Exercise 3: Membranes

Exercise 3: Membranes

Exercise 3: Membranes


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Procedure:1. Obtain three pre-measured test tubes of sheep blood from the refrigerator and label them1-3.2. To tube 1 add 5mL of 10% NaCl, to tube 2, 5mL 0.9% NaCl and to tube 3, 5mL ofdistilled water.3. Cover each tube with parafilm before inverting to mix the solutions.4. Formulate hypotheses (Scientific, H o and H a ) regarding your expectations for theoutcome to the blood cells in each tube. State your hypotheses in the space provided.Make sure to include your reasoning.5. Hold each tube in front of a printed page to determine whether or not you can read theprint through the solution. Record your results in Table 6.Formulate hypotheses (Scientific, H o and H a) regarding your expectations for the outcome to theblood cells in each tube. State your hypotheses in the space provided. Make sure to include yourreasoning.Scientific:H o:H a:12

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