advanced placement english literature and composition assignment

advanced placement english literature and composition assignment

advanced placement english literature and composition assignment


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A few other things to keep in mind for AP English Literature <strong>and</strong> Composition:You may wish to read novels or poems by Thomas Hardy. Selections by Hardy (both his poems<strong>and</strong> his novels) appear on the AP Lit test almost annually. In 2002 his poem “Convergence ofthe Twain” appeared on the essay part of the AP Lit test. Tess of the D’Urbervilles alsoappeared on the 2003 <strong>and</strong> 2007 Lit. tests, therefore I would strongly encourage you to be familiarwith his work. While Tess is my favorite, Jude the Obscure, The Mayor of Casterbridge <strong>and</strong>Return of the Native are also quite good <strong>and</strong> have appeared on the AP Lit test too. An excerpt ofa Hardy novel also appeared on the 2009 multiple choice portion of the exam <strong>and</strong> Jude theObscure appeared on the Question 3 list too.There is an emphasis at College Board these days to have students in AP English Literature toread more contemporary works of merit. They are defining “contemporary” as the last 50 years.You may wish to explore those authors <strong>and</strong> texts. Authors include, but are not limited to, JohnUpdike, Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Penn Warren <strong>and</strong> Edwidge Danticat.The price of each test will be around $90.00. If you want more information about the <strong>literature</strong>course, the AP website is probably a good place to look: www.collegeboard.org/ap.Please bring all work to class. No matter the point value, every <strong>assignment</strong> must be submitted atthe beginning of class. No credit will be given for work turned in after class. There are fewgrades in AP English Literature <strong>and</strong> Composition, so please be diligent. I cannot stress enoughthe importance of submitting all work for AP Literature. This is not the place to forget to doyour reading or your homework.You will need to purchase your summer reading books on your own or maybe you have a siblingor friend from whom you may borrow the books. In any case, the edition of books you use isyour decision. I recommend the Folger Library edition of The Merchant of Venice. There areseveral very good editions of Shakespeare available but I like the scene summaries <strong>and</strong>definitions of words that accompany the text. The ISBN number for this book is: 0-671-72277-8. This edition is reasonably priced, it’s about $6.00. An electronic book version of the play isfine too.If you have questions, please make sure you come ask before the end of the school year. Don’twait. I’ll be in Louisville, Kentucky scoring the AP Language exam, so please don’t delay inasking for clarification. If you have questions in the summer though, please email me at theaddress I gave you for your essay, <strong>and</strong> I will respond as quickly as possible to your query.Have extra time <strong>and</strong> don’t know what to do? Read a book. In recent years, instructors at thehigh school <strong>and</strong> college levels have encouraged students to read beyond the Western canon of<strong>literature</strong>. With the advent of the Common Core Curriculum, the classic texts have resurged.Here are some suggested titles you may want to explore over the summer. Many are classics, butthere are a few more modern texts included:

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