2009 Annual Reports - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

2009 Annual Reports - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

2009 Annual Reports - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources


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ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2009</strong>Ulang Fishpond Culture· Peñablanca,Cagayan (8)· Echague,Isabela· Diffun,Quirino· Bayombong( 2 ) &Bagabag,N u e v aVizcayaDistribution <strong>of</strong>post-harvestequipmentduring theIndependenceDay Celebrationin CNHS,Tuguegarao City.Tilapia Fish Cage Culture· Peñablanca, Cagayan (2)· Santa Maria <strong>and</strong> San Pablo,Isabela· Cabarroguis <strong>and</strong>Nagtipunan, Quirino· Bayombong <strong>and</strong> Diadi,Nueva VizcayaOyster Culture using Plot Method· Brgy. Caroan <strong>and</strong>San Jose, Gonzaga,CagayanMarine Fish Cage CultureCagayan· Sta. Ana· Gonzaga· Aparri (10)· Buguey (4)· Abulug (2)· Pamplona (2)· Sta. Teresita (3)· Claveria (5)· Sanchez MiraIsabela· Divilacan· PalananBatanes· Basco· MahataoPost-harvest DevelopmentOn post-harvestdevelopment, the agency hasdistributed various fish processingequipment with RICs <strong>and</strong>BFAR RO2 FishProcessing expertProserfina Reynodemonstrates wayto make value-addedproducts fromfish during the DTIsponsoredtrainingin Dinapigue,Isabela.other women groups as primebeneficiaries. The provision <strong>of</strong>equipment usually follows anaccompanying training. Generally,the equipment are intended toimprove packaging in order to havelonger shelf life <strong>and</strong> enable theprocessors to dem<strong>and</strong> higher price.The equipment distributed<strong>and</strong> beneficiaries are as follows:20 units electric sealers with P.E.bags to· Gonzaga (2 units),· Aparri (2 units),· Sta. Ana (2 units),· Sanchez Mira,· Buguey (2 units),· Ballesteros,· Sta. Teresita,· Sta. Praxedes,· Claveria,· Pamplona (2 units),· Abulug (2 units),· Tuguegarao City (2 units)· Camalaniugan, Cagayan2 units vacuum packer to Sta. Ana<strong>and</strong> Aparri RICs4 Live Tilapia container box to· ISAFIF San Mateo, Isabela <strong>and</strong>· Tilapia Grow-out ProducersAssociation in NuevaVizcaya, Quirino Province<strong>and</strong> Ballesteros, Cagayan;The tilapia container boxon the other h<strong>and</strong> are intendedas assistance for tilapia growersin marketing their produce. This isin view <strong>of</strong> the low farm gate price<strong>of</strong> tilapia <strong>and</strong> size classification asdictated upon by wholesale buyersor viajeros. The tilapia containerbox is seen as means to bypass thetraders such that the producers canhave higher pr<strong>of</strong>it margin.As <strong>of</strong> the end <strong>of</strong> December,the agency was on the process <strong>of</strong>distributing 5 units solar dryers asassistance to RICs in Aparri, Buguey(2), Claveria <strong>and</strong> Sta. Praxedes.5

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