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Gender in the Peace ProcessBy SOCORRO L. REYES, PH.D.Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Consultant, Social Development and Gender EqualityTHE TWO WOMEN leading the peace process, ProfessorMiriam Coronel-Ferrer, Chair of the government peacepanel and Teresita Quintos Deles, Presidential peaceadviser have demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed in the Mamapasano hearingswhy they are the best for the job. With sharpness ofmind, clarity of articul<strong>at</strong>ion, calmness of disposition,both provided substantive answers to questions fromlegisl<strong>at</strong>ors, whether they were speaking to the gallery orgenuinely searching for the truth. They showed masteryof the content and process of the agreements reached, themechanisms established, the r<strong>at</strong>ionale and meaning ofevery single BBL provision.Subjected to the harshest of criticisms and baselessaccus<strong>at</strong>ions, including lawyering for MILF, both Coronel-Ferrer and Deles exercised maximum restraint and kepttheir composure. At no time were they disrespectful tothose who scolded, castig<strong>at</strong>ed or embarrassed them.Yet with all these outstanding qualities of good andeffective negoti<strong>at</strong>ors, some legisl<strong>at</strong>ors and influentialshave called for their resign<strong>at</strong>ion. One even called them“peace ladies” who should have convened a group of“retired military advisers” insinu<strong>at</strong>ing th<strong>at</strong> as women andnon-military people, they do not know enough of the waysof war and how to negoti<strong>at</strong>e with rebel groups.This perspective reflects a deep gender bias as it assumesth<strong>at</strong> the peace process only starts when the comb<strong>at</strong>ants,mostly men, are brought to the negoti<strong>at</strong>ing table in an<strong>at</strong>tempt to end the conflict. In reality, the process startslong before formal negoti<strong>at</strong>ions when women and civilsociety initi<strong>at</strong>e steps to end the conflict.A peace and women’s rights activist, Deles has spent mostof her working life with peace organiz<strong>at</strong>ions such as theCoalition for Peace founded in 1987 and the Gaston Z.Ortigas Peace Institute and has spearheaded numerousprograms to promote peace and solidarity. Coronel-Ferrer, on the other hand, has been involved not onlyin negoti<strong>at</strong>ing for an end to the Mindanao conflict but inpeace processes in other countries such as Cambodia, EastTimor and Nepal.Gender stereotyped or socially constructed roles andpower rel<strong>at</strong>ionships perme<strong>at</strong>e conflict resolution andthe peace process. Women’s presence <strong>at</strong> peace talks is anecessary but not sufficient condition for the integr<strong>at</strong>ionof the women’s agenda in the discussion and negoti<strong>at</strong>ion.Fortun<strong>at</strong>ely, both Deles and Coronel-Ferrer as well as thewomen in the Bangsamoro Transition Commission havea women’s perspective as shown in the explicit genderequality provisions in the Framework and ComprehensiveAgreements as well as the Basic Law on the Bangsamoro.The support of the men in both panels was extremelyhelpful.A study in 2012 showed th<strong>at</strong> of 31 peace processesbetween 1992 and 2011, women are only 4% ofsign<strong>at</strong>ories, 2.4% of chief medi<strong>at</strong>ors, 3.7% of witnesses and9% of negoti<strong>at</strong>ors (UNIFEM, 2012). This is in spite of thepassage in 2000 of Security Council Resolution 1325 th<strong>at</strong>urges increased represent<strong>at</strong>ion of women <strong>at</strong> all decisionmakinglevels in n<strong>at</strong>ional, regional and intern<strong>at</strong>ionalinstitutions and mechanisms for the prevention,management and resolution of conflict. To assess theprogress in the implement<strong>at</strong>ion of SC 1325 by memberst<strong>at</strong>es as well as address obstacles and constraints, ahigh-level review will be done this year, the 15thanniversary of SC 1325. This is one of the provisionsof SC 2122 passed on October 18, 2013, to provide amore system<strong>at</strong>ic approach in the implement<strong>at</strong>ion ofcommitments to women, peace and security.The appointment of two competent, experiencedwomen experts in the highest decision-making positionsin the peace process in Mindanao is a majoraccomplishment in the Philippine government’simplement<strong>at</strong>ion of SC 1325. Wh<strong>at</strong> better way tocelebr<strong>at</strong>e Women in History Month than to recognizethe contributions of Ging Deles and Iye Coronel-Ferrerin the crafting of the Framework and ComprehensiveAgreements on the Bangsamoro and the drafting of theBangsamoro Basic Law. Though these are now undersharp scrutiny, the fact remains th<strong>at</strong> these are milestonesin the peace process!!March 2015KABABAIHAN<strong>at</strong>KAPAYAPAAN9

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