7 C's of history - Answers in Genesis

7 C's of history - Answers in Genesis 7 C's of history - Answers in Genesis


The earth will one day resemble the perfect Garden of Edenagain, as depicted in this museum 3D model.corruption that was introduced in the Garden ofEden will be taken away by God, giving us, onceagain, a perfect place to live!Did you know?‘But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing: thatwith the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and athousand years as one day’ (2 Peter 3:8).Some people use the above verse to claim thateach of the ‘days’ mentioned in Genesis 1 could30

have been a thousand years long, rather thannormal length.However, the verse says one day is ‘as’ (i.e. ‘like’)a thousand years.This is a figure of speech called a ‘simile,’ and itteaches that God is outside of time because He isthe creator of time. It is not defining day, becauseit doesn’t say ‘a day is a thousand years.’ In fact,the figure of speech is so effective here preciselybecause the word ‘day’ is literal and contrasts sovividly with (a literal) 1,000 years.It is always important to read Scripture passages ‘incontext.’ This means paying special attention tothe verses surrounding the passage you’re studying.In context, Peter is saying in 2 Peter 3:8 that,although it may seem a long time to us until theLord keeps His promise and comes again, it is notvery long at all to the Lord.Follow the progress of the Creation Museum atwww.AnswersInGenesis.org31

have been a thousand years long, rather thannormal length.However, the verse says one day is ‘as’ (i.e. ‘like’)a thousand years.This is a figure <strong>of</strong> speech called a ‘simile,’ and itteaches that God is outside <strong>of</strong> time because He isthe creator <strong>of</strong> time. It is not def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g day, becauseit doesn’t say ‘a day is a thousand years.’ In fact,the figure <strong>of</strong> speech is so effective here preciselybecause the word ‘day’ is literal and contrasts sovividly with (a literal) 1,000 years.It is always important to read Scripture passages ‘<strong>in</strong>context.’ This means pay<strong>in</strong>g special attention tothe verses surround<strong>in</strong>g the passage you’re study<strong>in</strong>g.In context, Peter is say<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> 2 Peter 3:8 that,although it may seem a long time to us until theLord keeps His promise and comes aga<strong>in</strong>, it is notvery long at all to the Lord.Follow the progress <strong>of</strong> the Creation Museum atwww.<strong>Answers</strong>In<strong>Genesis</strong>.org31

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