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OPAPP, PCW to mainstream women in peace concerns in gov’tMANILA — The Office of the Presidential Adviser onthe Peace Process (OPAPP) and Philippine Commissionon Women (PCW) signed a circular in October 2014 th<strong>at</strong>aims to ensure th<strong>at</strong> concerns on peace and women arebetter integr<strong>at</strong>ed in government programs and servicesin conflict-affected areas.Joint Memorandum Circular 2014-0 makes thePhilippines a global pioneer and model in mainstreamingand institutionalizing in the government bureaucracythe empowerment and protection of women in conflictaffectedareas through the N<strong>at</strong>ional Action Plan onWomen, Peace, and Security (NAP-WPS) and theintensified implement<strong>at</strong>ion of the Magna Carta on Women.“Women have borne the brunt of decades of conflict, and change must begin with them. There can be no healing andwholeness of our body politic if women remain broken, insecure, and viol<strong>at</strong>ed,” said Presidential Adviser on the PeaceProcess Teresita Quintos Deles.“The Joint Memorandum Circular reflects a broader policy of peace building which we hope will be a lasting legacy ofthis administr<strong>at</strong>ion,” Deles told the guests coming from n<strong>at</strong>ional government agencies, local government units, civilsociety groups, and intern<strong>at</strong>ional development organiz<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>at</strong> a Forum in Quezon City.The Philippines is the first country in Asia to formul<strong>at</strong>e and adopt a NAP-WPS to oper<strong>at</strong>ionalize its commitment to theUnited N<strong>at</strong>ions Security Council Resolutions on women, peace and security.OPAPP and PCW are co-chairs of the steering committee in the implement<strong>at</strong>ion of the N<strong>at</strong>ional Action Plan.EU Deleg<strong>at</strong>ion to the Philippines launches the EU Peace Journalism AwardsThe Deleg<strong>at</strong>ion of the European Union to the Philippinesand its partners launched the first European Union PeaceJournalism Awards on 10 October 2014 in Cotab<strong>at</strong>o City.“The EU Peace Journalism Awards is a contribution tosupporting the peace process and a recognition of therole Philippine journalists can play in peace-building,”Ambassador Ledoux said.Joining Ambassador Ledoux in the EU Peace Journalism Awards Launch are OPAPP Peace Adviser Teresita Quintos Deles,Bangsamoro Transition Commission Chair Mr. Mohagher Iqbal. THE OPAPP, MILF, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue,N<strong>at</strong>ional Union of Journalists of the Philippines, Institute for War and Peace Reporting, Mindanao St<strong>at</strong>e University– Iligan Institute of Technology, Konrad Adenauer Asian Center for Journalism Ateneo de Manila University, ThePhotojournalists’ Center of the Philippines and philstar.com are partners of the EU in the award.The EU Peace Journalism Awards campaign will run until May 2015. It is open to all Philippine journalists as well ascampus journalists based in the country under the following c<strong>at</strong>egories: written text published in print media, online andbroadcast media, photojournalism, campus journalism and government advocacy peace projects.Deadline for submission of entries is on COB, May 15, 2015. Email entries to DELEGATION-PHILIPPINES-PPI@eeas.europa.eu.40 KABABAIHAN<strong>at</strong>KAPAYAPAAN March 2015

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