Trust Today - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Trust Today - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Trust Today - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Answers to the last Issues’ quiz:1. Werewolf 2. Seven 3. The Barlow’s 4. Charles Philip Arthur George 5. Michael Caine 6. No - bears live in the Artic and penguins in the Antarctic7. Snowdrop 8. There are 16 fences and on the Grand National course some are jumped twice - so 30 9. Chelsea FC 10. Aston Villa FC 11. Ulaan Batoor 12. Fear of words13. 26.2miles 14. Shaun 15. Pete Best 16. Endeavour 17. Wind speed 18. Gold 19. April 23 20. PearlIT’S QUIZTIME!WIN A£50 PRIZE!Welcome to the Trust Today staffMany thanks to all of the staff who sentquiz. Each issue will feature a in their entries to the February quiz anddifferent quiz. Entries should be congratulations to the lucky winner of thesent to Leanne Wilson, communications £50 prize is Chris Hough, sexual healthofficer, Trust HQ, BRI by May 16 2008. nurse practitioner, who wasn’t sure whatEntries with the highest number of correct to spend the money on!answers will be entered into a draw andAnswers to the last issue’s quiz arepicked at random. The winner will receivefeatured down the side of this page.a £50 cash prize. The winner and theanswers to the quiz will be published in For more information about the quizthe next issue of Trust Leanne on ext 4022.Guess correctly the words or phrases represented by these pictures, number oneis filled in to get you started.1. 2. 3. 4.BLOODH2O5. 6. 7. 8.injury + insult9. 10. 11. 12.JOBANTIKOGRATISALLALLALLALLFGH I JKLMNOP Q RSTD DUMP DU goose UMfeathersMP DUMP PPERSONPERSONSPERSONSPERSONSL E S O D U BTENNIS13. 14. O 15. 16.HEAD SHOULDERSARMS BODY LEGSPh.D.M.A.YOU MEANKLES FEET TOES B.Sc.JUSTCOLLAR102˚TT+T3TKNEELIGHTName:Job title:Contact number/email:Answers:1. Blood is thicker than water2."WE WANT TO KNOWWHAT YOU THINKWe are keen to hear what youthink about Trust Today. Thisis your staff magazine and wewant to know what you think about it.There’s a feedback form to the right foryou to let us know what you think aboutTrust Today.Do you like the current range ofarticles?Would you like to see it in anotherformat?Do you like the design?Is there anything missing that youwould like to see in future editions?What kinds of things would you liketo see in Trust Today?It currently comes out every othermonth. Would you like to see it moreoften or less?Please let us know what you think bysending this form to Leanne Wilson,communications officer, Trust HQ,Bradford Royal Infirmary. Or you canemail your comments to leanne.wilson@bradfordhospitals.nhs.uk12 Trust Today | April 2008"

Answers to the last Issues’ quiz:1. Werewolf 2. Seven 3. The Barlow’s 4. Charles Philip Arthur George 5. Michael Caine 6. No - bears live in the Artic and penguins in the Antarctic7. Snowdrop 8. There are 16 fences and on the Grand National course some are jumped twice - so 30 9. Chelsea FC 10. Aston Villa FC 11. Ulaan Batoor 12. Fear of words13. 26.2miles 14. Shaun 15. Pete Best 16. Endeavour 17. Wind speed 18. Gold 19. April 23 20. PearlIT’S QUIZTIME!WIN A£50 PRIZE!Welcome to the <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> staffMany thanks to all of the staff who sentquiz. Each issue will feature a in their entries to the February quiz anddifferent quiz. Entries should be congratulations to the lucky winner of thesent to Leanne Wilson, communications £50 prize is Chris Hough, sexual healthofficer, <strong>Trust</strong> HQ, BRI by May 16 2008. nurse practitioner, who wasn’t sure whatEntries with the highest number of correct to spend the money on!answers will be entered into a draw andAnswers to the last issue’s quiz arepicked at random. The winner will receivefeatured down the side of this page.a £50 cash prize. The winner and theanswers to the quiz will be published in For more information about the quizthe next issue of <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong>.contact Leanne on ext 4022.Guess correctly the words or phrases represented by these pictures, number oneis filled in to get you started.1. 2. 3. 4.BLOODH2O5. 6. 7. 8.injury + insult9. 10. 11. 12.JOBANTIKOGRATISALLALLALLALLFGH I JKLMNOP Q RSTD DUMP DU goose UMfeathersMP DUMP PPERSONPERSONSPERSONSPERSONSL E S O D U BTENNIS13. 14. O 15. 16.HEAD SHOULDERSARMS BODY LEGSPh.D.M.A.YOU MEANKLES FEET TOES B.Sc.JUSTCOLLAR102˚TT+T3TKNEELIGHTName:Job title:Contact number/email:Answers:1. Blood is thicker than water2."WE WANT TO KNOWWHAT YOU THINKWe are keen to hear what youthink about <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong>. Thisis your staff magazine and wewant to know what you think about it.There’s a feedback form to the right foryou to let us know what you think about<strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong>.Do you like the current range ofarticles?Would you like to see it in anotherformat?Do you like the design?Is there anything missing that youwould like to see in future editions?What kinds of things would you liketo see in <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong>?It currently comes out every othermonth. Would you like to see it moreoften or less?Please let us know what you think bysending this form to Leanne Wilson,communications officer, <strong>Trust</strong> HQ,<strong>Bradford</strong> Royal Infirmary. Or you canemail your comments to leanne.wilson@bradfordhospitals.nhs.uk12 <strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Today</strong> | April 2008"

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