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Genuine birth certific<strong>at</strong>es are asafeguard against spurious traveldocuments th<strong>at</strong> aid and abettrafficking. There is also need fora comprehensive d<strong>at</strong>a base systemsince the Inter-Agency Council onAnti-Trafficking n<strong>at</strong>ional traffickingd<strong>at</strong>abase does not transl<strong>at</strong>e intoprovincial-level st<strong>at</strong>istics. PolAmp<strong>at</strong>uan says the Child ProtectionWorking Group, a network of civilsociety organiz<strong>at</strong>ions (CSOs), can helpwith this. A complete registr<strong>at</strong>ion ofwomen’s groups is being undertakenwith the Department of Interior andLocal Government so they can betargeted for livelihood projects.Role of women and organizedwomen’s groupsThe New Maguindanao Women’sOrganiz<strong>at</strong>ion (NMWO) is a provincialorganiz<strong>at</strong>ion whose membership ofover a thousand is drawn from womenmayors and barangay captains, thewives or “First Ladies” of mayors, andother female LGU officials. NMWOis led by Bai Jennah M. Lumawan,also president of the Associ<strong>at</strong>ionof Barangay Captains (ABC) inBuluan municipality and sister ofthe governor. The GAD Fund hasnow veered away from “prioritizingmen’s concerns” and offers womenlivelihood skills training.Bainot Kalanganan, organizer, Anak Kawagib (left) and Lubaida L. Manson,President, Pagl<strong>at</strong> Moro Women’s Lead Organiz<strong>at</strong>ion (PMWLO) (right)Lumawan also notes th<strong>at</strong> wheremen ruled the roost as local chiefexecutives in the past, since 2011-12, women have emerged as mayorsand local legisl<strong>at</strong>ors: one out of fourmunicipal mayors is female. In thepast it was zero. The mayor of Pagl<strong>at</strong>municipality and the Associ<strong>at</strong>ion ofBarangay Captains president are bothwomen: Zulaika P. Langkuno andFaijiah Mangelen, respectively.The GAD Fund works only with abibingka (rice cakes) str<strong>at</strong>egy: he<strong>at</strong>above and fire below. Maguindanaowomen in government are followingthe above-mentioned kinship-basedorganizing str<strong>at</strong>egy th<strong>at</strong> is probablynot unique to Maguindanao. But otherwomen in government are takingthe route of <strong>issue</strong>-based organizingas in upland Upi municipality,straddling the GO-NGO nexus withan initial membership of 3,000 nownearly double, coupling gender withgovernance to amazing results (seeSidebar on page 26).The Pagl<strong>at</strong> Moro Women’s LeadOrganiz<strong>at</strong>ion (PMWLO) in Pagl<strong>at</strong>municipality with a membership of240 Bangsamoro women is led byLubaida Litigan Manson with herhumor-filled accounts of members’erstwhile abject poverty (see Sidebaron page 22).While the NAP cum GAD Fund seeksto secure lives one girl child, onewoman, one family <strong>at</strong> a time, its litmustest lies in scope and scale: women’sorganizing and empowerment incommunities. Maguindanao womenare rising to this challenge.Role of NGOs and CSOsPagl<strong>at</strong> municipality, with eightbarangays and a total popul<strong>at</strong>ion ofover 11,200 (2010 NSCB st<strong>at</strong>istics)may be among the province’s smallermunisipyos but it leads in the GO-NGO/CSO partnership th<strong>at</strong> is essential forNAP-cum-GAD to succeed.Bai Jennah M. Lumawan, ABC President, Buluan (left) and Barbara T.Guialel, SWO 2, Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (right)Anak Kawagib (AK) is a feder<strong>at</strong>ion ofsix youth organiz<strong>at</strong>ions organizedMarch 2015KABABAIHAN<strong>at</strong>KAPAYAPAAN23

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