7 C's of history - Answers in Genesis

7 C's of history - Answers in Genesis

7 C's of history - Answers in Genesis

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THE SEVEN C’SOF HISTORYby Ken Ham & Stacia McKeeverMost people look at the Bible as a bookthat conta<strong>in</strong>s many <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g storiesand theological teach<strong>in</strong>g. While this istrue, the Bible is so much more—it’s a <strong>history</strong> bookthat reveals the major events <strong>of</strong> <strong>history</strong> that arefoundational to the Bible’s important messages.Sadly, generations have been brought up to see theBible as just a book <strong>of</strong> teach<strong>in</strong>gs that is not connectedto physical reality, and by and large dealswith only abstract, spiritual th<strong>in</strong>gs.This limitedviewpo<strong>in</strong>thelps expla<strong>in</strong>why thereare so manyquestionsabout howthe Bible can1

expla<strong>in</strong> d<strong>in</strong>osaurs, fossils, death and suffer<strong>in</strong>g andmany other topics that relate to our real world.This booklet will outl<strong>in</strong>e the major events <strong>of</strong> thepast (and even the future). Frankly, they will bequite different from what is presented <strong>in</strong> mostschools, TV programs and science museums. Infact, the 7 C’s presented here will be the theme <strong>of</strong>the large Creation Museum be<strong>in</strong>g built near C<strong>in</strong>c<strong>in</strong>nati,Ohio (www.CreationMuseum.org).REATION‘In the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g God created the heavensand the earth’ (<strong>Genesis</strong> 1:1).The first ‘C’ <strong>of</strong> our ‘walk through <strong>history</strong>’ is thecreation <strong>of</strong> all th<strong>in</strong>gs. In the book <strong>of</strong> <strong>Genesis</strong>(which means ‘beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gs’), God tells us He createdeveryth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> six days.Let’s take a quick look at what happened on each<strong>of</strong> those days.Day 1—God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and therewas! He separated the light from the darkness andcalled the light ‘Day’ and the darkness ‘Night.’ Thislight came from a source other than the sun—the2

sun wasn’t created until Day 4.Day 2—God made an expanse (someth<strong>in</strong>g‘stretched out,’ like space) and separated thewaters above the expanse from the waters below.Day 3—God caused the waters under the expanse tocome together, so that dry ground appeared. ThenHe told the land to br<strong>in</strong>g forth plants and trees.Day 4—God made the sun, the moon and thestars. These were to serve as signs to mark seasons,In the Creation Museum’s planetarium, visitors will be shownthat the big bang theory is wrong, for the Bible teaches that thesun was created after the earth—the big bang, on the other hand,teaches that the sun came before the earth. There are many otherproblems with big bang cosmology that even secular scientistsquibble about.3

days and years. The sun and moon were to rulethe day and night, which cycle began on Day 1.Day 5—God created the animals that live <strong>in</strong> waterand those that fly <strong>in</strong> the air.Day 6—God created the land animals, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gthe d<strong>in</strong>osaurs, and—His most special creation—humanity.Adam and Eve were the firstpeople—the great, great, great ... grandparents <strong>of</strong>us all! For food, God gave them—and the animals—plantsto eat.When God had completely f<strong>in</strong>ished creat<strong>in</strong>g, Helabeled all He had done as ‘very good.’ Imag<strong>in</strong>ea place with no death, no violence, no disease, nosickness, no thorns, no fear!Day 7—God ‘rested’ from—or stopped—Hiswork <strong>of</strong> creation. Now God keeps uphold<strong>in</strong>g Hiscreation (Colossians 1:17).God created all th<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> six days and rested onthe seventh. This became the first ‘week.’ Today,most people follow this example by work<strong>in</strong>g forsix days and rest<strong>in</strong>g for one.In the Creation Museum, we will demonstrate thatthe science <strong>of</strong> radiometric dat<strong>in</strong>g—when properly<strong>in</strong>terpreted—does not show that the earth4

is billions <strong>of</strong> years old. For example, rocks andother samples known to be very young, when sentto secular dat<strong>in</strong>g laboratories, rout<strong>in</strong>ely give ‘ages’<strong>of</strong> ‘millions <strong>of</strong> years.’The museum will also show that, contrary tocommon belief, d<strong>in</strong>osaurs did not evolve <strong>in</strong>tobirds, and that the science <strong>of</strong> genetics overwhelm<strong>in</strong>glysupports the biblical account <strong>of</strong> createdk<strong>in</strong>ds—not the supposed evolution <strong>of</strong> new k<strong>in</strong>ds.DNA is the molecule <strong>of</strong> heredity, part<strong>of</strong> a stagger<strong>in</strong>gly complex system,more <strong>in</strong>formation-dense than that<strong>in</strong> the most efficient supercomputer.S<strong>in</strong>ce the <strong>in</strong>formation <strong>in</strong> our DNAcan only come from a source <strong>of</strong>greater <strong>in</strong>formation (or <strong>in</strong>telligence),there must have been someth<strong>in</strong>gother than matter <strong>in</strong> the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g.The future Creation Museum will usethe science <strong>of</strong> ‘<strong>in</strong>formation theory’to help people understand that codesystems (and all life is built on acode) always arise from an <strong>in</strong>telligence.Information only arises frompreviously exist<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formation, andgenes conta<strong>in</strong> massive amounts <strong>of</strong><strong>in</strong>formation. So ‘In the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g5

God created …’ is confirmed by observationalscience.This ‘other source’ must have no limit to its <strong>in</strong>telligence—<strong>in</strong>fact, it must be an ultimate source <strong>of</strong><strong>in</strong>telligence from which all th<strong>in</strong>gs have come. TheBible tells us there is such a source—God. S<strong>in</strong>ceGod has no beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g and no end and knows all(Psalm 147:5), it makes sense that God is the source<strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>formation we see all around us! This fitswith real science, just as we would expect.ORRUPTION‘But you shall not eat <strong>of</strong> the tree <strong>of</strong> knowledge<strong>of</strong> good and evil. For <strong>in</strong> the day that you eat <strong>of</strong> ityou shall surely die’ (<strong>Genesis</strong> 2:17).We’ve seen that <strong>in</strong> the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g, God created theheavens and the earth, and everyth<strong>in</strong>g was verygood (<strong>Genesis</strong> 1–2). The next ‘C’ <strong>in</strong> the CreationMuseum will be ‘Corruption,’ and is found <strong>in</strong><strong>Genesis</strong> 3.From perfection ...For a while, th<strong>in</strong>gs were perfect <strong>in</strong> the Garden <strong>of</strong>Eden. As we will show <strong>in</strong> a wonderfully designedarea <strong>of</strong> the museum, Adam and Eve lived <strong>in</strong> a6

eautiful garden (planted especially for them byGod). They could eat <strong>of</strong> any tree <strong>in</strong> Eden, exceptone. This first couple had a perfect relationshipwith their Creator, a perfect marriage and a perfectplace to live. The animals, which Adam ruledover, got along perfectly. But someth<strong>in</strong>g obviouslycorrupted this ‘very good’ world, turn<strong>in</strong>g it <strong>in</strong>tothe world we see today, which is full <strong>of</strong> sicknessand death.Yes, d<strong>in</strong>osaurs (like the ones above) lived with humans (asthis museum display will show) and did not die out millions <strong>of</strong>years ago. Confirmation from such th<strong>in</strong>gs as numerous dragonlegends, red blood cells discovered <strong>in</strong> a T. rex bone—and muchmore—will challenge the secular idea that d<strong>in</strong>osaurs died out 65million years before man appeared.7

To imperfection ...Adam and Eve both knew they could eat from anytree <strong>in</strong> the Garden <strong>of</strong> Eden except the one knownas the ‘Tree <strong>of</strong> the Knowledge <strong>of</strong> Good and Evil.’God had forbidden them to eat <strong>of</strong> it, tell<strong>in</strong>g themthat if they ate <strong>of</strong> it, on that day, ‘dy<strong>in</strong>g, you shalldie’ (the literal Hebrew used).The devil, a real be<strong>in</strong>g, had taken the form <strong>of</strong> aserpent. He knew what God had said, but hecaused Eve to question God’s words by ask<strong>in</strong>g,‘Did God say you weren’t to eat <strong>of</strong> any tree <strong>of</strong> thegarden?’ and then ly<strong>in</strong>g, ‘You won’t really die.’ Evebelieved the serpent, rather than God, and ate theforbidden fruit.Then she gave some to Adam, who hadn’t beendeceived by the serpent but ate it will<strong>in</strong>gly(1 Timothy 2:14). This caused them both toimmediately die spiritually (be separated fromGod) and to beg<strong>in</strong> to die physically, on that veryday.Because <strong>of</strong> his disobedience (s<strong>in</strong>), all <strong>of</strong> hisdescendants (you and I) are born with s<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> ournature. Because <strong>of</strong> Adam’s s<strong>in</strong>, our bodies will die.Because <strong>of</strong> Adam’s s<strong>in</strong>, God cursed His precious8

creation. The world we see today, while reflect<strong>in</strong>gGod’s orig<strong>in</strong>al creation, has been corrupted by s<strong>in</strong>.The one who was to come ...The good news <strong>of</strong> this sad tale is that God did notabandon His creation after Adam’s s<strong>in</strong>! He promisedthat one day He would send a Savior, the ‘seed<strong>of</strong> a woman,’ to ‘bruise’ (crush, break) the head<strong>of</strong> the serpent (<strong>Genesis</strong> 3:15). This Savior, JesusChrist, was <strong>in</strong>deed born <strong>of</strong> a woman without ahuman father, about 4,000 years later. Christ diedon the Cross, and rose aga<strong>in</strong> to save His peoplefrom their s<strong>in</strong>s, so <strong>in</strong>deed deal<strong>in</strong>g a death-blow to(crush<strong>in</strong>g the head <strong>of</strong>) the devil (serpent).Why does God allow death and suffer<strong>in</strong>g?What about those we love who get sick and die?God warned Adam that if he ate <strong>of</strong> the forbiddenfruit, he would die. Romans 5:12 tells us thatAdam’s s<strong>in</strong> (and our s<strong>in</strong> through Adam) causesus all to die.A fasc<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g Creation Museum exhibit will giveanswers to questions such as: Why do bad th<strong>in</strong>gshappen to good people? How can a God <strong>of</strong> loveallow sickness, suffer<strong>in</strong>g and death? Also, thoseChristians who accept millions <strong>of</strong> years will bechallenged concern<strong>in</strong>g their compromise <strong>of</strong> God’s9

Word, for the Bible clearly teaches that death, diseaseand suffer<strong>in</strong>g are a consequence <strong>of</strong> s<strong>in</strong>, andthus there couldn’t have been millions <strong>of</strong> years(as supposedly portrayed <strong>in</strong> the fossil record) <strong>of</strong>death before s<strong>in</strong>.As terrible as th<strong>in</strong>gs can get, however, they are notpermanent parts <strong>of</strong> creation. We look forward tothe last ‘C’ <strong>of</strong> <strong>history</strong>—Consummation—when theCurse will be no more, and the last enemy (death)will be overcome.The Creation Museumwill also show visitorsthat the ape-likecreatures (e.g. thefamous australopithec<strong>in</strong>e‘Lucy’—to theright), touted as ourevolutionary ancestors,are noth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the sort.Neandertal man, too,was not some brutishsubhuman species.For <strong>in</strong>stance, scientificevidence, such as CATscans <strong>of</strong> the skulls <strong>of</strong>australopithec<strong>in</strong>es,confirms that thesecreatures were not evenupright-walk<strong>in</strong>g, as evolutionistsclaim.10

ATASTROPHE‘And every liv<strong>in</strong>g th<strong>in</strong>g which was on the face<strong>of</strong> the earth was destroyed, from man to cattle, andto the creep<strong>in</strong>g th<strong>in</strong>gs, and the fowls <strong>of</strong> the heavens.And they were destroyed from the earth, and onlyNoah was left, and those that were with him <strong>in</strong> theark’ (<strong>Genesis</strong> 7:23).God created a perfect world <strong>in</strong> six normal-lengthdays (<strong>Genesis</strong> 1–2), but Adam disobeyed God’scommand not to eat the forbidden fruit andbrought corruption and death <strong>in</strong>to the world(Romans 5:12). Adam’s s<strong>in</strong> passed to his children,his children’s children and so on. This br<strong>in</strong>gs us tothe third ‘C’ <strong>of</strong> <strong>history</strong> found <strong>in</strong> <strong>Genesis</strong> 6-9.As time went by, people began to <strong>in</strong>vent newmach<strong>in</strong>es, explore new places, try new ideas.Because their hearts were wicked, though, they didth<strong>in</strong>gs that displeased their Creator. They didn’tlisten to their ancestor Adam when he would havetold them what had happened <strong>in</strong> the Garden <strong>of</strong>Eden, and how they needed to obey and worshiponly the Lord.This grieved God so much that He determ<strong>in</strong>edto destroy everyth<strong>in</strong>g with the breath <strong>of</strong> life <strong>in</strong> it.11

Only one righteous man, Noah, found favor <strong>in</strong>His eyes. God told Noah that He would send agreat Flood to judge the entire globe by cover<strong>in</strong>g itwith water.Parrots and antelopes and ... d<strong>in</strong>osaurs?God provided a way for Noah, his wife, his threesons, their wives, the land animals and birds (thefish and other sea creatures could survive <strong>in</strong> thewater) to survive this catastrophe by build<strong>in</strong>g ahuge Ark.Noah and his family worked on the Ark for manyyears, probably warn<strong>in</strong>g those around them aboutGod’s judgment that was com<strong>in</strong>g. Nobody buthis family believed. When they f<strong>in</strong>ished build<strong>in</strong>g,God brought two <strong>of</strong> every animal (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g d<strong>in</strong>osaurs!)and seven <strong>of</strong> some, to the Ark.The Creation Museum will powerfully show thatthere was plenty <strong>of</strong> room <strong>in</strong> this huge vessel fortens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> animals … even d<strong>in</strong>osaurs(the average d<strong>in</strong>osaur was only the size <strong>of</strong> a sheep,and Noah didn’t have to take fully grown adults<strong>of</strong> the large d<strong>in</strong>osaurs). A museum exhibit aboutthe processes associated with ‘natural selection’and ‘speciation’ will throw much light on such12

questions. Noah actually only needed about16,000 animals on the Ark to represent all the dist<strong>in</strong>ctk<strong>in</strong>ds <strong>of</strong> land-dwell<strong>in</strong>g animals.This Noah’s Arkmodel will be a part <strong>of</strong>a large exhibit on the Flood.After all were on board, the ‘founta<strong>in</strong>s <strong>of</strong> thegreat deep’ broke up and the ‘w<strong>in</strong>dows <strong>of</strong> heaven’opened. These provided the water that wouldcover every spot on the whole earth.We’ve all seen the damage a local flood cando—ripp<strong>in</strong>g up trees, deposit<strong>in</strong>g layers <strong>of</strong> mud,destroy<strong>in</strong>g everyth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> its path. Now imag<strong>in</strong>ethe damage done by a flood cover<strong>in</strong>g the entireplanet!Noth<strong>in</strong>g would be the same after the waters hadleft and the earth had begun to dry. Everyth<strong>in</strong>g13

must have looked very strange to Noah and hisfamily as they came <strong>of</strong>f the Ark!After leav<strong>in</strong>g the Ark, Noah built an altar to theLord, sacrific<strong>in</strong>g one <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the clean animals.God promised never to flood the entire earthaga<strong>in</strong>. The sign <strong>of</strong> this promise is the ra<strong>in</strong>bow wesee today.The Creation Museum will showcase evidencefrom such places as Mount St Helens <strong>in</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>gtonState, show<strong>in</strong>g how multiple layers <strong>of</strong>sedimentary rock (similar <strong>in</strong> a way to some <strong>of</strong> thelayers at Grand Canyon) and canyons, too, canform quickly—not need<strong>in</strong>g the supposed millions<strong>of</strong> years usually attributed to such features.Did you know: water covers 70% <strong>of</strong> the earth’ssurface? Yet many deny the earth was completelycovered <strong>in</strong> water at one time. Did you also know:no (liquid) water has to this po<strong>in</strong>t been found onMars? Yet many believe water shaped the surface<strong>of</strong> the Red Planet (Mars) <strong>in</strong> the past. Why wouldpeople deny a huge flood on Earth and promoteone on Mars? 2 Peter 3:5–6 rem<strong>in</strong>ds us, ‘For thisis hidden from them by their will<strong>in</strong>g it, that …the world that then was, be<strong>in</strong>g flooded by water,perished.’14

The Spirit rover made this image <strong>of</strong> the Mars surface <strong>in</strong>early 2004. A major reason for spend<strong>in</strong>g $820 millionon this mission was an evolutionary one: to f<strong>in</strong>d h<strong>in</strong>ts<strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>erals formed by the action <strong>of</strong> water. Evolutionistsclaim that liquid water is an essential <strong>in</strong>gredient neededfor life to have evolved on Earth and other planets.(Photo: NASA/JPL/Cornell)People will learn that when the present earth’stopography is leveled, there is currently enoughwater to cover the earth to a depth <strong>of</strong> 1.7 miles.At the end <strong>of</strong> the Flood, mounta<strong>in</strong>s were raised(expla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g why there are mar<strong>in</strong>e fossils on thetop <strong>of</strong> Mount Everest) and ocean bas<strong>in</strong>s lowered—allow<strong>in</strong>gthe water to run <strong>of</strong>f and form thepresent oceans.15

ONFUSION‘Come, let us go down and there confusetheir language, so that they cannot understand oneanother’s speech. So the Lord scattered them abroadfrom that place upon the face <strong>of</strong> all the earth. Andthey quit build<strong>in</strong>g the city’(<strong>Genesis</strong> 11:7–8).The disobedient descendants <strong>of</strong> Noah decided tostay <strong>in</strong> one place, build<strong>in</strong>g a tall tower that theyhoped would help keep them all together.When the Lord saw their disobedience, He wasdispleased—as He is with all disobedience—andHe confused the language <strong>of</strong> the people so theycouldn’t understand each other (until this time,they all spoke one language). In this way, the Creatorscattered them over all the earth.The several different languages created suddenlyat Babel (<strong>Genesis</strong> 10–11) could each subsequentlygive rise to many more. Language graduallychanges, so when a group <strong>of</strong> people breaks <strong>in</strong>toseveral groups that no longer <strong>in</strong>teract, after a fewcenturies, they may each speak a different (butrelated) language. Today, we have thousands <strong>of</strong>languages but fewer than 20 language ‘families.’16

A visually stunn<strong>in</strong>g section <strong>of</strong> the museum will share theaccuracy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Genesis</strong> account <strong>of</strong> the world after the Flood.Now, wait a m<strong>in</strong>ute …If Adam and Eve were the first humans … and ifall humans died except Noah, his wife and theirthree sons and daughters-<strong>in</strong>-law dur<strong>in</strong>g the globalFlood … and if we’re all descended from the sametwo people; then why do we look so different fromeach other?Actually, this ‘C’ (Confusion) has a lot to do withanswer<strong>in</strong>g this question, and the future CreationMuseum will provide a highly visual exhibit thatwill illustrate this important po<strong>in</strong>t. It will alsoanswer basic questions such as where Ca<strong>in</strong>’s wifecame from (h<strong>in</strong>t: orig<strong>in</strong>ally, close relatives couldmarry, because the human gene pool became morecorrupt over time due to mutations and copy<strong>in</strong>g17

mistakes—all a result <strong>of</strong> s<strong>in</strong> and theCurse).God created Adam and Eve withthe ability to produce children witha variety <strong>of</strong> different characteristics.This ability was passed on throughNoah and his family.As the people scattered, they tookwith them different amounts <strong>of</strong>genetic <strong>in</strong>formation for certa<strong>in</strong> characteristics—e.g.height, the amount<strong>of</strong> pigment for hair and sk<strong>in</strong> color(by the way, we all have the samepigment, just more or less <strong>of</strong> it), andso on. From this one event, thetribes and nations <strong>of</strong> the world haveresulted. Because we all came fromNoah’s family a few thousand yearsago, we’re all related!The Creation Museum will showhow the recent Human GenomeProject supports this biblical teach<strong>in</strong>gthat there is only one biological race<strong>of</strong> humans. The basic pr<strong>in</strong>ciples <strong>of</strong>genetics expla<strong>in</strong> various shades <strong>of</strong> one18

sk<strong>in</strong> color (not different colors) and how thedist<strong>in</strong>ct people groups (e.g. American Indians,Australian Aborig<strong>in</strong>es, etc.) came about because<strong>of</strong> the event at the Tower <strong>of</strong> Babel. The creationand Flood legends <strong>of</strong> these peoples, fromall around the world, also confirm the Bible’santhropology to be true.Did you know: hundreds <strong>of</strong> ‘floodlegends’ have been found throughoutthe world? In fact, most <strong>of</strong>today’s people groups tell storiesthat sound very similar to what weread <strong>in</strong> <strong>Genesis</strong>. Why? It makessense that, as the people split upafter Babel, they took with them thetales their ancestors had passed onto them about the great catastrophe<strong>of</strong> Noah’s day.The true account was preserved byGod and written down by Moses <strong>in</strong><strong>Genesis</strong> so that all would rememberwhat had happened and would learnto obey Him.19

HRIST‘And she shall bear a son and you shall callHis name JESUS: for He shall save His People fromtheir s<strong>in</strong>s. Now all this happened so that might befulfilled that was spoken <strong>of</strong> the Lord by the prophet,say<strong>in</strong>g, “Behold, the virg<strong>in</strong> shall conceive <strong>in</strong> herwomb, and will bear a son. And they will call Hisname Emmanuel,” which be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terpreted is, Godwith us’ (Matthew 1:21–23).God’s perfect creation was corrupted by Adamwhen he disobeyed God. This disobediencebrought s<strong>in</strong> and death <strong>in</strong>to the world. Because<strong>of</strong> Adam’s disobedience, and because we haveall s<strong>in</strong>ned personally anyway, we are all deserv<strong>in</strong>g<strong>of</strong> the death penalty and need a Savior(Romans 5:12).God did not, however, leave His precious—butcorrupted—creation without hope. He promisedto send Someone one day who would take awaythe penalty for s<strong>in</strong>, which is death (<strong>Genesis</strong> 3:15;Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 6:23).God slew an animal(s) <strong>in</strong> the Garden <strong>of</strong> Eden (alamb/sheep?) because <strong>of</strong> the s<strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong> Adam; subsequently,Adam’s descendants sacrificed animals.Such sacrifices could only cover s<strong>in</strong>—they looked20

The Creation Museum will ‘br<strong>in</strong>g to life’ key eventsfrom Christ’s earthly m<strong>in</strong>istry.forward to the time when the ultimate sacrificewould be made by the One whom God wouldsend (Hebrews 9).When God gave Moses the Law, people beganto see that they could never measure up to God’sstandard <strong>of</strong> perfection (Romans 3:20)—if theybroke any part <strong>of</strong> the Law, the result was the sameas break<strong>in</strong>g the whole lot (James 2:10)!They needed Someone to take away their imperfectionand present them faultless before God’sthrone (Romans 5:9; 1 Peter 3:18).God’s gift to usJust as God has a purpose and plan for everyth<strong>in</strong>gand everyone, so He sent His promised Savior at21

just the right time (Galatians 4:4). There was aproblem, however. All humans are descended fromAdam, and therefore all humans are born with s<strong>in</strong>.God’s chosen One had to be perfect, as well as <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite,to take away the <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite penalty for s<strong>in</strong>.God solved this ‘problem’ by send<strong>in</strong>g His SonJesus Christ—completely human and completelyGod. Th<strong>in</strong>k <strong>of</strong> it: the Creator <strong>of</strong> the universe(John 1:1-3, 14) became part <strong>of</strong> His creation sothat He might save His people from their s<strong>in</strong>s!Jesus was born to a virg<strong>in</strong> over 2,000 years ago <strong>in</strong>a town near Jerusalem called Bethlehem, as theprophets Isaiah (7:14) and Micah (5:2) had foretold700 years previously. His parents took Himto Egypt to escape the anger <strong>of</strong> K<strong>in</strong>g Herod, andthe family later settled <strong>in</strong> Nazareth.Jesus fulfilled more than fifty prophecies madeabout Him centuries before, show<strong>in</strong>g He wasthe One promised over 4,000 years before byHis Father (<strong>Genesis</strong> 3:15). While He spent overthirty years on earth, He never once s<strong>in</strong>ned—Hedid noth<strong>in</strong>g wrong. He healed many people, fedhuge crowds and taught thousands <strong>of</strong> listenersabout their Creator God and how to be reconciledto Him. He even used the book <strong>of</strong> <strong>Genesis</strong> to22

expla<strong>in</strong> that marriage is between one man and onewoman (Matthew 19:3-6, quot<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Genesis</strong> 1:27and 2:24).Jesus Christ came to Earth so that we might haveeternal life with Him! 23

ROSS‘Christ Jesus ... who, be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the form <strong>of</strong>God ... , was made <strong>in</strong> the likeness <strong>of</strong> men. Andbe<strong>in</strong>g found <strong>in</strong> fashion as a man, he humbled himselfand became obedient unto death, even the death<strong>of</strong> the cross’ (Philippians 2:5–8).The first AdamOur first ‘parent,’ Adam, did not lead the perfectlife he should have. He disobeyed his Creator’scommand not to eat from the Tree <strong>of</strong> the Knowledge<strong>of</strong> Good and Evil. Because <strong>of</strong> God’s judgmenton this one act <strong>of</strong> rebellion, the entire creation,which was orig<strong>in</strong>ally perfect (<strong>Genesis</strong> 1:31),became subject to death and corruption. Because<strong>of</strong> Adam’s s<strong>in</strong>, and because we s<strong>in</strong> personally, weall die (Romans 5:12–19).The Last AdamAround 4,000 years after Adam disobeyed, Godsent the perfect sacrifice, <strong>in</strong> the form <strong>of</strong> His Son,Jesus Christ, to take away the s<strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong> the world,fulfill<strong>in</strong>g the promise God made <strong>in</strong> <strong>Genesis</strong> 3:15.Jesus is called the ‘Last Adam’ <strong>in</strong> 1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 15:45, and He came to restore the fellowship with the24

Creator that was broken by Adam’s s<strong>in</strong>.Adam disobeyed God’s command not to eat theforbidden fruit; Jesus fulfilled the Creator’s purposethat He die for the s<strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong> the world.The first Adam brought death <strong>in</strong>to the worldthrough his disobedience; the Last Adam (JesusChrist) brought eternal life with God through Hisobedience (1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 15:21–22).Because God is perfectly holy, He must punishs<strong>in</strong>—either the s<strong>in</strong>ner himself, or a substitute tobear His wrath.The Creation Museum will challenge guests with the sober<strong>in</strong>gevents <strong>of</strong> the Cross—and Christ’s glorious Resurrection!25

God Himself made the first sacrifice for s<strong>in</strong> bykill<strong>in</strong>g an animal (this was the first death <strong>in</strong> God’screation) after Adam disobeyed (<strong>Genesis</strong> 3:21).But we don’t have to <strong>of</strong>fer animal sacrifices fors<strong>in</strong> any more. This is because the Lamb <strong>of</strong> God(John 1:29; Revelation 5:12) was sacrificed oncefor all (Hebrews 7:27). Jesus bore God’s wrath onour s<strong>in</strong> by dy<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> our place (Isaiah 53:6). So allthose who believe <strong>in</strong> Him will be saved from theultimate penalty for s<strong>in</strong> (eternal separation fromGod), and will live with Him forever.Jesus Christ, the Creator <strong>of</strong> all th<strong>in</strong>gs (John 1:1–3;Colossians 1:15–16), was not defeated by death.He rose three days after He was crucified, show<strong>in</strong>gthat He has power over all th<strong>in</strong>gs, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g death,the ‘last enemy’ (1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 15:26)!This is why the Apostle Paul wrote, ‘O death,where is your st<strong>in</strong>g? O grave, where is your victory?… But thanks be to God who gives us thevictory through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians15:55, 57).When we believe <strong>in</strong> Christ and understand whatHe has done for us, we are passed from death <strong>in</strong>tolife (John 5:24). The names <strong>of</strong> those who receiveHim are written <strong>in</strong> the Lamb’s Book <strong>of</strong> Life (Rev-26

elation 13:8; 17:8)—when they die, they will goto be with Him forever (John 3:16)!Just as ‘science’ cannot prove that Jesus rose fromthe dead, it cannot prove that God created everyth<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> six days. In fact, the Creation Museumwill show that ‘science’ can’t prove any eventfrom <strong>history</strong>, because it’s limited <strong>in</strong> deal<strong>in</strong>gsabout the past. Historical events are known tobe true because <strong>of</strong> reliable eyewitness accounts.Similarly, there are reliable eyewitness accountsthat Jesus’ tomb was empty after three days, andthat He later appeared to as many as 500 people atonce (1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 15:6).Most importantly, we know that both the Resurrectionand creation are true because God, themost reliable eyewitness <strong>of</strong> all, who never lies andknows everyth<strong>in</strong>g, tells us <strong>in</strong> His Word that theseth<strong>in</strong>gs happened!Similarly, the future exhibits <strong>in</strong> the CreationMuseum will challenge people <strong>in</strong> these ways:the secular <strong>history</strong> <strong>of</strong> millions <strong>of</strong> years isn’t true,and evolutionary geology, biology, anthropology,astronomy, etc., do not stand the test <strong>of</strong> observationalscience. On the other hand, the Bible’s<strong>history</strong>, from <strong>Genesis</strong> 1 onward, is true; the Bible’sgeology, biology, anthropology, astronomy, etc.,are confirmed by observational science.Therefore, the fact that the Bible’s <strong>history</strong> is true27

should challenge people to seriously consider theBible’s message <strong>of</strong> salvation that’s based <strong>in</strong> this<strong>history</strong>. People will be challenged concern<strong>in</strong>gwhere they stand <strong>in</strong> relation to Jesus Christ—andwhere they will spend eternity.ONSUMMATION‘Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth;for the first heaven and the first earth passed away’(Revelation 21:1).In the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g, God created a perfect world. Itwas a beautiful place—full <strong>of</strong> life, without death,disease, pa<strong>in</strong> or suffer<strong>in</strong>g. Adam’s disobediencechanged all that. When he ate the fruit God hadtold him not to eat, s<strong>in</strong> and death entered theworld (Romans 5:12). This corruption changedthe world so much that what we see today is onlya reflection <strong>of</strong> the world that was. As we havestated, Adam’s s<strong>in</strong> led to the catastrophe <strong>of</strong> Noah’sday, the confusion at Babel and the death <strong>of</strong> Christon the Cross.Is there an end <strong>in</strong> sight?Death has been around almost as long as humans28

have. Sometimes it might seem as if it’s alwaysbeen a part <strong>of</strong> God’s creation. Romans 8 tells usthat the whole <strong>of</strong> creation is suffer<strong>in</strong>g because <strong>of</strong>Adam’s s<strong>in</strong>. It might appear that there is no end tothe suffer<strong>in</strong>g brought about by this act <strong>of</strong> disobedience.Of course, none <strong>of</strong> us can say that we havenot also disobeyed God <strong>in</strong> our own lives (Romans3:23; 1 John 1:10), so all <strong>of</strong> us <strong>in</strong> a sense share <strong>in</strong>the blame for what we see around us.God, however, <strong>in</strong> His great mercy, has promisednot to leave His creation <strong>in</strong> its s<strong>in</strong>ful state. He haspromised to do away with the corruption Adambrought <strong>in</strong>to the world. He <strong>of</strong>fers us this salvationthrough His Son. Also, He has promised toremove, <strong>in</strong> the future, the Curse He placed on Hiscreation (Revelation 22:3)!He will make a new heaven and a new earth oneday—one which we can’t even beg<strong>in</strong> to imag<strong>in</strong>e(2 Peter 3:13). In this new place there will beno death, no cry<strong>in</strong>g, no pa<strong>in</strong> (Revelation 21:4).Nobody will be sad.As those who have repented and believed <strong>in</strong> whatJesus did for us on the Cross, we can look forwardto this new heaven and earth, know<strong>in</strong>g we willenjoy God forever <strong>in</strong> a wonderful place. The29

The earth will one day resemble the perfect Garden <strong>of</strong> Edenaga<strong>in</strong>, as depicted <strong>in</strong> this museum 3D model.corruption that was <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> the Garden <strong>of</strong>Eden will be taken away by God, giv<strong>in</strong>g us, onceaga<strong>in</strong>, a perfect place to live!Did you know?‘But, beloved, be not ignorant <strong>of</strong> this one th<strong>in</strong>g: thatwith the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and athousand years as one day’ (2 Peter 3:8).Some people use the above verse to claim thateach <strong>of</strong> the ‘days’ mentioned <strong>in</strong> <strong>Genesis</strong> 1 could30

have been a thousand years long, rather thannormal length.However, the verse says one day is ‘as’ (i.e. ‘like’)a thousand years.This is a figure <strong>of</strong> speech called a ‘simile,’ and itteaches that God is outside <strong>of</strong> time because He isthe creator <strong>of</strong> time. It is not def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g day, becauseit doesn’t say ‘a day is a thousand years.’ In fact,the figure <strong>of</strong> speech is so effective here preciselybecause the word ‘day’ is literal and contrasts sovividly with (a literal) 1,000 years.It is always important to read Scripture passages ‘<strong>in</strong>context.’ This means pay<strong>in</strong>g special attention tothe verses surround<strong>in</strong>g the passage you’re study<strong>in</strong>g.In context, Peter is say<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> 2 Peter 3:8 that,although it may seem a long time to us until theLord keeps His promise and comes aga<strong>in</strong>, it is notvery long at all to the Lord.Follow the progress <strong>of</strong> the Creation Museum atwww.<strong>Answers</strong>In<strong>Genesis</strong>.org31

CREATION MUSEUMThese 7 C’s <strong>of</strong> <strong>history</strong> will be the theme <strong>of</strong>the major Creation Museum under construction(2004 photo) <strong>in</strong> Northern Kentucky andwest <strong>of</strong> the C<strong>in</strong>c<strong>in</strong>nati Airport. To follow (orperhaps assist <strong>in</strong>) the construction progress <strong>of</strong>this Bible-uphold<strong>in</strong>g, evangelistic center, goto .32

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