any die-hard paparazzifrom attempting <strong>to</strong> follow.“You should go and get some sleep,” Debs <strong>to</strong>ldLady Hunting<strong>to</strong>n. “I really want <strong>to</strong> thank you forlooking after me <strong>to</strong>night. You are truly amazing.”

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Derby smiled. “You don’t need <strong>to</strong> thank meMiss Mor<strong>to</strong>n, but if you’d like <strong>to</strong> show yourappreciation you could come next door and spank mebefore I turn in.”Deborah rolled her eyes.“And by the way,” giggled Derby. “I ratherthink that Miss Cranfield is hoping that you’ll give hersix on the silks <strong>to</strong> help her sleep.”“Oh good fucking grief,” groaned Debshopelessly.Nicola Jane Nixon squealed blissfully as theriding crop sliced across her upturned but<strong>to</strong>cks. Shewas spread out across Penny Ann’s lap, with her skirtturned back and her bumbags concertinaed aroundher ankles. She wriggled in anticipation as the cropcut through the air.“I hope you returned that cane <strong>to</strong> Spanky,”said Jojo.“<strong>The</strong> Spanky Botts Special?” laughed MrHumphries, “hell no, that was a gift. I think it willcomplement my collection quite nicely.”“I was worried you were going <strong>to</strong> say that,”groaned Jojo.Debs was drinking a half bottle of VeuveClicquot Ponsardin by the neck.“I don’t know whether I should do this,” shesaid apprehensively.“Oh get on with it,” drawled Christy. “Youknow me, I like <strong>to</strong> live dangerously.”

115Deborah sighed and tapped the cane down <strong>to</strong>take her measure.“Thank you Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n,” said Derby as Debshelped her <strong>to</strong> her feet. “Shall I come next door andhelp you prepare for bed?”Debs shook her head. “No, you hop under thecovers,” she <strong>to</strong>ld her loyal grubby. “It’s my turn <strong>to</strong>tuck you in.”Bleary-eyed and chronically hungover the<strong>Woody</strong> gals slowly trickled in<strong>to</strong> the hotel dining room<strong>to</strong> forage at a buffet brunch that Cassie Cassy hadsupervised. <strong>The</strong> mimosa and Bloody Mary stand wasproving particularly popular.Mr Humphries had declared Sunday a longsnooze and loose tie day <strong>to</strong> allow the inmates <strong>to</strong>recover from the late night revelries. Despite theirfragile conditions the inmates were exhilarated withthe spectacular success of the previous evening’s galaopening. <strong>The</strong>y milled about trading yarns and candiddigital pho<strong>to</strong>graphs.Joanna Heyworth and Mr Humphries sat up inbed drinking coffee.“That was one strange night,” laughed Jojo.“Just imagine if the press gets hold of it. Think of theheadlines, ‘<strong>The</strong> Woodettes come out of thewoodwork’.”Mr Humphries smiled. “Well, even thoughStacks’s guys did a great job keeping the paparazziout of your faces you know this’ll be all over thepapers.”

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Just after midday Michelle Morgan knocked onthe door of Jojo and the Grand Master’s room.“Excuse me Jojo,” she said earnestly. “Ms Scottsaid that the Grand Master would want <strong>to</strong> see theseas soon as possible.” She handed Joanna severalnewspapers. “<strong>The</strong>y’re the mid-morning editions.<strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong> is back in the news.”Joanna thanked her and <strong>to</strong>ok the pile ofnewspapers back in<strong>to</strong> the bedroom.

30A Night Out for Degenerates“Look at this,” Jojo laughed. “A Night Out forDegenerates,” By Gossip E. This should be good.” Shelaid the paper out on the bed so they could both read.A Night Out for DegeneratesGossip EIn yet another exhibition of their brazen disregardfor authority the inmates of the no<strong>to</strong>rious <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>School</strong> unit arrived en masse for the opening of Café<strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>.<strong>The</strong> new nighterie, located in the fashionablewarehouse district of the Smoke, is the latest outrageousventure launched by the www.woodettes.com entrepreneurMiss Spanky Botts.<strong>The</strong> Cafe was heavily guarded by shaven-headedhoodlums rumored <strong>to</strong> be on the payroll of the allegedgangster Stacks Monroe. <strong>The</strong> hard-bodied goons escortedclobber-clad Woodettes on<strong>to</strong> the red carpet as they arrivedin a fleet of stretch limousines. Miss Botts was on hand <strong>to</strong>greet her guests at the door.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Miss Botts is a controversial figure. She first came<strong>to</strong> public attention as the muse of artist and pho<strong>to</strong>grapherWilliam Graham. Graham, now deceased, spent the latterperiod of his career painting and pho<strong>to</strong>graphing Botts in avariety of sado-masochistic poses. <strong>The</strong>y shared a palazzo inVenice where Botts gained local celebrity for regularlybending over a balcony overlooking the Grand Canal whileshe was thrashed by her lover. While the liberatedindigenous population considered this nothing more thanperformance art <strong>to</strong>urists were often shocked and offendedby these public displays.Following the premature death of Graham, Bottsretired <strong>to</strong> Mayfair and dropped off the radar for a period.She re-emerged <strong>to</strong> public life arriving at the Snobs andRotters tribunal sporting attire that would shortly becomeknown internationally as ‘Clobber’.During the tribunal Miss Botts launched the pro-Rotter’s web-site where she has paid homage <strong>to</strong> thenation’s most degenerate Ladettes and made them soundlike cultural icons. She is largely responsible for theridiculous Whops and Clobber zeitgeist.Botts latest venture attracted a healthy turnout butaccess <strong>to</strong> the club was strictly by invitation only andMonroe’s goons hovered threateningly <strong>to</strong> prevent any gatecrashing.It was two o’clock in the morning before the partybroke up. As they left the party and were chaperoned <strong>to</strong>waiting vehicles, the revelers were tight-lipped and refused<strong>to</strong> comment on the exact nature of the evening’sproceedings. However, with the assistance of an influentialWoodette, this paper has gained access <strong>to</strong> the member’sarea of the website where Miss Botts posted invitationspromising a night of Spanking Good Fun.<strong>The</strong> cost of entrance <strong>to</strong> this debauched gala was athousand quid a skull. Clearly Miss Botts intends <strong>to</strong> profit

119royally from her role as high-priestess of this disturbingcult.<strong>The</strong> followers of the cult are fanatical andthroughout the night there was copious traffic on the websitethat features chat-rooms and message boards.According <strong>to</strong> these late night postings the infamousdegenerate Debbie ‘Fart-pants’ Mor<strong>to</strong>n was up <strong>to</strong> her usualtricks. In recent months this column has reported on herpublicly cavorting with a Spanish flamenco guitarist, andshe has allowed herself <strong>to</strong> be featured being spanked with ahairbrush by Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n in Clobber Monthly.According <strong>to</strong> the informed observers Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n hasagain auctioned her bumbags <strong>to</strong> the highest bidders andwill be featured in several magazines getting her bot<strong>to</strong>mwarmed. So much for Miss Fart-pants social rehabilitation.Mor<strong>to</strong>n was not alone in getting her bot<strong>to</strong>m warmedat the party. According <strong>to</strong> the late-night internet trafficnumerous Woodettes, including Botts herself, volunteered<strong>to</strong> join in the Spanking Good Fun.Nobody denies that a night of hanky spanky mightbe good fun, but hasn’t the popularity of the Whops andClobber culture diverted our attention from the originalintent of the <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> units?<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit was established <strong>to</strong>socially rehabilitate the nation’s most Extreme Ladettes.<strong>The</strong>se young women’s behavior was considered so sociallyunacceptable that they have been sentenced <strong>to</strong> seven-yearprograms of intense social rehabilitation. Was last night’sparty really a demonstration of the success of the socialrehabilitation program that Mr Humphries boasted of at theSnobs and Rotters tribunal? How were eighty-fourconvicted felons granted leave of absence <strong>to</strong> attend whatcan only be described as a bacchanalian debauch? Does thisnot support the Right Honorable Melissa Forsham-Smythe’s contention that the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit is

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>a flawed and failed program that should be closed downand the inmates placed in high-security institutions? Doesthis not give credence <strong>to</strong> the argument that the decision ofthe panel at the Snobs and Rotters tribunal made a terriblemistake and delivered one of the great miscarriages ofjustice of the century?What is going on at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong>unit? Gossip E demands <strong>to</strong> know and he demands <strong>to</strong> knownow.Over and Out!“Oh good grief,” groaned Jojo, “Debs is going<strong>to</strong> have a fucking cow.”

31Debs Asks a FavorDebs head was pounding. She was propped upin bed sipping black coffee. Due <strong>to</strong> her strict trainingregime Deborah was not a big drinker and thecopious amounts of champagne she had consumedwere having disagreeable after-effects.“Should I bring you a mimosa, Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n?”asked Lady Derby. “It might help.”Debs groaned and shook her head.<strong>The</strong>re was a knock on the door and KateFaulkner came in. She went over and sat on the edgeof the bed. She handed Debs a newspaper, it wasfolded open at Gossip E’s column.“I’m sorry Debs, but you’re going <strong>to</strong> see thissooner or later,” she said in a gentle <strong>to</strong>ne.Deborah scanned the article, sipping hercoffee.“Debbie Fart-pants?” she squealed indignantly,nearly choking herself. “I’ll fucking kill him!” She sunkback on her pillows and looked close <strong>to</strong> tears.“I think I’d better fetch you that drink, MissMor<strong>to</strong>n,” said Lady Derby hurriedly.

Café <strong><strong>Woody</strong>s</strong>Stacks Monroe and Mr Humphries sat in thehotel bar.“Alleged fucking gangster?” snarled Stacks. “I’llshow that little bastard what I think of his allegations.Mickey the Purveyor is picking him up and bringinghim <strong>to</strong> the club. I’m going <strong>to</strong> have a little whisper inhis shell-like. Care <strong>to</strong> join me?”Mr Humphries nodded. “This is oneconversation I wouldn’t want <strong>to</strong> miss, but rememberits going <strong>to</strong> be difficult <strong>to</strong> get a retraction. His columnis only published in the Forsham-Smythe press.”Stacks Monroe snorted. “<strong>The</strong>re are plenty ofother hacks in the Smoke who enjoy my hospitality.It’s time we nailed Melissa Forsham-Smythe’s tits <strong>to</strong>the mast.”“Bot<strong>to</strong>ms up <strong>to</strong> that,” grinned the GrandMaster.“I’m so sorry Grand Master,” said Spanky Bottsplaintively. “I don’t know how security on the websitewas breached. I have my best techies working onit but I’m going <strong>to</strong> need Nicola Jane’s help. If hebreached www.woodettes.com then Gossip E will alsohave access <strong>to</strong> the GalGab site.”“Don’t be <strong>to</strong>o hard on yourself,” said MrHumphries reassuringly, “it was inevitable thatMalicious would try <strong>to</strong> make trouble. Nicola Jane andher team are at your disposal.”“I’ll get on it as soon as we’re back at thefacility,” nodded Nixdown.“Stacks is going <strong>to</strong> send a convoy <strong>to</strong> escort thecoaches back <strong>to</strong> the facility,” the Grand Master <strong>to</strong>ld

123Ellen Millar and Suzy Scott, “they’ll keep the paparazziat bay.”“Don’t worry sir, we’ll get everyone homesafely,” said Ellen, “although I really wish I couldcome <strong>to</strong> the club and listen <strong>to</strong> the chat with thatscumbag Gossip E.”“When you’re back at the facility you candeclare a loose tie and minimum whops amnesty forthe rest of the day,” the Grand Master <strong>to</strong>ld Deborah.“Yes, sir,” confirmed Debs. “And sir, I heardthat you’re going <strong>to</strong> visit Gossip E? Would you do mea favor?”“What’s that?” asked Mr Humphries.“Would you kick him in the balls for me?” saidDeborah, “really hard!”

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