7 C's of history - Answers in Genesis

7 C's of history - Answers in Genesis 7 C's of history - Answers in Genesis


ONFUSION‘Come, let us go down and there confusetheir language, so that they cannot understand oneanother’s speech. So the Lord scattered them abroadfrom that place upon the face of all the earth. Andthey quit building the city’(Genesis 11:7–8).The disobedient descendants of Noah decided tostay in one place, building a tall tower that theyhoped would help keep them all together.When the Lord saw their disobedience, He wasdispleased—as He is with all disobedience—andHe confused the language of the people so theycouldn’t understand each other (until this time,they all spoke one language). In this way, the Creatorscattered them over all the earth.The several different languages created suddenlyat Babel (Genesis 10–11) could each subsequentlygive rise to many more. Language graduallychanges, so when a group of people breaks intoseveral groups that no longer interact, after a fewcenturies, they may each speak a different (butrelated) language. Today, we have thousands oflanguages but fewer than 20 language ‘families.’16

A visually stunning section of the museum will share theaccuracy of the Genesis account of the world after the Flood.Now, wait a minute …If Adam and Eve were the first humans … and ifall humans died except Noah, his wife and theirthree sons and daughters-in-law during the globalFlood … and if we’re all descended from the sametwo people; then why do we look so different fromeach other?Actually, this ‘C’ (Confusion) has a lot to do withanswering this question, and the future CreationMuseum will provide a highly visual exhibit thatwill illustrate this important point. It will alsoanswer basic questions such as where Cain’s wifecame from (hint: originally, close relatives couldmarry, because the human gene pool became morecorrupt over time due to mutations and copying17

A visually stunn<strong>in</strong>g section <strong>of</strong> the museum will share theaccuracy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Genesis</strong> account <strong>of</strong> the world after the Flood.Now, wait a m<strong>in</strong>ute …If Adam and Eve were the first humans … and ifall humans died except Noah, his wife and theirthree sons and daughters-<strong>in</strong>-law dur<strong>in</strong>g the globalFlood … and if we’re all descended from the sametwo people; then why do we look so different fromeach other?Actually, this ‘C’ (Confusion) has a lot to do withanswer<strong>in</strong>g this question, and the future CreationMuseum will provide a highly visual exhibit thatwill illustrate this important po<strong>in</strong>t. It will alsoanswer basic questions such as where Ca<strong>in</strong>’s wifecame from (h<strong>in</strong>t: orig<strong>in</strong>ally, close relatives couldmarry, because the human gene pool became morecorrupt over time due to mutations and copy<strong>in</strong>g17

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